November 2007

Capecchi Awarded Nobel Prize in Medicine

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ON THE COVER: ASBMB Member Mario R. Capecchi society news has been awarded the 2008 Nobel Prize in Physiology or 2 President’s Message Medicine for his pioneering work in gene targeting in mice. 3 Washington Update 8 8 Mario R. Capecchi Receives Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine special interest NIH Spending on Training Grants and Fellowships 10 Trends in Postdoctoral Training 900,000 5.00

800,000 4.50

700,000 4.00 3.50 2008 meeting overview 600,000 3.00 500,000 2.50

DOLLARS 400,000 2.00 14 The 2008 Herbert Tabor/ 300,000 1.50

Journal of Biological Chemistry 200,000 1.00 Lectureship: I. Robert Lehman 100,000 0.50 0 0.00 1983 1985 1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 15 The 2008 ASBMB Merck YEAR Award: C. David Allis Dollars Percent of total NIH Budget science focus 10 28 Bonnie Bassler: Understanding How Communicate departments 4 News from the Hill 6 Member Spotlight 16 Minority Affairs 20 Career Insights 22 Education and Training 24 Industry Perspective 26 BioBits resources at the 2006 SSCACNA SCS Conference. 31 For Your Lab 16 32 Career Opportunities 36 Scientific Meeting Calendar 26

November 2007 ASBMB Today 1 firstsecondpresident’s words message A monthly publication of The American Society for and Molecular Biology Great Session Officers Heidi E. Hamm President Planned for Grad Gregory A. Petsko President-Elect Mark A. Lemmon Secretary Students and Merle S. Olson Treasurer Council Members Postdocs at Alan Hall Kuan-Teh Jeang Suzanne R. Pfeffer Linda J. Pike Annual Meeting John D. Scott Joan A. Steitz Kevin Struhl James A. Wells BY HEIDI HAMM Ex-Officio Members Ellis Bell Chair, Education and Professional Development Committee Laurie S. Kaguni hile public policy is obviously and discussion session on career Chair, Meeting Committee Wa major interest of mine (as options, featuring speakers from the George Hill those of you who read my columns areas of patent law, science writing, Chair, Minority Affairs Committee Kendall J. Blumer here know) I am also an educator industry consulting, and more. Anna Marie Pyle and a researcher. Thus, I’m happy to A group networking lunch will be Co-chairs, 2008 Program Committee write this month about another sub- followed by short oral talks presented Mary J. C. Hendrix Chair, Public Affairs Advisory Committee ject dear to my heart—graduate and by select Graduate Minority and Robert E. Rhoads postdoctoral professional develop- Graduate/Postdoctoral Travel Award Chair, Publications Committee ment and the exciting program the recipients. Herbert Tabor Editor, JBC Society has created for the annual Afternoon workshops will high- Ralph A. Bradshaw meeting in San Diego next April. light topics including: Lab Produc- A. L. Burlingame The Graduate and Postdoctoral tivity/Lab Management, Matching Co-editors, MCP Edward A. Dennis Professional Development Program Yourself with a Mentor, Pinpointing Editor, JLR has been put together by: the Perfect Postdoc, and Making the Most of Your Postdoc Experience. ASBMB Today t,JNCFSMZ%PEHF,BėB 6OJWFSTJUZ Editorial Advisory Board PG $POOFDUJDVU )FBMUI $FOUFS JO Following these career development Alex Toker 'BSNJOHUPO workshops, program attendees will Chair join the main meeting at The Herbert Mike Autry Greg P. Bertenshaw t+PIO . %FOV 6OJWFSTJUZ PG Craig E. Cameron A. Stephen Dahms 8JTDPOTJO .FEJDBM 4DIPPM Tabor/Journal of Biological Chemistry Irwin Fridovich Richard W. Hanson Lectureship, featuring I. Robert Leh- Elizabeth A. Komives t "OO - .JMMFS 6OJWFSTJUZ PG man of Stanford University. Bettie Sue Masters Luke A. O’Neill 8JTDPOTJOo.BEJTPO Duanqing Pei Carol C. Shoulders Space is limited, and registration is Robert D. Wells t+FSPNF $ /XBDIVLXV 4BDLMFS accepted when registering for Experi- *OTUJUVUF PG (SBEVBUF #JPNFEJDBM ASBMB Today mental Biology (EB) 2008. The cost is 4UVEJFT /FX :PSL 6OJWFSTJUZ Nicole Kresge Editor $20 for ASBMB members and $25 for [email protected] 4DIPPM PG .FEJDJOF BOE all other EB registrants. Nancy J. Rodnan Director of Publications t.JUJ4IBI "SJ[POB 4UBUF [email protected] Please note that if you are a 6OJWFSTJUZ Barbara Gordon Executive Director Graduate Minority or Graduate/Post- [email protected] “We wanted to reach out to doctoral Travel Award recipient, reg- Magazine design & production: Amy Phifer younger members,” says Dodge- istration for the program is included For information on advertising contact Kafka,“ to provide them some advice as part of your travel award. FASEB AdNet at 800-433-2732 ext. 7157 or 301-634-7157, or E-mail [email protected]. on training and career options and We hope all postdocs and gradu- to make them feel more included in ate students will plan to attend. And Society affairs.” please, all you “seasoned” investiga- The day-long event kicks off on tors, make sure to encourage your www.asbmb.org Saturday, April 5, 2008, with a panel students to attend.

November 2007 washington update FA S E B FASEB Comments on Biosecurity Oversight Proposal BY CARRIE D. WOLINETZ

arlier this year, the National Science Advisory Board IBCs, and Institutional Review Boards (IRBs), the difficulty Eon Biosecurity (NSABB), the federal advisory group in identifying what is to be overseen is unique. One is tasked with developing guidelines for dual use biologi- either using animals, recombinant DNA, or human sub- cal research (i.e. research that can be used for positive jects and is therefore subject to review, or one is not. This benefit or misused to cause harm), released a draft report is in contrast to dual use research, in which the need for on a proposed oversight framework for dual use research. review is subject to a great deal of interpretation. NSABB The document details guidance for the identification, itself found that there were “significant differences in review, and communication of what NSABB terms dual assessments made by individual NSABB members” and use research of concern, or DURC. The major points of that there were “difficulties inherent in explicitly defining the proposal include: the point at which the magnitude and/or immediacy of the s2ECOMMENDATIONSFORMANDATORYTRAININGFORALLSCIENTISTS threat of misuse makes dual use research ‘of concern.’” TRAINEES ANDSTAFFABOUTDUALUSERESEARCH Because of the difficulties in identifying research to be s!LLPRINCIPALINVESTIGATORSWOULDREVIEWTHEIRRESEARCH reviewed, FASEB also expressed concerns related to the PROGRAMTOSEEIFITMATCHESTHECRITERIAFOR$52#BASED ONAQUESTIONNAIREDEVELOPEDBY.3!""IFNOT THEYWOULD feasibility and potential burden of the system. In particular, CHECKABOXONGRANTAPPLICATIONSTOTHATEFFECTANDAGREE the vagueness of the criteria could lead to vast under- TOYEARLYREVIEW reporting by investigators or overreporting by institutions s2ESEARCHIDENTIlEDAS$52#WOULDTRIGGERANINSTITUTIONAL concerned about liability. Either scenario diminishes the RISKASSESSMENT BASEDREVIEW PERHAPSTHROUGHTHEEXISTING goal of increasing security. Also of security concern are )NSTITUTIONAL"IOSAFETY#OMMITTEES)"#S ANDDEVELOPMENT OFSUBSEQUENTRISKMANAGEMENTANDCOMMUNICATIONSPLANS the products that could potentially be produced during the .3!""ALSOPROVIDESTOOLSANDGUIDANCEFORDEVELOPMENT review process. The scientific and security communities OFSUCHPLANS  have struggled, in a number of venues, with the concept s2ECOMMENDATIONFORMANDATORYCOMPLIANCEWITHDUALUSE of “sensitive but unclassified” information. The proceed- OVERSIGHTGUIDANCEANDPENALTIESFORNON COMPLIANCE ings of dual use review meetings, the documents provided s2ECOMMENDATIONSTHATSCIENTIlCSOCIETIESDEVELOPCODES by NSABB as tools for review, or the documenting of deci- OFCONDUCTFORDUALUSERESEARCHANDPROVIDEGUIDANCEAND sions that identify research that may merit discontinuation SAMPLELANGUAGEFORCODES or restrictions on publication: whose responsibility is it to s!LATITUDEFORINTERPRETATIONDELIBERATELY SOTHATFEDERAL AGENCIESCANMAKETHEIROWNDETAILEDREGULATIONS ensure their security? Many questions are raised by a pro- Although NSABB does not have the authority to issue cess that highlights research of security concern and then official regulations, the reality is such that government attempts to retroactively control information related to it. guidelines are often given the force of regulation in their The entire FASEB letter and analysis may be read implementation by the federal agencies. In addition, the at: opa.faseb.org/pdf/NSABB.Final.8.8.07.pdf, and agencies that serve as ex-officio members of NSABB the NSABB proposal may be found on their Web site: could initiate a regulatory rulemaking process based on www.biosecurityboard.gov. It remains to be seen what NSABB’s proposal. the next steps for NSABB or the federal government FASEB submitted a lengthy analysis and comment let- are in regard to modifying or moving forward with this ter to NSABB in response to the board’s request for input proposal, but in the meantime NSABB has been focusing from the scientific community. Chief among our concerns on working with the international community in an effort is the ambiguity and subjectivity inherent in identifying to inform and coordinate with other nations on dual use dual use research of concern. Although the NSABB pro- biosecurity issues. posal is modeled after other regulatory schema, such as Institutional Animal Care and Use Committees (IACICs), Carrie D. Wolinetz is with the FASEB Office of Public Affairs.

November 2007 ASBMB Today 3 news from the hill .)( .3& &UNDING "ILLS "EGIN TO -OVE BY PETER FARNHAM

n October 3, Senator Tom Harkin’s (D-IA) staff con- to urge all senators to support the measure and then, Ovened a meeting of representatives of various health, assuming it passes and is conferenced with the House, education, and labor groups (including ASBMB and FASEB to pressure the White House not to veto the bill. staff) to discuss the status of the 2008 Labor/Health & The bill is expected to undergo a quick conference due Human Services (HHS) Appropriations bill. He asked for to the similarity between the House and Senate versions, grassroots support of all and it is hoped that the bill interested parties, includ- will pass the Senate the ing advocacy groups for week of October 16, follow- biomedical research. Since ing the Senate’s Columbus the National Institutes of Day recess, and then go Health (NIH) is funded under to the President in early this bill, the bill is obviously November. Staff has begun of considerable concern to pre-conferencing, and ASBMB. Harkin has been in touch The Senate version of the with House Appropriations bill allocates $29.9 billion to Chair David Obey (D-WI). NIH for fiscal year (FY) 2008, Harkin urged the community $800 million (2.8%) over FY to refrain from supporting 2007. ASBMB has up to amendments that would now supported a $1.9 billion rearrange funding, includ- increase (6.7%) for three ing amendments to offset years, intended to recover spending increases for cerr- the agency’s purchasing tain programs with across power lost since the dou- the board cuts of the bill. bling of the agency’s budget He also solicited ideas was completed in FY 2003. for increasing publicity on The Senate’s proposed the bill, particularly as the increase is less than half expected Presidential veto what ASBMB has sup- will come on the heels of the ported and does not keep October 3 veto of the State pace with biomedical infla- Children’s Health Initiative tion. Nevertheless, it is $1.2 Program (SCHIP). It is hoped billion over the President’s that increased visibility and request for FY 2008, and pressure may dissuade the the overall bill exceeds White House from a veto his budget request by “showdown.” It is not yet $12 billion. These facts clear whether the measure have already prompted a will garner enough support veto threat from the White to override a veto. The curr- House. Harkin and Senator rent read on this is that the Arlen Specter (R-PA) are votes are there for an overr- requesting the mobiliza- ride in the Senate but not in tion of grassroots groups the House.

4 ASBMB Today November 2007 President Bush has threatened to veto 9 of the 12 regular dent proposed a $500 million appropriations bills in their current form because together increase at NSF for FY 2008 they exceed by $22 billion his avowed spending limit of to $6.4 billion. The House bill $933 billion in discretionary spending for 2008. proposes to increase NSF The battle over the additional spending Congress wants spending by $600 million, comes against the backdrop of an administration request and the Senate bill proposes for an additional $42 billion in supplemental spending for a $700 million increase. the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. FASEB Legislative Affairs Unfortunately, the President Director Jon Retzlaff notes that the current spending battle has threatened to veto this between Congress and the White House makes the govern- appropriations bill as well ment as divided as it’s been since the federal shutdown of because of proposed Con- 1995. “The President has drawn a line in the sand at limiting gressional spending above the total spending to $933 billion in FY 2008,” Retzlaff noted, President’s request and also “and is receiving support from House Republicans, who because of report language have been arguing all year that they lost Congress by not regarding NSF found in the staying true to their principles, particularly on controlling House version. spending. Democrats are adamant that many programs Most of the proposed besides those related to defense, homeland security, veterr- increase at NSF under the House and White House pro- ans, and foreign operations deserve to be supported. There- posals would be concentrated in support of several dis- fore, it’s extremely likely that we will be discussing the FY ciplines—math, physics, chemistry, computer sciences, 2008 appropriations process well into December.” FY 2008 and engineering. ASBMB supports these increases but of course began on October 1. has also called for comparable increases in the biological sciences directorate, which would receive less than half Continuing Resolution of the increases proposed for the other disciplines listed All programs funded under appropriations bills are curr- above. ASBMB is thus supporting a letter to the Senate rently operating under a continuing resolution (CR) through calling for a redress of the disparity between the spending November 16. Chairman Harkin predicted there would be levels in the various directorates. a second CR, perhaps lasting until December 21, with daily The letter takes note of report language in the House funding extensions possible if needed. bill that makes this point: The House has passed all 12 appropriations bills, but h4HE #OMMITTEE STRONGLY SUPPORTS INCREASES FOR the Senate has approved only 4. Under the CR, federal THE MATH AND PHYSICAL SCIENCES COMPUTER SCI- government agencies and pro- ENCES AND ENGINEERING DIRECTORATES IN lSCAL YEAR grams, including NIH, the National  FOR RESEARCH AND RELATED ACTIVITIES 22!  Science Foundation (NSF), the (OWEVER THE #OMMITTEE ALSO BELIEVES THE &OUNDA- Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) TION SHOULD MAINTAIN COMPARABLE GROWTH IN lSCAL Office of Science, the Department YEAR  FOR THE BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES GEOSCIENCES of Agriculture’s National Research AND SOCIAL BEHAVIORAL AND ECONOMIC SCIENCES Initiative, and the National Aero- DIRECTORATES !S THE )NNOVATION !GENDA MOVES FOR- nautics and Space Administration WARD IT IS IMPORTANT TO NOTE THATMAINTAINING 53 (NASA), will be funded at the same COMPETITIVENESS WILL DEPEND ON ADVANCES IN AND level as in 2007. THE INTERACTIONS AMONG ALL lELDS OF SCIENCE 4HE Committee expects NSF to ensure that the bio- NSF Gets Good Increase, LOGICAL SCIENCES GEOSCIENCES AND SOCIAL BEHAV- but Veto Looms Here, Too IORAL AND ECONOMIC SCIENCES DIRECTORATES RECEIVE Congress and the President are INCREASES IN lSCAL YEAR  THAT ARE COMPARABLE in agreement that the National to the other directorates.” Science Foundation’s budget The letter urges Senators to support inclusion of this should be increased. The Presi- language in the conference report.

November 2007 ASBMB Today 5 asbmbfirstsecond member spotlightwords

Malamud Awarded Gilbert to Become Head $6.25 Million NIH Grant of Biology at Rensselaer Daniel Malamud, a professor of basic Polytechnic Institute science and craniofacial biology at the New Susan P. Gilbert, an expert in cell biology, York University College of Dentistry biophysics, and nanoscience, joined (NYUCD), has been awarded a five year, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute as the head $6,258,768 grant from the National Institute of the Biology Department this past of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR) September. Gilbert joins the Rensselaer of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to faculty after 12 years at the University of head up a research collective consisting of Pittsburgh. four interrelated research projects along with Gilbert plans to build on the key administrative/biostatistical and clinical core components. strengths of the Biology Department. “With The collective’s overall goal is to define the interactions the hiring of top-level constellation chairs and faculty, the Biology between host defense molecules and bacteria in HIV infection and Department has an extremely strong foundation,” she said. “I hope subsequent antiretroviral therapy. The collective consists of teams to build on this foundation by utilizing Rensselaer’s strong interdis- from NYUCD, New York University School of Medicine, and the ciplinary approach to research and learning. In this environment, Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center. we can rapidly incorporate new approaches for undergraduate and “The study is an intriguing one,” notes Malamud. “We are going graduate education.” to recruit a population of people that are HIV-infected but are drug Gilbert has spent more than 20 years in higher education. naïve, so they haven’t even been put on treatment yet. New York At the University of Pittsburgh she served on the faculty of the City is probably one of the few places in the country where the Department of Biological Sciences. During her time there she study could be done.” was a member of the Molecular Biophysics and Structural Biol- The entire proposal utilizes the same case-controlled study ogy Graduate Program and the University of Pittsburgh Cancer population consisting of 85 HIV positive, therapy-naïve subjects Institute. whose illness is highly aggressive who will subsequently begin anti- Gilbert is known for her research on cell motility. She studies retroviral therapy. There will also be a similar cohort of HIV-negative the interaction of kinesins with microtubules, working to under- subjects. stand the kinesins that function in cell division.

Fields Earns Vollum Award Benos Named Distinguished Stanley Fields, a Howard Hughes Medical Faculty Lecturer Institute (HHMI) Investigator at the University Dale J. Benos, chair of the Department of of Washington School of Medicine, has Physiology and Biophysics at the University received the 2007 Vollum Award for of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB), is the Distinguished Accomplishment in Science recipient of the university’s 2007 Distin- and Technology from Reed College. guished Faculty Lecturer Award—the UAB The award was created and first Academic Health Center’s most prestigious presented by Reed College in 1975. It faculty award. Benos received the award recognizes and celebrates the exceptional and presented a lecture at a banquet held in achievement of one or more members of the scientific and techni- his honor in October. cal community of the Northwest. The name of the award is a trib- The award acknowledged Benos’ many achievements and the ute to the late Howard Vollum, one of the nation’s great innovators high regard in which he is held by his peers. It was also a reflection and technologists and a Reed physics alumnus. of his contributions to the university and the community. “Like the traits prized for the Vollum Award, creativity, risk Benos’ research centers on ion channels and membrane- taking, exploration of unproven avenues, and an embrace of transport processes. He focuses on a number of disease states the unknown mark HHMI appointees, Fields’ research career is and the involvement of proteins in diseases such as hypertension emblematic of these traits and of his unquenchable curiosity,” said and cystic fibrosis. His laboratory also is investigating the role of Janis Shampay, a professor of biology at Reed. ion channels and transporters in human brain tumors. Fields developed the yeast two-hybrid system, which detects Benos has chaired the Department of Physiology and Biophys- interactions between two different proteins in living cells. He and ics since 1996 and holds secondary appointments in the Depart- his colleagues also published the first analysis of all possible yeast ments of Cell Biology, Neurobiology, and Physiological Optics. In protein interactions, which involves 6,000 proteins. addition, he is a senior scientist in eight research centers. He is FIELDS PHOTO: PAUL FETTERS also an associate editor for the Journal of Biological Chemistry.

6 ASBMB Today November 2007 Please submit news about yourself to [email protected]

Spector Receives Leaf Boutaud Receives Gilbert Distinguished Scientist Award Foundation/AFAR New Arthur Spector, the University of Iowa Investigator Award Foundation Distinguished Professor of Olivier Boutaud, assistant professor at Biochemistry and Internal Medicine in the Vanderbilt University Medical Center, was Roy J. and Lucille A. Carver College of one of six early-career scientists who were Medicine, has been named the recipient of awarded the first Rosalinde and Arthur the Alexander Leaf Distinguished Scientist Gilbert Foundation/American Federation for Award from the International Society for the Aging Research (AFAR) New Investigator Study of Fatty Acids and Lipids (ISSFAL). Award in Alzheimer disease. The award was established by the soci- The $60,000 award provides funding for ety in 2002 to honor the work of Alexander Leaf and his support a broad array of research that investigates for ISSFAL and to recognize and reward excellence in areas of the causes and progression of Alzheimer disease, including the research relevant to ISSFAL core interests. basic mechanisms of aging, genetics, biomarkers, inflammation, Spector will deliver the featured lecture during the opening cer- and the impact of exercise and the environment. emonies of the ISSFAL’s eighth international meeting in May 2008. Boutaud’s proposal was titled “Quantification of the relative Spector’s research focuses on fatty acids in biological systems. abundance of secreted Amyloid precursor protein (APP) alpha and In particular, he is interested in the role of polyunsaturated fatty beta as a biomarker of Alzheimer’s disease.” He will determine acids in vascular disease and how they affect the function of brain whether levels of secreted APP A and B could serve as an effective cells. biomarker for Alzheimer disease. This biomarker could poten- Spector served as the president of ISSFAL from 2000 to 2003. tially be used as a prognostic tool to track the progression of the He is a member of the advisory board for the journal Progress in disease as well as monitor the biological effects of new therapeutic Lipid Research and Prostaglandins and Other Lipid Mediators. He agents. is on the editorial board of the Journal of Lipid Research and chairs “The Rosalinde and Arthur Gilbert Foundation has invested in the scientific advisory board for Wake Forest and Brigham and an outstanding group of researchers who have the potential to Women’s Botanical Lipids Center. make important and lasting contributions to Alzheimer disease and aging science,” said Martin H. Blank, Jr., co-director of the Maccarrone Honored Rosalinde and Arthur Gilbert Foundation. with IACM Award IN MEMORIAM Mauro Maccarrone, professor of biochemis- try and chairman of biotechnology at the Rosalind Kornfeld 1935–2007 Rosalind Hauk Kornfeld passed away on University of Teramo (Italy) and chief of the August 10, 2007. She was born in 1935 in Laboratory of Lipid Neurochemistry of the Dallas, Texas, and graduated from George European Center for Brain Research-S. Washington University in 1957 with a B.S. in Lucia Foundation (Rome, Italy), has received chemistry. Kornfeld then earned a doctorate the 2007 Award for Basic Research from the in biochemistry from Washington University International Association for Cannabis as in St. Louis in 1961. She subsequently Medicine (IACM). stayed on as a postdoctoral fellow until 1963 The IACM award consists of a cash prize and a plaque, and the when she joined the National Institutes of award is presented every second year to recognize “the special Health as a fellow. In 1965, Kornfeld joined the faculty of Washing- achievements of a candidate who has made a major contribution ton University School of Medicine where she spent the rest of her to the re-introduction of cannabis and cannabinoids as medicine academic career. In 1969, she was promoted to research assistant through basic research.” Maccarrone was honored in October at professor; in 1971, research associate professor; in 1978, the 4th IACM biennial conference during a gala dinner in Cologne, associate professor; and in 1981, full professor of medicine and Germany. professor of biochemistry and molecular biophysics. Maccarrone’s studies have revealed molecular details of the For almost 40 years, Kornfeld’s research focused on the dysregulation of the endocannabinoid system that underlie human structure and biosynthesis of oligosaccharide chains on glycopro- pathologies like spontaneous miscarriage, headache, Parkinson teins. She was among the first to discover the structure of many disease, Huntington disease, and multiple sclerosis. His work has oligosaccharides and to characterize how they were formed. contributed to the identification of novel regulatory pathways that have led to new diagnostic tools and therapeutic strategies for the treatment of those diseases, based on endocannabinoid-oriented drugs.


SBMB member Mario R. Capecchi, a distinguished years he lived on the streets, fending for himself by begging Aprofessor of human genetics and biology at the and stealing. He reunited with his mother when he was nine, University of Utah’s Eccles Institute of Human Genetics and they soon came to the United States where Capecchi and a Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigator, was began elementary school. As a result, he didn’t learn to read awarded one-third of this year’s Nobel Prize in Physiology or write until he was nine years old. or Medicine. He shared the prize with Sir Martin J. Evans “I think [this experience] provided resourcefulness, and I of Cardiff University in the United Kingdom and Oliver think just the drive to keep yourself, maintain yourself, and Smithies of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill survive,” said Capecchi. “I think it led me to be able to use “for their discoveries of principles for introducing specific my own resources, to be able to get through life. And I think gene modifications in mice by the use of embryonic stem now I’m also very grateful; in a sense it’s fantastic. I mean cells.” The prize recognizes Capecchi’s pioneering work most children didn’t make it; I think I was extremely lucky.” in gene targeting in mice, a technique that has revolution- Capecchi received his B.S. in chemistry and physics ized mammalian biology and “…for discoveries of principles for introducing specific g allowed the cre- ation of animal models for hundreds of human diseases. from Antioch College in 1961 and his Ph.D. in biophysics In the 1980s, both Capecchi and Smithies were seeking from Harvard University in 1967. He completed his the- ways to specifically alter the mammalian genome. Capec- sis work under the guidance of Nobel laureate James D. chi wanted to insert new genes into cells, and Smithies Watson, whom he credits for inspiring his development as a was hoping to correct genetic defects that lead to disease. scientist. Capecchi was able to demonstrate that homologous recom- “He taught me not so much about how to do science bination could take place between introduced DNA and the but rather provided me with the confidence to tackle any chromosomes in mammalian cells and was thus able to scientific question that fascinated me, regardless of its repair defective genes. Smithies showed that that endog- complexity,” said Capecchi. “He also taught me the impor- enous genes could be targeted irrespective of their activity, tance of communicating your science clearly and to pursue suggesting that all genes were accessible to modification important scientific questions.” by homologous recombination. Thus, the two scientists After receiving his Ph.D., Capecchi joined the faculty of independently discovered that they could use homologous the Department of Biochemistry at Harvard Medical School. recombination to introduce short sequences of manipulated He stayed there for four years, and then, in 1973, he left to DNA into the chromosomes of mammalian cells. join the University of Utah faculty. However, the cell lines initially studied by Capecchi His entry into what was going to become the field of and Smithies could not be used to create gene-targeted gene targeting started in 1977 when he was experiment- animals. Fortunately, Evans had developed embryonic stem ing with the use of extremely small glass needles to inject cell cultures that were able to take the genetic manipula- DNA directly into the nuclei of living cells. He attempted to tions from the Petri dish into the whole animal. Combining introduce a functional gene into cells by injecting the DNA the techniques by modifying genes in embryonic stem cells directly into their nuclei, and he succeeded. Because the and then injecting those cells into fertilized mouse eggs, the procedure turned out to be extremely efficient—one in scientists were able to produce mice with specific genetic three cells received the DNA in functional form and went modifications that could be inherited between generations. on to divide and pass the gene on to its daughter cells—it Capecchi was born in Verona, Italy, in 1937. At the became practical to use this technology to generate trans- age of four, he was separated from his mother, who was genic mice by the injection of DNA into one-cell zygotes. imprisoned during World War II. For the next four and a half Capecchi recalls, “I realized immediately that, if I could

8 ASBMB Today November 2007 c gene modifications in mice by the use of embryonic stem cells.”

harness this machinery to carry out homologous recombi- disrupt the hprt gene, and he showed that embryonic stem nation between a newly introduced DNA molecule of our cells were indeed able to mediate homologous recombina- choice and the same DNA sequence in the cell’s chromo- tion. The first reports in which homologous recombination in some, I would have the ability to mutate at will any specific embryonic stem cells was used to generate gene-targeted gene in the living cell.” mice were published in 1989. Since then, the number of However, in 1980, when he submitted a grant application reported knock-out mouse strains has risen exponentially. to the National Institutes of Health in which he outlined the Gene targeting has since developed into a highly versatile experiments he intended to do to test the feasibility of gene technology. It is now possible to introduce mutations that targeting in mammalian cells, the grant was rejected. can be activated at specific time points or in specific cells or “Our first grant was actually refused with respect to that organs, both during development and in the adult animal. project, mainly because they didn’t think it was possible,” Over the years, Capecchi has used gene targeting to said Capecchi. “The probability that an exogenous piece systematically knock out genes in the Hox family. These are of DNA would be able to find the cognate sequence in 33 thought to be the master switches that control the formation base pairs was thought to be not a significant possibility.” of the body plan during development. The knock-out mice Despite this rejection, he forged ahead with his experi- have dramatic developmental defects. For example, when ments and succeeded. The next step was to extend gene Capecchi completely disrupted the Hox10 and Hox11 gene targeting to a whole animal. “Because of the low frequency families, he found that the genes played important roles in of targeting events in mammalian cells, it was clear that orchestrating the construction of the ribs, spine, and limb doing the experiments directly in mouse zygotes would not bones. Mice without a functional Hoxb8 gene on the other be practical,” recalls Capecchi. “Rather, targeting events hand, groomed themselves excessively, creating bald spots had to be identified first in cultured cells to allow purification and skin wounds. of a clonal cell line containing the desired gene disruption; Capecchi and his colleagues have also developed the these cells in turn could be used to generate mice capable first accurate mouse model of alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma, of transmitting the mutation in their germline.” an aggressive childhood muscle cancer. This new model Capecchi heard about Evans’ embryonic stem cells at has improved researchers’ understanding of the cause a Gordon Conference in 1984, and a collaboration was of the disease and may lead to new therapies to treat the initiated. For the initial experiments Capecchi decided to disorder.

November 2007 ASBMB Today 9 specialinterest

The following graphs are part two of a series of data compiled by Howard Garrison and Kimberly McGuire of FASEB’s Office of Public Affairs.Th e graphs represent trends in postdoctoral training. The final installment of graphs will appear in Today

NIH F32 Fellowship Applications Reviewed and Awarded

3,000 50% 45% 2,500 40% 35% 2,000 30% 1,500 25%

NUMBER 20% 1,000 15% 10% 500 5% 0 0% 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 S YEAR ). Applications Awards Success Rate

NIH Spending on Training Grants and Fellowships Since 1983, to 900,000 5.00 spending o grants a 800,000 4.50 for po 700,000 4.00 has 3.50 600,000 the 3.00 pe 500,000 2.50

N DOLLARS 400,000 fr 2.00 300,000 SO 1.50 SU 200,000 BUD 1.00 HISTO 100,000 0.50

0 0.00 1983 1985 1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007


Dollars Percent of total NIH Budget

10 ASBMB Today Doctorate Degrees Awarded in the Biological and Medical Sciences by Citizenship/Visa Status






NUMBER 3,000




1966 1969 1972 1975 1978 1981 1984 1987 1990 1993 1996 1999 2002 2005 YEAR

Temporary Residents U.S. Citizens and Permanent Residents Unknown Citizenship


Doctorate Degress Awarded in the Biological and Medical Sciences by Gender






NUMBER 3,000




1966 1969 1972 1975 1978 1981 1984 1987 1990 1993 1996 1999 2002 2005 YEAR

Unknown Gender Female Male

November 2007 ASBMB Today 11 trends continuedcontinued

Biological and Medical Sciences Postdocs by Citizenship/Visa Status





15,000 NUMBER




1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 YEAR

Temporary Residents US Citizens and Permanent Residents

Biological and Medical Sciences Postdocs by Source of Support





15,000 NUMBER




1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 YEAR

Non-Federal Sources Research Grants Traineeships Fellowships   






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--;+ ";  C@ ? C B>  ? < @ 2008 annual meeting The 2008 Herbert Tabor/ Journal of Biological Chemistry Lectureship: I. Robert Lehman

Lehman he 2008 Herbert Tabor/Journal of Biological Chemis- ies greatly contributed to the under- Ttry Lecture will be given by I. Robert Lehman at next standing of the mechanics of DNA replication in the cell.1 year’s annual meeting. Lehman received the award for In the late 1970s, Lehman’s inquisitive spirit led him to his outstanding scholarly contributions to the field of DNA new directions of DNA research. He extended his DNA metabolism, his admirable track record as a mentor, and his replication studies to eukaryotic and viral organisms, and unparalleled service to the Journal of Biological Chemistry. he initiated homologous recombination studies in E. coli. He will present his lecture in San Diego on Saturday, April 5, His biochemical studies of DNA recombination catalyzed at 6:00 pm. by the E. coli recA protein were among the first in the field Lehman’s career in DNA metabolism research started and have become a template for subsequent analyses of in 1955 when he joined Arthur Kornberg’s laboratory at recombination in eukaryotic cells. Washington University in St. Louis as a postdoctoral fellow. Lehman was named William Hume Professor at Stanford During the next three years he and other members of the University in 1980 and continues in this position today. He Kornberg laboratory discovered the first DNA polymerase, served as chairman of the Department of Biochemistry from DNA polymerase I from Escherichia coli, and showed that 1974 to 1979 and from 1984 to 1986. it was a template-directed enzyme. This work eventually Lehman was president of ASBMB from 1997 to 1998, earned Kornberg one-half of the 1959 Nobel Prize in Physi- was on the editorial board of the Journal of Biological ology or Medicine. Chemistry from 1963 to 1968, and has served as an asso- In 1958, Lehman began independent research as an ciate editor for the journal since 1981. “All of us working instructor in the Department of Microbiology at Washington in the nucleic acid field are aware of Bob’s devotion to the University. There, he discovered many of the E. coli deoxy- Journal of Biological Chemistry,” says Charles C. Richard- ribonucleases and demonstrated their usefulness for study- son, Edward S. Wood Professor of Biological Chemistry at ing nucleic acid structure. He left Washington University in Harvard Medical School. “It is always a pleasure to receive 1959 to join the faculty of the Biochemistry Department at an e-mail notification that the associate editor for your the Stanford University School of Medicine. Lehman con- manuscript is I. R. Lehman. Not only is the review prompt tinued his search for DNases in E. coli and other organisms but also the reviewers always seem perfectly matched with and purified several of these enzymes. the manuscript.” In the late 1960s, Lehman started searching for a new Lehman’s stellar scientific output is matched by the area of research and decided to look for the enzymes that large number of scientists who trained in his lab. “Bob has catalyzed the joining of DNA molecules. As he was purify- passed his excellence and insistence for quality and integrity ing the polynucleotide joining enzyme, he became aware in research to a number of students and postdocs who that several other laboratories were working on the same have had the privilege of working in his laboratory. Indeed, problem in a variety of organisms. Each group had its own not only have these individuals been successful, they have name for the enzyme, but they all settled on “DNA ligase,” also served the Society and the JBC in many major capaci- and friendly competition between the labs ensued. Leh- ties,” says Stuart Linn, Professor of the Graduate School man was able to work out the complex mechanism of this Division of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the Uni- enzyme involving multiple nucleotide transfer steps. His versity of California Berkeley.

insights into the origins and closure of DNA nicks resulted FOOTNOTE in a critical study that determined the causes of the gen- 1. More information on Lehman’s research on DNA ligase can be found in his online Journal of Biological Chemistry Classic 1. eration of small DNA fragments in the cell that had been REFERENCE erroneously designated as Okazaki fragments. These stud- J. Biol. Chem. 282, 1, January 12, 2007.

14 ASBMB Today November 2007 The 2008 ASBMB Merck Award: C. David Allis

he 2008 ASBMB Merck Award will be given to C. The discovery that two enzymes TDavid Allis, the Joy and Jack Fishman Professor at that were involved in adding and Allis Rockefeller University, at the ASBMB Annual Meeting this subtracting acetyl groups to and from April. He receives the award for his seminal contributions histones also enhanced or repressed transcription sug- to the field of chromatin biology. Allis’ research has helped gested a molecular mechanism for transcriptional regula- to define cause and effect relationships between specific tion. “It wasn’t rocket science to figure out this enzymatic histone modifications and specific gene expression events. pair of reactions might function as an on or off switch,’’ He has also aided in defining the enzymes and mecha- said Allis. “Most people thought chromatin was just a pas- nisms involved in epigenetic regulation. Allis will present his sive platform that wraps the DNA. But those two papers award lecture on Monday, April 7, from 2:15 to 3:15 pm. made people think about a more active process in which Allis, who received his Ph.D. in 1978 from Indiana Univerr- chromatin truly participates’’ 1. sity, first became interested in chromatin during his post- Moving on to yeast, Allis went on to provide the first doctoral fellowship with Martin Gorovsky at the University of definitive evidence that histones are physiological targets Rochester. He used the ciliated protozoan Tetrahymena as of GCN5 and are acetylated by GCN5 a specific residues, his model organism. He recalls, “This was a relatively new that the GCN5 HAT activity is required for transcriptional topic back then. It wasn’t by any means the raging topic activation and targets promoter-proximal histones, and that it is today, and to think about doing chromatin biology that histone acetylation is independent of, and thus caus- in a super low, offbeat critter was not fashionable” 1. ative for, transcription. After his postdoctoral fellowship was over, Allis became Beyond these critical histone acetylation studies, Allis an assistant professor in the Department of Biochemistry has shown that histone H3 phosphorylation on an invariant at the Baylor College of Medicine in 1981. Over the next serine is functionally linked to both mitosis and to mitogen decade, he moved up the ranks and eventually became stimulation of gene activity, that specific kinases are involved full professor in the Departments of Biochemistry and Cell in this phosphorylation process, and that specific phospho- Biology at Baylor. He then spent five years as a professor rylation events can enhance specific acetylation events. in the Department of Biology at Syracuse University before Allis has also made seminal observations on the role of joining the faculty of the Department of Biology at the Uni- histone methylation events in gene control. He has shown versity of Rochester in 1995. Allis joined the faculty of the that the addition of methyl to certain lysine residues on his- University of Virginia in 1998. tone H3 corresponds with the activation of transcription. In 1996, Allis isolated a protein from Tetrahymena He and his collaborators have also been instrumental in that was able to add an acetyl group to exposed lysine the identification of specific histone methyltransferases and residues in histones. This was the first histone acetyl- the characterization of their corresponding complexes. transferase (HAT) to be identified. He then showed that Based on observations of multiple histone modifications HAT from Tetrahymena was the homolog of a genetically of the same histone tail, Allis formulated the “histone code” defined transcriptional coactivator (GCN5) from yeast and hypothesis, which posits that different modifications or that the yeast GCN5 coactivator had intrinsic HAT activity. combinations of modifications may act to form an epi- This single observation immediately crystallized mecha- genetic code that can be translated into different nuclear nistic concepts about direct linkages between histone responses. More recently, Allis has extended this hypoth- acetylation and transcriptional activation. esis and proposed new principles that include histone A month after finding HAT, Allis characterized an “modification cassettes” and “switches.” enzyme that removed acetyl groups from histones. This histone deacetylase was related to a transcriptional core- REFERENCE 1 Downey, P. (2006) Profile of C. David Allis. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (U. S. A.) 103, pressor in yeast. 6425-6427.

November 2007 ASBMB Today 15 minorityaffairs Minority Student Conferences: ASBMB’s Involvement BY PHILLIP A. ORTIZ

ach fall, members of ASBMB’s Minority EAffairs Committee (MAC) participate in two scientific meetings—one organized by the Soci- ety for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Students gather at the 2006 ABRCMS Conference. in Science (SACNAS) and the Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority number of years Landefeld and Ortiz have also been lead- Students—that are of particular interest to minority stu- ing a well attended session titled, “Career Development in dents. Since aligning with these meetings, the committee has the Biochemical Sciences: What Can Professional Societies become more actively engaged with each succeeding year Do for You?” In this session students are informed of the and has increased ASBMB’s visibility. At these meetings two benefits they can expect from—as well as their responsibili- members of the MAC with ASBMB meetings coordinator, ties to—professional scientific societies. In addition to an Gail Pinder, “work the ASBMB booth” and participate as engaging presentation, students are provided with a set of leaders in other aspects of the meeting. career materials and student centered literature from the The ultimate goal of both meetings is to enhance the ASBMB. The session is especially important because a large educational experience and quality for all attendees by pro- number of undergraduate students do not have extensive viding the students with many educational and professional knowledge about professional scientific societies, and many development opportunities. At the ASBMB booth, volunteers other societies are present at the meeting, competing for the and staff talk with dozens, if not hundreds, of undergraduate, students’ attention and possible membership. graduate, and post-doctoral students and their faculty men- The SACNAS meeting is very much like being with several tors who want to learn more about our organization. Other thousand of your closest family members and friends. The opportunities come in the form of student poster and oral environment is particularly warm and inviting as everyone presentations and by attending of many outstanding presen- freely shares their insights and expertise. No opportunity for tations and interactive sessions offered. A large number of mentoring, coaching, or providing support and encourage- these students are either directly involved in research, or at ment is overlooked. Activities at this meeting include not least are aware of its benefits, and are very often sponsored just oral scientific and career sessions led by faculty but also by federally funded minority programs, mostly from the student led poster and oral presentations and a highly engag- National Institute of General Medical Sciences at the National ing Pow Wow. Institutes of Health. The second of the two meetings is the Annual Bio- The SACNAS meeting (www.SACNAS.org) draws stu- medical Research Conference for Minority Students dents from across many scientific disciplines and math- (www.ABRCMS.org). This meeting, unlike SACNAS, ematics. SACNAS is a unique organization in that it highly focuses primarily on undergraduate students engaged in the values mentoring and development of young scientists. In biomedical sciences who wish to pursue scientific careers in fact, in recent years, two members of the ASBMB MAC this area. As such, our booth is overrun by many students have been honored with the “Award for Outstanding Men- who ask focused questions, gather literature, collect guid- tor at an Undergraduate Institution.” Tom Landefeld won ance and suggestions, and share their own stories of frustra- the award in 2002, and Phillip A. Ortiz won in 2005. For a tion and success.

16 ASBMB Today November 2007 In past years members of ASBMB MAC have played key recruiting a loyal member and future leader in our organi- roles in the ABRCMS meeting. For example, Landefeld and zation. Ortiz have each served full terms on the meeting’s steering The student work presented at both of these meetings committee and helped to formulate the priorities and agenda is stringently pre-screened for scientific quality. Always over the past six years. In addition, for a number of years, astounding is the quality of the students’ research, their abil- Ortiz has served as leader of the biochemistry and molecu- ity to present and discuss it, and their depth of knowledge. As lar biology sessions. In that role he has reviewed hundreds students present their posters, they are amid crowds of faculty of abstracts for quality, reviewed travel award applications, mentors and research advisors as well as other engaged stu- moderated oral presentation sessions, and served as a judge dents. In fact, one of the students who presented a poster at for both the poster and oral presentations. ABRCMS later presented an improved version at the ASBMB Undergraduate Poster Competition—and he was awarded first prize! These meetings each end in a festive award banquet. At these dinners, awards for outstand- ing poster and oral presentations are lauded. In recognition of the students’ achievements, ASBMB has provided funding for many of the awards in the areas of biochemistry and molecular biology. To improve our effectiveness, several signifi- cant steps were undertaken for this year’s meet- ings. First, the MAC has funding for a significant number of complimentary student memberships. These memberships are intended to bring students into ASBMB. It is expected that in the short term these students would form Undergraduate Affiliate Network chapters, apply for travel awards, attend and present at our annual meeting, and participate in the Undergraduate Poster Competition. Such steps would all enhance their undergraduate educa- A Native American performer at a 2006 SACNAS Conference cultural event. tion. In the long term, we expect that these students PHOTO CREDIT DALE HAMEISTER PHOTOGRAPHY. would continue their memberships and eventually become full members of ASBMB. Attendance at both meetings is driven by the desire to Also for this year’s meetings a new booklet, titled Diver- increase the visibility of our professional society, and MAC sity Provides the Answer: Unlocking Life’s Secrets, was distrib- members spend much of their time proactively visiting stu- uted. This attractive, full-color, 12-page handout describes dents at their posters and meeting with the other exhibitors. the career opportunities in biochemistry and molecular During those visits, we introduce students to ASBMB spon- biology and provides insights into how students may best sored student activities and the benefits of membership, prepare themselves for the many educational and profes- and distribute the appropriate literature. Students are also sional challenges that lie ahead. If you or your students recruited to participate in ASBMB’s Annual Meeting and would benefit from these materials,p lease request them via are encouraged to submit abstracts for the Undergraduate [email protected] or download the PDF version Poster Competition and to apply for travel awards. Commit- from www.asbmb.org/minorityaffairs. tee members also expend considerable effort visiting with By the time these meetings are over, attendees are both the directors of the students’ training programs to explain exhausted and energized. They return to their home institu- the benefits of membership—not only what ASBMB can do tions with renewed focus and drive and are better prepared for them but also how their membership will help drive the to deal with their educational pursuits. We look forward to agenda in future years. Overall, ASBMB is showcased in the attending and participating at these, and similar, meetings for hope of establishing a relationship with the student and thus many years to come!

November 2007 ASBMB Today 17 2008

DNA & RNA Biology Molecular Cell Systems Genome Dynamics: RNA-Mediated Structure & Metabolism Replication, Recom- Gene Expression & Dynamics bination and Damage Metabolism Response Protein Synthesis and Turnover

Small RNAs and Systems Biology Dynamic RNA Dynamic Chromatin Elements and Gene Expression Form and Function of Molecular Machines


$SULO‡6DQ'LHJR&$ Abstract Submission Deadline: November 7, 2007 www.asbmb.org/meetings $QQXDO0HHWLQJ

Signaling Chemical Special Sessions Lipid Signaling Biology The Histochemical and Metabolism Society, HCS Chemical Biology s4HE Journal o hemistry 0LENARY ,EC PING OF GE DULT MOUS VELOPMEN

Signal Transduction

Drug Discovery


Minority Affairs— ASBMB/ASPET Mental Health

Education and Professional Development

Public Affairs firstcareersecondinsights words Going From Saccharomyces cerevisiae to the American Heart Association BY DEREK T. SCHOLES

am a government relations manag- that a career in policy interested me: Ier—a lobbyist—for the American politics had always been a passion Heart Association in the Office of of mine. At home, Thomas Paine’s Advocacy in Washington, DC. The Common Sense and The Rights of Man purpose of the office is to pursue stood shoulder to shoulder with The opportunities to change federal laws Origin of Species and The Selfish Gene to reduce the incidence of heart on my bookshelves. Aside from my disease and stroke. We advocate for a postdoc work, I wrote articles for a range of issues including increasing local newspaper on issues such as research funding, improving systems campaign finance reform and the war of care, and reducing the risk of in Iraq. And I was the person who, disease. My policy portfolio includes while spreading yeast cells on plates promoting genetics in health care, or preparing PCR reactions, would reducing tobacco use, and addressing always discuss political issues of the the obesity epidemic. day with anybody willing to chat. It was several years ago that I Whereas working at the bench was Derek T. Scholes

decided that I wanted to swap my lab something I still loved to do, getting Derek T. Scholes is a government coat for a suit and tie. Having gained into policy was something I knew I relations manager at the American my aBachelors degree and Ph.D. just had to do. But having solved the Heart Association. He received his in Genetics from the University of question, “What?”, now I had to figure "3CAND0H$IN'ENETICSFROMTHE Liverpool, United Kingdom, I was out “How?” I spent the next two years 5NIVERSITYOF,IVERPOOL 5NITED+ING- working as a postdoctoral fellow at searching for the answer, seeking the DOM ANDCOMPLETEDHISPOSTDOCTORAL the Wadsworth Center in Albany, advice from many experts in the field TRAININGATTHE7ADSWORTH#ENTER New York. Although I was working and sending off countless applications !LBANY .EW9ORK0RIORTOJOININGTHE on a fascinating project figuring out for any job, fellowship, or internship !(! 3CHOLESWORKEDINTHE/FlCEOF the regulation of mobile DNA ele- that could get my foot on the first rung the Director at the National Human ments in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, of the science policy career ladder. Genome Research Institute and I had decided that I did not want to However, I had no success. Meanwhile, SUBSEQUENTLYINTHEHEALTHOFlCEOF continue along the academic track, I had to leave the yeast lab because 3ENATOR%DWARD-+ENNEDYINTHE but I did want a career where I could of a funding shortage and worked as 533ENATE use my scientific background. It was a staff scientist in an avian influenza when Tom Murray, president of the lab at the Wadsworth Center while I Hastings Center, gave a lecture at the continued to mail out applications. I Postdoctoral Association (NPA), a Wadsworth Center on various ethics questioned whether I would ever suc- group that is interested in addressing issues related to science, that I was ceed and worried that my career was training issues for young scientists. sold on pursuing a new career in sci- coming to a screeching halt. In the NPA, I gained policy experi- ence and health policy. Also during these two years, I ence through progressively senior In retrospect, it was no surprise became involved with the National positions, finally serving as vice chair

20 ASBMB Today November 2007 of the board. I became an invited ing personalized medicine. And I was the organization during my time on speaker at university careers sessions able to interact with all the leaders in the Hill, so I was delighted when I and even testified before a National the area of genetics policy in DC. was accepted for a position there at Academies Committee. My NPA For the latter part of my fellow- the beginning of 2007. It is an organi- experience strengthened my job and ship, I worked for a year in Senator zation where a scientist can feel very fellowship applications in a way I had Kennedy’s health office within the much at home. Science has been a not foreseen when I joined: I became Senate Committee on Health, Educa- central part of AHA since its incep- much more knowledgeable about tion, Labor and Pensions, another tion, and all of the policy positions science policy and was now able to fantastic opportunity. This was aj ob adopted by AHA are based on firm demonstrate my potential beyond the where I had to become fluent quickly scientific foundations. bench. in a broad range of completely differ- Many of the skills I developed Two years of perseverance were ent policy areas—from drug importa- during my scientific training are finally rewarded in June 2005 with tion to dentistry, from trauma care transferable to policy. Instead of a phone call from Washington, DC, to obesity. I worked on some of the presenting my research results to sup- that changed my life. I had been hottest health topics of the year such port my conclusions, now I present chosen to be the National Human as embryonic stem cell research and heart disease and stroke data to Hill Genome Research Institute (NHGRI)/ reauthorization of the National Insti- staff to advocate for policy changes. American Society for Human Genet- tutes of Health (NIH). And I helped Where before I used critical think- ics 2005–2006 Genetics and Public write legislation on the oversight of ing to analyze a scientific claim, now Policy Fellow. This was the perfect genetic tests. Working on the Hill I apply it to weighing up whether opportunity: a fel- AHA should support lowship specifically a policy position. In designed for a young addition, working for scientist wanting to an organization whose transition from the issues are based on bench to the policy science, it is greatly world. advantageous to And what an oppor- both understand the tunity! I spent the first science and have the four months of the research experience. fellowship in the Office Just as scientific of NHGRI Direc- research can at times tor Francis Collins, be frustrating and one of the country’s progress slow, advo- preeminent scientists cating for changes in and who is deeply involved in policy expanded my knowledge of health federal law can take years to achieve issues raised by genetic research and care policy enormously and gave me results. But, like scientists’ curiosity the translation of research to enhance an insider’s view of the legislative drives them to repeat the experi- health care. I was given exposure to process. Comparing it with my expe- ment one more time, the motivation issues surrounding genetics discrimi- rience at the NIH, I completed the in policy is a passionate belief in the nation and the Genetic Information fellowship in December 2006 much need for social change. Heart disease Nondiscrimination Act (GINA), DNA more able to appreciate the different and stroke remain the number one patents, DNA profiling, and the use of roles, advantages, and limitations of and three killers in America today. family history in the clinical setting. the legislative and executive branches Until this statistic changes, I will feel I was intimately involved in a work- of the federal government. that I am making a valuable contri- shop convening experts from diverse I had been particularly impressed bution to enhancing peoples’ lives fields to identify the most critical by the American Heart Association through influencing our government’s policy issues pertaining to expand- (AHA) during my interactions with policy.

November 2007 ASBMB Today 21 educationand training How to Assess the Quality of Teaching BY J. ELLIS BELL

very year hundreds of faculty all over the country are Eeither recommended for, or denied, tenure. While the tenure process varies significantly from institution to institution a component of the materials submitted by the candidate often includes some assessment of the “teaching” ability of the candidate. Unfortunately, while it is relatively easy to quantitate research productivity and service components of the tenure package, there is no clear cut way of assessing the quality of teaching. In many institutions “Student Evaluation of Teaching” (SET) is the gold standard of teaching excellence. Unfortu- nately it is not a very reliable indicator of a person’s ability to teach and has been criticized over the years by a variety of studies that have commented on its innate lack of ability to tell about the quality of instruction. Part of the problem is that what as a community we consider successful teach- ing is controversial: many, again despite contrary evidence, still think that the ability to stand in front of a class and deliver a well organized PowerPoint lecture is the pin- nacle of teaching, along with the learning of quantitative problem solving by “repetition”—practice makes perfect How is this reflected in student evaluations of teaching? is the refrain, but unfortunately students taught that way There are a number of problems: 1) students in general are can rarely translate that “knowledge” to other similar not the best source of expertise on what good teaching is, problems—“you didn’t’’ show us how to do that sort of 2) many students tend to like teachers who don’t challenge problem in class” is the usual refrain. This occurs despite them to think or to be actively involved in the learning numerous studies showing that more student and learn- process, 3) many students think that if they get an “A” or a ing centered approaches are far superior when it comes to high grade the teacher must be good, and 4) most students student learning. It is far better, from the student learning think that the “norm” is the best way to teach because perspective, to fully engage the students in the leaning after all that’s what most of their teachers use, and they process than to simply deliver information. Unfortunately should know. The overall effect is that faculty that get high it is far easier to simply “stand and deliver” the 50 minute teaching evaluations using student evaluation of teaching PowerPoint lecture. Despite 15 to 20 years of promoting are often those that challenge students to think the least the clearly more effective approaches that revolve around and give predictable exams that reward memorization of active participation of the student in the learning process, facts rather than understanding of material or the ability the majority of teachers in most institutions still use the to think. What about the more progressive teachers—what “stand and deliver” and the “drill and kill” approaches that sort of SETs would be expected? In a given class there are, foster rote learning and regurgitation on exams. Those one hopes, some students who appreciate the fact that a that have developed or adopted innovative “best practice” teacher who actively engages them in the learning process approaches, that the available evidence shows work better, and challenges them to think in class and on their exams is are usually in the minority. in reality doing his or her job well, whereas those who use

22 ASBMB Today November 2007 students you are a wonderful teacher if you don’t teach them anything and test them on what they already could do at the end of the previous semester) and again at the end of the course and a semester or more later to assess what students had learned during the course and were able to carry through to other courses—the real goal of an education and the mark of an excellent teacher is that their students still know “stuff” well after the final exam! What would it take for this to happen? The professional societies such as ASBMB must not only endorse such an approach but also make available validated assess- ment tools of student learning. Funding agencies, as most have done in the past 10 to 15 years, must continue to sup- port those teachers who both innovate and validate in their teaching and clearly impact student learning and career devel- opment in positive ways. Department chairs and established faculty who use the stand and deliver and drill and kill approaches and claim that someone can- not be a good teacher because they don’t teach like they do should be encouraged the stand and deliver and drill and kill approaches are Many to step back and look at the evidence that really not contributing much to their education. These clearly shows the benefits of incorporat- students will give their teacher a high rating while the students ing active learning techniques even into majority will give medium or low ratings which will standard lectures. The ideal class should very much depend upon the nature of the questions think incorporate aspects of classic lecture, used on the SET. A chair or administrator looking that if active student learning and assessment of simply at SET values for these two teachers will con- learning. To faculty who either are using clude that one is excellent while the other is in some they get such approaches or who want to use such way lacking in ability to teach. Unfortunately these approaches but are afraid of criticism from conclusions are exactly opposite to the reality. an “A” other faculty—keep the faith, but make So how should we assess the effectiveness of or a high sure that you demonstrate in an appropri- teaching? If the goal of teaching is that students learn ate way that your students are learning at something, then should we not base our assessment grade least as much as other students and then of teaching on whether or not students learn any- publish your approaches and validation in thing? Provided that there were appropriate tools to the the appropriate academic journals. assess what students had learned in a given course A number of resources and lit- or program, life would be simple. The teacher would teacher erature related to this article are to be administer the appropriate set of tools on the first day must be found on the Education and Profes- of class to establish what students knew or could do sional Development Web pages at before the course started (it is really easy to convince good www.faseb.org/asbmb/epd/epd.html.

November 2007 ASBMB Today 23 industryperspective Life Science Education for the Real World BY SHELDON M. SCHUSTER AND STEVEN CASPER

he explosion of technologies and information in biol- especially common among executives who over-promise Togy has created unprecedented commercial oppor- delivery of practical applications of basic discoveries and tunities within the applied life sciences. While there is no who underestimate the technical challenges in the devel- shortage of hyperbole (e.g.” The Biocentury”), biotechnol- opment portion of the production pipeline in general. ogy companies have helped to develop sufficient disease It is not necessary to delve deeply at this point into the treatments, new food crops, and molecular diagnostics to specifics of the technical background required because support a distinctively optimistic vision for the future of there is rich curricular development in many of the basic this science-based industry. As a result of these successes life sciences. However, a consistent theme emerges from and the continuing rush of not only new products, but also our discussions. Managers working in science-based new technologies delivering ever more massive data sets, industry must have the ability to understand the process there is every reason to believe that many of our science of experimental design and data analysis as opposed to the graduates are going to be employed in this growing indus- specific techniques for data gathering. This skill set would try. Consequently, there should be an increase in interest be enhanced with experience or courses in informat- by our students in careers in the emerg- ing companies of the Solid academic preparation in chemistry, physics, new millennium, and math, or any of the life sciences is far more valuable it is therefore timely to address the question: “How do we adequately educate ics, statistics, and systems biology. But regardless of the our life science students for productive careers in this specifics of the technical education desired in the future exciting new industry?” leaders, a consistent theme heard is that solid academic The question of the best curriculum is complex, and it preparation in chemistry, physics, math, or any of the life is likely there is not going be one answer for all colleges sciences is far more valuable than any course work in the and universities, and students at different academic levels “soft skills” such as leadership, management, marketing, or are going to require distinct curricula that fit a variety of strategy. needs. However, we can share our impressions and obser- This is not to say that management education is not vations thanks to the efforts of our colleagues at the Keck important. However, business curricula focused on the Graduate Institute of Applied Life Sciences (KGI). These applied life sciences must avoid the “general management” people held numerous long term discussions with industry orientation of many business schools and concentrate leaders whose opinions were sought and (mostly) imple- more specifically on the unique challenges facing science- mented in our professional graduate educational setting. based companies. These challenges include a special First and foremost, future leaders in a science-based emphasis on technology strategy, entrepreneurship, and industry must be technically competent. Our colleagues an understanding of how life science companies’ strate- note with horror the employment of managers in corpora- gies must be calculated within the complex regulatory tions who lack the basic scientific understanding required processes that dominate any commercialization process to appreciate the technical issues central to the success of for these industries. Moreover, management training must their corporate strategies. Executives who lack a signifi- seriously integrate technical issues into the curricula. An cant level of scientific understanding find that making especially valuable approach embraced at KGI has been to decisions is extremely difficult without endless technical challenge students to dissect complex cases that involve analysis provided by those with the knowledge and exper- layers of problems and a range of issues. In the world of tise. Perhaps worse are the all too many cases of executives business (outside of the laboratory) there are rarely prob- that “know the language” and derive a false sense of depth, lems that are strictly technical. Most real problems involve often making uninformed and tragic decisions. This seems some level of technology that is impacted by time, money,

24 ASBMB Today November 2007 regulatory concerns, intellectual property issues, and often do it! They bemoan the lack of team experience in under- ethical considerations as well. Engaging this level of com- graduate curricula and note that team-based experiential plexity is what distinguishes the higher levels of profes- learning is the one of the most effective means of learning sionals from the technical specialists, and it is what is most and retaining broad concepts. Moreover they suggest that difficult to teach in traditional classroom settings. It is in “leadership” is best learned from team experiences. this realm where case-based teaching excels. Our experience in this regard might be helpful in the In our curriculum we nearly always use real problems design of team-based curricula. The kinds of problems as cases. There are numerous collaborators at neighbor- that student project teams at KGI find most compelling are ing institutions willing to provide technologies in need those that are “real” and not just fabricated for a classroom of detailed market analysis or even companies that have exercise. Perhaps the best example of team-based learn- market, intellectual property, or regulatory problems that ing at KGI is our capstone student experience, the “Team students might consider. These complex and real problems Master Project (TMP).” At KGI we have substituted the challenge the students because they know that there is no typical individual student masters thesis with a year long textbook guide to find the correct answer and that there contract research project in which students work as a team are people looking to them for real results. These exercises to solve an important problem for a client company. Proj- require the ability to define a problem with great clarity, ects are carefully crafted to blend technical and business gather relevant facts, and sort and weigh data and infor- challenges. While student teams work with a liaison from mation against potential ethical issues and their relative the corporate sponsor and have the support of KGI faculty importance and value. All of this is the essence of critical advisors, students are given autonomy to create a division thinking, and it is not easily taught or learned. of labor within the team, negotiate project goals with the client, and to work towards than any course work in the “soft skills” such as the successful completion of the project. Students value leadership, management, marketing, or strategy. the opportunity to apply their new professional skills It should not be assumed that having the students to a “real world” problem, while corporate clients typically pursue cases from real situations is easy pedagogically. A find that, in addition to the goodwill gesture of supporting great deal of consideration by the instructor is required in KGI, most teams successfully complete the projects and, in choosing interesting and appropriate problems, mentoring doing so, help resolve important problems facing the com- and guiding the students during the work, and then care- panies. A significant validation of the team-based project fully analyzing and constructively criticizing the result. approach is that KGI students have frequently obtained However, our experience has been that the rewards of hav- job offers from TMP sponsors and that nearly all sponsors ing the students fully engaged and excited while learning return for more projects. critical thinking skills is worth the effort. In our discussions with our colleagues in industry it has An important corollary to case-based learning is an been rewarding to hear how much they value the gradu- emphasis on teamwork as a primary method by which stu- ates of our program, all of whom have experienced the dents learn. Professional education within the life sciences team-based, hands on and real world curriculum. Appre- must embrace team-based learning. The importance fo ciation is often expressed for their ability to work well in teams within science-based industry is driven by the com- teams and to use their considerable ability to be adaptable plex, interdisciplinary work environments within these and comfortable in situations of enormous complexity firms. No one student, however bright, can gain an expert and a rapidly changing context of regulation and technical knowledge in all areas impacting science-based firms; it progress. is essential that students know how to work in multidis- It is our hope to extend the concepts of this successful ciplinary teams. This is more than humility; it is a real teaching model to other areas as well as various levels of appreciation of the value and difficulty of working with science education. We would also welcome sharing experi- teams of diverse individuals. It is noteworthy that our col- ences and material with others who have experimented leagues in industry agree that there are no classroom les- in this area of curricular development so that we can all sons in teamwork that are as effective as actually having to benefit from our efforts.

November 2007 ASBMB Today 25 firstbiobitssecond asbmb words journal science


PTX3 Interacts with Inter-A-trypsin Inhibitor: Visualization and Manipulation of Plasma Implications for Hyaluronan Organization and Membrane-Endoplasmic Reticulum Contact Cumulus Oophorus Expansion Sites Indicates the Presence of Additional Molecular Components within the Laura Scarchilli, Antonella Camaioni, STIM1-ORAI1 Complex Barbara Bottazzi, Veronica Negri, Andrea Doni, Livija Deban, Antonio Bastone, Peter Varnai, Balazs Toth, Daniel Toth, Giovanni Salvatori, Alberto Mantovani, Laszlo Hunyady, and Tamas Balla Gregorio Siracusa, and Antonietta Salustri

J. Biol. Chem. 2007 282 n J. Biol. Chem. 2007 282 n


Antibodies against glutamate and GABA in adipose bind to adipose tissue. tissues. Elucidating the Secretion Proteome of Human Embryonic Stem Cell-derived Mesenchymal The Components Required for Amino Acid Stem Cells Neurotransmitter Signaling Are Present Siu Kwan Sze, Dominique P. V. de Kleijn, in Adipose Tissues Ruenn Chai Lai, Eileen Khia Way Tan, Hui Zhao, Keng Suan Yeo, Teck Yew Low, Qizhou Lian, Anne Nicolaysen, Runhild Gammelsaeter, Chuen Neng Lee, Wayne Mitchell, Jon Storm-Mathisen, Vidar Gundersen, and Reida Menshawe El Oakley, and Per Ole Iversen Sai-Kiang Lim J. Lipid Res. 2007 48 ˆ Mol. Cell. Proteomics 2007 6 ˆ

November 2007 ASBMB Today 27 sciencefocus Bonnie Bassler: Understanding How Bacteria Communicate BY PAT PAGES

uring the past decade, scientists Early Interests in Dhave discovered that bacteria are Science: Animals more social than assumed previously. and Laboratory Work They can communicate with chemical languages and form interactive commu- During her childhood, Bassler grew nities that allow them to use resources up surrounded by all sorts of pets— more efficiently and better attack a host. dogs, cats, goldfish, and rodents. Although this phenomenon, now called As a result, she wanted to become a quorum sensing, was discovered in the veterinarian. She remembers spending 1960s, scientists are only now starting to her summers in Miami assisting the understand how it works. veterinarian at the city zoo and work- Bonnie Bassler, a Howard Hughes ing in a small animal veterinary office. Medical Institute investigator and the Bassler later worked in an aluminum Squibb Professor of Molecular Biology manufacturing laboratory, which, at , New Jersey, is she says, helped stimulate her logical one of the first scientists who investi- reasoning and love of lab work. In gated quorum sensing in bacteria. She school, she loved biology, chemistry, has spent the past 17 years unveiling and physics classes, but she was more the various ways bacteria talk to one interested in doing experiments. another and, in the process, has helped Bassler attended college at the reshape the way scientists think about University of California (UC), Davis, Bonnie Bassler bacteria. thinking she would become a vet- “Bacteria are individual cells, but erinarian. But dissections made her just wanted to work in a lab, and the they can also work in communities, faint, and she did not like memorizing lab I wandered into happened to work exactly the way people do,” Bassler says. in her biology classes, so she began on bacteria,” Bassler says. “There I “For more than three centuries, bacteria taking courses in biochemistry and learned that bacteria are like stripped were regarded simply as self-replicating genetics. “I loved biochemistry and down versions of us and that research- machines, but their life is much richer— genetics because I could solve prob- ers could actually do amazing science highly social and teeming with interac- lems rather than memorize answers,” with them, which decided my career.” tions with both friends and foes.” Bassler says. After graduating in biochemistry, Bassler and other scientists have What she liked most was the Bassler went to The Johns Hopkins found that bacteria release hormone- practical side of what she was learn- University to pursue a Ph.D. under like chemicals that allow them to rec- ing. In her junior and senior years, the supervision of Saul Roseman, the ognize their peers, kill their enemies, she did some research in the labora- Ralph S. O’Connor Professor of Biol- or live in symbiosis with other species tory of Fredrick Troy, a professor of ogy. Bassler’s research project—trying of cells. Her work, which started by Biochemistry at UC-Davis Medical to understand how bacteria break looking at how a marine bacterium School, and Eric Vimr, now a profes- down chitin, the most abundant sugar glows in the dark, has helped create a sor of Pathobiology at the University polymer in the ocean—was funded by new field that examines how quorum of at Urbana-Champaign. Her the Office of Naval Research (ONR). sensing happens and may lead to novel work led to her first paper on how She discovered that the bacteria are treatments for bacterial diseases such bacteria make polysialic acid, a pro- attracted by chitin and swarm toward as cholera and anthrax. cess not well understood until then. “I it to eat it.

28 ASBMB Today November 2007 Fascinating Light Emitting Bacteria AI-1 AI-2

In 1990, as she was finishing her LuxQ LuxP LuxQ Ph.D., Bassler went to a meeting LuxN LuxP LuxN organized by the ONR in Baltimore, cytoplasmic cytoplasmic membrane membrane Maryland. One of the presentations P HHP P HHP HH HH fascinated her. The ps eaker, Michael Pi Pi Silverman, director of The Agouron P DDP P DDP DDP P DD Institute, La Jolla, California, pre- sented his latest findings on how a H LuxU H P H LuxU H P marine bioluminescent bacterium called Vibrio fischeri produces light. D LuxO D P + S54 D LuxO D P He discovered the mechanism under- Model of the Vibrio lying how these bacteria, which live harveyi Quorum-Sensing Signal Transduction Hfq luciferase LuxR as symbionts in a squid’s light organ, sRNA + Circuit. release a chemical that helps them REPRINTED FROM NEIDITCH, sense how many other bacteria sur- M. B., ET AL. 2006. CEELL, 126, repressed activated 1095-1108 WITH PERMISSION LuxR round them and, if enough bacteria FROM ELSEEVIER. genes genes are present, light up together. Bassler was so astonished to (AI-1) and autoinducer-2 (AI-2). known bacteria. “I had no idea that hear—for the first time in her life— She also identified the receptors to bacteria could use more than one lan- that bacteria could communicate and which the two autoinducers bind and guage,” Bassler says. “I was even more then work together that she ran up to found some of the proteins that are surprised to discover that bacteria use Silverman after his presentation and subsequently activated to generate the a common language in addition to told him that she would love to work genetic changes necessary for biolu- their own private language.” on this with him. Silverman was eager minescence. For bacteriologists, the existence to share his interest in this research of AI-2 was a revelation. It meant area since, at that time, only a few sci- Universal Bacterial that the bacteria they were studying entists were studying bioluminescent Language had an unsuspected property that bacteria, a topic that was considered In 1994, Bassler was hired by Princ- could help them understand the way by most scientists a sideline curiosity eton University as an assistant profes- bacteria interact with their neighbors. with no potential application. sor. There, she pursued her research The number of scientists working on After she finished her Ph.D., on V. harveyi and was very surprised quorum sensing started to grow, and Bassler went to work with Silverman to discover that AI-1 was used by the Bassler was thrilled by this surge of at The Agouron Institute as a post- bacteria to communicate with their interest in her field of research. doctoral fellow and later as a research V. harveyi neighbors, whereas AI-2 In 2002, Bassler and Fred Hugh- scientist. During her four years at the helped V. harveyi to talk with many son, a structural biologist at Princ- institute, she unraveled the molecular other types of bacteria. Bassler then eton, published the structure of AI-2 mechanisms that explain quorum found that AI-2 was also made and by trapping the molecule in the V. sensing in Vibrio harveyi, a close used by other bacteria to communi- harveyi receptor and solving the crys- cousin of V. fischeri that lives in the cate with one another. “In the world of tal structure of the complex. This and open ocean instead of in animal hosts. bacteria, AI-2 represents a universal subsequent work showed that AI-2 is Bassler found that V. harveyi pro- language, a ‘bacterial Esperanto,’” a family of interchangeable molecules, duces and responds to two chemicals, Bassler says. all derived from a common precursor called autoinducers, that trigger gene This discovery showed for the first molecule. Bassler showed that some expression changes in each bacterium time not only that V. harveyi used two bacterial species choose differently so that they can glow together. She different “languages,” but also that one rearranged forms of AI-2 to commu- named these molecules autoinducer-1 of them was common to most other nicate with one another. “These spon-

November 2007 ASBMB Today 29 science focus continuedcontinued

taneous rearrangements provided in 1998, but Bassler’s team did not common origins. For example, a biochemical explanation for how expect to find them involved in quo- Providencia stuartii, a bacterium AI-2 can be a universal language rum sensing. that causes infections that are among bacteria,” Bassler says. “We were stunned,” she says. “For contracted in hospitals, requires Later, Bassler found that V. har- all these years, we had been look- a protein called AarA to release veyi produces a third autoinducer ing for proteins, and we suddenly its autoinducer. AarA is similar to called CAI-1 and uses it to com- realized that we should have been Rhomboid, a protein involved in municate with other Vibrio bacte- looking for small RNAs. We now releasing a chemical signal in the ria. “Additional autoinducers will know that small RNAs are ‘running early development of fruit flies. likely be found, given the fact that the show’ in quorum sensing.” Evidence that AarA and Rhom- the field of quorum sensing is still boid have a shared function comes pretty new, and our understand- Quorum Sensing’s from the discovery that artificially ing of the chemical lexicon is still Promising Prospects expressing AarA rescued wing-vein primitive,” Bassler says. For the past fivey ears, Bassler has development in a fruit fly Rhom- been studying quorum sensing in boid mutant in which the veins do Biochemistry of a number of pathogens, reason- not develop properly. Conversely, Quorum Sensing ing that a better understanding of introducing the fly Rhomboid gene Bassler and her team also provided quorum sensing in harmful bacteria into an AarA mutant P. stuartii the biochemical details explaining could lead to the development of restored quorum sensing. how V. harveyi performs quorum new antimicrobial therapies. The These results suggest that AarA sensing and emits light. She showed general idea is to prevent harm- and Rhomboid diverged from a that AI-1, AI-2, and CAI-1 bind to common evolutionary ancestor separate membrane proteins, called protein and hint at the possible exis- LuxN, LuxPQ, and CqsS , respec- tence of other shared cell-cell com- tively (see figure), and then trans- munication mechanisms in bacteria duce information into a common and eukaryotes. If such functions signaling pathway. are discovered, they may reveal how When the bacteria are alone or cells that form tissues and organs in surrounded by only a small number eukaryotes communicate. of their peers, the three membrane Bassler is very excited about what proteins act as kinases by transfer- she learns everyday about the social ring a phosphate to a protein called lives of bacteria. “Only a very small LuxO. The phosphorylated LuxO fraction of the Earth’s bacteria have inhibits production of a protein been identified, much less cultivated called LuxR that activates biolu- ful bacteria from working together in the laboratory,” she says. “We may minescence. When many cells are while encouraging useful bacteria to have just begun to eavesdrop on a present, the autoinducers they emit do so. “Inhibiting quorum sensing microbial agora—a bustling world bind to their receptors, which leads in disease causing bacteria offers an of chemical languages, each with its to the dephosphorylation of LuxO attractive alternative to traditional own biological story to tell.” and the production of LuxR, which antibiotics,” Bassler says. “We would BIBLIOGRAPHY: allows the cells to emit light. not attack the bacteria directly but Bassler, B. L., and Losick, R. (2006) Bacterially In 2004, Bassler and colleagues prevent them from talking to one speaking. Cell 125, 237–246 Chen, X., Schauder, S., Potier, N., Van Doresselaer, were trying to find proteins that another and initiating virulence, A., Pelczer, I., Bassler, B. L., and Hughson, F. M. (2002) Structural identification of a bacterial seemed to be missing from this sig- and then let the immune system do quorum-sensing signal containing boron. Nature naling pathway when they made the the rest.” 415, 545–549 Lenz, D. H., Mok, K. C., Lilley, B. N., Kulkarni, R. surprising discovery that the central Understanding how bacteria V., Wingreen, N. S., and Bassler, B. L. (2004) The small RNA chaperone Hfq and multiple step in the pathway is controlled communicate could help us under- small RNAs control quorum sensing in Vibrio harveyii and Vibrio cholerae. Cell 118, 69–82 by small, non-coding RNAs. These stand how cells in higher organisms Surette, M. G., Miller, M. B., and Bassler, B. L. RNA molecules work by altering the talk to one another. Scientists have (1999) Quorum sensing in Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhimurium, and Vibrio harveyi:A translation of proteins. Small RNAs found that bacterial and eukaryotic new family of genes responsible for autoinducer production. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 96, had been discovered in eukaryotes cell-cell communication may share 1639–1644

30 ASBMB Today November 2007 for your lab

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November 2007 ASBMB Today 31 career opportunities

and cell fate determination. Department fac- Brigham Young University Kansas City University of ulty, currently with over eight million dollars in THREE CONTINUING STATUS Medicine & Biosciences federal funding, houses the Molecular Biology, TRACK FACULTY POSITIONS FACULTY POSITION IN Biomolecular Structure, Biomedical Sciences The Department of Microbiology and Molec- BIOCHEMISTRY and Biochemistry graduate programs. In addi- ular Biology at Brigham Young University Kansas City University of Medi- tion, department faculty draw graduate stu- announces the availability of three continu- cine and Biosciences invites dents from several other programs including: ing status track faculty positions. Review of applications from outstanding MSTP, Bioinformatics, and Neuroscience. applications will begin December 14, 2007 candidates for appointment in The Chair of the Department of Biochem- and continue until each position is filled. For the Department of Biochemistry istry and Molecular Genetics reports to the these positions, applicants should have a at the rank of Assistant or Asso- Dean of the School of Medicine and partici- doctoral degree and post-doctoral research ciate Professor. As we continue to expand pates with his staff and other departmental experience, and must demonstrate a high our research capacity, we seek candidates chairs in program development, administra- potential for establishment of an externally with research interests in the chronic diseases tion, and budgetary planning and implemen- funded research program. Successful can- of aging, particularly diseases associated tation. The position requires excellence in didates must demonstrate a strong teaching with protein misfolding; applicants who can teaching, demonstrated administrative leaderr- capability at both undergraduate and gradu- produce new knowledge in the areas of ship and ability, and, in particular, leadership ate levels and are expected to mentor both chemical neurobiology using innovative tech- in research and scholarly activity. graduate and undergraduate students. niques are especially encouraged to apply. The University of Colorado is commit- Virology. The successful candidate is The successful applicant will have a Ph.D. ted to the recruitment and employment of a expected to develop a strong teaching capa- (or equivalent doctorate), a record of schol- diverse faculty. We encourage applications bility in virology covering classical and molec- arly publications and progressive external from women and minorities. Review of appli- ular animal virology. Candidates must have funding, be willing to mentor graduate and cations will continue until the position is filled. a research emphasis in animal virology and medical students and to contribute to a novel Applicants should respond by sending a letter demonstrate facility with current laboratory instructional curriculum. of interest and curriculum vitae to: and conceptual tools. For additional information, contact John C. Cambier, Ph.D. Molecular Cell Biology. The successful Norbert W. Seidler, Ph.D., Chair, Ida and Cecil Green Professor and candidate is expected to develop a strong Department of Biochemistry, Chairman of the Department of teaching capability in molecular and cellular 1-800-234-4847, ext. 2207 or Immunology, biology. Candidates should have a research 816-283-2207, [email protected]. Chair, Department of Biochemistry and emphasis in an area of cell biology and dem- Please visit www.kcumb.edu and click Molecular Genetics Search Committee onstrate facility with current methodology. on ‘Employment’ to view remainder of ad University of Colorado School of Prokaryotic Biology. The successful can- and for CV submission directions. Medicine and National Jewish Medical didate is expected to develop a strong teach- and Research Center, ing capability in prokaryotic biology. Candi- Room K803 dates must have a research emphasis in a University of Colorado 1400 Jackson Street, Denver CO 80206 prokaryotic model and demonstrate facility School of Medicine Fax: [303] 270-2325 with current methodology. CHAIR, DEPARTMENT Email: [email protected] Applicants must apply online at OF BIOCHEMISTRY AND MOLECULAR GENETICS The University of Colorado is committed to diversity http://yjobs.byu.edu through faculty and equality in education and employment. The University of Colorado School of Medi- application; attach curriculum vitae, cine seeks applicants for Chair of the Depart- and one-page statements of Teaching ment of Biochemistry and Molecular Genet- Philosophy and Research Interests and Biofocus, DPI, Inc. ics. The Department consists of 17 primary Goals. PROJECT COORDINATOR faculty as well as more than 20 secondary For further information, contact POSITION faculty members. The Department currently Dr. Brent Johnson, Chair, Search Molecular Libraries Small Molecule Reposi- occupies over 35,000 square feet of state- Committee, Department of Microbiology tory (MLSMR) Project Coordinator Position of-the-art research and office space, primarily and Molecular Biology, Brigham Needed in our South San Francisco, Califor- on the 9th and 10th floors of the newly occu- Young University, Provo, UT 84602, nia Office. Ideal candidate will have at least 3 pied Research Complex at the new UCHSC USA. (Phone: 801-422-2331. E-mail: years of high throughput screening (HTS) or Fitzsimons campus. [email protected]). Additional Compound Management experience. departmental information is available at Details are available at the departmental Please see a full job description on http://mmbio.byu.edu. web site: http://www.uchsc.edu/sm/bbgn/ our website at www.biofocusdpi.com BYU is an equal employment opportunity employer. Research programs include chromatin under careers/related links/BioFocus Preference is given to qualified members in good structure, gene transcription and translation, DPI job openings/South San Francisco standing of the sponsoring church, The Church of RNA structure and enzymatic activity, protein USA. Compensation determined upon Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. structure, protein degradation, signal trans- experience. duction, cell cycle regulation, bioinformatics

32 ASBMB Today November 2007 University of California, Berkeley provides an University of outstanding research, academic and cultural University at Buffalo Texas at Austin environment. The Bay Area is widely regarded (State University of New York) STRUCTURAL BIOLOGIST as one of the best places to live. The Univer- TENURE TRACKK POSITIONS Tenure Track Faculty The Department of sity of California is an equal opportunity, affir- Tenure track positions at all ranks are avail- Chemistry & Biochemistry at the University mative action employer. Women and minori- able in the Department of Physiology and Bio- of Texas at Austin seeks outstanding struc- ties are encouraged to apply. physics, School of Medicine and Biomedical tural biologist candidates for a tenure-track Interested candidates should e-mail Sciences, in the University at Buffalo, State Assistant Professor position. One of our focus a complete CV and a list of three University of New York. We are seeking can- areas is RNA/protein or small RNAs, to com- references to: didates interested in using molecular, cellular, plement the already strong RNA biology group Karsten Gronert, Ph.D. genetic and/or computational approaches to here at UT Austin. Exceptional candidates Acting Associate Professor study signaling networks, molecular and cel- in other areas of biochemistry and at other Solon M. and Pearl A. Braff Chair in lular basis of human disease, single molecule ranks will also be considered. Clinical Optometric Science interaction, cell differentiation and develop- Candidates should forward a cover University of California, Berkeley ment. The ability to lead productive collabora- letter indicating their area of expertise, School of Optometry tive research will be considered in evaluation a curriculum vitae, a description 594 Minor Hall, MC 2020 of applicants for senior positions. of research plans, and list of three Berkeley, CA 94720-2020 Additional information on the Department individuals who will send letters of Email: [email protected] may be obtained by contacting Dr. reference to: Faculty Search Committee, Harold C. Strauss, Professor and Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, Chair at [email protected], or at The University of Texas at Austin, University of Minnesota www.smbs.buffalo.edu/phb. Applications 1 University Station—A5300, Austin, POSTDOCTORAL in a single PDF file that includes C.V., TX 78712-0165. RESEARCH ASSOCIATE brief statement of research interests, The University of Texas is building a culturally and Postdoctoral Research Associate, Uni- and the names and email addresses of ethnically diverse faculty and strongly encourages versity of Minnesota, Departments of Bio- three references should be submitted at applications from women and underrepresented products & Biosystems Engineering and http://www.ubjobs.buffalo.edu minority candidates. Plant Biology. Position available immedi- (posting #0601624). The University of Texas is an Equal Opportunity and ately in joint project between Profs. Simo Affirmative Action Employer. The application should The University at Buffalo is an Affirmative Action/ be received by October 16, 2007; however, late Sarkanen and J. Stephen Gantt devoted to Equal Opportunity Employer. Women and Minorities applications may be considered. lignin-depolymerase-catalyzed degradation of are encouraged to apply. Electronic applications (cover letter, CV, lignin in the biofuels area. Work involves pro- tein purification & characterization, enzyme description) in PDF form are welcome University of Illinois and should be sent to John Baxendale, activity analyses, de novo mass spectro- [email protected]. Visit scopic peptide sequencing, gene cloning, at www.cm.utexas.edu for more information and protein expression. Candidates must Department of about the Department. have Ph.D. degree in chemistry, biochemistry, Pharmacology molecular biology or appropriately related field INSTRUCTOR POSITION with a solid background in protein chemistry The Department of Pharmacology at UIC is University of and practical molecular biology. Initial one- seeking candidates for an Instructor posi- California—Berkeley year appointment with $35,000–$38,000 tion. The applicant should have a MD or PhD, POSTDOCTORAL POSITION annual salary may be extended on basis of research expertise in molecular biology/bio- Highly motivated candidates are invited to performance and availability of funds. chemistry, and a credible publication record. apply for a postdoctoral position to study the Please send CV and graduate transcripts Position available December 16, 2007. role of lipid autacoids in the ocular inflamma- with names and contact information For fullest consideration send CV by tory and wound healing response. Applicants for three references, as well as two 12/1/07 to: Search Committee (I001), must have a strong biochemical/molecular relevant publications, to: Prof. Simo Department of Pharmacology, University biology background. Experience in the molec- Sarkanen, 203 Kaufert Lab., University of Illinois at Chicago, 835 S. Wolcott, ular biology and biochemistry of eicosanoids of Minnesota, 2004 Folwell Ave., St. Room E403, MC 868, Chicago, IL 60612. and related pathways is highly desired. Expe- Paul, MN, 55108-6128, sarka001@umn. UIC is an AA//EOE. rience in LC/MS/MS and related analytical edu. Review of applications will begin as methods are a plus. The successful candi- received. dates must be able to work independently The University of Minnesota is an equal opportunity and as part of a multidisciplinary and highly educator and employer. interactive team. Excellent verbal and writ- ten communication skills are required with a strong record of relevant publications. The

November 2007 ASBMB Today 33 + +# -# ,'   " #

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EuroTIDES Regulatory RNA in NOVEMBER 2007 DECEMBER 3–6, 2007 Biology and Human Health FEBRUARY 2–6, 2008 HIV/AIDS Research at the "%2,). '%2-!.9 www.iir-events.com/IIR-conf/SearchEvents. -)!-) "%!#( &, National Cancer Institute: aspx http://www.med.miami.edu/mnbws/ A Record of Sustained Excellence Symposium Keystone Symposium— NOVEMBER 1–2, 2007 Biomarker Discovery, "%4(%3$! -$ JANUARY 2008 web.ncifcrf.gov/events/hivaidsresearch2007/ Validation and Applications Keystone Symposium— FEBRUARY 3–8, 2008 Frontiers of Structural Biology 4!(/% #)49 #! The Liver Meeting 2007 www.keystonesymposia.org Annual Meeting of the JANUARY 6–11, 2008 American Association for 34%!-"/!4 302).'3 #/ the Study of Liver Diseases www.keystonesymposia.org Drug Discovery for E-mail: [email protected] Neurodegeneration NOVEMBER 2–6, 2007 FEBRUARY 4–5, 2008 "/34/. -! https://www.aasld.org/eweb/DynamicPage. Keystone Symposium— 7!3().'4/. $# aspx?webcode=07am Structural Genomics and www.alzdiscovery.org/ Its Applications to Chemistry, 44th Japanese Biology & Medicine International Conference Peptide Symposium JANUARY 6–11, 2008 on Neural Signaling: NOVEMBER 7–9, 2007 34%!-"/!4 302).'3 #/ Opportunities for Novel www.keystonesymposia.org Diagnostic Approaches 4/9!-! *!0!. peptide-soc.jp/english/engindex.html E-mail: [email protected] and Therapies E-mail: [email protected] FEBRUARY 16–20, 2008 Keystone Symposium— 0!#)&)# '2/6% #! Eicosanoids and Other medicine.ucsf.edu/conferences/ 20th Annual Tandem Mass asilomar2008/index.html Spectrometry Workshop Mediators of Chronic Inflammation E-mail: [email protected] NOVEMBER 28–DECEMBER 1, 2007 Tel.: 415-476-9892 ,!+% ,/5)3% !,"%24! #!.!$! JANUARY 7–12, 2008 www.csms.inter.ab.ca ")' 3+9 -4 http://www.keystonesymposia. Peptides, Chemistry org/Meetings/ViewMeetings. & Biology Gordon Annual Biomedical cfm?MeetingID=939 Research Conference Research Conference FEBRUARY 17–22, 2008 for Minority Students The Sanibel Conference: 6%.452! "%!#( #! NOVEMBER 7–10, 2007 Ion Mobility and Related www.gre.org AUSTIN, TX www.abrcms.org/index.html Emerging Areas JANUARY 18–21, 2008 Keystone Symposium— $!94/.! "%!#( &, Molecular Control of Annual Meeting of the www.asms.org Adipogenesis and Obesity Society for Glycobiology FEBRUARY 19–24, 2008 NOVEMBER 11–14, 2007 Keystone Symposium— "!.&& #!.!$! Diabetes Mellitus, Insulin http://www.keystonesymposia. "/34/. -! org/Meetings/ViewMeetings. www.glycobiology.org Action and Resistance JANUARY 22–27, 2008 cfm?MeetingID=918 "2%#+%.2)$'% #/ http://www.keystonesymposia. 1st International DECEMBER 2007 org/Meetings/ViewMeetings. Conference on cfm?MeetingID=922 Advanced Technologies The 47th American Society for & Treatments for Diabetes Cell Biology Annual Meeting FEBRUARY 28–MARCH 2, 2008 DECEMBER 1–5, 2007 FEBRUARY 2008 02!'5% #:%#( 2%05",)# 7!3().'4/. $# http://www.kenes.com/attd ascb.org/meetings/ Joint Meeting of the Biophysical Society 2007 Congress of 52nd Annual Meeting the Swiss Proteomics and 16th International Society: Pushing the Limits Biophysics Congress DECEMBER 3–5, 2007 FEBRUARY 2–6, 2008 ,!53!..% 37)4:%2,!.$ ,/.' "%!#( #! sps07.swissproteomicsociety.org http://www.biophysics.org/meetings/2008/

36 ASBMB Today November 2007 International Conference 30th European Peptide MARCH 2008 on Cellular and Molecular Society Symposium Biology: A satellite meeting AUGUST 31–SEPTEMBER 5, 2008 US HUPO 4th Annual of the 4th World Congress (%,3).+) &).,!.$ Conference on Cellular and Molecular www.30eps.fi/ MARCH 16–19, 2008 Biology E-mail: 30eps@congrex.fi BETHESDA, MD APRIL 6–8, 2008 Tel.: 358-(0)9-5607500 www.ushupo.org ).$/2% ).$)! E-mail: [email protected] Please submit your CV and proposal to: Tel.: 505-989-4876 E-mail: [email protected] SEPTEMBER 2008 Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, Workshop: Biology Genomes to Systems 2008 and Vascular Biology Annual of Signaling in the MARCH 17–19, 2008 Conference 2008 Cardiovascular System -!.#(%34%2 5+ APRIL 16–18, 2008 SEPTEMBER 11–14, 2008 www.genomestosystems.org/ !4,!.4! '! (9!..)3 -! www.americanheart.org/presenter. www.navbo.org/BSCS08Workshop.html 42nd Annual Scientific Meeting jhtml?identifier=1201 of the European Society for World Congress on the Clinical Investigation (ESCI) Insulin Resistance Syndrome MARCH 26–29, 2008 MAY 2008 SEPTEMBER 25–27, 2008 '%.%6! 37)4:%2,!.$ ,/3 !.'%,%3 #! www.esci.eu.com/default. Keystone Symposium— www.insulinresistance.us asp?page=meetings&file=future G-Protein Coupled Receptors MAY 18–23, 2008 Keystone Symposium—Nuclear +),,!2.%9 )2%,!.$ Receptors: Orphan Brothers www.keystonesymposia.org/Meetings/ OCTOBER 2008 ViewMeetings.cfm?MeetingID=908 MARCH 30–APRIL 4, 2008 Translating Science 7()34,%2 #!.!$! into Health: Cytokines www.keystonesymposia.org/Meetings/ Gordon Research Conference ViewMeetings.cfm?MeetingID=956 in Cancer and Infectious on Thiol-based Redox Diseases Regulation and Signaling OCTOBER 12–16, 2008 Keystone Symposium—Nuclear MAY 25–30, 2008 -/.42%!, #!.!$! Receptors: Steroid Sisters ), #)/##/ )4!,9 www.cytokines2008.org MARCH 30–APRIL 4, 2008 Chair: Ruma Banerjee. 7()34,%2 #!.!$! Vice Chair: Roberto Sitia www.keystonesymposia.org/Meetings/ www.grc.org Post Translational ViewMeetings.cfm?MeetingID=957 E-mail: [email protected] Modifications: Detection and Physiological Evaluation APRIL 2008 JUNE 2008 OCTOBER 23–26, 2008 GRANLIBAKKEN, LAKE TAHOE 33rd FEBS Congress & Organizers: Katalin F. Medzihradszky ASBMB Annual Meeting 11th IUBMB Conference and Ralph A. Bradshaw, UCSF in conjunction with EB2008 JUNE 28–JULY 3, 2008 www.asbmb.org/meetings APRIL 5–9, 2008 !4(%.3 '2%%#% SAN DIEGO, CA www.febs-iubmb-2008.org Contact: ASBMB 2008, 9650 Rockville Transcriptional Pike, Bethesda, MD 20814-3008 Regulation by Chromatin www.asbmb.org/meetings and RNA Polymerase II E-mail: [email protected] AUGUST 2008 OCTOBER 16–20, 2008 Tel.: 301-634-7145 HUPO 7th Annual GRANLIBAKKEN, LAKE TAHOE Organizer: Ali Shilatifard, Stowers World Congress Institute for Medical Research AUGUST 16–21, 2008 Vascular Biology 2008 in Plenary Lecturer: Robert G. Roeder, conjunction with American !-34%2$!- 4(% .%4(%2,!.$3 The Rockefeller University www.hupo2008.com Society for Investigative www.asbmb.org/meetings Pathology at Experimental E-mail: [email protected] Biology 2008 Tel.: 514-398-5063 APRIL 5–9, 2008 3!. $)%'/ #! www.navbo.org/vb08.htm 6H7B7 ?djgcVah

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