The Revised Latin Primer
REVISED [ ATTM O T> T \ f T?"D JUAI UN i RIMcK UCSB LIBRARY 74. THE REVISED LATIN PRIMER BT BENJAMIN HALL KENNEDY, D.D. FORMERLY FKLLOW OS ST. JOHN'S COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE REGIUS PROFESSOR OF GREEK A.ND CANON Or ELY TWELFTH IMPRESSION LONGMANS, GKEEN, AND CO. 39 PATERNOSTEK ROW, LONDON NEW YORK AND BOMBAY 1906 All rights reserved By the same Author. THE SHORTER LATIN PRIMER. Fcp. 8vo. price ONE SHILLING. AUTHOR'S PREFACE. Tnis little boofc is published in compliance with a wish expressed to me by a large number of Masters, including many teachers in Preparatory Schools, and in the lower forms of Public Schools. It is intended to be a simple manual for beginners in Latin, preparatory to the use of the Revised Latin Primer. In order to facilitate the passage of the learner from one book to the other, and also to make it possible for them to be used side by side if necessary, this Shorter Primer has been made, as far as it goes, in the main identical with the Revised Primer, and arranged on the same plan. It contains the memorial portion of the Accidence, with a few of the most important notes and explanations, and the more elementary parts of the Syntax of the Simple Sentence. A short outline of the Compound Sentence, which did not form part of my original plan, has been added in accordance with the desire of several experienced teachers, In this part it has been necessary, for the sake of brevity, to make the arrangement and wording somewhat different from that of the Revised Primer, In this book, as in the Revised Primer, I have endeavoured to simplify the marking of quantity by placing the mark of quantity, as a rule, only on the long vowels.
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