jfc&t 1,1 Ob >1c.

13th May, 1937.

Hy dear Ur. Denalane,

I received your letter of recent date with thanks. 1

note the two suggestions you make,for which I thank you.

I, however, regret to say, because of pressure - due

to necessary arrangements before departure, I cannot see my

way clear to accept either date.

Kindly convey my appreciation of the suggestion to your


I shall, however, be back next year.

Thanking you again,

Yours sincerely,


Mr. D.M.Denalane, Robinson Deep, Johannesburg.

Per hand. /,• I

/^Sx l i o s - f l d .

12th May, 1937.

Dr, Emmet J.Scott, Howeed University, Washington, D.C# U.S.A.

A • • \ ' . ' - '. My dear Ur. Scott,

We have not aeon each other for over twenty years# There now Is hope of -us meeting together very soon, as I am hoping tc arrive In Amorica about the middly of June* I shall remain there until the first week bf September#

I hope to have an opportunity of discussing with you our problems in Sputh Africa, and devising v/ays and means for the solution of these problems#

My debt of gratitude to America and^people, both White and Black, can never be repaid# They gave me opportunities that my country did not offer to 3uch as I am# I have endeavoured to maintain the high Stsjftdards that were instilled in me by your great American Institutions#

I am anxious to be a worthy representative of these Institutions and of those good people, if some of ray American friends approve of the report and the programme I wish to place before them, and are prepared to provide the means for the carrying out of the programme suggested, or whatever suggestions they may wish to make.

You could got in touch with me through of the Crisis, or Max Yergan of the International Committee of African Affairs#

With best wishes,

Yours very sincerely,

ABX#pd. fto* 37 0S/Lf

14th May, 1937,

Dear Bishop V.right,

n I received your letter of sometime ago re raising the sum of ft250« Unfortunately, you did not stat^/hat it was for and what the terms of repayment would be, i f a loan to that amount were available.

I may say that there would be no difficulty on my part getting such an amount, or even a -£1000 or two.

As I presume that the loan is for the work of the Church, my difficulty is that there seems to be no one who knows about the assets of the Church or of the Title Deeds of Church properties, except the Bishops who come and go» Besides, every Bishop seems to have a policy of his own, and the Church has no sound business financial policy. No one, perhaps until now, as I personally cannot tell who is who and what is going on in the affairs of the Church* since you came, seemed to know even v/here the Church* s funds are banked.

As a result of this, when Bishops go away at the end of the tyiadrennium, the»e are no funds with which to meet the ChurchAs o b l a t i o n s , and this was how the church became indebted to me and to Mrs. Morake.

Herfc *61 advanced to the School, was approved for payment in the last Conference in 1935 at Bloemfontein. The other *18 owing to her, which account I handed over to you, was monies paid out during my absence at Port Hare, before she left for overseas.

My account of JL84 which I also handed to you, were monies advanced partly, at tine request of the then Presiding Bishop, and partly to save the Church from disgrace for their inability to pay the Teachers' salaries.

If there were a financial policy, I submit that these accounts should have been paid.

Besides, you \rttte me to raise funds, and yet you have been arou&d my home often enough; but you have never found it neceseary to discuss the financial situation with me officially or unofficially, as Treasurer of the Oauw&M and one who could possibly help the Church/ 2.. !


BISHOP WEIGHT (Continuation) 14th May, 1937,

Church, If things were run on a business-like way,

I am going overseas and could have, perhaps, done something In the interest of the school.

Under these circumstances, you can see how difficult it must be for me, as a business man, to commit myself in anything in the name of the Church, when I do not know what your plans are for raising loans or for theu/repayments• >' „ \ I shall be in Cape Town on the Thursday before I sail, May kiOth,, and hope to receive a cheque in settlement of my account.

Yours sincerely,


B JLe hixjr - £ « H’d v , R .R . Wright, 28 Walmer Road, WOODSTOCK. C .P . f\ib% S 7 0 ^ 7 /

21st May, 1937. My dear Roy,

I have cancelled my booking with the Italian line, consequently I am now going via England, leaving flfcgVaffown on the 28th May, via the "Carnavon Castle"•

I shall, therefore, arrive in New York City on or about the 23rd June*

I was hoping to attend the Conference of your Association, in Detriot, if time permitted me* There is, howetfer, still hope of doing so* I will try to inform you about the definite date of arrival and the name of the boat on which I shall be coming*

Yours sincerely,


Mr, Roy Wilkins, 5tn Avenue, New York City, N*Y«, U*S.A» /HSK oSZlIb

21 at May, 1937*

Mr. & Mrs. , / 19 Buckingham Road, i Adelphi, j W LONDON. !\ 'V Dear Friends, i k. WS This Is to inforrti you that I shall be passing through to America via the "City of Pa^jg^', on June 16th.

I am arriving at Southhampton on the ss»"Cariiavo|i Castle1 on June 14th. A | j •• A I hope to run up to London before passing through in order to make a fev/ arrangements for my return, as well as to say "Hello" to you, i f you are not too busy# 1 i v/ \

/ / . M Yours sincerely, I 'M \ i 1 /tex 3 7 o S i / c iik x • 21st May, 1937. Dr* %t -.. Deaf Max,

How are you and yours? I Just wish, to Inform you that the^e has been a change in my booking, at the last moment.

.. * «» leaving Cape Town on the 11C ARK A VON CASTLE" instead of the Italian liner - on the 28th May, and hope to leave South­ hampton on the first possible boat out, possibly either the Normandie or the "Aquatania". However, I have still to * Confirm # • this.

As a result of this change, I expect to arrive now abotit ' the 23rd of June.

Keep our fr o n d s home, so that I can see them as soon as I come, before getting out of New York City.

Yours sincerely.


Dr• Max Yergan, International Committee on African Affairs, Eight West Fortieth Street, Mew York City, N.Y.. g.S.A. !'i Mx z n o s z i ot 21st May, 1937,

Dear Miss Carney,

Your letter was, as usual, just like you; so full of human Interest, You cannot Imagine what encouragement and hope it has given me on ray project*

I thank you very much on setting aside the 19th and 20th of June, as possible dates for our interview; but wish to state that, on account of a change in my booking the eleventh hour, I may now not arrive in New York City before the 23rd June, Tills, however, has still to be confirmed. So that possibly the week-end of the 26th may be more suitable,

I am delighted over the news in reference to Mrs. Morake, I am getting extremely jealous of Columbia University, and wish there wfere ways and means to make it possible for me to be adopted* Perhaps your little God-son may be a product of the Future Columbia University, Who knows?

Thanking yoti again and anticipating the pleasure of seeing you and getting the benefit of your ripe experience.

1 am,

Yours sincerely,

Professorsor Mabel Barney,


I i f t r & t l l o s Zl ! &. 2 1 s t ,, May, 1937, My dear Dr. Haynes, \

I was delighted to receive your letter of recent date and also to note In It the beautiful constructive suggestions you are making* I thank you for all this. , ! \ . 'x / V^>r-v There has been a slight change in my programme,so that I may now not arrive In New York City until abotit the : 3rd of June, v* : \ I \\ .V , I } \ You will pleased to know that your good friend and neighbour, Dr. Hopkins, called at my home, and we had a pleasant twenty minutes together.

I shall com run!cate with you, t s soon as I arrive in New York City*

Both Max Yergan and Roy Willtins may have the information and the boat on which I will be arriving.

J \ Yours very sincerely, i \

/ ABX-pd. Dr. George Haynes,

Federal Council of The Cldxcches of Christ in America, 105 East P2nd Street, NEV. YORK CITY, N.Y., U.S.A. O FFIC ES IN S O U TH AFRICA telephone no 33 - 3 0 2 3 .

C a p e T o w n . 3 0 . S t r a n d S t r e e t . post office box no. 4 5 6 9 . D u r b a n . M e r c u r y L a n e , w e s t S t r e e t

B u l a w a y o . L o n r h o H o u s e . M a in S t r e e t . TELEGRAPHIC ADDRESS: •'COUPON" JOHANNESBURG

E lizabethvillc ( B e l g ia n c o n g o ) A v e n u e R o y a l e . J ohannesburg . C o r n e r o f F o x > L o v e d a y s t r e e t s . Thos. Cook & Son—Wagons-Lits (), Limited. (Incorporated in England) GENERAL FOREIGN PASSENGER AGENTS PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. FOREIGN EXCHANGE BUSINESS TRANSACTED.

Head Office:- C o l o n i a l M u t u a l B u il d in g . PLEASE QUOTE Corner of Fox & Loveday Streets. BERKELEY STREET. LONDON. W.l. THIS REFERENCE JG R. 671.P. JOHANNESBURG.

May 31st. 1937_____ y -

Messrs. Thos. Cook & Son, Ltd., Ocean Booking Hall, Berkeley Street, Piccadilly, London. W .l. England,

Dear Sirs,

This letter will serve to introduce to you Dr. A.B. Xuma, wh<^

accompanied by Mr. J.R . Rathebe, is travelling by the R.M.S. "CARNARVON CASTLE"

to Southampton, due there on June 14th. They will continue from Southampton

to New York by the "PARIS" leaving there on June 16th, on which vessel you have

already reserved tourist class accbmmodation, in accordance with cable advice

in response to our request.

It has unfortunately been necessary, at the last moment, to change

Dr. Xuma's plans in respect to his route to the , and we would

appreciate any assistance you may be able to give him, so that he may go forward

in the most comfortable way.

Commending Dr. Xuma to your courtesy, we are,

Yours faithfully,



All sailings, fares and other particulars quoted herein are subject to alteration without notice Any subsequent change or adjustment to be made at the time tickets are supplied. fi-fa J»"7o5' ■

22ncL May, 1937.

My dear Mr. Mqhayi,

I am sorry that up to the present I have not succeeded with my scheme# I , however, have not given up hope about it*

Ofcourse, I also regret that circumstances were such that we could not get together to get each other's point of view and each other's aims and objects*

My interest in the matter is purely scientific and not commercial* I have been impressed by your thoroughness in doing things, and I made up my mind that you would be useful In checking up and recording certain useful information for presevation in the life and customs of our people*

Many difficulties in connection with my v/ork and my activities had arisen recently, and had made it difficult, If not impossible, for me to pay as much attention to the question as I shell be able to do In future*

I nay be able to communicate with you, perhaps, even before you have published this manuscript* However, at present, I must only thank you for having given me the chance of seeing the manuscript whlcJ I am returning, as requested, with thanks*

Enclosed please find ten shillings note for tobacco.

I am sailing vt& the "Caraavon Castle" from Cape Town, on Friday, May 28 th ,, and any commfmication may be sent to that ship. The Docks, Cape Town*

Yours sincerely,

ABX*pd. Mr* S*E*Mqhayi, P*Q*B£HLINt C*P* t&t 11 OS a Z T.27. POST OFFICE TELEGRAPHS.—POS-TELEGRAAFDIENS. ‘ filOft— 18/8/3?— 70,000-201. S. No.-..*

1 Traffic ferial No. 1 Handed in at— Ingelcvrer op— W ords. D a ta . Tima of Handing in. V o rk ee r- W o o rd a . D a tu m . Tyd van Inlcwering. Tolgnmnmer. , { § * g f 's IC S JCC1G4 ueutown jhburq 1 0 1 1 / 4 J A H + +

ui&as.— d j m . service mstrncuons— L>ien8*anwywmg*— Roefc*— ■



To q ) F ro m XUHA 72 KEEROHSTREET CAPETOWN ++ V, \ ' a[M ----

Doubtful words may l>e repeated. The Repetition Fee will be refunded if error i« disclosed. This form should accompany any inquiry. Twyfelagtige wjOidc kau berbaal word, lndicu aan 'n .einfout te wyte, word die koste Tan die berbaling tcrugbeiaul. Uieidic v o .m m.ei e n ig » i c • ------■^^uaetx&snAu — ■ — “ t* 27. POST OFFICE TELEGRAPHS—POS-TELEGRAAFnfljJjg. /filOS 18/8/32—70.0n0-aw. 8.______—- No...

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LTUFP.— M a s . Forvicp Instructions— Dien^aanwy^in"^—



B y D e a r OAPETOVJN +*+



Poabtfnl wor<1> may be repeated. The Repetition Fee will I f r.fiin>M if error is disclose*!. Tliis form -Imtild ...... any inquiry. TwyfrldR-tifre w-orcle kan hrrl:aa! wont. Iiidi- i nan 'n rii-.f-'it -e wyt*. word 'lie kiwlc van .lie licrlialin.- i.-m-.-l. -iII enlie v.nm m em^e n.iviaag vcrgcBfl. Collection Number: AD843

XUMA, A.B., Papers

PUBLISHER: Publisher:- Historical Papers Research Archive Location:- Johannesburg ©2013


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