THE PRESENTATION OF THE LORD • FEBRUARY 2, 2020 HOLY CROSS Iglesia Católica de La Santa Cruz


Pastor Fr. Lawrence Merta

Parochial Vicars Fr. Jaya Rao Maddu Fr. Simon Osuchukwu

Retired Priests Fr. Pierre Hissey

Deacons Ted Childs, Richard Conn Tom Ferreira, James Gersitz, Ciso Macia, Joe Scaccia, Clarence Vetter

Parish Office (480)981-2021

Religious Education Office (480)325-5375

Fax (480)981-6844



AD INTRA (for ourselves): To deepen our experience of Christ through a vibrant sacramental life and our common liturgical worship.

AD EXTRA (to the world): To reach our vocational fulfillment individually and as a community by engaging our neighbor with the Gospel Message. 2 FROM THE PASTOR’S DESK—DEL ESCRITORIO DEL PASTOR The World in View from a Believer’s PerspectivePers

n the Church of the Holy Cross near the St. John Lateran Basilica you will find the walled tomb of little Antonietta Meo. She died at 6. She had been diagnosed early on with Osteosarcoma which spread throughout her bones and eventually led to the amputation of her left leg. God gave her tremendous insight into the value of suffering. El Mundo que se ve desde la perspectiva de un creyente When she was old enough to attend elementary school, her prosthetic bothered her greatly. n la Iglesia de la Santa Cruz cerca de la Basílica de San However, she offered it all to Jesus: “May each Juan de Letrán se encuentra la tumba amurallada de la step that I take be a little word of love”. pequeña Antonietta Meo. Ella murió a los 6 años. Le habían dado un diagnóstico temprano de Osteosarcoma, el Later, when she had to be hospitalized, a nun cual se regó por todos sus huesos y causó la amputación de su pierna nurse overheard the conversation little izquierda. Dios le dio una visión tremenda hacia el valor del ‘Nennolina’ had with her father. Do you feel sufrimiento. much pain?” her father asked. Antonietta Cuando ella tenía ya edad suficiente para asistir a la escuela replied: “Daddy, the pain is like fabric, the primaria, su prótesis le lastimaba mucho. embargo, ella se lo stronger it is, the more value it has.” The nun a ofrecía todo a Jesús: "Que cada paso que yo de sea una pequeña obra time later remarked, “I would never have de amor.” believed she said this unless I had been there.” Después, cuando tuvo que ingresar al hospital, una monja enfermera Her spiritual maturity and confidence in God escuchó la conversación que la pequeña “Nennolina’ tenía con su was extraordinary. padre. ¿Sientes mucho dolor?” le preguntó su padre. Antonietta The cancer eventually spread to her head, respondió: “Papito, el dolor es como la tela, entre más fuerte es más mouth and throat, and the treatments they valor tiene” La monja dijo tiempo después: Yo nunca hubiera creído gave her were most aggressive and at a time que ella dijo eso si no fuera porque yo estaba allí. Su madurez when analgesics were not developed. On the espiritual y su confianza en Dios eran extraordinarias. night of Christmas Eve, 1936, Nennolina El cáncer eventualmente se regó a su cabeza, boca, garganta y los received First Holy Communion. Benedict tratamientos que le daban eran más agresivos en un tiempo en que XVI declared her venerable in 2007. If she is los analgésicos no se habían desarrollado todavía. En la noche antes later beatified, she would be the youngest de Navidad de 1936, Nennolina recibió su Santa Primera Comunión. declared in Church history who did not El Papa Benedicto XVI la declaró venerable en 2007. Si la beatifican die a ’s death. en el futuro, ella sería en la historia de la Iglesia la persona más Her beautiful but simple letters to Jesus are joven declarada santa sin haber sufrido una muerte de mártir. available through a Google Search. I think her Si uno busca en Google puede leer las cartas sencillas pero hermosas faith will move yours. que ella le escribió a Jesús. Pienso que la fe de ella va a mover la fe de ustedes. Your Pastor,


Holy Cross Catholic Church Confession Times 1244 South Power Road • Mesa, Arizona 85206 Monday through Saturday After the 8:30am Parish Office ...... (480)981-2021 Also Wednesday from 5:30 – 6:45 p.m. RE Office ...... (480)325-5375 Anytime by appointment Fax ...... (480)981-6844 Website ...... Infant Parents requesting that their child be baptized must be Parish Office Hours registered parishioners who are actively participating in Monday-Thursday ...... 8:30 am—5:00 pm the life of Holy Cross Church. Baptism preparation classes (closed 12:00-1:00 pm) are required. Please call the parish office for additional Friday ...... 8:30 am—12:00 pm information. Saturday & Sunday ...... Closed

Parish Secretary, Laura Shirling ...... ext. 201 E-mail ...... [email protected] Couples seeking the of marriage must be registered parishioners who are actively participating in Priests the life of Holy Cross Church. Notification of intent to marry must be provided nine months in advance. For Pastor, Fr. Lawrence Merta ...... ext. 208 more information on the marriage preparation process, E-mail ...... [email protected] please call the parish office.

Parochial Vicar, Fr. Jaya Rao Maddu...... ext. 202 E-mail ...... [email protected] Communion to the Sick Parochial Vicar Care Ministry, Fr. Simon Osuchukwu If you or someone you know is sick, hospitalized or E-mail ...... [email protected] homebound, please call for the assistance of a Minister of

Care. Ministers of Care bring communion to those who

cannot come to mass. Please call the parish office to Pastoral Ministry arrange a scheduled Minister of Care visit...... ext. 206 E-mail ...... [email protected] Emergency Anointing of the Sick If you or someone you know is in critical condition or near Parish Administration death, call (480)981-2021. After 5:00 pm and weekends, ...... ext. 205 Press 4 when instructed to do so. Leave a detailed E-mail ...... [email protected] message, including a contact name and telephone number, that will be heard by the priest on call. Please do not use this service for any other reason.

Religious Education ...... ext. 214 Federal Privacy Regulation E-mail ...... [email protected] HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act), Coord. of Youth Faith Formation ...... ext. 213 prohibits all hospitals from informing churches of a E-mail ...... [email protected] patient’s presence unless the patient gives permission Coord. of Elem. Faith Formation ...... ext. 209 for the hospital to do so. If you are admitted to a hospital E-mail ...... [email protected] and would like a member of the clergy or a caregiver to visit you, please notify the hospital or call the parish Music office. Director of Music, Jaime Cortez ...... ext. 215 E-mail ...... [email protected] St. Vincent de Paul Society The St. Vincent de Paul Society provides food, clothing, Liturgy and other assistance to the poor and needy. Located at Coord. of Liturgical Ministries, Carol Fuizzotti ...... ext. 216 the north end of the grounds, their hours are Monday E-mail ...... [email protected] through Thursday from 9:00-11:00 am. Their direct number is (480)985-4259. Call to make an appointment. “Don’t forget to check out our parish website at” 4 THIS WEEK AT A GLANCE LITURGY & MUSIC Monday, February 3rd 8:00 am Morning Prayer Rm. D 8:30 am Mass/Confessions to follow Church 9:15 am Magis Women Rm. G 6:00 pm Book of Revelation Study Anderson 6:30 pm Rumbo a Cristo Rm. H Week of February 3rd—9th

Tuesday, February 4th Schedule Priest 8:00 am Morning Prayer Rm. D Mon: 8:30 am Fr. Jaya Rao Maddu 8:30 am Mass/Confessions to follow Church Tues: 8:30 am Fr. Jaya Rao Maddu 9:15 am The Essentials Course Wellens Wed: 8:30 am Fr. Bob Hart 7:00 pm Fr. Simon Osuchukwu Wednesday, February 5th Thurs: 8:30 am Fr. Jaya Rao Maddu 8:00 am Morning Prayer Rm. D Fri: 8:30 am Fr. Simon Osuchukwu 8:30 am Mass/Confessions to follow Church Sat: 8:30 am Fr. Jaya Rao Maddu 9:30 am Grief Support Rm. D 4:00 pm Fr. Simon Osuchukwu Sun: 6:30 am Fr. Larry Merta 12:00 pm Eucharistic Adoration Church 8:00 am Fr. Larry Merta 5:30 pm Confessions Church 10:00 am Fr. Pierre Hissey 6:00 pm Natural Family Planning Rm. H 12:00 pm Fr. Simon Osuchukwu 7:00 pm Mass Church 2:00 pm (Spanish) Fr. Jaya Rao Maddu 4:00 pm (Youth) Fr. Jaya Rao Maddu Thursday, February 6th Anderson Hall 8:00 am Morning Prayer Rm. D Sun 10:00 am Fr. Jaya Rao Maddu

8:30 am Mass/Confessions to follow Church *Celebrants scheduled are subject to change 5:30 pm Groupo Oracion Carismatica Anderson 6:30 pm Encuentro Matrimonial Mundial Rm. G

Friday, February 7th 8:30 am Mass/Confessions to follow Church Week of Saturday, February 8th February 3rd—9th See Mass Schedule

Mon: 8:30 am † Sunday, February 9th Juan Acosta Tues: 8:30 am † Risha Devani See Mass Schedule Wed: 8:30 am † Tom Hodgson 5:00 pm Life Teen Wellens 7:00 pm † Frank O. Scala 7:00 am Bake Sale Court Yard Thurs: 8:30 am † Murphy Family 9:00 am New Parishioner Welcome Rm. G Fri: 8:30 am † Kelly Townsend Sat: 8:30 am † Karen K McQuillan 4:00 pm † Richard Miller Readings for the week of February 2, 2020 Sun: 6:30 am (SI) Prop Populo Sunday: Mal 3:1-4/Ps 24:7, 8, 9, 10 [10b]/ 8:00 am † Louella Hawk Heb 2:14-18/Lk 2:22-40 or 2:22-32 10:00 am † Robert Kieser Monday: 2 Sm 15:13-14, 30; 16:5-13/Ps 3:2-3, 4-5, 12:00 pm † Filiberto Vega 6-7 [8a]/Mk 5:1-20 2:00 pm † Jovita Soto Tuesday: 2 Sm 18:9-10, 14b, 24-25a, 30—19:3/ 4:00 pm † Anne Alexander Ps 86:1-2, 3-4, 5-6 [1a]/Mk 5:21-43 Anderson Hall Wednesday: 2 Sm 24:2, 9-17/Ps 32:1-2, 5, 6, 7 [cf. 5c]/ Sun 10:00 am † Martin & Catherine Gavin & Family Mk 6:1-6 Thursday: 1 Kgs 2:1-4, 10-12/1 Chr 29:10, 11ab, 11d-12a, 12bcd [12b]/Mk 6:7-13 this is correct Friday: Sir 47:2-11/Ps 18:31, 47 and 50, 51 [cf. 47b]/Mk 6:14-29 Pray the Rosary Saturday: 1 Kgs 3:4-13/Ps 119:9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 Come join us each morning [12b]/Mk 6:30-34 Next Sunday: Is 58:7-10/Ps 112:4-5, 6-7, 8-9 [4a]/ in the Church at 7:50am 1 Cor 2:1-5/Mt 5:13-16 to pray the Rosary 5 THE TRINITY OF STEWARDSHIP

The Holy Cross Stewardship Committee fosters the mission of Holy Cross Catholic Church by INFORMING the parish of ministries taking place, by INVITING people into new and existing ministries, by SUPPORTING people in their ministries, by PROVIDING information regarding the financial situation of the parish and to INCREASE financial support of the parish.

Next weekend is the kick off for the Annual Charity and Welcome Sunday Development Appeal. NEW PARISHIONERS! WELCOME! Come join us for coffee and donuts while learning all about The Charity & Development Appeal (CDA) our parish on February 9, 2020 in room J is the annual fundraising effort to support immediately after the 8:00am Mass. more than seventy charities, ministries Please RSVP at the parish office 480-981-2021. and apostolates for the Diocese of Phoenix. The This year we celebrate 50 years of the CDA. Every year, families are Prayer for Pope Francis asked to prayerfully consider how much they will pledge in service to others, acting as the heart and Lord, source of eternal life and truth, give hands of Jesus. Our parish goal for this year is $130,000. to Your shepherd, Francis, a spirit of courage and right judgment, a spirit of Please take an envelope home with you this weekend and knowledge and love. By governing with fidelity those entrusted prayerfully consider your gift to this year’s campaign. Please to his care, may he, as successor to the Apostle Peter and bring your envelope back next weekend. Vicar of Christ, build your Church into a sacrament of unity, love and peace for all the world. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the End of Year Contribution Statements Holy Spirit, one God for ever and ever. Amen. 2019 Holy Cross Contribution statements are available now upon request. The statements Parish Stewardship of Treasure can be mailed or e-mailed to you. Requests can be made by sending an e-mail to For the weekend of January 25th & 26th [email protected] or visit our Plate Collections website at Envelope Contributions ...... $7,695 Loose Cash/Checks ...... $12,079 You may also contact the parish office at 480-981-2021. Faith Direct ...... $7,296 ...... Once a request is made, statements are processed within 3- Total Plate ...... $27,069 5 business days. Please include your address and envelope number when e-mailing your request. Special Collections - Parish Candle Revenue ...... $200 Parish Improvement Collection ...... $419 Saint Vincent de Paul First Offering ...... $125 Holy Cross Conference Solemnity of Mary ...... $90 480-985-4259 Adopt-a-Student ...... $45 All ...... $5 ...... $25 In the Gospel, we hear say to Mary: “… your own soul ...... Total Special Collections - Parish...... $909 shall be pierced with a sword—so that the thoughts of many hearts may be laid bare.” Special Collections - Diocese Your generosity enables the Society of St. Vincent de Paul Gospel of Life ...... $769 to bring hope to parents whose hearts are burden with Poor Claires ...... $4,003 worries and concerns. Catholic Home Mission ...... $20 ...... Total Special Collections - Diocese ...... $4,792

The Poor Clares of Perpetual Offering Giving Summary Adoration of Tonopah, AZ invite Year-to-Date Giving 7/1/18 - 1/27/20 ...... $766,767 you to save the date for the 2020 Prior Year-to-Date Giving 7/1/17 - 1/27/19 .... $781,685 Nun Run, a 10K run, 5K run/walk or 1 mile walk on Saturday, March Please remember Holy Cross parish in your 7, 2020 in Tempe Az For more information visit: estate planning and thank you for your continued support of Holy Cross Catholic Church. 6 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: ADULT FAITH FORMATION AND SPIRITUALITY

Please join in Morning Prayer The Liturgy of the Hours is the universal daily prayer of the Catholic Church which clergy are required to pray each day. Since Vatican Council II, the has been encouraged to learn about and participate in this same prayerful, spiritual custom.

At Holy Cross, Liturgy of the Hours Morning Prayer is recited as a community Mondays through Thursdays in the Reverend William Mitchell Learning Center, Room D (the Library), from 8:00 a.m. – 8:20 a.m.

If you are unfamiliar with praying the Liturgy of the Hours, please do not hesitate to join us. We will provide guidance. We have prayer books for your use or if you have a smart phone, you can download a free app: iBreviary TS Plus. For more information, contact Cindy at 480-981-2021 x 214 or Please bring a brunch item to share [email protected].

THE ESSENTIALS COURSES What are The Essentials Courses? They are short programs that introduce the participant to the teachings of Christ for the purpose of knowing and following Jesus more closely. Tuesdays from 9:15-11 am Please bring a brunch item to share Dates and Class Description It’s never to late to join us! There are NO prerequisites! ● ESS105 “Celebration of the Christian Mystery” February 4, 11 ● ESS106 “Foundation of the Life in Christ ” February 18, 25, March 3, 17 ● ESS107 “Love Your Neighbor” March 24, 31 April 7, 14 ● ESS108 “Prayer” April 21, 28 The United States Catholic Catechism for Adults is required. A Catholic Study Bible is highly recommended.

Course registration is $10 per course for Holy Cross Parishioners, $15 for Non-Parishioners. This helps cover the cost of participant course materials. Please contact Bridgette at (480) 981-2021 or [email protected] for more information. 7 PARISH & COMMUNITY EVENTS Bass Player needed for 4pm Mass Sunday. Our group needs a good bass player to help us with the band at the 4pm Mass.

You need to have your own instrument and you need to be able to play it well. I won't be able to accept a beginner at this time.

If you would like to get involved in our music ministry as a bass player, please contact Jaime Cortez at [email protected] Every year thousands of migrant men, women and children are deported to Nogales, Sonora, or arrive in the city fleeing from Sound Ministry Central America and other countries. They often arrive with We are looking for volunteers who would like to help us run only the clothes on their backs and a small plastic bag that sound in the Church on Sunday. contains their belongings. They often do not know where to We would like to have a person running our sound for the 8am, turn to receive a meal, find shelter, or make a phone call. They 10am, Noon and 2pm Masses. often arrive emotionally and phychologically devastated due to Get in touch with Jaime Cortez if you are interested. separation from family. Holy Cross parishioners help the KINO [email protected] BORDER INITIATIVE respond to their needs with donations.

HUMANITARIAN AID DRIVE Holy Cross Grief Support Group Meetings: For the Kino Border Initiative The Holy Cross Grief support group companions February 15 - 16, 2020 those experiencing grief after the death of a loved Holy Cross Catholic Church one. 1244 S. Power Rd., Mesa, AZ The group helps the grieving walk through the difficult journey toward healing. URGENT NEEDS: Backpacks; SMALL-SIZE men's and women's The next Grief Support group meeting is Wednesday underwear; Deodorant; TRAVEL-SIZE toothpaste, tooth February 5th & 19th, 10:30-12noon, Room D, Library brushes, soap and shampoo; SMALL-SIZE men's tennis shoes If you are interested in attending the support group and need up to size 9 1/2; women's tennis shoes up to size 7. ALWAYS more information please contact parishioner/facilitator Rose NEEDED AS WELL: Coffee, Powdered milk, Dish soap, Medium Kempf at 518-763-2365, or email: life [email protected] size garbage bags, Aluminum foil, Vegetable oil, Toilet paper, Men's pants waist sizes 28 to 34, Women's pants small and medium, Jackets for men and women small and medium, Women's flip flops or sandals.

Support Holy Cross using your Fry’s Rewards card! Holy Cross Parish is now a member of the Fry’s Community Rewards program. Once our participants link their Fry’s card to Holy Cross parish, a portion of the purchase amount will be given back to Holy Cross Church.

To Use the Fry's Community Rewards Program: Simply visit Once logged into your Fry's account you can search for Holy Cross Roman Catholic Parish - Mesa either by name or EG285 and then click Enroll. New users will need to create an account which requires some basic information, a valid email address and a rewards card. REMEMBER, participant purchases will not count for our organization until after you register your FRYS rewards card. Participants must swipe their registered Fry's rewards card or use the phone number that is related to their registered Fry's rewards card when shopping for each purchase to count.

“Don’t forget to check out our parish website at” 8 PARISH & COMMUNITY EVENTS On the Caregiving Journey… CATHOLIC FUNERAL Very few caregivers have the medical PLANNING knowledge they think they may need On February 15th and 16th to be an effective caregiver for their representatives from the Dio- loved ones. Caregivers often ask: cese of Phoenix Catholic Ceme- What do I need to know about the teries will be in the courtyard after all masses to answer disease my care receiver has? How can I best assist him/her? What should I watch for in my loved questions and to provide information for planning a Catholic one’s condition? To where can I turn if I need assistance? One Funeral. There are many options that most people are not resource that can assist caregivers is the Caregiver Action aware of. Stop by their table after mass that weekend to Network (CAN) website which contains videos on different get important information to assist your family with planning diseases in their online caregiver video resource center. This a funeral in the future. is one place to go if you are looking for information on Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, COPD and Huntington’s disease. In addition to the videos, the website contains a list of disease- specific and health-related agencies and links to their websites. The list is comprehensive including many diseases and health situations that caregivers may encounter with their care receivers. To access these resources go to their website at Click on “Caregiver Videos” and “Agencies and Organizations” which are located on the left side of the home website page.

All caregivers are welcome at our caregiver support group As a parish, we strive to be good stewards of our resources. meetings each month. At our meetings, you will have an Many families have moved away from envelopes and are now opportunity to meet other caregivers, share your stories and using Faith Direct to fulfill their generous stewardship learn from others’ experiences. You will leave our meetings commitments to our parish and the wider church through feeling affirmed for all that you are doing to assist and serve electronic donations. We have also found that many are not your loved one. Our next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, using their envelopes that we mail out. Help us to reduce our February 13 at 1:30 p.m. in classroom J at Holy Cross Parish. envelope and postage expense and at the same time support For questions about caregiving, contact parishioner Evelyn Fink Holy Cross in a secure and convenient way by enrolling with at 602-882-5197. Faith Direct. Please enroll in this program by picking up an enrollment form from the church office, or by visiting to enroll securely on line.

May God bless your stewardship to our parish community! Rev. Lawrence Merta Holy Cross Council No. 7904 Join the Holy Cross Life Teens in the courtyard after Mass for tasty Coffee & Donuts!

Save the Date- Feb 9 for the Bake Sale In The Courtyard! Support the K of C and Ladies fresh baked goods bake sale! Annual Valentine’s

Join the Knights BAKE SALE

Become a Holy Cross Council 7904 Knight! HOLY CROSS Learn More About the Knights at KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS & LADIES and call Jim Pergo at (480) 721-2201 to join. Get your homemade candy & goodies Council 7904 has created a Facebook page of the activities Sunday, February 9th our Knights enjoy! Date: Go to After The 8:00AM, 10:00AM, Online Knights of Columbus Membership: Time: Designed to introduce men to our Order in a way that will help AND Noon Masses them to grow as a Catholic man and a Knight. Go to: 9 COMUNIDAD LATINA/HISPANA En Lugar De Ayunar A Su Si tienen un niño menor de 7 años que Matrimonio Durante La quieren bautizar, daremos una sesión de Cuaresma, Aliméntenlo Con orientación el 16 de febrero a las 3:00pm. Por favor marquen su calendario. La Planificación Familiar Natural MINISTERIO DE JUSTICIA & PAZ Van a sentir amor como nunca lo han sentido; su matrimonio tendrá plenitud. Si están casados por lo civil o si son una pareja que se prepara para su boda, pueden aprovechar este curso de Planificación Familiar Natural que se dará solamente para las parejas de la Iglesia de la Santa Cruz. El Padre Larry y la oficina diocesana de Planificación Miles de hombres, mujeres y niños migrantes son deportados Familiar ofrecen becas para reducir el costo del curso a cada año a Nogales, Sonora, o llegan a la ciudad huyendo de solamente $30 por pareja. Centro América y de otros países. Frecuentemente, llegan sólo Pónganse en contacto con Olga Rivera en la oficina con la ropa que llevan puesta y con una bolsa de plástico parroquial para aplicar por las becas pequeña que contiene todas sus pertenencias. Casi nunca [email protected] o (480) 981-2021 X204. saben a dónde ir a pedir una comida, o dónde recibir refugio, o Las clases comienzan en febrero y el cupo está limitado hacer una llamada telefónica. La mayoría llegan devastados a 10 parejas. emocional y psicológicamente por la separación de su familia. Los feligreses de la Santa Cruz ayudan con donativos a la INICIATIVA KINO PARA LA FRONTERA para responder a esas necesidades. Sociedad de San Vicente de Paul CAMPAÑA DE AYUDA HUMANITARIA Conferencia Santa Cruz, Para la Iniciativa Kino para la Frontera 480-985-4259 15 y 16 de febrero de 2020 Iglesia Católica de la Santa Cruz En el Evangelio, oímos a Simeón decir a María: "... una espada 1244 S. Power Rd., Mesa, AZ te atravesara el alma. Pero en esto los hombres mostraran NECESIDADES URGENTES: Mochilas, ropa interior tamaño claramente lo que sienten en sus corazones." PEQUEÑO para hombres y para mujeres; desodorante, pasta de dientes tamaño viaje (pequeño); cepillos de dientes, jabón Vuestra generosidad permite a la Sociedad de San Vicente de baño y champú; zapatos tenis para hombre en tamaño de Paul llevar esperanza a los padres cuyos corazones son pequeño que no pase de 9 y ½; zapatos tenis para mujeres en carga de preocupaciones e inquietudes. tamaño pequeño que no pasen de tamaño 7. NECESIDADES PERMANENTES: Café, leche en polvo, jabón para platos, bolsas para basura medianas, papel de aluminio, aceite vegetal, papel de baño (higiénico), pantalones para Las lecturas de la semana del 2 de febrero hombre tamaños 28 a 34 de cintura; pantalones para mujeres pequeños y medianos; chaquetas para hombres y para Domingo: Mal 3, 1-4/Sal 24, 7. 8. 9. 10 [10]/Heb 2, 14-18/ mujeres tamaños pequeño y mediano, y sandalias o flip-flops Lc 2, 22-40 o 2, 22-32 para mujeres. Lunes: 2 Sm 15, 13-14. 30; 16, 5-13/Sal 3, 2-3. 4-5. 6-7 [8]/Mc 5, 1-20 Martes: 2 Sm 18, 9-10. 14. 24-25. 30—19, 3/Sal 86, 1-2. Por el Papa Francisco 3-4. 5-6 [1]/Mc 5, 21-43 Oh Dios, tu que en tu designio Miércoles: 2 Sm 24, 2. 9-17/Sal 32, 1-2. 5. 6. 7 [cfr. 5]/ providencial quisiste que tu Iglesia Mc 6, 1-6 fuese construida sobre Pedro, a quien Jueves: 1 Re 2, 1-4. 10-12/1 Cr 29, 10. 11. 11-12. 12 elegiste sobre los demás apóstoles, [12]/Mc 6, 7-13 mira con misericordia a Francisco nuestro Papa, escucha Viernes: Eclo 47, 2-13/Sal 18, 31. 47 y 50. 51 [cfr. 47]/ nuestra oración y concédele a él, quien se ha convertido en el Mc 6, 14-29 sucesor de Pedro, que sea para tu pueblo fuente viva y base Sábado: 1 Re 3, 4-13/Sal 119, 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14 [12]/ firme de unidad en la fe y la comunión. Te lo pedimos por Mc 6, 30-34 nuestro Señor Jesucristo, tu Hijo, que contigo vive y reina en la Domingo siguiente: Is 58, 7-10/Sal 112, 4-5. 6-7. 8-9 [4]/ unidad del Espíritu Santo, un solo Dios por los siglos de los 1 Cor 2, 1-5/Mt 5, 13-16 siglos. Amén. Dr. Mike Crockett Safe Lock & Key Co. - Since 1958 905 E. Main St. • Mesa, AZ 85203 Voted as Top Dentist Ralph Harmon “Quality Dental Care in Phoenix Magazine in a Relaxed & Ph: 480-834-9431 • Fax: 480-833-3644 2017, 2018 & 2019 Comfortable Office”

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