A publication of the New College Alurnnae/i Association Volume 38, Summer 1997 Veggie Van: The Power of Invention

Fast-food fuel powers graduates' cross-country tour

By Carol Ann Wilkinson '64

Drivers caught in traffic behind Joshua and Kaia Tickell's "Veggie Van" this summer may find themselves thinking of french fries. The biodiesel these 1997 New College graduates use to power their Winnebago is cre­ ated from used cooking oil from res­ taurants and occasionally emits the familiar smell when burned. Their area of concentration at New College was "Sustainable Living." As part of their senior project on alter­ native energy, they created a portable machine that cleans and processes used vegetable oil from restaurants into biodiesel fuel. Their three-toh Josh and Koio Roman Tickell pose with their "Veggie Von" before be­ Winnebago gets 25 miles per gallon ginning a cross-country tour in June. The von gets "1,300 miles per using the vegetable oil fuel in its acre" with its biodiesel fuel and was featured on the Today show and Dateline NBC in July. unmodified diesel engine. In addition, biodiesel bums up to 75 percent cleaner than petroleum diesel. Josh In This Issue and Kaia envision biodiesel fuel as a low-cost way for large transport vehi­ Acton Interview 5 Class Notes - 90's 1 6 Radio New College 15 Alumnae/ i Fellow 11 ESP Seminars 17 cles, such as buses, to meet new Reunion Report 19 Archie Awards 10 Graduation 18 Student Grants 6 clean air standards. Boat Donations 13 Interim Dean 3 Taking the Cure 3 Josh and Kaia will take two months ClassNotes - 60's 9 NC Chronicled! 14 to travel from Sarasota to the Real Class Notes - 70's 10 NCM Web Site 12 NCM Annual Report Continued on next page Class Notes - 80's 12 President's Letter 2 (see blue insert) NCAA President's Letter

A liHie bit of everything for you

This issue of Nimbus has a little bit or volunteer to write one! We also Don't miss the great feature of everything we like to include in have an update on Alum Chapters about the invention by 1997 each issue: We have news about you. (we need more). And don't forget to graduates joshua and Kaia We have news from the New College scan the dass Notes, which seem to Tickell of the Veggie Van, campus. And we have lots of informa­ go on and on with each new issue. I which runs on used cooking tion about the New College Alum­ love to hear about new jobs, new oil! We also have a report on nae/i Association in the annual report businesses, burgeoning families, independent recommenda­ that appears as an insert. If you college-bound children of NC grads tions for the Nat Sci Division, don't fmd something to hold your (amazing!), and academic pursuits which the NCAA funded. interest while you're sipping your beyond Sarasota. You really get the And finally, pat yourselves coffee or flipping the channels, you flavor of New College just by reading on the back for supporting a haven't cracked the covers. the Class Notes. do-good, activist Alumnae/i In the news-about-you category, Campus news in this issue includes Association. Check out the we're inaugurating a new interview the naming of a new interim dean 1996-1997 Annual Report, and feature in Nimbus in which we'll talk and warden, Doug Langston, profes­ you'll see that you're making a with alums from various walks of life sor of philosphy and religion, who real difference in campus life. to see what they're up to. Those news takes over for a year while a national We hope you have a great clippings you send us about the search is conducted for a permanent transition from summer to fall, doings of your former classmates, appointment. As you may remember wherever you are! and even those Class Notes you send from the last Nimbus, Dean and War­ us, made us realize that New College den Mike Michalson is returning to grads are doing things we all want to teaching and writing on campus. know more about. This is our version Mike and his wife also just celebrated of 15 minutes of fame, so send us the birth of their first child, Elliott, Alexis Simendinger '75 your suggestions for future profiles, who will keep them busy.

Ve gg i e Va nCootioued /com pce,;ou• poge

Goods Solar Living Center in Ukiah, generation novocollegian; her father Ca., stopping along the way to give is Andy Bernay-Roman '68. Long john filming and editing for the feature demonstrations, inform people about Silver's, Inc., a corporate sponsor of which was aired by the Today show biodiesel, and inspire others to the tour thanks to the interest of its and Dateline in july. undertake eco-friendly projects of president and CEO, john Cranor '64, is More details about the project are their own. providing used vegetable oil to power available on the Veggie Van web site: Other alums are associated with the Veggie Van. john Klein '69, presi­ the project. Kaia is a second- dent of jK Productions, did the Doug Langston Interim Dean and Warden

USF Provost Thomas Tighe has Conscience and Other Langston encour­ appointed Douglas Langston as Virtues, is due out in ages continued Interim Dean and Warden of New 1998. alumnaeji involve­ College, effective Aug. 7. Langston Langston is a regular ment with the col­ succeeds Mike Michalson, who player on the Bones, lege and the search resigned his position to return to NC's softball team. He's for a permanent teaching at New College this fall. married to Connie dean and warden, Langston, professor of philosophy Whitesell '81and has a " I want to thank and religion, came to New College in son, Nat. Their house­ the alums for the 1977 from the University of Califor­ hold also includes two growing support nia, where he earned master's and dogs, Max and Gilly, two they have offered doctoral degrees in philosophy, hav­ cats, Felix and Oddjob, over the years, and ing previously completed master's and a rat named I hope to work as and doctoral degrees in religion at Sunstripe. well with the Princeton University. He was a Mel­ Asked about his imme­ Douglas Langston, In­ alums as Mike did. lon Faculty Fellow at Harvard Univer­ diate plans as dean and terim Dean and Warden I encourage alums sity in 1980-81 and a Fulbright Fellow warden. Langston of New College. to look for and at the University of Helsinki in 1989. replied, "I hope to keep nominate good In 1994, Dr. Langston was a visiting up the momentum that Mike created people for the permanent post, since fellow at New College, Oxford. He has as Dean and Warden. I want to play a alums have an insight into the nature published articles in a number of hand in restructuring the Dean and of New College and who will succeed religious studies journals and is the Warden's office in terms of personnel here that is unique and valuable." author of God's Willing Knowledge: The and authority to make the position a As a parting note, Langston Influence ofScotus' Analysis of more attractive one to a permanent reminds us that he and the outgoing Omniscience ( University appointment. I am, by the way, not dean and warden were graduate stu­ Press, 1986). His latest book, interested in the permanent position dents together. Of Michals on, he says, and hope to serve for only a year." "I taught him everything he knows!" Taking the Cure Visiting committee helps assess needs of Natural Sciences Division

By Alexis Simendinger '75

When you ask a doctor to diagnose professors are doing a great job, but the college's desire to prepare stu­ your ailments, you have to be pre­ doing too much with too little. The dents in the sciences for the best pared to take the cure. In january, candid review - involving faculty, graduate programs in the country. four science professors from four dis­ students and staff at New College - But the four visiting professors said tinguished liberal arts colleges was made possible through a $4,000 they were taken aback to see the banded together for three days to gift from the New College Alumnaefi crowded and inadequate work space evaluate New College's Natural Sci­ Association using its special faculty and antiquated lab and computer ences Division and suggest improve­ development funds. equipment. And they said the 13 full­ ments to Dean and Warden Mike The committee was full of high time faculty members and one full- Michalson. What they had to say was praise for New College's exceptional both heartening and sobering: Nat Sci faculty, its motivated students, and Continued on next page Review c0 mm itte eContinued from previous page time assistant were overworked to Oberlin College, and a physics profes­ students, the curriculum needs, the the detriment of the students and sor from Middlebury College, said size of the faculty, and the space themselves. they hoped the new natural sciences restrictions, the reviewers said, "[W]e The reviewers, invited to the cam­ building at New College (ground also believe a strong case can be pus by Michalson to help assess both breaking planned for made for additional immediate and long-range needs of this fall), and the resources from the the Nat Sci Division, suggested two planned marine biol­ The committee was fufl University [of South additional faculty positions, one in ogy facility would of high praise for New Florida] to support biochemistry and another in experi· give students and College's exceptional the division's activi­ mental physics, and said a support faculty more space faculty, its motivated ties. The visiting Nat position in biology should be added and better labs in Sci professors also students "as soon as possible." Down the road, which to work. suggested that New they suggested New College add a "We were College try to tap position in applied mathematics. impressed by the chemistry faculty's into outside funding sources for These would be added to the existing attention to orderliness and safe equipment and laboratory materials, four faculty positions in biology, practices in their laboratories, and to which they said are available. three in chemistry, two in physics, how efficiently they utilized the The reviewers went out of their way and four in mathematics. cramped and outdated space and to salute the New College science fac­ [The dean and warden's office equipment available to them," the ulty as "heroic" for the amount of released this update in July: "The review committee wrote. "However, work they take on each semester report has had impact already. Recog­ we found the laboratory equipment, under the strain of the college's nizing the college's steady enroll­ from general hardware, glassware hands-on academic program. But they ment growth, USF has allocated two and supplies up through research­ castigated New College for failing to faculty lines, and the college will allo­ grade equipment, shockingly inade­ give science faculty enough time for cate both to the natural sciences, quate for a college which prepares its their own research and writing, and most likely in biochemistry and bright undergraduates to compete for for skimping on faculty development experimental physics as recom­ spots in the entering classes of top­ funds and support for student mended by the committee. Searches rank graduate and professional research (not coincidentally aug­ for the new pro- schools, in mented by the Alumnaefi Associa· fessors will be spite of crea­ tion). The four visiting professors held during this tive efforts by "[F]aculty should continue to be academic year, were token aback to see the faculty to encouraged to attend both profes­ and the crowded and inadequate work acquire mod­ sional society meetings in their fields appointments space and antiquated lab and ern equip­ and meetings that address a range of will begin in fall computer equipment ment outside curricular issues," they wrote. "New 1998. While for college budg- College science faculty have much to New College ets. Even contribute to the national discussions these lines are a case of 'catching more problematic is the inadequacy in these areas." up,' it should be noted that very few of computing hardware .... Thus, we Although New College has been liberal arts colleges are adding sci· must take issue with the catalog making do in the sciences and stu­ ence faculty these days (some are statement that '(chemistry) laborato­ dents have adapted themselves to the even reducing physics to a 'service' ries are well equipped.' " strengths and limitations of the divi­ discipline with no majors). The col­ At the April meeting of the New sion, the faculty are exhausted and lege can look forward to an excellent College Foundation board of trustees, unable to do their own research. pool of candidates from which to trustee Esther Barazzone '64, presi­ "Only highly committed, self­ choose."] dent of Chatham College, made it a sacrificing faculty such as these will The review committee, consisting point to read the preceding para­ work under such conditions; but the of a biologist from Reed College, a graph aloud to express her concern. stresses that accompany such unmet chemistry professor from Connecticut Looking at the planned growth of expectations are formidable," the College, a mathematician from the student body to more than 600 review team concluded. )Vimbus talks with . .. 8mmu Acton '73 Susan Bums interviews Emmy knew I was taking a respect. That crazy Acton for Nimbus big risk by arguing it citizen today is a poli­ myself. They gave us tician tomorrow. In 1990, Emmy Acton, 41, be­ a month to file the came Hillsborough County's first Q: Are you more brief. I filed it at 5 female County AHorney- and like Marcia Clarke or p.m. and argued the also its youngest - heading up an Johnnie Cochran? office of 38 aHorneys. Her career case at 9 a.m. the Definitely Marcia has taken her in front of the U.S. next morning. The Clarke. I'm profes­ case was decided Supreme Court and twice before sional. I don't go for the Florida Supreme Court. She two weeks later in a "If it doesn't fit, you won each time. Last spring, her unanimous decision. must acquit." much-publicized and biHerly con­ Are you a Q: Q: What's been troversial victory in Florida's sports fan? your biggest regret? highest court gave the Hillsbor­ I'd rather go Emmy Acton, Hillsbor­ Not writing more. ough County Commission the go shopping than to a ough (Fla.) County ahead to build the Tampa Sta­ football game. Attorney Q: If you could dium with public dollars. change one thing Q: I know you Q: What was your upbringing like? about yourself, what would it be? have 12-year-old twin sons. How do I was a white girl from the sub­ To not have diabetes. they handle your celebrity? urbs, but there's a twist. I grew up If you had to choose another My sons are in a car pool and for Q: outside of in Bryn-Athyn, awhile I was on the radio, in the pa­ occupation, what would you be? a town that adhered to the teachings A writer with a trust fund. per and on TV everyday. One of the fa­ of Emanuel Swedenborg, an 18th­ thers who drives them would tell Q: What's your most treasured century theologian and inventor. The them, "It's your Mom" when I came possession? school I went to, kindergarten on the radio but their attitude was The tile work in my home that my through high school, was based on "ho hum." The only time they got up­ dear friend Kevin Goehring '75, a ce­ that religion. set was when the newspaper did a ramic artist, did for me before he Q: How did you hear about New story on my house and asked how I died. College? could afford such a big one. I told Q; What would people be most I was going to Rollins and a friend them my husband is a doctor. (Em­ surprised to learn about you? of mine at New College took me to a my's husband Michael Maher '72 is a If they knew what I did at New Palm Court Party. I had never seen psychiatrist.) College. anything like it. What's been most rewording? Q; Q: You mean you were kind of Q: How did you end up in low? Being enough of an attorney and a wild? At New College I was a literature politician to keep and run my office. Yeah. major and publishing poetry, but as I've had to go from a Democratic, lib­ an insulin-dependent diabetic, I knew eral commission to the conservative Q: How did New College influence I wasn't going to get health insurance Republican commission we have now. your life? writing poetry. Since I came from such a sheltered Q: Any advice for women trying to environment, New College was an in­ Q: What's been your most chal­ succeed in a mole-dominated valuable transition from Bryn-Athyn lenging case? profession? to the real world and particularly to The stadium case is definitely one the job I have now. of them. There was a lot of pressure Don't make the mistake of being on me because I handled the trial. Af­ tough to get a point across. You don't ter I lost at the local level, one of the have to roll over, but you can be per­ Susan Bums '76 is an associate editor county commissioners gave me a list sonally pleasant and even flirt if you and writer for Sarasota Magazine and of seven men who could argue in need to and still maintain your on the board of one ofSarasota's new front of the Florida Supreme Court. I ground. And always treat people with charter schools. heater, turtles, trips and talks ~lumna~/i supported student grants enable mnovatrve student proiects

By Maria Fernandez '90, NCAA Student Grants Committee Chair

This past year has been an exciting reality, continuations of projects and challenging year for the Student started years before by alums. This, Grants Committee. Last year the we felt, was an exciting opportunity committee instituted a self­ not only for the alumnaefi associa­ evaluation of the student grants pro­ tion, but for the school as a whole. posal form. It was felt that while the This year, we distributed grants form was somewhat open-ended to totaling $10,497. Individual grants allow for creative proposals, it were given to 39 students. Group resulted in the submission of propos­ grants were awarded to three pro­ als that were often unfocused and too grams involving over 40 students and brief. With the emphasis on grant to a committee which organized an proposals in graduate school and pro­ activity open to all students. Some fessional settings, the committee of these grants included: Outward thought that the NCAA student grant Bound trips; a theatrical production One project the alumnae/i stu­ offered an opportunity to provide based on one student's journal of his dent grants helped support was students with a taste of the cross-country journey; work on sea a student effort to bring Mary grant-writing process. turtles and dolphins; and an Catherine Bateson (above) to Through the tireless efforts ofthe extraordinary batch of psychology New College. Dr. Bateson is the committee members, a new form was projects. daughter of renowned anthro­ made available for students for the Jim Feeney, special projects pologists Gregory Bateson and Spring granting cycle. Generally a coordinator for New College, drew Margaret Mead, who visited smaller scale granting cycle, the goal together a variety of comments from New College in its early days. A students attending the National prominent linguist and anthro­ was to do a preliminary evaluation pologist in her own right, Dr. of the quality of proposals submitted Conference on Undergraduate Bateson conducted a multi­ and to see whether the new format Research in Austin, Tex. lWenty-five disciplinary array of workshops, was effective. As expected, the students attended and made presen­ from a ecology-focused talk at changes brought positives and areas tations. Many students found that Selby Gardens, to a women's still in need ofwork. The submis­ the presentation format was studies dinner with Dr. Amy Reid, too formal anthropology sions that used the new forms were excellent practice for their baccalaureates. Others found that workshop, and finally a lecture almost all of very high caliber, in the Seiner auditorium entitled being able to compare their work to although with it came new concerns "Cybernetics makes poets of us" about handling group grants in order that of students from other which spawned a healthy discus­ to be fair to participants within the institutions reinforced for them their sion of a variety of topics. group whom had submitted superior decisions to attend New College. quality proposals. In addition, while Across the board, students materials accessible to students at we wanted to maintain support for commented on the ability of New other schools. However, the overall groups conducting exciting research, College students to grasp more fully feeling was of satisfaction, such as NCUR and Coral Reef, sup­ the theories and philosophies behind particularly at the opportunity to port for individual projects was also their projects. One student did network with other bright students critical. A new concern came with comment on a twinge of Jealousy at and graduate school faculty. individual projects that were, in the higher quality of research lab BOOKNotes New College alumnae/i and faculty publications

Beyond Caring: Hospitals, Reviewer Ginger Lyon '70 is a psychiat­ Nurses and the Social ric home health nurse in Atlanta. As Organization of Ethics a disclaimer, "I add that I have by Daniel F. been a friend and admirer ofDan's Chambliss, Uni­ since our years together in student versity of Chi­ government and around the pool." buzz- cago Press, words fuels his 1996 lines with an aggressive compression Reviewed by Civil Rites by D. L. Crockett-Smith. and energy. He has no qualms about Ginger Lyon '70 The Black Scholar Press, Oakland CA, using shock value in his more overtly 1996. $5.95. (P.O. Box 2869. Oak­ political poems, or in steering David land, CA 94618) imagery to the grotesque and surreal Schwartz '66 Reviewed by Karen Volkman '87 in the service of satire: "The asked "Who crocodile-in-chief of Exxon oil/spoons Cares?" in his Civil Rites, D. L. Crockett-Smith's more caviar onto his toast,/ and book Rediscover- ..,_.____ ;...._.. second book of poems, begins with Detroit's junior vampires/savor the ing Community (Nimbus Spring 1997). the mesmerizing "Medley," a litany resurrection of the V-8" ("Birds Need Dan Chambliss asks the same disturb­ of place-names interwoven with Natural Oils to Keep Their Feathers ing question, taking the life and memory, history, and shadings of Dry"). This biting voice takes deft, death, nitty gritty world of nurses anguish and beauty: relentless aim at government brutal­ and the their work as his field of Letohatchee, Tallapoosa ity and corporate greed. observation. Patsaliga, Cherokee, But Luckily, he has not left himself Thscaloosa, Escautaupa, Crockett­ behind. Not merely a fly on the wall, Loachapoka, Tallahassee . .. Smith the he brings keen eyes and ears as well sensual lyri­ as unsentimental compassion and Nanafalia, Sylacauga, cist always curiosity for his subjects. At the core cotton, cotton, Ku Klux Klan, lurks behind of our beings is the desire to be Pushmataha, ask your scarecrows, the social understood: as a nurse, I can say that tell us where the Negroes ran. critic, and reading this book, I felt understood. Standing out all the more harshly some ofthe And disturbed. Dan's field notes within the poem's balladic cadence, book's most and conclusions pierce accurately the violence of public history moving into the institutionalization of very resounds amid the play of language poems cele­ human issues. Most chilling to me that is the poet's celebration of brate child­ was the nurse- working in pediat­ place and past. The musical, sug­ hood, ric research -who deferred the gestive geography of a memory difficult author's questions about any ethical landscape must include in its map­ loves, and questions she faced with "You'll have pings the tragic events that mark jazz legends to ask the ethics committee." and mar it. From his opening ges­ Charles Min­ Chambliss has written a scholarly, ture, Crockett-Smith claims as his gus and Bessie Smith. In the poem readable and important book. subject this fusion of private and "Green Season," he writes, public. Brown, composted, dung-heap earth, Dan Chambliss '71 is chair of the sociol­ For a poet like Crockett­ erupts with this green season: ogy department at Hamilton College, Smith-who favors image-dense, twining, creeping, bird-sang spring. Clinton, N.Y. sound-saturated lines over narrative Green this tongue, sap-rich tendril, extension-the tendency of history loudly sprung from my black heart. to invest itself in language, names Continued on next page­ authority on the topic. Doenecke ents:html for more information. has been described by Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., as the "premier stu­ Patrika Vaughn '84 has returned to dent of American isolationism." Sarasota after teaching at the Univer­ Anvil Series titles are widely used as sity ofArkansas and living in Costa texts in college history courses. Rica. She says, "I'd never have tackled whole books ifi hadn't had the NC the­ Doenecke is the author of numerous BOOKNotes sis experience!" books, including Not to the Swift: The Continued from previous page Old Isolationists in the Cold War Era Greenly is how I know you. and In Danger Undaunted: The Anti­ With a breadth of concern encom­ The Battle Against Interventionist Movement of1940-1 941 passing humble ground as well as Intervention, 1939-1941 by Jus­ as Revealed in the Papers of the America glorious flowering, D.L. Crockett­ tus D. Doenecke, Krieger Publishing First Committee, awarded the Arthurs. Smith is a poet of wide-ranging moral Company, Malabar, Florida, 1996 Link Prize for Documentary Editing. and lyric imagination. We remember it as "the good war" in which a unified nation fought David L. Smith '71 (Berkshire, Mass.), The Face of the Nation: against predatory and genocidal who publishes poetry as D.L. Crockett­ Immigration, the State, and Smith, is Francis C. Oakley Third Cen­ forces. But before Pearl Harbor, debates over U.S. involvement in the the National Identity by Keith tury Professor ofEnglish and dean of Fitzgerald, Stanford University Press, the faculty at Williams College. conflict that became World War II were highly impassioned, manifest­ Stanford, Calif. 1997 Reviewer Karen Volkman '87 (, ing an intensity matched only during Writing on a topic of importance N.Y.) is a poet and adjunct professor at the Vietnam War. Just how impas­ through many decades of American University. sioned can be found in The Battle history is Keith Fitzgerald, associate Against Intervention, 1939-1941, by Jus­ professor of political science at New tus D. Doenecke, professor of history College. The Face ofthe Nation: Immi­ Everything You Need to Know at New College. For this compact vol­ gration, the State, and the National to WRITE, PUBLISH & MARKET ume in The Anvil Series in history, Identity is a new scholarly book on Doenecke has distilled his more than America's immigration policy. YOUR BOOK Patrika Vaughn, A twenty years' research on American Tracing the origin and evolution of Cappela Publishing, Sarasota, Fl 1997 political attitudes toward Europe and U.S. immigration policy, beginning Patrika Vaughn '84 used to be a lit­ Asia. with the establishment in the late erary agent. She has also been a Each Anvil Series title provides a nineteenth century of national immi­ ghostwriter, editor, lecturer and succinct overview of a critical histori­ gration laws and a rule-enforcing teacher. From that background comes cal period or theme, accompanied by bureaucracy, Fitzgerald addresses the her book, Everything You Need to Know selected documents from the period. to WRITE, PUBLISH & MARKET YOUR Each volume is by a foremost Continued on next page BOOK, as well as her role as the world's first author's advocate. Writers of reference or technical Justus Doenecke, who has a Ph.D. in history from Princeton University, has works, regional books, satire or taught history at New College since other specialized manuscripts may 1969. Earlier this year Doenecke was find it difficult to interest literary elected to the North American Board of agents or large publishing house in the Peace History Society. The PHS, their material. Vaughn's guide pro­ founded in 1964, encourages, supports, vides assistance at every step of and coordinates national and interna­ the process, from identifying a tional scholarly work to explore and market, to choosing a publisher, to articulate the conditions and causes of publicizing the finished product to peace and war, and communicates t~e maximize sales. findings of scholarly work to the pubhc. An electronic version of the book It publishes Peace and Change: A Jour­ will be available in late summer. nal of Peace Research. PHS members Check http:{/ seek to broaden the understanding and possibilities of world peace. CLASS Notes LISTED ALPHABETICALLY WITHIN ENTERING YEAR

ulting in the clear air and Northum­ is "a contented homebody who 64 Diana Shiphorst Ukleja has brian landscape. Guests are wel­ nonetheless welcomes contact from finished her second master's in come. the past from those passing through computer science and is now Dick Ogburn is the principal the Albany area of New York in the working as a software engineer planner for the Southwest Florida future." creating databases for a new attack Regional Planning Council and in­ Barbara Sieborowska Ceo has submarine. vites all alums to visit the council's opened her own office as a speech web site at pathologist in Sarasota. She and 65 Robin Day Glenn (Rancho Frank have three sons, Avery {17), Santa Margarita, Calif.) hopes 66 Bruce Allen has been in the David (13), and Brian {11). Visitors are someone can help her locate Felice tax preparation and retirement always welcome at their home. Gebhardt, who was last seen in New investing business (Allen Business Leander Harding is rector of the York City. You can reach Robin Day at Consultants) for 25 years and been Episcopal Church in Stamford, Conn. [email protected]. an Enrolled Agent since 1980. His He and daudia Bolin Harding are Kenneth Moore is preparing to wife, Ellen, has a Ph.D. in colonial home schooling their three sons. erect a greenhouse to help his garden American history from SUNY, They send word that Jerry Meachen, survive the cool summers in England. Albany. They have two girls­ who some may remember from his Kenneth enjoys hiking in the Cheviot Abigail in 4th grade and Marie in hospitality to New Collegians at Hills when he gets the chance and ex- 2nd grade. In short, Bruce says he Church of the Redeemer in Sarasota, is also in Stamford. They recently saw Michael Smith '67, who works with BOOKNotes computers in . Continued from previous page 68 job Openings: Reed CUrry, software integration manager for PRI Automation in Billerica, Mass., most puzzling features of contem­ and the ([email protected]) writes, "I need study of porary immigration policy. some of the bright people that NC how institu­ Where do immigration policies attracts. I suppose that sounds come from? Why do they have tions affect predatory, but I have some positions their special characteristics? He our coun­ for just such people. I'm looking for brings back into focus the active try's politi­ Software Integration Engineers! This role of political and administra­ cal identity. would be an entry point, a very tive agencies in shaping America's So far, lucrative one, into the field. Travel to New College political identity at a time when sites such as Korea, Taiwan, Italy, has kept other scholars, in search of and U.K., etc. is involved." Keith very Max Reif has written and narrated all-encompassing theories, have busy. His Prof. Keith Fitzgerald tended to discount the impor­ an audiocassette of imaginative sto­ regular ries entitled Inside jobs: Stories for tance of actual American institu­ classes include an introductory course, Adults and Other Kids. Max also does tions and their histories. American Politics, and Comparative Politics live storytelling performances and is .Meet Keith Fitzgerald ofAdvanced Industrial Societies. He also the co-owner of the Broadway Gallery teaches courses in public policy and by Gaia Goldman '92 in Myrtle Beach, sc. Congress. Nimbus is pleased to introduce Keith describes his experience with New Doug Murphy '68 died AprillO, Keith Fitzgerald, associate professor College as very positive, and particularly 1996, in Erie, Pa., from complications of political science at New College. enjoys the wide range of students attend­ following a bone marrow transplant. Keith holds a doctorate in political ing the school. He enjoys our beautiful He is survived by his wife, Linda science from Indiana University and Florida weather which, he says, compares came to New College in 1994 from a Schaaf Murphy '69, and two children, quite well with Iowa's! Rick and Sara. faculty position at Grinnell College. Gaia Goldman '92 {Nokomis, Fla.) is in real His area of interest is policy-making estate sales at Mt. Vernon Realty. CLASSNotes LISTED ALPHABETICALLY WITHIN ENTERING YEAR (CONTINUED)

Susan Zuckerman' 69, Sandra Hell­ love to hear from New College alums 69 Lyssa Anderson is a computer ing '69, and Vivian Tseng '70. who are interested in "dynamic ur­ specialist in Boston. In April she jack Leggett, a clinical psycholo­ ban neighborhood activism." She is visited the New College campus with gist, recently moved to Mission Viejo, facilitating a forum on issues associ­ her son, a high school junior. Calif., with his wife, Mary Beth, and ated with Little Five Points Plaza in jeanne Bojarski won 55,460 votes children, Jake (4) and Grace (1). He's Atlanta as the '96 Libertarian candidate for worked in managed care and on de­ Bryan Reid (Fairfield, Conn.) Lt. Governor of Missouri. veloping group practices in behav­ writes that his children, Bryan (10) Brad Burger (Terra Ceia, Fla.) is ioral health for 12 years and is cur­ and Maggie (7) are great and that for mapping sites of archaeological sig· rently vice president of clinical him, life marches as does the never­ nificance on state-owned parts of operations for Value Behavioral ending search for happiness in 90's Snead Island and Emerson Point that Health in Long Beach. corporate America. are destined for use as a public con­ Multimedia Producer Magazine servation park. He also serves as the named Tom Newman {Brooklyn) 71 Rick Doblin proudly announces area's watchdog against rogue dig­ among the "Top 100 Multimedia Pro­ that when the sun rose in Palm Court gers-treasure or pot hunters-who ducers" of 1996. His syndicated pub­ at this year's graduation PCP, he was dig aimlessly around the shell lic TV series "International Dispatch" the only alum present, along with mounds or middens in hope of find­ enters its sixth year with Tom as pro­ about 40 current students and new ing artifacts, gold or human remains. ducer in 1998. graduates. Well, the only "older" Edward DeAngelo (Farmington, Downsizing at Time Life has given alum. Neither a sprained ankle nor Conn.) is a med student at the Uni­ Randi Payne Slaughter (Mineral, Va.) the cessation of music (thanks to campus police) drove him to bed versity of Connecticut Health Center. the luxury of some dedicated time to before the lightening of the skies. Janet j. Gusukuma, now living in apply to developing her photography On Monday. May 20, Rick, Kate Fresno, Calif., writes that last sum­ business. If all goes well, it will be a mer she and her husband and two permanent business. She's also con­ Chapman '92, Mike Lemons '91, and sons traveled East and were able to sidering offers from two consulting thesis student Trip Linarooth spoke visit with alums Wanda Tseng '69, firms, which will at least let her get to about SO students and several fac­ out of management and back ulty about academic opportunities in psychedelic research. Rick, Mike, and Archie Awards into programming. But for right now, she says: "FREEDOM! It's Trip's theses all included studies of john Cranor '64 and john Morrill, great!!!" psychedelics. Kate has been working professor of biology at New College, joshua Stein has been work- since graduation on MDMA neurotox­ were among the first recipients of the ing for the last three winters in icity research and a follow-up study Archie award from the New College Treasure Beach on jamaica's to an LSD research project. Foundation in recognition of their con­ quiet, unspoiled southern coast. Tim Girvin (Seattle) a brand strate­ tributions to the successes of New Col­ He is able to offer massage for gist and head of Tim Girvin Design, lege. Cranor is a former chairman of the tourists to the island and Inc., provides the "look" behind many Foundation's Board of Trustees and a physiotherapy for Jamaicans. well-known corporate brands and founder of the alum- No, he writes, he does not have movie logos, including Unforgiven, naefi association. dreadlocks. He invites old Legends of the Fall, and Crimson Tide. The Archie is a friends and alums to visit but He recently beat out a host of inter­ three-dimensional warns that they MUST relax. national competitors to design the model of the gateway new brand identity for TV Asahi, the to the historic campus. 70 Congratulations to Tom largest TV network in Asia. Other recipients of the Archie include Freuchtenicht who married Charles Harb Qacksonville) is the Richard Donegan, Betty and Dallas Dart, Carol Siemon in East Lansing, proud father of three beautiful chil­ Ann and Alfred Goldstein, Elisabeth and Mich., on August 2 and thank dren, Nova (16), Zayna (11), and Kory Laszlo Gonye, Betty and Howard Iser­ you to Leon Hicks '71 (Atlanta) (5). Charles is a dedicated martial arts mann, Robert johnson, Rhoda Pritzker, for passing on the news. student who has earned a 4th degree Donna Steigerwaldt and the William G. Ginger Lyon is a psychiatric black belt in Okinawan Shorin Ryu and Marie Selby Foundation. nurse in Atlanta. She would Karate-Do, and a 3 rct degree black belt New College Alumnae/i Association The Year in Review I 996-9 7 Activities and Actions

They all come back to an interested and {jreefiH{/S supportive alumnae/i network- people who NCAA President: Alexis Simendinger valued their Sarasota experiences and hope to support quality education now more than Why do we do an annual report? Pure ever. We know this probably includes you bragging rights, if you ask me. Your Alumnae/i because 34 percent of the total number of Association is doing better each and every year, graduates and former students made and we think it's only right to tell you about it. contributions to the Alumnaefi Association in the We are keeping in touch with you (and there last year, giving $122,985 - more than ever are more of you each year to keep track of, we're before. We followed your instructions and put happy to report- more than 3,000 alums). That your money into the programs you designated, means the Nimbus shows up in your mailbox and the rest we invested in our endowments and about three times a year; we host a reunion for our operating funds. you annually, usually in the spring; we keep our We hope you'll glance at this annual report web site up-to-date so information is just a and find many things here you like. We look keystroke away; and every two years we send forward to seeing you at the next Alumnaefi you a directory listing every alum we can find. In Association meeting in Sarasota, Nov. 7-8. addition, we want to light a fire under all the active and dormant regional New College alumnae(i chapters dotted around the map to Membership keep those get-togethers on the calendar. To Secretary: Mike Campbell signify our seriousness, we even put someone in charge of chapter outreach: Maria Fernandez '90, As of june 30, 1997, our data base contains chapter czar! 3,184 alums, including 122 new graduates­ On campus, our reach is just as important. We congratulations!- from the 31st New College are proud of our very successful Student Grants Commencement in May of this year. We continue Program, which enables New College students to to be represented in all fifty states and over sixty come to alums for modest financial support to foreign countries. augment thesis and ISP projects, foreign travel We do not have current addresses for 412 and conference attendance. There's more about alums. If you know a "lost" alum who would like the most recent round of grant recipients in this to reconnect with us, please put them in touch issue ofNimbus. with Carol Ann Wilkinson, our Director. All New Don't forget that you can share your expertise College graduates are automatically eligible for or avocation on campus, too, by becoming part membership in the Alumnaefi Association. of the Alumnae(i Fellows Program. Many of your Others who have completed at least one fellow New College grads are finding out how successful contract may join by written request fun and rewarding it is to give something back to the Alumnae/i Office (we currently have 403 to the campus in a direct way- by instructing, members in this category). Former faculty, staff teaching or tutoring. Your alumnaeji and friends may join our mailing list. The organization makes that happen. Association charges no membership dues but We also meet the extra needs of does solicit contributions to fund the cost of our faculty where we can help. Alums member services and campus programs. recently funded the first ever New comprehensive, independent College assessment of the needs of Stratepic PlaHHiH{I Alumnae/i the Nat Sci Division on Committee members: Margee Ensign - Association campus, and the results chair, Maria Fernandez, Robert Lincoln, (included in this Nimbus) are Mission David Smolker Statement being addressed by USF and New College. It is common these days for the best-run None of these projects and organizations to have strategic plans to guide 2 programs can succeed in a vacuum. their work for years into the future. Because the The Year in Review I 996-9 7 Activities and Actions

Alurnnaeji Association is only 12 years old, its Greetings. I am happy to report to you that, strategic plan continues to mature on paper, as subject to several hiccups along the way, well as in action. But aren't you impressed that 1996-97 proved to be our best fund-raising year we have a strategic plan? We are, let me tell ever. We made a conscious decision to step up you! both the level and sophistication of our Much of what guides us in our activities is fund-raising efforts. The result was a 28.4 what guides New College -we have included percent increase in total income. Special thanks elements of our thinking on every page of this to Carol Ann Wilkinson, Caroline Chambliss and annual report. But our strategic plan includes the other Board Members who were "major objectives," which we try to match up instrumental in our fund-raising efforts. Most of with every creative idea that comes our way in all, however, we thank those of you who board meetings, in alumnaeji mail, and from contributed. representatives of the New College community. We were concerned that stepped up Our objectives continue to be fund raising; fundraising for the Gateway Scholars program enrichment of student and faculty life; increased (to endow the annual matching grant to USF) alumnae/i involvement in a variety of ways; and and the Soo Bong Chae Chair ( to endow a chair outreach and communication. We put" these in mathematics) would take away from the tenets on these pages, and we splashed them on unrestricted moneys we traditionally rely upon the cover. We try to use these overall goals as to fund our operations and Student Grant, guideposts when a young organization with Alurnnae/i Fellows and Faculty Development enthusiastic board members. seems ready to endowments. That did prove true. This concern gallop off in a direction that may be too was realized. While we raised a record amount, ambitious for the moment. We try to remember the unrestricted contribution fell from $83,795 to our limitations, but we often say, "Just give us $68,563, an 8.7 percent decrease. But for our last time .... " minute spring fund-raising effort, we would have consumed our own normal $25,000 reserve. Thankfully, thanks to you, we pulled ourselves up and only dipped nominally into our reserves. linance a11d :Develo 'lltent And, while we raised a record amount of money, Committee members: David Smolker - curiously, there was also a significant drop-off in chair, Mike Campbell, Caroline the participation rate (i.e., 42 percent to 34 Chambliss, Dale Hickam, Ken Misemer, percent} which has left us both scratching our heads and frankly, a bit concerned. We normally Alexis Simendinger have an outstandingly high alumnae/i response

1996-97 Income - $ 154,797.7 3 Unrestricted Contributions Investment The New ·Restricted nated College ($12,268.65) 8% ($3,834.50) 2% Atumnae/i _./" ~iii Investment Income Mary Clark & Association seeks to · Unrestricted Joseph Haaf promote, strengthen and protect ($4,584. 72) 3% Student Grants the educational principles and ($6,315)4% Reunion & events unique educational environment Gateway Scholars Chae Chair Class Gift ($2,905) 2% of New Coflege through the Endowment ($32,786.57) ($2,290)1% ($20,693.66) 22% resources, heritage, and 13% inuoloement of its former students. 3 The Year in Review 1996-97 Activities and Actions

rate of around 42 percent. Is it something we Individual Designations did, or did not, do or say? If anyone has any If you can study it at New College, then you insights into this anomaly, we would appreciate can designate funding for it! Many alums give hearing from you. back to the educational programs they enjoyed In summary, I guess the good news is that if or which are deserving of extra resources now. we can have a record fund-raising year, while at Some alums choose to designate funds in the same time experiencing a significant drop-off memory of a former classmate or teacher. · in the participation rate, we should be able to do Beneficiaries of designated gifts during the last even better if we get the participation rate back year include the environmental studies program, up. Indeed, if we are to meet the challenges we general and named scholarships, divisions and have undertaken, we will have to get the _ disciplines, the Coral Reef program in Central participation rate up. Please help, and thank you America, the library book fund (you can even for your support. designate a specific professor to choose the books), the Morrill landscaping fund and the New College Foundation, as well as alumnaefi JnvestnteJtl ccount programs and the special funds listed below. Portfolio Advisor: Securities Advisors Contributions designated for a myriad of Group, Inc., Seattle, Wash., Chris Van programs totaled $3,835 in 1997-1998. Dyk '70, President NCM Endowments Our goal was to provide cash flow to the The Alumnaeji Association has created Association at 6 percent per year, with whatever endowment funds to provide ongoing support funds we had in excess of that required to for the major alumnae/i programs. The Student achieve that cash flow allocated for long term Grant Endowment includes two named funds. investment, subject to market conditions. For the Income from the Mary Clark Memorial fund, 12 months ending June 30, 1997, we had cash which provides student grants for projects flow at an annualized 6. 79 percent and involving foreign travel received $6,215 in new annualized total return (cash flow plus capital contributions this year. The Joseph Haaf gain or loss) at 15.4 percent. Annualized results Memorial fund received $100. The New College since inception are 5.74 percent on cash flow and 1966 and 1967 entering classes were asked to 12.0 percent on total return. Actual total return contribute to the unrestricted endowment of the to date is $52,279 or 20.9 percent since inception Alumnaefi Association. Their gifts, totaling [8/95]. (The results as stated are net of $2,290, will continue giving each year in support investment costs.) Total cash flow from of an active, involved alumnaefi association. In investments this year was $16,409.11. addition, the realized gain on the investment Alumnaefi with questions about this analysis account was added, proportionately, to the or the association's investment policy or endowment funds. performance may contact Chris Van Dyk at The total market value of the endowment 800-521-8321. funds as of June 30 was $245,209.59: Faculty Development $54,819.21 Student Grants $50,452.85 Memorial Student Grants Mary Clark $28,035.33 New --- Joseph Haaf $10,843.16 lA College launches a Alumnaefi Fellows $76,745.10 l'f t' f I , d NCAA is the conduit Unrestricted $24,313.94 ' e •me, o earnmg an throug h w h.1c h creat. 1ve and expenence based ?n a set thoughtful New College Gateway Scholars Endowment of core educational alums can financially impact NCAA last year began helping New College in principles. the educational experiences its capital campaign by asking alums to for today's New College students. contribute to the Gateway Scholars Endowment, 4 Here are some of the current projects: which is designed to generate annual income to The Year in Review 1996-97 Activities and Actions cover the grant payment to the state of Florida. talents with students and to your generous This grant is part of the 1975 merger agreement financial support. with the state that guarantees to New College Dan Chambliss '71, who chairs the Sociology the extra funding required to underwrite its Department at Hamilton College (Clinton, N.Y.), individualized academic program. New College offered a module-length course in alums have been generous in their support, phenomenological social psychology entitled contributing $20,693.66 as of June 30, 1997. "The Sociology of Everyday Life." Reviews from Alumnaefi have pledged an additional $5,749 to students were outstanding. One noted that be paid over the course of the campaign. Chambliss was "one of the finest instructors I On April30, $19,563.66 from the alumnae/i have had at New College-or anywhere." His association was included in New College enthusiasm "made exploring the-at times Foundation's initial request for matching funds abstract-ideas fun." from the State of Florida. Ofthe 211 donors Shorter-term Fellows included concert pianist listed in the request, 194 were New College Billy Patton '81(Boulder, Colo.), who talked with alumnaefi. A total of$1.351 million was students about his career as a professional approved for a 75 percent match. If the musician and gave a concert for the New College Foundation raises at least $648,829 more, community. Journalist Malcolm Brenner '69 including alumnaefi gifts, by May 8, 1998, the (Gallup, N.M.} gave a one-day talk to staff State will approve a 100 percent match for the members of New College's student newspaper, entire $2 million. The Catalyst. Folksinger and composer Suzanne McDermott '85 (Everett, Mass.) presented a Soo Bong Chae Chair in Mathematics songwriting seminar for students, who then Committee members: Don Goldberg­ performed with her in a concert for the campus. chair, James Foster, Dan Ryan, David Our program costs this year were $6,824.87. Smolker, David Mullins Thanks again to all who have provided support. We are moving quickly to select Fellows for An anonymous donor provided a $300,000 1997-98. Please contact any committee members challenge to match at least that amount to or the Alumnaefi Office if you are interested in create an endowed chair in mathematics in participating. honor of the late Professor Soo Bong Chae. The New College Alumnae/i Association agreed to help the New College Foundation meet that Stude11t rnnts challenge, and is happy to report that alums to Committee members: Maria Fernandez - date have given $35,336.57 and pledged an chair, Barbara Ceo, Spozy Foltz, Don additional $18,155 to make the math professorship a reality. Because of Florida's State Goldberg, Michelle Barton (faculty) and Matching Gift program, each $1 given to the Heather Rickenbrode (student) Chae Chair project will trigger $3.40 in the total This past year has been an exciting year for endowment, which will help make such an the Student Grants Committee. This year, ambitious fund-raising challenge a success for we distributed 39 individual and four future math students at New College. group grants, totaling $10,497.00. Of that total, funds from the Mary Clark travel fund supported outstanding AI11H111nc i Jel/ows research by students abroad In the final Committee members: Mike Campbell­ and the Joseph Haaf fund for analysis, chair, Caroline Chambliss, Dale Hickam, excellence in student each st(.ldent is John Morrill (faculty) and Jessica Sparber research allowed the responsible for his or her (student) Committee to cover the registration costs for over 20 own education. The Alumnaefi Fellow Program offered diverse students to attend the National experiences to New College students this year, Conference ofUndergraduate Research thanks to Fellows' willingness to share their in Austin, Tex. This annual conference 5 The Year in Review 1996-97 Activities and Actions

allows New College students to display the fruits of their academic labor and make intbus invaluable contacts at other academic Ni~bus Committee: Alexis Simendinger _ institutions. Some of the other grants included: cha1r,. Susan Burns, Mike Campbell, Outward Bound trips; a theatrical production based on one student's journal of his Carohne Chambliss, Susan Foltz, Jim cross-country journey; work on sea turtles and Feeney (NC stafD, Matt Posner, Carol dolphins; and an extraordinary batch of Ann Wilkinson • psychology projects. One project was a student effort to bring Mary Catherine Bateson to New There is no more important communications College. (See more information about student tool for the New College Alumnae{i Association grants on page 6 of Nimbus.) than the Nimbus newsletter, which is sent to In addition to evaluating proposals in the two you at no charge simply because you're one of granting cycles, the committee members New College's 2,735 graduates or former developed a new form for student applicants to students on our mailing list. It is intended to help improve the information available to the help the association talk to you about its committee. activities, to help you stay in touch with New Some individual projects were, in reality, College friends, and to bring you the latest news continuations of projects started years before by about student and faculty life at your alma alums. This, we felt, was an exciting opportunity mater. not only for the alumnae{i association, but for The NCAA's other publications are this annual the school as a whole. Projects 9fthis type report (inserted inside the newsletter) and the contribute to institutional memory and create biennial Alumnaefi Directory, which you should connections between alums and the current have received this spring. Nimbus and its student body. In addition, tracking the companion publications are the NCAA's most submissions of continuation grants would allow expensive projects: the printing and mailing us to inform the administration, which could budget for 1997-1998 totals about $15,200. That result in reevaluations of funding for thesis means about 12 percent of the association's total students in the school's budget. expenditures budget supports the Alumnae{i Association's direct communications with you! Editorial submissions, suggestions and 'lacultg :Development (jraJtts critiques are welcomed by the Nimbus Editorial Committee. ~he Faculty Development Grants program was des1gned to provide assistance for the faculty in areas with significant impact on students for which other funds are not available. Decisions Alttnfltae i entPrs about these grants are made in consultation Report by Dale Hickam with the dean and warden of New College. Graduation from New College is an important In jan. 1997, a $4,200 Faculty step forward in the pursuit of students goals and Development grant provided the seed dreams. To assist that pursuit, the alumnae{i The best money for an external review of the association has created a Mentor program. education Natural Sciences Division. The positive Alumnae/i mentors volunteer to give students demands a results of that evaluation are encouragement, advice and information about collaboratiue effort already evident on campus. graduate or professional school programs, ISP or See the full details on pages thesis projects, career paths, internships, and between exciting 3-4 of Nimbus. An additional short-term or full-time job leads. instructors, innouatiue $1 ,800 grant is being For example, in the spring of 1996 an NC administration, administered through the anthropology major interested in journalism ana able dean and warden's office this came to the career resource center. Asked by summer for faculty research Karen Patriarca, coordinator of career services, students. stipends. 6 about her writing interests, the student identified Native American issues as her The Year in Review I 996-9 7 Activities and Actions principal interest. Karen referred her to the the alum office look as if a paper blizzard had mentor book and to Malcolm Brenner, an alum blown through. But the information you shared working as a newspaper reporter in New Mexico then and continue to send is the raw data for an covering Navajo reservation news. The student important service we provide to New College. called Malcolm. As a result of that conversation, Our database, created especially for alumnaeji the student was offered a summer internship at and development use, has the flexibility to store, the New Mexico newspaper and a place to stay retrieve and process a wide variety of for the summer. When she returned to campus information not available anywhere else on in the fall, the student reported that the campus. We provide the addresses of alums who newspaper had been sufficiently impressed with worked with a faculty member up for tenure her work to convert her unpaid internship into a review; generate data on graduate school paid summer job. She had also achieved a admissions for the concerned father of a handful of bylines and an offer for full-time prospective student; help admissions collect data employment following graduation. for all those national surveys you read and much Information forms are on file in the alumnaeji more. Your contributions pay for the equipment office and the career resource center for students and training needed as well as the many hours who wish to find a mentor, and a list of mentor of labor required. volunteers is posted on the alumnae{i home page on the World Wide Web. Students are responsible for making the initial contact with a <:ecltJtol~ prospective mentor. Committee members: Dan Ryan- chair, Any alum wishing to join the mentor Kristine Adams, Mike Campbell, Margee database can download a mentor information form from the alumnaefi home page Ensign, Robert Lincoln, Altom Maglio ( The technology committee is responsible for or contact the alumnae{i office. guiding the alumnae/i association to make the best use of current technology in accomplishing the association's goals. AlumHne i /(ecords Efforts to date have centered around using Report by Carol Ann Wilkinson e-mail for NCAA-related communication and a web page as a means of disseminating NCCA When nearly halfofyou responded to our information. One of every three alumnaeji in our request for directory updates this year, you made database has both a "snail-mail" and an e-mail address on record. Over 200 alumnaefi 1996-97 Expenditures- $130,767.36 have taken Gateway Scholars advantage of the (submitted Misc. Direct e-mail accounts $19,563.66 for Support for New mat h) 15% College ___($3,755.21) 3% Students' ------Student Grants progress ~-- ($10,497)_ 8%__ Facu Ity Df:V el optI should be Grants ($6,000) 1 based on demonstrated Alumnae/i 5% Fellows competence and real ($6,824.87) 5% master!J rather than on the accumulation of Publications Chapter/ Reunion Increase ($15,205. 97) Expense ($3,574) Endowments credits and 12% 3% ($9,161.96) 7% grades. 7 The Year in Review I 996-9 7 Activities and Actions

available, free, through the alumnaefi nostalgia and are vital to our fundraising efforts . association (see the NCAA web page for details). Oh do come! Contribute to our story. Children With the forwarding option activated this are welcome; students often babysit. The account provides the perfect "permanent" e-mail beaches are as lovely as ever and we make every address. effort to facilitate return visits to campus. A Our current web site strategy tilts toward reunion has been held in every year since 1985 routinizing maintenance rather than and each has been a success in its own way. The "re-designing" the look and feel. Alum reunion is refined annually. participation is encouraged in the form of Special thanks are due to Kathleen Plunkett content submission, suggestions of links to add, '89 and Shawn Richardson Olsen '88 who did a 'I chapter pages, and general comments and superb job of choreographing the 1997 Reunion criticism. Take a look at for the 1980's entering classes. http:ffwww.sar.usf.eduf-ncalum2Jindex.html The 1998 Reunion will target the entering If you have suggestions or would like to be classes of 1970-76. Contact the alumnaefi office involved in the work of the Technology to volunteer your assistance. Committee, please contact one of the committee members. A/11111/lllC i ena ters Maria Fernandez, Coordinator S. ~cia/ Pr(' ·~cts Committee members: Susan Foltz- chair, During the spring board meeting of the New Maria Fernandez College Alumnaefi Association, the board created the position of Chapter Coordinator and elected The Special Project Committee evaluates Maria Fernandez '90 as chapter czar. Maria will projects suggested by students and alums. monitor the efforts of the various chapter heads Evaluations are made in terms of resources from around the country. In addition to being a needed, both financial and otherwise, the length clearinghouse for information, names, and oftime the project will take, and the desired expense forms, she will also coordinate visits result. Approved projects are either assigned to from faculty, board members, representatives an existing or special committee for from the admissions office, and the dean and implementation. warden. Maria is gathering contact names for Details on the boat donation project put into the various chapter heads, updating Ginger effect this year can be found on page 13 of the Lyon's pamphlet on Chapter Coordination. and Nimbus section. The committee is investigating developing a newsletter for chapter contacts. the development of New College merchandise She reports that the various chapters have been created especially for Novo Collegians and the busy, although, while some chapters are created protection of the Four Winds and other New and strengthened, others have begun to lose College logos. We are always searching for new steam. It is her goal to determine what causes projects and eagerly await proposals. the fall-off in attendance and interest and develop new ideas to revitalize the chapters. (For details on current chapter activities, see page 20 /(eJlltiOJtS in Nimbus.) New Report by Caroline Chambliss College The annual New College should provide Reunion is central to the 1997-98 Events students the opportunit!:J health of New College life. Fall NCAA Board Meeting. Nov. 7-8 , 1997 to explore in depth areas Reunions tell old stories, 1998 Reunion - Date TBA create new stories and, play of interest to them . Target years are entering classes of 1970-76. The all stories to fresh audiences. fall phonathon will concentrate on these classes to They are unpredictable and attended help spread the word . 8 for many reasons. They reek of S_pring NCAA Soard Meeting· April 17-18, 1998 Between July I, 1996 and June 30, 1997, 892 (34%) alumnae/i contributed $122 ,985. 11, the highest total alumnae/i contributions ever.

Class of '94 Suzanne M. Penuel Nicholas L. Tompio Melissa A. Williams Mary O'Connor Aimee J. Placas John F. Turbiville Jr. Nicole M . Wood Emily V. Rodeheffer Class of '93 Leslie M. Shaffer Class of '90 Class of '89 Susan I. Sparling Robert R. DeVito Scott W. Abrams Kristin A. Ahrens Lisa Stampnitzky Michelle R. Haynes Kevin Arlyck Doyno Ayers Baumeister Sandra K. Wolkov John F. Huesman Christopher C. Brand Corinne V. Blencoe Charlene C. Bredder J. Trovis Lee Class of '91 Lisa M. Boothby Koren Polakoff Lipman Ariel P. Connon Elizabeth D. Brewster Annette S. Mulholland Natalie C. Arsenault Renee D. Crain Andrew H. Cohen Shannon Duskin Sheila A. Bishop J. Martin Daughtry Keith S. Coker Oldenburg Raymondo L. Burgman Moria D. Fernandez Emily A. Earle Anne E. Tazewell Jean F. Czerlinski Helga B. Fuller John R. Gillette Coree White Michael W. Fasano Roderick S. Grant Bonnie C. Gorla M . Alexander Ferrell Amy E. Honk Aaron Hillegass Class of '92 Michelle M. Flint Elizabeth A. Heath Jeanie C. Hoehn Cora Ann Bompignano JDaphhneBA.HGabrieli Katherine E. Knopp Tricio D. Hopkins Todd D. Leonhardt Ch · t h B B d · k osep · enry Guy Jara ns op er . un nc Kelly J. Keefe Altom M. Maglio Sabrina E. Joseph Kenneth Burruss K . K K k Dawn C. Chaney onnle . r~cze Jordan S. Marks Victor Lewis Elizabeth C. Eldridge Sar~ A. Kuppm . William E. McMullan Dona A. Lockwood Paula J. Fetterman Mel1ssa Dodge Lew1s Lauro L. Oviatt Carrie Carrel Gaia Goldman Enn K. Llpp Jeffrey T. Pittman Loewenherz Christine J. Gramer gliver Rachel M. Poynter George M . Luer Paul T. Jaeger regory · ann Robert N. Rodgers Malcolm A. Maclachlan Geoffrey Kurtz Patrie~ B. Quinn Mitchell L. Silverman Jennifer Gore Maglio Leif F. Men eke Lorelei E. Stepp Jill L. Stansbury Luke T. Murphy Juliano Pore-Biogoeb Tracie L. Merritt Adam D. Stone Steven H. Wetter George Wade Swicord Brad M . Wier Christian M. Perez Martha E. Mulvany Jonathon E. Pickhardt ------Gilda T. Sookes Who's a member? David L. Solierno All New College graduates are members ofthe New College Alumnae/i Mark M. Sanders Association and membership is available, by request, to any person who Melissa A. Schaub successfully completed at least one term at New College. Michael J. Serulneck Mary D. Tyll That's not the year I graduated! Ronnie L. Wetter The association, by vote of the members present at the 1989 annual meeting (held each spring on campus during the annual reunion), identifies alums by entering class year. As an important part of the Who's is charge? New College community, The association is a self-supporting, autonomous adjunct of the New alumnae/i haue a special College Foundation, which is a 501c(3) corporation. It is governed by a opportunity and responsibility to board of directors, 10 ofwhom are elected by the membership in odd-numbered years to serve two-year terms. The board may also appoint assure that New College offers the up to eight additional directors to serve for terms of up to two years. At best that it can while also present, the board comprises 14 people, all volunteers who pay their own prouiding encouragment to expenses to come to meetings and serve the college. Current board innouate. members are listed on page 16. 9 ma~~ qJou 1996-97 Co~ttttbutottd

Jennifer B. Williams Class of '87 Grant A Balfour Susanne Hauger Michael Burton Ann Dwyer Andre A Nishma Herrera-Daya Class of '88 Laurie Cameron Libby Bailey Joan P. Hourican An-Chih Chang Sarah L. Boorman Justin Bloom Patrick D. Keller · Jennifer E. Cooper Sherri Lea Clements Arlynda L. Boyer Russell H. Kennedy Krystin Draper Bunch Laney A Bruner J. Margie Knauff John R. Evans Nicolas T. Cook larry Bunch Suzanne McDermott Kirsten E. Cooke Ann M. Burget Michael J. Ferguson lisa G. McGregor Sharon L. Corwin Michael H. Campbell Monica M. Gaughan Johnston Stacey A Curtis Merrill Cole Jennifer S. Granick Keith A Mills Elaine B. Day Gwen Y. Davies Amy Hale John D. Mullen Lisa A Day Glenn C. Douglas Rowan J. Jacobsen Julie A Osterling Carlo M. Eostis Joanne M. Dramko Merlin D. Mann Nathan J. Pfluger Madeline Puckett Denny Genovese Adam Oler leon F. Porter Gillette Todd Hop pock Evan H. Owens Etienne E. Pracht Jennifer L. Glanville Cheryl M. Horner Adam L. Rasky Steven D. Prenner Justin E. Graham Robin L. Kirkpatrick Deanna M. Rieder Jonathon D. Salem Julie Hansen Jefferey S. Logozzino Koren P. Stasiowski Kama Diann Schultz Wendy F. Hoon Gina S. Lanier Kathryn L. Stein Benny P. Shum Chris Hubbard Monico L. Lewman Sherry Silveus Tucker David H. Thornton Cheryl P. Jacob Michael K. McKnight Tina Suou Vrablic John Wong Lois E. Kent Mark E. Wilkens Kibby A Munson Class of '84 George E. King Jr. Joseph E. Pettit Jr. Ann M. Franz E. Loewenherz Matthew J. Posner Wnorowski-Peconie Jannice Ashley Kimberly Mundt Mann Elizabeth F. Solierno Class of '85 Anne M. Baker Lisa M. Milot Eric Schickler Jennifer L. Burke Harrem F. Monkhorst Susan E. Stone Lib Aubuchon David A Cope Jeffery T. Morton Christina L. Trivett William M. Brown Corlye Hendershot lon Norris J. Elizabeth Rudow Joyce Hewes Dennehy Conley Duncan Odom Vernoglio Lauro J. Ericson Walter B. Duque de Michael P. Palmer Lawrence W. Vernoglio Melissa J. Fleck Estrada Stacey Parks L. Koren Volkman Groce Roegner Sandra C. Englert Shannon R. Payne Lisa E. Whalley White freedman John Everett Jodi Brandehoff Pracht Patricio frew Michael J. Freedman Susan L. Rutherford Class of '86 Dennis M. Gephordt Koth ryn M. Go It Samantha Scolamiero Athena B. Baldwin Richard A Giardino Julie A Green Sarah S. Silver Michele Gregoire William B. Graben ll Judith A Stanton Steve R. Waldman Jennifer A Whitten David A Wright

This can be accomplished by the fulfillment of the following objectives:

Harry Brody '79 and Melanie Hubbard '84 at the 10 Sarasota-Manatee chapter picnic. ffiattk qjou 1996-97 Co</rtbuto!td

Ann McKinley Hoorman W. Jeffery Edenfield Susan Mayfield Tedesco Kei Kishimoto Andrew L. Howlett Corrie Kastner Hamby Matthew I. Wahl Mich-ael A. La Torra Melanie A Hubbard Carol Kearney High Charlene J. Lenger William C. Kerr W. T. William Class of '79 Danforth N. Lincoln Moira R. Kiltie Kaufmann Valerie L. Alger Seth B. Lipsay Hermon Kopecek Amy C. Kimball Keith D. Berggren Keith Losh Hannah L. Latham E. Randall Lanier Sharon Phillips Brennan Sharon R. Motola Patricia Murer Cynthia A linke-Lewis Caroline A. Chambliss James J. McDonald Jr. Elizabeth T. Pore Sybil A Lombillo Kirsi Ruokokoski Harry Moulis Gino P. Pignato Jeffrey P. Muench Dragosljvich Lisa A. Norris Joni Burnette Pirnot David A Shatz Isabelle A. Fetherston Luther A. Peacock James F. Rogouskas Crist A. Sperling Ronald L. Fisher Jr. Felice C. Schulaner David W. Russell William C. Wolfe Julie Galassini Kent T. Simendinger Marcelo Swiger Schiller Deni S. Golileo Desiree Howell Smolin MaHhew Schiller Class of '81 Virginia Phillips Ganley Roy S. Tedesco Rebecca A. Shepardson Thomas A Berres Gerald N. Gaul Valerie Ethridge Leslie S. Smart Alice A. Burton Laura George Gitlin Tharnish Amy G. Smoker Susan J. Dauer Helen C. Kesler Jonathan B. Turner James H. Tietsworth Shown Dougherty Valerie D. Lehr Susan H. Vinton Deborah Saemonn Floro M. Gogliostro Christopher J. LoFrisco Patricia Quets West Turner Tereso A. Hogan Lindsay A LoFrisco Marie C. Wolfgang Potrika Vaughn Laura D. Johnston Elizabeth R. Mackenzie Jesse White Sean A. Lincoln Diane Dittmann Class of '77 Mauri A. Ziff Todd D. McCormick Manchester Madelyn Roll Badger Joanne Meyer Sharon A Mansour Lisa Siegfried Bohn Class of '83 David T. Mullins Michael F. McDuffie Mark Bondurant Pauline Ademo William F. Patton Susan M. Oliveto Dione Basara Britton Valerie L. Brown Stuart J. Phillips Steve Pirnot Janice C. Broda Robert E. Clayton Sherry D. Schreck Jody Emerson Quintana Sharon Carthew Susan Sapoznikoff Foltz Carla D. Schroer Juan J. Quintana Chester Benjamin J. Ford Rey A. Sio Gabrielle Church Bonnie Sehenuk William G. Giltinon Jr. Dooney Tickner Russell Fitzgerald Lisa Gordon Sonia Wu Christina L. Salter Tod E. Gentille Scott D. Hines Robert B. Salzberg David L. Giancoli Elisabeth Emmanuel Class of '80 Adam Tebrugge Thomas L. Hamby Jr. Keller Dawn M. Bialy Robert W. Tonnies Victoria A. Kazmerski J. William Memory Grover F. Champion Jr. Eric B. Walzer Kimberly J. Keene Leslie A. Miller James H. Geiger Robert C. Westerfeld! Groce Puckett La Torra Susan L. Montgomery Marjorie Mack Genter Mark H. Winston Robert K. Lincoln Judith A. Newton Derrill Goldizen Andrew A. Workman Cynthia L. Gino E. Pesano Frank E. Hammel Martin-Berger Bret Pettichord Munn Hommel Class of '78 Mor k Q . Bregitte R. Pracht DavidS. Johansson Charles J. Briggs Martindale David E. Sackin Marcella A Kolmeier Anderson G. Brown Philippe P. Seminet Linda A. Lacewell Craig A. Brown Jonathan R. Trushenski Elizabeth R. McCain JoLynn Carroll prooiding Gabrielle Vail William D. Niemond Clancy A. Cavnar targeted Elizabeth A. Osuch Rita L. Ciresi Class of '82 Paul W. Pare Andrea S. Deeb financial /. Madeline N. Altabe Ron Rostow FrankS. Dopp support; Mary Janis Andrews Michael Samra DeeAnn Ringfelt Garey James F. Belanger Donald B. Sanderson Molly Hoopes Daniel F. Birn Lori A Shoemaker Michelle Ippolito Laura L. Coogan Julie B. Skoby Glenn Kirkconnell 11 ffiaVlk qJou 1996-97 CoVtttttbutottd

Stephanie Gillespie Judith Mendelsohn Elise K. Gunst Class of '72 Terence J. Hoopes Melnick Rood Kristin Taylor Amber Thomas Kapostasy Juliana Poulsen Mosley Douglas L. Schmidt J. Allison L. Atkinson Michael L. Mosley David M. Smolin Lesley S. Koplow Donna E. Baker Ivan A Myjer Henry C. Smyth Deborah Fagen Lee Ellen M. Ballard Lea Curry Nigon Larry W. Stults Raymond S. Lesser Wendy E. Baron Sally Priest R. Scott Thompson Glen R. Merzer Sarah Bennett Joe M. Quick Jo Ann Weisenford Sandra A Morrill Joyce E. Boehmer Andrew J. Ransick Allison H. Wilcox Mark C. Mudge Beth Brown Russel J. Repp Janice S. Wilke Beverly Brown Nash John H. Buchanan Vikki Busca Robertson Barbara Stabin Nesmith Mark R. Buntaine Cynthia A Roessler Class of '75 Andrea Martz Norfleet David Burkhart Olga T. Ronay John Biggers James A. Parry Elizabeth L. Carney Dan Ryan Doriane E. Brown S?m H. Patterso.n II Frazier Carraway Stephen C. Sensoli Claire Bailey Carraway R1chard E. Shap1r? Kevin R. Coffey Jodi L. Siegel Bridget Patton Conant Susan Cohen Sm1th Philip J. Cohen Daniel M. Stults Carl D. Costello Kate Schwettman Anne Riggen Colella Nancy L. Winfrey Matthew B. Curtis Sorensen Mark E. Davis Lonnie M. Draper Dennis P. Swaney David Disend Class of '76 Richard A Drummond William T. Thompson Emily H. Feigenson Cheryl E. Beach Andrea J. Ginsky Robert E. T urffs RobertS. Fish Gary D. Berkowitz Edward M. Greenfield Tab L. Uno Ray Gosser Karen Lind Brauer Jeanne Jochens Class of '73 Leslie Boxer Glass Judith L. Burns Gilliam Johnston Catherine Roberts Susan C. Burns Lynann Dixon Kashner Ronald L. Bergwerk Gorvine Mary L. Cameron William I. Knopf Anne Brennan James W. Gutner Kate Chandler Betsy Kubick Elizabeth A Bryant Nancy C. Haber Jeffrey Cianci Marjorie Lewis Ellen Glessner Burrows Ann M. Joyner Peggy Coleman Monica McGregor Edward A Chadd Sheri L. Katz Laurie J. Oils Dana Davidson Dale R. Dagenbach Adam G. Carol Flint Newman Ruth I. Dreessen Kernan·Schloss Bruce W. Glassford Peter A Ross Aron Z. Edidin Bruce D. Kohrman Robert S. Glazier Peter M. Russell Robin Hoffmaster Cathy A Krall John L. Hansen Timothy A Seaver Edidin James D. Lock Debra A Jenks D. Lynn Serviss Margee Ensign Scott H. Matthews Aric A Johnson Alexis A Simendinger Montgomery K. Fisher Judith K. Mauer Mike Lasche Jonathan S. Smiga Cheryl Flax·Davidson Polly Morris larry lewack Johan P. Suyderhoud Vicki Harris Flock Jeffrey J. Prior Joseph J. Melnick Peter J. Tepley B. Janet Hibbs James W. Pritchard Linda l. Mytinger·Tyson Devora E. Tulcensky Julian M. Kaplin Jr. Seth M. Reiss Alan Newman Randy Winchester Jonathan E. Kroner Mark A. Roth Class of '74 Phillip G. Logsdon Ann E. Samuelson encouraging Brian Maxson Neil H. Schecker academic Michael A Armstrong Eva Pischnotte Martin A Schwartz excellence by Robert D. Atkinson McGuigan Russell B. Selman Cheri Belz Randall T. Moon Jane Dudley Skinner complementing existing or Betsy Crabtree William T. Norfleet Kathleen M. Smith creating new programs which Tom Dayton Rick Reibman David Smolker utilize the skills and Amy G. Dickman William T. Reynolds Ill Nancy Snyder experiences of alumnae/i to Jeri l. Fackelman Mary L. Ruiz Katherine Armendt enrich Kevin Flynn Robert 0. Rush Jr. Sorci student and Joan Fowler M.l. Vanessa Vogel Stephen S. Sparks fauclty life; Adam J. Ginensky A Marie Sprayberry 12 Jennifer L. Glass Sally A. Stephens Marcy Denmark Ken Zafren Nathan Schwartz Rory J. Sutton Manning Barry J. Sheingold Class of '70 Linda Mitchell John A Massa James D. Shoemaker Thompson Andrew L. McDaniel Joy T. Barnitz David M. Silverman Mary Hill Wise Thomas C. McGuigan Alan S. Berlow Beverly Simmons Sloan Jerome P. Wood James A Mercer-Smith John F. Blakeslee Thomas N. Sorrell Leonard Monteith Ellen Goldhamer Susan J. Spieker Class of '71 Julie Johnson Bollinger David A. Staunton Melissa H. Birch Omohundro Debra Bonino William H. Swanson Robert G. Brunger Nancy J. Reichman Greg Brooks Christopher R. Van Dyk Daniel F. Chambliss Dono P. Reinhold Lynda Loss Caesora Kathy J. Wallens Jeffrey P. Chanton Koren L. Rembold Colleen Clark Carol D. Worner Margaret Chapman Marc S. Rudow Freddie M. Clary Marc L. Weinberg Sherri Mcindoe Condon Bryna S. Siegel Dana R. Clyman Betsy Wells Mary E. Connors David L. Smith William B. Conerly John D. Corrigan Wendy A Smith Edward F. Connor Class of '69 Richard E. Doblin Robert E. Stillman Linda Convissor Lyssa M. Andersson William C. Dudley Douglas G. Stinson Thomas M. Corwin Mark A. Andrews Richard S. Eissenstat Candy Boyd Suffern Nancy Hopper Thomas C. Atchison Ron H. Flax-Davidson Lynne M. Tarakan DeCherney Anthony L. Bass David L. Goldman Sally Felder Tuohy Amy S. Diamond Martha E. Beauchamp Debra R. Hachen Lisa McGaughey Tuttle Elaine Howard Noel C. Bickford Nancy L. Hammond Madeline Snow Typodis Ferwerda Jeanne F. Bojarski Charles Harb Wendell P. Wagner Jr. Ruth E. Folit Michael A. Carasik Jaime Henriquez Katherine Talbot Carol L. Gaskin Stephen R. Coats Kim Pauly Irish Wakefield Lisa Feigelis Goldring Raphael Colb Steve Jacobson F. Lane Williamson Thomas S. Groenfeldt Lewis F. Dalven Todd Jamieson Amy C. Willis David B. Hakon Edward J. DeAngelo Steve Kaplan Michael J. Winkleman Francis G. Hertz George W. Fifield Nancy Kriegel William D. Witherspoon Samuel H. Howell Jr. Ira K. Glasser Lindo Squillace Thomas M. Goodridge Jackson Casey Green Eileen Stubensky Janet J. Gusukuma Jacobs Edward J. Henley Richard A. Kahn Patricia Ba rrand Keith I. Kennedy Herman David B. Land John E. Horn Candace J. Lang Joel S.Judd Julie A. Levy John F. Klein Ginger Lyon Harvey Klinger Andrew Jay Lentini McCormick Barbaro Mellen Gory J. Montin Julie K. Morris John C. Mueller representing David D. Mukai alumnae/i within Charles Murphy ..,;,_-..-...'------' Jill Pella rin the New College An NCAA student grant helped Heidi Paskoski combine her William M. Quay community and beyond; interests in sculpture and physics to design and construct Bryan S. Reid Ill this play structure on the bayfront just north of College Leslie S. Reinherz Hall. It's adult-sized, so try it out the next time you're on Andrew J. Sacks campus . Carla J. Sarett 13 ma~(Q qJou 1996-97 Cotlttttbutottd

Judith Kaye Lentini Timothy A. Kohler Thomas M. White John L. Hart Mary Jo Neitz William J. Kopiecki Cheryl D. Hess Nancy Needham Ross M. Madden Class of '66 Dale Hickam Newman Christine Warner Paul D. Adomites Allan Jaworski Thomas R. Newman McClain .Bruce M. Allen Julie Means Kane Henry Patterson F. Anderson McKenney Kit A. Arbuckle Jet Lowe Vincent C. Peck John D. Moody Donald M. Aronoff Abby Allgood Misemer Rob A. Phillips Gail Farkas Munger Jacques U. Baenziger David C. Moore Dennis F. Saver Philip L. Notermann Claudia A. Blair Kenneth F. Moore Lynwood Sawyer Carol Slade Susan D. Borkowski Jerrold L. Neugarten Eleni Malanos John A. Van Ness Barbara Sieborowska Richard F. Ogburn Silverman R. Elizabeth Watson Ceo Margaret Spurrell Eileen Curley Tweed Tom Yori Michael R. Curry Okere Michael Tweed L. David Zube Mimi Donnay Edna Walker Paulson Allie Roberts Wade , Drew Douglas Lawrence Paulson S. Anya Litwin Woestwin Class of 67 Jean P. Feingold Vicki Pearthree Raeburn Susan Zuckerman-Attas David J. Adams Cynthia C. Gates Deane L. Root Sharron Shelton Barbara Hanna Lucius A. Salisbury Ill Class of '68 Arbuckle Claudia Bolin Harding Leslie T. Schockner Karen M. Adams Dorothy Bobb-Massey Leander S. Harding Jr. Theodore M. Patrice Bobier Daniel R. Boehmer Elizabeth Reid Holter Shoemaker Alan Campion David H. Burck Beth Schauerhamer George T. Chappell Marian Bussey Kuehn Class of '64 Paz Cohen Kathleen M. Capels K. Linda Thomas L. Bell Gayle Coons Charlotte G. Carter Moeller-Mansour Raymond W. Bennett Jack Cousineau Zelia E. Ellshoff Gary M. Moriello Fay Clayton Susan Alkema do Silva Constance Cormier R. H. Seth Piercy John M. Cranor Ill John D. Dohrmann Gartner David L. Rottman Carola Hoigne Fleener Kathleen S. Fasnacht Timothy J. Hartnett David B. Schwartz James W. Fleener Helen R. Gabel Christine A. Hope Elizabeth Crosby lnge Fryklund Don Goldberg James T. Hungelmann Schwartz Bruce Guild Janet Goldwater Nicholas E. Munger Nancy Orr Storey Charles H. Hamilton J. Alexander Hagerty Norbert Musial Harris E. Taylor Kenneth R. Hammond WilliamS. Herman Debora Godfrey Reinert Janis K. Wolak PaulK. Hansma Diane Kelly Hill Elisha Piller Renne Carol Worby Holder Kennard R. Honick Samuel D. Sapp Class of '65 Pauline Jung Kehoe Jennifer Hurst William E. Schaub David R. Allen Kenneth R. Misemer Roger J. Klurfeld Creighton Smith Irving Benoist Bloss Roberto Luther O'Brien Timothy E. Snyder Deirdre Fennessy John B. O'Neil Curtis C. Stokes Daniel 0. Haggarty Moira Cosgrove Pate seruing as a liaison ...A between former ~ New College has been named to MONEY New College students and the ~ ~ . e magazine's top I 0 "Best Buys in Education" list. current New College ,.,.\ ~ (o\\e'?, t Increases in state tuition over the last two years community, which includes but \,e: on ••£,eS are at least partially responsible for the drop from is not limited to: students, \S # 6 ,, \ st last year's #2 ranking. "It's nice to be in the top faculty, staff, the New College £,U'/ \ I0, and if you look at the list, we offer a much different atmosphere from the others-much Foundation, local community, smaller and more intimate," Interim Dean and and friends of the Warden Doug langston told the Sarasota Herald institution; Tribune. 14 Charles F. Raeburn Federated Department Bornie's Coffee & Tea Prof. Soo Bong Chae Jeanne Rosenberg Store Company Mary E. Clark '73 Betsy Ash Sanford Great Western Bank Book Bazaar Prof. Lynndon Clough Henry E. Thomas Jr. GTE Foundation Cafe Kaldi Esteban De Miranda Samuel Treynor Harcourt General Caffe' Clossico '79 Roy Van Vleck Harleysvi ll e Insurance Charlie's News Renee F. Denmark David M. Walton Companies Chutney's Etc... David Dunn '86 F. Mark Whittaker IBM Corporation Mr. & Mrs. William M. Mr. & Mrs. Dwight B. Carol Ann Wilkinson Kirkland & Ellis Clark Galt Jr. Foundation Einstein Bagels Kevin S. Goehring '75 The McGraw-Hill El Greco Cafe Lorry Gurel '70 Matching Gift Companies Elysian Fields Max L. Hibbs Companies Foundation Kanega Prof. Marion C. Hoppin (Matching gift payments Monsanto Fund Peter A Kazoks Mauricio Hosie were received during the The NCR Foundation Kingsley's Book Jerry Houston '74 fiscal year from these Northern Telecom/BNR Emporium WilliamS. Jelin '71 companies and Procter and Gamble Kinko's Joseph Keilty foundations. The list does Fund Bagel Dorothy C. Knopf not include matching gift Sony USA Foundation Mim's Healthy Gourmet Antino Leonelli and pledges made during the Inc. . Ms. Irene L. Nordine Stephanie Wnorowski ear but not received by State Farm Companies John 0. Rich Prof. Roger Renne june 30.) Foundat'n . Sarasota Film Society Prof. Ronald Riddle Student Loan Marketing Siam Orchid Alfred L. Scheinberg '66 Ass c. Skate Port Prof.l Martin Shortar Addison Wesley Sun Microsystems Longman Foundation American Express Gifts were made in Gifts were made in Foundation Other contributors, memory of: honor of: Andersen Foundation including local Joseph Bellucci Jr. '73 Prof. Margaret Bates AT&T Foundation businesses Hilda Moe Bishop Adam Kernan-Schloss Bellcore Coutts & Co AG Anthony's Italian Deli Prof. Arthur Ross Prof. John Morrill DST Systems, Inc and Catering Borden Jr. Prof. Jim Roth Jock Eckerd Corp. Pamela M. Askin Pot Bryant Prof. Maria Vespari Foundation Prof. Peter Buri

Credits Cover, Top Left- Students on the Outward Bound ISP in Jan. 1997 in the Florida Everglades. Part of the funding for the project came from an NCAA Student Grant. Photo by Jono Miller. Cover, Top Right- Suzanne McDermott '85, songwriter and folksinger, was an Alumnae/i Fellow in Feb. 1997. Photo by Mary Jaworek_ Couer, Bottom Left- The Palm Court in the Pei dorms definitely appears to be the "center of the universe" in this photo for admissions' viewbook. ~ouer: Bottom Right -Sarasota artist Richard Capes graciously allowed his painting of the and histone Caples mansion to be used on the cover of the '97 Alumnae/i Directory. offering ,. Pages I 0 15 I 3, Carol Ann Wilkinson vigilance New College Alumnae/i Association Annual Report is printed and distributed and institutional by New College Alumnae/i Association at a cost of $1 _09 per copy. memory.

Co(ntact NCAA by mail (5_700 N. Tamiami Trail, Sarasota, FL 34243-2197), phone/ fax 941-359-4324) or e-mail ([email protected]) . 15 )Vew eo/lege ;1/uHtltae/i AssociatioJt

Board of Directors 1997-1998 Summary of Income &Expenditures President: July I, 1996 - June 30, 1997 Alexis A. Simendinger '75-81 ; Alexandria, Va ., White House Correspondent, National Journal, Beginning Balance 7I I /96 Washington, D.C. $27, 820.95 Unrestricted Secretary: 8548.96 Restricted Michael H. Campbell '87-91 ; Tampa, Fla ., 213,5 14.94 Endowments * visiting faculty , University of Tampa $ 249,884.85 Treasurer: Kenneth R. Misemer '64-68; New Port Richey, 1996-97 Income Fla., Attorney, Allgood & Misemer 68 ,562 .67 Unrestricted Contributions Caroline A. Chambliss '79-82 ; Nokomis , Fla ., 3, 8 34.50 Restricted Contributions (temporary) Program Director, Girls Inc. , Sarasota, Fla. 62 ,OS 5.23 Restricted Contributions (permanent) Margee Ensign '73 -77 ; Bethesda, Md ., Director, 2,905.00 Reunion Income Development Studies, Tulane University, 556.96 Reali zed Gain Washington, D.C. 4584.72 Unrestricted Investment Income Maria D. Fernandez '90-94; Cicero, Ill ., Development Assistant, Meadville-lombard _.:...:12~·.!!:.2~68!::.:·~6 .=...5 _Restricted Investment Income Theological School, Chicago, Ill. $ 154,797.93 Susan Sapoznikoff Foltz '83-8 7; Tallahassee, 25 ,082 .69 Unrealized Gain Fla ., Attorney, Granger, Santry, Mitchell & Heath 1996-97 Expenditures James E. Foster '73-77 ; Nashville , Tenn., Professor of Economics, Vanderbilt University 3, 755 .21 Direct Support for New College Don Goldberg '68-72 ; los Angeles , Calif., I 0,497.00 Student Grants Associate Dean of the faculty and Associate 6,000.00 Faculty Development Professor of Mathematics , Occidental College 6,824.87 Alumnae/i Fellows Dale Hickam '65-68 ; Tallahassee, Fla., Deputy 19,563.66 Gateway Scholars (submitted for match) Staff Director, Ways and Means Committee of Florida Senate 3, 57 4.00 Chapters/Reunion Robert K. lincoln '77-83 ; Sarasota, Fla., Product 15 ,205.97 Publications Manager, lnfresco 824.95 Campus Network Dan Ryan '77-83 ; New Haven , Conn., 3 7, 720.39 Personnel Coordinator, New Haven City Room , Institution I I , 8 55 .72 Office Expense for Social & Policy Studies, Yale University 5, 783 .63 Fund Raising Costs David Smolker '72-77 ; Land O'lakes, Fla ., Attorney, Bricklemyer Smolker & Bolves, Tampa, 121 ,605.40 Fla. 9, I 6 I .96 Transfer to Endowments $130,767 .36 Ex-Officio Members Martha Alter and Matthew Grieco, Ending Balance 6/ 30/97 NCSA Co-Presidents 22 ,4 8 7.09 Unrestricted Douglas langston, Interim Dean 3, 74 2. I 2 Restricted for programs and Warden , New College 36,721.07 Chae Chair & Gateway Scholars ~' Rolland V. Heiser, President, New College Foundation 245 ,209.59 NCAA Endowments * $ 308,159.87 -~ Alumnae/i Director * Market Value Carol Ann Wilkinson '64-67 , Contact the alumnae/i officel for a more detailed Bradenton, Fla. statement of income and disbursements. 16 CLASS Notes LISTED ALPHABETICALLY WITHIN ENTERING YEAR (CONTINUED)

Jo-Do (short stick). He is also a black­ business operations classroom to its jack card counting veteran and casino and tries not to take training, "comp wizard." it personally. In documentation and Karen Lundmark Killebrew (Oak­ recognition of their support service hard work, Mark and land, Ca.)continues to pursue her in­ offerings. Kris have been paid terest in environmental and cultural to continue working tourism. She was appointed to the 74 One of Michael at Digital. Armstrong's short Advisory Committee of the Ecotour­ Stephen Ludwig is stories, "Remains," ism Society and is the founding mem­ a senior software en­ was featured in the ber of Partners in Responsible Tour­ gineer at Soquel in June 29 Baylife ism in San Francisco. Santa Cruz, Ca. section of the Tampa Thorn Miranda and his wife, Rob­ Scott Sachnoff is Tribune. That's a long erta Meyers, (Minneapolis, Minn.) an­ happily married to way from his home in nounce the birth of their daughter, Theodora (Dory) Homer, Alaska. Abigail Marie Miranda, born on Feb. Alumnae/i Fellow Billy Rand. They have two 9, 1997. Thorn is an entrepreneur and Patton '81, Boulder, Dory Cartlidge adopted kids, Joel 75 attorney, Roberta is a geriatrician. Colo., presented a classi­ Lock (Sarasota) is the (4 Y2} and Monica Candice Reffe (Northampton, cal piano concert on communications (3 Y2}.Scott is a campus on April 5. Mass.) remarks on how strange it specialist for Ringling 17-year-vetjlifer at Ahimsa Gilbert, cello, seems to be part of making a new School of Art and the City of Chicago's and Paul Wolfe, violin, generation. Her son Ezekiel was born Design. She works Law Department, joined him for o Brahms with the media, in April1995. She is still sleep de­ trio. In addition, Patton writes stuff, promotes prived ... prosecuting slumlords. He met with students to dis­ the school, etc., and Jim Sick is teaching English as a cuss challenges and recently tossed his loves it. "To me, foreign language at Chuo University issues facing the educating the world's name in with 350 in Tokyo and, on rare occasions, per­ professional musician artists and designers others for 18 slots forms original jazz-fusion composi­ and presented a recital is as vital as tions with the 28th or so version of that are open for lecture. educating its MOBIUS. He and his wife, Ikumi, have Cook County Circuit scientists and a one-and-a-half-year-old son named Court judge. He says scholars." Dory adds Maiki. They are trying hard to bring he's not holding his breath. He often that Ringling School has been him up as a bilingual. sees charter class graduate, Fay working with recent NC grad, Anne Lisa McGaughey Tuttle is an inde­ dayton-his father's wife, and Tazewell (USF/NC's resource pendent curator affiliated with the occasionally sees her son, Scott Giese conservationist), on environmental Arts Festival of Atlanta. She had a '88. initiatives. Dory has two children, solo exhibition of her work in Decem­ Nancy Snyder is in her third ca­ Chelsea (9} and Wesley (5} . ber and January at the Sandler Hud­ reer. She's site coordinator for the jackie Pauls was married-for the son Gallery in Atlanta. The show was "Children & Parents 1st" program in first time-in July 1996. She joins her entitled "Her Place: the order of Olympia, Wash. She wonders what husband, Kent Gooch, in the family things." Her work has been included the next one will be. Nancy and her citrus business in Plant City, Fla. Af­ in several group exhibits in Charlotte, husband, Gary, have been married al­ ter a career in the Florida Legislative Greenville, S.C., and Atlanta. In her most 17 years and have a daughter, arena, Jackie now likes to refer to herself as a "gentlewoman farmer." current position she plans to travel to Hannah (15}. Elaine Goldenberg Katz and her the Venice Biennale and Documenta husband, Richard Katz, (Santa Mon­ in Kassel. Cathy Wallach has moved her 73 ica, Ca.) have adopted a son, Neal (2} . company, Perfect Access Software He came to them from Ekatrinburg, 72 Mark and Kris Taylor Amber Training, to beautiful new offices on celebrated daughter Jennifer's third Madison Ave. in New York City. Russia. Robert Mack writes from Costa birthday on May 7th. Kristin is in her Perfect Access has taken 4,000 square 21st year at Digital Equipment feet to add macro/template Rica that he is desperate to find and Corporation where she manages development and an off-site CLASS Notes liSTED ALPHABETICALLY WITHIN ENTERING YEAR (CONTINUED) eat Newman's Own Organic Choco­ search site at the Florida Aquarium in late Bars. Tampa. Come see! 77 She is bookbinding by day, joy Ellen Peace (Miami, Fla.) is a Jaye Tullai has sold her yacht bro­ Latin dancing by night. Erin Loftus park ranger at Oleta River State Rec­ kerage company and is relocating to has no husband, kids or job reation Area. She is in the process of Houston, Tex., after 12 years in the promotions to report, just a mad changing her name back to Elena Caribbean. affair with Afro-Cuban rhythms. Erin Maria Fredericka Muratori. lives to dance in Washington D.C. Chris Rovero (Alexandria, Va.) has 76 Laurie Oils (Vancouver) was Scott Thompson {Harrisburg, Pa.) moved from the international con­ married in 1995. She works for spent the month of June working in sulting business to an international Planned Parenthood and as a Alaska. His original research project, development nonprofit organization, consultant for an abortion clinic. She "Treatments and Outcomes of Nurs­ the Winrock International Institute plans to move back to Washington ing Home Acquired Pneumonia" ap­ for Agricultural Development, where state this year. peared as the lead article in the he is a program officer in the renew­ Congratulations to Larry Lewack March-April 1997 issue of The journal able energy division, working primar­ and Peggy MacDonald on the safe ar­ of the American Board of Family Prac­ ily on activities in the Philippines and rival of their daughter, Ruby Laurel tice. Mexico. Lewack-MacDonald, on April10. Ruby Betty Rushton is in the process of was born at their home in Burling­ 78 Having interviewed for instrumenting the stormwater re- ton, Vt., with the assistance of two positions in the southern nurse-midwives. hemisphere, near the equator, and above the Arctic Circle, joLynn Carroll and family have relocated to Tromso, Norway. JoLynn and her Check out the NCAA Web Site husband, Michael, have permanent positions in an international Set your browser to environmental research and consultancy firm that specializes in Recent additions include a review comments by Professor Roger Renne Arctic biology. "We are happy by David Schwartz '65 of New Col­ from 1987. Renne's comments begin (relieved) to have finally landed lege: The First Thirty Years by Furman New College was founded- nearly 25 permanent positions, especially in Arthur. Here's an excerpt: years ago-on the expressed belief that such an extreme place as this. {Arthur tells] the story not merely of the concept "the pursuit of ideas is its Tromso, at 70° N, is only 1,400 frigid New College but the story of an artistic own reward" is axiomatic. But the miles from the North Pole. Each year creation of a unique and visionary founders and founding faculty were the sun falls below the horizon on sort. It is a story of the artists and the also steeped in a belief in the virtues oj Nov. 21 and doesn't appear again visions that would not let them alone, a "classical liberal arts education." until jan. 25. Any Novo Collegians oftheir too-human frailties, both indi­ That is, an undergraduate education who like long nights and cold vidual and collectively, and how the following a curriculum designed to temperatures are welcome to visit." thirty years' labor turned out. For me cover the range of"basic knowledge dancy Cavnar graduated from the and I suspect many who were in the which every educated person should master's in counseling program at Palm Court with me in those early possess," as they would say. San Francisco State University in years, it is a sort of"story outside a As part of the planning for an ori­ August. Before beginning a job story." As tumultuous as events within entation forum on Radical Educa­ search, she will travel for four our bubble were, they cannot be really tion, current students are months, visiting Mary Cox Makkas understood without reference to the soliciting alumnae/i comments. '76 in Greece, then on to Egypt, India events that were taking place, without See further text from the Renne talk, and Thailand. our notice, outside of it. the students' questions and a Even the weather cooperated! And, what novocollegian doesn't reply-to address on the web page. 79 During the perfect window of have an opinion on the topic Radi­ If you don't have access to the cal Education? sunshine on an otherwise stormy Internet, request a hard copy from day, Caroline Chambliss and Viqueira suggested we publish VJ the Alumnaeji Office. Christopher Bunn (Nokomis, Fla.) CLASSNotes liSTED ALPHABETICALLY WITHIN ENTERING YEAR (CONTINUED) were married on April 26 in a garden Pacific for United Nations High wooded hillside just minutes from wedding at her aunt's Whitfield (commissioner for Refugees. Gregory the Chesapeake. She writes to John, home on Sarasota Bay. Virginia is based in Canberra and says that Jan, Courtney, Tina and Mel, "I miss Phillips Ganley came from Aptos, after the gunfire of the Tajikistan you." calif., with her husband and civil war, the green quiet of Canberra Cally Waite (New York City) com­ daughter for the festivities. Caroline is a welcome hiatus, mentally and pleted her Ph.D. at Harvard and, on is now program director for Girls Inc. physically. the same day she handed in the final Eric Walzer is the Latin America Congratulations to Laurie Noller! copies of her dissertation, she was of­ finance and operations manager at Her first film, Hub Cap World, won 20 fered a job. A very good day! She's Sony Recording Media in Miami. international awards. A feature ver­ now an assistant professor of history sion is forthcoming. Laurie lives in and education at Columbia University 80 Susan Mayfield Tedesco and Stone Ridge, N.Y. Teachers College. husband Roy '78 have two children. Now working as a first v.p. for Trever is three and Amelia was born 82 Mark Gottlieb and Julie Viens Great Western Financial, Willy Wolfe in Oct. 1996. Everyone is healthy and (Cambridge, Mass.) have spawned! heads the asset management liability happy. Sophia Quinn Gottlieb's website is department. He lives in Bell Canyon, Lewis Taub has recently been ap­ http:/1129.10.103.127/sqg. on the west side of the San Fernando pointed medical director of respira­ Thomas William Ronca (Burbank, Valley. He would love to hear from tory therapy and pulmonary rehab at Calif.) is a logger and assistant editor other alums. Hilton Head (S.c.) Hospital. at Bunim/Murray Productions. He is C. Donald Woodard has changed cutting promos for MTV's ROAD his name to Chase Brady. Chase lives Gregory Balke moved in Nov. 81 RULES, some of which should appear in Oxford, Ohio, were he is working 1997 from Tajikistan to Australia on cable this August. on his second master's degree, in where he is the legal/liaison officer Susan Traynham lives in Callao, for Papua, New Guinea and the South physics, at Miami University. Va., and is paying for a point of

NCAA Accepting Boat Donations By Spozy Foltz '83, Chair, NCAA Special Projects Committee

Do you remember cruising around Sarasota Bay the Sail/Trail Club, Marine Biology program and Environ- and the Gulf of Mexico in a ski boat as a New College ...... mental Studies Program. Any school group that needs a student? As an environmental studies or marine boat can get one. Boats that are not needed will be auc­ biology student did you enjoy gathering research \\ tioned, with the proceeds used to fund NCAA programs data from the school's dive ships? YOU DON'T???? such as Student Grants, Alumnae/i Fellows and Faculty Well, it's probably because the school did not Development Grants. The boat donors enjoy the tax have those types of resources to offer students. And benefits of giving to a non-profit organization, not that is really a shame given New College's bay side having to fuss with the sale of the boat or paying setting. Well, that is all about to change- we hope! to maintain a boat that cannot be sold as After years of investigation, the New College Alum­ as hoped. Please check with your naefi Association is poised to launch its Boat Donation tax adviser regarding the value assigned Program this year. In addition to the ideal waterfront to the donated boat for any subsequent setting, New College also is fortunate to be located in an tax treatment. affiuent area where residents are able to replace and If you own a boat that you have outgrown, or grown upgrade the tools of their hobbies. We have notified tired of, please consider donating it to the NCAA. If local marinas, yacht clubs and boat dealers of the avail­ you know someone with such a boat, please tell them ability of the NCAA to accept boat donations. of the many wonderful programs and students at New The great thing about this plan is that EVERYONE is a College that could benefit from the donation of their winner! I The school benefits from the use of boats for boat. CLASSNotes LISTED AlPHABETICAllY WITHIN ENTERING YEAR (CONTINUED)

November 1996 wedding to Charles provided support for Bethanne 84 Jannice Ashley IChapel Hill, johnston. Plumley '86 during the home birth of N.c.) is a master's student in city and Keith Mills is enjoying his first Taran Fiona Plumley on july 31 , 1996. regional planning at Chapel Hill and year as a teacher at TASIS in England. In August 1996 the same group were would love to talk to any alums He writes that he is teaching western witnesses to the commitment interested in the field. She writes that civilization, economics and govern­ ceremony of Allen Hopper and Nicky Mary Tippens '79 is also a student. ment. He lives in the dorms and Wardlaw. Jannice attended the wedding of sponsors both the student council Laura Branstetter has left her po­ Carlye Hendershot Conley '84 and and the astronomy club. sition as curator of collections and Michael Conley in August 1996. An alert reader sent us a copy of exhibits at the South Florida Mu­ Alums Dave Sackin '83 and Lib an entertaining article in the Sarasota seum, Bradenton, and moved home Aubuchon '85 were there. paper. Ben Prescott discussed a com­ to Jacksonville. She now works for As a partner with Peters, Roberts, mon experience -- hearing your par­ the Hughes Bowman Design Group. Borsuk and Taylor in Tucker, Ga., Ab­ ent speak and discovering it was She is a contract museum curator, re­ bie Taylor looks at the positive. She really you. searcher, and exhibit designer. can vacation when she wants. She Eric Siegel (Orlando) will many Jennifer Cooper graduated in May writes that her three-legged dog P.D. Usa Ashburn on November 22, 1997. from UCSF as a psychiatric clinical (Public Defender) bought a house and Lisa is a technical writer with Ciber nurse specialist, a pediatric nurse lets her stay there. Abbie visited in Orlando. practitioner and a school nurse prac­ Sherry Conger Robinson '84 in Mass. titioner. She is still undecided on a last fall to see the colors. 86 Athena Baldwin is doing career. However, she will stay in San research on osteoporosis and Francisco. 85 Lisa McGregor johnston secondary hyperparathyroidism at OOPS! We goofed. Allen Hender­ Qamaica), is happy that she is in Roche Bioscience in San Francisco son and Stephanie Digeon DID NOT touch with alum friends, in spite of while she decides what she wants to get married, as previously reported. distance. In May, joan Hourican '85 do when she grows up. Athena, along Our apologies, Allen and Stephanie. visited for four days of hiking and with alums Robin Ward '85, Peter Congratulations to Alan and Diana snorkeling. Lisa has been in touch Weiss '88, David Wilkens '82, Lauren Hulsey Hagan who were married on with Robin Schofield '85, and julie Dockett '86, Allen Hopper '83, Brian May 4. They make their home in Osterling '85 was a bridesmaid at her Lincoln '87, and Chris Blomquist '89 Gainesville, Fla.

Alena Scandura, New College's coor­ 87 Matt Baker (Washington, D.c.) dinator of student activities, and Matt has completed medical school and Posner '87, now teaching English at grad school with an M.D. and a Ph.D. in microbiology and immunology at International Fine Arts College in Miami, the University of Miami. He's a New have made their marks in academe by general surgery resident at College placing letters in the Chronicle of Higher Georgetown University Hospital. Education. Justin Bloom moved from the Flor­ \ Chronicled! Scandura's letter Quly 18, 1997) ida Keys to Bradenton to practice law denounced two june 6 articles for hetero­ with an uncle and live among lots of sexism; the articles under scrutiny "kin folk" in town. He's itchin' to decried the increasingly female majority practice some public interest environ­ enrolled in American liberal arts colleges. Scandura was displeased, among mental law in the area as well as do other things, by the articles' antiquated notions of student social life, their some other fine lawyerin'. sexist portrayals of female students, and their failure to acknowledge the Glenn Douglas is a third-year stu­ large homosexual presence on college campuses today. dent at the Quillen College of Medi­ Posner's letter Qune 20, 1997), also responding to a Chronicle article, cine at East Tennessee State Univer­ was about socializing between writing professors and their students. Pos­ sity in Johnson City, Tenn. ner said the faculty-student relationships were frequently soured by shal­ Todd Hoppock completed his B.A. lowness and sycophancy, potentially injuring all parties involved. in English at USF in Aug. 1996 and CLASSNotes LISTED ALPHABETICALLY WITHIN ENTERING YEAR (CONTINUED)

moved to Ashville, N.C. He's a land Elaine Day (Austin, Tex.) is con­ surveyor's assistant which keeps him cerned about Keith Coker '89. She outside, sometimes scurrying up and last saw him at Mardi Gras but re­ down 35° slopes. He has also been lates that he simply couldn't keep up doing some acting and stage manag­ and disappeared. She hopes all of his ing with a local community Shake­ organs are intact. spearean theater troupe, the Mont­ ford Park Players. 89 In May, Shannon Baer joined Karen Volkman (New York) has the Orlando law office of Adams, Hill, had her poem, "The Case," antholo­ Reis, Adams, Hall & Shieffelin as an gized in The Best American Poetry associate. Shannon received her juris 1996, edited by Adrienne Rich. "Infer­ Doctor from Florida State University nal" will appear in The Best American in 1996. Poetry 1997, edited by james Tate. The Congratulations to jennifer Owen Best American Poetry is a yearly an­ Conflict is one of the paintings and jason Smith '91 who were mar­ thology published by Scribner, with a displayed in Joanne Dramko's on­ ried on April 11th in Tucson, Ariz., in different leading American poet serv­ line gallery. You can see her a private ceremony held on Inspira­ ing as editor each year. Karen is also works, in color, at: http://mem­ tion Rock, an overlook at 8,000 feet proud to report that she just recently on a local mountain. From here on in, found out that her poem "The Preg­ they will be jason and jennifer nant Lady Playing Tennis" will be in­ in a joint curriculum program that Owen-Smith. cluded in A Whole Other Ball Game, an includes work in the schools oflaw, Juliana Pare-Blagoeb (Quincy, anthology of poetry and fiction by business and fisheries. Mass.) is a research assistant at the women writing about sports! Steve also sent news from other Education Development Center in Eric Schickler is changing coasts - Seattle alumni. Shannon Payne '88 Newton, Mass. In the fall, she'll begin moving from Yale to the University of and Roddy Grant '90 are doing well. a master's program at Tufts in child California-Berkeley. He has a position Shannon is a graduate student at UW development. as an assistant professor of political in the genetics department. Roddy is Mary Tyll {Morro Bay, Calif.) science and is making the move with in the graphic arts program. Steve started her pre-doctoral internship at his significant other, Terri Bimes. fondly relates the story of a small Thanksgiving party with Shannon 88 Steve Barbeaux returned from and Roddy, Mike Campbell'87, and Radio New College the Peace Corps in Cameroon last jeffLagozzino '87. A good time was Back on the Air year and found himself bobbing had by all. Shannon and Roddy Silence was around in the Gulf of Alaska and the cooked, the rest of the group sup­ Bering Sea working as a fisheries plied the booze and atmosphere. averted during biologist subcontracted out to the Sherri Lea dements Bunch (Rich­ maugura! roadcast of the National Marine Fisheries Service mond, Va.) completed her M.A. in long-awaited New College radio (NMFS}. He now works directly for history in 1993 and is working as a station. The alumnaefi associa­ NMFS as a staff biologist in Seattle. tour guide (now called historic inter­ tion provided the long line and He was also involved in a project to preter) at Maymont Mansion. telephone jack needed to replace develop a software program which After a year long internship in a missing transmitter, allowing computerizes the transmission of the first broadcast over New Col­ fishery related data while at sea via Connecticut, Sarah Silver will be off lege's low frequency radio sta­ digital satellite communications. to Cook County Hospital in Chicago tion. A coffeehouse held on April ~gain this involved bobbing around to learn the art of emergency medi­ 25 was broadcast live from Col­ ~n the Bering Sea in January. Now he cine. When she saw Ned dark '89 in 1s writing the user's manual for this May 1996, he was waiting for an ap­ lege Hall. The broadcast area program. Next year, Steve will begin pointment in the Peace Corps after covers about a mile around the the marine affairs program at the completing his master's in endocri­ campus. Students provide the Univ~r.sity of Washington, studying nology at the University of Colorado. varied daily programming. abongmal rights to marine resources CLASS Notes LISTED ALPHABETICALLY WITHIN ENTERING YEAR (CONTINUED)

Cenral Coast Neurobehavior Center manager at the Monterey Institute of political science from Indiana Univer­ this summer. She works with devel­ International Affairs. sity and will be continuing his opmentally delayed, brain injured Aubrey Fox is a student in UC, graduate work in political theory at patients and their families and is Berkeley's School of Public Policy. johns Hopkins University in the fall. developing an anger management Rachel Poynter is working with Patrick Denny '91 died on july 10. course. Migrant Farmworker Health Services. Katherine Snider will marry Mi­ She moves with the migrant stream He was 24. His family can be con­ chael Luce of St. Augustine, Fla., in every six months. This summer she's tacted cfo Terry Denny, 5979 Born July 1998. Katherine is working as a working on farms all over Massachu­ Dr., Pensacola, FL 32504. technical writer for a Chicago-based setts before heading to the "home­ consulting firm and says hello to Mi­ land" of Florida for the next six chelle and Adi. months. 92 Tracy Barlow is working at Steve Witt and Lori Harger '90 Michael Rothbaum is working for the Chicago Botanical Gardens. (Cour d'Lelane, Idaho) are getting the Reform Temple of Suffern in New Marc Aidan Byrne is attending the hitched on August 16. Steve is an ESL York and the Temple Ner Tamid in University of California at Santa Bar­ instructor at the University of Mon­ . bara's geology doctorate program. tana. james Whetzel had an incredible Dawn Chaney and Kevin Nessie time studying Arabic and ethnomusi­ '90 (Chicago) visited Deborah Good­ 90 Karin Breuer (Carrboro, N.c.) cology in Texas, Washington and win while in London. Deborah is fin· finished her M.A. in history at Paris. But he discovered he likes play­ ishing up at the University ofLondon UNC-Chapel Hill and will start the ing music even more. Now he lives in and is considering Ph.D. programs. Ph.D. program in the fall. She has a Seattle, where he plays and sings in Kayla Meltzer Drogosz, recently scholarship this summer to study the two musical groups, Giant Peach and returned from the Republic of China, old German script with the Moravian Life of Surprises. Part of his job at the is in Israel working for a Jewish low Brethren in Pennsylvania. Seattle Center (home of the Space income housing project. Next, she Richard Butgereit has left behind Needle) is program- will begin graduate studies at the He- the beaches and bars of Panama City ming the music Beach. The sea turtles must take care played in public of themselves, the woods figure out spaces. If you visit NIMBUS on their own how to bum, and the Seattle and hear native plants fend for themselves Zimbabwean mbira against the exotics. In Tallahassee music or Turkish NIMBUS Richard is creating and managing a tunes, you'll know Published by New College Alumnae/i Association GIS database for the Florida Depart­ the source. Contact 5700 N. Tamiami Trail, Sarasota, FL 34243-2197 ment of Environmental Protection of james at Minimum 941-359-4324 (voice/fax); [email protected]; -ncalum2/i ndex.html sites on state lands requiring restora­ Wage Records to tion. He shares a house with Talla­ fmd out about Giant Production/distribution cost is $1.65/copy. hassee's resident Toast Artist and Peach's CD, Delicious. new home owner Dennis Gephardt. Editorial/Production Committee: Alexis Simendinger '75, Chair; Susan Burns '76; Mike Campbell '87; Caroline They spend too much time renovat­ 91 Karen Ahrens Chambliss '79; Susan Foltz '83; Jim Feeney; Matt Posner ing the funky old house in the swank has moved to Los '87; Carol Ann Wilkinson '64, editor. neighborhood of Old Town and not Angeles where she is enough time on bacheloresque pur­ Unless otherwise noted, opinions expressed are those of the operations authors and do not represent official policy of the Alumnaefi suits. supervisor for an Association or the opinions of the editors. In fact, the Christopher Oiatt (Atlanta) is international editors rarely even agree with each other chief engineer at Integrated Environ­ manufacturer of Photo and graphic credits: Nimbus logo and design - mental Services. He is still riding the construction Elaine Simmons; p. 1- from Kaia Tickell; p. 3, 8 & 9 - Re­ Mystery Train. equipment and becca Baxter; p. 5 - Hillborough County Attorney's office; . Martin Daughtry (Monterey, Calif.) tractors. p. 10 - Jim Harman; p. 11 from Billy Patton; p. 18 - David IS an N.I.S. Nonproliferation Project Nick Tampio re­ Glaser; p. 19 Mike Campbell ceived a master's in Printed on recycled paper CLASSNotes LISTED ALPHABETICALLY WITHIN ENTERING YEAR (CONTINUED) brew University in Jerusalem. Kayla is Wendy Coulter is riding West to Berry '94 and Sophie De Beukelaer putting together an album which begin work on a MFA in poetry at the '94. Denver begins graduate work in pays tribute the Partisan movement University of Arizona. classics at the University of Colorado, in Europe during WWII. Contact her Carrie DeLong is enjoying the Boulder. if you are interested in contributing. weather while beginning a masters jesse Greist can be found in Phoe­ Amanda Holmes is traveling about in psychology at the University of Ha­ nix Ariz., teaching elementary school France and Europe. waii. children through the Teach For Amer­ Amy Laitinen is working in New Lisa Ann Downey worked with ica program. York City with the Teach for America children at a camp this summer. Lisa Jason Hackney is doing laboratory program. is also a semi-finalist for the Rotary work at the Moffit Cancer Center in Ellen Christina Lee is performing International Scholarship award. Tampa, Fla .. archaeological field work in Mexico Lars Fetzek sings and plays per­ josh Heling is the director of Se­ with the University of Kentucky's an­ cussion in a Sarasota-area choir and curePipe Communications, a network thropology department. concert band. securing company. Gaia Paltrinieri Goldman jessa Fisher joined other New Col­ jason jacobs clinched a fellowship (Nokomis, Fla.) married Damon Gold­ lege alums and moved to San Fran­ from the University of California at man on June 1, 1996, and passed the cisco. Santa Cruz where he will pursue his real estate salesperson's state exams Denver Graninger is glad to be in love of literature. and joined ERA Mount Vernon Realty the mountains with friends Brian Jim Kilbourne has been placed as an agent. on the "Incomplete List of Faculty Gabriel Park was awarded a Interested in a That Have Been Rated as Excellent scholarship to Washington Univer­ "some-expenses-paid by Their Students" at the sity's school oflaw. vacation" to the Center University of Illinois for this past Romy Reading (Brooklyn) is at­ of the. Universe? ~q~~~ year. tending Tisch School of the Arts in Stacey Lucas, along with cats New York City for an MFA in dance Consrder ~'f\ /~J Jedi and EG, relocated to New Or­ and teaches at a Montessori school ESP Seminars ~~ leans, La., where she is enrolled in in Manhattan. So far, Romy has Tulane University's school of archi­ The New College Environmental sighted New College alums Mike tecture. Studies Steering Committee is inter­ Guiner, Chad Goldberg, Mark Chrissy Manning was awarded ested in having you share your experi­ Rothbaum, and Natalie Wedeking. a fellowship in music theory from It's a small world even in the big ence with students. We are in the the University of Pennsylvania. city. planning stages of a pilot program Anne Marie Mcintosh is enter­ Lisa Yamaoka is in Korea on a which will use alums as instructors for ing Florida International Universi­ Fulbright teaching fellowship. weekend-long seminars. If you are ty's M.A. program in international interested in a "some-expenses paid developmental education. 93 Brian Beaumont Avants is vacation" to the Center of the Uni­ Amy Mormino received a full moving to New York City this fall verse, consider teaching current envi­ tuition scholarship from Prince­ to study medical physics at ronmental studies students about your ton's theological seminary. Columbia University. environmentally-related field of exper­ Patricia O'Brian is beginning a Eric Beverley is at the Univer­ tise. We are looking for writers, plan­ medical school fellowship at the sity of Texas in Austin with a fel­ ners, biologists, park rangers, University of Florida. lowship in South Asian studies. professors, or anyone whose post-NC Melissa Parsons is teaching Dana Lynn Byrd is at the Uni­ path has involved the field of environ­ Spanish through the Mississippi versity of Florida working on a re­ mental studies or environmental sci­ Teacher Corps. search grant in developmental ence. Contact Kelly Samek, the Keyoor Patel is employed as an psychology. Environmental Studies Steering Com­ emergency medical tech at a wil­ Emily Clough begins the politi­ mittee student rep, at campus box 626 derness camp in New York. cal science Ph.D. program at the (5700 N. Tamiami Trail, Sarasota 34243) Liz Patterson enters the Univer­ University of Minnesota-Twin Cit­ or [email protected]. sity of Chicago this fall on a hu­ ies. manities grant. CLASS Notes LISTED AlPHABETICALLY WITHIN ENTERING YEAR (CONTINUED)

Eric Piotrowski will be releasing a new Sound Familiar? electronic music album this fall. Thomas Sims is in his second year oflaw from Toast to '97 Graduates school at the University ofTexas in Austin. This summer he was a Cain Fellow with the by Sonia Wu '81 Texas Rural Legal Aid. jenny Smith is at the University of Frank­ I tried to imagine what New College graduation would be like if it fort, Germany, as a Fulbright fellow. more closely reflected the actual experience of being a student. Sara Steetle is entering law school at It would start about 20 minutes late, with a few people racing to get Georgetown University. into place once it's begun. You'd find yourself seated between the per­ Brian Sutliff is beginning work for his son who broke up with you last month and the roommate who has Ph.D. in political science at the University of already moved out, still owes you $50 from the last month's long dis­ California, Berkeley. tance bill, yet is laying claim to the deposit for having arranged the Lacey Torge is entering the New York original hookup. You'd also be sitting near at least one person who University's Tisch performance studies M.A. knows you better than anyone else in the world and who will keep in program. touch with you for the rest of your life. Stephanie Weiss attends the University Then you'd walk up to the dais and realize you forgot you were sup­ of Alabama at Birmingham pharmaceutical posed to meet with your advisor last week to discuss a letter of recom­ design Ph.D. program. mendation that needs to be postmarked tomorrow. And you'd wonder Brian Westerbeke cut his hair and works if a professor who is leaving town on an 8 a.m. flight might be willing as a fmancial consultant in West Palm to dash something off. You'd get a diploma that takes at least a year of Beach, Fla .. studying an obscure language to read. Actually graduation is almost exactly like that, because it's really Darilyn Anne Avery traveled 94 about the people. In many ways the ceremony itself isn't really for you cross-country this summer. She has now returned to New College in order to so much as for the faculty; your family, the alumnaefi and your friends. organize the grand opening of our new It's the only way we have of getting you all together at once to show campus coffee house, the Four Winds Cafe. our affection for you, and our appreciation of the hard work and pas­ The cafe will occupy the remodeled first sion you dedicated to your New College experience. floor of the Bam. Tiffany Dunn is off to New York to begin an exciting career in theatre and temping. Kristen Hagenbuckle is working with the University of Arizona's anthropology de­ partment this summer. Francesca Hughes received a grant and work study from the Pacific School of Relig­ ion in Berkeley, Calif. Gera Peoples begins in the University of Pennsylvania's law school program this fall. 95 jim Custis is in this year's entering class at the University of South Florida's College of Medicine. Chris Frost is working with the Chil­ dren's Environmental Trust (CET) in Peru as an instructor of rainforest ecology. Bill Eidtson '92, Tiffany Dunn '94, Kayla Drogosz '92, lisa Thanks to Caroline Chambliss and Tiffany Downey '93, Jill Doran '93, Liz Dobbins '93 and Shelly Denkin­ Dunn for compiling these notes. ger '93, shown minutes away from receiving their diplomas at the 1997 commencement ceremony. Catching Up Conversation, introductions, remembrances mark the '97 Reunion

By Kathleen Plunkett '89, Reunion Coordinator

The '97 New College Alumnae/i class of New Col­ Reunion proved to be a big success. lege, Henry Tho­ The weekend activities opened with a mas. After dinner, coffee-house at College Hall, where some of the group the New College Slavic Vocal Ensem­ trekked over to ble performed exquisitely for approxi­ Palm Court for a mately 80 guests. Afterwards, PCP (Palm Court several attendees, led by Matt Posner Party). which this '87 and Lois Kent '88, formed an year was com­ impromptu drumming circle - remi­ bined with the niscent of the coffee-houses held in New College the late 80's. student-sponsored Lois Kent '88, Kathleen Plunkett '89 and Jim Wat­ Saturday morning, the group gath­ Second Annual kins '88 were part of the Iorge group of mostly ered at the bay for an informal bagel Queer Ball. 80's alums who attended the 1 997 reunion. breakfast and to make plans for the Sunday morning afternoon. Many of the alums found approxi- explored the newly-designed Caples mately 40 reunioners poolside for a College was, and, finally, realizing the campus, while others ventured out spectacular mid-morning buffet wondrous place it still is. into downtown Sarasota and onto brunch and very relaxed farewells. Lido Beach to rediscover those areas, The highlights of the Reunion, of Special thanks go to Kathleen Plunkett, and still others simply lounged by the course, were the conversation and an attorney in Boca Raton, Fla., and bay and played hackey-sack through­ catching up among friends and col­ Shawn Richardson Olsen, a graduate out the afternoon. leagues, introductions to families, student at USF, for planning and organ­ Saturday night, everybody returned remembering how wonderful New izing this reunion. to College Hall for a faculty/alum buf­ fet dinner on the bay, which was attended by approximately 100 fac­ ulty and alums, including Prof. Peggy Bates and a member of the charter WE'D liKE TO HEAR FROM YOU

Send your latest news or address changes to New College Alumnoe/i Association, 5700 N. Tamiami Trail, Sarasota FL 34243; 941 -359-4324; [email protected].

Coming back is fun. Paddy Quinn '91 (c), Steve Barbeaux '88 (r), and on unidentified stu­ dent dancing at the PCP during the '97 Reunion. Chapter Updates

Maria Fernandez '90 has been ap­ voyage to Steve Waldman '88. In at­ pointed chapter coordinator for the tendance were: Kirsten Cooke '88; alumnae/i association. She is gather­ Juliana Pare-Blagoeb '89, Krastan Bla­ ing contact names for the various goeb,Juliana's cousin, Jamie jones chapter groups, updating Ginger Ly­ '87. Enrique McDonald '83, LaiTy on's pamphlet on Chapter Coordina­ Vemaglia '87, Uz Rudow vemaglia tion, and developing a newsletter for '87, and Paul Wendt '74. This was chapter contacts. only the third NE/NCAA get together Following are reports of some cur­ in so many years (that I know of) but rent chapter activities and plans: there was considerable interest and On August 1, Sarasota/Mana­ plenty of regrets sent because of the tee alumnae{i had a potluck dinner difficulty in scheduling at the end of on campus. Barbara Ceo '66 the academic year. If you live (or organized this event for those alums travel) in the area, be sure the alum­ she is an excellent hostess, has an who can't bear to be too far from nae/i association has your address so awe-inspiring home, and has a won­ their alma mater. you'll receive future invitations." This group has incorporated members of derful smorgasbord of treats for The Chicago chapter has been de­ guests. funct in recent years, but, since the the old Boston chapter and has its new chapter coordinator now lives in own webpage. The Tallahassee group continues the area, she will be working with lo­ Atlanta chapter Guru Ginger to be a strong chapter under the cal alums to have a shindig this fall. Lyon '70 hosted a "Night of Illumina­ watch of Spozy Foltz '83. Ellen Mu· Contact Maria if you'd like to help. tion" earlier this summer. Ginger re­ ratori '75 has left Tallahassee and re­ Larry Vemaglia "87, chapter head ports a good NC turnout, "three gen· located to Miami where she plans to extraordinaire, sent the following re­ erations - my gang, their kids and use her experience in Tallahassee to port from a recent chapter event, Gwen Davies and her friends." Ginger help revitalize the Miami group. "The New England chapter of the is planning yet another event for Kathy Gregor '77. hostess of last NCAA got together on May 19 at Cafe later this summer. This amazing fall's Texas Round-up, and Polly Liberty in Cambridge to bid a bon alumna was the first to put together Adema '83, one of its organizers, a pamphlet were quick to note the geographic er­ for aspiring ror is the printed version of the last chapter NEW COLLEGE Nonprofit Nimbus. The Round-up was defi­ Organization heads. Her nitely in AUSTIN, not that other city U.S. Postage parties are in Texas as reported. Kathy says an­ Paid always well­ other Texas Round-up may be in the attended as Permit #500 works for the Austin crowd. A publication of New College Alumnae/i Association ManasotaFL New College Foundation, Inc. 5700 North Tamiomi Trail Sarasota Fl34243-2197


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