+ Coup!• to Present Recital Class Functions Spark in M1tchell Hall
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+ tUlCW NEWARK, DELAWARE VOL. 8i NO. !!R NEW ARK. DEI. .. AWARE .MAY 11, 1962 . I coup!• To Present Recital Class Functions Spark In M1tchell Hall, Tuesday; S . AI . To Feature Flute, Organ prlng umnl .Reunion noon to be held in the Dover or a b1,1s tour of the campus. Room. Mr. Thompson will pre- An Alumni Seminar at Wolf side. President JOhn A. Perkins Hall Auditorium will be held at will deliver the greetings. Mr. · 3. Dr. John A. Monroe will Joseph A. Julien, Chairman, A- speak on "LouisMcLane,Dela wards Committee, will present warean in Hi~h Plac~, .. and the Outstanding Alumnus A- Dr. Elizabeth A. Dyer will speak wards. on "The Future of the Educat- The annual report will be ed Woman. .. given by Mr. Elbert Chance, A musical interlude at 4:ro Director of Alumni and Public will feature the university Sy• Relations. The honored guests mphonic Band with guest artist for the luncheon are Provost Vincent J. Abato, saxophonist. Carl J. Rees, Professor Kurt The university Concert Band. Wohl, and Associate Profes- Concert Choir, and the Newark sor Beatrice P. Hartshorn. Choral Union will also per- At 2 p.m. the Alumni may form. A reception will be held attend a Delaware vs. Temple at the Newark Country Club at baseball game at Frazer Field, 5:30, followed by the individual a program of Carillon music, class functions. ELLA EAKIN AND WILBUR EAKIN Prof. Hillyer Honored In Memorial Service DR. ROBERT S. HI~LYER land. From 1948 to 1951 he was visiting professor at Kenyon College in Ohio. He arrived at Delaware in.1951 serving in the capacity of visiting pro fessor. fie then becameprofes sor of English, and was appoint ed to the H. Fletcher Brown Professor of Humanities. ·Dr. Hillyer retired in 1960 and died on December 23, 1961. Abato To Appear gow Arms. Dr. Russell Rem age of the mathematics depart Review ·AHains First Class With Symphony ment, was guest speaker at the The Delaware Review recei feet score in the field of news ved its fifth consecutive First coverage, with comments of banquet. James Abato, who has been HOWARD "ISAACS Class rating from the Asso "exceptional" and "superb." soloist with leading American The award is given annua!ly ciated Collegiate Press, for The only criticism in this sec symphony orchestras, will be year and was a junior counselor the first semester of 1961-62. tion concerned long lists of to the outstanding ~enior at the guest clarinetist with the uni last year. He has been active Receiving 3330 out of a pos names in several news stories. university by ODK, in recogni 3700 versity Symphonic Band tom in Hillel and was a member sible points. The Review Content was rated very good orrow. tion of outstanding contribution missed an All-American rat to excellent throughout the pap His appearance will be part of the University Religious ing by 70 points, the closest er, with special comment on of a pops concert which will to the university. Council. margin in years. Eight colleges several feature articles. The received All-American ratings also feature the Concert Band Isaacs was a four year mem- A Dean's List biology maj~r, Front page makeup received and the Concert Choir. The ber of The Review staff, se:-v in our size category, and 15 perfect scores, however thaton concert has been scheduled at Isaacs has been accepted by Al· shared First Class with The the inside pages was criticiz the Student Center at 4:30 p.m. ing as sports writer and editor, bert Einstein College of Medi Review. ed in realtion to the use of Accompanying the rating cer as part of the annual Alumni and as editor-in-chief this past cine in New York City for grad• departments such as Orgailiza Reunion Day activities. The tificate was a newspaper guide tional News and Greek Column. publie is invited to attend with- year. He is a member of Alpha uate work. book, with notations by the jud Headlines, printing and out charge. Epsilon Pl fraternity, and was Winner of the awardlasty~r ges, pointing out areas which photogr~phy were rated very were commendable and those Abato will be featured in the scribe of the local chapter. was Ralph Williams, president good by Frank Wright, whojud concert's major work, "Second which needed improvement. ged The Review along with over pre ~ (ConUnued to Page 11) He was elected to ODK this of the class of 1961. The Review received a per- a hundred other weekly papers. -------- -- E . II A d. A Seniors: Please Note ngeIE nth. ra 5 u fence t Last ·Minute Instructions .. Co t Moncl.rr .; e~ •• ntemporaryM USI·cFestiva S ti~~t:~~~~:s~~~:~:~~~ :t;::t.:r~e~~~~~~~~=:a~~ J) o' , mailed to all candidates for steps of the Library followina ~dd for off: -. · degrees in June 1962. As a ser- Commencement. BY CYNTHIA C. KEEN Residence H:l ~ ~_. ~ vice to these candidates, The Acaderilic Costumes Lehman Engel promised The men . Review wishes to remind them Srudents may pick up their ~omore ( 1, . ' 1 Monday night's audience at the of certain deadlines and obli- academic costumes at the Book s !dent fc • ' '·! l J 13th annual Contemporary Mus ga!..ions which must be kept in store after June 1, The Book. pres Ken has be . ic Festival that he would en• mind at this time. store will also be open from tertain them, . and he kept his All candidates for the asso- 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Sarurday, c~cil of tf:. promise. ciate degree, the bachelors• June 9, and 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. cal plant aL•. ·· Both Monday and Tuesday and advanced degrees are re- and 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Sunday, and corres: ·.. , .. night's audiences were enthral quired to attend Commence- June 10, to issue costumes. He Is also :-. · led by Engel's explanations of ment, Sunday, June 10, at 2:30 Srudents are urged to pick them man of Al the structure of the musical p.m. They must be in academ- up early to check on condition. _president o .' . •. comedy. As he promised, he ic costume. Degrees in absen- The bookstore will be open ternlty. I<e11 ' did not give a lecture or pre tia will be awarded only under for two hours immediately after MRHA into ': I I .. , . • 'e sent a concert - he planned to certain conditions, which will commencement for the rerum · ordinating o:·,.' ·'· 7 entertain his audience, instruc• be explained below. of academic costumes. Srudents dorms. He 1.: ' ~ ·: tiveiy. He mentioned that in- · Baccalaureate services will who fail to return rented aca Eric -Brud :. 1.. ': termissions were provided for be held on June 10 at 11 a.m. demic costumes with two hours He Is also .:: :: ., . sleeping, but it is doubtful that in front of Hullihen Hall, where will be charged $1.00 extra Russ rl t'·-'C'· anyone felt like sleeping either Commencement will also be handling fee. cheinical er · · : · · night. held. All candidates for the as- Candidates for advanced de vice-presk· ··~ · i ···'· :; OVERTURE QUIETS AUDIENCE sociate degree and the bache- · grees and degrees with distinc active in b· ·' · · · ·r· The instruction began with the lors• degrees are required to tion must deliver their thesis posts, P. ·.-. ' · : ''' presentation of the orchestra attend this event in academic or dissertation to the Book ofHarring··· ~- t nt ~ and its main role in a musical costume unless permission to store at least two weeks before of the do r" be absent is granted by Presi- commencement~ The charge for the playing of an overture. Ac also Stan cia ·.. ~ ' ·n ·,[ · dent Perkins. Candidates for binding is $5,00 and copies will cording to Engel, an overture MRHA. Al ~ ' ·. -· I! advanced degrees. ·are invited be returned after October 15. has two purposes; it gets the Ne · . I "' to come. Degrees In Absentia oan people seated and into some de for the P<~ ··! · · gree of attention, and it adver Luncheon Candidates who have a com- secretary. · · .. ,\,' tises the music, thereby causing A luncheon for members of pelling reason to be absent the graduating class, members from Commencement must major, Da · ~- ·· ,. the sale of records and making of their family, and friends (Continued to Page 12) ors for hi - ' · · :, money for the composer. will be held in one of the uni Harold Rome and Leonard LEHMAN ENGEL versity dining halls on Sunday Bernstein gained not only at noon, Tickets, costing $1.50, King Twig Band fortune but also fame from their perhaps due to the orchestra's its non-musical beginnings, must be purchased between June ~trik r.~ overtures, "Fanny" and "Won increased familiarity with En which were not demonstrated, 1 and June 7 at the main desk en, derful Town, "which Engel and gel's slightly unorthrodox con to the tradition defying scene of the Student Center. No tic the DelawareSymphonetteplay ducting style. which opens • 'Oklahoma.'' Joe kets will be sold on June 10. To Toot At Dance; Arer <1 ~ ed to open the program. "Won Every show must have an Krewatch did a beautiful job All degree recipients, mem derful Town" was written in opening, and Engel next pro on • 'Oh, What a Beautiful Morn bers of their families, and the Union. less than _. four weeks and is ceded to trace the opening, from ('Contlnued to Page 8) members of the faculty and Last One In '62 trades, c · .. Bernstein's impression of Am- 1'-r-----------------------~------------- King Twig and his Regals, the univ E· ' famous night-club and frater sion prog .