Zoological Studies 43(2): 276-291 (2004)

Deep-sea Benthopelagic Calanoid and their Colonization of the Near-bottom Environment Janet M. Bradford-Grieve National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research, P.O. Box 14901, Kilbirnie, Wellington 6001, New Zealand Tel: 64-4-3860300. Fax: 64-4-3862153. E-mail: [email protected]

(Accepted January 26, 2004)

Janet M. Bradford-Grieve (2004) Deep-sea benthopelagic calanoid copepods and their colonization of the near-bottom environment. Zoological Studies 43(2): 276-291. We are still in a discovery phase with respect to the deep-sea benthopelagic fauna and its ecology. New species are being described every year, and our knowledge of the physical and sedimentary environments of the benthic boundary layer is currently being extensively researched by a number of groups. Deep-sea, strictly benthopelagic populations (com- posed mainly of ) differ in species composition from those in shallow and shelf waters and probably all represent reinvasions of the benthopelagic environment from the water column. The reasons for this differ- ence are explored, including the possible evolutionary paths of organisms that live in this environment, and the physical conditions in which they live. Oxygen availability was probably a limiting environmental factor in geo- logical time for benthopelagic calanoids. The low oxygen requirements and low weight-specific respiration rates of benthopelagic copepods are suggestive of a Permian reinvasion of the deep benthopelagic environ- ment. That is, they were selected for low oxygen demand by the timing of their reinvasion of the deep ben- thopelagic environment. It is possible that these hypotheses may be testable using genetic information in the near future. http://www.sinica.edu.tw/zool/zoolstud/43.2/276.pdf

Key words: Arietelloidea, Clausocalanoidea, Paleoenvironment, Evolution, Colonization.

The low abundance and high diversity of invasion over geological time. strictly benthopelagic calanoid copepods of the benthic boundary layer (BBL), coupled with diffi- Benthic boundary layer (BBL) culties in sampling them in their slope or ocean basin environments (e.g., Bradford and Wells The BBL is a zone of relatively intense biolog- 1983, Hulsemann 1985, Angel 1990 and refer- ical activity within the , and is distin- ences therein, Ohtsuka et al. 1998, Nishida et al. guished from the remainder of the water column 1999), have contributed to the slow rate of accu- by its concentrations of particulate matter and bio- mulation of knowledge of this fauna and its ecolo- logically active chemical substances, species com- gy. The deep-sea benthopelagic calanoid fauna position, elevated biomasses of organisms (from contains plesiomorphic as well as more-derived bacteria to fish), and elevated metabolic rates forms which point to a complicated evolutionary (Wishner and Gowing 1987). history. The mesopelagic and bathypelagic deep sea Over the last 20 years, a number of studies harbors a near-bottom mesozooplankton biomass have increased our knowledge of this fauna in a that generally decreases with increasing depth broad sense, as well as its environment and ecolo- (Rudyakov 1992). Nevertheless, there is evidence gy. In this paper, I assess the deep-sea ben- for an increase in planktonic biomass within about thopelagic fauna in its widest sense, what we 100 m of the seafloor (Wishner and Gowing 1987, know of the BBL, what new insights can be gained Angel 1990), although this phenomenon is not from analyzing the routes by which this habitat has always evident (Angel 1990, Rudyakov 1992). been populated, and the factors influencing this Copepods, by far, dominate these communities

276 Bradford-Grieve -- Deep-sea Benthopelagic Calanoid Copepods 277

, (Angel 1990 and references therein) when small, periodic deoxygenation of the world s oceans. fine-meshed nets are used; when nets with larger Marcotte (1999) summarizes current thinking on mouth openings are used, gelatinous species the extent of oxygenation of the oceans (Fig. 1). dominate as in Southern California basins Extensive areas across continental shelves were (Childress et al. 1989). covered by apparently anoxic waters during non- The nature of the food supply to the benthic glacial intervals when sea levels were high. The zone was summarized by Angel (1990 and refer- oceans became progressively ventilated with oxy- ences therein). The benthic boundary layer may gen over time, from an initial anoxic state after the receive a more or less predictable quantity of appearance of oxygen in the atmosphere. It is organic carbon from surface layers as directly sedi- thought that Lower Paleozoic oceans were venti- mented phytoplankton, aggregates, dead organ- lated by wind mixing to a relatively shallow depth. isms, and fecal pellets. This detrital material may The oxygen demand created by the sedimentation be repackaged as it sinks through the water col- of surface-produced decaying organic matter umn. The fluxes of fine particulate material vary ensured that the inferred anoxic layer was relative- seasonally, but the full range of variability has yet ly near the surface. The major mechanism by to be defined for this environment. which the deep ocean was ventilated was the for- Thus the benthic interface acts as a sediment mation of sea ice at high latitudes. trap, accumulating all the material that sinks to the Thus the possibility that a benthopelagic bottom. This organic material influences the char- fauna could exist at slope depths occurred only in acteristics of the benthopelagic fauna. They can the late Ordovician and mid Devonian, and down exploit it as it sinks onto the , at the inter- to abyssal depths in the Permian when the first face between the water and sediment, or when it is really deep ventilation of the oceans occurred. resuspended from the interface in either particulate After the Permian, there was another expansion of or dissolved form (Angel 1990). Resuspension of the oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) in the Jurassic sediments caused by currents, tidal oscillations, and Cretaceous. Nevertheless, it is thought that and benthic storms (caused by intense eddy activi- deoxygenation of bottom waters was not complete ty), may inject nepheloid layers high into the water at that time (Horne 1999 and references therein). column. These events are of considerable impor- Survival of fine-particle-feeding benthic platycopid tance to the ecology of the benthopelagic environ- ostracods during the Jurassic, Cretaceous, and ment, as are larger food falls that occur unpre- Paleogene (e.g., Whatley 1995) shows that bottom dictably. These latter events are probably the rea- waters were not anoxic then, but instead were low son why there can be large populations of scav- engers in the benthopelagic zone. Oxygen concentrations near the sea floor in Periods of Glaciation the deep ocean at depths > 1000 m are usually high (> 4 ml L-1 or µmol kg-1). There are minimum concentrations (< 2 ml L-1) above 1000 m in the 10.0 Concentration of Atmospheric Oxygen mid-Pacific (particularly in the eastern part), tropi- cal Indian Ocean, and western tropical Atlantic 0.10 0.01 Persent Concentration of although oxygen concentrations here are not quite Atmospheric Oxygen so low (Pickard and Emery 1990). In certain Ratio to present regions (e.g., the Black Sea, the Cariaco Trench in Oxygenated Ventilation of World Ocean Anoxic the Caribbean, and in some fjords), there is no Disoxic oxygen at all, and there are no reports of cope- Sea Surface Shelf pods living in such environments. Therefore, the Slope oxygen concentrations that the benthopelagic Abyss fauna experiences greatly depends on the geo- PrCSDCPJKTO T graphic region and where the sea floor intersects R the oxygen profile. Fig. 1. Changes in glaciation, atmospheric oxygen, and water- column oxygenation through geologic time (adapted from Benthopelagic paleoenvironments Horne 1999 and Marcotte 1999). , Cambrian; C, Carboniferous; K, Cretaceous; J, Jurassic; D, Devonian; O, One of the largest barriers to colonization of Ordovician; P, Permian; Pr, Proterozoic; S, Silurian; T, Tertiary; deep benthopelagic environments has been the TR, Triassic. 278 Zoological Studies 43(2): 276-291 (2004) in oxygen. The relationship of fine-particle feeders Initially, there would have been a large pulse of with low-oxygen environments is supported by the detritus as large metazoans and phytoplankton observation that benthic platycopid ostracods dom- died and sank to the sea floor. The heterotrophic inate the OMZ of modern oceans (Dingle et al. destruction of this material would have provided 1989). It is likely that this history of ventilation of niches for scavengers, detrital feeders, and graz- , the world s oceans is intimately connected with the ers on protists. The ultimate survival of primary selection and evolution of families and species of producers would have been favored by the pos- benthopelagic calanoid copepods that currently session of resting stages for those organisms with populate the deep sea. a high light requirement (e.g., Bravo and Anderson It is noted that the near-bottom fauna in a 1994, Kuwata and Takahashi 1999), or by pos- -1 Norwegian fjord, where O2 was < 1.1 ml L , was sessing an ability to photosynthesize at low light dominated by the copepod, Stephos rustadi levels and different qualities of light (e.g., Ikeyal et (Strömgren 1969). It is possible that this species al. 1991, Vila and Abella 2001). Modern oligo- evolved when oxygen levels were low (Jurassic trophic environments that are dominated by pico- and Cretaceous), but this adaptation being specific phytoplankton are probably a good model. These to a fjord environment cannot be discounted. communities are dominated by microbial process- The feeding environment of calanoid cope- es (e.g., Bradford-Grieve et al. 1999), and calanoid pods in anoxic or low-oxygen environments during copepods in these systems rely on microzooplank- the Jurassic and Cretaceous and previous periods ton prey (e.g., Atkinson 1996). Therefore, there was not necessarily enhanced in organic carbon would have been opportunities for life to“tick over” near the sea floor (Thunell et al. 2000). Recent immediately after the K-T boundary event as long work on the ecology of anoxic environments shows as species were able to scavenge for food and that sulfate reduction is as efficient as aerobic res- feed on detritus, or had other mechanisms for sur- piration in degrading labile organic matter viving conditions for which they were not adapted. (Thunnell et al. 2000). Thus it is probable that detritus was no more available than in seas of Benthopelagic calanoid copepod fauna recent times adjacent to the seafloor, given the basic productivity of the overlying water. Distinct The deep-sea, strictly benthopelagic copepod protistan assemblages are associated with oxic, fauna comprises species that are found immedi- microaerobic, and anoxic waters (Fenchel et al. ately adjacent to the seafloor, are hardly ever 1995), although anaerobic eukaryotes appear to found in plankton tows, and have a morphology have a low net growth efficiency thus ensuring that and build that suggest that these species are not the ratio between phagotrophic and prey biomass capable of extended swimming in the water col- is lower than in aerobic communities, and that bac- umn (Bradford 1969, Grice and Hulsemann 1970, terial numbers are controlled by protozoan grazing Grice 1972). That is, these species have a heavy in some anaerobic environments (Fenchel and compact build, they have enlarged outer exopodal Findlay 1990). There are abundant populations of spines on the swimming legs, and in some the dinoflagellates, Gymnodinium and Prorocen- species, the antennules are very short or even trum, in anoxic waters at 50-100 m in the upwelling asymmetrically developed (Ohtsuka et al. 1993 region off Peru (Sorokin and Kogelschatz 1979). 1994). These might be called“hypobenthopelagic” Thus, the availability of microbial food during the in the sense of Vereshchaka (1995). Nevertheless, Jurassic and Cretaceous probably depended on other studies have shown that maximum numbers where in the water column a calanoid copepod of copepods, often thought of as meso- or bathy- was living. pelagic, may occur between 20 and 100 m above In order for a number of lineages to have sur- the seafloor; these species/genera seem to have a vived the Cretaceous-Tertiary (K-T) catastrophe vertical distribution that is related in some way to that occurred during the boundary event, primary the BBL (Wishner 1980, Wiebe et al. 1988, production would have had to have continued, if Sirenko et al. 1996, Christiansen et al. 1999). only at low levels. The impact of the meteorite at For example, it was noted that members of the Chicxulub site, Mexico, (e.g., Grieve and the Metridinidae have been observed to be associ- Therriault 2000) caused temporary heating and ated with the seafloor, although they are generally darkening of the atmosphere and later cooling, common constituents of plankton hauls (e.g., with the resulting suppression of photosynthesis Wishner 1980, Christiansen et al. 1999, Bradford- and an immediate detrimental effect on the biota. Grieve 2001a). Recent studies of the Metridinidae Bradford-Grieve -- Deep-sea Benthopelagic Calanoid Copepods 279 in the North Pacific Ocean (Hattori 1989) show that 1999). This capacity to gorge on food and distend members of this family have a bimodal distribution. the body is a way of opportunistically surviving in As well as feeding in phytoplankton-rich surface an environment with an irregular food supply. waters, the deep-living parts of the populations The deep-sea, near-bottom (including strictly , feed on“intact and damaged diatoms which were benthopelagic) copepod fauna of the world s frequently packed in faecal pellet-like particles and oceans (Table 1) is still not well known, and new on radiolarians”. This observation of association species are currently being regularly described with detrital material is further corroborated by (e.g., Alvarez 1985, Schulz 1990, Heinrich et al. Widder et al. (1999), who observed peaks in biolu- 1993, Markhaseva and Ferrari 1996, Ohtsuka et minescence associated with Metridia lucens at al. 1998, Ferrari and Markhaseva 2000a b, Schulz density discontinuities where has and Markhaseva 2000, Markhaseva and been observed to accumulate. These species Kosobokova 2001). Some collections of deep-liv- might be called“epibenthopelagic”in the sense of ing biota have a good definition of the distance Vereshchaka (1995). Bradford-Grieve (2002) sug- they were caught above the seafloor. Those col- gested that this multiple mode of existence proba- lections that are dominated by Copepoda (e.g., bly reflects the path by which ancient benthopelag- Wishner 1980, Smith et al. 1986, Wiebe et al. ic antecedents of the Arietelloidea first invaded the 1988, Christiansen et al. 1999) have apparently pelagic realm and is the reason why they have sur- not all yet been identified to species and the vived through geological time. Because it is not records published. yet clear how or if families such as the In addition to the strictly deep-sea ben- Lucicutiidae, Metridinidae, Aetideidae, and thopelagic calanoids, there are other species that Euchaetidae relate to the BBL, they have been have consistently been taken in near-bottom sam- included in Table 1 to indicate which taxa are com- ples (Table 1). These include at least members of monly taken within 100 m of the seafloor. the Metridinidae, Lucicutiidae, Bathypontiidae, Those species that do have a very close rela- Aetideidae, Euchaetidae, Scolecitrichidae, and tionship with the seafloor have some specific Phaennidae. Compared with the benthopelagic adaptations to that environment. Paramisophria fauna at shelf depths, strictly benthopelagic deep- platysoma has been observed to swim continuous- sea faunas greatly differ (Table 2). ly above the bottom on its left side with the longer The most primitive benthopelagic calanoid left antennule extended forwards (Ohtsuka and families are found only at shallow to shelf depths Mitsuzumi 1990). The oviduct openings are also (Huys and Boxshall 1991). The Pseudocyclopoidea asymmetrically placed, apparently to ensure that and Epacteriscioidea are found only at shelf the reproductive products are not mechanically depths as well as are some genera of the dislodged during foraging. This type of swimming Arietelloidea (Table 2). There are also other taxa has also been noted in species of Stephos represented on the continental shelf in the (Ohtsuka and Hiromi 1987), and Metacalanus also Diaptomoidea and Clausocalanoidea. The deep- has asymmetrical antennules (Ohtsuka 1984). sea fauna is composed mainly of the Arietelloidea, Their food may vary from living organisms to detri- Ryocalanoidea, Bathypontioidea, and Clausoca- tus. Thompsonopia feeds mainly on epibenthic lanoidea. Setting aside the Pseudocyclopoidea pennate diatoms but also includes naked ciliates, and Epacteriscioidea, that have probably always tintinnids, cysts, and pollen (Ohtsuka 1992 as been benthic, there are two thirds as many families Pseudocyclopia), and Stephos pacificus feeds on known from continental shelf depths as are known hypotrich ciliates and diatoms (Ohtsuka and Hiromi from slope and deeper depths. The Arietellidae, 1987). Matthews (1964) mentioned the scaveng- Aetideidae, and Tharybidae all have a greater ing habit of the Aetideidae and Phaennidae and diversity in the deep sea, whereas the Diaixidae that their maximum abundance coincided with peri- and Phaennidae are more diverse in shallower ods of decline of plankton abundance in upper waters. The Pontellidae, Pseudodiaptomidae, water layers. Deep benthopelagic copepods Mesaiokeratidae, Pseudocyclopiidae, and ingest detritus and associated bacteria (Gowing Stephidae are represented only in the shallow- and Wishner 1986, Wishner and Gowing 1992). water fauna, while the Hyperbionychidae, Taxa such as Tharybis and the misophrioid, Bathypontiidae, Ryocalanidae, and Parkiidae are Benthomisophria, can distend their guts, thus alter- known only from the deep sea. On balance, it ing the shape of their bodies, (Boxshall and Roe appears that there has been a more intense diver- 1980 and references therein, Bradford-Grieve sification in the benthopelagic environment in the 280 Zoological Studies 43(2): 276-291 (2004) deep sea. sis of the Arietelloidea, deduced that the history of habitat exploitation was from surface waters fol- Evolution of deep-living benthopelagic species lowed by descent into the bathypelagic or ben- thopelagic habitats (Fig. 3). The first branch is the For purposes of this paper, I have accepted Augaptilidae-Metridinidae clade and appears to the analysis of the evolutionary history of calanoid have colonized the deep-sea realm earlier than copepods summarized in the works of Bowman other clades. This clade along with the next two and Abele (1982) and Park (1986), with nomencla- clades (Heterorhabdidae and Lucicutiidae- ture updated by Andronov (1991) (Fig. 2). These Discoidae) contains only pelagic taxa. The final relationships are largely supported by preliminary offshoot, the Hyperbionychidae-Arietellidae- results from an analysis using the methods of phy- Nullosetigeridae clade, may have adapted as car- logenetic systematics (Prof. Geoff Boxshall, The nivores to the deep-sea benthopelagic environ- Natural History Museum, London, pers. comm.). It ment. Soh (1998) notes that the asymmetry of the is clear that members of the Pseudocyclopoidea antennules, found exclusively in benthopelagic and Epacteriscioidea, all shallow-water ben- taxa, is evident in the Hyperbionychidae and thopelagic forms, are the oldest, most ancestral Arietellidae, and that the right antenna of the forms, and that the benthopelagic habit is the more Nullosetigeridae is longer than the left (Soh et al. ancient. The ancestors of these superfamilies 1999) implying that the ancestor of this family could have existed prior to the Devonian, at a time might have been benthopelagic. The conclusions , when the first pelagic calanoids are postulated to that can be drawn from Soh s (1998) analysis is have evolved (Bradford-Grieve 2002). Copepod- that it was later in the evolution of the Arietelloidea like maxillopodan (e.g., Dala peilertae that members of this superfamily returned to a Müller, 1983) have been taken, with preserved soft benthopelagic habitat, and that some of these then parts, from the Upper Cambrian of Sweden (e.g., again reentered the pelagic environment. Walossek and Müller, 1998). In the Permian, a reduction in turbidity also It is postulated that the arietelloidean and occurred with the deep ventilation of the oceans. diaptomoidean lineages radiated into the water Bradford-Grieve (2002) suggests that the Permian column from the Devonian onwards (Bradford- was a very important time in calanoid evolution. Grieve 2002). Soh (1998), from a cladistic analy- The Arietelloidea probably radiated into many envi- ronments, both pelagic and benthopelagic. This period may also have been responsible for the evolution of myelinated sheaths surrounding nerve axons in the Calanoidea, Eucalanoidea, and Clausocalanoidea, a relatively rare occurrence among invertebrates (Weatherby et al. 2000). The appearance of myelinated nerve axons, coupled

Augaptilidae P (C)

Metridinidae P (S)

BENTHOPELAGIC P MESO/BATHYPELAGIC Heterorhabdidae P (S-C) NERITIC Lucicutiidae P (S) EPIPELAGIC Discoidae P (S) Fig. 2. Calanoid classification, phylogeny, and habitat type (after Bowman and Abele 1982, Park 1986, Andronov 1991) Hyperbionychidae BP (C) (adapted from the Pacific Biomedical Research Centre, BP University of Hawaii at Manoa website: www.pbrc.hawaii.edu/ Arietellidae BP-P (C) ~lucifer/gifs/copepod-taxo-evol.gif). The Fosshageniidae are here placed in the Diaptomoidea. Suárez-Morales and Iliffe Nullosetigeridae P (C) (1996) created a separate superfamily for this family, but because in a number of characteristics, Fosshagenia overlaps Fig. 3. Habitat and feeding cladogram of arietelloidean families with genera in the Diaptomoidea, it is placed here pending a (adapted from Soh 1998). BP, benthopelagic; C, carnivore; P, more-objective analysis. pelagic; S, suspension feeder. Bradford-Grieve -- Deep-sea Benthopelagic Calanoid Copepods 281 with the doubling of aesthetacs and loss of the (1989) found that benthopelagic copepods, rang- geniculation on the male antennule (Ohtsuka and ing in wet weight from 0.020 to 0.125 g, consumed -1 -1 Huys 2001), appears to be significant evolutionary on average 0.067 µl O2 (mg wet wt) h . This is -1 -1 steps which would have made pelagic members of low compared with about 0.2 µl O2 (mg wet wt) h the superfamilies involved better equipped to with- for epipelagic copepods (e.g., Drits et al. 1994). stand the impacts of sighted predators, compared Christiansen et al. (2001) also remarked on the with the Arietelloidea and Diaptomoidea. The low weight-specific respiration rates for the bathyal escape reaction of a species such as Pleuro- benthic boundary layer zooplankton community in momma xiphias is 6.6 ms in duration compared the NE Atlantic. These data are suggestive of a with that of Undinula vulgaris which is 1.5 ms Permian/Triassic reinvasion of the deep ben- (Lenz et al. 2000). The period of copulation of thopelagic environment. That is, they were select- Calanus (without a geniculated male antennule) is ed for low oxygen demand by the timing of their very short compared with that of the Diaptomoidea reinvasion of the deep benthic boundary layer. (Tsuda and Miller 1998). In the following sections, details, as far as For the lineages that existed in the Permian to there is evidence, are teased out for the two main show continuity through to the modern fauna, they superfamilies that currently populate the deep-sea would have had to have survived the expansion of benthopelagic. the OMZ in the Jurassic and Cretaceous as well as the K-T boundary event. In the case of the Arietelloidea Jurassic-Cretaceous expansion of the OMZ, some taxa that survived must have been epipelagic to Among the Arietelloidea, it is mainly the escape the anoxic conditions, while other taxa may Arietellidae that are strictly benthopelagic, have adapted to the low-oxygen conditions although other families do seem to have a looser (Saltzman and Wishner, 1997) either in the water association with the seafloor (Table 1). It is possi- column or near the sea floor. During the K-T ble that the carnivorous Arietellidae invaded the boundary event, taxa would have survived if they deep benthopelagic realm in the late Carbonif- were not obligate herbivores and fed on micro- erous and Permian during the first really deep ven- , heterotrophs or detritus, or were carnivores, had tilation of the oceans. Soh s (1998) cladistic analy- dormant periods in their life cycle, or already lived sis (see above) (Fig. 3) is consistent with this benthopelagically, feeding on detritus or carnivo- hypothesis. , rously. Ohtsuka et al. s (1994) cladistic analysis of the Arietellidae (Fig. 4) fits within the analysis of Colonization routes of the deep-sea benthope- Soh (1998) and indicates that they are basically lagic Calanoida

There are two possible routes by which the Crassarietellus BP ancestors of the Arietelloidea and Clausoca- Shelf lanoidea could have invaded the deep-sea ben- Paramisophria BP/cave thopelagic environment from the Permian onwards (Fig. 5). First, they could have remained in surface Metacalanus BP/cave/EP waters during the Jurassic to Cretaceous expan- Pilarella BP sion of the OMZ, then invaded shallow ben- thopelagic habitats, and only in the Tertiary migrat- Arietellus P ed into deeper waters. Second, as carnivores, Paraugaptilus P detritivores, or omnivores, they could have adapt- ed to the low-oxygen waters near the deep Scutogerulus BP seafloor and then to deep benthopelagic habitats Paraugaptiloides BP? during the Jurassic to Cretaceous expansion of the OMZ and were thus well equipped to survive the Deep-sea Sarsarietellus BP K-T boundary event. It is possible that both of these routes were used. Campaneria BP One piece of evidence that may support a Fig. 4. Habitat cladogram of the Arietellidae (adapted from Permian/Triassic reinvasion of the deep ben- Ohtsuka et al. 1994). BP, benthopelagic; EP, epipelagic; P, thopelagic environment is that Childress et al. pelagic. 282 Zoological Studies 43(2): 276-291 (2004) benthopelagic with only a few being pelagic. On balance, my working hypothesis is that the There are two main lineages: one inhabiting shelf deep-sea benthopelagic Arietellidae apparently depth environments, and the other inhabiting slope reinvaded the benthic environment, at both shallow and deeper depths. It is suggested here that this and deep depths, possibly as early as the radiation occurred in the Permian/Triassic. The Permian/Triassic (Fig. 5). The known number of more plesiomorphic genera of both the shallow deep-sea species is relatively small, and most and deepwater lineages are benthopelagic. have been taken at slope depths, although Nevertheless, Ohtsuka et al. (1991) showed that Crassiarietellus huysi is known from about 4000 m the most plesiomorphic species of Paramisophria (Table 1). are found near the edge of the continental shelf, while the most apomorphic species are found in Clausocalanoidea the lower intertidal and upper subtidal zones. Jaume et al. (2000), in a study of Mediterranean Several clausocalanoidean families dominate Paramisophria, concluded that cave species are deep-sea benthopelagic calanoid copepods fau- derived from the shallow-water fauna, and they nas: the mostly omnivorous Aetideidae and some suggested that bathyal species have been derived of the group of families that have sensory setae on repeatedly from a shallow-water ancestral stem. the maxilla are assumed to be detritivores. As The survival of benthopelagic Arietelloidean lin- mentioned previously, the Clausocalanoidea are eages may have been enhanced by the selection distinguished from the more primitive forms by of those species with a tolerance to low oxygen having developed myelinated nerve sheaths and concentrations after the Permian. The Arietel- thus have faster reaction times (Lenz et al. 2000). loidea is now dominant among those pelagic It is possible that the pelagic realm was the prima- species that are tolerant of low oxygen concentra- ry habitat in which the evolution of the ancestors of tions in the tropical eastern Pacific (Saltzman and the Clausocalanoidea arose, because that is Wishner, 1997). where the lowering of environmental turbidity that occurred in the Permian is hypothesized to have driven the selection of myelinated nerve axons and Pseudocyclopoidea Arietelloidea Clausocalanoidea (hyperbenthic) (pelagic) (pelagic) other characteristics as a response to predator avoidance (Bradford-Grieve 2002). Members of this more apomorphic superfamily have also sec- ondarily reinvaded the benthic realm.

Aetideidae Oxygenated Anoxic Disoxic Within the Aetideidae, there are a number of characters that can have a more or less plesiomor-

hyperbenthos by Calanoida phic state. For example, the antennal exopod may Postulated timing of re-invasion have all the ancestral segmental setae present (not counting the 3 terminal setae), all the way to the setae on ancestral segments 1-3 or 4 and 9 being absent. Although female, pelagic members of this family have no leg 5, some benthopelagic Ostracoda Myodocopa species have a rudimentary leg 5 present (pelagic) Maxillopoda (Comantenna, Parabradyidius, Pseudotharybis,

Timing of related Timing Dala peilertae

evolutionary events Sursamucro, and some species of Aetideopsis). Pedigerous somites 4 and 5 may be separate or in Fig. 5. Summary of the hypotheses concerning the appear- various stages of fusion, and male leg 5 may be ance of benthopelagic Calanoida (e.g., Pseudocyclopoidea) biramous on both sides, uniramous on both sides, and main periods of reinvasion of the benthopelagic habitat by and even absent from one side. A superficial calanoid copepods of the superfamilies Arietelloidea and examination shows that these characters are not Clausocalanoidea); summary of supporting evidence from fos- sil benthic Maxillopoda (Dala peilertae) (sketch made available necessarily correlated, based on existing descrip- by Prof. Dieter Waloszek, Univ. of Ulm, Germany), pelagic tions, so we await a cladistic analysis of aetideid Ostracoda Myodocopa (from Moore 1961) (lower part of dia- genera to help with the interpretation of relation- gram). The key to the geological periods is in fig. 1. ships and phylogeny. Nevertheless, it is tempting Bradford-Grieve -- Deep-sea Benthopelagic Calanoid Copepods 283 1996 Markhaseva 2000 et al. 1999 al. 1999 al. 1999 slope in press Norway 1976 BritishColumbia[?] Littlepage 1976 slope in press Woods HoleWoods Hulsemann 1970 Trough Japan et al. 2000 Pacific Ferrari 1996 Pacific Ferrari 1996 Pacific Ferrari 1996 basin Trough (m) bottom 1465-1500550-1000 0.2-0.5 E US off ? Grice 1972 Laptev Sea Sirenko et al. 299-452 ? NE NZ upper Bradford-Grieve 991-1500548-580 0.2-0.5 E US off ? Grice 1972 Fensfjorden, Johannessen, 650 400-600 Bute Inlet, Koeller and 2000-3000299-452 ? ? Laptev Sea Sirenko et al. 1996 NE NZ upper Bradford-Grieve 1983 1.0-1.3 Sea Wedell Schulz & 1750-1820 0.3 south of Grice & 4500 0-100 NE Atlantic Christiansen 1500 100 Sagami Bay, Shimode 3022-3100 1-5 E tropical Markhaseva and 1291-1316 1-5 E tropical Markhaseva and 1238-1690 ? NE NZ slope Bradford 1969 2973-2992 1-5 E tropical Markhaseva and depth (m) above region sp. 1100-1200 10 San Diego Wishner 1980 sp. 1 1100-1200 10-100 San Diego Wishner 1980 spp. 1895-1930 ? Guaymas Wiebe et al. 1988 Bradyidius lulae Bradyidius similis Bradyidius capax Bradyetes inermis Bradyetes matthei Azygokeras columbiae Aetideopsis rostrata Aetideopsis tumorosa Aetideopsis minor Aetideopsis Aetideopsis magna Aetideidae Ryocalanus spinifrons Ryocalanus bowmani Ryocalanus bicornis Metridia Alloiopodus pinguis Bathypontia Ryocalanus asymmetricus Metridinidae 4500Bathypontiidae 0-100 NE Atlantic 4500 Christiansen et 0-100 NE Atlantic Christiansen et Species Seafloor Height Geographic Reference Aetideidae Bathypontiidae Ryocalanidae oor at depths > 200 m M; ; Ohtsuka pelophilus . al. 1999 et al. 1994 Paraugaptilus magnus et al. 1994 Paraugaptilus magnus Markhaseva 2000b S 1994 al. 1999 Ohtsuka et al. 1994 Trough Trough Trough Trough Ocean Ocean (m) 100-500 1993 bottom 1234-1278 ?3870-4036 NE NZ slope 20-100, NE Atlantic Bradford 1969 Ohtsuka et al. 1083-1090 30 SW Indian Heinrich et al. 1993 ? ? ? Sars 1905; Ohtsuka 1697 ? NE NZ slope Bradford 1969 as 12584001060-1070 2 0.1 0.1 Mediterranean SW Indian Jaume et al 2000 Mediterranean Jaume et al. 2000 Heinrich 1993 as 675 30 Hawaii Ferrari and 1234-1260 ?3976-4060 NE NZ slope ? Bradford 1969 as W Africa off Ohtsuka et al. depth (m) above region Species of calanoid Copepoda recorded from near the deep-sea fl sp. 7 1100-1200 100 San Diego Wishner 1980 sp. 2 1100-1200 10-100 San Diego Wishner 1980 sp. 1 1100-1200 10-100 San Diego Wishner 1980 sp. 1 1100-1200 10-100 San Diego Wishner 1980 Lucicutiidae 4500 0-100 NE Atlantic Christiansen et Metridia Lucicutia Lucicutia Scutogerulus pelophilus Hyperbionyx pluto Lucicutia Sarsarietellus natalis Sarsarietellus abyssalis Paraugaptiloides magnus Paramisophria intermedia Paraugaptiloides magnus Paramisophria bathyalis Griceus buskeyi Campaneria latipes Crassarietellus huysi Arietellidae 4500 0-100 NE Atlantic Christiansen et Table 1. Table Species Seafloor Height Geographic Reference Metridinidae Hyperbionychidae Lucicutiidae Arietellidae 284 Zoological Studies 43(2): 276-291 (2004) . X ; 1996 ordinarius Ferrari and Markhaseva 2000 Markhaseva 2000 al. 1999 E 1998 ° 90 Woods HoleWoods Hulsemann 1970 Woods HoleWoods Hulsemann 1970 Woods HoleWoods Hulsemann 1970 basin Pacific Markhaseva 2000 Pacific Markhaseva 2000 Trough Trough Trough Ice Shelf 1983 Wells HoleWoods Hulsemann 1970 (m) bottom 992-1500171-659 0.2-0.5 E US off ? Grice 1972 Antarctic Ohtsuka et al. 1750-1822 0.3 south of Grice and 1750-1822 0.3 south of Grice and 1750-1822 0.3 south of Grice and 550-1000 ? Laptev Sea Sirenko et al. 1465-1500992-1000 0.2-0.5 E US off 0.2-0.5 E US off Grice 1972 Grice 1972 as 675 ? Hawaii Ferrari and 2945-3010 1-5 E tropical Ferrari and 2788 1 E tropical Ferrari and 20001750-1822 0.3of1465-1500 south ?and 0.2-0.5 E US off Grice Laptev Sea Grice 1972 Markhaseva 1998 597 ? under Ross Bradford and depth (m) above region spp. 1895-1930 ? Guaymas Wiebe et al. 1988 sp. 1 1100-1200 10 San Diego Wishner 1980 sp. 1 1100-1200 10-100 San Diego Wishner 1980 sp. 2 1100-1200 10 San Diego Wishner 1980 Xanthocalanus elongatus Xanthocalanus gracilis Xanthocalanus elongatus Xanthocalanus distinctus Xanthocalanus alvinae Xanthocalanus Xanthocalanus alvinae Brachycalanus minutus Brachycalanus ordinarius Brachycalanus flemingeri Scolecitrichidae / PhaennidaeBrachycalanus brodskyi 4500 0-100 NE Atlantic Christiansen et al. 1999 Euchaeta Amallothrix Euchaeta EuchaetidaeGrievella shanki 4500 0-100 NE Atlantic Christiansen et Xanthocalanus laptevorum Xanthocalanus macrocephalon Xanthocalanus obtusus Xanthocalanus harpagatus Phaennidae Euchaetidae Scolecitrichidae Species Seafloor Height Geographic Reference ; Bradyidius Bradyidius Bryaxis minor Bradyidius Schulz and Markhaseva 2000 Markhaseva 2000 Pacific 1997 Pacific 1994/5 shelf and slope coast basin Trough Woods HoleWoods Hulsemann 1970 slopeTrough Trough 2003 basin (m) bottom 13181210-1697 ? 0.1 NE NZ slope Gulf of Aden Bradford 1969 Schulz 1990 1357-1697 ?1184-1193 ? NE NZ slope Bradford 1969 as NE NZ slope Bradford 1969 as 1194-1278 ? NE NZ slope Bradford 1969 as 1690-16971690-1697 ?2973 ? NE NZ slope NE NZ slope 1-5 Bradford 1969 Bradford 1969 E tropical Markhaseva, 800 ? W of Ireland Farran 1905 as 825 1-5 E tropical Markhaseva 1690-1697 ? NE NZ slope Bradford 1969 as 1983 1.0-1.3 Sea Wedell Schulz and 346 ? Brazilian Alvarez 1986 1357900 ? ? NE NZ slope Bradford 1969 Brazilian Alvarez 1984 1895-1930 ? Guaymas Wiebe et al. 1988 1383-13971234-1697 ? ? NE NZ slope NE NZ slope Bradford 1969 Bradford 1969 1234-12601750-1822 ? 0.3 NE NZ slope south of Bradford 1969 Grice and 299-452 ? NE NZ upper1895-1930 Bradford-Grieve ? Guaymas Wiebe et al. 1988 depth (m) above region gracilis (Cont.) sp. 1spp nr. 1100-1200 10 1100-1200 San Diego 10 Wishner 1980 San Diego Wishner 1980 sp. 1 1100-1200 10 San Diego Wishner 1980 Sursamucro spinatus Pterochirella tuerkayi dentatusPseudotharybis robustus Bradyidius Pseudotharybis Pseudotharybis brevispinus Pseudeuchaeta magna Pseudochirella vulgaris Pseudeuchaeta flexuosa Paracomantenna minor Paracomantenna wishnerae Parabradyidius spinibasis Parabradyidius angelikae Mesocomantenna spinosa Lutamator hurleyi Lutamator elegans Gaidius minutus Crassantenna comosa Crassantenna mimorostrata Gaidius Chiridius Chiridius Chiridius Comantenna crassa Comantenna recurvata Bradyidius spinifer Table 1. Table Species Seafloor Height Geographic Reference Bradford-Grieve -- Deep-sea Benthopelagic Calanoid Copepods 285 Beckman 1995 Beckman 1995 Beckman 1995 1983; Wells Ohtsuka et al. 1998 Amallophora Ohtsuka et al. 1998 Trough HoleWoods Hulsemann 1970 Sea Rise Woods HoleWoods Hulsemann 1970 slope 2001a HoleWoods Hulsemann 1970 HoleWoods Hulsemann 1970 HoleWoods Hulsemann 1970 (m) bottom 1750-1822 0.3of south and Grice 1380 ? Norwegian Fosshagen 1983 822-825500-800 ? ? SW Africa SW Africa2600 Andronov 1979 Andronov 1979 1 East Pacific Fleminger 1983 1465-15001750-1822 0.3 0.2-0.5 E US off of south and Grice 1972 Grice 28602860 100299 N Atlantic 100 N Atlantic Schulz and 0.6 Schulz and NE NZ upper540 Bradford-Grieve 1750-1822 0.3of south ?and Grice W Africa off 1750-1822 0.3of Schulz 1981 south and Grice 1465-15002860 0.2-0.5 E US off 100 Grice 1972 N Atlantic Schulz and 260-659 ? Antarctica1750-1822 0.3 Bradford and of1465-1500 south and 0.2-0.5 E US Grice off 1050 Grice 1972 as ? Antarctica Schulz 1998; depth (m) above region ? 920 ? SW Africa Andronov 1979 Diaixis asymmetrica Damkaeria falcifera Diaixis helenae Diaixis trunovi Diaixis asymmetrica Isaacsicalanus paucisetus Neoscolecithrix watersae Parundinella emarginata Tharybis angularis Tharybis crenata Tharybis inaequalis Tharybis minor Undinella altera Undinella hampsoni Tharybidae sp. 1100-1200 10 San Diego Wishner 1980 Parundinella emarginata Rythabis atlantica Tharybis magna Undinella compacta Undinella compacta Xantharus renatehassae Diaxidae Spinocalanidae Species Seafloor Height Geographic Reference antarctica . N Amallophora Amallophora Oothrix 1996 1996 as Neoscolecithrix al. 1999 Amallophora as as 1996 slope 2001b slope 2001b coast slope Sound as Pacific Markhaseva 1996 Woods HoleWoods Hulsemann 1970 Woods HoleWoods Hulsemann 1970 (m) bottom 306 0.6 NE NZ upper Bradford-Grieve 452 0.6 NE NZ upper Bradford-Grieve 950-17101465-1500 ? 0.2-0.5 E US off ? Grice 1972 as Canu 1896 530-1016 Laptev Sea Sirenko et al. 170-255 ? Norwegian Fosshagen 1972 550-1000 ? Laptev Sea Sirenko et al. 780-1050 ?900 Antarctic ? Hulsemann 1985 Brazilian Alvarez 1985 2945-3010 1-5 E tropical Ferrari and 1465-1500 0.2-0.5 E US off Grice 1972 as 1750-1822 0.3of south and Grice 2000 ?1750-1822 0.3of Laptev Sea south and Markhaseva 1998 Grice 992-1500180-530 0.2-0.53000 E US off ? ? Grice 1972 Laptev Sea Markhaseva 1998 Laptev Sea Sirenko et al. depth (m) above region magna cf. sp. 1sp. 2 1465-1500 1465-1500 0.2-0.5 E US off 0.2-0.5 E US off Grice 1972 Grice 1972 (Cont.) antarctica Neoscolecithrix ornata Neoscolecithrix Neoscolecithrix magna Neoscolecithrix koehleri Cenognatha farrani Cenognatha farrani Cenognatha farrani Tharybidae 4500 0-100 NE Atlantic Christiansen et Cenognatha caetanoi Parkius karenwishnerae Xanthocalanus rotunda Xanthocalanus rotunda spinodenticulatus Xanthocalanus Xanthocalanus Xanthocalanus macilenta Xanthocalanus Xanthocalanus polarsternae Xanthocalanus polaris Xanthocalanus pinguis Cenognatha Table 1. Table Tharybidae Species Seafloor Height Geographic Reference Parkiidae 286 Zoological Studies 43(2): 276-291 (2004) to conclude that some deep-sea aetideid genera made, and it is very difficult to decide which forms are older than pelagic genera, as they have sever- are the more derived. al ancestral characters: e.g., pedigerous somites 4 If these setae have evolved in response to and 5 of Sursamucro are separate, the antenna detrital, scavenging, or even carnivorous feeding has 9 ancestral setae present on the exopod, and opportunities (e.g., Arashkevich 1969, Ferrari and a rudimentary female leg 5 is present (Bradford Steinberg 1993, Steinberg 1995) in geological 1969). In addition, this species has very long, time, and only among the Clausocalanoidea, then annulate setae on the antennule (the function of it might be fruitful to look for the environmental dri- which is not known but is probably sensory), which ver that may have brought these adaptations appear to be a characteristic of truly benthopelagic about. Given that the current hypothesis is that aetideids. Also aetideids are mostly omnivorous the Clausocalanoidean ancestor arose in the feeders (e.g., Arashkevich 1969) and some Permian (Bradford-Grieve 2002), then the first species can be active predators (Alvarez and really big challenges for such pelagic forms would Matthews 1975). have been the expansion of the OMZ in the It appears that the benthopelagic environment Jurassic and Cretaceous as well as the K-T was first invaded by the Aetidieidae in deep waters boundary event. Here it is postulated that the as there are many more genera found there, and shrinking of a well-oxygenated pelagic zone in there is little overlap in genera found in these two which these families could live led to new evolu- environments apart from Bradyidius, Comantenna, tionary opportunities in the benthopelagic zone. and Mesocommantenna (Table 2). Knowledge of Those clausocalanoideans that experienced the oxygen requirements of various genera might genetic mutations that resulted in the transforma- give a clue as to the environment that was original- tion of endopod setae on the maxillae and some ly reinvaded. If a genus has high oxygen require- other mouthparts into sensory setae, would have ments, then it may be reasonable to assume that had an advantage in a detrital environment. Those shallow benthic environments were the original families would also have been the best equipped habitat with subsequent migration to deeper to survive the K-T boundary event. There is also depths once deep waters became ventilated in the fossil evidence that other deep-benthic species Tertiary. The converse might be true for genera came through this period (Kennett 1982). The that first evolved in low-oxygen deep water in the ancestral clausocalanoidean reinvaders of the Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous and later deep benthopelagic environment may have been migrated into shallow waters (Fig. 5). like the Tharybidae. If we consider the Tharybidae to be com- Diaixidae, Parkiidae, Phaennidae, Tharybidae, posed of the genera in Table 1 (a situation not yet and Scolecitrichidae generally accepted), then the ancestor of these genera probably had feeding males with well- Among the deep-sea Clausocalanoidea is a developed mouthparts, had 3 setae on the second group of families (the Diaixidae, Parkiidae, coxal endite of the maxilliped, and had asymmetri- Phaennidae, Tharybidae, and some Scolecitri- cal male antennules (Tharybis, at least, has slight- chidae) with sensory setae on the maxilla endo- ly asymmetrical male antennules, as ancestral pod. These sensory setae may be worm-like or segments XXII and XXIII are fused on the right and brush-like and are inferred, from an ultrastructure separate on the left (Schulz 1981, Bradford-Grieve study of two scolecitrichid genera, to have proper- 2001a)). Thus, the current working hypothesis is ties of the general and specific detection of chemi- that tharybid-like pelagic ancestors of these fami- cals in food particles, respectively (Nishida and lies adapted to, and reinvaded, the benthopelagic Ohtsuka 1997). They concluded that these environment in the late Permian/Triassic where assumed functions are consistent with the food they survived the Jurassic and Cretaceous peri- habits of scolecitrichids as detritivores, although ods. Later, ancestors of the Scolecitrichidae and much is yet to be learned especially about the high Phaennidae possibly returned to the water column diversity of brush-like setae in the various families. in the Tertiary (Fig. 5). Among these families, there is still much taxonom- The present analysis has not canvassed all ic confusion (e.g., Ferrari and Markhaseva 2000a). the possible options but has concentrated on a New species, genera, and families are actively story that seems, intuitively, to be the most parsi- being added to the benthopelagic calanoid fauna. monious. Nevertheless, with rapid advancements Thus a phylogenetic analysis has not yet been in genetic analysis techniques, it appears likely Bradford-Grieve -- Deep-sea Benthopelagic Calanoid Copepods 287 mbers habitat of ious, since they Crassantenna Gaidius Lutamator Parabradyidius Paracomantenna Pseudeuchaeta Pseudotharybis Pterochirella Sursamucro Parkius Neoscolecithrix Parundinella Rythabis Undinella Xantharus ? Mesocomantenna Mesocomantenna AnawekiaDiaixis Mesaiokeras Macandrewella Diaixis Brachycalanus Grievella Pseudophaenna Talacalanus Xanthocalanus Brachycalanus Frigocalanus Paracyclopia Pseudocyclopia Stygocyclopia Thompsonopia Parastephos Stephos Miostephos Cenognatha Cenognatha Tharybis Tharybis Shallow water Deep-sea Diaxidae Mesaiokeratidae Scolecitrichidae Phaennidae Pseudocyclopiidae* Stephidae* Parkiidae Tharybidae Superfamily Family Genera and deep sea. The families marked with an asterisk (*) have me g., Fosshagen et al. 2001). Nevertheless, we may interpret the elling genera and species with a benthopelagic habit is not obv g entirely related to the surfaces of cave Crassarietellus Griceus Paraugaptiloides Scutogerulus Hyperbionyx Alloiopodus Bathypontia Ryocalanus Aetideopsis Azygokeras Bradyetes Pseudodiaptomus Calanopia Pseudocyclops Exumella Placocalanus Ridgewayia Brattstromia Balinella Bofuriella Bomburiella Bunderia Enantiosis Enantronoides Epacteriscus Erebonectes Erebonectoides Gloinella Oinella Arietelloidea Metacalanus Campaneria ParamisophriaPilarella Paramisophria Sarsarietellus BradyidiusComantenna Bradyidius Chiridius Shallow water Deep-sea Pseudodiaptomidae Hyperbionychidae Ridgewayiidae* Arietellidae* Benthopelagic calanoid copepod taxa from the continental shelf Superfamily Family Genera Clausocalanoidea Aetideidae Bathypontioidea Bathypontiidae RyocalanoideaDiaptomoidea Ryocalanidae Pontellidae Epacteriscioidea Epacteriscidae* Pseudocyclopoidea Pseudocyclopidae* Table 2. Table that live in anchialine caves. The association of some cave-dw were sampled from the water column in such anchialine caves (e. species in caves with an indirect connection to the sea as bein 288 Zoological Studies 43(2): 276-291 (2004) that the current hypotheses may be testable using speculate about the origins of calanoids in different genetic information in the near future. environments. Thanks are also due to an anony- mous reviewer whose perceptive responses helped to improve the manuscript. CONCLUSIONS

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