Langston Hughes Denied Right 0( Speech Welfare Aide Akron Institutions Fear Threats Of Violence Alcron sliut ttie door of every inite civic interests for adults." to speak that evening at Mt. Olive of the local resulted in a call for public meeting place in tlie face That same evening Mt. Olive Baptist church. But this church actian on part of the board which of Wednesday Baptist church of which Rev. J. I. had meanwhile been subjected to met Wednesday night and voted night. This developed after t^e Monroe is paslor, olTered its facili­ pressure and the pastor issued a to cancel Hughes appearance board of trustees of the Goodrich ties. Earlier Monday night at 7.:30 statement that his congregation there for Thursday night. local No. 5 voted to denv the in­ Henry J. Taylor, radio commen­ had backed down. Meanwhile, Langston Hughes ternationally famous p"et use of tator, whose first broadcast on Rev. Bill D:nton paid the pas­ had dinner Wednesday evening at their hall at 708 S. Main St. .Hughes aroused Attorney Clair tor a visit taking with him sever­ the Garden Grille with members This was the fourth institution Trunick to issue charges locally al copies of Hughes poetry. Rev. of the Council, various church that had refused Huffh°s the u^e against the poet, devoted a part Alonroe stated, however, that the groups, social agencies and the of their facilities. Canc'l'at'on bv of his broadcast to Hughes again decision was his own. press. Later the group retired to each asrency was f ffrced uoon the?> quoting certain verses which he Meanwhile, the Akron Council the residence of Rsv. I. Cox, di­ by the same pattern of action, branded pro-communist. on Race Relations secured the rector of the council, where word ranging from anonymous rh"ne Wednesday ,Langston Hughes Goodrich local No. 5 hall. Tele­ reached them of action on part of calls to veiled threats of with- arrived from New York, expecting phone calls to numerous members the CIO. drawel of financial support to a pnblic demonstration in front of the bu'lding in event the meeting MABCELLA SMITH was held. AKRON Miss Marcella Smith is the lat­ The first institution to back est addition to the staff of the down was South high school. Prin­ Division of Public Charities where cipal Lewis Turner in the f«ce of she is a welfare investigator. Re­ a barrage of phone calls from al­ ceiving her early education at leged parents of the student's, Lane school and West High school. called a student assemblv to ex­ Miss Smith majored in business plain the reason for h's action. Vol. II—No. 26 AKRON, OHIO, SATURDAY, MARCH 13, 1948 Price 8c and English at West Virginia He announced that the schools State College where she graduated had "a definite responsibil-'tv to last year. She is an active mem­ students" and it was deemed n-^t ber ot the Alpha Kappa Alpha advisable to present such a con­ sorority. Her hobbies are swim­ troversial issue to them. NAACP Appeals For Funds ming, art and horseback riding. Preceding the withdrawal of the She Is the daughter of Mr. and T W C A, two Akron ministers Mrs. Tom Smith of 697 Rhodes Wasted Hughes from thrir pulpits, .Ave. Rev. William Denton of the Furn­ To Save Mother of 12 Children ace St. Mission, and Rev. Dallas Billington of the Akron Baptist Walter White Calls Ingram Case ''Most Shocking Temple. It is reported that both Blasts Congress have played active parts in forc­ Miscarriage Of Justice In 39 Years As Fight ing refusals by the cancelling in­ Quickens To Save Mother And Two Sons stitutions. For Inactivity In Monday night the YWCA execu­ NEW YORK—An urgent appeal Calling the Ingram case "one Armed with a rifle, Stratford tive committee voted to deny for fimds for the legal defense of of the most shocking miscarri­ set out to shoot the animals. He Hughes use of their auditorium. Mrs. Rosa Lee Ingram, widowed ages of justice in the 39 years encountered Mrs. Ingram and Civil Rights Fight Declaring in a prepared state­ mother of 12 children, and her two the NAACP has existed," Wal­ struck her with the butt of the ment their fear of disturbance young sons, now under sentence of ter White, secretary, urged tbe firearm, inflicting a deep and Charges Members Try of a physical nature beyond death in Americus, Ga., wer.t out branches to arrange mass meet­ bloody wound. She was struggling To 'Lynch' President the control of the YWCA," they this week to the 1600 branches of ings and to send speakers to with him to prevent him from For His Speech stated that they "faced the re­ the National Association for the churches, trade unions and other shooting her when two of hsrsons, grettable position of not being Advancement of Colored People organizations In a ooncerteid ef­ Sammie Lee, 14, and Wallace, 17, INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. - Calling able to make its facilities avail­ and to otber friends of the Asso­ fort to raise funds for the In- rushed to lier aid. Sammie Lee upon the members of Congres.° of able for certain meetings of def­ ciation. grams and other legal defense used the hammer with which he both parties to end their silence work of the Association. was repairing the fence to strike on the issue of civil rights, Walter The death sentences imposed the white assailant and save his White, executive secretary of the on Mrs. Ingram, an impoverished mother's life. The blow was fatal. NAACP, voiced the disapproval of sharecropper, and her sons orig­ Mrs. Ingram and her sons were millions of Americans at the in­ inated in an argument last No­ arrested and held without bail on activity of Congress, at the NA vember with a neighboring white trial for three months. In a one- ACP Midwest Regional Confer­ farmer, John Ed Stratford. Mrs. day trial on February 3, with only ence, held here last week-e-d. Ingram's pigs had rooted under court-appointed counsel to defend White denounced the recent at­ the fence dividing Stratford's land them, the mother and two sons tacks of Congressmen and south­ from the farm on which she work­ were convicted and sentenced to ern governors on President Tru­ ed. death. man's Civil Rights message to ^ Congress. "What is going on to­ day is the attempted lynching not r of an individ'.ial but of the Presi­ Dr. Max Yergan Urges Negro Action dent of the ," White_ declared. "In lynching him for proposing In Framework Of American Traditions machinery to obliterate evils like lynching and the poll tax, every FLASH citizen of the United States and The speech made in Akron Sunday afternoon by Dr. Max democracy itself are being Ismch- ed." Yergan may be his last as executive director of the Council on The executive secretary asked African Affairs, Inc., a group which he founded. This Friday, Senators and Congressmen from March 12, he will be in the middle of a fight by pro-commun­ the border and rorthem states to ists for control. "If the pro-communist group assumes control, form a bi-partisan coalition to there is only one thing I can do and that is r^ign," stated make vocal the abhorrence of the Dr. Yergan. overwhelming majority of the American people for such bestial Beginning with the proposition urged Negroes to utilize the idea crimes as lynching, disfranchi'?e- Uiat we are all Americans, the that we are part of the march in ment, job. discrimination and bigo­ Negro must act today in terms of which mankind has been engaged. try. American ideas and tradition. We "We must participate and con­ "If you continue to do nothing, contributed much to those ideas tribute to its achievement." do not expect us to return you to and those traditions and we have Congress, for you will have failed a responsibility to utilize them your coimtry in its hour of direct tooth as a contributor and a re­ Men's Republican crisis." ceiver. The Midwest Regional Confer­ In those words. Dr. Max Yergan, Club Posfpones ence at which Mr. White spoke director of the Council on African was attended by 150 delegates Affairs, Inc., described the frame­ from NAACP branches in Illinois, work, goals and means of action Contest, Social India'^a, Kansas, Kentucky, Michi­ of the Negro on the American gan, Missouri, Ohio. West iVrginia scene. The cabaret party of the Young and .Wisconsin. MRS. ALETHA HOBBS Speaking on the third of a ser­ Men's Republican club set for this Mrs. Aletha Hobbs, 610 Nienuin St., will be the featured model when ies of forums presented by the Sunday evening at the Cosmopoli­ Miss Evelyn Killings takes her millinery creations to New York this Community Guild of the Akron tan club was postponed eariy this week. Miss Killings will make her New York debut by presenting a Atfy. Arf-ee Fleming Pre-Easter Hat Revue at the Elks Imperial Auditorium, 129!th and Community Service Center, at the week, according to Marion Dixson, Undergoes Operation Seventh Ave., New York City. Miss Killings was accompanied by her YWCA auditorium Sunday, Dr. chairman of the entertainment mother, Mrs. Geneva Killings and Mrs. Hobbs. Yergan spoke forcibly against the committee. Attorney Artee Fleming, of 439 Mrs. Hobbs, shown in the accompanying photo modeling an "Evelyn" entrance of either the Negro or In a meeting Tuesday evening Cuyahoga St., is recoveri"g from natural Swiss straw trimmed in green satin, with lifelike daisies, is the labor into a third party tangent. at the Wonder Bar the members an operation performed on him wife of Arthur Hobbs and models for Live Art classes at the Univer­ There was nothing for either to agreed to extend to Sunday, April last Saturday at City Hospital, sity of Akron. gain by such an adventure. 4, the date on which winners of according to his physician, Dr. While in New York Miss Killings will show all types of hats includ­ Us ng the statement of General their contest will be announced. M. E. Farris. Fleming spert two ing: Nylon, Straws, Fabrics, Large Picture hats. Small Profile hats, Chris .ian Smuts of , - Meanwhile, persons who have and styles for all ages and sizes. weeks there for observation and After Friday, March 19, these and many other "Evelyn" creations "Man-tind ha^ struck Its tent and already bought tickets are re­ X-ray diagnosis prior to the oper­ will be on display at 467 Cuyahoga St. is on the march," Dr. Yergan quested to hold on to them. ation. d Young Republicans Get Active it Can Happen Again A significant development in the ranks of The investigation into the death of Sara the Republican Party is taking place on [D)ON'T YOU BELIEVE IT- Baroudi once moi-e highlights the boxing busi­ Akron's west side as Leon Love, director of ness, both professional and amateur, for what Negro political activities, and Gatha Walker A lot of people Ido-but iUey're wrong I it realy is—a monopoly in human flesh by men launch a program for building up a Young of "notorious reputation." Men's Republican club with a raeanbership goal It has been recommended that both Bar- of 3,000 young men. oudi's manager, Mike Spinelii, and his trainer, Ai Warner, t>e suspended. This recommenda­ At their meeting Tuesday evening at the tion should stick. Wonder Bar, Clarence Smith Evans outlined BIWM^B^^^JM the strategy to be followed in obtaining this A further investigation should be made in­ goal. Stressing above all the need for party to other aspects of tne fight game, particular­ loyaJty and responsibility and the need for ly in Akron. The reason why Baroudi left active workers, Evans told the members that Akix>n and tied himself up with the man un­ the public would be more interested in what der whose name he fougnt should be investi­ they do rather than what thoy say. gated. Tiietre are sev^raJ of the present-day crop of ring potentials who are travelling "That is the weak point in Democratic lead­ py^^^HH down the siame road. One boxing follower has. ership today from the President on down. If dharged that Baroudi was forced out of Akron Truman meant what he says about civil rights, because he wohld not fight for nothing. He we would be more impressed by action. Th© "Snakes Poison Only Their Enemies" became a "hot" potato when he refused to ac­ appointment cf a commissioner for the Dis­ cept what little was otferod him after a fight; trict of Columbia, or a United States District The belief that snakes use their poison to kill judge, or the end of discrimination and segre­ so Bai'oudi, this person relates, got in the ^ only in defense is erroneous. Their poison habit of demanding in front his money or he 1 gation in Washington itself, would set the fangs are used primarily for killing food and example we need to trust the President and wouldn't fight. Naturally, this became annoy-* his program," he declared. secondarily for defense. Snakes are immune iiig- and Baroudi had to go. to their own poison when it is swallowed. Anotheir fight observer charges that at As seen from this comer, this program will least one local fighter is suffering from a build up the party at its weakest point—con­ hcjar-t compiamt ana is still permitted to box trol of the young Negro vote, especially the occasionally. This same observer states that ballot of those who have gone to the polls for a virtual monopoly exists on the services of the first time since the beginning of the Roose­ Ni.'gfo Doxa-s, and tnat those managed by velt era. By and large, most of the young For Better Living ... Negroes seldom, if ever, get a chance to fight voters have fallen into the Democratic ranks at the Armory. under the aegis of the Rooseveltan charm and With PROFESSOR MOORE wizardry. l-eihaps cms is the way the boxing, game Moreover, this program marks a realistic Professor Paul Moore of Detroit, Michigan, Divine Healer and should bo conducted. Our observers asserted approach to a problem, which, if it hasn't b en Spiritual Adviser, offers to readers of the Akron INFORMER his that the above incidents are generally known ignored, has certainly not been solved. For ser^'ices in seeking a solution to some of the every day or special prob­ to ail locaJ fight fans. Judged in the light of fourteen j^ears an outstanding majority of lems which bar the road to better living and better human understand­ wnat happened to Baroudi and a similar mis­ voters coming cf age and voters moving into ing. Readers seeking his advice are urged to send three questions in fortune that may overtake other youth, it Akmn h^ve by default gone into the Demo­ their letters with $1.00 inclosed, to Professor Moore at 1316 Honodle socms that something drastic should be done cratic fold. Ave., Akron, Ohio. to prevent such a recurrence. It is to this potential group of Voters the Mrs. ^^X. B.—^What is causing so I expect more cooperation from west side group is directing its efforts for much confusion in my home of my family? Anot-her Solution? moml>ers and support. It is a program that late? How can it be remedied? Answer—With proper care your sbould be watched with interest. Answer—Some one is doing a lot health will improve. Go ahead By RICHARD KITCHENS of talking to which you fo^ks with the operation as you will There was once, and probably still is, a have bee? listening. Get PU the come out all right. You can then college professor at one of our larger universi­ Letters To The Editor parties concerned togethT and get married as planned. And your sisters and brothers, al­ ties who made an tixhausLing study of the Dear EJddtor: fnf^e M. and K.. who av- d"'i°: Negro "problem" in the United States. Pie the talking. Let them know that though slack, will do better. See We appreciate the fine publicity and the you won'> t-^lerate f^er meiii- me for a private reading the must have been around 65 years ago and did picture you printed of Miss Dorothy Jones, lin^ and I will guarantee a stop. next time I am in Akron so I not have much virility left in his once massive, who was voted our most popular girl. Every can fully explain your case to frame. Miss P. D.—Is a certain party on you. one was thrilled and proud to see one of their the level with me? This educator claimed he had spent the b-est own most deserving young ladies gracing the Mrs. D. F.—Can you tell me where years of his life studying the "puzzling prob pages of your paper. Answer—Yes, he is very much in my daughter is living row? love with you, but very shy and Will I ever see her again ? If so, iem of the Negro," and had come to but om REV. J. LINDSEY, Pastor, just can't seem to ask you the will it be real soon? conclusion. He had even written four or fiv< First Baptist Church, qufstion. Since this is Leap Answer—As I can see her she is lengthy books on the subject. Wadsworth, Ohio. Year, take advantage of it. He living in Pittsburgh. Sbe has It was evidtmt that the older he became th< will make you a very good hus­ been sorry for her actions manv, mpre fixed his ideas and conclusions. The3< Dear Editor: band. There is much hap"ine<5S many times and sometime in the in store. Follow your own mind so-called conclusions boiled down to only ont near future you will hear from I am continuously receiving your most in­ instead of listening to others. in the long run, and that was: "intermarriage teresting weekly and I would not like to miss her inviting you to visit her. wii'l eradicate all signs of the Negro in th< a single issue. I especially like your article Mrs. R. S.—Do you think my She is married and I also see United States in 150 years." "Basic Facts About the Proposed Ordinance." health will improve? Will my two children. So don't worry I am now back in Atlanta and again on duty future be a little brighter? Can aibout her. A man with a college education, a man wh< wit,h the Commercial Union Assurance Co., had studied the problem the better part of hii Ltd. I hope Smitty Evans has made a success­ life, a man who had the authority to pass hii ful tour of the southwest and returned to Attention Girls, Here^re Prizes ideas on to the next generation—is it no v/on Akron with plenty of goo5 news for you. der thit t^e w'^ite element of this country ar< Hey there, all yotmg ladies! top all these wonderful prizes, the SO misled? With this sort of philosoph3 E. M. PONDS. There are some wonderful prizes fourth place girl will receive a pouna'.d into th^ heads of gullible student in store for you in the Akron IN­ genuine leather bill-fold, one that not yet wet behind the ears, what hope ha Dear Editor: FORMER'S Most Popular Girl will hold lots of snapshots and the Negro in a country that has taught iti Allow me to congratulate you on your most Contest. The lucky girl who fin­ many other personal things that citizens to rid them.selves of a minority rae( elegant Biography in Brief. It should cause all ishes In first place receives a you wish to carry ajroimd with in a slow and passive jnanner? Why not tak« of us to be proud of you. beautiful set of leather luggage. you. np the. sword nnd get it done with if it is evi Just the thing for your trip this So come on. Join in the contest. MRS. REBECCA POWERS, summer, or any summer for that There is still plenty of time. Clip dent that the Negro is not wanted ? 138 E. Voris St. matter. And the second place girl the ballot from the paper and So interaiarriage will accomplish results' gets a handsome 17-jewel wri?t give it to your friend. Ask him Slow interbreeding will, in 150 years, dissolvi Dear Editor: watch, an ideal eye - catcher to or her to name you as his choice the daTk-skiimed contintyent of the America] That was a good story and a good picture make your friends look at you and tell him to make sure he puts carried in last Sunday's Beacon Journal. In­ With envy. his name and address on it. Send population? Theoretically, this might be so in as many as you wish. You can but the amount of colored people in this coun closed is an extra copy of the article. I thought But that is not all. The third try who support thpse ideas are so few tha you could use an extra copy. prize is a beautiful boudoir lamp even send in ballots for yourself. which will enhance your bedroom Take advantage of this contest— the professor should start again in his ques BILL CAMPBELL, Chairman, for a solution to the "problem." It is a pity tha Akron Infantile Paralysis Foundation. and form a pleasant contrast with NOW! The prizes are now on dis­ the rest of the furniture. And to play at Bear's Furniture Store. his age holds him back. Maybe it is beneficif that he can no lon

L>unial. Republicans Vote To Continue Bias Amvets Seek Vote Jobs Scarce As Akron Youths Plan Against Women In Armed Services On Bill To Help Unskilled Number For Washington Coalil-ion By GOP And One Dixie Member Votes Deceased Vet Kin Mount In Akron Down Amendment To End Discrimination Against Lobby Conference^^ Negro Women In WAVES. WACS and MARINES WASHINGTON—In an effort to January Figures Are Great interest is centered on force vote on the bill (HR 3748) iwo activities to be presen'ted by WASHINGTON — Through the ices, Leslie Perry pointed out that which will increase compensations 31 Per Cent Below the Youth Council of the Akron coalition of three Republicans and "unless Congress corrects the sit­ for widows, orphans and depend­ Hirlngs For 1947 NAACP in preparation for the one Southern Democrat segrega­ uation, racial discrimination will ent parents or service men killed NAACP Youth and Legislative At the end of January there tion and discrimination in the re­ continue in the armed services." in World War I and n, AMVETS Lobbying Conference to be held were 6,885 persons seekiPg work cruitment of WAVES, WACS and national headquarters is calling at in Wash­ During the wa" the Marines, in Akron, according to informa­ Women MARINES will continue in upon its members to put the pres- ington, D. C, March 31 through with an enllstiTiciit of 17,000 re­ tion released last week by the lo­ the Regular Army and Navy. fused to admit a single Negro .sure on members of the House April 3. Rules committee from their state. cal office of the Ohio State Em­ By a vote of 4 to 2 the Armed woman, the NAACP charged. ployment Service. This figure, re­ The firat activity will be the A news letter to members reads: Services subcommittee on Organi­ The Navy pesrmitted only a tok­ presenting 580 more than in De­ presentation of a variety show at "Three men are primarly responsi­ zation and Mobilization rejected en nunAer of Negro WAVES, cember, included 4,405 men, 2,508 West high school, Saturday even­ ble for preventing the full House the amendment by the NAACP only 58 out at a total of 78,000 veterans and 782 handicapped ing, March 20, at 7:30 o'clock. of Representatives from voting on calling for the end of "discrimina­ with only two holding connnls- persons. Alan Freed, WAKR disc annoimc- tion or segregation on account of sions. this measure. They are. JoseT>h er, will act as MC. Other locaJ tal- W. Martin, Jr., of '.tassachi'setts The most significant trend, the race, color, religion, or national report indicated, was a continued enit will be George Clirk, Sy«eda origin in the appointment of of­ (Speaker of the House); Charles Dawood and La Rue Williams, vo­ A. Halleck of Indiana (House Ma- rise in the number of unemployed ficers, commissioned or warrant, in the inexperienced, semi-sk-lled, calist. • or in original enlistments or re- joritv Lieader^; and I eo E. Allen Effect Of Family unskilled and service categories. Other outstanding interracial enlistments, or in the training and of Illinois ((Chairman of the House The past year was character­ talent will also appear on this utilization of personnel selected Rrles Oommittee.)" ized toy a general downward em­ program, according to A. Robert nnder this Act." Lite On Child Is The bill has already been fav­ orably re^artci on by the appro­ ployment trend in all major manu­ Decatur, counselor for ithe group. Repnbllcans voting against the facturing, despite small, gains in priate' committee of Congress On Monday evening, March 20, measure were.- Leroy Johnson, all non-manufacturing categories P.-T.A. Subject which heard testimonv >n it, but at the YWCA the Youth Council Calif.; Paul W. Shaffer, Mich.; except construction. it is now pigeon-holed in the will present a benefit dance in an and James van Zandt, Penna. Bryan school P.-T. A. will pre­ Ehnployers anticipate no signifi­ House Rules Committee. effort to raise funds to defray ex­ Carl T. Durham of North Caro­ sent a symposimn on The Effect cant over-all change in employ­ penses of two dele,m the TK> you the living standard of the "ex­ man are still plaving all the eonceming what singer made such The Ardella Choir will sing at pluck from nature and receive ploited classes" is almost every­ boys in Central Akron." and such a record and Bill is al- . Shiloh Baptist church on Sunday, from the vine in return. where higher than it has ever wavs on hand to straighten things Dorsev Smith world like to March 14, at 3 p. m., also at St. been. out. How one man can retain so It is too earlv to ber trice Read and Loster Shepherd? tice he can tell you who made a whi''h makes the ;3urface of the The question has been asked, Hts., Sunday night . . . Teddy Eunice Neason's boy friend is certain record and on what date. soil too wet. "When the Marshall Plan gets go­ Lindsey says shame on a certain singing much bass. Powell has been at his pres­ As soon as the ground is work­ ing won't that grea^rly reducs the M. B. No dice there . . . Aurice New couples at East lately are ent location almost a year and able, besin nrenarinfr and fertiliz­ unrest?" The answer is one this Rpgers seems to have a mean Betty Joe Hurst and Leroy Parson, now the rlace has becorne the ing the soil for future erowth. wr'ter is not qualified to make, crush on Robert Minor . . Where Shirley Turner and David Drones, headquarters fofr all of the hep The most effective fe'i'ilizer that but my opinion is negative. The was Gert Butler Sunday after­ Juanita Wallace still wears John cats and kitties who like their is known goes by the name of discreptsmcy between the rich and noon? . . . Who Is Helen Lawton Hursts' ring. music on the bop kick. How­ 4-12-4 and is the one recommend­ the poor is still there and that is staying sweet for? . . . Quintella Kelly Williams meets Betty ever, Bill doesn't specialize in ed bv the U. S. Denartment of what counts. D. has it coming, boys. .Tust look Dingle after school every day . . . onlv Popular mus'r. H°! carries Agriculture for garden use. For o?v-er 2,000 years, a deep for it . . . Hey, girls, a. fine black I wonder what happened to Bill a line of popular Spirituals, too. PrtminPT is a necessTv operation gulf between the rich and the Ford was in front of the Perrines Humbert ? for the nro-ner culture of trees poor has evlsted in Paly, and Monday. I wonder why? The wedding of Beulah Sadler Heretofore East and West side and shrubberv. Experience has class conflict is hardening Into Who are the Green Hornet and to President Henderson was very record fang have been 'topping proved that pruninq: is most ef­ a very menacing nroblem. WTiy Black Beauty that Merdell J al­ nice; you missed a treat . . . Mary downtown and buying their rec­ fective when done durl^ifr tbe dor­ has a class conflict grown into ways talks about? . . . Now we Saunders is playing it jam up... ords not knowing that Dot's mu­ mant season (in the earlv spring su"h a bittor strun-gle? Tfre an­ would like to know where Ernie Is Jean McCall waiting for Uly- sic .shop carries a comrjlete line be*-"re tron^niratfon befrins). The swer, for Italy and everywhere Wallace disaopeared to . . . Bea­ ses? . . . Andy Hopkins is playing of the more popular hit recor'^s. buds and new growth of the trees was that before the Machine trice Reed has set her eves on a the lone wolf. You chicki better Now more and more fans are get their food snpolv from the poverty was suffered as inevit­ tall handsome s^ent with initials kick up. Don't all start at once. stopoing bv and finding (to their food stored in the roots over the able; since the MaCiins's prem­ L. S. . . . Nettie Saunders and Why doesn't Margarst Clark go surprise) that they can get just winter. Leaves are necess'^rv for ise of prosperity, poverty Is re­ Lites are comin^r along strong... for boys around town? Could it about any kind of record they the creation of a new supnlv of garded (with Marx's prompt­ We hear that Wosie Davis is pre­ be that a certain guy from Canton wish. food stuffs. If the tree is pruned ing) as the result of a conspir­ paring to do that little number, named Reggie is the answer? Powell has an ingenious system after the new growth apriears acy. what ? . . . Jean McCall is playing Christian Grundy and Willie of stocking his record shelves. He there is a loss created and a re­ That is the secret of Marx's things real cool. That's just like Motley are engaged; they have set makes a survey of all the fans' sultant set-back of growth until success; that poverty is the re­ her . . . Gertrude White has us the date for June 26, 1948. favorite sonsrs and th°n storks his the leaves appear and a new sup­ sult of a conspiracy of the Capi­ on pins and needles and also the Wake up, Merdise, that's your shelves accordinarly. He has also ply of food and energy is formed. talists. In Britain the conscious­ boys. sister, guess you will be next. been instrumental. in seeing that Why is Harold Somerville sing­ If care is taken to choose the ness of poverty results in a drive new record-artists P'et' their rec­ ing it's "All Over?" . . . Bobby proper scaffold branches while the toward leveling, rather than ords widely distributed. Many Nunn is dreaming of only Robert tree is young, a ffreat deal of toward revolution. The Machine new artists have gone to him and H. McCray . . . Betty Jones would Life Certificates pnmina' will be eliminated later. is controlled in the interest of re­ asked to have a new record of like to know what to do to keep Care should be taken to make a ducing the prosperitv and power theirs plugged in his shop. Powell her boy friend . . . We all hear clean, close cut when pruning, of the capitalists, rather than in never turns down such a request. that Lester Lewis is setting horses Giveni 8 Members leaving no outstanding stubs, and the interest of abundance. Eco­ So,- if you want the latest thing for June Pierson ... As you all thereby insuring proper healing of nomic initiative instead of being in Jive or Spirituals, take those know Alberta C. is wearing gold­ the wound. restricted by capitalistic greed, is By Daughter Elks few extra stetis and v'sit Bill. If en earings and nearls! . . . Who in danger of being strangled by Eighteen daughters of the Mary he isn't in, someone will be there For wounds over 2 inches in the envy of the proletariat. is the certain fellow who loves to diameter, a wound dressing is ne- Exalted Temple No. 95, IBPOEW, to take care of you. I'll be seeing In countries where the control dial ST-0786 and ask for M.J.? ce=^sary to prevent wood-rottinsr were presented Ufetime certifi­ you at Dot's Mi'sic Shop. 71 North of the Machine has actually been . . . Bemice is real gone, guys ... fungus from entering the tree. A cates last week over, the signa­ Howard St., where all the hep taken away from the capitalist, Who is Mardell Brown dreaming mixture of sardine oil and resin, tures of Mrs. Harriet A. Bowie, cats and kiddies meet to get on a the most extraordinarv growth oc­ of ? . . . Well, gang, until this time or common varnish in case resin daughter ruler, and Mrs. Mattie sweet reed and mellow beat, and curred in the meaning of "con­ next time. isn't available, can be used as an L. Stokes, financial secretary. something is always happfning. trol." Control of production bv adequate dressinia:. Some common­ Daughters receiving these certi­ You can always hear the lat­ "the state" with the ^tate all ly recommended dressings such as ficates in honor of twenty years est (just before the Petrillo powerful, and the individual's wel­ creosote paint and others retard BENNY RIVERS of faithful service as members ban) recordings of such stars as fare placed Fecond to that of the the STowth of the Pcab from the were: Ralph Wilson, Cy Stemmons, state, turned out to need bolster­ cambium layers of the tree. LUNCH Lauretta Marshall White, Ruth Creorge (Sweet Pea) Clark, and ing up. It meant control of many others. Yon nuay even get Jones, Louella Morris Powell, Car­ Ornamental shrubbery is pruned speech, thought and personal life. Under New Management rie Parrish, Oral Davis, Louise a chance to glimpse our new at different times because of its It was not the freed worker that glamour gal singer, Ivy Marie of AL HYDE Davis, Inez Dobbs Neil, Crawford decorative value. Shrubs like the replaced the capitalist; it was the Brown, J. B. Denis, Fannie Whit­ Weaver. She's always flitting in forsythia and the lilac, which cop, the spy, the bureaucrat. and out of the place. Specializing in field. flower first and then leaf, are (Continued next week) Also Daughters Guye, Anna B. Powell is also one of the best pruned after they leaf. Others, as Steaks, Chops, Fish, Chili known Juke Box distributors in Coleman, Ella Williams, Loretta the pegge-hydrangea, etc., are and Pies Martin, Helen Duncan, Fannie the Akron area. pruned early in the spring when Solar Furnace Co. 70 N. HOWARD ST. Jones, Louise Castleberry, and they first show signs of leafing Henry Woodard. before they flower. In one, the old "Stops Smoke" For action on Human Relations growth produces the flowers; in Board, call your Councilman the other, the prolific new growth CLEANING - REPAIRING C\ Visitors inYoungstown TODAY! produces them. Installing BAUER DRUG Mr. and Mrs. Sam Miller and family, 1381 Hart St., spent the COAL - CAS - QIL HY PURE week-end in Yoimgstown with Mrs. Pearl Anderson, who is Mrs. See JOE BECKLEY FR-0430 Presented by "' Phone: BL-8698 Miller's aunt. Clarence Smith Evans For All Types of Heating, Ventilating and G.E. Air Conditioning FR-00r>4 BL-3697 Specializing in the New Radiant and Panel Type of Heat, 647 Douglas St.Wm. A. Weikert 225 N. Howard St., Akron, O. Complete . . . Using Forced Hot Water (Gas Fired Boilers) Conversion Gas Burners - Roofing and Spouting Income Tax and SAND FREE! Repairs and New Installations SMOKED and Notary Service Sand given away by Mt. FRESH MEATS Make Sure What You Can Olive Baptist Church, Co- Collins Heating Sales & Service, inc. burn and Bartges Sts. and Cannot Deduct to Ob­ At All Times We will load it on your tain the Return That Is 210 W. Exchange Sh at Wabash Night & Day: BL-2216 truck. Justly Yours. CORB ETT»S Call Matf-ie M. Johnson F. H. A. Financed - 36 Months - No Down Payment MEAT MARKET REV. j. I. MONROE 178 E. North Street, Apt. A HE-3870 THE AKRON INFORMER 4 North Howard St. BL-7611 or HE-3124 or see him at 637 Coburn St. Saturday, March 13, 1948 Firestone Park All-Stars Eliminated G reenwoo d To Negro Player To NBC's Win TitI, By Cleveland Team In AAU Tourney Talk On Program Compete In U.S. n Junior League Harold Jenkins And Macon Williams Standout As Honoring Athletes Tennis Tourney At Goodyear Club Fails To Halt Baldwin-Wallace Players The Akron Community Service DF. Reginald S. Weir Establishing one of the best rec­ The Firestone Park All-Stars, abling the Cleveland combine to Center will present its annual rec­ ords in amateur circles, the Kip­ one of Akron's top representatives pull ahead and sew up the ball ognition night for high school and First Negro To Play ling NBC's ran their string of un- in the northeastern Ohio AAU' game. college athletes of the Akron area For National Title ioeaten gaunes to 11 in a row last tournament at the Goodyear gvm Two of the Firestone players next Friday night, March 19, at week-end by whipping the Caval­ fell by the wayside last Friday who were factors in keeping the the YWCA. NEW YORK—For the first time iers, 55-35, and Springfield Re­ night as the Cleveland AUmen game on fairly even terms, were in the 67-year history of the Un­ serves, 30-25, at Goodyear gym. Transfers, a team composed of Williams and Jenkins, regular Don Greenwood, former Cleve­ ited States Lawn association a Ne­ The victory over Springfield left former Baldwin-Wallace players, members of the Sahara Drys bas­ land Browns star, and now ath­ gro player will compete for the the NBC's as champions in the outlasted them in a gruelling (bat­ ketball team which won the Na­ letic coach at the Cuyahoga Falls indoor championship of the United second half of the Gfoodyear Fath­ tle, 48-38. tional division championship in the- high school, will be guest si>eaksr. States when the tournament open­ er and Son league. The All-Stars, made up of out­ Akron Class A league this season. Other guests include Jim Schlem- ed this Thursday at the Seventh mer, sports editor of the Beacon Regiment Armory. Victory over the Springfield Re­ standing plavers from various Jenkins was high point man for serves was especially sweet, for Firestone division teams, put up the All-Stars, caging 11 points, Journal, and Bill Pierson, sports- Dr. Reginald S. Weir of New caster for station WHKK. the only loss that mars their rec­ a spirited fiarht but could not whUe Williams meshed one basket York is the entrant and accord­ ord in 26 games was a 30-17 de­ for 2 points. ing to Alrids H. Mann, jr., com­ match the teamwork of their op­ On hand to share honors with feat by the Reserves. ponents who had much teamwork .A'lnen Tr. G F P FiTestnne G F P mittee chairman, his application Eariier last week the NBC's C^in. f 12 4 ^A„i,ins, f 4 .T 11 members of their football teams Is the first ever accepted. experience behind them. Armri?, f 4 3 11 TV-'vl-'s 110 2 who fought it out for the city topped the National AC cagers, ytnrvcf^, e 0 2 3 Gaynor, o 3 0 4 Dr. Weir, however, is no new­ 37-32, at the Spicer gym. The Toward the end of the first half "' Ger'n, tr 4 2 10 AF-n. sr 4 ns; championship Will be Ted Osborne comer in the East. Forr the past the- All-Stars were ahead 21-17, Hrivnnk. e 6 4 15 Will's, g 10 2 of Central and Coach Chuck Pi- score was close throughout the Eowe, f 10 3 ''no-OTiriis, 0—0 0 three years he has entered the game with the score at half time and their coach pulled the ent're Wi!=mn, s: 0 0 0 SHirhal, f '2 0 4 otter of West. Eastern Indoor tournament. In team and ssnt in reserves. This Morse, g- 1 1 .3 Slnfr, c 0 1 3 being 18-13. The big difference was 7"kirr, g 0 0 0 Films of the Cleveland Browns' 1946 he astounded the tennis evidently cooled them off because Total 17 14 48 Mil>r. g 12 4 the spectacular shooting of Jim games of the past season will be world by eliminating Landislav Malone, who scored five times they missed the majority of their Hec^t, former Czech Davis Cup shots duringthe second half, en- Total 15 8 38 shown. Invitations to all Akron from the field. high school athletes as well as to star, from the eastern meet. Kpline NBC GPP Niitionnl Q P" P their fathers have been sent ^ut This year he reached the semi­ Mf.lorip, i ,5 0 10 Priteh'd, f 1 0 3 finals losing 6-4, 11-9 to Ed Mc- ASharlK'f 2 0 4 P'-ck. f 4. 1 9 Dillard Scores by A. Robert Decatur, director of O.Shadie, c .3 1 7 McRin's, c 3 2 8 Boys' activities of the Center. Grath of Brookljm who took the Brown, {r 4 0 S M^fklr, g .