Cross the Borders International Study Week 28.05.–01.06.2012 Görlitz


1. Opening Speech by Prof. Dr. Georg Milbradt, former Prime Minister of (May 28th, 2012)...... 2 2. Dedication – Holistic approach – Liberty After Congress Letter by Prof. Irena Alperyte, Vilnius Academy of Arts (June 5th, 2012) ...... 3 3. A Polish Students’ View on Let’s go – International Study Week in Görlitz. Róża Różańska, studentka P. prof. M. Th. Vogta, członek polskiej Delegacji, referentka ...... 4 4. The Network’s Beginnings: Preface by UNESCO director general Federico Mayor for the Foundation of the European Network Culture and Management (1997)...... 5 5. The European Network Culture and Management at Present (2012) ...... 6 6. Participants at the Görlitz Study Week 2012 ...... 7 7. Program A: Brain Gain through Culture? ...... 10 8. Program B: Nature meets Music...... 15 9. Program C: Internationalization Strategies ...... 16 10. Concerts...... 17 11. Schedule ...... 19 12. Acknowledgments...... 23 13. Organization Committee ...... 24 15 years European Network Culture and Management

1. Opening Speech by Prof. Dr. Georg Milbradt, former Prime Minister of Saxony (May 28th, 2012)

Dear Prof. Vogt! Dear colleagues, dear students! Ladies and gentlemen!

It is a great pleasure for me to celebrate with you 15 years of the European Network of Culture and Management. It was an excellent idea of the university and especially of you, dear Prof. Vogt, to introduce courses in culture and management here in Görlitz at the border of Germany and , in the centre of Europe, and to organize this conference.

Our old continent is growing together, the fall of the iron curtain and the accession of our eastern and south-eastern neighbours to the EU have given us a new momentum and the chance to overcome the division and to build a united Europe, a vision our forefathers dreamed of.

Primarily this process is still driven by economic forces. The flow of goods, capital, services, and partially labour has grown considerably. But Europe is more than economy and commercial exchange. We must build our future not only on our economic self-interest, but also on the solid ground of our common European cultural heritage, on our shared values and on intellectual exchange of idea and views. You can feel this new European spirit here in Görlitz and Zgorzelec, a city with a very varied history, with extreme highs and lows.

The motto of the EU is not as in the USA “e pluribus unum” – “Out of Many, One”, but “in varietate concordia” – “In Diversity United”. On the one hand we Europeans are diverse; we have different languages, customs, and cultures, and are proud of them. These are valuable treasures. On the other hand the common heritage and permanent cultural exchange unite us. Culture is a strong glue which can hold our continent together, especially in the time of economic or political crises.

Therefore I am very pleased that the organizers have prepared such an attractive programme which fits this objective so perfectly. The number of participants, scholars and students underlines my observation.

I wish all of you a pleasant stay in Görlitz and an interesting week with new insights and encounters, and last not least, a stimulating concert and a nice evening.

15 years European Network Culture and Management

2. Dedication – Holistic approach – Liberty After Congress Letter by Prof. Irena Alperyte, Vilnius Academy of Arts (June 5th, 2012)

Dear Professor Vogt,

It is my great pleasure to write this thank you letter and express my deepest admiration towards the International Week in Gorlitz that you organized during May 28 - June 2, 2012.

The topic has been of an absolute importance and relevance to us, and we want to thank you on the behalf of the UNESCO chair for cultural management and cultural policy for being involved and therefore, made our own research examining current trends in brain gain versus brain drain situation in our own country.

I personally enjoyed the artistic programme, and had a great time spending evenings in the Apollo theatre or Klingewalde. However, to me the most exciting was the educational/managerial part. What was the most striking to me? The corporate spirit of your programme! Although the schedule was really tight and full of events, your younger helpers, the students, carried out all the task with adequate diligence, tactfulness and I would say, delicacy.

When summing up our possibilities for future cooperation, I would emphasize the set of certain traits that would go under the DHL abbreviation. D would represent „dedication“of your students and staff, and eagerness to always give a hand when it is needed. H would stand for holistic approach, meaning that everything that you do goes in harmony with nature, culture and ethics. I love the creative atmosphere that glides just liberalism over Klingewalde. Finally, L can mean liberty in its broader interpretation: not just mere liberalism. By Liberty I mean one‘s ability to be creative and to go after your dream to the point where it brings you.

I would also like to thank you wonderful family for the nice reception and being there.

Concluding what I just said, I would once again wish to thank you for the fruitfull week, and the lesson of the civic society, the contours of which we could see within your projects framework.‘

Wishing you all the best, and looking forward to our common projects, I remain Sincerely yours,

Irena Alperyte Assoc Prof. Vilnius Academy of Arts 15 years European Network Culture and Management

3. A Polish Students’ View on Let’s go Europe – International Study Week in Görlitz. Róża Różańska, studentka P. prof. M. Th. Vogta, członek polskiej Delegacji, referentka

Dlaczego trzeba pracować nad polityką kulturalną? Czy można metodami edukacyjnymi zmienić mentalność społeczeństwa? Jak zapobiec migracji młodych wykształconych ludzi z mniejszych miejscowości do metropolii? Jubileuszowa konferencja 15-sto lecia Europejskiej Sieci centrów Zarządzania Kulturą zorganizowana przez profesora dra hab. Matthiasa Theodora Vogta, wykładowcę polityki kulturalnej Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz umożliwiła podjęcie próby odpowiedzi na te pytania. W dniach 28 maja do 2 czerwca wykładowcy i studenci z Polski, Słowacji, Litwy, Włoch, Francji, Węgier, a także Gruzji, Mongolii i Japonii przybyli do Görlitz. Przygraniczne miasto słynie z doskonale zachowanej starówki i jest uznawane za najpiękniejsze w Niemczech.

W 1997 roku Profesor Vogt wraz z kilkoma specjalistami rozpoczął proces międzynarodowej współpracy pomiędzy uczelniami chcącymi wprowadzić zarządzanie kulturą do swojej oferty studiów. Dziś European Network Culture and Management in progress liczy 21 ośrodków naukowych, lecz Profesor Vogt pragnie nadal rozwijać swoje działo. Pan Profesor od lat jest wiernie oddany szczytnym celom krzewienia wiedzy o kulturze i podnoszenia świadomości społeczeństwa w tym zakresie. Wszechstronnie wykształcony naukowiec jest muzykologiem, germanistą, filozofem i historykiem kultury. W latach 90-tych założył w odrestaurowanym dzięki jego staraniom dworze w Klingewalde Institut für Kulturelle Sachsen, który z czasem został wcielony w struktury Hochschule Zittau/ Görlitz.

Program zjazdu podzielono między akademickie debaty (Brain gain through Culture) oraz koncerty młodych muzyków ponieważ wydarzeniu towarzyszyła druga odsłona projektu Nature meets Music, polegającego na współpracy między muzykami a specjalistami zajmującymi się nauką ścisłą. Wszystkich zainteresowanych muzycznymi szczegółami zapraszam do przeczytania recenzji na stronie portalu Polska Muza: Ponadto dla delegatów przygotowano interesujące wykłady ( o znanym filozofie i mistyku Jakubie Böhme, mieszkającym w Görlitz). Przybyli goście dyskutowali o „drenażu mózgów” dla przyszłości europejskiej polityki kulturalnej, starając się wspólnie obrać najkorzystniejsze kierunki zmian dla sektora kultury i nauki, a tym samym zapobiec polaryzacji w społeczeństwach na kręgi obeznane z kulturą i nie mające o niej pojęcia. Referenci przedstawili badania obrazujące skalę i wielkość migracji młodych elit do miast oraz stan wiedzy o kulturze w ró żnych krajach. Wyniki nie napawają optymizmem, ale tylko od nas samych zależą przyszłe rezultaty postrzegania i roli kultury w Europie. Dziękujemy Panie Profesorze i życzymy „sto lat” temu projektowi!

Pełny program konferencji jest dostępny na stronie Instytutu .

15 years European Network Culture and Management

4. The Network’s Beginnings: Preface by UNESCO director general Federico Mayor for the Foundation of the European Network Culture and Management (1997)

15 years European Network Culture and Management

5. The European Network Culture and Management at Present (2012)

Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz, Deutschland

University of Kraków, Poland

University of Wroclaw, Poland

University of Pécs, Hungary

University Babeş-Bolyai Cluj-Napoca, Rumania

University of Nantes, France

University Federico II Naples, Italiy

University of the Samnium, Benevent, Italien

Charles-University Prague, Czech Republik

Cultural Academy Riga, Latvia

University of Salamanca, Spain

Fine Arts Academy Vilnius, Lithuania

State University Tbilisi, Georgia

Sydvast Polytechnics Helsinki, Finland

Interstudio St. Petersburg, Russia

Södertörn Högskola Stockholm, Sweden

Catholic University Ružomberok, Košice, Slowakia

Institut für Deutschlandstudien, European Humanistic University Minsk BY

Mongolian National University, Ulaan Baator

University of Kobe, Japan

South West -University Blagoevgrad, Bulgarien

Co-ordinating: Institut für kulturelle Infrastruktur Sachsen

During the congress, participants proposed to re‐name the Network as a

Eurasian Network Culture and Management 15 years European Network Culture and Management

6. Participants at the Görlitz Study Week 2012

International Scholars . Doz. fr. P. ThDr. Dipl.-Ing. Inocent- Maria v.Szaniszló OP, PhD. Catholic . Dr. Katarzyna Plebańczyk, Instytut University Ružomberok, Faculty of Kultury, Kraków Theology Košice (Social Ethics) (Cultural Management) . ThLic. Stefan Oslovic, Catholic . Prof. Dr. Massimo Squillante, University University Ružomberok, Košice of the Samnium, Benevent, dean of the (Theology) Facolty Economic and Bussiness Sciences (Mathematical Methods for . Doz. ThDr. Martin Uháľ, Catholic Economics and Finance) University Ružomberok, Košice (Theology) . Prof. Dr. Rossella Del Prete, University of the Samnium, Benevent (Economic . Prof. Dr. Togooch Dorjdagva, Institute History) of Social Sciences, National University of Mongolia, Ulan Bator (Cultural . Doc. Dr. Várnagy Péter, Vice-dean Studies) Faculty of Human Ressources, University of Pécs (Law in Culture) . Masaru Sakato, vice secretary general, Japan Germany Centre Berlin, and . Doc. Dr. Ivan Zadori, Ph.D, Vice-dean director Towada Art Center Faculty of Human Ressources, University of Pécs (Cutural Marketing) . Prof. Dr. Kazuo Fujino, Graduate School of Intercultural Studies, Kobe . Doc. Dr. Zoltán Huszar, Director University, and International Research Institute of Cultural Sciences, Center „Interweaving Performance University of Pécs (Cultural History) Cultures“, Freie Universität Berlin (Arts . Prof. Dr. Sári Mihály, Vice-Rector Policy) Eötvös József Föiskola University Baja . His Excellency Andrzej Szynka, (Andragogy) Ambasada Rzeczypospolitej Polskie w . Dr. Siliva Mihály, Eötvös József Föiskola Republice Federalnej Niemiec University Baja (Psychology) Biologists . Prof. Dr. Akaki Kheladze, dean of the . Silke Kipper, Professor of Bio Faculty of Economics and Business Communication and Behaviour, Sciences, State University Tbilisi Freie Universität zu Berlin (Economics) . Sebastian Merchel, chair of . Dr. Gabrielė Žaidytė, Attachée Culture, Communications Acoustics, Lithuanian Embassy Berlin (Cultural Technische Universität Dresden Policy) . Dr. Gunter Ziegenhals, Institut für . Dr. Irena Alperyte, UNESCO Cultural Musikinstrumentenbau Zwota an der Management and Cultural Policy Chair Technische Universität Dresden of Vilnius Academy of Art (Managerial Psychology) . Martin Päckert, chief curator of birds, Senckenberg Naturhistorische . Prof. Dr. Maria Davydchyk, and Institut Sammlungen Dresden für Deutschlandstudien, European Humanistic University Minsk (Cultural . Dr. Willi Xylander Director, Policy) Senckenberg Museum Görlitz 15 years European Network Culture and Management

Scholars from Görlitz, Zittau, Dresden, International Students (Master and PhD Leipzig Candidates)

. Prof. Dr. Friedrich Albrecht, rector, Jagiellonian University Kraków, Institute of Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz Culture (Poland)

. prof. Dr. Roland Giese, Vice-Rector . Magdalena Barcik University Zittau/Görlitz (Economics) . Bogna Biegus . Prof. Dr. Eckehard Binas, dean faculty . Fabien Bouzaglo (FR) of Economics and Linguistics, . Sebastien Brun (FR) Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz (Philosophy) . Raujol Clement (FR) . Prof. Dr. Matthias Munkwitz, faculty of Economics and Linguistics, Hochschule . Dobromila Deluga Zittau/Görlitz (Cultural Economy) . Karolina Domanik . Prof. Dr. Sebastian Seyferth, Faculty of . Karolina Kaczmarczyk Economics and Languages, University . Jaroslaw Klas Zittau/Görlitz . Joanna Krok Joanna . Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jos Tomlow, faculty of . Emilia Mazik architecture, Hochschule Zittau(/Görlitz . Guillaume Medou-Marere (FR) . Prof. Dr. Matthias Theodor Vogt, . Alexander Noack (DE) University Zittau/Görlitz and director Institut für kulturelle Infrastruktur . Roza Rozanska Sachsen (Cultural Policy) . Paulina Tasarz . Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Klaus Werner, . Chiang Ting-Jung Faculty of Mathematics and Natural . Alexander Noack Sciences, University Zittau/Görlitz University of Kobe (Japan) . Dipl.-arch. Frank-Ernest Nietzsche, . Takuya Terada Görlitz Fine Arts Academy Vilnius (Lithuania) . Dr. Maximilian Eiden, Silesian Museum . Matthieu Anatrella, Studentenwerk . Lina Kriščiūnienė Dresden . Toma Bandzaitytė . Carsten Dufner, Mitteldeutscher University of Pecs, Fakulty of Edult Rundfunk Education and Personal Management Composers /Hungary)

. Christian Diemer. Leipzig . Erzsébet Radnai . Piotr Peszat, Kraków . Adél Gutai . Katarzyna Krzewińska, Kraków . István Chladek Musicians (Ensemble Marges Weimar) . Edit Domoszlai . Elena Krotova . Kristiina Kostrokina VIOLIN (Talin) . Bianka Schattmann . Michael Möstl CLARINET (Graz) . Barbara Dobszai . Leon Szostakowski VIOLONCELLO (Görlitz) Universitá degli Studi del Sannio, Benevento (Italy) . Samuel Klemke GUITAR (Flensburg) . Eliana Paola Di Stefano . Antonino Secchia PERCUSSION (Trapani) 15 years European Network Culture and Management

Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz, Culture and . Saskia Geppert Management (Germany) . Daniela Guse Matricula WKb11 . Stefanie Herrmann

. Gulsara Akimbaeva . Andreas Hofmann . Jördis Hoffmann . Livia Kaiser . Adam Franz . Michael Kalfas . Annika Desiree Schröter . Alana Dawn Knickmann . Maria-Ruth Schäfer . Brit Knop . Juliett Triller . Maik Kutschke . Claudia Retschke . Sabrina Lauterbach . Magdalena Zschunke . Josefine Paul . Lisa Gutmann . Loisa Phan Duy . Marie-Claire Perge . Annekathrin Poppe . Karolin Lorenz . Berrit Pöppelmeier . Nils Matthiesen . Ute Riedel . Cassian Cassens . Eva Mira Schüchner . Johanna Pehlke . Benjamin Schurich . Sabine Frederike Dirksen . Deborah Seidler . Johanna Huhn Schröter . Anja Smukalla . Jan Breu . Anna Wahlen . Maxi Renner . Linda Weichlein . Anna-Maria Scherch . Miriam Herbst . Marie Kramm . Heike Zadow . Stefania Klein . Toni Züchner . Nicole Stange Matricula WKm11 . Christian Thomas . Alexandra Grünvald . Julia Brand . Vilja Arató . Theresa Blaschke . Julia Decker . Tino Wehner . Claudia Ehrig . Annina Grubert . Kay-Rebecca Kofler Matricula WKb10 . Vivienne Felicitas Popp

. Carola Arndt . Anne Schaaf . Sabrina Biegel . Wiebke Waltemathe . Kai Tim Brennert . Katharina Rühling . Julia Degenhardt . Marie Schlobach . Inga Dreger . Louise Georgi . Eric Fischer . Beate Adam . Paul-Hermann Fischer

15 years European Network Culture and Management

7. Program A: Brain Gain through Culture?

Can art and culture convince young professional elites to stay, to return, or to resettle in medium sized cities with a population ranging from 20,000 to 99,000 inhabitants? Which definition of art and culture has to be applied to develop an adequate cultural policy?

History shows that artistically initiated interactions between individuals and groups of people are among the most formative dimensions of human endeavour and social change. Cultural Encounters such as theatre gatherings, vernissages, readings and similar forms of performative and representational arts can be said to have been constitutive for local and national communities for a long period of European history despite all regional differences. What is the role of the Muses for human endeavour and social change in a widely neglected type of community?

Within the framework of the European Network Culture and Management founded in 1997, the Institut für kulturelle Infrastruktur Sachsen, the Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz, the Jagiellonian University Kraków, the Università degli Studi del Sannio at Benevent, the Vilnius Art Academy, the Tbilisi State University, and others, have started a research project to identify the factors which play a role for attracting to or keeping young functional elites in medium sized cities. Following the outcome, strategies should be developed to fight the brain drain within medium sized cities.

The social problem behind

At present, almost all European countries are threatened by three effects of demographic change. The fertility ratio is negative especially with highly trained women; the young elites flee the periphery; the social processes in non-metropolitan areas tend to collapse. These tendencies are especially dramatical in middle size cities (20.000 – 99.000 inhabitants) which traditionally serve as meso-centres for the surrounding small size cities and rural areas. Who among the Peers reviewing this proposal might work in a middle size city? Probably none, since the vast majority of humanistic universities and research institutes is located in metropolitan cities (more than 500.000) or major cities (100.000 – 499.000 inhabitants).

One of the problems of cultural policy within parliamentary democratic systems (in this respect similar to monarchic ones) is that it tends to aggravate the peripetal tendencies sustaining the brain gain towards its political and economic centres. In Saxony ex. g., metropolitan cities will benefit from a positive weighting of inhabitants when receiving their basic funding from the state. This surplus is one to 1.52 comparing what the other cities receive (1,296 EUR per head per year go to metropolitan cities; 849 EUR to non-metropolitan cities; this equals to 131% resp. 86% of the average). 15 years European Network Culture and Management

ONE TO ONE POINT FIVE TWO Weighting of inhabitants by types of cities within the fiscal policy of Saxony 2011 (Gesetz über den Finanzausgleich mit den Gemeinden und Gemeindeverbänden FAG)

150% 131% Leipzig-Dresden-Chemnitz 100% 86% restliches Sachsen



Fig.. 1: Weighting of inhabitants by types of cities within the fiscal policy of Saxony 2011. Source: Institut für kulturelle Infrastruktur Sachsen, 2011.

This additional money allows metropolitan cities to gain attractivity by financing additional cultural institutions or projects. Within a different system (the all-federal vertical equalisation arrangement) the same is true at federal level, too: the three Berlin state opera houses or those projects which make Berlin the meeting point of Iceland’s or Poland’s artistic elites, are financed entirely either by the länder Hessen, Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria or by the national government – high value at no local costs for the nation’s pride, at the disadvantage of others. Behind this policy is a strong economic theory, the theory of critical mass as the smallest amount of material needed for a sustained reaction. Such an economy of scales has not been questioned yet for an application within the esthetic field which is based on the output of individuals not of machines; the cultural history shows in the contrary a certain advantage of non-central production, the list of UNESCO world heritage monuments is a clear device.

Within the cultural policy system, the weighting of inhabitants is even sharper. At Saxony p.ex. the relation is one to seven comparing the fundings of the metropolitan with those of the extra-metropolitan cities by the Cultural State Foundation of Saxony 2007 – 2011. It goes without saying that what makes metropolitan cities attractive for young urban professionals is not exactly counterbalanced by such a funding philosophy. Cultural encounter institutions such as humanistic universities need a certain type of surrounding. Thanks to the allocation system of arts funding within national policies, brain drain away from the peripheries is even bolstered. “Provinciality” in the meaning “lack of cultural encounters” becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

ONE TO SEVEN Weighting of inhabitants by types of cities within the cultural policy of Saxony (Kulturstiftung des Freistaates Sachsen 2007 - 2011)

300% 249% 250% Leipzig-Dresden-Chemnitz 200% restliches Sachsen 150% 100% 50% 33% 0%

Fig.. 2: Weighting of inhabitants by types of cities within the cultural policy of Saxony 2007 – 2011. Source: Institut für kulturelle Infrastruktur Sachsen, 2012. 15 years European Network Culture and Management

The non-fame of non-metropolitan cities has severe impacts on population development. In the first six months of 2011, Saxonian metropolitan cities grew for 0.4% which is approximately 1% a year, whereas middle size cities shrank for the same quantity and rural areas for nearly 2% a year.

Population development Saxony - type of cities 31.12.2010 - 30.06.2011(six months) 100,6% Metropolstädte (ab 500.000 Einwohner) 100,4%

100,2% Großstädte (100.000-499.999 Einwohner) 100,0%

99,8% Mittelstädte (20-99.999 Einwohner) 99,6%

99,4% Kleinstädte (5.000-19.999 Einwohner) 99,2%

99,0% Landstädte und Landgemeinden (bis 4.999 98,8% Einwohner) Jan 11 Jan 11 Apr 11 Jun Mai 11 Mai Feb 11 11 Mrz Dez 10

Fig.. 3: Population development by types of cities Saxony 01-06 / 2011. Source: Institut für kulturelle Infrastruktur Sachsen, 2011.

But this is only the quantitative side of the problem. On the qualitative side, we see a youth surplus (cohorts 20-35 years) of 50% in metropolitan cities compared to middle size cities, and we can observe an academics surplus of 100%.

85 und mehr

80-85 Jugendüberschuß 75-80 Metropolen 70-75



55-60 Landstädte und Landgemeinden (bis 4.999 Einwohner) 50-55 Kleinstädte (5.000-19.999 Einwohner) 45-50 Mittelstädte (20-99.999 Einwohner) 40-45 Großstädte (100.000-499.999 35-40 Einwohner) Metropolstädte (ab 500.000 30-35 Einwohner)






unter 5

0,00% 2,00% 4,00% 6,00% 8,00% 10,00%

Fig.. 4: Youth surplus Saxony 2011. Source: Institut für kulturelle Infrastruktur Sachsen, 2011. 15 years European Network Culture and Management

Höchster berufsbildender oder Hochschulabschluss

ohne Angabe9)

nicht in allgemeinbildender bzw. beruflicher Ausbildung

Metropolstädte (ab 500.000 Einwohner) in allgemeinbildender bzw. beruflicher Ausbildung

Großstädte (100.000-499.999 Einwohner) ohne beruflichen Ausbildungsabschluss Mittelstädte (20-99.999 Einwohner)

Fachhoch-, Hochschule, Promotion8) Kleinstädte (5.000-19.999 Einwohner)

Meister-/Technikerausbildung, Landstädte und Landgemeinden (bis 4.999 Fachschule7) Einwohner)


Beruflicher Ausbildungsabschluss

0,0% 10,0 20,0 30,0 40,0 50,0 60,0 70,0 80,0 % % % % % % % %

Fig.. 5: Academics’ surplus Saxony 2011. Source: Institut für kulturelle Infrastruktur Sachsen, 2011.

The chance for young women and men to find a partner within the same social sphere – the marriage market – is three times better per capita at metropolitan areas. Taking in additional account the mere size and population density it seems to be infinite higher but this is not automatically true since people tend to live mentally and physically within local districts similar to the population number of middle size cities (in British English “neighbourhood”, in American colloquial “hood”, in Berlin dialect “Kiez”). Probably the most quoted hood within the intelligentsia is Manhattan Greenwich Village with mere 72.000 inhabitants at West Village and 50.000 at East Village. 1 It is just “45 buildings that comprise the Greenwich Village Historic District Extension”2 (which is hard to believe seen from a European city such as Kraków, Turku, and London or from Görlitz with its 4.000 monuments, a hundred time more per capita than Greenwich Village).

This mental smallness, one has to bear in mind when reading Richard Florida’s Cities and the Creative Class (2002), with its famous decription of a cultural encounters policy. For a city to attract the Creative Class, he argues, it must possess "the three 'T's": Talent (a highly talented/educated/skilled population), Tolerance (a diverse community, which has a 'live and let live' ethos), and Technology (the technological infrastructure necessary to fuel an entrepreneurial culture). So what about a cultural encounters policy for middle size cities with their clear need of Brain Gain? Killing the middle size cities as the Hungarian government does will be on a long run fatal for the metropolitan areas, too, since a body or a country can only develop well when all parts are in health.

It is a major task for humanistic research to analyze the mental causes of this Brain Drain process, and to analyze critically possible remedies to reshape the mental status of middle size cities among young academics.

1 “West Village is everything west of Sixth Avenue, from Houston to 14th street. Essentially, the West Village is the original Greenwich Village. The need for the modifier ("West") is a relatively new thing resulting from the emergence of the Eastern counterpart, the East Village. […] The East Village, in its modern definition, means everything east of Astor Place, south of 14th street and north of Houston Street. People used to make a distinction between the East Village and the Alphabet City (avenues A,B,C and D), but that practice is almost extinct now (thanks to the booming real estate market).” Cf. [2012-05-01]

2 Greenwich Village Historic District Extension Designation Report. Report researched and written by Jay Shockley ( /reports/gvillage.ext.pdf [2012-05-01]). 15 years European Network Culture and Management

The changing of cultural paradigmata

Traditional cultural encounter forms have lost attractiveness for the young functional elites. New media and the changing form of participation in culture have led to modifications in the way culture functions.

Senders of culture have to be aware that providing aesthetic impressions and an educational component is not more enough for building community and relationships between the sender and the recipient of culture. The growing wish to participate in creating and commenting culture, needs integration of the public into the planning, conducting and evaluating of cultural events. Such an approach, which has its origin in the idea of civil society, in spite of legitimate objectives often lacks precision and clear semantic transfer. Therefore, based on the observation of the relationship between cultural institutions and customers, providers and beneficiaries of meanings, ideas and values, it can be concluded that the key factor in the exchange of expectations and aspirations of both parties is the approach to determine the mission of institutions and initiatives active in the field of culture and arts. The notion of cultural encounters needs to be re-defined on a post-national pattern.

The need of re-definition is especially true for middle size cities which for a number of decades are victims of brain drain. The project is therefore concentrating on the situation in middle size cities of selected European countries. It will analyze the approach to young functional elites to cultural encounters and mirror this to the exploration, development and execution of the mission in the field of performing and representational arts. How does this reflect culture and its players?

Various approaches to participation (in the context of the participant's culture – as both sender and receiver) are based on history, geography and socio-economic situation. Taking into account the above-mentioned assumptions, several stages of the study will be conducted at three levels: perspective of the citizen (recipient), perspective of the cultural actors (sender), and perspective of the achievement of an artistic effect. The goal is a comparative analysis, which will demonstrate different models and evaluate their functioning.

The Görlitz conference

At the Görlitz conference May 2012, Master and PhD students from Poland, France, Lithuania and Germany, as well as scholars from Italy, Poland, Mongolia, Japan and Germany presented findings about their local research in a number of Middle Size Cities. The proceedings to be printed in the second half of 2012, will be a start up of a larger scale research project within the European Network Culture and Management.

15 years European Network Culture and Management

8. Program B: Nature meets Music

Neue Musik is nothing new at cinema and televison – everybody knows how post- traditional music sounds, be it computer generated or be it written for a traditional ensemble. But within concert programs, Neue Musik is hard to find. May be, the affinity between Natur and Music may help to senzibilize for the sounding of Neue Musik.

This is, why the students „Culture and Management Görlitz“ invited composers, biologists and instrumentalists to speak about Nature and its sounds, but also about the nature of musical sounds. The first such laboratory was organized in October 2011, with Roberto Fabbriciani, Florence, and others. The students liked the research week with its concerts and lectures that much, that the urged their professors to repeat the experience on an ever bigger scale.

Composers present at the second edition of “Nature meets Music” were:

. Christian Diemer. Leipzig . Piotr Peszat, Kraków . Katarzyna Krzewińska, Kraków Thanks to the generous support of the rector of the Zittau/Görlitz university it was possible to invite the Ensemble Marges, Weimar, for the week:

. Kristiina Kostrokina VIOLIN

. Michael Möstl CLARINET

. Leon Szostakowski VIOLONCELLO

. Samuel Klemke GUITAR

. Antonino Secchia PERCUSSION In the centre of the week were lectures by eminent biologist:

. Silke Kipper, Professor of Bio Communication and Behaviour, Freie Universität zu Berlin . Sebastian Merchel, chair of Communications Acoustics, Technische Universität Dresden . Dr. Gunter Ziegenhals, Institut für Musikinstrumentenbau Zwota an der TU Dresden . Martin Päckert, chief curator of birds, Senckenberg Naturhistorische Sammlungen Dresden . Dr. Willi Xylander Director, Senckenberg Museum für Naturkunde Görlitz Within the week, two world-premieres werde rehearsed and performed, both articulating natural sounds within a musical logic:

. Katarzyna Krzewiñska: karma kram . Piotr Peszat: Białoczub polski (Polish Chicken) 15 years European Network Culture and Management

9. Program C: Internationalization Strategies

The Bologna Process was intended to facilitate international movement of students and scholars. Reality shows that the formalization of courses based now on a strict curriculum, in the contrary even hinders such movements – instead of gaining abroad 30 credit points (equivalent to 900 hours or half a year work load) as a part of their duties to their home university, many Erasmus students have to switch between exams at their home university and exams at their guest university. It is rather rare to find a curriculum with a fixed obligation to study abroad at a country with a different language but with open modules, as it is the case at the course Culture and Management at Görlitz University. The Bologna system is brought to absurdity within the Polish system. Students tend to study two or more courses at the same time, which means they do not study even one to the depth but gaining full credits for half work. At Jagiellonian university, a certain student in the academic year 2011/12 gained 80 cp in his first course, 110 cp at his second course and 72 cp at his third course. This did total to 262 credit points within one academic year (equivalent to 7.860 hours of work a year or 2.4 hours of sleeping and leisure a day). Language is a severe problem, too. Since, within the academic world, English is used by mostly non mother tongue speakers, a sort of bafflegab has been developed at administration levels, a sort of Basic English at students’ levels. Universities react to missing language competences by creating English language ghettos for Erasmus students only which study without contact to local students, perverting the Bologna idea. Local scholars, on their hand, seldom dare to use English within their lectures, due to missing language courses for teachers. Generally, one can observe a huge difference between research institutes on the one hand, mostly open for international applications, and universities based on a national application scheme. The perseverance of national juridical regulations is not to be underestimated. A European Network such as the Network Culture and Management has to deal with these problems. This is why the students and scholars of the course Culture and Management at Görlitz University invited (a) students from abroad to live for a week at Görlitz and to bring with them own research findings for a public discussion, (b) scholars from abroad and from their own university to teach in Russian, Japanese, Italian, Hungarian, or Mongolian language [an idea which was brought soon down to earth by using English and German languages, only], (c) to discuss internationalization strategies within the network.

15 years European Network Culture and Management

10. Concerts

Childrens’ Picknick Concert Monday May 28th, 16:00 Ölberggarten Görllitz

Steve Reich: Clapping Music (Ensemble Marges) Peter Helmut Lang: Innenaußen for Cello and Guitar (Ensemble Marges) Title Musics to Pippi Langstrumpf & Olsenbande, Buba Mara and Vormittagswalzer (Schulposaunenchor-AG der Evangelischen Grundschule and Gruppe 8Zylinder - Maria-Ruth Schäfer, Albrecht Höppner, Eva Höppner, Sophia Burkhardt)

Opening Concert Ensemble Marges, Weimar Monday May 28th, 19:00 Apollo Theatre Görlitz

György Ligeti: Sonata for Solo Cello Peter Helmut Lang: Innenaußen for Cello and Guitar Hans Werner Henze: 3 Tentos for Gitarre (nach Hölderlin-Fragmenten) Rezitation – Friedrich Hölderlin: In lieblicher Bläue Hans Werner Henze: 3 Tentos for Gitarre (nach Hölderlin-Fragmenten) Egon Wellesz: Suite for Clarinet Solo Steve Reich: Clapping Music

Lab Concert I Ensemble Marges aus Weimar Tuesday May 29th, 19:30 Apollo Theatre Görlitz

Katarzyna Krzewiñska: karma kram (pre-premiere) Piotr Peszat: Białoczub polski (pre-premiere) Christian Diemer: Synchronisation/Diffusion

Lab Concert II Ensemble Marges aus Weimar Wednesday May 30th, 19:30 Apollo Theatre Görlitz

KIaus Huber: Ein Hauch von Unzeit Iannis Xenakis: Charisma für Klarinette und Violoncello Toru Takemitsu: In the woods for Guitar Solo Christian Diemer: Musik aus 1001 Tönen 15 years European Network Culture and Management

Park Music Ensemble Marges aus Weimar Thursday, May 31st 2012, 19:00 Parc and Manor Klingewalde

Klaus Huber: Ein Hauch von Unzeit Katarzyna Krzewiñska: karma kram (world premiere) Toru Takemitsu: In the woods Christian Diemer: Musik aus 1001 Tönen Piotr Peszat: Białoczub polski (world premiere)

Park Theatre Teatr Formy Wroclaw, director Józef Markocki Thursday, May 31st 2012, 22:00 Parc and Manor Klingewalde

Performance "Hedwig of Silesia / Jadwiga Śląska - tajemnica ludzkiego ducha"

Final Concert Nature in the Theatre Ensemble Marges aus Weimar Friday June 1st, 2012, 19:30 Grand Theatre Görlitz

N.-J. Zivckokic: Pezzo da concerto N.1 for Snare drum solo Prof. Sári Mihaly, Baja: Awarding the Eötvös-Prize to Prof. Matthias Theodor Vogt György Ligeti: Sonata for Cello solo Javier Alvarez: Temazcal Christian Diemer: Temps Gris for Pianoforte solo Krzysztof Penderecki: Cadenza for Violin solo Heino Eller: Nordic Melody John Psathas: One study one summary Toru Takemitsu: Equinox for Guitar solo Heino Eller: Moment Musicale for Violin and Guitarr John Cage: In a Landscape for Marimbaphon

15 years European Network Culture and Management

11. Schedule

MON 28.05. 16:00 Childrens’ Concert „Nature Meets Music“ (Ölberggarten Görlitz) Johanna Pehlke, Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz, and others

19:00 Opening Concert 1 „Nature meets Music“ (Apollo Theatre) Opening adress: Prof. Dr. Georg Milbradt, Dresden former prime minister Saxony [requested]

TUE 29.05. 09:15 Welcome Adresses and Introduction (Humboldtsaal) Prof. Dr. Willi Xylander, director, Senckenberg Museum Görlitz Prof. Dr. Friedrich Albrecht, rector, Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz

Doc. Dr. Várnagy Péter, Doc. Dr. Ivan Zadori, Doc. Dr. Zoltán Huszar, Faculty of Human Ressources, University Pécs, confer upon Matthias Munkwitz and Matthias Theodor Vogt the title “Professor honoris causa" of the University of Pécs. Grateful words: Prof. Dr. Matthias Munkwitz

Introduction: Prof. Dr. Matthias Theodor Vogt, Görlitz

10:00 Tour through Görlitz I (UNESCO heritage candidature) Dipl.-arch. Frank-Ernest Nietzsche, Görlitz

10:00 Tour through Görlitz II (A Young Persons’ City?) international students, Görlitz

11:45 Silesian Museum (Untermarkt) Dr. Maximilian Eiden

13:00 lunch (Campus Hochschule, Brückenstr. 1) 15:00 Seminary Brain Gain through Culture I (Aula Hochschule, Brückenstr. 1)

Prof. Dr. Matthias Theodor Vogt, Görlitz: Introduction

Students’ Research Presentation 1 Görlitz: Brain Gain through Culture? - Medium-sized cities Görlitz, Zittau, Bautzen, Sorbistan, and the Question of Arts and Culture. Moderating: Schlobach, Marie. Presenting: Kofler, Kay, and Schaaf, Anne. Research: Adam, Beate; Arato, Vilja; Decker, Julia; Kofler, Kay; Gruenvald, Alexandra; Schaaf, Anne; Schlobach, Marie; Tunkl, Jiri; Waltemathe, Wiebke

Students’ Research Presentation 2 Pau – Montauban – Lourdes – Biarritz: Brain Gain through Culture in South West France? Presenting: Bouzaglo, Fabien ; Brun, Sebastien ; Clement, Raujol ; Medou-Marere, Guillaume

Students’ Research Presentation 3 Kraków: To Be or to Return? Two Surveys among Kraków Students. Presenting: Roza Rozanska, Institut Kultury, Jagiellonian University

Prof. Dr. Rossella Del Prete, Benevent: Cultural and Artistic Institutions can meet the needs of young generation also in the “hinterland”: the case of Benevento (Italy)

Dr. Maria Davydchyk, Berlin and Minsk: Belarus Field research 15 years European Network Culture and Management

Dr. Katarzyna Plebańczyk, Kraków: City Games as a Tool for Research on Brain Gain

plenary discussion

19:30 Lab Concert 2 (Apollo Theatre)

WED 30.05.

EITHER 09:20 Görlitz train station: departure for Zittau

09:50 Tour through Zittau I / II Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jos Tomlow, faculty of architecture Zittau, group I Aenne Schubert group II

12:30 Hochschule Zittau Mensa

14:02 Zittau train station: departure for Görlitz (14:40)

OR 09:15 Academic Lectures I (Aula Hochschule, Brückenstr. 1) prof. Dr. Roland Giese, Vice-Rector University Zittau/Görlitz: Social and national aspects of economic development in Central Asia [Социально- этнические особенности экономического развития в центральной азий] Prof. Dr. Sebastian Seyferth, Faculty of Economics and Languages, University Zittau/Görlitz: The yesterday's and the today's Bible - A Comparison between Martin Luther's Bible Translation of 1522 and the Modern Bible Revision of 1984 Massimo Squillante, University of the Samnium, Benevent: Sant'Agata de' Goti: texts, epigraphs, virtual Vestiges. doc. dr. Zoltán Huszár, Pécs University: Kulturstadt Pécs - Kulturschätze, Museen und UNESCO Weltkulturerbe in Ungarn und Pécs ALL 15:00 Seminary Brain Gain through Culture II (Aula Hochschule, Brückenstr. 1)

Students’ Research Presentation 4 Kraków: Brain Gain through Culture in Poland? Presenting: Deluga, Dobromila; Domanik, Karolina; Kaczmarczyk, Karolina; Klas, Jaroslaw; Noack, Alexander; Rozanska, Roza; Skapska, Helena; Tasarz, Paulina; Wojnar, Bozena

Students’ Research Presentation 5 Vilnius: What role can artistic communities play in small settlements and whether the brain drain in culture issue is still relevant to Lithuania? Presenting: Lina Kriščiūnienė, Toma Bandzaitytė under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Irena Alperyte, UNESCO Cultural Management and Cultural Policy Chair of Vilnius Academy of Art (Managerial Psychology)

Students’ Research Presentation 6 Benevent: Socializing intelligence and knowledge for the territorial development. Cand. Elvira Martini [presented by Prof. Dr. Massimo Squillante]

Prof. Dr. Togooch Dorjdagva, Ulan Bator: Brain Gain in Mongolia

Prof. Dr. Kazuo Fujino, Kobe and Berlin: Brain Gain in Japan

Prof. Dr. Sári Mihály, Baja: Brain Gain in Hungary 15 years European Network Culture and Management

plenary discussion

Prof. Dr. Matthias Theodor Vogt, Görlitz: Sketching future researches

ALL 19:30 Lab Concert 3 (Apollo Theatre)

THU 31.05.

EITHER 09:21 Görlitz train station: departure for Dresden

10:29 Tour through Dresden with Matthieu Anatrella, World Magician Union and International Department, Studentenwerk Dresden +49 351 4697 528 / +49 170 8005992 13:00 free time Dresden

16:08 Dresden main train station: departure for Görlitz (17:27)

OR 09:15 Academic Lectures II (Aula Hochschule, Brückenstr. 1) Prof. Dr: Kazuo Fujino, Kobe ad Berlin: The reception process of the German opera in Japan [日本におけるドイツオペラの受容過程 ] Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Klaus Werner, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University Zittau/Görlitz: Interculturality ALL 19:00 Park Concert 4 (Manor Klingewalde)

22:00 Performance "Hedwig of Silesia / Jadwiga Śląska - tajemnica ludzkiego ducha" (Manor Klingewalde) Teatr Formy Wroclaw, director Józef Markocki. Cf.

All night: festivities with wine from Villányi

FRI 01.06. 09:15 Colloquium "Let's Go Europe. The Network's Next 15 Years" (Campus Aula G I)

Prof. Dr. Eckehard Binas, dean faculty of Economics and Linguistics, Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz: Going Europe?

Elisa Liehmann, Mareen Tzschoppe, Görlitz: Studying right at the border. Border City Theories and Study Realities at Görlitz/Zgorzelec

Bianka Schattmann, Barbara Dobszai, University of Pécs: Experiencing the Dual Degree Pécs-Görlitz

Students’ Research Presentation: Elements of an Internationalization Strategy of the Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz. Presenting: Arndt, Carola; Brennert, Kai Tim; Dreger, Inga; Hofmann, Andreas; Knickmann, Alana, Lauterbach, Sabrina; Phan Duy, Loisa; Seidler, Deborah; Smukalla, Anja, Zadow, Heike; Züchner, Toni

11:00 His Excellency Andrzej Szynka, Radca-Minister, Zastępca Ambasadora, Ambasada Rzeczypospolitej Polskie w Republice Federalnej Niemiec

Discussant: Prof. Dr. Emil Władysław Orzechowski, Kraków; Dr. Katarzyna Plebańczyk, Kraków; Prof. Dr. Massimo Squillante, Benevent; Prof. Dr. Rossella Del Prete, Benevent; Ass. Prof. Dr. Várnagy Péter, Pécs (Law in Culture) Ass. Prof. Dr. Ivan Zadori, Pécs; 15 years European Network Culture and Management

Ass. Prof. Dr. Zoltán Huszar, Pécs; Prof. Dr. János Majdan, Baja; Prof. Dr. Sári Mihály, Baja; Prof. Dr. Akaki Kheladze, Tbilisi ; Dr. Gabrielė Žaidytė, Berlin; Prof. Dr. Irena Alperyte, Vilnius; Doz. fr. P. ThDr. Dipl.Ing.Inocent-Maria v.Szaniszló OP, Košice; ThLic. Stefan Oslovic, , Košice; Doz. ThDr. Martin Uháľ, Košice; Prof. Dr. Togooch Dorjdagva, Ulan Bator; Masaru Sakato, Berlin and Towada; Prof. Dr. Kazuo Fujino, Kobe and Berlin.

15:00 Flashmob Market Square Concert 5 (Elisabethplatz) Antonino Secchia, Trapani and Weimar, and others

19:00 Final Concert 6 (Grand Theatre) 15 Years European Network Culture and Management

22:00 Sommer Night’s Dreams Party (Vierradenmühle)

SAT 02.06. morning: Individual Departure of Participants

10:00 Optional: Departure for Kreisau excursion (till SUN 03.06)

15 years European Network Culture and Management

12. Acknowledgments

We would like to thank most warmly the supporters of our International Study Week - Cross the Borders:

- the Saxonian Ministry of Science and Arts, Dresden, together with the Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz, for financing some research on Middle Size Cities and Arts’ Policies;

- Magnificent Friedrich Albrecht, rector of the Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz, Spectabilis Eckehard Binas, dean of the faculty of Economics and Linguistics, former deputy at Deutscher Christian Müller, president of the friends of the Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz, for financing the composers and musicians;

- the home universities of our colleagues for financing the travel to Görlitz;

- our Görlitz students for offering free stay to our guest students;

- our colleagues at Görlitz and Zittau for dedicating their time by lecturing and help;

- the Gerhart Hauptmann Theater Görlitz / Zittau for inviting us to the Apollo Theatre and the Grand Theatre for the concerts;

- the Senckenberg Museum für Naturkunde Görlitz for the trustful co-operation and the Humboldt-Saal;

- the Schlesisches Museum zu Görlitz for its support;

- Mayor Dr. Michael Wieler and his equipe at the Görlitz City Hall for both their financial and technical support;

- the Sparkasse Oberlausitz-Niederschlesien for its financial help;

- the Volksbank Görlitz for its help;

- Bio im Bahnhof for the delicious support;

- last but not least the Studentenwerk Dresden-Zittau-Görlitz for their good kitchen, for organizing the Dresden trip and for some beds.

15 years European Network Culture and Management

13. Organization Committee

Concept and Steering

Prof. Matthias Theodor Vogt

Project Co-ordination Nature meets Music

Elisa Liehmann Nils Matthiesen

Office Coordination

Dorothea Boutin Mareen Tzschoppe

Project Assistance

Kai Brennert Annina Grubert Johanna Pehlke Claudia Retschke Maria-Ruth Schäfer Christian Thomas Magdalena Zschunke

A project organised by the University of Zittau/Görlitz and the Saxonian Institute of Cultural Infrastructure at the occasion of the first 15 years of the European Network Culture and Management and the first 20 years of the Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz Design: students Culture and Management Görlitz Responsible / V.i.S.d.P.: Prof. Matthias Theodor Vogt

Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz Faculty of Economics and Linguistics Studiengang Kultur und Management Brückenstraße 1 D-02826 Görlitz Tel. +49 3581 4828.421 [email protected]

Institut für kulturelle Infrastruktur Sachsen Klingewalde 40 D-02828 Görlitz [email protected]