Schedule of Sessions Society for Military History Annual Meeting Frederick, Maryland, 19-22 April 2007 For Questions, Contact: Program Committee Chairman, Conrad Crane at
[email protected]. Thursday, April 19, 2007 6:00 p.m. Society for Military History Council Meeting Thursday, April 19, 2007 7:00 p.m. Kick-Off Teaching Military History: Transferring the Wisdom of the Past to the Students of Event Today Chair: Spencer C. Tucker, Virginia Military Institute (retired) Lee Eysturlid, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy Malcolm Muir, Jr., Virginia Military Institute Mark Grimsley, Ohio State University James H. Willbanks, U.S. Army Command and General Staff College Comment: Audience Friday, April 20, 2007 7:30 am Journal of Military History Editorial Board Breakfast Friday, April 20, 2007 8:30 am.-10:00 a.m. A-1 Gettysburg’s Battle and Battlefield History: New Research on the Fight and Preserving its Memory Chair: Wayne E. Motts, Adams County (PA) Historical Society “’I am Still in the Land of the Living’: Letters from the Gettysburg Battlefield” Eric Campbell, Gettysburg National Military Park “The Remaking of the Gettysburg Battlefield Five Times Over!” Ben Dixon, State University of New York at Oneonta “’Far Above Our Poor Power to Add or Detract’: Administration of the Gettysburg Battlefield by the National Park Service, 1933-1938” Jennifer Murray, Auburn University Comment: Scott Hartwig, Gettysburg National Military Park A-2 Joint Operational History Chair: Graham Cosmas, Joint History Office “Planning for the U.S. Intervention in Haiti” Ronald Cole, Joint History Office 1 “A Field Historian in the SOF Olympics: Task Force K-Bar and Documenting Joint Combat Operations in Afghanistan, 2001-2002” David Crist, Joint History Office “Planning for Post-War Reconstruction of Kuwait” Wayne Dzwonchyk, Joint History Office “Historical Coverage of Joint Operations” Hans Pawlisch, Joint History Office Comment: Audience A-3 German Armies of 1813-1814 Chair: John H.