COMPENDIUM OF JIM CONTENT DATE TITLE NOTES TRANSCRIPT 2009 Jim on Atheism and Anti-theism Jim81Jim video Y Earliest known Jim video 2009 Jimmy Hates Mortal Kombat Y 2009 Spax3 - The End (Game Over Man, Game Over) Some channels have this in Y separate parts 2009-04-04 Spax3 Website Review Y 2009-04-04 Spax3: The Series (Part 1) Y 2009-04-06 Spax3: The Series (Part 2) Y 2009-04-09 Spax3: The Series (Part 3) N 2009-04-13 Spax3: The Series (Part 4) N 2009-04-23 Spax3: The Series (Part 5a) Y 2009-05-01 Spax3: The Series (Part 5b) Y 2009-05-09 Spax3: The Series (Part 5c) Y 2009-06-17 Spax3: The Series (Part 5d) Y 2009-08#1 To my dear friend Mike Y 2009-08#2 Mike - Part Deux Y 2009-11-25 BigAl's Skype Commentaries Featuring Jim81Jim (Part 1) Y 2009-11-25 BigAl's Skype Commentaries Featuring Jim81Jim (Part 2) Y 2009-11-25 BigAl's Skype Commentaries Featuring Jim81Jim (Part 3) Y 2010 Jim with BigAl2k6 re Fundamentalist Atheism Y 2010 Jim on It Came From Public Domain - Ep. 4 "The Wild, Wild World of Jayne Guest appearance on Blip.tv N Mansfield" channel (defunct) 2010-06 E3 2010 Part 1 - Microsoft Presentation Y 2010-06 E3 2010 Part 2 - Microsoft Presentation Y 2010-06 E3 2010 Part 3 - Microsoft Presentation Y 2010-06 E3 2010 Part 4 - Microsoft Presentation Y 2010-06 E3 2010 Part 5 - Nintendo Presentation Y 2010-06 E3 2010 Part 6 - Nintendo Presentation N 2010 BigAl2k6 Discussion with Jim re Atheism Y 2010 Internet Aristocrat: Humming Hambeast Y 2010 Internet Aristocrat: Skoul Suxs Y 2010 Sites That Suck: Lockerz (Part 1) Y 2010 Sites That Suck: Lockerz (Part 2) Y 2010 Sites That Suck: Lockerz (Part 3) Y 2010 Sites That Suck: Lockerz (Part 4) Y 2010 The Gathering Storm (Part 1) No individual transcript; part of “all Y parts” 2010 The Gathering Storm (Part 2) Y 2010 The Gathering Storm (Part 3 - 1 of 2) No individual transcript; part of “all Y parts” 2010 The Gathering Storm (Part 3 - 2 of 2) Y 2010 The Gathering Storm (Part 4) Y 2010-02-04 Mr. Tiller's Amazing Calendar (James O'Shaughnessy Calendar Services) Y 2010-03-07 Sandra Lee, The Beginning Featuring Jim81Jim Y 2010-04#1 PedoBots: The Worlds Dirtiest Transformers (Part 1) Y 2010-04#2 PedoBots: The Worlds Dirtiest Transformers (Part 2) Y 2010-04#3 Molestocons: Attack Of The Naughty Bees (Part 1) Y 2010-04#4 Molestocons: Attack Of The Naughty Bees (Part 2) Y 2010-05-25 Internet Aristocrat: The Pokémon Master Y 2010-05#1 ICP: Mentally Disabled Mimes (Part 1) Y 2010-05#2 ICP: Mentally Disabled Mimes (Part 2) Y 2010-05#3 Mimes Aren't Scary Response Video Y 2010-05#4 To My Bestest Friend Ever: I LOVE YOU From GamesGoodMeBad channel N/A 2010-05#5 The Circus Is Canceled, The Juggalos Are Drunk (Part 1) From “GamesGoodMeBad” Y Channel 2010-05#6 The Circus Is Canceled, The Juggalos Are Drunk (Part 2) From “GamesGoodMeBad” Y Channel 2010-05#7 The Circus Is Canceled, The Juggalos Are Drunk (Part 3) From “GamesGoodMeBad” Y Channel 2010-06-30 Game Journalism: The Decline of the 5th Estate (Part 1) Y 2010-06-30 Game Journalism: The Decline of the 5th Estate (Part 2) Y 2010-07-03 RCR Episode 1: Commentaries Y 2011 Big Update PLEASE WATCH! Y 2011 Dear Mr DarkRaven488 Y 2011 GamesGoodMeBad Commentary Y 2011 Shit Happens Y 2011 Son I Am Proud - The Story Of Casey Haynes Y 2011-03-22 Mr. Tiller's Elevate Ministry Y 2011-05-30 Canadian Insanity - The Story Of Momma K Y 2011-09-17 DrDeadman1031's Hugbox Adventure (Part 1) Y 2011-09-17 DrDeadman1031's Hugbox Adventure (Part 2) Y 2011-09-17 DrDeadman1031's Hugbox Adventure (Part 3) Y 2012 Metokur and BFK - Pseudo Intellectuals VS Fun in Video Games Ep 1 Y Metokur and BFK - Pseudo Intellectuals VS Fun in Video Games Ep 2 Y 2012 Ian Miles Cheong Slanders KSIOlajidebt - EuroGamer Controversy From “SteveJobsGhost” Channel Y 2012 Ridge Racer Is Harder Than Dark Souls From “Haberhass” Channel Y 2013 Case In Point Concept Video Y 2013-04-14 Internet Insanity Episode 1: The YouTube Chronicles Y 2013-04/05 Fuck Video Games: God Mode Y 2013-05-20 DoublePlusGood Episode 1: Adria Richards, Susan Wilson Y 2013-06-10 Microsoft E3 2013: Saga Of The Special Snowakes Y 2013-09-16 Anita And The White Knights Y 2013-09-22 Tumblrisms Episode 1: Headmates Y 2013-10-01 Tumblrisms Episode 2: Thin Privilege Y 2013-11-?? Tumblrisms Episode 3: Cis-Scum Y 2013-12-01 Tumblrisms Episode 4: White Privilege Y 2013-12-11 Mighty Number Nope: The Dina Disaster Y 2013-12-15 Ring a Ding Ding 1 – The Desolation of Ass From the bfkermit channel Y 2014 RARE OLD FOOTAGE - Playing "Viscera Cleanup Detail" Y 2014-01-08 The Hugbox Chronicles Episode 1: Nash Grier's Guide To Pissing Off Y Tumblrettes 2014-01-13 The Hugbox Chronicles Episode 2: Dracula The Sex Offender Y 2014-01-28 The Hugbox Chronicles Episode 3: Jello - The World's Meanest Snack Y 2014-02-03 Where is the video Jim? Y 2014-02-08 Tumblrisms Episode 5: Ableism Y 2014-02-14 To my biggest fan Yesusemeplease: Thanks for your support! Y 2014-03-16 The Hugbox Chronicles Episode 4: My Little Molestation Y 2014-03-28 #CancelColbert: Social Justice Warriors To The Rescue Y 2014-03-29 Shitlord Extravaganza Y 2014-05-17 Senores de mierda - El segundo movimiento de intestino Y 2014-05-26 Ever Forward Towards Oblivion: CEDA & The Death Of Standards Y 2014-05-30 Euroscepticism: The Great Escape Y 2014-06-16 Tumblrisms Episode 6: Cultural Appropriation Y 2014-06-24 Steam Sale Shenanigans N 2014-07-05 The Hugbox Chronicles Episode 5: It All Comes Tumbling Down Y 2014-08-18 Quinnspiracy Theory Part 1: The Five Guys Saga Y 2014-08-22 Quinnspiracy Theory Part 2: In-N-Out Edition Y 2014-08-30 Quinnspiracy Theory Part 3: White Castles and Ivory Towers Y 2014-09-06 Shitaku Stream Y 2014-09-17 GamerGate Stream Y 2014-09-22 Jim Interviewed by Milo Yiannopoulos Guest Appearance on Radio Nero Y 2014-09-24 Lazy Thursday Stream Y 2014-09-27 GamerGate: The Path We've Taken Y 2014-10-09 Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor Review - 10/10 GOTY Y 2014-10-09 Lazy Thursday Stream ft KOP, SFO, Milo Y, Lo-ping Y 2014-10-10 Lazy Friday Stream Y 2014-10-12 Lazy Sunday Stream Y 2014-10-13 Karkov is King - Lazy Monday Stream Y 2014-10-19 Atheism+ Stream - How SJWs pushed their way into Atheism Y 2014-10-24 #GamerGate Tonight Stream Y 2014-11-01 Lazy Saturday Stream Y 2014-11-04 Jim on the Ed Morrissey Show Re GamerGate Y 2014-11-26 Jim Statement on Leaving GamerGate Released on a site called Vocaroo Y Jim Second Statement on Gamergate, for 8Chan N 2015 How To Be A Pimp - Andrew Wilson's Wisdom From “Brightside Bob” channel Y 2015-07-02 Jim on Conquer and Win with Eddy Baller - Crazy Social Justice Warriors, Guest Appearance with some guy Y Feminist, Rape Culture named “Eddy Baller” 2015-03-25 The Dinner Dates - METOKUR: The Guardian Duders vs. James From the METOKUR channel N/A O'Shaughnessy (John Flanagan Presents - All-Inclusive Pornography) 2015-03-28 Hallowed Halls: Dalhousie University Y 2015-03-29 Linkara's Autism Awareness Promo From the METOKUR channel N/A 2015-04-01 John Flanagan Is A Faggot From the METOKUR channel N/A 2015-04-01 John Flanagan's Role Model From the METOKUR channel N/A 2015-04-02 METOKUR's 1st Annual Dance-Off 2015 From the METOKUR channel N/A 2015-04-05 Tumblrisms Episode 7: Otherkin Y 2015-04-11 Channel Trailer Y 2015-04-17 HABERMANN - Fuck A Man From the METOKUR channel N/A 2015-04-19 Liquored Up & Live First stream as “Mister Metokur” Y 2015-04-27 Baltimore is Burning Y 2015-04-28 Fox 10 And Friends Y 2015-05-06 Internet Insanity: Nick 'PedoPoop' Bate Y 2015-05-08 Dancing Skeleton Man From the METOKUR channel N/A 2015-05-18 Hitbox Sunday Stream Y 2015-05-22 Howard S Schneider: World's Worst Dentist Y 2015-05-31 Co-opted - Trans Community Stream Y 2015-05-31 Liquored Up & Live Y 2015-06-03 Fuck Video Games: Hatred Y 2015-06-09 tgwtg video save #1 From the METOKUR channel N/A 2015-06-14 Pre E3 2015 Hitbox Stream Y 2015-06-14 Too Hot For Hitbox - E3 2015 Stream Not on Internet Librarian N 2015-07-08 James O'Shaughnessy Calendar Services From the METOKUR channel N/A 2015-07-15 Turn that pesky thing off N/A 2015-08-18 Ashley Madison: Doxings and Divorces Y 2015-08-20 The Hugbox Chronicles Episode 6: A Divorce Attorney's Wet Dream Y (AshleyMadison.com) 2015-08-31 Gen Zed: The Most Transtastic Show Ever Y 2015-09-21 Under New Management: The Death Of Imageboards Y 2015-09-24 Hiroyuki Hiroshima Y 2015-10-01 Peeple: The Worst Kind Of People Y 2015-10-09 In A Van Down By The River: The Steven Assanti Story Y 2015-10-19 The /x/ Files Case 1: Skinwalkers Y 2015-10-22 Wake Up Y 2015-11-13 Paris Is Burning Y 2015-11-15 #Justice4Jamar - Justice4JarJar Y 2015-11-16 #Justice4Jamar - Twerking4Justice N 2015-11-17 Gout Stream From “Brightside Bob” channel Y 2015-11-18 #Justice4Jamar - White Allies & Fried Chicken Not on Internet Librarian N 2015-11-18 Puke Later, Cook Now From “Brightside Bob” channel Y 2015-11-24 #Justice4Jamar - Time To Hide From Hyde Edition Not on Internet Librarian N 2015-11-28 Buy Soap - Cure Gout From “Brightside Bob” channel Y 2015-11-30 #Justice4Jamar - Meme'd In The 1st Degree Y 2015-12-02 San Bernardino Showdown Y 2015-12-04 San Bernardino: Narrative vs Reality Y 2015-12-11 #Justice4Jamar - The Friday Shitshow Y 2015-12-19 Metocast Episode 1 - Bernie Sanders Y 2015-12-24 The Minnesota DFL Y 2015-12-26 Metocast Episode 2 - Rand Paul Y 2016-01-01 Never Satisifed: Why Apologizing To SJWs Is Useless Y 2016-01-02 Metocast Episode 3 - Austin Petersen, Ted Cruz Y 2016-01-10 Metocast Episode 4 Y 2016-01-15 Super Secret New Channel Stream - KOGAYMING From “Brightside Bob” channel Y 2016-01-21 Metocast - Dean Esmay - Immigrant Freedom Fighter
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