The Ground Floor of Judaism: Scepticism and Certainty in Moses
Ze’ev Strauss The Ground Floor of Judaism: Scepticismand Certainty in Moses Mendelssohn’s Jerusalem Introduction One of the central themes that Moses Mendelssohn’s Jerusalemoder über religiöse Machtund Judentum (Jerusalem or on Religious Power and Judaism)ispredicated upon is the notion of doubt.Yet in Jerusalem, Mendelssohn seems to employ not just one type, but rather awide array of varyingmodes of doubt. The following paper will set out to exploreMendelssohn’sequivocalapplication of doubtinJerusa- lem,and in so doing endeavour to demonstrate that he, despite his rather unfavour- able view of scepticism as a ‘disease of the soul’ (‘Krankheit der Seele’),¹ nonetheless drawsheavilyonit. Indeed, this is by no meansaforeign topic to Jewish thought: Alreadyinthe first century CE, the JewishPlatonist Philo of Alexandria resorted to Neo-Pyrrhonian and New Academicscepticism to substantiatethe ultimatemeta- physical truth of Jewish Scripture.² Similarly, we also find references to philosophical scepticism in the work of the medieval Jewish thinker Judah Halevi (1075 – 1141)and the Venetian Rabbi Simone Luzzatto (?1582–1663).³ Furthermore, the Jewish intellec- tual tradition can be understood as aconstant interplaybetween scepticism and dog- Moses Mendelssohn, JerusalemoronReligious Powerand Judaism,trans. Allan Arkus,Introduction and Commentary by Alexander Altmann (New England: University Press of New England, 1983): 66–67;idem, Jerusalemoder über religiöse Macht und Judentum,in, idem, Gesammelte Schriften. Ju- biläumsausgabe (JubA), vol. 8, eds.Ismar Elbogen, Julius Guttmann,Eugen Mittwoch, Alexander Alt- mann, EvaJ.Engel and Daniel Krochmalnik (Bad Cannstatt: Frommann-Holzboog, 1983): 134.Gideon Freudenthal has alreadypointed this out in his No Religion without Idolatry (Indiana: University of NotreDame Press, 2012): 22, 41– 42.Cf.
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