United States Patent 19 11 Patent Number: 5,360,712 Olm Et Al
D US005360712A United States Patent 19 11 Patent Number: 5,360,712 Olm et al. 45 Date of Patent: Nov. 1, 1994 54 INTERNALLY DOPED SILVER HALIDE 4,981,781 1/1991 McDugle et al. ................... 430/605 EMULSIONS AND PROCESSES FOR THER 5,037,732 8/1991 McDugle et al. ................... 430/567 ARA 5,132,203 7/1992 Bell et al. ............. ... 430/567 PREP TION 5,268,264 12/1993 Marchetti et al. .................. 430/605 75) Inventors: McDugle;Myra T. Olm, Sherrin Webster; A. Puckett, Woodrow both G.of FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS Rochester; Traci Y. Kuromoto, West 513748A1 11/1992 European Pat. Off. ... GO3C 7/392 Henrietta; Raymond S. Eachus, Rochester; Eric L. Bell, Wesbter; OTHER PUBLICATIONS Robert D. Wilson, Rochester, all of Research Disclosure, vol. 176, Dec. 1978, Item 17643, N.Y. Section I, subsection A. Research Disclosure, vol. 308, Dec. 1989, Item 308119, 73) Assignee: Eastman Kodak Company, Section, I, subsection D. Rochester, N.Y. 21 Appl. No.: 91,148 Primary Examiner-Janet C. Baxter J. v. V. 19 Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Carl O. Thomas 51) Int. Cl................................................. GC/ A process is disclosed of preparing a radiation sensitive 52 U.S.C. .................................... 430/567; 430/569; silver halide emulsion comprising reacting silver and 430/604; 430/605 halide ions in a dispersing medium in the presence of a 58 Field of Search ................ 430/567, 569, 604, 605 metal hexacoordination or tetracoordination complex (56) References Cited having at least one organic ligand containing a least one carbon-to-carbon bond, at least one carbon-to-hydro U.S.
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