Langston Hughes Denied Right 0( Speech Welfare Aide Akron Institutions Fear Threats Of Violence Alcron sliut ttie door of every inite civic interests for adults." to speak that evening at Mt. Olive of the local resulted in a call for public meeting place in tlie face That same evening Mt. Olive Baptist church. But this church actian on part of the board which of Langston Hughes Wednesday Baptist church of which Rev. J. I. had meanwhile been subjected to met Wednesday night and voted night. This developed after t^e Monroe is paslor, olTered its facili­ pressure and the pastor issued a to cancel Hughes appearance board of trustees of the Goodrich ties. Earlier Monday night at 7.:30 statement that his congregation there for Thursday night. local No. 5 voted to denv the in­ Henry J. Taylor, radio commen­ had backed down. Meanwhile, Langston Hughes ternationally famous p"et use of tator, whose first broadcast on Rev. Bill D:nton paid the pas­ had dinner Wednesday evening at their hall at 708 S. Main St. .Hughes aroused Attorney Clair tor a visit taking with him sever­ the Garden Grille with members This was the fourth institution Trunick to issue charges locally al copies of Hughes poetry. Rev. of the Council, various church that had refused Huffh°s the u^e against the poet, devoted a part Alonroe stated, however, that the groups, social agencies and the of their facilities. Canc'l'at'on bv of his broadcast to Hughes again decision was his own. press. Later the group retired to each asrency was f ffrced uoon the?> quoting certain verses which he Meanwhile, the Akron Council the residence of Rsv. I. Cox, di­ by the same pattern of action, branded pro-communist. on Race Relations secured the rector of the council, where word ranging from anonymous rh"ne Wednesday ,Langston Hughes Goodrich local No. 5 hall. Tele­ reached them of action on part of calls to veiled threats of with- arrived from New York, expecting phone calls to numerous members the CIO. drawel of financial support to a pnblic demonstration in front of the bu'lding in event the meeting MABCELLA SMITH was held. AKRON Miss Marcella Smith is the lat­ The first institution to back est addition to the staff of the down was South high school. Prin­ Division of Public Charities where cipal Lewis Turner in the f«ce of she is a welfare investigator. Re­ a barrage of phone calls from al­ ceiving her early education at leged parents of the student's, Lane school and West High school. called a student assemblv to ex­ Miss Smith majored in business plain the reason for h's action. Vol. II—No. 26 AKRON, OHIO, SATURDAY, MARCH 13, 1948 Price 8c and English at West Virginia He announced that the schools State College where she graduated had "a definite responsibil-'tv to last year. She is an active mem­ students" and it was deemed n-^t ber ot the Alpha Kappa Alpha advisable to present such a con­ sorority. Her hobbies are swim­ troversial issue to them. NAACP Appeals For Funds ming, art and horseback riding. Preceding the withdrawal of the She Is the daughter of Mr. and T W C A, two Akron ministers Mrs. Tom Smith of 697 Rhodes Wasted Hughes from thrir pulpits, .Ave. Rev. William Denton of the Furn­ To Save Mother of 12 Children ace St. Mission, and Rev. Dallas Billington of the Akron Baptist Walter White Calls Ingram Case ''Most Shocking Temple. It is reported that both Blasts Congress have played active parts in forc­ Miscarriage Of Justice In 39 Years As Fight ing refusals by the cancelling in­ Quickens To Save Mother And Two Sons stitutions. For Inactivity In Monday night the YWCA execu­ NEW YORK—An urgent appeal Calling the Ingram case "one Armed with a rifle, Stratford tive committee voted to deny for fimds for the legal defense of of the most shocking miscarri­ set out to shoot the animals. He Hughes use of their auditorium. Mrs. Rosa Lee Ingram, widowed ages of justice in the 39 years encountered Mrs. Ingram and Civil Rights Fight Declaring in a prepared state­ mother of 12 children, and her two the NAACP has existed," Wal­ struck her with the butt of the ment their fear of disturbance young sons, now under sentence of ter White, secretary, urged tbe firearm, inflicting a deep and Charges Members Try of a physical nature beyond death in Americus, Ga., wer.t out branches to arrange mass meet­ bloody wound. She was struggling To 'Lynch' President the control of the YWCA," they this week to the 1600 branches of ings and to send speakers to with him to prevent him from For His Speech stated that they "faced the re­ the National Association for the churches, trade unions and other shooting her when two of hsrsons, grettable position of not being Advancement of Colored People organizations In a ooncerteid ef­ Sammie Lee, 14, and Wallace, 17, INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. - Calling able to make its facilities avail­ and to otber friends of the Asso­ fort to raise funds for the In- rushed to lier aid. Sammie Lee upon the members of Congres.° of able for certain meetings of def­ ciation. grams and other legal defense used the hammer with which he both parties to end their silence work of the Association. was repairing the fence to strike on the issue of civil rights, Walter The death sentences imposed the white assailant and save his White, executive secretary of the on Mrs. Ingram, an impoverished mother's life. The blow was fatal. NAACP, voiced the disapproval of sharecropper, and her sons orig­ Mrs. Ingram and her sons were millions of Americans at the in­ inated in an argument last No­ arrested and held without bail on activity of Congress, at the NA vember with a neighboring white trial for three months. In a one- ACP Midwest Regional Confer­ farmer, John Ed Stratford. Mrs. day trial on February 3, with only ence, held here last week-e-d. Ingram's pigs had rooted under court-appointed counsel to defend White denounced the recent at­ the fence dividing Stratford's land them, the mother and two sons tacks of Congressmen and south­ from the farm on which she work­ were convicted and sentenced to ern governors on President Tru­ ed. death. man's Civil Rights message to ^ Congress. "What is going on to­ day is the attempted lynching not r of an individ'.ial but of the Presi­ Dr. Max Yergan Urges Negro Action dent of the United States," White_ declared. "In lynching him for proposing In Framework Of American Traditions machinery to obliterate evils like lynching and the poll tax, every FLASH citizen of the United States and The speech made in Akron Sunday afternoon by Dr. Max democracy itself are being Ismch- ed." Yergan may be his last as executive director of the Council on The executive secretary asked African Affairs, Inc., a group which he founded. This Friday, Senators and Congressmen from March 12, he will be in the middle of a fight by pro-commun­ the border and rorthem states to ists for control. "If the pro-communist group assumes control, form a bi-partisan coalition to there is only one thing I can do and that is r^ign," stated make vocal the abhorrence of the Dr. Yergan. overwhelming majority of the American people for such bestial Beginning with the proposition urged Negroes to utilize the idea crimes as lynching, disfranchi'?e- Uiat we are all Americans, the that we are part of the march in ment, job. discrimination and bigo­ Negro must act today in terms of which mankind has been engaged. try. American ideas and tradition. We "We must participate and con­ "If you continue to do nothing, contributed much to those ideas tribute to its achievement." do not expect us to return you to and those traditions and we have Congress, for you will have failed a responsibility to utilize them your coimtry in its hour of direct tooth as a contributor and a re­ Men's Republican crisis." ceiver. The Midwest Regional Confer­ In those words. Dr. Max Yergan, Club Posfpones ence at which Mr. White spoke director of the Council on African was attended by 150 delegates Affairs, Inc., described the frame­ from NAACP branches in Illinois, work, goals and means of action Contest, Social India'^a, Kansas, Kentucky, Michi­ of the Negro on the American gan, Missouri, Ohio. West iVrginia scene. The cabaret party of the Young and .Wisconsin. MRS. ALETHA HOBBS Speaking on the third of a ser­ Men's Republican club set for this Mrs. Aletha Hobbs, 610 Nienuin St., will be the featured model when ies of forums presented by the Sunday evening at the Cosmopoli­ Miss Evelyn Killings takes her millinery creations to New York this Community Guild of the Akron tan club was postponed eariy this week. Miss Killings will make her New York debut by presenting a Atfy. Arf-ee Fleming Pre-Easter Hat Revue at the Elks Imperial Auditorium, 129!th and Community Service Center, at the week, according to Marion Dixson, Undergoes Operation Seventh Ave., New York City. Miss Killings was accompanied by her YWCA auditorium Sunday, Dr. chairman of the entertainment mother, Mrs. Geneva Killings and Mrs. Hobbs. Yergan spoke forcibly against the committee. Attorney Artee Fleming, of 439 Mrs. Hobbs, shown in the accompanying photo modeling an "Evelyn" entrance of either the Negro or In a meeting Tuesday evening Cuyahoga St., is recoveri"g from natural Swiss straw trimmed in green satin, with lifelike daisies, is the labor into a third party tangent.
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