THE CIVIC PRAYER FOR JERUSALEM* I The sole daily prayer of the Synagogue, in the proper sense of the word prayer, preces, that is of a request for well-being,1 is the Tefillah, the "Intercession", also called Amidah, since it is recited standing. The prayer consists of eighteen sections, each concluded by the same formula : "Blessed be Thou, YHWH". Thence, the popular name of the prayer: Shemone Esreh, "Eighteen" (benedictions}. 2 The ancient Masters, quoted by later rabbis, taught that a certain Simeon haPakoli had "recited in order" the whole prayer "before" Rab ban Gamaliel (II), that is ca. A.D. 100. We also learn that the malediction against the sectarians (minim) was inserted into the Tefillah on the order of the same Rab ban Gamaliel. 3 Thus, the outline * Bibliography: E. Schurer, Geschichte des jiidischen Volkes 2, 1907, p. 538-544; F. C. Grant, 'Modern Study of the Jewish Liturgy', ZA W, 65, 1954, p. 59-77. Further bibliography in Hedegard (below, n. 4), p. 190-196 : S. Baron, Social and ReligiOUB History of the Jews, I, 1952, p. 379, n. 25 and II, p. 376, n. 34. Two works are essential: I. Elbogen, Der jiidische Gottesdienst, 3rd ed., 1931, p. 27-60 and p. 582-587 and L. Finkelstein, 'The Development of the Amida', JQR, NS, 16, 1925-1926, p. 1-43 and p. 127-170. A. Z. Idelson, Jewish Liturgy, 1932, p. 92-110 is based on Elbogen. See also I. Abraham's Commentary in S. Singer, The Authorized Daily Prayer Book (9th ed., 1912), p.
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