RMIT DesIgn ARCHIVES JOURnAL Vol 3 Nº 1 2013 RMIT DesIgn ARCHIVES JOURnAL Vol 3 Nº 1 2013 Frederick Romberg: an architectural survey Since its beginning the RMIT Design Archives has actively sought Guest Editor Journal Editor methods of engaging contemporary design practitioners in contributing Michael Spooner Harriet Edquist to its innovative approaches to collecting and research. The Romberg Collection, deposited in 2008, documents the practice Editorial Assistance Design of eminent Melbourne architect Frederick Romberg. It has been over Kaye Ashton ten years since the first and last exposition on Romberg’s output was held at RMIT Gallery. That exhibition and subsequent publication, contact Frederick Romberg: The Architecture of Migration 1936–1975, continue
[email protected] to serve as the most complete public record of his work to date.1 Frederick Romberg: an architectural survey is a collaborative inter- issn 1838-9406 disciplinary project that has approached the Romberg Collection with Published by rmit Design Archives, rmit University the intention of examining not only his architectural output, but the Text © rmit Design Archives, rmit University and individual authors. many ways in which the collection might be seen to work and have implications for contemporary discourse on design. It has sought from This Journal is copyright. Apart from fair dealing for the purposes of research, criticism or review as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, the nuances of a collection - the frayed edges, the insistent folds no part may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted – an active archive. by any means without the prior permission of the publisher.