COMPENDIUM OF JIM CONTENT DATE TITLE NOTES TRANSCRIPT 2009 Jim on Atheism and Anti-theism Jim81Jim video Y Earliest known Jim video 2009 Jimmy Hates Mortal Kombat Y 2009 Spax3 - The End (Game Over Man, Game Over) Some channels have this in Y separate parts 2009-04-04 Spax3 Website Review Y 2009-04-04 Spax3: The Series (Part 1) Y 2009-04-06 Spax3: The Series (Part 2) Y 2009-04-09 Spax3: The Series (Part 3) N 2009-04-13 Spax3: The Series (Part 4) N 2009-04-23 Spax3: The Series (Part 5a) Y 2009-05-01 Spax3: The Series (Part 5b) Y 2009-05-09 Spax3: The Series (Part 5c) Y 2009-06-17 Spax3: The Series (Part 5d) Y 2009-08#1 To my dear friend Mike Y 2009-08#2 Mike - Part Deux Y 2009-11-25 BigAl's Skype Commentaries Featuring Jim81Jim (Part 1) Y 2009-11-25 BigAl's Skype Commentaries Featuring Jim81Jim (Part 2) Y 2009-11-25 BigAl's Skype Commentaries Featuring Jim81Jim (Part 3) Y 2010 Jim with BigAl2k6 re Fundamentalist Atheism Y 2010 Jim on It Came From Public Domain - Ep. 4 "The Wild, Wild World of Jayne Guest appearance on N Mansfield" channel (defunct) 2010-06 E3 2010 Part 1 - Microsoft Presentation Y 2010-06 E3 2010 Part 2 - Microsoft Presentation Y 2010-06 E3 2010 Part 3 - Microsoft Presentation Y 2010-06 E3 2010 Part 4 - Microsoft Presentation Y 2010-06 E3 2010 Part 5 - Nintendo Presentation Y 2010-06 E3 2010 Part 6 - Nintendo Presentation N 2010 BigAl2k6 Discussion with Jim re Atheism Y 2010 Internet Aristocrat: Humming Hambeast Y 2010 Internet Aristocrat: Skoul Suxs Y 2010 Sites That Suck: Lockerz (Part 1) Y 2010 Sites That Suck: Lockerz (Part 2) Y 2010 Sites That Suck: Lockerz (Part 3) Y 2010 Sites That Suck: Lockerz (Part 4) Y 2010 The Gathering Storm (Part 1) No individual transcript; part of “all Y parts” 2010 The Gathering Storm (Part 2) Y 2010 The Gathering Storm (Part 3 - 1 of 2) No individual transcript; part of “all Y parts” 2010 The Gathering Storm (Part 3 - 2 of 2) Y 2010 The Gathering Storm (Part 4) Y 2010-02-04 Mr. Tiller's Amazing Calendar (James O'Shaughnessy Calendar Services) Y 2010-03-07 Sandra Lee, The Beginning Featuring Jim81Jim Y 2010-04#1 PedoBots: The Worlds Dirtiest Transformers (Part 1) Y 2010-04#2 PedoBots: The Worlds Dirtiest Transformers (Part 2) Y 2010-04#3 Molestocons: Attack Of The Naughty Bees (Part 1) Y 2010-04#4 Molestocons: Attack Of The Naughty Bees (Part 2) Y 2010-05-25 Internet Aristocrat: The Pokémon Master Y 2010-05#1 ICP: Mentally Disabled Mimes (Part 1) Y 2010-05#2 ICP: Mentally Disabled Mimes (Part 2) Y 2010-05#3 Mimes Aren't Scary Response Video Y 2010-05#4 To My Bestest Friend Ever: I LOVE YOU From GamesGoodMeBad channel N/A 2010-05#5 The Circus Is Canceled, The Juggalos Are Drunk (Part 1) From “GamesGoodMeBad” Y Channel 2010-05#6 The Circus Is Canceled, The Juggalos Are Drunk (Part 2) From “GamesGoodMeBad” Y Channel 2010-05#7 The Circus Is Canceled, The Juggalos Are Drunk (Part 3) From “GamesGoodMeBad” Y Channel 2010-06-30 Game Journalism: The Decline of the 5th Estate (Part 1) Y 2010-06-30 Game Journalism: The Decline of the 5th Estate (Part 2) Y 2010-07-03 RCR Episode 1: Commentaries Y 2011 Big Update PLEASE WATCH! Y 2011 Dear Mr DarkRaven488 Y 2011 GamesGoodMeBad Commentary Y 2011 Shit Happens Y 2011 Son I Am Proud - The Story Of Casey Haynes Y 2011-03-22 Mr. Tiller's Elevate Ministry Y 2011-05-30 Canadian Insanity - The Story Of Momma K Y 2011-09-17 DrDeadman1031's Hugbox Adventure (Part 1) Y 2011-09-17 DrDeadman1031's Hugbox Adventure (Part 2) Y 2011-09-17 DrDeadman1031's Hugbox Adventure (Part 3) Y 2012 Metokur and BFK - Pseudo Intellectuals VS Fun in Video Games Ep 1 Y Metokur and BFK - Pseudo Intellectuals VS Fun in Video Games Ep 2

Y 2012 Ian Miles Cheong Slanders KSIOlajidebt - EuroGamer Controversy From “SteveJobsGhost” Channel Y 2012 Ridge Racer Is Harder Than Dark Souls From “Haberhass” Channel Y 2013 Case In Point Concept Video Y 2013-04-14 Internet Insanity Episode 1: The YouTube Chronicles Y 2013-04/05 Fuck Video Games: God Mode Y 2013-05-20 DoublePlusGood Episode 1: Adria Richards, Susan Wilson Y 2013-06-10 Microsoft E3 2013: Saga Of The Special Snowakes Y 2013-09-16 Anita And The White Knights Y 2013-09-22 Tumblrisms Episode 1: Headmates Y 2013-10-01 Tumblrisms Episode 2: Thin Privilege Y 2013-11-?? Tumblrisms Episode 3: Cis-Scum Y 2013-12-01 Tumblrisms Episode 4: White Privilege Y 2013-12-11 Mighty Number Nope: The Dina Disaster Y 2013-12-15 Ring a Ding Ding 1 – The Desolation of Ass From the bfkermit channel Y 2014 RARE OLD FOOTAGE - Playing "Viscera Cleanup Detail" Y 2014-01-08 The Hugbox Chronicles Episode 1: Nash Grier's Guide To Pissing Off Y Tumblrettes 2014-01-13 The Hugbox Chronicles Episode 2: Dracula The Sex Offender Y 2014-01-28 The Hugbox Chronicles Episode 3: Jello - The World's Meanest Snack Y 2014-02-03 Where is the video Jim? Y 2014-02-08 Tumblrisms Episode 5: Ableism Y 2014-02-14 To my biggest fan Yesusemeplease: Thanks for your support! Y 2014-03-16 The Hugbox Chronicles Episode 4: My Little Molestation Y 2014-03-28 #CancelColbert: Social Justice Warriors To The Rescue Y 2014-03-29 Shitlord Extravaganza Y 2014-05-17 Senores de mierda - El segundo movimiento de intestino Y 2014-05-26 Ever Forward Towards Oblivion: CEDA & The Death Of Standards Y 2014-05-30 Euroscepticism: The Great Escape Y 2014-06-16 Tumblrisms Episode 6: Cultural Appropriation Y 2014-06-24 Steam Sale Shenanigans N 2014-07-05 The Hugbox Chronicles Episode 5: It All Comes Tumbling Down Y 2014-08-18 Quinnspiracy Theory Part 1: The Five Guys Saga Y 2014-08-22 Quinnspiracy Theory Part 2: In-N-Out Edition Y 2014-08-30 Quinnspiracy Theory Part 3: White Castles and Ivory Towers Y 2014-09-06 Shitaku Stream Y 2014-09-17 GamerGate Stream Y 2014-09-22 Jim Interviewed by Guest Appearance on Radio Nero Y 2014-09-24 Lazy Thursday Stream Y 2014-09-27 GamerGate: The Path We've Taken Y 2014-10-09 Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor Review - 10/10 GOTY Y 2014-10-09 Lazy Thursday Stream ft KOP, SFO, Milo Y, Lo-ping Y 2014-10-10 Lazy Friday Stream Y 2014-10-12 Lazy Sunday Stream Y 2014-10-13 Karkov is King - Lazy Monday Stream Y 2014-10-19 Atheism+ Stream - How SJWs pushed their way into Atheism Y 2014-10-24 #GamerGate Tonight Stream Y 2014-11-01 Lazy Saturday Stream Y 2014-11-04 Jim on the Ed Morrissey Show Re GamerGate Y 2014-11-26 Jim Statement on Leaving GamerGate Released on a site called Vocaroo Y Jim Second Statement on Gamergate, for N 2015 How To Be A Pimp - Andrew Wilson's Wisdom From “Brightside Bob” channel Y 2015-07-02 Jim on Conquer and Win with Eddy Baller - Crazy Social Justice Warriors, Guest Appearance with some guy Y Feminist, Rape Culture named “Eddy Baller” 2015-03-25 The Dinner Dates - METOKUR: The Guardian Duders vs. James From the METOKUR channel N/A O'Shaughnessy (John Flanagan Presents - All-Inclusive Pornography) 2015-03-28 Hallowed Halls: Dalhousie University Y 2015-03-29 Linkara's Autism Awareness Promo From the METOKUR channel N/A 2015-04-01 John Flanagan Is A Faggot From the METOKUR channel N/A 2015-04-01 John Flanagan's Role Model From the METOKUR channel N/A 2015-04-02 METOKUR's 1st Annual Dance-Off 2015 From the METOKUR channel N/A 2015-04-05 Tumblrisms Episode 7: Otherkin Y 2015-04-11 Channel Trailer Y 2015-04-17 HABERMANN - Fuck A Man From the METOKUR channel N/A 2015-04-19 Liquored Up & Live First stream as “Mister Metokur” Y 2015-04-27 Baltimore is Burning Y 2015-04-28 Fox 10 And Friends Y 2015-05-06 Internet Insanity: Nick 'PedoPoop' Bate Y 2015-05-08 Dancing Skeleton Man From the METOKUR channel N/A 2015-05-18 Hitbox Sunday Stream Y 2015-05-22 Howard S Schneider: World's Worst Dentist Y 2015-05-31 Co-opted - Trans Community Stream Y 2015-05-31 Liquored Up & Live Y 2015-06-03 Fuck Video Games: Hatred Y 2015-06-09 tgwtg video save #1 From the METOKUR channel N/A 2015-06-14 Pre E3 2015 Hitbox Stream Y 2015-06-14 Too Hot For Hitbox - E3 2015 Stream Not on Internet Librarian N 2015-07-08 James O'Shaughnessy Calendar Services From the METOKUR channel N/A 2015-07-15 Turn that pesky thing off N/A 2015-08-18 Ashley Madison: Doxings and Divorces Y 2015-08-20 The Hugbox Chronicles Episode 6: A Divorce Attorney's Wet Dream Y ( 2015-08-31 Gen Zed: The Most Transtastic Show Ever Y 2015-09-21 Under New Management: The Death Of Imageboards Y 2015-09-24 Hiroyuki Hiroshima Y 2015-10-01 Peeple: The Worst Kind Of People Y 2015-10-09 In A Van Down By The River: The Steven Assanti Story Y 2015-10-19 The /x/ Files Case 1: Skinwalkers Y 2015-10-22 Wake Up Y 2015-11-13 Paris Is Burning Y 2015-11-15 #Justice4Jamar - Justice4JarJar Y 2015-11-16 #Justice4Jamar - Twerking4Justice N 2015-11-17 Gout Stream From “Brightside Bob” channel Y 2015-11-18 #Justice4Jamar - White Allies & Fried Chicken Not on Internet Librarian N 2015-11-18 Puke Later, Cook Now From “Brightside Bob” channel Y 2015-11-24 #Justice4Jamar - Time To Hide From Hyde Edition Not on Internet Librarian N 2015-11-28 Buy Soap - Cure Gout From “Brightside Bob” channel Y 2015-11-30 #Justice4Jamar - Meme'd In The 1st Degree Y 2015-12-02 San Bernardino Showdown Y 2015-12-04 San Bernardino: Narrative vs Reality Y 2015-12-11 #Justice4Jamar - The Friday Shitshow Y 2015-12-19 Metocast Episode 1 - Y 2015-12-24 The Minnesota DFL Y 2015-12-26 Metocast Episode 2 - Rand Paul Y 2016-01-01 Never Satisifed: Why Apologizing To SJWs Is Useless Y 2016-01-02 Metocast Episode 3 - Austin Petersen, Ted Cruz Y 2016-01-10 Metocast Episode 4 Y 2016-01-15 Super Secret New Channel Stream - KOGAYMING From “Brightside Bob” channel Y 2016-01-21 Metocast - Dean Esmay - Immigrant Freedom Fighter Y 2016-01-28 Heartmob: Your New Hugbox Home Y 2016-01-31 Marvel Comics & Replacement Theory Y 2016-02-05 We Wuz Kings Link 2 Y 2016-02-24 Guacocast - In Memory Of Jeb Bush N 2016-03-04 Jim on Sons of Kojima From SoKast Episode 71 N 2016-03-11 Did Lie About The Michelle Fields Incident? Y 2016-03-12 Metocast N 2016-08 Jim Interview With “The Sandre Gun” Rare interview Y 2016-08-14 Milwaukee: The Fight Against Global Warming Y 2016-08-28 Blackocast Y 2016-08-28 Deviant's Episode 1: Pump Me UP Y 2016-09-02 Deviant's Episode 2: Get In My Belly Y 2016-09-03 Jim on Sons of Kojima From SoKast Episode 95 N 2016-09-09 Deviant's Episode 3: That's One Hairy Baby Y 2016-09-16 The Hugbox Chronicles Episode 7 - The Tism Storm Y 2016-09-22 Charlotte Is Burning Y 2016-09-26 Debate Stream Y 2016-10-02 HoleOCast Y 2016-10-09 Jim on Sons of Kojima From SoKast Episode 100 N Link 2 w/ Partial Transcript 2016-11-08 Election Night Metocast Y 2016-11-24 Jim on Link 2 Y 2016-01-12 Jim talks to Dino the Game Developer Guest Appearance Y 2017 Jim on The Bechtloff Guest Appearance with Y “TheBechtloff” 2017-01-26 Shia LeBlownTheFuckOut Y 2017-01-29 Deviant's Episode 4: Pampers Pandemonium Y 2017-02-04 Throttling Theory Y 2017-02-07 Deviant's Episode 5: Skyscraper Sized Sluts Y 2017-02-12 Jim on Z Radio Rare interview Y 2017-02-15 Double O Dipshit Y 2017-02-19 BlackMonthsMatter Y 2017-02-22 I Am A Whore Y 2017-02-26 The /x/ Files Case 2: Succubus Y 2017-03-05 “I like Monkeys” Guest appearance on “Larry Y Bundy Jr.”, at 7:22 2017-03-05 Am I Being Detained: Tape 1 Y 2017-03-11 Liquored Up and Live - Saturday Stream Y 2017-03-12 Tumblrisms Episode 8: Fandoms Y 2017-03-14 SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP Stream Y 2017-03-17 The /x/ Files Case 3: Tulpas Y 2017-03-19 Deviant's Episode 6: One Man Band Y 2017-03-21 A Bigot's Dollar Y 2017-03-24 The Yooka-Laylee Shitshow Y 2017-03-26 Am I Being Detained: Tape 2 Y 2017-03-27 A Tale Of Two Accounts Y 2017-04-01 Purity Sin Interviews Mister Metokur Guest Appearance with “Purity Y Sin” 2017-04-04 Everyone Is Pissed At VidMe Y 2017-04-07 Metocast – The Current Week Rare stream, not in the Google Y Drive archive. 2017-04-08 The /x/ Files Case 4: Flat Earth Y 2017-04-09 And It All Comes Tumbling Down Y 2017-04-10 Globe-alist Conspiracy Y 2017-04-10 Fly United Or Else! Y 2017-04-14 Yooka-Laylee Fixed Y 2017-04-16 Sunday Stream Y 2017-04-16 Current Year Politics: Fight Club Edition Y 2017-04-17 Deviant's Episode 7: More Than Meets The Eye N 2017-04-20 TL;DR - Always Knock Twice Y 2017-04-22 The Hugbox Chronicles Episode 8: It's Just A Prank Bro Y 2017-04-30 TGWTG Episode 1: Hello.... Y 2017-05-06 Deviant's Episode 8: Mister Mom Internet Librarian goes up to this Y point 2017-05-14 Internet Insanity: Terry A. Davis Y 2017-05-20 Deviant's Episode 9: 61,320 Hour Op Y 2017-05-27 TGWTG Episode 2: Fork You Y 2017-06-04 Internet Insanity: Gang Stalking Y 2017-06-07 Runesexual Y 2017-06-08 Kurt Eichenwald: America's Foremost Tentacle Porn Researcher Y 2017-06-11 E3 2017 Stream - Bethesda N 2017-06-11 E3 2017 Stream - Microsoft Y 2017-06-19 Internet Insanity – Randy Stair 2017-06-22 The CC Series - BoonSlayer Y 2017-06-22 The CC Series - DHT Y 2017-06-23 The CC Series - Rion 'Rhino' Mills Y 2017-06-23 The CC Series - The Commentary Community Is Awful Y 2017-06-28 FinDumb Y 2017-06-30 TGWTG Episode 3: Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm Y 2017-07-04 CNN: Dangerous and Fake Y 2017-07-08 The /x/ Files Case 5: Demonic Possession Y 2017-07-13 Dear Charlamagne Tha God N 2017-07-15 Deviant's Episode 10: The Sonic Fandom Y 2017-07-16 Jim on The YouTube Saints Guest Appearance on the Y Laughing Scoundrel Podcast 2017-07-21 Jim on CRP Y 2017-07-22 Internet Insanity: Shoenice Y 2017-07-29 TGWTG Episode 4: Assblasted Alejandro Y 2017-08-01 I Have No Account, And I Must Upload Y 2017-08-01 Jim on The Dick Show Y 2017-08-05 I Hope You Can Speak Chinese Link 2 N 2017-09-08 Metocast - The State Of Things Y 2017-08-14 Damore, Google, And The Problem In Tech Y 2017-08-16 D.A.D. Y 2017-08-19 Rebel Yell Y 2017-08-20 Jim with James Pesto Guest Appearance Y 2017-08-27 TGWTG Episode 5: The Man On The Outside Looking In Y 2017-09-01 Ross O Rama Y 2017-09-04 The Hugbox Chronicles Episode 9: Rub-A-Dub-Dub Y 2017-09-07 The CC Series - Once More Unto The Breach Y 2017-09-07 Equifucked Y 2017-09-10 Deviant's Episode 11: The FNAF Fandom Y 2017-09-16 Bathtub Boy 2: Electric Molestaroo Y 2017-09-25 Internet Insanity: Game Dude Y 2017-10-01 TGWTG Episode 6: Compilation Y 2017-10-09 Rick and Morty Fans Are Smart Y 2017-10-16 Hollywood And Harvey Weinstein Y 2017-10-18 Lawbreakers: A Couple Of... Y 2017-10-21 NeoGaf - How One Man's Boner Ruined A Website Y 2017-10-23 Current Year Cookout: The Millennial Meal Guide Y 2017-10-26 's Dirty Bloomers Y 2017-10-31 TGWTG Episode 7: Finale Y 2017-11-05 Tinseltown Comes Tumbling Down Y 2017-11-06 Jim on - with Guest Appearance Y 2017-11-12 Jim, Black Pigeon Speaks, , Braving Ruin JQ Meltdown Google Hangouts Appearance Y 2017-11-16 Getting Mad At The Internet: Digital Lawsuits N 2017-11-18 Saturday Stream Y 2017-11-26 Jim on Jonathan Ross stream Guest Appearance Y 2017-11-26 Lazy Sunday Stream Y 2017-11-29 Jim on The Weekly Sweat stream Guest Appearance Y 2017-11-30 Le Buckaroo Buddies Y 2017-12-02 Amos Yee In Cell Block C Y 2017-12-07 The Curious Case Of August Ames Y 2017-12-09 POZitivity Y 2017-12-21 Tales of Trout Part 1: Rage Before The Storm Y 2017-12-23 Tales of Trout Part 2: Academy of Discord Y 2017-12-28 Tales of Trout Part 3: Ballpits Closed Y 2017-12-31 Jim on The Kumite - PART 1 Destiny vs Ethical CP Guest Appearance Y Jim on The Kumite - PART 2 Destiny vs Ethical CP Y 2018 Secret Recording with Donga, Failure and Vamp w/ Timestamps Google Hangouts Appearance Y 2018-01 Jim on Warski - with Harmful Opinions, Dr Layman and Adam Guest Appearance on “Warski Y Live” Great quotes from Jim re: Hasbro 2018-01-02 Jim on Warski Live - Meltdown and Spectre (Processor vulnerability issues) Guest Appearance on “Warski Y Live” 2018-01-07 Tales of Trout Part 4: Dox, and Doxxes, and Doxxxing Oh my Y 2018-01-21 The King Of Catsh Y 2018-01-24 Jim on The Kumite - with Joy Sparkle about TJ Kirk and Wizard Pedoz (Aydin Guest Appearance on “The Y Paladin and Geekthulhu) Morning Kumite” 2018-02-01 Jim on The Kumite - Jim makes Andywarski call the SPLC (Braving Ruin Guest Appearance on “The Y GeekCthulhu) Morning Kumite” 2018-02-01 Jim on Warski - Jim hears about Adams Wailing Wall tricks (Destiny Call-out) Guest Appearance on “Warski Y Live” 2018-02-07 Jim on The Kumite - vs Stolen Valor Guest Appearance on “The Y Morning Kumite” 2018-02-08 Jim on Bakes Alaska - DAS RITE post Stream (Tariq Nashid vs Jarod Tailor) Guest Appearance on Baked Y Alaska’s show 2018-02-17 Internet Bloodsports Link 2 Y 2018-02-18 Jim on The Kumite - vs The Quartering (Adam plans a trip to Israel) Guest Appearance on “The Y Morning Kumite” Link 2 2018-02-22 Internet Insanity Druid Focket Y 2018-02-26 Vee vs Jim on Liberalistism-streams Google Hangouts Stream Y 2018-02-26 Jim on The Kumite - Vee vs Jim Guest Appearance on “The Y Morning Kumite” 2018-02-27 Jim on The Kumite - Jim calls out Randomercam (Bering and The Beginnings Guest Appearance on “The Y of Adam) Morning Kumite” 2018-03-02 Jim going in Deep (Tonka Saw, Sargon of MSM, Vidcon) Hosted on some random channel Y 2018-03-03 Jim on The Kumite - Jim vs Warrior Maiden x3, White Knight and Boris (Part Guest Appearance on “The Y 1) Morning Kumite” Jim vs "Girl" (Part 2) Y 2018-03-05 Slip & Sliding Off The Slippery Slope Y 2018-03-07 Jim on The Kumite - Jim makes Andy a Man and a Mute Girl steals a Virgins Guest Appearance on “The Y Bike Morning Kumite” 2018-03-09 Jim on The Kumite - Jim vs Karl Reetard vs Dandy (Andy's devolved version) Guest Appearance on “The Y Morning Kumite” 2018-03-13 Jim on Warski - Jim and "We Liberalists Now" Stream Guest Appearance on “Warski Y Live” 2018-03-13 Jim on The Kumite - Jim watches Vee call Andy out and The Battle, Romania Guest Appearance on “The Y is collateral damage Morning Kumite” 2018-03-14 Jim on The Kumite - Jim vs A Liberalist Guest Appearance on “The Y Morning Kumite” 2018-03-15 Jim on The Kumite - Jim Vs -R The Donald & Kop Recap (Veetard) Guest Appearance on “The Y Morning Kumite” 2018-03-18 Jim on Warlock Stream (No Sleep Enterprize LLC) Guest Appearance Y 2018-03-18 MRM: Badger Hunt Y 2018-03-20 Jim on Warski - Jim throws a Molotov into the Badger Cave (Adam Jumps Guest Appearance on “Warski Y Into the Fire) Live” 2018-03-20 Jim on Warski - Jim and AndyPornski Banter On Recent Events (featuring Guest Appearance on “Warski Y burping alien) Live” 2018-03-22 Jim on the Kumite - Jim talks to AndyPornski about his VR mania (65GigZ) Guest Appearance on “Morning Y Kumite” 2018-03-26 Jim on The Kumite - Jim watches Andy turn into Maddox (Panic, Pornski and Guest Appearance on “Morning Y Purple Dragons) Kumite” 2018-03-27 Jim on The Kumite - Jim talks sense into Andy (Tiny Militia/SoyArmy OPs Guest Appearance on “Morning Y disrupted) Kumite” 2018-03-30 Jim on Guest Appearance with Baked Y Alaska 2018-03-31 Internet Insanity: Kurt Eichenwald (1 of 2) Y 2018-04-02 Internet Insanity: Kurt Eichenwald (2 of 2) Y 2018-04-06 Jim on The Kumite - Jim Vs Radio Head (GG Flashback Syndrome still Guest Appearance on “Morning Y exists) Kumite” 2018-04-07 Jim, Vee and EthanVanSciver On Kurt Eichenwald DMs Guest Appearance Y 2018-04-09 Ross 3: Return of the Tub Y 2018-04-09 Jim on The Kumite - Jim vs The Ross (Tub Teacher Catholic Preacher) Guest Appearance on “The Y Kumite” 2018-04-13 Who will Bully Hunt the Bully Hunters? Y 2018-04-15 Jim on Baked Alaska - Jim Destroys Baked Alaska Y 2018-04-15 Jim on Scrum Stream (Aftermath Alaska II) Y 2018-04-15 Jim on TRR (Aftermath Alaska I) Y 2018-04-16 Jim on Warski - Baked Alaska and Autism Boy (Aftermath Alaska III) Y 2018-04-19 Jim on Scrub Stream (Talking Chanel Awesome, Baked, Erin) Y 2018-04-21 Jim on PKA - talks Wings and More Y 2018-04-22 Jim on Killroy Day 1 Stream with MC Mundane Link 2 Y 2018-04-29 Metocast Jim outs Bryan Dunn, AKA King of Y Pol / Queen of Poz, as a gay 2018-05-01 Somebody's Getting Arrested! Y 2018-05-04 Jim on Ice Poseidon - Talks about accusations/Baked Guest Appearance with Ice Y Poseidon 2018-05-08 Wings of REEEEEedemption Y 2018-05-15 Jim on TRR - Talks About Liberalists, soy and salt (ShortFatOtaku) Guest Appearance on TRR re Y Latmin’s appearance with Short Fat Otaku 2018-05-18 Jim on The Kumite - Jim vs Amos Yee Kumite Y 2018-05-20 Metocast - The IBS Apocalypse Link 2 Y Link 3 2018-05-24 Jim on TRR - vs Corinne TRR Y 2018-05-28 Jim on TRR - vs Liberalists (The Weeaboo, The Carrier Pigeon, The TRR Y Stepfather) 2018-06-01 Jim on TRR - w/ Dick Masterson, Kiwi Owner, Corrine Guest Appearance Y 2018-06-07 Coldsteel Cruz: My Name Is Not Important... Y 2018-06-10 E3 2018 Stream - Bethesda N 2018-06-10 E3 2018 Stream - Microsoft N 2018-06-11 E3 2018 Stream - Sony Y 2018-06-11 E3 2018 Stream - Square Enix N 2018-06-11 Jim on TRR - Talking about S'argn and "The Plot to Take Him Down" TRR Y 2018-06-16 Jim on TRR - re Warski/Dyer split, JF vs World and Other Topics TRR Y 2018-06-17 LGBSCP Y 2018-06-19 Containment Breach Y 2018-06-20 Oi You Got A Loicense For That Mate? 2018-06-23 Jim on TRR - with Asterios Kokkinos & Mumkey Jones on TRR TRR Y 2018-06-25 DDQ: Speed Run For Progress! Y 2018-06-26 Jim on America First with Nick Fuentes Guest Appearance Y Link 2 2018-06-29 BulbaGarden: Political Pokemon To The Rescue Y 2018-07-01 Jim on TRR - vs Bronx Blogger (Portland and Other Topics) TRR Y 2018-07-04 Freedom Day Stream Y 2018-07-04 Jim on TRR - Jim Tries to wake The Beast (Corinne kek) TRR Y 2018-07-07 Playing In Traffic - Dan Ryan Protest Stream Y 2018-07-12 Jim on TRR - Talking World Cup, , EU, WeeGazm, Corinne TRR Y 2018-07-15 Sunday Streaming Y 2018-08-10 Jim on TRR - - MundaneMatt Implodes TRR – the “Boulder Stream” Y 2018-08-11 Jim on TRR - with Dick Masterson TRR N 2018-08-13 The Ballad Of MundaneMatt Y 2018-08-14 Jim on TRR - with DandyAndy&WildGoose TRR Y 2018-08-15 Jim on TRR - ending with Keemstar TRR Y 2018-08-21 CyberYiff 77 Y 2018-08-21 Jim on TRR - With HarmfulOpinions (Sceptics, C4nd1d, Tech) TRR Y 2018-08-26 Jim on TRR - Saturday Special: Tumors/Furries/PaymentProcessors TRR – talking about John McCain Y 2018-08-27 David Katz: The Esports Ebitch Y 2018-08-27 Jim on TRR - (On David Mad Katz/Trout Returns/McCain) With Chat Part 1/2 TRR Y 2018-08-27 Jim on TRR - (Mister Metokur YouTube Terminated) With Chat Part 2/2 TRR Y 2018-08-28 The Great WhoDunIt Stream Link 2 Y 2018-09-06 ReseTerrible Y 2018-09-09 Skeptical Sunday Stream Y 2018-09-11 Jim on TRR - - Sceptic Stream Aftermath (NO SUIT) TRR Y 2018-09-12 Let's Laugh At Europe Stream Mister Metokur aka, Jim ( Let's Y Laugh At Europe Stream ) (12-09-18) 2018-09-12 Jim on TRR - with Vee - S'OiGoy, Shitrat, Suits TRR Y 2018-09-14 Jim on TRR - - Keemstar, Vee, CRP laughing at Soiavelli (NO ART, NO TRR Y SUIT) 2018-09-16 Goodbye, Carl Mister Metokur ( Goodbye, Carl ) Y (16-09-18) 2018-09-20 Jim on TRR - - Septics/Trout Leaks/Fake Ross/Sunday Fun-Day (WITH TRR Y CHAT) 2018-09-21 A Man And His Dog Y 2018-09-23 Sunday Funday Mister Metokur (Sunday Funday Y Stream) (23-09-18) 2018-09-25 Jim on TRR - - Sargon Quits/Furies/Donka/Keemstar (WITH CHAT) TRR Y 2018-09-30 Kero & The Zoo Crew Y 2018-09-30 Jim on TRR - The Healstream with Dick Masterson, Nick Fuentes, Rekieta, TRR Y Dame Pesos, Kiwi Owner, 2018-10-02 Jim on TRR - Fake Ros, Furries, Josh, Vee TRR Y 2018-10-03 Handicapped Mascots Stream Mister Metokur ( Handicapped Y Mascots Stream ) (03-10-18) 2018-10-04 Jim on TRR - - Boogie/Josh/Vee/Memology/Keemstar - D'SCAM (WITH TRR Y LIVECHAT) 2018-10-08 Fursecution Sunday Stream Link 2 Y 2018-10-09 Jim on TRR - - DONGA, KENNY VS Ralph about (Josh Stream - Margaret TRR Y SAGA), DeFranco, Boogie 2018-10-10 Jim on TRR - vs Some Dude, talking about Donga, Sargon, etc. TRR Y 2018-10-12 Jim on TRR - vs Some Furry Guest Appearance on TRR Y Link 2 2018-10-12 Jim on TRR - vs Sargon (GamerGate 2.0), Josh, Andy, JF TRR Y 2018-10-14 Sunday Funday Link 2 Y 2018-10-16 Jim on TRR - - Quarterling Chicken, BetterHelp, DeFranco, Rome, TRR Y GaymerGate 2.0 Link 2 2018-10-18 It's over Link 2 Y 2018-10-18 Jim on TRR - Jim almost Faces a Jedi TRR Y Link 2 2018-10-20 Mister Metokur vs Vee ( jim plans for skeptics) Guest Appearance Y Link 2 2018-10-20 Jim on TRR Keemstar, Quartering, Andywarski, Y DamePesos, Ian M. Cheong, Thomas Ellington Link 2 2018-10-21 Sunday Funday Link 2 Y 2018-10-26 Let's test it Link 2 Y 2018-10-28 Sunday Funday - Mystery of the 10k Dollars Y 2018-10-29 Jim on Warski Guest Appearance Y 2018-11-02 Jim on TRR Guest Appearance Y 2018-11-02 Jim on Warski - Talking TRR (WSJ/Cancer Kids Saga) Guest Appearance on Warski Y Link 2 2018-11-03 Jim on Dlive (New TRR Location) Septics/WSJ + Special Video TRR Y 2018-11-03 Diablo Immortal: Damage Control Engaged Y 2018-11-05 Jim on Warski - re Broke Back Buffalo Stream (DONGA Wrestle Wrestle Guest Appearance on Warski Y Andy) 2018-11-07 Jim on TRR ( Midterm Election 2018 ) Guest Appearance TRR Y Link 2 part 1, Link 2 part 2 2018-11-07 Jim on The Quartering - vs Quartering Guest Appearance Y Link 2 2018-11-09 Jim on TRR - - S'argn exposes Himself (Keemstar, Re-tweet of Pro Andy Y D3platform1ng, Smugness) 2018-11-11 Sunday Funday - Smuckles Edition Mister Metokur ( Sunday Funday Y Stream ) ( Smuckles Edition ) (11-11-18) 2018-11-27 Jim on CRP - Furries, Skeptics, New Internet, PART 1 Guest Appearance on Coach Red Y Jim on CRP - THOT Audit, The Next 10 Years, Memes, PART 2 Pill 2018-12-16 Sunday Funday Art Contest Mister Metokur ( Stream.Me ) (Art) Y (16-12-18) 2018-12-16 Sunday Funday Mister Metokur ( Sunday Funday Y Stream ) (16-12-18) 2018-12-19 Late Night Test Stream Mister Metokur (Stream.Me) ( Late Y Night Test Stream ) (19-12-18) 2018-12-21 Jim on TRR TRR Y Link 2 2018-12-22 Mortal Kombat X - Training Day 1 Mister Metokur (how not to play Y Mortal Kombat) (Training Day 1) (22-12-18) 2018-12-23 Mortal Kombat X - Training Day 2 Mister Metokur (how not to play Y Mortal Kombat) (Training Day 2) (23-12-18) 2018-12-23 Sunday Funday - 2018 The Year Of Neverending Ops Mister Metokur ( Sunday Funday - Y Sunday Funday Music Contest 2018 The Year Of Neverending Y Ops ) (24-12-18) 2018-12-24 Mortal Kombat X - Training Day 3 Mister Metokur ( Sunday Funday Y Training Day 3 ) (24-12-18) 2018-12-30 Memorial Stream Link 2 Y 2019 Jim’s Videos from 2018 Collected material from archive Y channel 2019-01-15 Jim on Warski Guest Appearance Y Link 2 2019-01-16 Jim on TRR - - Tonka Can't Melt Steel Beams with Dick Masterson, Nick Guest Appearance Y Rekieta, Keemstar, CRP, Godspeed Link 2 2019-01-20 Internet Tough Guy: The Story Of Tonka Trucks Y 2019-01-21 The Tale Of Bohepans Link 2 Y 2019-01-22 Jim on Warski Guest Appearance Y Link 2 2019-01-23 Jim on TRR (Secret Audio Recording) Guest Appearance Y Link 2 2019-01-25 DONGA WRESTLE WRESTLE STREAM SNIPE Link 2 Y 2019-01-26 Hampture Y 2019-01-27 Sunday Funday Link 2 Y 2019-01-29 Early Stream? Early Stream... Link 2 Y 2019-01-30 Stop Streaming so Early JIM Link 2 Y 2019-01-31 Name The Bully! Y 2019-01-31 Not anime conventions... Anything but that... Stop it Jim Link 2 Y 2019-02-01 Amy Rose Haters Club Link 2 Y 2019-02-01 Ethical Ian Y 2019-02-03 Fishing With Trout Y 2019-02-03 Pre-Kraut Stream Link 2 Y 2019-02-04 419: What A Fine Time Link 2, Part 1 Y Link 2, Part 2 2019-02-04 Good Morning Internet Link 2, Part 1 Y Link 2, Part 2 2019-02-06 Metokur In the Morning - Discovering Photon Link 2 Y 2019-02-08 Metokur In the Morning - Photon Marathon Link 2 Y 2019-02-12 Metokur In The Morning - Photon Continues Link 2 Y Link 3 2019-02-13 Bing Bing Wahoo Stream - Nintendo Direct Link 2 Y 2019-02-13 Metokur In the Morning - 419 Nigerian Time Link 2 Y 2019-02-14 Metokur in the Morning - Nintendo Direct Follow-up Link 2 Y 2019-02-15 Let Us Pray Link 2 Y 2019-02-18 Metokur In The Morning - Sped Dating Link 2 Y 2019-02-19 Metokur In The Morning - Morning = Afternoon Link 2 Y 2019-02-20 Metokur In The Morning - Buried Under Snow Link 2 Y 2019-02-21 Metokur in the Morning - So Many Red Cars Link 2 Y 2019-02-26 Jim on Rekieta Law Guest Appearance Y Link 2 2019-02-26 Metokur In The Morning - I Wanna Be The Pupper Link 2 Y 2019-03-26 At Least We Aren't Europe Link 2 Y 2019-03-28 Jim on Rekieta Law ( 40k Warhammer Stream ) Guest Appearance Y Link 2 2019-03-31 Jim on Rekieta Law ( Nick Rekieta's 24 Hour Stream ) Guest Appearance Y Link 2 2019-03-31 The ⁄x⁄ Files Case 6: The Youtube Monkey Network Y 2019-04-07 The Pied Pipers Of Youtube Y 2019-04-09 Metocast Link 2 Y 2019-04-11 Metokur in the Morning - Assange Arrested Link 2 Y 2019-04-13 Saturday Stream Link 2 Y 2019-04-14 When Keeping It Real Goes Wrong Link 2 Y 2019-04-14 The Fungus Among Us Y 2019-04-21 Sunday Streaming Link 2 Y 2019-04-25 Jim on Rekieta Law (Nick's Twitter Got Suspended) Guest Appearance Y Link 2 2019-04-27 Love Quest David Needs Our Help Edition Link 2 Y 2019-04-30 Sonic The Hedgehog 2019 Will Win An Oscar Y 2019-05-09 ProTip 4 ProJared Don't Dump Your Wife On Twitter Link 2 Y 2019-05-10 The Fall Of Jared Link 2 Y 2019-05-11 David Stay Interview Link 2 Y 2019-05-20 As The Internet Turns ProJared 2 Electric Boogaloo Link 2 Y 2019-05-26 Sargon Election Day Livestream Link 2 Y 2019-05-26 Sargons Guide To Winning Elections Y 2019-06-05 The State Of It All Link 2 Y 2019-06-08 E3 2019 - Prestream Link 2 Y 2019-06-09 E3 2019 - Microsoft Link 2 Y 2019-06-09 E3 2019 - Bethesda Link 2 Y 2019-06-10 E3 2019 - Ubisoft Link 2 N Link 3 - with partial transcript 2019-06-10 E3 2019 - Square Enix Link 2 Y 2019-06-11 E3 2019 - Nintendo Link 2 Y 2019-06-16 Mornings With The Manchild - ResetEra Link 2 Y 2019-06-25 Drumr Vs The Q LARPers Link 2 Y 2019-06-29 I'm Getting Sued with Special Guest Nick Rekieta Link 2 Y 2019-07-08 Mornings With The Manchild - Mr. Epstein Link 2 Y 2019-07-10 Mornings With The Manchild - Shortstream Link 2 Y 2019-07-12 Mornings With The Manchild - Epstein Follow-Up, R. Kelly, Anti-Gay PSA Y 2019-07-15 Mornings With The Manchild - r9killer, Link 2 Y 2019-07-17 Mornings With The Manchild - Crypto, Neuralink, Reptilians Link 2 Y 2019-07-19 Mornings With The Manchild - Libra, Gay Librarian Conspiracy, Insane Link 2 Y Jesus Fan 2019-07-22 Mornings With The Manchild - Insane Fanfic Pt 2, Letter to Gail Link 2 Y 2019-07-24 Mornings With The Manchild - The Rape of Brent Spiner Link 2 Y 2019-07-27 Mornings With The Manchild - Tommy Robinson Attacks Link 2 Y 2019-07-29 Mornings With The Manchild - Jarbo vs Masterson, Crazy Trannies Link 2 Y 2019-07-31 Mornings With The Manchild - YTer Bullied Fan to Suicide, Dan Schneider Link 2 Y 2019-08-02 Mornings With The Manchild - Dem Debate, Vegan Protests, MundaneMatt Link 2 Y 2019-08-05 Mornings With The Manchild - El Paso & Dayton Shootings, NBC Prank Call Link 2 Y 2019-08-07 Mornings With The Manchild - Shootings Follow-Up Link 2 Y 2019-08-10 Mornings With The Manchild - Epstein Suicided, DSA Con Cringe Link 2 Y 2019-08-12 Mornings With The Manchild - Epstein Cohencidences, Clinton Curse Link 2 Y 2019-08-14 Mornings With The Manchild - Chris Fredo Cuomo, Don Lemon, Epstein Link 2 Y 2019-08-16 Mornings With The Manchild - Epstein Updates, Israel Bans Politicians Link 2 Y 2019-08-19 Mornings With The Manchild - Shoah'd From DLive Edition Link 2 Y 2019-08-19 The Great Lemon Purge Link 2 Y 2019-08-31 Depression Quest - New IRL DLC Y 2019-09-07 Furry Pandemonium Episode 1 Y 2019-09-20 Am I Being Detained! Tape Three Y 2019-09-30 Jimbo's Guide To SHTF Y 2019-10-07 Jim on Rekieta Law - re "Black MundaneMatt" Guest Appearance Y 2019-10-09 Chinese Vidya Stream Y 2019-10-13 Mister Metokur Transtastic Tales Part 1: How The Sausage Is Made Link 2 (Uncensored) N 2019-10-14 But It Did Get Worse - Blizzard Stream Y 2019-10-26 Jim on Stayte of mind ( EPISODE 60 ) Guest Appearance Y 2019-10-29 Modern Day Da Vinci Y 2019-10-31 Nick vs The World Y 2019-10-31 Finding The Finders Part 2 Y 2019-11-01 Jim on TRR - (The Great Reunion) Guest Appearance Y 2019-11-05 Grab Your Ankles Y 2019-11-08 JimCo Forecast Week 1 Y 2019-11-17 JimCo Forecast Week 2 Y 2019-11-22 You Can’t Stop the Weather Link 2 Y 2019-12-16 Slip and Slide Y 2019-12-17 Secret Weather Stream Y 2019-12-18 Secret Weather Stream 2 - Electric Boogaloo Y 2019-12-19 Civil War Two - Electric Boogaloo Y 2019-12-20 Secret Weather Stream 3 Y 2019-12-22 The Most Secret Weather Stream Around Y 2019-12-22 The Truth About Porn Y 2019-12-23 Weather-Sama Awooooooo Y 2019-12-24 The Good Doctor Y 2019-12-25 LFs Christmas Y 2019-12-28 Member Stream Y 2019-12-31 The Roaring 20s Two - Electric Boogaloo Y 2019-10-27 Finding The Finders pt. 1 Y 2020-01-02 Truck-kun save me from this craziness Y 2020-01-06 It's 1am, let's talk about anime Y 2020-01-23 The Great Wu Flu Y 2020-01-25 Wu Flu - It's Just A Cold Bro Edition Y 2020-01-26 Member Stream Y 2020-01-29 Wu Wu Goes The Achoo Train Y 2020-02-03 Peek-a-Wu - I Sneeze On You Y 2020-02-06 Celebrating And Incubating Y 2020-02-16 It's just a WuFlu bro Y 2020-02-22 Getting a bit batty Y 2020-02-25 This Empty Bun Is A Nothing Burger Y 2020-02-29 The Red Coast Y 2020-02-29 Member Stream Y 2020-03-09 Dipmageddon Y 2020-03-10 JimCo Forecasts: Grey skies ahead Link 2 Y 2020-03-20 Jim on TRR - Metokur vs Masterson Guest Appearance Y 2020-03-27 Month Three And Counting Y 2020-04-04 Member Stream Y 2020-05-01 Jim on TRR - Metokur with dick and Pod Awful TV Guest Appearance Y 2020-05-09 Jim on PPP Guest Appearance Y 2020-07-09 Piss Yourself To Own The Libs Y