An Antipodean Imaginary for Architecture+Philosophy
69 An Antipodean Imaginary for Architecture+Philosophy: Fictocritical Approaches to Design Practice Research Hélène Frichot, Julieanna Preston, Michael Spooner, Sean Pickersgill, Zuzana Kovar, Ceri Hann, Megg Evans As a collective of PhD researchers (past and fictocriticism will be ventured and reframed for archi- present) provisionally gathered within the tecture. This approach will be elaborated by Hélène Architecture+Philosophy Research Group, RMIT Frichot who has had the opportunity to offer super- University, we will present a series of design visorial guidance to researchers presenting their explorations that are representative of our design design research below. Fictocriticism for architec- practice research.1 With the conjunctive capacity ture assumes the constructive, creative and critical of architecture and philosophy we emphasize the situatedness of the thinking-designer in the midst ongoing importance of the relay between these of their problematic field.2 We place an emphasis disciplines, also activated in our work through the on critical and creative invention and the structured productive relations between critical theory and indeterminacy that manifests in the wild association practice. We assume an expanded definition of of images and ideas that procure innovative as well architectural design practice, which includes digital as politically engaged minoritarian architectures. immersive environments, unbuilt (even unbuildable) There endures an engagement with minorities, and architectures, installation and participatory perform- minor literatures (including sub-canonical architec- ance-based works, and also, importantly, includes tures), feminist approaches, queer intertextualities, the critical and creative practice of writing-architec- as well as teratological mixtures of the natural and ture, often through the deployment of fiction. These the cultural.
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