
A Complete Bibliography of Publications in the Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society (2000–2049)

Nelson H. F. Beebe University of Utah Department of Mathematics, 110 LCB 155 S 1400 E RM 233 Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0090 USA Tel: +1 801 581 5254 FAX: +1 801 581 4148 E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] (Internet) WWW URL: http://www.math.utah.edu/~beebe/ 25 August 2019 Version 1.00

Title word cross-reference

11th [Ros06a]. 1782 [Mul08]. 1916-6 [BL16]. 1988 [Rig00]. 1991 [DF04, Kot00, McE02, Pin09]. 1992 [Ben04, FP06, Hin01, Kel01, Pal03, Sud00]. 1993 [Cla00, Ram04, Tel02]. 1994 [Ack04, Bar00, RC00]. 1995 [FD06, McC00, Pea01]. 1996 [KHEP08, McK01]. 1997 [BSW06, Con00a, Dow02b, HP06, JB00, Kat00, KK03, Kor00, Lid01, Ost06, OTC00, Pea06, Sco06, SR00]. 1998 [Ada00, And00, Bor01, Bri00, Cha00, Cho00, Con00b, Coo06, Cot00, Cri00, Eag00b, Hux01, Mas00, McK00, Mis00, Nie00, Pat09, Sil04, Wha03]. 1999 [Ber00, Cha01, CT04, Cra01, Dan10, Dar01, Eng01, Fit02, Hac01, Hel05, Kol01, Kos05, Kro01, Mat01, Mon01, Moy01, Pet01, Pin01, Pro07, Pye01, Ree01, SK10, Zem02].

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2000 [And03, Bla02, Bro02b, Con03, Cro02, DH07, Deg02, Dri02, Føl12, Geo07, Gle02, GG01, Gra02b, Gra02c, GP02, Hen02, Hun07, Jac03, Ken03, Lam02, Lin03, May02, McC02, MS02, Mos05, Par06, Rei02, Roe08, Sok02, Ste05, Tho02, Wal02, Wal07, Wri07, dA03]. 2001 [Abe03, Ada03, AF03, Bar03b, Bar03c, Bed03, Ben02, Bia04, Bis03, Bur03, Cha03, DT03, EC02, For03, Fra04, Gal03, Gar03, HCC06, Hop14, Kih03, Kir03, Kop06, Lan02, Osm03, Pel03, Sha03, Sil09, Sin04, Sta05]. 2002 [BDN04, Bar05, Bis05, Bla10, Bow11, Bri04, BGS+08, Cas04, Coh04, Con10, Dal05, Doo04, Dot05, DDV06, Got08, Hor14, Jam04, Lan05, Ort04, Pei04, PRP+04, Phi05, Pre05, Put05, Pye05, Rid04, Rud05a, Sab04, Sei05, Sli04, Sol04, Tho04, Tri05, Wol04, Wyn04]. 2003 [BIK+08, Bau05, Bob07, Bom10, Bro05, Cai05, Dav12, Des05, Dys06, Ern05, Fis08, Gin05, Goh05, Gut05, HM06, Hei05, Hol04, Joh06, Kar05, Kat05a, Le 06, May09, MN11, Mit07, Mul10, Mys05, Pap05, Red08, Ris05, San06, Shu06, Sup06, Wat05, Wil05a, Woo06a]. 2004 [Arr11, Boe07, Bok06, Bra06, Bra10, Bri06, BL07, DP07, FS08, Gin10, GA06, GR06, Ham07, Har10, Jor06, Lev07, Lip06, Max07, MS07, Mil06, Mor06, Ost07, Pri07, Ros06a, Ruf06, Sal06, Sed07, Sny07, Ste06, Wu07]. 2005 [Atk08, Awo07, BF13, BK07, Beg07, Bev08, Boc07, Boy07, Bri08, Bur08, Dre07, Eag08, Erk09, Fau07, Fon07, Gou08, Gra08, GC14, LL08, Lie07, Mat07a, Mur07, Nat07, Pel06, Phi07, Ram08, Rim08, Rot09, Sei08, Ste08, Tho07, Tsi07]. 2006 [All09, Cro09, Gar08a, Ham08b, Hin08, Hod12, Jay14, Jon08, Kni08, Lak11, Mar08, Mon08, Mum08, Ozy08,¨ Shw10, Tho08, VF08, Zuc08]. 2007 [Alt09, Ber09, Bow09, CR10, Fac09, Fis09, Fox09, Gar13b, Hac09, Hun09, Mat09, Plo09, Pos12, Put09, Rai09, Rho09, RK09, Sim11, SA09, Tre09, Wal09, Wil09, Win09a, Wol11, Wyl11]. 2008 [ALSS10, Ash09, Bai10, Bar10a, Bar16, Bar10b, BG11, Bow10, Bro09, Bro10, CD12, Dys10, Fin10, FEE11, Gou11, Her17, H¨ol10, Mat10, MGM10, Roo15, Sli10, Ter10, Vac09, VV11]. 2009 [Agr11, Asc11, BL16, Cho12, Cul14, Cun16, Gar12, GH13, Gra11, Jam11, Kle11, Lew11, Mid11, Oki12, Par12, Rot11, Sel11, Sme11, SCL+10, Ste11, Sto11, Van11, VW12]. 2010 [BR12, Bri12, DeL12b, DH12, Dun11, Dut16, Eas18, Fis12, FL13, Gol12, ME13, Nel11, Nor12, Pro12, Rid11, RB12, Slo12, Smi12, Spa12, Vog14, Yak12]. 2011 [Alb14, Aya12, Bai13, Buc13, EDJG12, GTCD13, HKT14, KG14, Kle16, MLT11, MT12, Nec12, Sak17, Sch14, Tha17, TS14]. 2012 [Bas13, Ber13, Cas14, Gar13a, HGG13, Hog14, McC14, Mor13, Pea14, PT13, PO13, SBC+14, She14, Sup14, Wal13]. 2013 [Alt15, Ano13j, Bad17, Bed14, Bir15, Bla16, Fau14, Gut15, Har15, Jef16, Ken16, Mad15, Mar15a, Mar15b, Mid15, Mor16, Olo15, PP14, Rei15, Ric15, Rus16, Tip15, Tri14, Ven15]. 2014 [Ano14j, BWW16, Bro17, Cli15, Fle17, Fr`e16, FDBH17, Lan16, May17, Not16, Ozd17,¨ Pin16, Rak16, Rut15, Sim16, Sor15, Tom15, de 17]. 2015 [Ano15j, Cul17, CSG17, GK17, Kno17, Lig17, McC16, SG18]. 2016 [Cro18, Gar17, JH18, Tho18]. 2017 [Ano17b, Bar18b, Bow18, Hei18, Wor18]. 2018 [Ano18b]. 21st [Gra15]. 275-Year [Hor18]. 3

31 [Ano13j, Ano14j, Ano15j, Ano17b, Ano18b].

A. [Ada00, McK00]. Aaron [DH07]. Abeles [Wal07]. Abelson [MS07]. Abortifacients [Sch05]. Abraham [Geo07]. Abram [Des05]. Abrams [CSG17]. Absent [LB13]. Academe [Gra14, Gre10a]. Academic [Atk04]. Accelerating [Kir13]. Accessibility [Ano00a, Ano00b, Ano00c, Ano00d, Ano01a, Ano01b, Ano01c, Ano01d, Ano02a, Ano02b, Ano02c, Ano02d, Ano03a, Ano03b, Ano03c, Ano03d, Ano04a, Ano04b, Ano04c, Ano04d, Ano05a, Ano05b, Ano05c, Ano05d, Ano06a, Ano06b, Ano06c, Ano06d, Ano07a, Ano07b, Ano07c, Ano07d, Ano08a, Ano08b, Ano08c, Ano08d, Ano09a, Ano09b, Ano09c, Ano09d, Ano10a, Ano10b, Ano10c, Ano10d, Ano11a, Ano11b, Ano11c, Ano11d, Ano12a, Ano12b, Ano12c, Ano12d, Ano13a, Ano13b, Ano13c, Ano13d, Ano14a, Ano14b, Ano14c, Ano14d, Ano15a, Ano15b, Ano15c, Ano15d]. Accident [MI05]. Account [Dir10]. Accuracy [Pre00]. Ackley [Pat09]. Acquire [Ron06]. across [Bri07]. Action [Tho13, VF10]. Acute [Lea12]. Ada [Rus16]. Adam [Qua13, Gle02]. Adams [Bar03c]. Adaptive [Jab12]. Administration [Pie03b, GBG15]. Adrian [Pea01]. Adult [Lea12]. Advanced [Sat03]. Advice [Lea15b]. Aeneid [Put01]. Affair [Hag02]. African [Sha05]. after [Gre04a, SVD11]. Aftermath [Lon11, War15a]. Age [Dud01, Fuc01, Hof13, Rud05b, Var09]. Agnotology [Sch05]. Agriculture [Rut05, Wol05]. Ahmed [Tho18]. AIDS [Hil00]. Aigrain [Sei05]. Akio [Pet01]. Alan [Hux01, Bow18]. Albert [Fac09, Gil14, Rud14]. Alex [Smi12]. Alexander [Par06, Cas11, Cho12, Ham08b, Tre09]. Alexandria [Bag02]. Alfred [Cro18, Nas13, Wil09]. Alfv´en [FD06]. Alibi [Gos01]. Alien [Rei07]. Alison [McC00]. Alive [Mar18]. Allan [Lie07]. Alligators [Nic05]. Allograft [SVD11]. Allografts [Dub11]. Almond [Pye05]. Alpers [Alt15]. Alphabetic [Bri07]. Alternating [Boo10]. Alternative [Hum07]. Alvin [Zuc08]. Always [Rot12]. Ambiguity [Put01]. America [Kai07, Mas07, O’S14, Por11, War05, Whi00]. American [Pow15, Ber14, Coh09, Dir10, Hag02, Kev08, Mas16, Mat07b, Mil15, Odo07, Pow14, Pow15, Sel05, SCG+12, Sha05, Spe18, Syl14, Van07, WP15, Wol14b]. Americanist [Dar18]. [Fas15]. Among [Fle15, Win01]. Ancient [Car06, LJ01, Rei18, Win09b]. Anderson [Cul17]. Andr´e [Bor01]. Andrew [Pea14, MGM10, Sto11]. Animation [Nap05]. Anne [CD12]. Annenberg [Jam04, Jam11]. Anniversary [McK04, Pol04b, Rem06]. Ansley [Pre05]. Anthony [Bla16]. Anthrax [Gui02]. Anthropology [Dar18, Gre10a]. Antigone [Ful06]. Antikythera [Jon18]. Anxieties [Pip17]. Aotearoa [Poc01]. Apart [Seg17]. Apiculture [Ber14]. Apoplexy [Fin15]. Appleby [JH18]. Apples [Coh11]. Applied [Coh11, Gui02]. Approach [Tra00]. April [Alt09, And03, Ash09, Awo07, BDN04, Bar00, Beg07, Ben02, Boy07, Bri12, Cai05, Cha00, Cha01, CT04, Cla00, Con00b, Cul14, CSG17, Dal05, Dav12, Deg02, Des05, Dow02b, Dys10, Fac09, FD06, Fau07, Fis09, Fra04, Gal03, 4

Gar13b, Gle02, Got08, Gut05, Har10, Hen02, Her17, Hod12, Hog14, Hun09, JH18, Jor06, Ken16, Kir03, Kno17, Kos05, MLT11, MS07, MT12, Mor16, Nel11, Nor12, Olo15, OTC00, Pea01, Pel03, Plo09, Pro12, Rei15, Rim08, Sab04, Sha03, Sil04, Sim16, Ste05, Tom15, Tsi07, Ven15, Wha03, Wri07, Zuc08]. APS [Bar18a, Dar18, Sei01]. Archaeology [Bas06]. Archibald [Dys10, Bok06]. Archimedes [EN10]. Architectural [Kin01]. Archival [Sel05]. Archives [Lep16, Tho17, Dar18]. [Pye02]. Argument [Kit00]. Armand [Bom10]. Armitage [She14]. Arms [Gar01]. Armstrong [HGG13, McC02]. Army [Gra15]. Arnold [Yak12]. Art [Put01, Rem06, Var03, Mit08]. Arthur [PP14, Ber09, CT04, Coo06, Fle17, Mat09, Reb11]. Arts [All00, Ano00i]. Assaying [Joh16]. Assessment [Wil17]. Asset [Whi00]. Assumption [Von11]. [Mor10]. Astronomical [Pre00]. Astronomy [EK11, Gin11]. Asymmetry [Lep16]. Athelstan [Nie00]. Athenian [Tra00]. Atlantic [Sch05]. Atomic [Gel01, Jon18]. Auburn [Sto06]. Audacity [Sny05]. August [Abe03, All09, And03, Awo07, BIK+08, Bai10, Bar10a, Ber00, Bom10, Bor01, Bow10, Bow11, Bra10, Bri06, Bri08, Bur03, Cho00, Coh04, Coo06, Cro18, Cul17, DeL12b, Doo04, Fau07, FS08, Gin10, Gou08, Gra02b, GR06, Gut05, Ham07, Ham08b, HM06, Hei18, HGG13, Hin01, Jef16, Joh06, Jon08, Kar05, Kat05a, Kle16, Lan02, ME13, MS07, Mid11, Mil06, Mor13, Moy01, Mul10, Mys05, Ost07, Ozd17,¨ Par06, PRP+04, Phi05, Red08, RK09, Rim08, Ris05, Roe08, Rot09, San06, Shw10, Sim16, Sok02, Sor15, Sta05, Sup06, Sup14, Tho18, Tre09, Ven15, Wal13, Wil05a, Wyl11, Wyn04]. Augustinus [Pel03]. Austrian [Plo09]. Authentication [Sil16]. Author [Gin09]. Axelrod [Sny07].

B [Bar03c, Ben02, Ern05, Lip06, Sim16, Wal02, Wyl11]. Babcock [San06]. Babies [Sel05]. Bach [Wol01a]. Back [Ano00e, Ano00f, Ano00g, Ano00h, Ano01e, Ano01f, Ano01g, Ano01h, Ano02e, Ano02f, Ano02g, Ano02h, Ano03e, Ano03f, Ano03g, Ano03h, Ano04e, Ano04f, Ano04g, Ano04h, Ano05e, Ano05f, Ano05g, Ano05h, Ano06e, Ano06f, Ano06g, Ano06h, Ano07e, Ano07f, Ano07g, Ano07h, Ano08e, Ano08f, Ano08g, Ano08h, Ano09e, Ano09f, Ano09g, Ano09h, Ano10e, Ano10f, Ano10g, Ano10h, Ano11e, Ano11f, Ano11g, Ano11h, Ano12e, Ano12f, Ano12g, Ano12h, Ano13e, Ano13f, Ano13g, Ano13h, Ano14e, Ano14f, Ano14g, Ano14h, Ano15e, Ano15f, Ano15g, Ano15h]. Backward [Ker16]. Bacterial [Ber06]. Bad [Blo12]. Bahcall [Gou08]. Bailey [Ram08, Tha17]. Baker [Kop06, Sei08]. Baldinger [Rai09]. Baldwin [McC16]. Barbados [CHH13]. Bard [Fit02]. Bardeen [Pin09]. Bariatric [Sug11]. Barnes [Gil14, Rud14]. Barnson [Bri08]. Baron [Kor00, Pea01, Sed07]. Barr [Kni08]. Barton [Cot00]. Bartram [Nic05]. Baruch [MLT11]. Based [Can01, Sca09]. Basel [HO14]. Bases [Fla05]. Bate [Eng01]. Battlefield [Mar03]. BC [Bas06]. be [Boi16]. Beagle [Key03]. Beams [Gel01]. Bearden [Fin05]. Bearn [Cho12]. Because [Gre04a]. Beck [SK10]. Bedini [Pos12]. Bee [Ber14]. Bee-Setting [Ber14]. Bees [Ber14]. before [Rot12]. Behavior 5

[Ber06]. Behind [Seg17, Von11]. Behold [Hof13]. Being [Sat03]. Bela [Pap05]. Bellah [Tip15]. Bellow [Beg07]. Belts [Bru18]. Ben [Rem06]. Benedetto [Cla00]. Benedict [Cul17]. Benefits [Vag01]. Benjamin [Ano00i, All00, Ati06, FH08, Fin15, Hor18, Mul08, Sta06, Tal06, Von11, WP15]. Benoˆıt [War15j]. Bentley [Erk09]. Benzer [Wol11]. Bergere [VF08]. Bergson [Des05]. Bergstrom [Ham07]. Berlin [BSW06]. Bernard [Gin05, Mor13, Eas18]. Bernhard [Spa12]. Bessborough [Rei15]. Best [Ker09]. Besting [Eve05]. Bethe [Dre07]. Betrayed [Kel00]. Better [Sel05]. between [Dun07, Woo06b]. Beverly [Bow09]. Beyond [Gro05, WH14]. Bicknell [Joh06]. Biddle [Mur07]. Bifida [Adz13]. Bing [Vog14]. Biologists [Bal12]. Biology [Kea12, Wei06]. Biomedical [Sat03, Vag01]. Bird [Gra09]. Birth [Gin11]. Black [Gly16]. Blackfoot [Miy11]. Blackmun [Gre04b]. Blackwell [Bri12]. Blast [Mil16]. Blitzer [Moy01]. Bloch [Jon08, Ken03]. Block [Hor18]. Blumberg [MLT11]. Board [Les04, McK04, Pol04b, WH14]. Boas [Bak10, Dar18, Dir10, Gre10a]. Boasian [Jac10]. Boasians [Boo10]. Bob [Osm03]. Bober [Rid04]. Bodde [Le 06]. Bodian [FP06]. Bogorad [HM06]. Bomb [Jon18]. Bond [Sie14]. Books [Nul14]. Boorstin [Mor06]. Booth [Bev08, PT13]. Border [Mas16]. Borders [Rot12]. Borel [Bom10]. Born [Tri17]. Boundaries [De 13, Res16, Rot12]. Boundary [Reb11]. Bounded [Lo13]. Bouwsma [Bra06]. Boyd [Mar03]. Braidwood [Wat05]. [Chu11]. Bram [Geo07]. Br´ee [Bis03]. Brentano [Bis05]. Brian [Kel01]. Bridenbaugh [Hin01]. Brief [Bor17, Ste04a]. British [O’S14]. Britton [Dut16]. Broad [Jac17]. Broadcasting [Tho09]. Broken [Bru18]. Brooke [Bed03]. Brooks [Bra10]. Brothers [Pie03a]. Brown [Pei04, Les04, McK04, Pol04b, WH14]. Bruce [Pal03, Wal09]. Brugt [Lam02]. Bruner [Gar17]. Bruno [Cla00]. Bryan [Bro17]. Bryce [KG14]. Bryozoans [Key03]. Building [Ern00, HM08]. Bullet [Ros07]. Bullock [LL08]. Burkert [SG18]. Burkhardt [Win09a]. Burning [Nic05]. Burns [Sor15]. Buy [WP15]. Byrd [McC14, Ker00].

C [Agr11, Bar10a, Bev08, DDV06, Fin10, MT12, Ric12, Ste11, Tho07]. C. [Fau14, Hac01]. Cabaret [Gor08]. Cadet [HD08]. Calvin [OTC00]. cambel [Ozd17].¨ Cambridge [Pea01, Fle15, Mal17]. Cameron [Bow18]. Campaign [Ger15]. Campbell [Bro17]. Can [Boi16, Mal09, Ron06, Vil04]. Candidacy [Tri17]. Cap [Hua06]. Capital [Meg03, Pie03b, Tab03]. Carew [Sco06]. Caricature [Bro01]. Carl [Bar00, Fis12, Hin01, JB00, Rak16]. Carleton [Roo15]. Carlo [Roe08]. Carlos [dA03]. Carrier [BGS+08]. Carrington [Gie15]. Carter [DDV06, Pei04]. Caryl [Abe03]. Case [Ker00, Mil16, Reb11, Rei07]. Casimir [Lam02]. Caspersson [KK03]. Cassandra [War15c, Wei04]. Catalyst [Sei04]. Cavendish [Sei04]. Celebration [Bar18a]. Cell [Bas10, Jac17, Qua13, Sca09]. Cell-Based [Sca09]. Cells [Wei06]. Centennial [Wil17]. Centuries [Syl14, Bas06]. Century [KRV12, Nor02, Ste03, Fin15, Gra15, Ham08a, Kev08, RC07, Rid05, 6

Sch05, War05, Was06]. Chadwick [Bro10]. Chagas [dA03]. Chains [Bru18]. Chairs [GBG15]. Challenge [Eva10, Ros00]. Chance [Dut16]. Chandler [Wil09]. Change [Anc17, Coh10, Eva10, KRV12, Kit00, Par17, Tho10, Was17]. Changed [War12]. Changing [De 03, Wol00]. Chapman [Kat05a]. Chargaff [Coh04]. Charity [Rim01]. Charles [PT13, Ash09, Bir15, Con00b, Fis08, Key03, Kot00, Mar12, Moy01, Nic05, RB12]. Chemical [Sei04]. Chemistry [ISO+07, MB07]. Chern [Wu07]. Chief [Mar09]. Chien [Lid01]. Chien-Shiung [Lid01]. Children [Fas15]. Childs [Cha01]. China [Ham08a, LB13, Mit08, Sei02]. Chinese [Hua06, Mal09, Pom08, Yu07]. Chips [Hor18]. Choices [Wol00]. Christendom [Meg03]. Christoffel [Bla02]. Christopher [PT13]. Chronology [Gar18]. Cipolla [Roe08]. Circe [Wei04]. Citizen [Joh16, Tri17]. Citizens [Ger15]. Civilian [Reb11]. Civilization [Car06]. Clagett [Gra08]. Clara [Nor05]. Clark [Eag00b, Sim11, Pre00]. Clarke [Bro17]. Classic [Hea04]. Claude [Gal03]. Clause [Tri17]. Claw [Tho11]. Clerk [Sei01]. Clifford [Shw10]. Climate [Anc17, Bro02a, Coh10, Eag00a, Eva10, KRV12, Ken15b, Par17, Tho10, Was06, Was17]. Clinics [Bar09]. Clinton [O’S14]. Clothes [Kat05b]. Co [GBG15]. Co-Chairs [GBG15]. Coale [Pre05]. Cochran [Cha01]. Code [Les07]. Coeducation [Mal17]. Cognition [Tat16]. Cohen [Gin05]. Colin [KHEP08]. Collaboration [Ful06]. Collapse [Ber14, Sta03]. Collections [Pow15]. Colleges [Del12a]. Collision [Ern00]. Colony [Ber14]. Commission [GBG15]. Common [Coh11, Mar01b]. communi [Vir02]. Communication [Bas10]. Communities [Eva10]. comodo [Vir02]. Company [Hor18, Vag01]. Complexity [And02, Ken15b]. Component [Yod02]. Compounds [Cla07]. Computer [Was06]. Concepts [Blu11]. Concerns [Wal06]. Condition [Ste09]. Conduct [O’S14]. Cone [BL07, ISO+07]. Confessional [HM08]. Conflict [Arr14, Wol14a]. Connection [Hua06]. Connections [Boo10]. Consistency [Gib14]. Conspiracy [Bak10]. Constitution [Mil15]. Constitutions [Mil15]. Constraints [Rut05]. Construction [Mil16]. Contagion [Fle15]. Contemporary [Jac10, MB07]. Contents [Ano13i, Ano14i, Ano15i, Ano17a, Ano18a]. Context [Tat16]. Contexts [Ada05, All07]. Continent [WP15]. Continental [Ern00]. Continuities [Bri07]. Contrast [Dun07]. Contribution [Fin01]. Contributions [Car06, Par17]. Control [Gar01]. Controversy [Gui02]. Conundrum [Sei02]. Conversation [GBG15]. Cooper [Coh03]. Copernican [Swe04]. Coping [KRV12]. Copley [Bur01]. Copyright [Gin09]. Corinth [Rom06]. Coronal [Gie15]. Corporate [Gom14]. Corporation [Sto14, Syl14]. Corporations [Wol14b]. Correction [Ano00i]. Corrections [Sta06]. Correspondence [Coh03]. Cortex [SVD11]. Cosmic [Lun09]. Costs [Bog14]. Cotton [Fac09]. Council [O’M12]. Count [Jor11]. Countess [Rei15]. Counting [Gar08b]. Countries [Eva10]. Course [Pow15]. Court [SGTG10]. Courthouses [RC07]. Courts [Wal06]. Covenant [AQ03]. Cox 7

[Bok06]. Craig [Ste08, Cro09]. Crawford [KG14, Bas13]. Creation [Hof13]. Creek [HD08]. Crick [Ste06]. Crime [Ste03]. Criminal [Wal06]. Crisis [Ber14, Mas07, SCG+12]. Critical [Kit13]. Critique [Kit00]. Cronbach [Sha03]. Cronkite [Cun16]. Cross [Gol12]. Crozier [Mar15a]. Cruz [Tri17]. Cult [Bak10]. Cultural [Gre10a, Pye02, Sch05]. Culture [Gra13, Mit08, Yu07]. Curculionites [Pre13]. Cure [Ric12]. Curious [Meg03]. Curtin [Van11]. Custody [Bru18]. Cutter [Sha05].

D [Buc13, Gra02b, McK01, Sta05, Van11, Wil09]. D. [Roo15]. d’ˆetre [Lea12]. Dahl [May17]. Dahrendorf [Sme11]. Dainton [Kor00]. Damned [Mal17]. Daniel [Bau05, CR10, Dan10, Mor06, Pin01]. Dark [Ger15, Gor08]. D’Arms [Con10]. Darwin [ME13, Bro01, Bur01, Key03, Nic05, Win01]. Darwinism [May01]. Dating [Tra00]. David [Doo04, FDBH17, HD08, Hel05, Sin04, Atk08, Bri12, Bur08, Eag08, FP06, Hog14, Hor14, Joh06, Kno17, Ram08]. Davidson [Sup06]. Davis [Con00b]. Davison [Olo15]. Davy [Tho13]. Day [War15u]. Deal [Gar16]. Dear [Ano00i, All00]. Death [Pie03a]. Deaths [Ano13j, Ano14j, Ano15j, Ano17b, Ano18b]. deb [Gar13a]. Debates [Jac10]. Debreu [Arr11]. Decade [Rot12]. December [Ada00, Alb14, Ano13j, Ano14j, Ano15j, Ano17b, Ano18b, Arr11, Atk08, BIK+08, Bir15, Boe07, Bri00, Con00a, Cro09, Cul17, Dar01, Føl12, Fra04, FL13, GTCD13, Gou08, Gra11, Gut15, Hac01, Har15, HM06, Hen02, H¨ol10, Hun07, Hux01, Jac03, JH18, KK03, Kle11, Kor00, Kro01, Lak11, Lan16, LL08, Mar08, Max07, May17, McK01, Mit07, Oki12, Olo15, Pap05, Phi05, Pri07, Pye05, RC00, Rak16, Ram08, Ree01, Rid04, Roo15, Rot09, SBC+14, Sed07, Sin04, SCL+10, Sny07, SR00, Sud00, Tel02, Ter10, Tri14, VW12, Wu07]. Decide [Pol04a]. Decision [Arr14]. Decline [Mar01a]. Deeds [Hea04]. Defense [Bre05, Can01, Fin01]. Deferential [Cor17]. Defining [Mar01b, Wol01a]. Degler [Rak16]. Degree [Gor08]. Demise [Jam15]. Democratic [AP06]. Demographic [Dun07, Von11]. Demography [Coh09]. Dennis [Boy07, Ree01]. Depends [Sab07]. Derek [Cot00, Jon18]. Derk [Le 06]. Destroy [Bak10]. Detection [Rag13]. Developed [WP15]. Developing [Her05, NM05]. Development [Pom08, Qua13, Wol00]. Developments [Kit13, Pow15]. Devonshire [Ros06a]. D’Harnoncourt [CD12]. Diabo [Rei07]. Diamonds [Ern00, Ker09]. Dicke [HP06]. Dickinson [Lan02]. Did [Pol04a, Wil17]. Diet [FH08]. Dietz [FS08]. Digby [Pri07]. Digital [Dud01, Fuc01, Mar01b, Tho09]. Dil [SR00]. Dilettante [Eas00]. Dillon [Cha03]. Dimitri [Fra04]. Disabilities [Gly16]. Disappear [Fur15]. Discontent [Hag02]. Discourse [Jam15]. Discoverer [Tho13]. Discoveries [EK11]. Discovery [Car06, Cla07, Lon11, Mar17, MB07, Sch11]. Discussion [Bor17, SCG+12, SGTG10]. Disease [Kil04]. Dispossessing [Bru18]. Disremembered [Hol16]. Dissemination [Bro01]. Divided [Fis13]. Dmitri [Mat01]. DNA [Cof04, Rei18]. Do [Gre10b]. doctorum [Vir02]. Does [Kat05b]. Dogs [Hor15]. Domenico [Asc11]. Domicile [War15s]. Donald [Bed14, PP14, Ris05, Sup06, Wyn04]. Doty [Alb14]. 8

Doubling [Von11]. Downward [Fis13]. Dream [Dub11, Hag09]. Dreams [Bag02]. Drickamer [Sli04]. Drugs [Kea12]. Due [Tab03]. Duke [Ros06a]. Dumas [Coh03]. Duncan [Sup14]. Dunlop [Shu06]. During [Ken15a, Hag02]. Dusen [Max07]. Dust [Bro02a]. Dworkin [Tri14].

Each [All00, Ano00i]. Eakins [Bar09]. Early [Wol01a, Sha05]. Earnings [Sie14]. Earth [Mor10, Sch02]. Earths [Mar10a]. East [Win09b]. Eastburn [Eag08]. Ebert [Sin04]. Eccles [Red08, Sco06]. Economic [AP06, Mal09, Nas13, Qua13]. Economists [Win01]. Economy [Ros00]. Edelman [Rut15]. Edinburgh [Ati06]. Edmund [Mid15]. Edsall [Dot05]. Education [AP06, Gut14, Les04, McK04, Pol04b, WH14]. Educational [Gra02a]. Edward [BL07, DDV06, Gra02c, Ken16, Lea15b, Lip06, Mon08, Pec18, Woo06a]. Edwin [Bur08, Buc13, McE02, Ter10]. Edzard [FS08]. Effect [PW01]. Effective [Kat05b]. Effects [LHM05]. Egregiously [Tab03]. Egypt [Ham08a]. Eight [Tal06]. Eighteenth [Fin15, Sch05, War05]. Eighteenth-Century [Sch05, War05]. Einstein [Wil17]. Eisenstadt [BR12]. Ejection [Gie15]. Eldridge [Mat10]. Elected [Ano13p, Ano14p, Ano15p, Ano17d, Ano18d]. Election [GBG15]. Elfriede [Rid11]. Elinor [Wal13]. Elizabeth [Bar03b]. Eloquence [Mul08]. Elwood [Gal03]. Emancipation [Hol16]. Emanuel [GG01]. Emblematic [Mar13]. Emeneau [Bri08]. Emergence [Tat16]. Emil [GH13]. Emily [Lan02, Mas00]. Empire [Mat07b, HM08]. Enabled [Bal12]. End [Rot12]. Endless [Ste04a]. Enduring [Var07]. Engagement [Fla05]. Engine [Kit13]. Engineered [Rot12]. Engineering [Kea12, Vac07]. England [Kit00]. Enlightenment [Rud05b, Ati06]. Enterprise [Wil05b]. Entrepreneur [LB13, Nas13]. Entrepreneurship [CHH13, Sch13]. Environments [Des10]. Envy [Fis13]. Ephraim [Sel11]. Epidemic [Gui02]. Epigenetics [Gra16]. Epistemologic [Sta03]. Eradication [Ric12]. Erasable [Sta06]. Erica [Rot09]. Ernest [Kih03]. Ernst [Boc07, Hop14, Mit07]. Erwin [Coh04]. Esmond [Mul10]. Essay [Swe04]. Essays [Dun08]. Essential [Lea12]. Establishing [Tat16]. Ethical [Sat03]. Ethics [Wei06]. Ethnography [Jac10]. Eugen [Hun09]. Eugene [Sil04, Sud00, Bai10]. Eugenics [Sel05]. Eugenio [Boe07]. Europe [Jos18]. European [Gar18, Kai07, Rei18, Van07, Yu07]. Europeanization [Jos18]. Eve [Cul14]. Evelyn [McC14]. Everett [Fau14]. Everyday [Lea15a]. Evidence [Des10]. Evident [Col04]. Evolution [Bro01, Cof04, Fin12, Gin12, ISO+07, Jab12, Kil04, Mor10]. Evolved [Syl14]. Evolving [Arm10, Rim01]. Evon [Bri06]. Example [Jab12]. Examples [Mid06]. Executions [Ste03]. Existence [Nap05]. Exoplanet [Bor17]. Exotic [Sch05]. Expanding [Fin05]. Expectancy [Fin12]. Expert [Sto15]. Exploration [Ron06]. Exploring [Des10, Pet09]. Extant [Pre13]. Extending [Bre00]. Externalities [Smi01]. Extravagant [Von11]. 9

F [Bai10, De 03, Got08, Hin08, Lev07, Mat07a, PO13, Wol00, Wor18]. Fabrication [Sil16]. Face [All07, Dub11, Lan11, SB11]. Facing [Lan11]. Fact [Jam15]. Factionalism [Nor05]. Factors [FH08]. Fagles [Bro09]. Fairmount [Mar10b, Mar13]. Fake [Boi16]. Fallen [Win01]. Families [Sel05]. Family [Lea03, Mar12]. Fandango [Lin08]. Faraday [Tho06]. Farnsworth [Lie07]. Fascination [Seg17]. Feasible [Rot12]. February [Ada00, Alt09, ALSS10, Atk08, AF03, Ber00, Bev08, Bla10, Bob07, Boc07, BG11, Bri08, Bro05, Bro17, Buc13, Cro02, DH07, Dys06, Fac09, Fau14, Fis12, Fon07, Gal03, Gol12, Gou11, Gra11, Hei05, Hel05, HKT14, Hol04, Hux01, Jam11, Jef16, Kop06, Kos05, Lan02, Lid01, Mat07a, Mat09, May17, McC16, McC00, MN11, Mon08, Mor06, Moy01, Mum08, Not16, Ort04, Ozy08,¨ Pap05, Pat09, Pin16, PP14, Pro07, Put05, Rak16, SK10, She14, SG18, Tho04, TS14, Tho18, Tip15, Tri14, Vac09, VF08, Wal09, Wha03, dA03]. Federal [Kel00]. Feed [NM05]. Feet [Tal06]. Fetal [Adz13]. Field [Bal12]. Fielding [Pea14]. Fifteenth [Ham08a]. Fifth [Bas06]. Fiftieth [McK04, Pol04b]. Figaro [Lin08]. Filho [dA03]. Film [Gor08]. Final [Gre04a]. Finance [Ger15]. Finding [Jon18, Lea15b]. Findings [Key03]. Fire [War15d]. Firm [Nas13]. First [RC07, Ste03, Swe04, Was06, Mar09, Rid05]. Firth [Ort04]. Fish [ISO+07]. Fish-Hunting [ISO+07]. Fishing [Dow02a]. Fit [Tal06]. Fitch [Aya12]. Fitness [Ste09]. Fitter [Sel05]. Five [Miy11, Von11]. Fixe [War15s]. Floyd [Cha00, Zem02]. Flux [Ful06]. Foam [Wea01]. Folding [Wol01b]. Folkman [Vac09]. Foo d [Dys01, Her05]. Forced [Sat03]. Ford [BIK+08]. Foreign [Van07]. Forgery [Jon16, Rag13]. Forging [Wil16]. Forty [Cer14, LHM05]. Forty-One [LHM05]. Forty-Year [Cer14]. Fossils [Cof04]. Foster [Kle16]. Found [Woo06b]. Foundation [Rud14]. Foundations [May01]. Fourth [Ros00]. Fowler [SPF03]. Fragonard [Ros06b]. Framing [Dar15]. Francis [Bow10, BGS+08, Gut15, Sim11, Sta05, Ste06, Ste05]. Francois [Mor16]. Fr¨angsmyr [Hei18]. Frank [Fac09, Fis09, Goh05]. Franklin [Ano00i, Lew11, All00, Ati06, BIK+08, FH08, Fin15, Hei06, Hor18, Mul08, Nas06, Rem06, Ros06b, Sta06, Tal06, Tho06, Von11, WP15, Zew06]. Frantz [McC00]. Franz [Bak10, Dar18, Dir10, Gre10a, Gut05, HO14]. Fraser [Rud05a]. Fred [Bur03, Gin10]. Frederic [Hei05]. Frederick [Bed14, Bar03c, Fon07, Kat05a, Kor00, Mar10b, Sli10, Win09a]. Fredrickson [Wyn04]. Free [Ste04b]. Freedman [Gar08a]. Freedom [Atk04, Gly16]. Freedoms [Hum07]. French [Ful06]. Friedman [GP02]. Frieman [Ken16]. Friend [Ker09]. Friendship [Hag09]. Front [Ano00j, Ano00k, Ano00l, Ano00m, Ano01i, Ano01j, Ano01k, Ano01l, Ano02i, Ano02j, Ano02k, Ano02l, Ano03i, Ano03j, Ano03k, Ano03l, Ano04i, Ano04j, Ano04k, Ano04l, Ano05i, Ano05j, Ano05k, Ano05l, Ano06i, Ano06j, Ano06k, Ano06l, Ano07i, Ano07j, Ano07k, Ano07l, Ano08i, Ano08j, Ano08k, Ano08l, Ano09i, Ano09j, Ano09k, Ano09l, Ano10i, Ano10j, Ano10k, Ano10l, Ano11i, Ano11j, Ano11k, Ano11l, Ano12i, Ano12j, Ano12k, Ano12l, Ano13k, Ano13l, Ano13m, Ano13n, Ano14k, Ano14l, Ano14m, Ano14n, Ano15k, Ano15l, Ano15m, Ano15n]. Frontier 10

[Arm10, Pet09]. Frustrating [Hil00]. Fruton [SA09]. Frye [Pel06]. Fuels [Kea12]. Fundamental [Gut14]. Funnels [Wol01b]. Further [Sim09]. Future [Anc17, Dar18, Dud01, Fin12, Gin09, Gre09, Her14, Kov09, Lan11, Pil18, Rut05, Sie14, SS18, Tho09, Tho17, Wil05b]. Futures [Gre10a].

G [Cro18, Kop06, Sli04]. G. [May02]. Gabriel [Pye05]. GAFOH [Dun08]. Gain [O’S14]. Gajdusek [Roo15]. Galbraith [Hod12]. Galileo [Gin11]. Game [Por11]. Gardner [ALSS10, Pat09]. Garin [Boe07]. Garrett [Cai05]. Geertz [Shw10]. General [O’S14]. Generation [Bal12]. Generational [Boo10, Fas15]. Genes [Bea04, Dow02a, FH08]. Genetically [Rot12]. Genius [NM05, Wol01a]. Genome [Bal12, NM05]. Genome-Enabled [Bal12]. Genuine [Boi16]. Geodynamics [And02]. Geology [Yod02]. Geomorphic [LHM05]. Georg [SK10]. George [Ham08b, Sed07, All09, BGS+08, Cra01, Dow02b, Eag00b, Hag02, Mat07a, McK01, Mum08, She14, Tho07]. Georges [Bro05, de 17]. Gerald [Cas04, Rut15]. Gerard [DP07, Arr11]. Gerhard [Lam02, Kro01]. Germaine [Bis03]. German [Mar01a]. Gerry [BWW16]. Get [Wil17]. Gilbert [BF13, Hin08]. Girl [Ker09]. Gita [Hij00]. Giuseppe [Gos12, Tel02]. Glacier [Tho17]. Glaser [Ber13, PP14]. Glass [Erk09]. Glasses [Wol01b]. Glaucoma [War15e]. Gleason [MGM10]. Glenn [Cha00, Kos05, Sei04]. Global [And02, Fas15, Ken15b, Qua13, Sch13, Tho10]. Globalized [Hen04]. Go [Bea04, Ker16]. Goals [Gom14]. Gobind [Sak17]. God [Coo03, B¨ow03]. Goetzmann [Slo12]. Goheen [Bow10]. Gold [Sal06]. Gol’danskii [DT03]. Golden [Rho09, Fut12]. Goldstine [GA06]. Gombrich [Hop14]. Good [Blo12, Mar01b]. Goodenough [Mar15b]. Gordimer [Cli15]. Gordon [Cho12, Deg02, Rud05a, Sab04, Ste08]. Got [Ham08a]. Gout [FH08]. Governance [Nor05]. Grabar [Nec12]. Graff [Mar10b]. Graffiti [War15f]. Graham [Mon08]. Grammatology [Ham08a]. Grand [Nas13]. Great [Isa06, Tho11]. Great-Claw [Tho11]. Greatest [Sch02]. Greek [Bas06, LJ01, Rid05]. Green [Eve05]. Greenberg [Sil09]. Greenewalt [Bas13]. Greenhouse [PW01]. Greenough [Bow09]. Greenstein [Tri05]. Gregory [DF04]. Griffin [Ris05]. Group [Smi01]. Groves [Gra14]. Growth [Nas13]. Gunther [Cas04, Bar10b]. Gustav [Alt09, JB00, Rei02]. G¨uterbock [Rei02]. Gutowsky [Dri02]. Guyford [Pro12].

H [Bas13, Bri12, Con10, Cot00, Fis09, HKT14, Jam04, Mar15b, Max07, SBC+14, Sil09, Slo12, TS14, Tho18, Win09a]. H. [Erk09, Kop06, Pro12, Ste11]. Haas [MT12]. Habakkuk [Lan05]. Habitable [Des10]. Hackerman [Fox09]. Hackney [Gut15]. Halet [Ozd17].¨ Half [KRV12]. Half-Century [KRV12]. Hallam [Kor00]. Hamilton [Gra02b, HCC06, Ost07, Tre09]. Hand [Dub11, SVD11]. Handlin [Bai13]. Hannes [FD06]. Hans [Hop14, Dre07, Rei02, SK10]. Hans-Georg [SK10]. Happening [Del12a]. Happiness [Wol14a]. Har [Sak17]. Hardin [Cai05]. Harold [Kir03]. Harrison [McC14]. Harry [Sli04, Wil05a]. Hartshorne 11

[Mas00]. Harvey [McK00, Bra10]. Haskell [Ste05]. Haskins [Abe03]. Hastings [Mar03]. Hatten [Mys05]. Hauge [MS07]. Health [All07]. Heaney [Ven15]. Hearts [O’S14, Pie02]. Heckscher [Ada03]. Heeschen [Hog14]. Hegemony [Odo07]. Heiko [Pel03]. Heine [GA06]. Heinz [Wal07]. Helen [PO13, Rot11]. Hempel [JB00]. Hendrik [Bla02, Lam02]. Hennessy [RC00]. Henry [HP06, O’S14, Pin01, Bro10, Dav12, DeL12b, GC14, Sei04]. Hepatitis [Ric12]. Her [Lea03]. Herbert [McE02, Ste05, AF03, Dri02, GP02, Hen02, Hun07, Jon08, Tha17]. Herman [GA06, Wal02]. Hermann [Gar13b]. Hero [Kit13]. Heroic [Mil16]. Herring [GR06]. Herzberg [Kro01]. Hewlett [Gar03]. Hiatus [Ken15b]. Hieroglyphic [Bri07]. Hieroglyphs [Ham08a]. HigginBotham [Ada00]. Higher [AP06, Gut14]. Highest [Tho10, Tho17]. Hilgard [Kih03]. Hilleman [Fau07]. Hindle [Bed03]. Hiroshi [Tho02]. Hirsch [Gra02c]. Historical [MI05]. History [AQ03, Bog14, Bra08, Gil14, Gos01, Meg03, Pye02, Sel05, Smi04]. Hitchcock [Pip17]. Hoaxes [Mul08]. Hodgkin [Hux01]. Hoenigswald [Dav12]. Hoffmann [GK17]. Holmes [Hei05, LL08, Pin01]. Holy [HM08]. Homer [McC02]. Homeric [Wes11]. Honest [Coo03]. Honey [Ber14]. Honor [Bar03a]. Hope [Lew11]. Horace [San06]. Hornig [Bed14]. Horticulture [Kev08]. Hot [Mil16]. House [Lea15b]. Howard [CSG17, VW12]. Howell [Sim11]. Hoyle [Bur03]. Hugh [Cro09, Par12]. Hughes [Pin16]. Hulst [Bla02]. Human [AQ03, Fin12, Gre10a, Jab12, SVD11, Ste09, Ste04b, Tat16, Vil04, Wol02]. Humanities [Blo12]. Humanizing [Bil01]. Humboldt [Cas11]. Hume [Pea01]. Humor [Mid06]. Humphry [Tho13]. Hundred [Gre04a, Plo18, Rem06]. Hunting [ISO+07]. Hurst [Kat00]. Hutchison [Pal03]. Huxley [Pea14]. Huxtable [Rus16]. Hyde [Red08].

I. [Gin05]. Iconography [RC07]. Idea [HM08]. Ideas [War12]. Identity [Ful06, Sha05]. If [War15b]. Ignorance [Sch05]. Igorevich [Yak12]. Ihor [Gra11]. II [DDV06]. Illegal [Rei07]. Illuminated [Tri17]. Image [Wol01a]. Images [Win09b]. Imagination [Mas16, Yu07]. Imaging [Bra08]. Imbrie [Gou11]. Immediate [Eva10]. Immigrants [Por11]. Immigration [Mas07, Rei07]. Impact [Gin11, Jac17, Wol02]. Impacts [Eva10, Lea15a, Mor10]. Implementation [Tab03]. Implications [Jam15, Sch13]. Importance [De 13]. Inaugural [HO14]. Inconstant [VF06]. Index [Ano13o, Ano14o, Ano15o, Ano17c, Ano18c]. Indian [HD08, Kel00, Mil15, WP15]. Indigenous [Pow14]. Indignation [Coo03]. Individual [Smi01]. Indo [Gar18, Jos18, Rei18]. Indo-European [Gar18, Rei18]. Indo-Europeanization [Jos18]. Industrialization [LB13]. Infinite [EN10]. Inflammatory [Fin12]. Inflation [Sie14]. Influence [Mil15]. Influenza [Tau06]. Information [Ano00n, Ano01n, Ano02m, Ano03m, Ano04m, Ano05m, Ano06m, Ano07m, Ano08m, Bil01, Gre09]. Infraspecific [SPF03]. Ingalls [Pin01]. Inkeles [Smi12]. Innovative [LB13]. 12

Inose [Tho02]. Inscriptions [Tra00]. Insect [Cos02]. Insects [Lea12]. Intellectual [Her05, Jac10, Kev08]. Intelligence [Lo13]. International [Pet09, Wal06]. Internet [Var09]. Intrigue [Ken15a]. Introduction [Arm10, Bar03a, Bar18a, Dar15, Dun08, EK11, Gre09, Gre10a, Jos18, Kil04, Mat07b, MB07, Sil16, Ste04a, VF10, War15g, Was17, Wol05]. Introductory [McK04, Pie03b, Tat10]. Invention [Kit13, LB13, MB07, Mil16]. Inventor [Tho13]. Investment [Bog14]. Invisible [Gly16]. Ion [Gel01]. Iran [Gar16]. Iraqi [Ada05]. Iron [Mil16]. Ironworker [Rei07]. Iroquois [Sta08]. Irving [For03]. Irwin [Mil06]. Isaac [Rig00, Bia04]. Isaiah [BSW06]. Isidor [Rig00]. Islam [Sim09]. Issues [Jos18, Sat03, Wol05]. Italian [Gos12]. Ivanovich [Gra11]. Ivy [Mal17].

J [Bra06, Hij00, Mor06, Nat07, Sha03, SCL+10, Tho08]. J. [Kar05, Pei04, SR00, Wol01a]. Jack [Phi07]. Jackson [Eng01]. Jacob [Mor16, War15j]. Jacqueline [FL13]. Jamaica [CHH13, Dun07]. James [Cri00, Rud05a, BF13, Bar10a, Cro02, Fla05, Gar08a, Kat00, Kni08, Mid11, Mur07, Sei01, Sin04, Sol04, Sor15]. Jameson [Ost07]. Jan [Mar08]. Janet [Olo15]. January [Bar03c, Bar05, BK07, Bed14, Boy07, Bur08, Con00a, Con10, Cra01, Cri00, Deg02, Dri02, DT03, DDV06, Eag00b, Eag08, Erk09, EDJG12, Fis09, Gar03, Gar13a, Gra08, Ham07, Har10, Hel05, Hin01, JB00, Kar05, Kel01, Ken03, Ken16, Lew11, Lie07, May02, MS02, Mid11, Mid15, Mis00, Mit07, Nec12, Nel11, Nor12, Oki12, OTC00, Ozd17,¨ Pel06, Pet01, Pin09, Plo09, Pos12, PO13, Pye05, Rai09, Ram04, RK09, Rig00, Ros06a, Rot11, Rus16, Sak17, Sco06, SCL+10, Ste05, Sto11, Tho02, Vac09, Wal07, Wat05, Wil05a, Wol04, de 17]. Japan [Ros00]. Japanese [Nap05]. Jaroslav [Mar08]. Jayne [Bar09, Hea04, Key03, RC07, Vac07]. Jean [And00]. Jefferson [Mon08, Cas11, Coh03, Hag09, Hal18, Kel00, Pow15, Ron06, Spe18, Tho11]. Jencks [RK09]. Jeremy [Her17]. Jerome [Gar17]. Jesse [Tri05]. Joan [Ric15]. Johanna [Ozy08].¨ John [Lan05, RC00, Wat05, BDN04, Ben02, Bro02b, Con10, Dot05, Dys10, FEE11, Gou08, Har10, Hen04, Hod12, Lew11, Mar09, McC16, MT12, Mos05, Par06, Pin09, Pol04a, Put05, Ruf06, Shu06, TS14]. Johns [Pri07]. Johnson [Pre05, VW12]. Joining [Mar13]. Jonathan [Bar03a, Bar05]. Jones [Par12]. Joseph [Mil06, Nas13, Sil09, SA09, Tom15]. Joshua [BG11]. Journey [Hil00]. Joy [Ber13]. Joyce [JH18]. Jr [Ada00, Bai10, Bar03c, Bas13, Bri06, Bri00, CR10, Cun16, Dun11, EC02, Fin10, Jay14, KG14, Mat09, Max07, Mys05, Ost06, SCL+10, Tha17, Wil09, Wol00, Wor18]. Judah [Vac09]. Judges [Gre10b]. Judgment [O’M12]. Judicial [Gre04a]. Judith [Ben04]. Julesz [Pap05]. Julian [Mar03]. Julius [Sny07]. July [Ack04, All09, Arr11, Asc11, Bar16, Bia04, Bla02, BL16, Boc07, Bow09, Bow18, Bri04, Bri12, Bri00, Bro02b, Buc13, Cas04, CR10, Cli15, Con03, Cri00, Cro18, Cro09, CSG17, Cun16, DF04, DH12, Dre07, Dun11, Dut16, Dys10, EC02, Eas18, Eng01, EDJG12, Fis08, For03, Fr`e16, Geo07, GH13, 13

GG01, Har15, Hei18, Hol04, Hun07, Kel01, Kih03, Kno17, Kop06, Lam02, Lev07, Lig17, Lip06, Mad15, McC16, McK00, MLT11, Mid15, Mis00, Mon08, Mos05, Mur07, Not16, Pel06, PT13, Pin01, Red08, Rid11, Rig00, Rud05a, Ruf06, Rut15, Sed07, Sei08, She14, Shu06, SA09, Sli10, Slo12, Smi12, Sor15, Ste06, Sto11, Tha17, Tho07, Tip15, Tre09, VW12, Wat05, de 17, War15h]. June [Alb14, AF03, BF13, Bar10b, Bas13, BK07, Bed03, Beg07, Ber13, BSW06, BL16, Bro17, Bro10, Bur03, Coh04, CD12, Dar01, Dav12, Dot05, DT03, Eag00b, Fin10, Fle17, Føl12, Fon07, Fox09, FS08, Gar12, Gar17, Gin05, Goh05, GA06, Gra02c, GP02, Hac09, HCC06, Jay14, Joh06, Kat00, Lie07, ME13, Mar15b, Mat10, May09, McC14, McK01, Mon01, Mor16, Mos05, Nat07, Ost06, Pal03, Pat09, Pea06, Pei04, PT13, Phi07, Pro07, Put09, Pye01, Ric15, Rid11, Sal06, Sme11, Ste06, SR00, Tha17, Van11, Wal02, Wal13, Wal07, Wol04, Wri07, Wyn04, Yak12, Zem02]. Jurisdiction [Res16]. Justice [Pie03b, RC07, Mar09]. Justin [Ven15].

Kamen [Doo04]. Karl [Pye02]. Katchalski [Sel11]. Katz [Sim16]. Katzenbach [Gar13a]. Katzir [Sel11]. Katzir-Katchalski [Sel11]. Kaysen [Fis12]. Keep [Mal17]. Keith [Bar18a, Pea06]. Kennan [Mat07a]. Kenneth [Hod12, Con00a, HKT14, Jef16]. Kepler [Bor17]. Kerman [Tom15]. Kety [Sok02]. Keynes [ME13]. Khorana [Sak17]. Kilbourne [Buc13]. Kilby [Phi07]. Killing [Kuk14]. Kindleberger [Fis08]. Kirk [Kar05]. Kitzinger [Mit07]. Knauer [Rid11]. Knolege [Ron06]. Knopoff [EDJG12]. Know [Gre10b]. Knowledge [Dar18, SGTG10]. Knowles [Her17]. Knox [Eas18]. Knudson [Cro18]. Konrad [Ern05, Ken03]. Koop [Fau14]. Kornberg [Ber09]. Korsmeyer [Nat07]. Koshland [CR10]. Kosofsky [Cul14]. Krauskopf [Ern05]. Krautheimer [Ack04]. Kristeller [Mon01]. Kudos [Wal06]. Kuhn [Swe04]. Kurt [Gar13b, Rai09]. Kusch [Ram04].

L [BIK+08, Cra01, Dun11, GH13, Ham08b, KG14, Lan16, Tri05]. Lack [Tab03]. Lamont [Gol12]. Lamprecht [Pye02]. Land [Gin12, McE02]. Landau [Jor06]. Landon [Ste11]. Landscape [De 03, Sto06]. Landscapes [Wol01b]. Lane [Awo07]. Lang [DH12]. Langfitt [Rim08]. Language [Lea03, Sto06]. Languages [Rei18, Woo06b]. Lardy [DeL12b]. Last [Mal09, O’M12]. Late [Kev08]. Laudise [Cho00]. Laughter [Gor08]. Laundering [Ber14]. Law [Res16, Ros07, Sto14]. Lawrence [Gin10, Hei05, Dar01, HM06]. Lay [Joh16]. Lead [FH08]. League [Sta08, HM08, Mal17]. Lear [Pec18]. Learning [Lan11]. Lecture [HO14, Bar09, De 03, Hea04, Key03, RC07, Vac07, Wol00]. Led [Kit13]. Lederberg [BG11]. Ledyard [May02]. Lee [Sha03]. Legacies [Hol16]. Legacy [Dar18, Gre10a, Mar18, Mit01]. Leighton [Tre09]. Leland [Cun16]. Length [Ven01]. Leon [Ada00, EDJG12]. Leonard [Tho08]. Leonore [Jam11]. Leontief [Ber00]. Leopold [VF08]. Leprince [Jac03]. Leprince-Ringuet [Jac03]. Leray [And00]. Leslie [Sed07]. Lessons [Bog14]. Levi [Gra02c]. Levy [Jef16]. Lewis 14

[Bla16, Lip06, Hag02, Max07, Pre00]. Libraries [Var09]. Library [Bag02, Hor18, Vir02]. Life [Des10, Dun07, Fin12, Lun09, Mar10a]. Lifespan [Fin12]. Lighthill [Cri00]. Like [Jon18]. Likhachev [Mat01]. Limb [SB11]. Limits [Fla05, Ste04b]. Lin [Wal13]. Lindauer [H¨ol10]. Lindzey [ALSS10]. Link [Coo06]. Linnaean [Wil05b]. Lipset [Lak11]. Litchfield [Lig17]. Literary [Bri07]. Litz [Fle17]. Living [Gar08b]. Lloyd [Par12]. Lloyd-Jones [Par12]. Load [Fin12]. Long [Pom08]. Long-Run [Pom08]. Longevity [Hir00]. Look [Fel04, Sab07]. Looks [Wea01]. Looting [Ada05]. Lord [Phi05]. Lose [Odo07]. Lost [Bru18]. Lou [WH14]. Louis [PRP+04, Jac03, SBC+14]. Louise [DH12, Rus16]. Louisiana [Kel00]. Lounsbury [Cha00]. Lovell [Mor13]. L¨owdin [Lin03]. Lowlands [Sab07]. Luce [Sup14]. Lucian [VV11]. Luck [MI05]. Luddenham [Phi05]. Lullabies [Miy11]. Lumumba [Kuk14]. Luna [VF08]. Lundquist [And03]. Lyman [Cas14, Ost06].

M [Bir15, Eas18, Jay14, Roe08, Zuc08]. M. [Vac09]. Mabel [DH12]. Mac [Awo07]. Maccready [Wyl11]. MacDonald [Rud05a]. Macgregor [Sor15]. Machteld [Ozy08].¨ Mackey [Mum08]. Maclyn [BK07]. Madison [Hag09, Kra04, Pol04a]. Maffei [Asc11]. Magic [Jac17, Saa16]. Mahoney [GTCD13]. Mainstream [Fin05]. Make [Vil04]. Malcolm [Kno17]. Malone [Coh03]. Malthus [Smi01, Eve05]. Malthusian [Dys01, Kit00]. Man [Cas11, Fut12, Lea15b, Tho13, War15i]. Mandela [Har15]. Manfred [Sch14]. Manning [Wal09]. Manuscript [Coh03]. Marbury [Fel04, Gre04a, Kra04, Pol04a]. March [Aya12, BDN04, Bar03c, Bar18b, Bar10b, Bau05, Bed14, Ber09, Bla16, Bla10, Bow10, Bow11, Bow18, Bra06, Bro09, BGS+08, Cha03, Cho12, CR10, Coo06, Cot00, Cro02, DP07, Dre07, Fis12, Fox09, FL13, Gar08a, Gin05, Gle02, Gra02b, Gra02c, HP06, Hei05, Hog14, Hop14, Jac03, Jam04, Jam11, KHEP08, Kir03, Kni08, Kro01, Lak11, Le 06, Lev07, Lew11, Mat07a, MS02, McE02, Mum08, Mur07, Mys05, Nat07, Nie00, Ort04, Osm03, Ost06, Pye01, Ram04, Rei15, Rei02, RB12, Ruf06, Rus16, Sab04, Sim11, Sli10, Smi12, Sol04, Ste11, Sup06, SG18, Tho07, Tom15, Wal02]. Margaret [GTCD13]. Marianne [Lea03]. Mark [Mid06]. Market [Her05, Sto15]. Marler [Not16]. Marriage [Fur15]. Mars [Des10]. Marshak [Sud00]. Marshall [Dys06, Gra08, Hen04, Mar09, Nas13, Nel11, Pol04a]. Mart´ı [Bad17]. Martin [Bri00, Bro02b, Lak11, Doo04, Hac09, H¨ol10, Lig17, Nor12]. Marvels [Ber06]. Marvin [Sil04]. Mary [Red08, Rei15]. Mass [Gie15, Hir00]. Material [Pre13]. Materials [Pow14]. Mathematics [Coh11, Gra13]. Matter [Ano00e, Ano00f, Ano00g, Ano00h, Ano00j, Ano00k, Ano00l, Ano00m, Ano01e, Ano01f, Ano01g, Ano01h, Ano01i, Ano01j, Ano01k, Ano01l, Ano02e, Ano02f, Ano02g, Ano02h, Ano02i, Ano02j, Ano02k, Ano02l, Ano03e, Ano03f, Ano03g, Ano03h, Ano03i, Ano03j, Ano03k, Ano03l, Ano04e, Ano04f, Ano04g, Ano04h, Ano04i, Ano04j, Ano04k, Ano04l, Ano05e, Ano05f, Ano05g, Ano05h, Ano05i, Ano05j, Ano05k, Ano05l, Ano06e, Ano06f, Ano06g, Ano06h, Ano06i, 15

Ano06j, Ano06k, Ano06l, Ano07e, Ano07f, Ano07g, Ano07h, Ano07i, Ano07j, Ano07k, Ano07l, Ano08e, Ano08f, Ano08g, Ano08h, Ano08i, Ano08j, Ano08k, Ano08l, Ano09e, Ano09f, Ano09g, Ano09h, Ano09i, Ano09j, Ano09k, Ano09l, Ano10e, Ano10f, Ano10g, Ano10h, Ano10i, Ano10j, Ano10k, Ano10l]. Matter [Ano11e, Ano11f, Ano11g, Ano11h, Ano11i, Ano11j, Ano11k, Ano11l, Ano12e, Ano12f, Ano12g, Ano12h, Ano12i, Ano12j, Ano12k, Ano12l, Ano13e, Ano13f, Ano13g, Ano13h, Ano13k, Ano13l, Ano13m, Ano13n, Ano14e, Ano14f, Ano14g, Ano14h, Ano14k, Ano14l, Ano14m, Ano14n, Ano15e, Ano15f, Ano15g, Ano15h, Ano15k, Ano15l, Ano15m, Ano15n, Ven01]. Mattered [War05]. Matters [Var03]. Maurice [Ada03, Fau07]. Max [Dav12, Tho04, War15j]. Maxwell [Sei01]. May [Ada03, Alt15, Ash09, Aya12, Bad17, Bar03b, Bar05, Bar10a, Bar00, Bas13, Bis05, BG11, Boe07, Bok06, Bom10, Bor01, Bow09, Bra10, Bri06, Bro05, BGS+08, BL07, Cas04, Cas14, Cha00, Cha01, Cho12, CT04, Cul14, Dun11, Eng01, Ern05, FD06, FP06, Fit02, FEE11, Gar03, Gar13a, Geo07, GH13, Goh05, GG01, Ham08b, HP06, Hor14, Hun09, Jor06, Kle11, Lam02, Lan05, LL08, Lid01, Lip06, Mar15a, Mar15b, Mar08, Mas00, Mat10, McC02, McE02, McK00, MN11, Mil06, MT12, Mon01, Pea06, Pea14, Pin09, Pin01, Rei02, Rid04, Ros06a, Rud05a, Rut15, Sal06, SK10, SBC+14, Sco06, Sel11, Sil09, Sin04, SA09, Sli04, Sme11, Sny07, Sok02, Spa12, Sup14, Tho04, TS14, Van11, Wil09, Zem02]. Maya [Sab07, Blu11, Bri07, Ham08a]. Maynard [Har10]. Mayr [Boc07]. Mayrhofer [Sch14]. McCarty [BK07]. McChesney [Bri00]. McElroy [Hel05]. McGehee [McK00]. McGhee [Tho07]. McKusick [Bar16, Lan16]. McLaren [Pri07]. McNamara [BL16]. Mcneil [Dun11]. Mead [Alb14]. Mean [Kat05b]. Meaning [Fel04, Wol14a]. Mechanical [Pie02]. Mechanism [Jon18]. Medal [Bur01]. Media [Tho09]. Medical [Bar09, Bra08, Sat03]. Medicine [Cer14, Fin15, Sca09, Vac07]. Medieval [Smi04, Kit00, LB13]. Mediterranean [War15k]. Meeting [Ano01m]. Mellink [Ozy08].¨ Mellon [Pro07]. Melvin [OTC00]. Member [Sei01]. Members [Ano13j, Ano13p, Ano14j, Ano14p, Ano15j, Ano15p, Ano17b, Ano17d, Ano18b, Ano18d, WP15]. Membership [Coh09]. Memorial [Wol00]. Memory [Sei04]. Men [Nul14]. Menus [Gro05]. Merck [Vag01]. Meritocracy [Del12a]. Merton [Hol04]. Metaphor [Wol01b]. Metzger [Wal09]. Mexico [Ham08a, Mas16, Nor05, Reb11]. Meyer [CSG17]. Meyerson [Hac09]. Mice [Gro05]. Michael [Bla10, Ost07, Sim16]. Michel [Mar15a]. Michelangelo [O’M12]. Michelet [Gos01]. Mid [Fin15]. Mid-Eighteenth [Fin15]. Migration [Res16]. Migrations [Rei18]. Military [Hag02]. Miller [Bow11, She14, Wor18]. Minds [Isa06, O’S14]. Minus [Hei06]. Minutes [Gar16]. Miracle [Mal09]. Mirrors [Por11]. Misnomer [Sch02]. Missile [Can01]. Mission [Bor17]. Mistral [War15l]. Mixing [Coh11]. Modeling [Was06]. Models [Cos02]. Moderator [Pol04b]. Modern [Gin11, Ros00, Tat16, Var03]. Mohawk [Rei07]. Moment [War15m]. Moments [Hol16]. Money [Ger15]. Moniac [HD08]. Monroe [Aya12]. Monster [Gil08]. Moon [Wil16]. Moore [Sta05, Lea03]. Moors 16

[Kor00]. Moral [Sat03]. Morgan [Mid15]. Morita [Pet01]. Morrison [Tsi07]. Moses [Sha05]. Mosse [Cra01]. Mote [Fon07]. Motor [SVD11]. Mount [Sto06]. Mountain [Ern00]. Mountains [Tho10, Tho17]. Movement [Sel05]. Moving [Res16]. Moynihan [Bau05]. Mozart [Lin08, Ric08]. Mud [War15n]. Mudd [Mas00]. Multidisciplinary [Yod02]. Murray [Bri08]. Muscle [Ste09]. Museum [Fut12]. Museums [De 03]. Mushat [Pel06]. Music [Ker00]. Mutations [Ste09]. Myron [Pye01]. Mysore [Kol01]. Myth [Dub11].

N [BR12, Dys06, Rak16]. Nadine [Cli15]. Name [Ham08a]. Names [Gra13]. Narasimhachar [Kol01]. NASA [Her14]. Nathans [Dan10]. Nation [HM08]. Nation-Building [HM08]. Native [Pow15]. Natural [Gos01, Sei02, Tho13, Tri17]. Nature [Bre00, Cla07, Gos01, Pec18, Rud05b, Saa16]. Neal [Bow11]. Near [Win09b]. Neel [Cro02]. Neglected [All07]. Neil [HGG13]. Neilson [Mil16]. Nelson [Wri07, Har15, Tho08]. Neo [Dys01, Kit00]. Neo-Malthusian [Dys01, Kit00]. Ness [Osm03]. Net [Ken15a]. Neugebauer [BWW16]. Neustadt [May09]. Newcomen [Kit13]. Newell [Boy07]. News [Kov09]. Next [KRV12]. Nicholas [Gar13a]. Nicola [Hag02]. Nierenberg [DH07]. Nineteenth [Kev08]. Nirenberg [Nel11]. Nisse [Ben04]. Nitric [Mar17]. Nobel [Kir13, Nor02]. Non [Bog14]. Norman [Boy07, Fox09, Kle16]. Normative [Gib14]. Norms [Wol14a]. North [PO13, War05]. Northern [Sab07]. Not-for-Profits [Whi00]. Notropis [SPF03]. Novel [Dow02a, SVD11]. November [Ack04, Agr11, And00, ALSS10, BF13, BSW06, Bis05, Bla02, Bra06, Bur08, Cla00, Cli15, Con10, Con03, Cun16, Dan10, DH12, Dot05, Dow02b, Dri02, Dut16, EC02, Eas18, Ern05, Fit02, Gin10, Gou11, GK17, GC14, Hac01, Hac09, HCC06, Hin08, H¨ol10, Hop14, JB00, KG14, Kle16, Kol01, Kor00, Kot00, Lan05, Le 06, Mar15a, Mat01, Max07, MGM10, McC14, Mul10, Nec12, Nie00, Par06, Pea14, Phi07, Pos12, Pre05, Put05, Rai09, Ram08, Ree01, Ris05, Rot11, Sak17, Sil04, Sim11, Sli04, Spa12, Sta05, Ste08, Ste11, Ter10, Tsi07, Vog14, Wol11, Woo06a]. nozze [Lin08]. Nuclear [Fin01, Gar08b, PW01]. Nuclei [Gel01]. Number [Saa16]. Numbers [Von11].

O [Gar08a]. Oakes [Ben02]. Oberman [Pel03]. Obesity [Sug11]. Objects [Gre10a]. Obolensky [Fra04]. O’Brien [Kel01]. Observation [LHM05]. Observations [Pre00, Wol02]. Observed [Was17]. Occam [And02]. Occhialini [Tel02]. October [Abe03, Ada03, Agr11, Alt15, Bar16, Ber09, Bev08, Bis03, Bob07, Bri04, Bro05, BL07, Cas14, Dan10, DF04, DDV06, Eag08, Fau14, Fin10, Fis08, Fle17, Fr`e16, FDBH17, Gar12, Gar17, GTCD13, Gra08, GR06, Hin08, Hod12, Jam04, Jay14, Kat00, Ken03, KHEP08, Kih03, KK03, Kni08, Lan16, Lin03, Mat09, May09, MGM10, Mor06, Ost07, Ozy08,¨ Par12, Pea01, Pei04, Pel03, Pet01, Pro12, Put09, RC00, Rho09, Ric15, RB12, Sch14, Sei05, Sei08, Sha03, Shu06, Shw10, Ste08, Sud00, Tho02, Tho08, Tri05, 17

VV11, VF08, Vog14, Wol11, Wor18, Wu07, Zuc08]. Ocular [War15o]. Odhiambo [MN11]. Odom [Mat10]. Odysseus [Men17]. Odyssey [Cer14]. off [Hor18]. O’Gorman [Cul17]. Oil [CHH13]. Old [Cor17, Pie02]. Oldham [JH18]. Oleg [Nec12]. Olfactory [Lea12]. Oliver [Sei08]. Olov [And03, Lin03]. Olsen [HKT14]. One [LHM05]. Opening [Jon18]. Operatic [Ful06]. Opinion [Sto15]. Oppenheimer [Hij00]. Opportunity [AP06, Pet09]. Optics [Smi04]. Option [Pie02]. Oranges [Coh11]. Organ [Sta03, SB11]. Orientalism [Mar01a]. Origin [Lo13, Tau06]. Origins [ISO+07, Kel00, Sta08]. Orman [Føl12]. Ornithology [Hal18]. Oscar [Bai13]. Oskar [Mon01]. Ostrom [Wal13]. Ostwald [Nor12]. Other [All00, All07, Ano00i, Ber14, Mar10a, Spe18, WP15]. Otto [FS08]. Our [Cof04, Del12a, Hir00]. Ourselves [Cos02]. Overbeck [HO14]. Overgrowth [Gra14]. Overseas [Les04]. Owen [FDBH17]. Owns [Wol14b]. Owsei [Bri04]. Oxford [Mal17]. Oxide [Mar17].

P [Eag08, Fis08]. Page [Gos16]. Paine [Hof13]. Painter [Mar12]. Paintings [Rag13]. Pais [Geo07]. Pakistan [Sim09]. Palay [PRP+04]. Paleoclimate [Tho10]. Paleontology [Kil04]. Palimpsest [EN10]. Palladianism [Mar10b]. Palmer [Wol04]. Pamphlet [Pre13]. Panel [SCG+12, SGTG10]. Panofsky [Gar13b]. Papers [Gre04b]. Paradox [Ken15b]. Paradoxes [Rud14, Ste04b]. Parke [Pin16]. Parker [Abe03, Wri07]. Parties [Ger15]. Passy [Mul08]. Past [Anc17, Fin12, Ker16, Lan11, Mar13, Pil18, Tho17, Wil05b]. Patents [Kev08, Mil16]. Pater [Mar12]. Patrick [Bau05]. Patron [Ron06]. Paul [FEE11, Agr11, Alb14, Alt15, Kle11, Mon01, Pro07, Rei07, Wor18, Wyl11]. Peace [Sch13]. Peale [Mar12, Mar12]. Pejorative [Cor17]. Pelikan [Mar08]. Pendleton [GR06]. Penrose [De 03, Wol00]. People [Fut12, Res16]. Per-Olov [Lin03]. Perfect [Mun13, VF15]. Performing [Lin08]. Period [Sab07, Von11]. Persistent [McA03]. Personal [Dir10]. Persons [Men17]. Perspective [Pom08, Tho10]. Perspectives [Gar18, Sab07]. Perutz [Tho04]. Pet [Jor11]. Peter [Bla10, Not16]. Pfaffmann [Bar00]. Phases [Fin12]. [Cas11]. Philanthropist [Kat05b]. Philanthropy [Bre05, Kat05b, Kel00, Rim01]. Philip [MS07, Tsi07, Van11]. Philomorph [Wea01]. Philosopher [Tho13]. Philosophical [Coh09, Hor18, May01, Pip17, Pow14, Pow15, Spe18, WP15]. Phone [Jac17]. Phones [Qua13]. Phrenology [Cor17]. Phyllis [Rid04]. Phylogeny [Gar18]. Physico [Hof13]. Physico-Theology [Hof13]. Physiocratic [Hag09]. Picasso [Boi16]. Picturing [Rud05b]. Piel [DP07]. Pierce [BDN04]. Pierre [Sei05]. Pigmentation [Jab12]. Pigs [Rot12, Wei04]. Pingree [Bur08]. Piore [GG01]. Pittendrigh [KHEP08]. Pitzer [Con00a]. Place [Gin09, Meg03, Sto06]. Planet [Sch02]. Planner [Ron06]. Platonists [Fle15]. Platt [RK09]. Pleasures [Var07]. Pluralism [Fla05]. Plurality [Wol14a]. Plus [Hei06]. Poet [Tho13]. Poetry [Coh11, Nic05, Ven01, War15p, Yu07]. Point [HD08]. Poisoning [FH08]. 18

Policy [Kel00, Van07]. Political [Gui02, Jam15, Nor05, Ros00, Wei06, Win01]. Politics [Hag09, Ken15a, Ker00]. Pollak [SBC+14, WH14]. Polykarp [Ram04]. Pont [Hag09]. Poor [Hua06]. Poorest [Eva10]. Pope [RC00]. Pope-Hennessy [RC00]. Popular [Mit08]. Popularisation [Bro01]. Population [Coh10, Ros00]. Porta [War15q]. Porter [Pea06, Phi05]. Portese [War15q]. Portrait [Win09b]. Possessing [Bru18]. Possibilities [EN10, Fuc01]. Possible [FH08, Lit10]. Postclassic [Sab07]. Poverty [Sch13]. Power [Gra13, Her05, Ken15a, McA03, PW01]. Practical [Sta03]. Practice [Wee04]. Pray [Rid04]. Prelog [Mis00]. Present [Anc17, Fin12, Her14, Mar13, Tho17, Wil05b]. Presidency [Spe18]. Presidential [GBG15]. Press [Mul08]. Previously [Coh03]. Price [CHH13, Jon18]. Primate [Tat16]. Primordial [AQ03]. Principle [Sny05]. Principles [Mil16]. Printed [Sta06]. Printing [War12]. Privacy [All07, Les07, Ros07]. Private [Mar12]. Privileged [Meg03]. Privileges [Kev08]. Prizes [Nor02]. Pro [Vir02]. Problem [Ger15, Nap05]. Problems [Ber14]. Process [Nor05, Tab03]. Production [Mil16, Rut05, Sch05]. Professions [SS18]. Professor [Sei02]. Profiles [Sha05]. Profits [Whi00]. Program [Ano01m]. Propaganda [Mit08]. Property [Her05, Jac10, Kev08]. Prospect [Dys01]. Prospects [Fuc01, Rut05]. Prosperity [Sch13]. Protecting [Mor10, Ros07]. Protections [Kev08]. Protocol [WP15]. Protocols [Pow14]. Pseudo [Cor17]. Public [Mar12]. Publishing [Var09, War12]. Pueblo [Nor05]. Pulsars [Lon11]. Punishment [Meg03, Pie03b, Ste03, Tab03]. Purchase [Kel00]. Pursuit [Nas13]. Pye [VV11]. Pyramid [Jon18].

Quality [Tho09]. Quasars [Sch11]. Quatt [Sed07]. Question [Wes11]. Quine [Føl12]. Qur’¯an [AQ03, B¨ow03, McA03].

R [BDN04, Cot00, Fau07, Wol04]. R. [EC02, Sup14]. Rabi [Rig00]. Race [AP06, Bak10]. Radioactive [Gel01]. Raise [Fas15]. Raison [Lea12]. Ralf [Sme11]. Ralph [Jor06]. Ramsey [Kle16]. Randall [Her17]. Randolph [Sab04]. Rapid [LB13]. Rathbun [MS02]. Rather [Wol14a]. Rationality [Lo13]. Ratliff [Zem02]. Rats [War15r]. Rauch [EC02]. Raup [Kno17]. Rawls [Put05]. Ray [FDBH17]. Raymond [Ort04]. Razor [And02]. Re [Hol16]. Re-reading [Hol16]. Reading [Hor15, War15p, Hol16]. Real [Bog14, Ger15]. Reality [Dub11]. Really [Ker09, Smi04]. Reared [Seg17]. Reason [Ste04b, Hof13]. Reconsidered [Hal18]. Reconstruct [ISO+07]. Recorded [Ano13j, Ano14j, Ano15j, Ano17b, Ano18b]. Redefining [Lit10]. Redfield [Ris05]. Redington [Gar03]. Reducing [Eva10]. Redux [Nul14]. Reference [Pre13]. References [Cor17]. Reflections [Tri17, Wol01a]. Reform [Gra02a]. Regenerative [Vac07]. Regge [Fr`e16]. Regina [Rid11]. Reiner [Rot09]. Rejection [Gil14]. Relation [Fin12]. Relations [Fas15]. Relationship [Hor18]. Religion [LJ01]. Remarkable [Pec18]. Remarks 19

[McK04, Pie03b, Pol04b, Tat10]. Remembrance [Sei02]. Removal [Kel00]. Renaissance [RC07]. Repossessing [Bru18]. Representations [SVD11]. Representing [RC07]. Reproduction [Lea12]. Republic [Sha05]. Republicanism [Mit01]. Repugnant [Fel04]. Research [Atk04, MI05, SCG+12, Tho03, Vag01]. Resident [Coh09]. Resources [Sel05]. Results [Bor17]. Retrospecting [Sta08]. Retroviruses [Cof04]. Return [Bog14]. Returns [Sie14]. Reveal [Anc17]. Review [Gre04a]. Revisited [Fin05]. Revolution [Bil01, Sei04, Swe04, Eve05, Fas15, Swe04]. Revolutionary [Hag02, Mit08]. Revolutions [Ker16]. Rhoads [Bar05, Bar03a]. Rice [Bai10]. Richard [Cul17, Ack04, Cas14, De 03, Hua06, ME13, May09, Pea01, Put09, Vog14, Wol00]. Richardson [SR00]. Rider [de 17]. Riesman [Hor14]. Right [GBG15, Men17, Tat15, Wil17]. Rights [Gre10a, Pil18]. Rings [Anc17]. Ringuet [Jac03]. Ripley [Cha03]. Riquer [Bad17]. Risk [FH08]. Risley [MN11]. Risorgimento [Gos12]. Ritual [Gil08]. Rivalry [Ken15a]. Road [WH14]. Roaring [Nic05]. Robbins [Kat05a, Ste11]. Robert [Dal05, Hij00, Ber13, Bis05, BL16, Bow10, Bro09, Cho00, Dun11, Fin10, Gou11, HP06, Hol04, Jor11, May17, MS02, Oki12, Plo09, Sud00, Tip15, Wal07, Wat05, Wol04]. Roberts [Eag00b, Pea06]. Robertson [Osm03]. Robin [Jay14]. Rodgers [Ruf06]. Roland [Pel06]. Role [Eag00a, Mat07b, Rim01]. Rolihlahla [Har15]. Roman [HM08, Kin01, Mit01, Rom06]. Romare [Fin05]. Romilly [FL13]. Ronald [Tri14]. Room [Ste09]. Ropiequet [Kih03]. Rorty [Put09]. Rosenbluth [Dys06]. Rosenmeyer [Alt09]. Rosenthal [Gut05]. Rosetta [Bro02a]. Rossi [Cla00]. Rostow [Bob07]. Rough [Ern00]. Row [Pie03a]. Rowley [Olo15]. Roy [Ram08]. Royal [Ano00i, All00, Win09b]. Ruben [GG01]. Run [Pom08]. Runciman [Con03]. Rupert [Bro02b]. Rural [Car06]. Rush [Mar13]. Russell [Bar03b, Lev07]. Russia [Gra16]. Russification [Wee04]. Rutherford [Osm03]. Ryland [Gar12]. Ryskamp [RB12].

S [Bar03b, Bar10b, BL16, For03, KHEP08, MLT11, Mys05, Phi07, SA09, Sok02, Tha17, Wol01a]. S. [Cha03]. Saga [Hor18]. Said [Woo06a]. Saint [War15j]. Salpeter [Ter10]. Sam [Fit02]. Same [Hor18]. Samuelson [Kle11]. Sanative [Fle15]. Sanders [Dri02]. Sanford [PRP+04]. Sans [War15s]. Santa [Nor05]. [Par17]. Saturn [Lun09]. Saul [Beg07]. Saunders [Awo07]. Savage [Mul08]. Saxon [Atk08]. Say [Kat05b, Pre13]. Scale [Cos02]. Scales [Ven01]. Scarman [Sed07]. Schawlow [CT04]. Schlesinger [Mat09]. Schmalkald [HM08]. Scholarship [Vir02]. Schooling [HD08]. Schott [Reb11]. Schultz [Wha03]. Schumpeter [Nas13]. Schuylkill [Mar10b]. Sciama [Ree01]. Science [Gui02, Her14, Ken15b, Nic05, Pet09, Seg17, Sei02, Sny05, Tho11, Var09]. Sciences [Car06, Yod02]. Scientific [Joh16, Kit13, Rag13, Rut05, Swe04]. Scorn [Fis13]. Scranton [Mad15]. Sculpture [Rid05]. Sea [Cer14, Gin12]. Seaborg [Kos05, Sei04]. Seamans [Fin10]. Seamus [Ven15]. Search [Mar10a]. Sears [Mid15]. Seasons [Fut12]. Second [Gor08, Pea01]. 20

Security [Ros07]. Sedgwick [Cul14]. Seitz [Sli10]. Self [Chu11, Col04, Nor05, Wol01a]. Self-Evident [Col04]. Self-Governance [Nor05]. Self-Image [Wol01a]. Selfish [Ken15a]. September [Asc11, Bad17, Bai13, BWW16, Bed03, BR12, Ben04, Ber13, Bia04, Bir15, Bis03, Bro09, Bro02b, Cai05, Cha03, Cho00, Cot00, Cra01, CD12, Dal05, DP07, DH07, Dys06, FP06, For03, FDBH17, Gar08a, Gar13b, GA06, Got08, GK17, GP02, Gut15, Hor14, Jon08, KG14, Lig17, Mas00, Mat01, McC00, McC02, Osm03, Pal03, Par12, PRP+04, Pin16, PP14, Roe08, Roo15, San06, Sch14, Sei05, Slo12, Tho08, VV11, Wil09, Win09a, Woo06a, Wor18, Wyl11, dA03]. Serendipity [Mar17, MI05]. Sergeyevich [Mat01]. Service [Vir02]. Serviceable [All00, Ano00i]. Session [Bar18a]. Set [Pow15]. Setting [Ber14]. Sevcenko [Gra11]. Seven [Saa16, Mal17]. Severe [Sug11]. Sewell [HCC06]. Seymour [Gar17, Lak11, Sok02, Wol11]. Shackleton [Ram08]. Shadow [Ger15]. Shakespeare [Gos16]. Shannon [Gal03]. Shapiro [For03]. Shared [SB11]. Sharp [Wyn04]. Sheldon [Gut15]. Shen [Wu07]. Shiing [Wu07]. Shiing-Shen [Wu07]. Shipwrecks [Bas06]. Shiung [Lid01]. Shklar [Ben04]. Shmuel [BR12]. Shock [CHH13]. Side [Gor08]. Significant [Yod02]. Silhouettes [Sha05]. Sills [Bow09]. Silver [Ros07]. Silvio [Pos12]. Simon [AF03]. Simple [War12]. Simplicity [And02]. Simpson [Par06]. since [Cor17, Ham08a]. Sinfelt [TS14]. Sir [O’S14, BSW06, Bur03, Con03, Cri00, Dal05, Fra04, Hux01, Lan05, Mor13, Ort04, Osm03, Par12, Pea14, PT13, RC00, Sco06, Tho13]. Sisters [Mal17]. Six [Gar16]. Sixth [Bas06]. Sixty [Gar08b, Sim09]. Sizer [Gar12]. Skin [Jab12]. Slave [Dun07]. Slavery [Nas06]. Slow [LB13]. Smith [GH13, Gou11, Har10, Qua13]. Smyth [Cro09]. Snails [ISO+07]. Snell [McK01]. Social [Vag01]. Societal [Jac17]. Societies [Cos02]. Society [All00, Ano00i, AP06, Hir00, Coh09, Hor18, Pow14, Pow15, Spe18, WP15]. Software [Wol01b]. Solar [Gra15, Lea15a, VF15]. Solla [Jon18]. Some [Wal06, Wol02]. Something [Cor17]. Songs [She15]. Sources [Bog14]. South [Kor00]. Space [Arm10, Can01, Fin01, Gar01, Her14, Pet09]. Space-Based [Can01]. Spain [Gil08]. Spanish [Tau06]. Speak [She15]. Special [Pre13]. Spilhaus [Nie00]. Spina [Adz13]. Spitzer [Ost06]. Spolia [Kin01]. Spread [Qua13, Rei18]. Square [Tal06]. Srinivas [Kol01]. Stability [Can01, Fin01]. Stage [Gos16, Ric08]. Stagnant [Ros00]. Stanley [Coo06, GK17, Nat07]. Starzl [Bar18b, Mar18]. Stassen [Kir03]. States [Mil15, Reb11, Mat07b, Tab03]. Station [Pet09]. Statuary [Mar13]. Status [AP06, Fis13, SPF03]. Statutes [Fel04]. Steam [Kit13]. Stebbins [May02]. Steering [Pow15]. Stem [Sca09, Wei06]. Stent [Bar10b]. Stephen [Atk08]. Steppe [Rei18]. Stern [Bia04]. Steven [Con03]. Stever [Pro12]. Stewart [Bar18a, EC02]. Stig [And03]. Still [Col04]. Stock [Sie14, Wol14b]. Stone [Dar01, Bro02a]. stonei [SPF03]. Stones [FH08]. Storm [Mun13, VF15]. Storms [Lea15a]. Strategic [Bre05, Fin01]. Strategy [Rim01]. Stream [War15i]. Strict [Lun09]. Struggle [Mal17]. Studies [Par17]. Study [Bro01, EN10, Rid05]. Subdue [O’S14]. Subjects [Gre10a]. Successful 21

[Vag01]. Sufficiently [Col04]. Suggests [Rei18]. Sum [Hei06]. Sun [VF06]. Sune [Ham07]. Super [Tab03]. Supreme [SGTG10]. Surgery [Adz13, Sug11]. Surgical [Tho03]. Surprise [Kir13]. Surveyor [Reb11]. Surveyors [Rom06]. Sutphin [Hog14]. Suzman [Rot11]. Sydney [Kor00]. Symposium [McK04, MB07, Pie03b, Pol04b, Was17, Wol05, Bar03a]. Syntax [Jon16]. System [Lea12]. Systems [Fin01].

T [Dot05, Fut12, Kar05, Rho09, Sei04]. Take [Lea15b]. Tales [CHH13]. Taplin [Goh05]. Tarasca [Gil08]. Tashlich [War15t]. Taube [GC14]. Teach [Cos02]. Technical [Rut05]. Techniques [Bas06]. Technological [Kit00, Kit13]. Technologies [Sat03]. Technology [Ros07]. Telecommunications [Win15]. Telescope [Gin11]. Temkin [Bri04]. Ten [EN10]. Test [Lun09]. Their [Fas15, Ham08a, Hor18, Lea15a, Lea03, Mil15]. Theodore [Gar12, Gol12, LL08, Wha03]. Theology [Hof13]. Things [Sab07]. Thinking [Hei06, Tat16]. Thirsk [Ric15]. Thomas [Alt09, Bar09, Bar18b, Cha01, Coh03, Hof13, Kel00, MN11, Pin16, Pow15, Pre13, Rim08, Ron06, Sal06, Spe18, Swe04, Tho11]. Thompson [Bar10a, McC02]. Thomson [Bar18a]. Thorpe [Mid11]. Thought [Ste09]. Thoughts [De 13, Del12a]. Thousand [Tal06]. Three [Rem06, Rud14]. Thule [Cas11]. Tibby [Bar03b]. Till [Con00b]. Tilly [Ash09]. Time [Fut12]. Times [Blo12]. Tissue [Vac07]. Titan [Lun09]. Title [Hea04]. Tobin [Sol04]. Today [Kai07, Mar18, Mat07b, Wes11]. Together [Seg17]. Tom [Mar18]. Toner [BL07]. Torbj¨orn [KK03]. Tore [Hei18]. Townsend [Lan02]. Tradition [Hof13]. Trail [SB11]. Training [Bal12]. Transformation [Bri07]. Transforming [Sel05]. Transforms [Hir00]. Translating [Hea04]. Translation [Woo06b]. Translational [Cer14]. Transplant [Lan11, Tho03]. Transplantation [Mar18, Sta03, SB11, Wei06]. Travels [Woo06b, Yu07]. Treaties [Her05, WP15]. Treatment [Pow14]. Tree [Anc17]. Treiman [Fit02]. Trends [Dys01]. Trent [O’M12]. Trepan [Tho03]. Trials [Adz13]. Tribulations [Adz13]. Tribute [Fut12]. Triumph [Ful06, Sta03]. Trojan [Wei04]. True [Cor17, War05]. Truman [Joh06]. Truths [Col04]. [Key03]. Tukey [Mos05]. Tullio [Fr`e16]. Twain [Mid06]. Twelfth [War15u]. Twentieth [Was06]. Twentieth- [Was06]. Twenty [Plo18, Ste03, Von11, RC07, Rid05, Was06]. Twenty-First [Ste03, Rid05]. Twenty-First-Century [RC07, Was06]. Twenty-Five-Year [Von11]. Twins [Seg17]. Two [CHH13, Gre04a, Hor18, Plo18, Syl14]. Tygers [Nic05]. Type [Pre13].

Ubiquity [Lun09]. Ulam [Gle02]. Ultima [Cas11]. Underdeveloped [Whi00]. Undergrowth [Gra14]. Underrated [Mit01]. Understanding [Kra04, Mas07, Tho10]. Unfair [Tab03]. Unfortunately [Col04]. Uniqueness [Poc01]. United} [Ger15, Mat07b, Mil15, Reb11, Tab03]. Universe [Kir13, Ste04a, Mar10a]. University [Atk04, Dud01, Dir10, SCG+12]. Unknowingness [Pip17]. Unleashing 22

[NM05]. Unpublished [Coh03]. Unshackled [Ker16]. Upward [Fis13]. Urbanization [LHM05]. Use [Odo07]. Useful [Dar18, SGTG10]. Uses [Blo12, Pye02]. Using [ISO+07]. USSR [Gui02].

V [Cro02, Kra04, Les04, McK04, Pol04b, Pol04a, WH14]. Vaccination [Plo18]. Vaccine [Hil00]. Values [Arr14, Fla05, Wol14a]. Vann [Hac01]. Variation [SPF03]. Various [Ven01]. Varnedoe [Kar05]. Vatican [Vir02]. Venomous [ISO+07]. Verdi [Gos12]. Verification [Sil16]. Vermeule [Lan02]. Vertigo [Pip17]. Vest [Bir15]. Viagra [Mar17]. Vichy [Ful06]. Victor [Bar16, Got08]. View [Arr14, Kai07, Van07]. Vincent [Lan16]. Virgil [Put01]. Virginia [Dun07]. virorum [Vir02]. Virulence [Tau06]. Virus [Kil04, Tau06]. Viruses [Vil04]. Vision [Zew06]. Visits [Cas11]. Vitalii [DT03]. Vive [Eas00]. Vladimir [Mis00, Yak12]. Vlastos [DF04]. Vogt [Bri06]. Voice [B¨ow03, Coo03]. Voidness [Fel04]. Volume [Ano00n, Ano01n, Ano02m, Ano03m, Ano04m, Ano05m, Ano06m, Ano07m, Ano08m, Ano13i, Ano13o, Ano14i, Ano14o, Ano15i, Ano15o, Ano17a, Ano17c, Ano18a, Ano18c]. Vote [GBG15, Tat15]. Voting [Pil18].

W [Cas14, Eas18, McC16, Mos05, Rim08, VV11, Wha03]. W. [Eng01]. Wade [Fon07]. Wagley [Kot00]. Wald [Dow02b]. Walkabout [Bea04]. Walt [Bob07]. Walter [Kot00, Aya12, Cun16, Jam04, SG18]. Walton [Fle17]. Wampum [Bru18]. War [Gly16, Ken15a, O’S14, Win15, Hag02]. Ward [Oki12, Mar15b]. Warming [Ken15b]. Warren [Mad15, Nel11]. Was [Mar09, Men17]. Washington [Cas11, Hag02]. Wassily [Ber00]. Water [Eag00a]. Way [Hei06, War15v]. Wayne [Bev08]. Weapons [Gar01, Gar08b]. Web er [Hun09]. Wechsler [Hen02]. Weevils [Pre13]. Weigley [Lev07]. Weil [Bor01]. Weinberg [Zuc08]. Weiner [Pye01]. Weisskopf [Got08]. Welcome [San06]. Welfare [Smi01]. Well [Mar18]. Wells [Wal02]. Were [Col04]. Wesley [VW12]. West [Lig17, HD08, Mar01a]. Western [Ham08a]. Westheimer [Fis09]. Wetherill [All09]. Whales [Gin12]. What/When [Win09b]. Wheeler [Dys10]. Whipple [Gin10]. White [Bak10, Hin08]. Whitfield [SCL+10]. Who [Lea15b, Wol14b]. Wife [Fin15]. Wild [FEE11]. Will [Fur15, Lea15b, Ste04b]. Willard [Kat00, Føl12]. Willey [Sab04]. William [Bra06, Bri00, DH07, Fla05, Fut12, Gar03, Gra02b, HCC06, Hel05, Ker00, Mad15, Mar13, Mat10, Nic05, Rho09, RK09, Sei08, Slo12, Wri07]. Williams [Jay14, Sha05]. Willson [Mar12]. Wilson [Dal05, MS02, Ken15a, Lea15b]. Window [Gel01]. Wine [Sto15]. Within [Res16]. Witkop [Spa12]. Wolf [Jor11]. Wolfgang [Sil04, Gar13b]. Women [Gly16, Mal17]. Woodrow [Ken15a, Lea15b]. Woodward [Hac01]. Woolf [Wil05a]. Word [Wee04]. Words [VF10]. Work [Mar10b]. World [Dys01, Fas15, Her05, Kai07, Mar01b, Mat07b, NM05, Sch05, Tho10, Tho17, Wol00, Hag09, Ken15a, Win15]. Worms [FL13]. Worth [Gut14, SR00]. Wright [Deg02, Mul10]. Writing [Bri07, Sta06, Sto06]. Wu [Lid01, Sei02]. Wyeth [Sto11]. REFERENCES 23

XenoLungs [Rot12]. Xenotransplantation [Wei04].

Year [Cer14, Hor18, Von11]. Years [EN10, Gar08b, Gre04a, LHM05, Plo18, Sim09]. Yoder [Mys05]. Yorkshire [Kor00]. Young [Cas11].

Zamecnik [Agr11]. Zartman [Bri06]. Zero [Blu11, Hei06]. Zero-Sum [Hei06]. Zewail [Tho18].

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Anonymous:2005:BMb [Ano05f] Anonymous. Back matter. Proceedings of the American Philosoph- ical Society, 149(2):??, June 2005. CODEN PAPCAA. ISSN 0003- 049X (print), 2326-9243 (electronic). URL https://www.jstor.org/ stable/4598934. Anonymous:2005:BMc [Ano05g] Anonymous. Back matter. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 149(3):??, September 2005. CODEN PAPCAA. ISSN 0003- 049X (print), 2326-9243 (electronic). URL https://www.jstor.org/ stable/4598951. Anonymous:2005:BMd [Ano05h] Anonymous. Back matter. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 149(4):643–645, December 2005. CODEN PAPCAA. ISSN 0003-049X (print), 2326-9243 (electronic). URL https://www.jstor. org/stable/4598969. Anonymous:2005:FMa [Ano05i] Anonymous. Front matter. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 149(1):i–81, March 2005. CODEN PAPCAA. ISSN 0003- 049X (print), 2326-9243 (electronic). URL https://www.jstor.org/ stable/4598904. Anonymous:2005:FMb [Ano05j] Anonymous. Front matter. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 149(2):i–227, June 2005. CODEN PAPCAA. ISSN 0003- 049X (print), 2326-9243 (electronic). URL https://www.jstor.org/ stable/4598920. Anonymous:2005:FMc [Ano05k] Anonymous. Front matter. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 149(3):i–387, September 2005. CODEN PAPCAA. ISSN 0003-049X (print), 2326-9243 (electronic). URL https://www.jstor. org/stable/4598935. Anonymous:2005:FMd [Ano05l] Anonymous. Front matter. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 149(4):i–591, December 2005. CODEN PAPCAA. ISSN 0003- 049X (print), 2326-9243 (electronic). URL https://www.jstor.org/ stable/4598953. REFERENCES 37

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Anonymous:2007:Ab [Ano07b] Anonymous. Accessibility. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 151(2):??, June 2007. CODEN PAPCAA. ISSN 0003-049X (print), 2326-9243 (electronic). Anonymous:2007:Ac [Ano07c] Anonymous. Accessibility. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 151(3):??, September 2007. CODEN PAPCAA. ISSN 0003- 049X (print), 2326-9243 (electronic). Anonymous:2007:Ad [Ano07d] Anonymous. Accessibility. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 151(4):??, December 2007. CODEN PAPCAA. ISSN 0003- 049X (print), 2326-9243 (electronic). Anonymous:2007:BMa [Ano07e] Anonymous. Back matter. Proceedings of the American Philosophi- cal Society, 151(1):??, March 2007. CODEN PAPCAA. ISSN 0003- 049X (print), 2326-9243 (electronic). URL https://www.jstor.org/ stable/4599053. Anonymous:2007:BMb [Ano07f] Anonymous. Back matter. Proceedings of the American Philosoph- ical Society, 151(2):??, June 2007. CODEN PAPCAA. ISSN 0003- 049X (print), 2326-9243 (electronic). URL https://www.jstor.org/ stable/4599069. Anonymous:2007:BMc [Ano07g] Anonymous. Back matter. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 151(3):??, September 2007. CODEN PAPCAA. ISSN 0003- 049X (print), 2326-9243 (electronic). URL https://www.jstor.org/ stable/4599084. Anonymous:2007:BMd [Ano07h] Anonymous. Back matter. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 151(4):??, December 2007. CODEN PAPCAA. ISSN 0003- 049X (print), 2326-9243 (electronic). URL https://www.jstor.org/ stable/25478465. Anonymous:2007:FMa [Ano07i] Anonymous. Front matter. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 151(1):i–79, March 2007. CODEN PAPCAA. ISSN 0003- REFERENCES 40

049X (print), 2326-9243 (electronic). URL https://www.jstor.org/ stable/4599039. Anonymous:2007:FMb [Ano07j] Anonymous. Front matter. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 151(2):i–231, June 2007. CODEN PAPCAA. ISSN 0003- 049X (print), 2326-9243 (electronic). URL https://www.jstor.org/ stable/4599054. Anonymous:2007:FMc [Ano07k] Anonymous. Front matter. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 151(3):i–329, September 2007. CODEN PAPCAA. ISSN 0003-049X (print), 2326-9243 (electronic). URL https://www.jstor. org/stable/4599070. Anonymous:2007:FMd [Ano07l] Anonymous. Front matter. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 151(4):??, December 2007. CODEN PAPCAA. ISSN 0003- 049X (print), 2326-9243 (electronic). URL https://www.jstor.org/ stable/25478449. Anonymous:2007:VI [Ano07m] Anonymous. Volume information. Proceedings of the American Philo- sophical Society, 151(4):??, December 2007. CODEN PAPCAA. ISSN 0003-049X (print), 2326-9243 (electronic). URL https://www.jstor. org/stable/25478448. Anonymous:2008:Aa [Ano08a] Anonymous. Accessibility. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 152(1):??, March 2008. CODEN PAPCAA. ISSN 0003-049X (print), 2326-9243 (electronic). Anonymous:2008:Ab [Ano08b] Anonymous. Accessibility. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 152(2):??, June 2008. CODEN PAPCAA. ISSN 0003-049X (print), 2326-9243 (electronic). Anonymous:2008:Ac [Ano08c] Anonymous. Accessibility. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 152(3):??, September 2008. CODEN PAPCAA. ISSN 0003- 049X (print), 2326-9243 (electronic). REFERENCES 41

Anonymous:2008:Ad [Ano08d] Anonymous. Accessibility. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 152(4):??, December 2008. CODEN PAPCAA. ISSN 0003- 049X (print), 2326-9243 (electronic). Anonymous:2008:BMa [Ano08e] Anonymous. Back matter. Proceedings of the American Philosophi- cal Society, 152(1):??, March 2008. CODEN PAPCAA. ISSN 0003- 049X (print), 2326-9243 (electronic). URL https://www.jstor.org/ stable/25478481. Anonymous:2008:BMb [Ano08f] Anonymous. Back matter. Proceedings of the American Philosoph- ical Society, 152(2):??, June 2008. CODEN PAPCAA. ISSN 0003- 049X (print), 2326-9243 (electronic). URL https://www.jstor.org/ stable/25478498. Anonymous:2008:BMc [Ano08g] Anonymous. Back matter. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 152(3):??, September 2008. CODEN PAPCAA. ISSN 0003- 049X (print), 2326-9243 (electronic). URL https://www.jstor.org/ stable/40541598. Anonymous:2008:BMd [Ano08h] Anonymous. Back matter. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 152(4):??, December 2008. CODEN PAPCAA. ISSN 0003- 049X (print), 2326-9243 (electronic). URL https://www.jstor.org/ stable/40541613. Anonymous:2008:FMa [Ano08i] Anonymous. Front matter. Proceedings of the American Philosophi- cal Society, 152(1):??, March 2008. CODEN PAPCAA. ISSN 0003- 049X (print), 2326-9243 (electronic). URL https://www.jstor.org/ stable/25478467. Anonymous:2008:FMb [Ano08j] Anonymous. Front matter. Proceedings of the American Philosoph- ical Society, 152(2):??, June 2008. CODEN PAPCAA. ISSN 0003- 049X (print), 2326-9243 (electronic). URL https://www.jstor.org/ stable/25478483. REFERENCES 42

Anonymous:2008:FMc [Ano08k] Anonymous. Front matter. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 152(3):??, September 2008. CODEN PAPCAA. ISSN 0003- 049X (print), 2326-9243 (electronic). URL https://www.jstor.org/ stable/40541588. Anonymous:2008:FMd [Ano08l] Anonymous. Front matter. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 152(4):??, December 2008. CODEN PAPCAA. ISSN 0003- 049X (print), 2326-9243 (electronic). URL https://www.jstor.org/ stable/40541600. Anonymous:2008:VI [Ano08m] Anonymous. Volume information. Proceedings of the American Philo- sophical Society, 152(4):??, December 2008. CODEN PAPCAA. ISSN 0003-049X (print), 2326-9243 (electronic). URL https://www.jstor. org/stable/40541599. Anonymous:2009:Aa [Ano09a] Anonymous. Accessibility. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 153(1):??, March 2009. CODEN PAPCAA. ISSN 0003-049X (print), 2326-9243 (electronic). Anonymous:2009:Ab [Ano09b] Anonymous. Accessibility. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 153(2):??, June 2009. CODEN PAPCAA. ISSN 0003-049X (print), 2326-9243 (electronic). Anonymous:2009:Ac [Ano09c] Anonymous. Accessibility. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 153(3):??, September 2009. CODEN PAPCAA. ISSN 0003- 049X (print), 2326-9243 (electronic). Anonymous:2009:Ad [Ano09d] Anonymous. Accessibility. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 153(4):??, December 2009. CODEN PAPCAA. ISSN 0003- 049X (print), 2326-9243 (electronic). Anonymous:2009:BMa [Ano09e] Anonymous. Back matter. Proceedings of the American Philosophi- cal Society, 153(1):??, March 2009. CODEN PAPCAA. ISSN 0003- 049X (print), 2326-9243 (electronic). URL https://www.jstor.org/ stable/40541638. REFERENCES 43

Anonymous:2009:BMb [Ano09f] Anonymous. Back matter. Proceedings of the American Philosoph- ical Society, 153(2):??, June 2009. CODEN PAPCAA. ISSN 0003- 049X (print), 2326-9243 (electronic). URL https://www.jstor.org/ stable/40541667. Anonymous:2009:BMc [Ano09g] Anonymous. Back matter. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 153(3):??, September 2009. CODEN PAPCAA. ISSN 0003- 049X (print), 2326-9243 (electronic). URL https://www.jstor.org/ stable/40541681. Anonymous:2009:BMd [Ano09h] Anonymous. Back matter. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 153(4):??, December 2009. CODEN PAPCAA. ISSN 0003- 049X (print), 2326-9243 (electronic). URL https://www.jstor.org/ stable/20721519. Anonymous:2009:FMa [Ano09i] Anonymous. Front matter. Proceedings of the American Philosophi- cal Society, 153(1):??, March 2009. CODEN PAPCAA. ISSN 0003- 049X (print), 2326-9243 (electronic). URL https://www.jstor.org/ stable/40541626. Anonymous:2009:FMb [Ano09j] Anonymous. Front matter. Proceedings of the American Philosoph- ical Society, 153(2):??, June 2009. CODEN PAPCAA. ISSN 0003- 049X (print), 2326-9243 (electronic). URL https://www.jstor.org/ stable/40541651. Anonymous:2009:FMc [Ano09k] Anonymous. Front matter. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 153(3):??, September 2009. CODEN PAPCAA. ISSN 0003- 049X (print), 2326-9243 (electronic). URL https://www.jstor.org/ stable/40541668. Anonymous:2009:FMd [Ano09l] Anonymous. Front matter. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 153(4):??, December 2009. CODEN PAPCAA. ISSN 0003- 049X (print), 2326-9243 (electronic). URL https://www.jstor.org/ stable/20721508. REFERENCES 44

Anonymous:2010:Aa [Ano10a] Anonymous. Accessibility. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 154(1):??, March 2010. CODEN PAPCAA. ISSN 0003-049X (print), 2326-9243 (electronic). Anonymous:2010:Ab [Ano10b] Anonymous. Accessibility. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 154(2):??, June 2010. CODEN PAPCAA. ISSN 0003-049X (print), 2326-9243 (electronic). Anonymous:2010:Ac [Ano10c] Anonymous. Accessibility. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 154(3):??, September 2010. CODEN PAPCAA. ISSN 0003- 049X (print), 2326-9243 (electronic). Anonymous:2010:Ad [Ano10d] Anonymous. Accessibility. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 154(4):??, December 2010. CODEN PAPCAA. ISSN 0003- 049X (print), 2326-9243 (electronic). Anonymous:2010:BMa [Ano10e] Anonymous. Back matter. Proceedings of the American Philosophi- cal Society, 154(1):??, March 2010. CODEN PAPCAA. ISSN 0003- 049X (print), 2326-9243 (electronic). URL https://www.jstor.org/ stable/20721536. Anonymous:2010:BMb [Ano10f] Anonymous. Back matter. Proceedings of the American Philosoph- ical Society, 154(2):??, June 2010. CODEN PAPCAA. ISSN 0003- 049X (print), 2326-9243 (electronic). URL https://www.jstor.org/ stable/41000101. Anonymous:2010:BMc [Ano10g] Anonymous. Back matter. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 154(3):??, September 2010. CODEN PAPCAA. ISSN 0003- 049X (print), 2326-9243 (electronic). URL https://www.jstor.org/ stable/41000092. Anonymous:2010:BMd [Ano10h] Anonymous. Back matter. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 154(4):??, December 2010. CODEN PAPCAA. ISSN 0003- 049X (print), 2326-9243 (electronic). URL https://www.jstor.org/ stable/23056871. REFERENCES 45

Anonymous:2010:FMa [Ano10i] Anonymous. Front matter. Proceedings of the American Philosophi- cal Society, 154(1):??, March 2010. CODEN PAPCAA. ISSN 0003- 049X (print), 2326-9243 (electronic). URL https://www.jstor.org/ stable/20721521. Anonymous:2010:FMb [Ano10j] Anonymous. Front matter. Proceedings of the American Philosoph- ical Society, 154(2):??, June 2010. CODEN PAPCAA. ISSN 0003- 049X (print), 2326-9243 (electronic). URL https://www.jstor.org/ stable/41000093. Anonymous:2010:FMc [Ano10k] Anonymous. Front matter. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 154(3):??, September 2010. CODEN PAPCAA. ISSN 0003- 049X (print), 2326-9243 (electronic). URL https://www.jstor.org/ stable/41000079. Anonymous:2010:FMd [Ano10l] Anonymous. Front matter. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 154(4):??, December 2010. CODEN PAPCAA. ISSN 0003- 049X (print), 2326-9243 (electronic). URL https://www.jstor.org/ stable/23056858. Anonymous:2011:Aa [Ano11a] Anonymous. Accessibility. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 155(1):??, March 2011. CODEN PAPCAA. ISSN 0003-049X (print), 2326-9243 (electronic). Anonymous:2011:Ab [Ano11b] Anonymous. Accessibility. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 155(2):??, June 2011. CODEN PAPCAA. ISSN 0003-049X (print), 2326-9243 (electronic). Anonymous:2011:Ac [Ano11c] Anonymous. Accessibility. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 155(3):??, September 2011. CODEN PAPCAA. ISSN 0003- 049X (print), 2326-9243 (electronic). Anonymous:2011:Ad [Ano11d] Anonymous. Accessibility. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 155(4):??, December 2011. CODEN PAPCAA. ISSN 0003- 049X (print), 2326-9243 (electronic). REFERENCES 46

Anonymous:2011:BMa [Ano11e] Anonymous. Back matter. Proceedings of the American Philosophi- cal Society, 155(1):??, March 2011. CODEN PAPCAA. ISSN 0003- 049X (print), 2326-9243 (electronic). URL https://www.jstor.org/ stable/23056856. Anonymous:2011:BMb [Ano11f] Anonymous. Back matter. Proceedings of the American Philosoph- ical Society, 155(2):??, June 2011. CODEN PAPCAA. ISSN 0003- 049X (print), 2326-9243 (electronic). URL https://www.jstor.org/ stable/23056842. Anonymous:2011:BMc [Ano11g] Anonymous. Back matter. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 155(3):??, September 2011. CODEN PAPCAA. ISSN 0003- 049X (print), 2326-9243 (electronic). URL https://www.jstor.org/ stable/23208696. Anonymous:2011:BMd [Ano11h] Anonymous. Back matter. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 155(4):??, December 2011. CODEN PAPCAA. ISSN 0003- 049X (print), 2326-9243 (electronic). URL https://www.jstor.org/ stable/23208790. Anonymous:2011:FMa [Ano11i] Anonymous. Front matter. Proceedings of the American Philosophi- cal Society, 155(1):??, March 2011. CODEN PAPCAA. ISSN 0003- 049X (print), 2326-9243 (electronic). URL https://www.jstor.org/ stable/23056843. Anonymous:2011:FMb [Ano11j] Anonymous. Front matter. Proceedings of the American Philosoph- ical Society, 155(2):??, June 2011. CODEN PAPCAA. ISSN 0003- 049X (print), 2326-9243 (electronic). URL https://www.jstor.org/ stable/23056828. Anonymous:2011:FMc [Ano11k] Anonymous. Front matter. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 155(3):??, September 2011. CODEN PAPCAA. ISSN 0003- 049X (print), 2326-9243 (electronic). URL https://www.jstor.org/ stable/23208682. REFERENCES 47

Anonymous:2011:FMd [Ano11l] Anonymous. Front matter. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 155(4):??, December 2011. CODEN PAPCAA. ISSN 0003- 049X (print), 2326-9243 (electronic). URL https://www.jstor.org/ stable/23208779. Anonymous:2012:Aa [Ano12a] Anonymous. Accessibility. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 156(1):??, March 2012. CODEN PAPCAA. ISSN 0003-049X (print), 2326-9243 (electronic). Anonymous:2012:Ab [Ano12b] Anonymous. Accessibility. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 156(2):??, June 2012. CODEN PAPCAA. ISSN 0003-049X (print), 2326-9243 (electronic). Anonymous:2012:Ac [Ano12c] Anonymous. Accessibility. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 156(3):??, September 2012. CODEN PAPCAA. ISSN 0003- 049X (print), 2326-9243 (electronic). Anonymous:2012:Ad [Ano12d] Anonymous. Accessibility. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 156(4):??, December 2012. CODEN PAPCAA. ISSN 0003- 049X (print), 2326-9243 (electronic). Anonymous:2012:BMa [Ano12e] Anonymous. Back matter. Proceedings of the American Philosophi- cal Society, 156(1):??, March 2012. CODEN PAPCAA. ISSN 0003- 049X (print), 2326-9243 (electronic). URL https://www.jstor.org/ stable/23558086. Anonymous:2012:BMb [Ano12f] Anonymous. Back matter. Proceedings of the American Philosoph- ical Society, 156(2):??, June 2012. CODEN PAPCAA. ISSN 0003- 049X (print), 2326-9243 (electronic). URL https://www.jstor.org/ stable/23558201. Anonymous:2012:BMc [Ano12g] Anonymous. Back matter. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 156(3):??, September 2012. CODEN PAPCAA. ISSN 0003- 049X (print), 2326-9243 (electronic). URL https://www.jstor.org/ stable/23558099. REFERENCES 48

Anonymous:2012:BMd [Ano12h] Anonymous. Back matter. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 156(4):??, December 2012. CODEN PAPCAA. ISSN 0003- 049X (print), 2326-9243 (electronic). URL https://www.jstor.org/ stable/23558241. Anonymous:2012:FMa [Ano12i] Anonymous. Front matter. Proceedings of the American Philosophi- cal Society, 156(1):??, March 2012. CODEN PAPCAA. ISSN 0003- 049X (print), 2326-9243 (electronic). URL https://www.jstor.org/ stable/23558074. Anonymous:2012:FMb [Ano12j] Anonymous. Front matter. Proceedings of the American Philosoph- ical Society, 156(2):??, June 2012. CODEN PAPCAA. ISSN 0003- 049X (print), 2326-9243 (electronic). URL https://www.jstor.org/ stable/23558189. Anonymous:2012:FMc [Ano12k] Anonymous. Front matter. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 156(3):??, September 2012. CODEN PAPCAA. ISSN 0003- 049X (print), 2326-9243 (electronic). URL https://www.jstor.org/ stable/23558087. Anonymous:2012:FMd [Ano12l] Anonymous. Front matter. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 156(4):??, December 2012. CODEN PAPCAA. ISSN 0003- 049X (print), 2326-9243 (electronic). URL https://www.jstor.org/ stable/23558229. Anonymous:2013:Aa [Ano13a] Anonymous. Accessibility. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 157(1):??, March 2013. CODEN PAPCAA. ISSN 0003-049X (print), 2326-9243 (electronic). Anonymous:2013:Ab [Ano13b] Anonymous. Accessibility. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 157(2):??, June 2013. CODEN PAPCAA. ISSN 0003-049X (print), 2326-9243 (electronic). REFERENCES 49

Anonymous:2013:Ac [Ano13c] Anonymous. Accessibility. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 157(3):??, September 2013. CODEN PAPCAA. ISSN 0003- 049X (print), 2326-9243 (electronic). Anonymous:2013:Ad [Ano13d] Anonymous. Accessibility. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 157(4):??, December 2013. CODEN PAPCAA. ISSN 0003- 049X (print), 2326-9243 (electronic). Anonymous:2013:BMa [Ano13e] Anonymous. Back matter. Proceedings of the American Philosophi- cal Society, 157(1):??, March 2013. CODEN PAPCAA. ISSN 0003- 049X (print), 2326-9243 (electronic). URL https://www.jstor.org/ stable/23558147. Anonymous:2013:BMb [Ano13f] Anonymous. Back matter. Proceedings of the American Philosoph- ical Society, 157(2):??, June 2013. CODEN PAPCAA. ISSN 0003- 049X (print), 2326-9243 (electronic). URL https://www.jstor.org/ stable/24640246. Anonymous:2013:BMc [Ano13g] Anonymous. Back matter. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 157(3):??, September 2013. CODEN PAPCAA. ISSN 0003- 049X (print), 2326-9243 (electronic). URL https://www.jstor.org/ stable/24640403. Anonymous:2013:BMd [Ano13h] Anonymous. Back matter. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 157(4):??, December 2013. CODEN PAPCAA. ISSN 0003- 049X (print), 2326-9243 (electronic). URL https://www.jstor.org/ stable/24640235. Anonymous:2013:CV [Ano13i] Anonymous. Contents of volume 157. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 157(4):491–495, December 2013. CODEN PA- PCAA. ISSN 0003-049X (print), 2326-9243 (electronic). URL https: //www.jstor.org/stable/24640233. Anonymous:2013:DMR [Ano13j] Anonymous. Deaths of members recorded through 31 December 2013. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 157(4):489–490, REFERENCES 50

December 2013. CODEN PAPCAA. ISSN 0003-049X (print), 2326- 9243 (electronic). URL https://www.jstor.org/stable/24640232. Anonymous:2013:FMa [Ano13k] Anonymous. Front matter. Proceedings of the American Philosophi- cal Society, 157(1):??, March 2013. CODEN PAPCAA. ISSN 0003- 049X (print), 2326-9243 (electronic). URL https://www.jstor.org/ stable/23558136. Anonymous:2013:FMb [Ano13l] Anonymous. Front matter. Proceedings of the American Philosoph- ical Society, 157(2):??, June 2013. CODEN PAPCAA. ISSN 0003- 049X (print), 2326-9243 (electronic). URL https://www.jstor.org/ stable/24640237. Anonymous:2013:FMc [Ano13m] Anonymous. Front matter. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 157(3):??, September 2013. CODEN PAPCAA. ISSN 0003- 049X (print), 2326-9243 (electronic). URL https://www.jstor.org/ stable/24640394. Anonymous:2013:FMd [Ano13n] Anonymous. Front matter. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 157(4):??, December 2013. CODEN PAPCAA. ISSN 0003- 049X (print), 2326-9243 (electronic). URL https://www.jstor.org/ stable/24640222. Anonymous:2013:IV [Ano13o] Anonymous. Index to volume 157. Proceedings of the American Philo- sophical Society, 157(4):496–501, December 2013. CODEN PAPCAA. ISSN 0003-049X (print), 2326-9243 (electronic). URL https://www. jstor.org/stable/24640234. Anonymous:2013:ME [Ano13p] Anonymous. Members elected in 2013. Proceedings of the Ameri- can Philosophical Society, 157(4):487–488, December 2013. CODEN PAPCAA. ISSN 0003-049X (print), 2326-9243 (electronic). URL https://www.jstor.org/stable/24640231. Anonymous:2014:Aa [Ano14a] Anonymous. Accessibility. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 158(1):??, March 2014. CODEN PAPCAA. ISSN 0003-049X (print), 2326-9243 (electronic). REFERENCES 51

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