Jihadist Hotbeds Understanding Local Radicalization Processes Edited by Arturo Varvelli ISBN 978-88-99647-13-1 ISBN (pdf) 978-88-99647-14-8 ISBN (ePub) 978-88-99647-15-5 ISBN (kindle) 978-88-99647-16-2 DOI 10.19201/ispijihadisthotbeds ©2016 Edizioni Epoké - ISPI First edition: 2016 Edizioni Epoké. Via N. Bixio, 5 15067, Novi Ligure (AL) www.edizioniepoke.it
[email protected] ISPI. Via Clerici, 5 20121, Milano www.ispionline.it Graphic project and layout: Simone Tedeschi, Edoardo Traverso I edition. All Rights reserved. No part of this book may be reprinted or reproduced or utilised in any form or by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. The Italian Institute for International Political Studies (ISPI) is an independent think tank dedicated to being a resource for go- vernment officials, business executives, journalists, civil servants, students and the public at large wishing to better understand in- ternational issues. It monitors geopolitical areas as well as major trends in international affairs. Founded in Milan in 1934, ISPI is the only Italian Institute – and one of the few in Europe – to place research activities side by side to training, organization of international conferences, and the analysis of the international environment for businesses. Comprehensive interdisciplinary analysis is achieved through close collaboration with experts (academics and non-academics alike) in political, eco- nomic, legal, historical and strategic studies and through an ever- growing network of think tanks, research centers and Universities in Europe and beyond The European Foundation for Democracy is a Brussels-based po- licy institute dedicated to upholding Europe’s fundamental values of freedom and equality, regardless of gender, ethnicity or religion.