Annual Report 2019 Institute of Systems Sciences, Innovation and Sustainability Research University of Graz, Merangasse 18/1, A-8010 Graz Tel: +43 (0) 316/380-3238, Fax: +43 (0) 316/380-9585 E-Mail:
[email protected], Web: Institute of Systems Sciences, Innovation & Sustainability Research University of Graz Merangasse 18/I, 8010 Graz, AUSTRIA 2 Editorial Dear Reader! The year 2019 passed by quickly and we have a lot to report of course. A great success was the opening of a Christian Doppler Laboratory for Sustainable Product Management enabling a Circular Economy in April - this lab is currently the only Christian Doppler Laboratory being active at the University of Graz. Co-funded by the companies iPoint and ARA AG this research laboratory provides a creative space for developing and conducting research in sustainable product management, the results of which will support the transition toward a circular economy. In combination with other third party funded project activities on circular economy issues (Cresting, Start Circles) this enables us to develop a strong research focus in this domain. From a human resource perspective, the decisions of 2019 will enable continued development. First, Tobias Stern was appointed to move from his limited term endowed chair to an unlimited professorship on Innovation and Transition Research. Later on, Georg Jäger was appointed to fill a tenure track position (§99/5) on computer-based systems sciences. Hence, both colleagues have now the opportunity to work at the institute for a long time. Therefore, our institute can now rely on a steady personnel structure enhancing continued long-term development.