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Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

5-9-1907 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 05-09-1907 Journal Publishing Company

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Recommended Citation Journal Publishing Company. "Albuquerque Morning Journal, 05-09-1907." (1907). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ abq_mj_news/3108

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.'p. w il. 'a- V, ill s,a ,i te il' H'" l'.i'nn;"li'l í li'nsi'i.'S. ar til"!'" la " i' ..in 1. "Ill illu.- -, nut In ' Ill:it 4 ti Un'. lililí' Mía. . - pi.'-l.- l. ,a nnnnrn -. nl rtTirr i ..-- ) i fl in- wliicli has "ivatiM such a . hi- - ü h. .i a i: ml ..in pan ami HUNDRED DIE l h r.iujiliKii vv 'nl is ah. un A HTi'st th" II". a n - ..I1. .i ..II ll" I'.all Í". 'I'll. V h , il . Htb ,i i" mis inn mini - 1'" V"i Ka-l- in a, t - .in.- A ni Hi" uiii'iii- mm 'a siiikiim illusir.iiiuii ''in V a 111. 111 ll, -- nl ,,f 11,, va th" T.i"l 'ni,.. fhal ilninsplul'o Y K i. a .'. a. ,1 i'ai I' li.'.l in.! all í Mr- -. 111 llalli lili.il lilis ;il r (..i.Hin, UU III. I'ai a " -- wifu jf ilm.m'ii.ir Ki'.ink i:. 'I'ln- u. in anal nil' S ) i pt am. hi.ii Í whs liuslns.s ni a fasliiulial,!" tni II. "ik ami ,'::l III DISASTER FIRST POINT .mil liiiivl ii al Ui" l.lah.i linn I. wlmiv sha nuil tlm "X""lltiV" "I rlll.'f llm I'. I.'ivi'il tln-i- .iK th" Nial" a iv inakinx limn ilia-,- 1 SECRET NEGOTIATIONS al ncsriii In-- lia ..,m of !m i nr. a ml ail a hiiine. 1. li h a pa. 1"" mini" tmhiy vviOi pn ml kinl ". TO AVERT LABOR TROUBLE The in ""Hit -: tin-i- a, - !"ss ñPimrn li.' km hi'mikm VICTIMS llajwiiml in al linilani". aitiailcil 1 1 o 1 1 ,, ,u I. til II" "!'- - ON DENVER & RiO GRANDE ! a uf !m r i is i i.m and !!. than s"nri. nf musíais uillsui" ilitit I. a, il m 'I"1 i' "Vinal TO in k lit. IT FREIR I"- vvsp:, " T llH'll. hi.-- iavivnrs anil ni!" I llmim.; Im.w in Ih" la. " Villi I ri . ;i l il ili.il 111" nitiinlai.", .inl-- .l il - ültl" . a Tin. man h slal"- l.a- nines' ;. un. n raw will I." it i laltt"!-- 'I !. - '.in I' lm"it mini, .low and final!) as .ilK luvparatmns hav" a.i" .. ni. k him' In lli" il li a- u il !i li;i ll 'I'll" 1'""! ta a 'uinm iinwil. ,. i s. A: III - h.i.l' a in .air a.'.n nil. SERIOUS r.nvs mus: lia snimi ji.r ' a..- - .. -- I llial in.iav I..Z.1I j a '. ni. a i a ni" a I'n as hi- mm .sniimtlilníí I" 'I" hi'.-- "MliiK iii.r. haw uunnu I"), a , il Ih" Kaapn. Il VESSEL ' !' imimt-M- i- uni.u TRIAL Willi Hi" lark inlmvsi lini ni un it iiiim! h!... ..I fh.u.-.- hi-- f 111" ilinus. T'l al lilis sill"" prui'i'i I', .na t; in hi I' In ..I a ml am u i: h i a v. al ai "ntiipl"!"! i r i ' ' as hn' ai'" ,h- .B- -I h. ni Im.li "in ll"lr i ami III" ill Hal la i h" ila k as la i li" l"iai!s i.f h" rninnn lía-- : i Un- hav" as;, J hi- ",tm slal" "laiins la wkwh "ha! "I a: ..u!t ami f "I In I'ai 0 a la a in a h Jiictee Wood Overrules Motion ; ,'!,;;., It ill. a.illiill. II! IIIUUU ., , i li "; r am! ""is .! at Reii'iotc Poiiit on Rock of the Defense Requiring thei.í;;,;,,!,,;,,l!;:h ,i mnli "i s pa, h". I,,,. imln'al'" an Ii!ark"il ml, a of An ilia,!" a nnnfuss nil. is annul all inn i la IhiiiikI Unas! South to File ;i Bill of nt. I"'"1'" injured man j Pioseeution lile publi" is inv.iri' liaHanaiiONLY MINOR DISORDERS h.i.l ;;r;;"v,:. ;:. another i: 111" I.t'.tsi'cUti.ill hit '"l' ..a ,11. M lias I a ". ' m III. j I i Í... . M Paiticulars of Overt Acts, in mak" iis plans "niniimn pinperiy. ATTEND SIX MILE TRIP "... si as a in a i r succumbs in Hosrii ti lia pi is. a ' Hasu.H.il an. his 'I" .. 'hi,, a.-- am. ial.'.l a .1. j Mm an- liliniic lm r" la m ,,,, A a v, il ll anil l'"l km.., k"'l '" J ,"n ÍPASSENGERS CRAZED BY ( il in l)n. i nn niy I ' li A -, ) j ACTION CAME TOO I'll "'"" Oi 11, n .1.1.. i,., ni- ("I, y I) v, I..,. IM !,V art Imiis". "!" mil m th" lawn OWWV I 'Ki rt U niH i; Vi ., ,, ,., ..rkiiiir ' FEAR JUMP INTO SEA ;?, I.i- - l 11 LATE DECLARES COURTÍ!,!;;;:',1;!;;-;;'- II I... Ml I Air:.,,. r. .ai a si il'i'i.iliim brru in uonici eni :;;WzWnT;XZ IlilllUlt.U uy iVIIIUilll'll Willi l ia I'n- ' and union h, n Hi ' i. ,',,,,,,,: ,,.m"iil I W I' ll Mi ml I.l mill's t.llllik (Mil si ll.'k ll" "II I'll Wí... .! 'li ,' .1 f Day - ;! With Srhniitz lümm-n- ,,i' lli'lpli'SK Pt'!iTe Be Seen W'M, fjn, pinninii f,a,' Pm ':' '"."i"'. a.!. .'.'".T,'"! Passes Witlmut a Siiot nnvil In .'lli". Mni I v.! J I.. IVI'V u VI IU Mil" ...ii'.i.'i i.i.'i" ...... , li a a- - '! In' UllallbU 'irbll n ". ami ail I V"iv,-t- Will Appninl AlbitiatOiS, I rplmm in Hi" shaal" i.r Hi" liiK bCI H 1.'; T 0( ,M .. i.'i' ii Shore lantieally Wav- m,- i:li a ili'ii.l'.v im cecc!i!i2,s in Lona; Ordeal ofUi.m.s ,,i. Mui'...ni.in ...lili ni, Max- .- si!'""! a h i! li in '"1' I I'.'iis". 'I'h itrlon.ii'r "Nrn'i'ss mil nt' a sal. am .11 .l a ing Distiess Signals Prom Um-.- Sltirtilng NtMM'lill V!re. ' lifü-v- ,.,.v,,' - (Ity Joiirmil I.ai.l eCOd ASSaSSinS Of GOVCr ' "'" imilnnk ami f tnjr Momlnc Journal HiwHul LmaMl Wire.) x il lil'.ll! il. 11. "I- uamm ' ml. !"! a .May s - A i.nil'"!'-"II",- - III - .lili'-1"- any in - , Sail iii'lu'ii. in of "ampllcily Sd n run. May s. Tim .Inint ,,.v,. K. Il.iasr. .i'...i i.'l.'i' nf CRÍE' Deck of Bioken Steamer, They are ariMm'.- - K ' . was hi'hl ill lim minor's nlll. " !' SiPIIIIOn IP!'0' ll,l'llrl'. "'' ami! ial i.m ".nn m il !" ".inipns.-.- nl'lii,,. vs.-- "nil pa ll H "a n ilh.-i- nni.-ooi- , 'i S.limll.. y trials t." invmpi!) am! ,.;,,., (,.,. I'nmi la imin-- I ..i, 111" ni up a n. ni Inlwii'li laol I'atii.k k,l ".in. ( i.i In- nil.-- la li- - .. "Inhs,- - ,,,,, I1 'a llii.un. of in viiilmul s, impi "im nl "Imi'. h.'s ami ;,, ,.!' lty Morning Journal Hvrliil Wlr. - i."l I i I. I pi.-l-p- Ihr.I I'll" sprung a "iiiiiin.-i-.la- .a-- si s ,,,,,, , amlll"'l,N. in, lull. I'mmam.. lliy Mornlnc Jonrniil (nfliiil IriKtd Wlrft.l imii'iis" n.'i'iiii'.i nm.n.'fal ami in hail mil M m ,a i. Al.iv s.-- I In- i i. ,, .li III nl' u u Tn iiiniay. 'I'll" M v 1'i'is" Imiiuhl by aniTHinciiu: t n 1.,'ilml "'in-'wa- - III" I'lll'llli'U'.l li l:,la i.iah" iv ' 'v lin this aft. rl ai III" ah.ait I,, slmnl - I'--m 111" nn- .M I ' a nsn, , ., ., ..' '.. , , ..I' I.. WIN'.II, "f !i In ll,- maV.r "'I Uml "as l'i mh nt lili" ' lain, lálaar nl" nil "!H s!r. "t I.. il.i a av. "plaiim.l m UK a : ,i. nmimn lis" lm IS . I, ,,, a m HIM "ill.a ns Marsi-illi-- "" '""1. lililí "nuns,.!. Mr. WIN,.!, ,,,1,11,1,! ....,.,. in i,i in a. inill"il la "iimimll"" SUCCEEDS ma in, r l'nil mi. ia nui A prll nl a!., I In- In, li ii t mi! i'"n inn; I. nn iv.iai f, r ,,,,,,, p ,.,-- ; iin-r- in. l'i a.l. ..,. nf JikIko nainmi ,vIN M,,., in mil ., ,. sn mm nl ih" im in ,i,.i.iir. li In! ll.!- h, - n,-.- I. l!li ,,l. wri'i kt'll nff i 1, . i. 'a nn a, im ,a'.si m "I Ill" il ants, ir a n Win., who is to proii.l.- a! Ill" trials. (1 .,, ,, ,, .N. lm ilnl mil ".pt lh"i" witc f n. slnkiliu larnmii. tniaim; l.a.'k Ih" .111!!!! 1,1! (if - ,1 ,1 i I'OilHl ' n i l Inn siat- lm u.nilil si " in ",.H"ai;iii i, Si" líJliatin. Ill" Il.'l-- .1 imiiilt-- ii.n m in p, j; lis. v. nk.-- s a ml Hi- - in : K lini Willi Ih" '"' "m .'"""" ii" irmi aumlr .a-- ,. n -- in i a. i,, ih,- ma H ami j: a ,. Is hilV'n ' ,, k l'i.-i.l.-- l o 1, I'l In- i;Is. il I'l urn. Slm nn, III si, nnl In ( '" "" Hnmi.mmm i"" u r "i's ami Calh r ma, I" us" ..I 'i' mm-- m v ram' Sli'inn i. Is r lali v. I 'r. - hi- n l '. nn n sa hi II al'l" l.'Hi"r. 11" Imi'nlinh.x !.,n, iw tt rn,.. a ni Ill.l! answi li.n! :m ni;, i s nil lioanl. ami in Wi.-i.l- . In- - , ,,,, al w In!.- In- I l.j. m .Iin'si I'li'mmil of ,.,,, .n Mi" nf pian- r..l..i.l..'.i. , i ha ha. mns t. with ii, l'i run nl I,, ; ii... i a, imarlv 'Jim nf ' 111 i . !v a nl" sll, ii a i tm m 111" l,ii"ll "oui'is ami is - nl' Ih,- ppi-mi- a;. all t!m ppnllil imnl ".''" ill"" ,,ri',"ais M.lal Trail. Ih.- ha mini s i nt I . l sinc-- as la- i ma 14 In ll im as a i " I,", llial illlil ill'" all in' tie inai wiiiiani enn-'i- hv Until in.iiiiis ia inn ami lim .a iiml y i a n 1'n.m II. Acs in! m is.nl. rn' ' v S v nf liar,! , i ,1 . . na ,j' n v "s-i- i"i:ry of the i,, llm arra.v taliir a ami n, ,i 11 ",,.,.1 .arl!.",' tin a .'am!,'' 1,1" " "' ,n lilis "Iiv. Tim 'l ill"! l ' ham ' ,1 ii. .H a a b"- - tin- mini-- ,, ,,, , ', M 1,1 ' S 111 S S - H ll, ii,. i nf l,i"!i will nn the si.li- u' aiailsi-i- ,11, an I,,,,":,! ,1 I',,.' :.'..' ll a llnV 111 II " ill" his ai., uní pinna n; pi'nvn a mu m l'i i w ,y- - f- I. v-- iiii mmiiinn. .Im!:;,- .,.! Th" ..iin-- iiiiorta-v.- II ,,,,,. - .1 ii . , m. ., -, li slmri. Inmlmi nf ai Hunt llm inmil " 'Iln- list has Imini P ., ...uiiin.- ii.mli Tim aim i i!,,, ,.f I - ,,r i in- n .,!' lin-- Cal- - t v '"II ri ipmst lav "mi's nn,"! t.mmrnivv ami Ihi'mmlmm Umi u,,,. ,,,,, , p i,.,,., ;n 'i'l,,, m ,, tlial uní I'm u;i nnl r.a'.a nl lass ,,p, imi ai an Inn Ills lias ,n,! a lm' nn xp!i. il slaii'im nl ll I," 10- I''- Ui.liarilsnli, nl I'' M- W, PRICIIARD a, ,1. ii nv In Is lnal .,,,- ,',, a -n i'.,"" iiiiinh.'i-- last a,, C.n.'.. "ini. GEORGE anfn an Th" arn ia i ll iin-- 1 Urn p I'lar.-lii- ., !'..!- - i hi- -' I. ,, I ,, V, via, S. Iarmw. l'lii,a la u as a II- nnlll ri a ll 'him' nl' I'nli",. ninan mml" ,,,".,! ll" na i "i-'- riih'.--s ,,!' 1" , j t h k s, - tii'i'.pl". I'", ial", uh"l!,,-- r,, r " k Mil1"!'. of Sj.ok: am! i i v 1: ;,,,,! K. A. ia Imi s ..p. ral",! h" ..ml a pi 'i ara li".. nn n rl " to NOW ATTORNEY iRAL m.'v, ' k",i i A ii i: iu:i.ii ma n - -- .1 i mmh ha ,iri'- aliilai Num. ni. nl" Hnis". .Inlm i i , i i í ii:isiii . i v i.'ii.'s,!' i!:!V li" ,1,,'V" in an aiinmml.il" la San ... mi, ii In 's a sina ,i,k v ,! i'iti inn.' Hi,- p ' 111 vm-i.-- - at all "a I'll"!' st.l;; .f I, llt'llVCr, laillM! II "1 I' , ,.a V. Vl, ,. in 111" nil' In .us" l li a im fliimni'i' ' pi .mini a a .uia niinilnt! Iiy r, n l's. w - '. iaa i,,.. ,i. ,.ii,ii i"is. i.'asi s iaa-- 'I' I'ai- 111" l'"",l"l-,l- imi nf .Mimas, is l U i'. nl- - in-- i an, n A 1,- vv '"Sl,rn f ..ml c. al l.i am! la Momnv Ll. us.. i I, " ""I mm mil.'s .si nl lapa M. ,,,', ',,,'. iiniil nll'i.'.s 11 1 il ,"a .,,,,,. - i'im n.av a.a . . ! nn ii m m siv ,.fii" ilmnr pal.,,!- AltlO". M t ;i ,,,f ,,- , V"';', ni nf t "ar liik. "I'l.'li' sir, .as. Mr. Mull.".- lli.it is lint'tl0 !,, n I" , " " ... .,'.!"''" m via i a " ''.:.""na in . n. ,' .1 ,1" ". i" no if nit' li s ti nrnlia-lim- lips al'1,1 rn will h" i 1. 'il an an T,w ñu!.'. llm I'nil. ic.iilioa.ls ,; iij n.a I'nimi.a. ami ahlail mill's tinlii ai'Ulal a" p 11 VV , i - mm a ni i ,., man. a mm. ,., 1: ll a V 0 ,,,,, , ,, "i"".- ia,"' in" nuam; l'i Hi. 11 In,- ii l"'-- t 1" un hams Tim ,'lii.l Inhl si In- . Inn nf III" !'lil,'il railw ill- - iIimiikIH mini;" imi ma,!" I.H'mv Ha- imlii'inmni.-- Hi-- ' w'U h. 111.- Mana- - i i ins' Mill" ars inanimii iiv v mm si ri k " - si a rl k lim,- nr tlv.' rmil" ni nil IH'I ".ml, l'"ll"" with I'aplalu Th" is ilriiim Ihr in.lis i' l.. ami l,",,i" liia as ,r m,.s (. II a v 1. V'. n f a is". ' Ih-- ' II.- a- - r t I I 0 , ... v !!,-- yariN "a am! ' a Usui; of Hiis pl'o- - v a in " A ma.im'ly "!' 0." iv. v.as a..,., mm IMht'IU'lXCS IIK'l!!'!!'''!! n,!., sh" ililrlv Iraní I'nr 'ai-- m in- i! il Iln- i - m llial. nri na Lumias ia il," "i-- il I",la.v ha nan tn ni III! A lm iv v lilow , kmiv.ti i,",!,-!- 1,, v,. run siv h, n m Ha v.irs iiml lima ai na!" lias 'Vi-,.,- 1. !' l!-- cus mi'i' i!. i.. il,,. fir.--1 Un' f'mti , San-- W. I'l " !1, t it u ,! il llii-n- i It lui'si; I'nlt, S"iial..r i a Mill, ,s a ml AhanTon li'.'C u.i. I'm mal ilavs ami a ,n mil's n k Miilmu; h" liiin m' Kimlinkv. mi. mi nf i'i.mpüi'iiv in ill" Pah also nf I'.nis-- I'lihlic rrm, 1. ,i ni'l'.' "a- - Im w illiml III" " In'ia km - :i Im Ial This H in'i is Hi" work of l'i I,, till..! h" :hiil "l" finí. " "ia; mi!!', ;,, for a n Aiia ,." I'll ,v ,1 - .1 In- i 1', hi ji. ml vn. ,,f muri'.. ami m 111. in a k,,i..... sh ,! ilmrni-- " niimli in v,st"i'- M lii " mm a ' nn in ai,l viav iliii'liail! Tuks im llm a Mmi'i-- í'illii',.11" i nn-- I S,,-I- I)I. l ll III.' tlM,r,lil .'lim ',,n a;.' SI, alliil'lli'V f.n laiaki-i- lii,. mlnn- il,,., ,. mm,, I, nil, nit. In,l hallas mi Tm ii .11".!. "j ,l( nnt sav "Xaill 11.11. 1n, lo l,irli vim" imah!" in it.niu'nin'h t'.n' s w lil.-l- lavs ai"! tin- In nf ii m is sai, a, ill w Om mmi!,'! i!-,- III, M . s. A, I'm- lm, in, haul, rmyini amis', a Un, Illlinn. fall! .11" . lilis ill, ii.' all. nf ll" up,',' Unit ii S..IU.I I'". X. Mai lim; .,,a, nnl h."1 In run llm ii" ' Ill" ,!"! li' !.,!' VII" ,1" . :t VI "1 , , ,,, . ,i i i I V'.'a a v s ! - " ma a "nil, inn. nn, " u I'nlHllll ,', la !. ... , - . ,,' III'- In I'lV". Hi- lui'iik-i'- i;. i a, I' nnl,' t,"!a. a ," In III III s,,H" Ml" mil" . .. ill'!" II 'J "i II " " i a s, " ' ' ' ' at ' aula' - , I'll l'.lal-ü'-'- nm, i ,,...,.,,,. - III!" ,1 ri- -' A , n i v ni'iali i,i",li"l r .1 . .... vv,!. ,h. In.nl ii ii ni v m, n innl a l,vv "lm'i',.,i litrnmal W ia v ." i. Imu iilmllt '.!"' of . im: inn i. ".- - in ll!l..n ,!...'., l . S.iiM'S .11 ii nai.'.s m t "n'lli-!y- s a In- - a.,, s vv i '. il ll Hi, i,i, is llm aavnu v a i, p n 1' r M "I' ' "I llm mnl'i; Iln al íua,l, ua ri"i s ami " ilii.l ni, llm Ilnl ill" lailm' ,,,i li l.oal ri ai'hi nl ". '.' ., us a tim In ui". ami lm .Kill. '" i, ml. A was ink, it t" , Ih-- um, I.mM'K-- ' I r ml, nf in liiaii,- nf V"i"i" ,.r lii:,,- mi!"-- - a mol. ,,f ,.: I",i.--t in .i.iml w imimviil a. i; h mm nnlil lis" thrill. lunl a ha mh his nlli, " ;i; nMa I,, ial lie "inn a' tin' T.mi'-ii- in- isaiii-i'- - milm"! ' 111" - an. , in his s ll" a pplii'l ami of !" iln- "I'l is v a - afl, ,1 ,.f 111" s !,,,,,! - I'm ha ik lm ama "alii a ,, s ,, In! i a "" la la ni Ml'" lii'lnK lama mi'ii ami hms inn Willi loiliu Inai iilnnlin . Inl ill" tl, l'i" lai lilll'il tn r.,,,w-.- ii I,,. " ,i.l,,,l ha! a Mil ( if- - I h,v il ll . allni Si""i Ina ,is. (pitimis unaiii!, ,,S"paiai" rom n r. ... inn' nl' i.i. il iv al "II ami ..f tim iiliil.r nnu limn n uní null rim;' a,- i !i!i.;i,I I'a- 4 ..!,!, i.i'inm ( v,s- - "i ",a ami il v..,u!,l lm i:a,n,s ,, ai-.- rs "I 111" via- - m l,,v Hi" Iri al I'ai'ivwnl i,- ll n m In ""I nil" 1m " im inili-n.ul- " - off" u,, a s a." ho Ll mil ainr "iimi Innk" mil mi hoard a t:,, I n - u ai'i'mam; si,, a. H'.nly v vv . ii - ,. In- a nilln-i- ," i: i ivlumi-v- I'm 'ml, Mavm I If Un- in Inmil lam man lino nlli"". was Kmillulnil. ami . al a ii.l lui r:im n's imioii mill "llim ulna li'sl In.nl, r.nnii . , ,1 Í m;' in Th" A 11 I' nf Si ,isi ,, h,-- vv 'I r- - va. v. Mr. l i, k" II jlllllpl'.l inlir r a n i .a ua iln- rs Snhmii'. in Ins mi 'inj r,!a i s llalli, pall- li.nn In pi ,' In till lim all. "i'l. nf " anl'-- pc'Iil" Mill .t ,f t - i,k ia j .1 " Krt-- I." lis ll" 1,1, lim- Imv" ar , Is. vv a n ,. ,a il, a a "!." nliiiil'.. an i v " nf rt all in, I, lii, it mom ill... who in un ", his n ,',,a,lmn In nmurt , hi " m ra r I" a s',,n. nam pi oilimliv ,ai;,la al" "ill ry. ,. p! .1 , v s I, , l ia ml !ii wli! i ,n ha a n.l a lim Imiisihi v l.m-,i- . m-aa I i 1, sn ii Is !,,,,, ma na In suiiil "ii A lio ui v- ' poli",, oí a "i s a ml X'alltaii nn 'hail" Ilhi.h inn. ala un.l.i of unnuui m I!'""",. ii liliit; i, I'm nmaliiiK. ol ,, .1 Al r. I, II iiioi'.'.i'.' a' an in ana 'm .a l.a i I, in,, ,,i sou," M ( OM) KIOT HUM ,Vi iil i!i i n Imi ii.ini'l. r. Inn ih" a, lim; i.ov.'i'ii-M- ' ishoi", ui iii.n.v ial,' iliinMU'il. lii m a il I' nil I IV s 11! -j Sam Uuiiinu has inlm Ih" snnak.'l's. V il.) alllM'il luuav u .in. n oi ' a IX IIIIM-- I I . ,u. a inpiali'.i 1,'i'ir Inlnl" til-- ' HI, lull al'l I'll ,,. ,u i, ,al ilislouis nllli'i-l'.- It !:.-'- - innahnr J Ii'inam ,al isi " i ii'-- ( lll I J- i'l la' Mils iII.tii.miii i ' ;, ii nn- III ,',l fil V ill "am .'..un. lili", was l'"iU"Sl".l I,,.,.,,.. ,n, ,,; I,,. al',,,,, v s.- .l .lm, imiii; In r. nil!,,, am, lltltlolll on ,h I" I! i'l" sa ,. " '. i ',. n m -i M a - 'I'll" si'i on'l aia ..a.., i,,,i,.i, Ma nns, u ". san n .a- - "iim-- s u a , ,,n v issi-- i ,i u , n, h v ,o is, M una i s ,,, nil;,, n. i, i la "a- lia lm ni in in" ' .1 1.1 . 11 i" ,v .lia maai, , ,. a " " imm, ;. all-- 11,1". VHV I,,,, .,i l!,l llnl iilllilii- ili:i!,i! IV'" .. '":. "". .Mili ""SI i"."! ,1 ala j !,.,... i Lin, snail-hil- ' i . u I ' 1" "il. I. nt hanm-.- hm ami nl n h p u a a ,ih in, nn na n I' S inn "llliuoi ". na " ll lm- ami nili'l,' vailis. 111" 111 Is. John ha i .1 ii'l'i" 1,'olllíUliall"" of I 111 Ii ,f p. iv- laul 1. i,h In i, siv ll al oil",,. Mr. Ili'i.l.l - . lim I'liil".! l';"'" 'I Kill. TU. 'II ami an lli.iii i" viiaiia ..I tim II assas- ,4 I,,.,-- ""..'I'l lailroa ,' vi ars nl i!!' al Ill" i'a'.hv. snni" liminhs ii h III, a". nt ,., . S, a ,,f In In, .a lm- ahmsi allormys in X l l II I I S ''' ' l"s u s l!v n I ' ' (.l IS lia r into' anli-- ill a Ml '"''pi','!", ,, ; . I VI I, a K " ((mi' ami was '"l'"'r vi .. I ' I 1,1111,11, i In In Ilnl I' h" 1'1'M.MA. III. s" f : I 1 ' s ,', ,,i o, VII,,.,, I . v. p'-r- I" 'a s: ui I I I I S 1.1 1ST i" o i. .i .I i'n- Mat. as ... Union ' IM Ml na pa mn in ", "s. l , !, - 1, n -, ia im mi- a, lm,' .lo..i.- ii. a il Hi"' '" !, - lass uf husiimss ami .a, ,.o lo '""" !, M - ll h I", a o IH a "il nf til" "it un! Nal ha n - a. an vv s. ii s M;, J Al'l'nl llHIK In ", " . nl u , " a ,, n ami 111" 1111;!' llm li'M," a an ,1 IIIKKH. .l"V..i" ms linio Ma .1 V, nl . , , ( - ",1 ".ai m .i p"is,,,ia , , , . . . . m . , a .. ,,. a ll i li.'r I'roin Ih" I .I-,- " ..I'VI.VI,HI,Ir a.s, t I' i I, ,11, 111 - U 111 s U H ,1 l - .1 a o o O a III.,, " 'aplaln ,lispai"h."- a ' , : I" 11' HI " HI! o III" n is ii s n nn lm llll ''' - ; ,, L' , ,,.,,,,,1 "n am' par! I a a - n, r a a ma n .mm, s m " ,, ami li ..l.-ri- k s o : ., ., ...... ,. m i u nun, li.! Tin- manpl,.!' I.V ni" " in" a vi it It a I'lTZKXS" TO I'MiMilal'ii! ai Dak I.IOl-i- inili ' I, a p,is.,m ,1 i a,,,- - ." ' ' a- n ' - u a.i.1-- -- n las - . , - ' n " M lo ha m I I I I I plmu" a n o ,avi,v ,lv, is !m- - n- - i, " i a May S. Tim 'h sy n ( Hi-- I I On- im- - '"miaul " la' ..i!i ,',i"auu. J l.l IHIM. mi.iki ( ,,. ,,, K of ni a It. is on ' "o; nimiiiy. nil i 1. - ii s is ;, ni-- a Uiu ",'is J )', , y u u ; - a,l;'.n ,,;!;, paihi..-i- ol M'.vi'i' ami lav vvooii. ".', "' ,'" 'I'l u u, k fur an r h in his I, innriil mu! in,- sal". Ill" ' whi, iiuall' i.miIIiiI si'iiu.is il" : a f lieu It a ml I . I II I.. nil. VHI Is III"-- n.v al on," ,1""IS",I nlli III" l.a ill" . hi' II," .I .'.sill. II ill til" ' of 111" si'UHi'ls ,11" lii'lUK la Ilsll'l l"il : mm. ' !'. a m, In.'ll IV m il iiih-- toiiisilil I. In i". 111. Avi'mm. a.s ." lali Minirs. '.,' n, r,,a ,,, i f.ivm.lhl" loim-- ill sham",' lo limnos Thi' "ii'W h ,. i. s - la-- I' a.i i; thai tin fil in nt ho!,! a p. ,1" thi'nll'-i'- h ill" sll "il- of;"'' v l I'. nnlil all Iliili". nf a II I i i s; ,, j a nak- - lim- - Ih.'.v alia olil will llialll nil hoaril i:n .. It nnl', uf a pa mi' .May v. as a pr, t, -- l nl mi. is. i,, Ml- -I M-.- ''M VNI"'" r, i'ssi'1 iiliiiiulnlii'il. Siimlav. 'I a I.'I.V. ina.h- I, pr.-- nt hv 'Itiill" final mu llm ai" 1 - si l'i Mail v'.as mail, al Hons Ma a in-- im an'.v In "nimn ins! nsiili ni Kuus. v.'lt s I."- - I" Mav .. 'I'h n Lhwa-llvl- 'I'll,, illspat. sav has liii'll in. ami l'i k u vv in p Ails' us. Major nlul ullim' lns Ih.'l" V am! vv la, a, I, i'ili'ia I.. am! lii is " .ii,,., 111". HUI pas'S"li-U"- S "V ni1! ai,. s i. uaiillim Ih" llinull 'p. " "- - r. a naiiw. A nriu'V Inss of Tll.'l" W"l" n. iv o hoars !at. r miaal." ilim l,,a umlai'i; pi vis uf til" llm liaimn a rra s j.m I 'ri.-h- il," I'nil, .11, lllnsllv I'lilaiinn la.imr to llm !iK"iii"n ii- , r,l prmni nn hnanl a f , , -. r,,--- h has t i ' ' ,. ts ,ou ii", n mi lo i;s vil,- II." mi," S.v, ml, umal nf " '"!",..,.! man who l,aili"i vv l .Is. "'"lallsinU la .a,." , 1,1, lili Ih" lulTitm Ial Spa ni.l v - nllllnil . a iv vv vv.-- - i n,i- , I la l." 'l" " '"in" ,,,, i a in, nara, n r il mil iniln.....na ,v.i:i tinni. a, :, a la h" Toil. ni has a Imav.v lisl lo pml iliii'. ,1. la - im-- vv ii, si, a I, in il IfM'l with ll,,,,".- tun In ai ; llm on - n man, mmii n, k ,., n vvaK-'- war III ill" llii.'l'.'sis oi am! has luoki'ii two mi vv i; is nh iln- h ail.ri muii la lauinli a.H ri! DonoRes t Imr ixili v an ai,,s" ,lu-- iliil n la.in, fan umi, ,,,! m ol h" holm i.mvi'l illlii'lll "laiins. al. a vv r " II lis ami i .,1 'I... i.. "I .o i,."!, II loll of h lla omnia ml ilk ..Hi m o m , a li n in r ol - I' I! .,, w Ití.'h lia s vv ROOSEVELT PLEASED ami as a i, un a ii- aw k of Iln- ity 'l :i til ,. . .. .m a , . a . ' lo pll Ifivuii.iil. I ' il, ma l.mr, k up Iln- m 'n'l.l! ;n ,., . - ,...... ii a y in", i. m ' V' .a WITH LABOR EDITORIAL Ma,,. a ml oi .1, Ii in I" ",niu n, Sa, a ,i'.i ' ' Ii r llHl.-ai- ol V. vv ,1 SCOURS vv " i"k FIGHTSTRIKE ,m-- ll s a s. .a la ami a SULZERlEAD POSSE ii v la a ll lm a ,k f.'oai a Tin " ol a,, ammo,..- s to Ih" ;ili,a- .1 from Turk al 1" slHils. nnl ha, llv ami lm t, I, '!,- -! ,,i. ' I ., ,. (ll-.- 11 Im r . V i ..,, ... nossi u 1,1- - Ulll'llllt I III 's S lililí lllisi, III'" in OI,ll- "iiaiaov "ll uiun p. a li,.- l,U Un III S U, h a a a . - lall-- n- - A a ui as a .a t aiii. rn it i iimi-al- as- i ... ., il,,,,... ml ;, ma a a si, Is a.'. , - Ms- - l i ",i vv "oi la in- .1, .1 ili '.II o in "lini I. lo. k a o "oi .timlm mi,.- I. mnmllt h.ul I., li ,,i ", lo nuil i v - I, v in si r'k. ii a k"i ' this pha-- ...f Un "ase, nil" nl j iim lm Iv.. San I'l Hi, II oi" .in.iillli 'I s ,,1 ' Ii. I'l I w 'I ..am fur i In- pi ,,"- s l'ii isluii May lolin Inai". ho vv.a. P. man lia .as. iini'i.. ,U a s a a llalli I'll III a I'a p o -- in- s FOR , - I'iU hat, i k siii-i- "on, pan BREAKERS OF RILLS ia k of th" "i-- " "I- "liitur of In l.a' Ui.ifl "I Tin a Willi ,i "I'm .' ilnl"! PRISON , vv,- v. r.'.'.-iv-i- o! lo vv i'i' v s in-- .1 ill..). I. vv - ,1 l.'.'l l.j Ila- Mat,-- c inn ,;. mniuiit Ha' a. .nal a Sa, ra ii'-- ' ". lli, il"! "., ,,i in m-l- vv - poll,-,-- 'trun, l:.,ns",i in mi ", k ami Ii.m,. muí", I. ,1. a n.l ail a rama l. lm loot urn lm!,-!,,"- ni-- s. 111, " si-.- t . . ' - a forti .s.",ia! .ail t o iilKMi.nl of an ", nial i"""mlv ris. Illa Hoops V. a 'II' ' "i" .: assonialium- - ami - ,,a pi is islm.l in hi.-- papm' in m li""l i"" wain I'aplain ill.-- ll nl in-- l I'll mam!, 'I. - I' I, o l'i! II :., ii- - I till" M ..v lav u i .. ll rn v. ('hi. o I'aast' to rase tin- .a ímlll lmin isanmTIlIRTY-HV- E I AND IN ii 1,1 j ,i i, , "I" "I aiMa! v,i" n ." i "a." in " Imv. "Tin- liil" linns", i uiaai! RA D I I a- vva- I s, BOARD ,. : , . - i '. - ' a Mr u is! il ,ni i,,,!,. ,,,, i r. s a i of ll'I'T. .My ha m IN ,. IS .a , HOSPITAL; ARE JAIL! w - v r, ,11.--. hits pnli. il ,,r ll í r a'. Im. .XolhillK that opina is t; r m I;m 'I i.i. .1 !.. in.ik'- J ría-s- I ,,, i ,.. a i. - lit s r- - i vv ..... ii of Mo, a a an. m an '" i'iiii f. imi ha ha ill" nl It (it "'MM! ; H i (.Mil ,,!' in,. loll via si is i ha r.u t"I'- - I la vu ,,, nl ion! fi.lii .V has i:,- - i s w- -r, l Ai -- la, i,l an tim l ll'-- a "i'miiioriauifonmi a,',,,-,- ! 'tiíis- i a t la ii o Steamers ;';-; i;l;!:,,;v;,,) a!,v vn ami iv".,s iiiinh as vmii' - a sa -, -- t 1" 1. II! Mm- a" In- l ' " N. , I vv i .1 ,i to ,nl IT. I ..' ' o - of ".' Tlul" n iv to iw ivol'.v nilimni M L t. ASI V IS P SUSPECTS HELD vv imim-.lial- A Hi-- ' , - ' P A h O llüif o Li-- of t ..lay. Un- In n. al.i.lh.! !..ly all. f miaval olí Q f) J,, f '' '"' it irfiiis visiiois ,n .v,.,.. 0U h Ha I. . v i m-l- a v l hi- non-unio- n nn-,'- a ml I'm a ,: HOLD-U- mi- iii.i iln - n'.i;: a u,, a li vin.ni i."i h. hint AM V'iNIANA P ,. , ,. . i i ED AS SfsRPlAPY ., -. i .vi :. h'P lias i, u - ami llm-- " w s o ,m un"" Y () k UJ 111 l.nl ' .) swh. 11 vv.,,,1,1 "," ' " !,. h ,v im; a'li'.ml snmiv 111,! I,,,,,,,.,,,, m. wl. ,,m,,.h anamhy an! ill..! n of SCLDIER RUNS AMUCK: -- - ' , w : ;m I vvl-- h to " a ,. am! liim- ilniim; 1"I "" l,.s violmi,'-- .nisi nil. Í ( , i m - a ii' Business SuP Puisueil, VI! h iv,, sin 1, lis, ,1 al lh"!., ui.ilin- 11 Iln- a pi a k. nt ami lh"r, mi KILLED BY COMRADE Pl'mlCiiP'O ...i - a.- li f a, Hllli'S!'',! I'V I, 111 If IV 11 nml oppl. I k Hi ,i. I I . ; p., i ,',.iii.itivt Make 1.. ris t! inilal I'itV nf Hi"!,,,.. , a:,i, ilisl who sH'IV.-- Hi ,!,, I'ÍkIií 'fill' slall ami ml J.mma1 .rHil l.ro,l l'1" anil uf I - tlnrning .1 ,1 k was a a II". .nlll- lr lm-,.,,. l ... inp fmlovi.s- - tin- m,"n who li" .N'.-- m ,; o arrii li"'" hv all h's aal.t ' Yol I.. Mav v "- - s ! vv ' v . ,!., i' ln un- - ,, , ill-- 11 a a ' par. ii 's ;a V. l a '. i ,,: Iv Gait in if II :,s is ',,,.," In alula ni ,1,1m.-- i,, uilv Ill, II. lamno o" i.i Diieo ., I a ii,nv-U,- w I a lis Malllll ml mm;- . -' ....I .m 10 Hi' nil. to imu, ss,i inn H.,1 , on am "I iln nop. an o AI'V" ' numl-sioiu- .U- - ' ..i-n- , 11 v ' I II. aifo.s -- - ii1 al ""!.-- .,' Hoi ,,,i a I, ... mn am lii vi li our fial I, s .1 a, I. la I,,, . í;l(!!. 'II" v sh ,,i iiv In liia! ol I.! ,. i l M K ill. I"'i in an "in. m ami I'll: M"l "ham- - t! "" I'" - a .! MW '"' in,- I"' I I...!- a Vl.,', a! "m .". II," "' ''" , i ' ml imv th"! .a Wolal ha. in! ' r ""IT," ' 'In "i " .., o- 11 m- - ' 1, .',.,,1 ,.f ,,. rn- IiiiikIi.'.I n .ii" '' mm a n a v, ,.. hllll- - ,,l i llv Mi.mhig Journal ftclnl Wlr ,1 fi nii;hl. Th" ml lnal I ' ,! al "! in 111; III,.! si,,.. . - . 1UIV...I I ' -! ' s h- i .1 i"V is fa "I o lo,'-- il,.vvv.....l ami '!' l - mm la :.'-'- a i s I" ,,,,," nil.. ,u , . in hi nl y.,i, vi. ii w.tli lint- , ' - pr.-s- .a 1,1" pos 11 ' .....lailmii V. I ;i,i'ii iiihi.iy n.niniii.ii- ii,,,,,,. i,, m a ion. than o'-s- Hi 'o l li K ,, - , mi' ,,,'k - 'I" - ana i ana.-- n " 'y - I - ,,,-- I .11 - I ""!. jn.n.'l"! in I'n 1. ll la- ii 111' u .1, in a in: ,. t ill ami Will w i al w,..- - i ii n M - ' iihl la " .,. vi at " '"I I," !".--- " Hal! of "iHlil s in o, ,,V"i! to I.i- so. lull mil vi" wain I'll" f's! .'oil" !' I. II. "II I" im" I I.' a I', Win Is Hon, V'l.l V'l.a, ami " "."I- U V 1,1 nvl'Hlar h it ...a,,, ij tl, .! lll.'lr him.". 'I ... i i m- .' a m, !.o in llll ll" . ' k I -.- 11 ll in a ...... TO REVEAL REAL ...si , , in-- ' m-i- l an .loin I.i it EXPECT Ii Kiiiiai,-,)- is i ,,,,.,.. ,,., m- :a';i i Inn, I'niiioii a i i;.,., il,,. ha ti ,l- ,,, Mía lo.lav 4 i. ,. - amulli a tl :s;i- in'"'-no- - ' am. il'" if., cu Ha- p ati nailuiri! in our ima "v'' ,, i. i, - Thli'v-- t v. im la. ASSAILANT OF MACKLIN na Hn lall-- . ,.., m- - o. I!:" II" nmi" Pas of nini; an lis "P "i" ' ' a mil' "luirtf" pl.a, ,.. ,,,, i a 111. Ill' ' I" ,l. I am-- . ' i.oi-.-- ' k In " t as tl," lull',, m. a a n.l .... ia ha k" . . tarn ':.-.- I ... un u " - ' - I. .o ,i" I I ' In .1 imiusiiiis. I.,h-- "ii. mi-- to i Ha l.i'-- i of t' ''"ll" .am,' ': .h.iimiai.' ' . r , i:i . . ih. i " " ai-I!- ! a " n i, . V Illlkll'-- II ,,,. , III" ""11 '" of ,,,,,,, mm- -- :.. I'"" II a 1' N ff-'f- l kr ... ',' I. '" m i. wm.na tl ll. , "WTtn k..o,I n, .,ii. l.t'.-ak- '" all , , i ,o v a np - r Th" ,i," Ins - I." 1 - tl a! til" ju in iy v v, .in-- . ;,,, ,!,, .ai'. Us ,, lain ..a ,., ,. a .. , .,. i, in p p. ..i ol: : i, p. nui Sap, ' j ! K- ii i n rn Tl iim I;1-'- Ii i ' !.- - ', a II," i,, ,,! i'h is a im " ... I of i . .1 ,, r Snu , , ,., ; i., .... mm, . ,i Ilnl!.., o- ,,,i !u i; a; "li r ' "I I.lltl. a. .1 a ' vi In a ov hum' null I" 'i t a- CRAZED MAN le I... ai lii" ,!j lo '"" "..mn . , ' vv i .... a.. ,. 1, .1,1. ' " ', a . Ml- -l - a, a 'I "1m lav h " HI "1! ' Hi" I S-- ... -- IVFNÑ. CITYS',.,, ,,. u,. ui.,-...- u. i t n a, r " am UP SILVER '... -i. n. . I. , . ,1 - a p a- i n a - o III" ,.l ....i, i haV'iix "' man , w . . ' ...... 1, a w ,v a a ll ' lin n. .1 it V , ' m ' ' i ' s h " " in - , fl-- r , a - p .,- . .,!!,! i ..a V. ,,,,-- I .1. I. Kill. Hun.. If Woiiii.l-- tli xi. an .ml." ".r. al rat - v I O ' 'I ... h a m- ''I! ' ' v l M ti a mn hm ll,.l VI. a 'l " " i a.'.- i' l'iilit'.l iiiv: ScK-ra- ' ' I. is ai la IV"... t, ' ... " sp, . a iv a in! o ...- '' ',,11- - ,, . I a'lV - ial o .all',,.,! ..' in T. '"' is I - j lo "'!!' M ,1 ll" . via" , i ,. ,. .1 i, n , a ' a ' a ,,,.v w a m a . ' a im iv a; is.-- ih.v li"'- si, pint! .. ''' - V. a- w'nih .1 '' ,. s .., , , - I'.,- -,, T, . Ma1 In k .,,.1 ,.. III" ..I. ,.i ... ,,,, av.- I... la In,, I ' ...a fui . . Ta. s c.. .:iii pa- - iiii, ik. Ial. ili.iv. a i, .nnu- k .,l Si.v.-- n.,.. a I a ; .1 m .. palali.. ll. "' ll,.." , ma -- '''' .,,' it I, - ., i . ., , i ; u pi. it.-o- of "in am' ,.tii..iii.t. 'i .1 I". n in "h - ' .a,' hi ia. '.i r ' touiii. a'l.r '.,.,. !..... "! Ila- it,, o- , i pi ,,,, . at- aiu-i- l hi- - own lil hy a,,' o; .a in. w i v j i w ,,..1... f,,,., 'i'la ,i'i's..n. "a I u- -, a - , . . i ii.,i.a h nan ..ml ....f..il ultini? In- - t.iro.it. i 'i ':. I III UI3 Il'l J .mis j !,. I, I,



bill. Strong epithets were cxchangcrl. A socialist .stimuall.c! .M. ;í;mi-:- Hi- l -- j scm:iri,ii roit touav Sui I).' .Viver, Hi" fmriici- pii IN OF MURDER JAIL mil i, us a i nwanl. ami In reply .M. In- A ).') íi :i League. i... íi.ji.i i i,.. ,,,., ii, SERVICE and SAFETY W'ji h i r) v. " n ;il S'. I.ni'i FI . still. Cliic.ii.-n- Philadelphia ;il Tin new cabinet event mi ly secured at M'l space be a daily reminder of the complete Huston I'"'. ja ma jm it y ni' 7!i lit. nst ,.x in favor ! We desire that this banking New York nt ' I. ' we 'in !a IiloPon ; i tin' x a i ' nf service we offer and the absolute safety provide for your funds. MONTGOMERY WARD SHOP CHEMIST'S REPORT SAVES VICTIMS LITERALLY jthe ni tin: mines, bill by business, your National league. withdrawal We want all your hanking and whether account be large ' King Leopold. we every banking IN KANSAS CITY BURNS BENJAMIN C, WRIGHT SLASHED TO PIECES! J. ii :i o nt l'i ...iluyii. or small, will extend consistent accommodation and ' 'inei mini ;jt I mu. will protect your interests with the same care and fidelity that we Pillshuig a .W- York. .Mount Aetna mil iniics elio. Muy x. o!' ajpply to our own. SI. lauds nt ti i l . Tin' "motions Pmpcily Loss Estimated at'Expeit Testifies Wife and Piisonei Stoutly Maintains In Mount Aetna . mil inn'. Tin- Mow of STANIHN4J !' 'IT IK TDAMS, lava sjs iln n a im;, ami the sin k is Quaitcr of a Million Dolíais, Babe Came to Their Death noeence,- Claiming Killing mi alniiiil.ini ami heavy lhat the nt-- i mosphere as tai- as a I a a is tpirk ' Allll'llnUI IllKuc. l'.-- m.--o NATIONAL Piin-eip- II- BANK al ucen STATE Aitists and Musicians Fiom Gas Generated by De- -j Done by Willi Wuri Lost JM1, ll shocks nave Housobreakeis pll"oxp. li i, ,i r .11 7 Albuquerque. Sufferers. .e Heater, Whom He Battled Fmioiisly, v; ,.11 I! . II I 7 Philadelphia"'''. ..in 7 ..INS O. N. Marran. Pres. It. If. Collier, Cashier. J. It. Ilerndon. viee pres let roll n S ..'i '.iI i I Koy McDonald, Asst. Cashier. Wm. Farr, Vice President. Murium Journal iirll I (Minea Wlr ny iuniiii( urtiii. npri iio iu.rn vt lr llr Morning .Imirniil Hprrlal linl IVIr. 'li vi !nni ti n .Mei GEORG REYNOLD mi. it ... i,!,.-- , i...... i li.niTi i'mI Mu,' Ti,,, i, i:, Now Vnrli. ihiv S.- -Jira .Maiv Vilo HoKion . S III A 14 y i niotln-i- Wasllillglol .312 afli i oyi.,1 t ha nni- - Ilinjainin i '. Ik lit Mia (lio; "'"I '" '' .Mrs. .h rl, Itrigllnl, II inooii ultli l lirMli Iniilillnuili ul Hi,. nmlliMisI . mill ili-- ul' Ins uil" n ml In olil "I " "la I.V n!,lMi"il In .H II ll St. I.'UJIS a J 4 iin -- - u- s hit i.f Locust iiml Mr. Hi mi-ret- .I.iiiuhlcr. - hrnuuht In an a Imii ii ' a.m in nii'ir nisi ni" mmm cariv - X cnndlig i, iniH'llv Iiihi sl ma l'i al a run, lusinn l.nl.iv A In 11. after hearing .l'",ahlll liu, tin hudinhil ul National l.caue. DEAD S I iiml.-- I'.f". li mi ii iir of a million dollar, une i r Hi'- I. MIiih.ii- ul I'ml. W. I). Km; h" "iuiK'i' woman, is mivsl. Won. I.ort. !. . w Vol li . 1 7 lost, six ml-sh- a ml M nM r in i at Ji.hvci- mil. charged with iln- clinic II .Sail air . I "- I - vi-- I," d i Iln-i- li :i may In' hurled In tin- i uliis. ami if- mi y, i min-- i for Iln- Mai", at II,. lli.it Uiili Iln- won. n alli r I'liiraKo .. -' i ,(..-- , . !l l'-- n were iiini-i- ' or less- oii.-.-i hurt M m iln- ill i' tu-- In f; in. mi ,lo I'il islnirn .lian ei renin iiiil atlni mi n ilotil-lj- i l nii-- I In- I'll iln The l Hi, II r I u tmiii-h- anil ilioiimrfl II,:, In,' ..- inmlnsl run Is mnlt, hnrtiv.-i- a ml del pliia Succumbs to Injuries Sus i , lii-i- UnMmi o .i-i- rmitmt bo until tomín ow. n i .1 mil nun il. anil t li lurv Mulllly inalnlaiiM Dial Iih ,Mii anil i I I 'Iln' lilt If u uas m .11 li li li- in a.ionlani" uitl, ins! ml ioiw li on "'ol in li Ma v vm-- i I. il by I w ll 'im'inn.iti tained by Fall of Monument I il ;:mn-- l v Ai I'll In- a - " InoUi- into tin m, win. Louis Mnnl Wanl Co. us ul mint, nlniniil vinllrt arn nil ''o Ihhh ü ami li lilllnei otis al ibis an inn i:t tin il, ii ml. nil. U ll'illl I, hinisi- bail r. " si i isi.inl.ljn 1 .ti. .ii He Was Erecting Over Grave, FIRST NATIONAL BANK . i' m-- w tin Ins! "l t U inji. I'ml. Kiiiil.- sai, thai In- had "Xanl-11- 11 'Is" ot Ills lit,- n u i ' o Tin- k mi ti iIi'ih1 in,, it,,, n.ioi.i ami otln-- oikhiis f hi -- I6i In- MiiMl",l to Mn- poli." a U'cMrrn I.ruiiiit. I in- Los P.O. D A IK, il al, In-- "Nil. I, on one of his liamls uhn li. di Won. IMprrlal ll ) ;t:'HHK Kit nit' ilh" woman ami ami l)linl to tlld M.irniru; .Inlirnnl -- a l.y I' ur- - Us .Mollies a , 'l'i - nil a. or ll, il lli.il iiln hi ii xiil" poisoniin.;, "Inns, wa inlln in Im in M X. ALBUQUERQUE. NEW MEXICO- i. i 7 Santa Ke. .. .. May In- I..-- il- -i y H liy iinrih. II m in ir Ihe niisslnt' Is .Mis Maml. i;, mvil. I.v a u., rs. Ill Mil.slanli .'ill Uev iuil.ls, w u V 7 of l'aso, ho has hei Wittrliolt. a i,l i l.a-- s, h, ,y ih,. ,aus,. ,, "H Mar-ol- mhi. Ill" pol leaver in St. K n Vincent's hospital here since! ni Un- window of In-- miuII mi Iln- Tim lioiln s of Mrs, 'v" In- so,: 1,. Imwi-- Sioux City . .114 Vrlhl ami her l.ini-nli- April S. died at II a. m. today, Un 1,1 .;is:i as I 'lh fimo-- .l.iUMlit. r m i" loiinil In im-l- honi" on 'IM il" " ""' ' ' "" result ol' injurie received while a.'! SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT son ' In h" (im-ii- In n t In- .:ü.i Tin in.ini I'Vl.iiniv 2,'i l.iii HiikIiI lilniHilf ai,. P"i aiiai w'orU unloadiii',' a heavy liimlisioni in I : - li", n n ' ll a Mi-- Alixamliia u in k k u pa ly nm on was iak"ii from " ul l,i lit', this city. Ili ynolds hud his leg hadlyj fi ",l die. Iiiiiim- liv In- It !" lif '' n;' tliili" 111 III" hoil s. ail in inai itli" nut Inn ami aft", AMERICAN LEAGUE IcruMied and the limb was linn My .ni- - M.iinl y i fi II .1.1 p a in unan, " Al! Ill" ilmns ol fin "i nsioily. eoiiliss.-i- la i nutated by l.r ! Knaiui ami llar- - I M. 1,1 ha, In .11 In. lia, 'oils. Hi" i III"! of polne : In- liad i mn ""' fed. tin- ycejgjfi Cliii-n- . rutin, at hospital. The body ..f, s- li, pr,, ii. .M. Inllli-- (lililí-- . Ilowi-ver- Inail. Ih" poll. " l.HIII, Vitn t'uljy Clcveluiid 7: ' Ms. I.'.n III" lie ",ili,l . J'y-- j ; 'iii-m;o- 'chieai,-.- "eyiiidds. who was a Kniuht of :h ,v i i v i v vv i , Am., s. ! fi il ta, .. i si cu', Kive no iia'.-oi- for III" in '' s"'' nal ami, The ''.un iloulil" mil. rli-- wen in-- i .1 Hoof, w a , w A nn n limas, ami hiiowu ill .iiasnni" II Kian'. ala-Id- lili in, in. and li d In In- slali llial In- "I"1" " iiml luí ien ht I.eami" mi mil pitched and inmil I'levi-lstn- leles, will likely selil to Kl Paso I'm , in d a w low l lilVh-- oulfieliled I. .day. In ..I., n. had no i o! I.i-- Imi of hnvv ll was ml in. ly he and v ii !o'-- VA I - I .... A i in- s..v-'I'll- -- t III" Kii Il- 's w niirial. li lia ni Va ii i,,.:i u. f h enia ii . p s emif, In- Vilo, her head rly name. llllnes. in 'he , This s,,n all, TTiere is no trulh in the stnry thai m "il hoily was fi ul ly sixth Inning, followed by KlirU's ni i"L,uiliat"d and it was mil i" "I u - 111" la-- ' th" death of Reynolds, by strange K ,, a i ,!, ala h I. and a hrol.i n .,ns hll. was ilneidillg il'. 1'rter ;:.i violin nil l'"l "d lo al ti la: found t WITH AMPIiIO MKAXS li.nlnl. h'i ianr ii I'm- ,1 was ll" secondcll-ueele- d I sli, in mn- lalln- was hem isput mí finln fit" s.'il.'ilM. Tin- l tí s ".inn lo his ,n v y,.y. lill finii of Ih" wounds. 'i," XT) esiani. m ileeismii-ii.ihiv- . with Ihe death of the a Io-- ' í , Ho- In.- Sania The lntal h is i" al a a rs I : I I la iin .!.. just mitsiil" Hi, umpire ixsit:vassi:i facilities alio teuton lint. : woman passed away $ - ii Siiii-"- lo who smile tini" Inni, will. Insula of iiMiapx '".- A i, w.i'. un ll," liodv "I Mrs.! n. n. , T II E :, ago. I'ndifi a k"i- 'iedin"i-- it vva i inn.. ' !i w as ov neil liv l'i II i. pt ,l"t ira K cllVel.nl Willi "'III, "I mi - :i ll Iniililiiu: !( dii'd from poisoning in- jw.oiinl.,, ' :.'ini no u 7 7 blood William A. li'lO- f Kansas I'il.v. !i. OF A 11 curred In einbalniing Ihe body of llns valueil al $1. . ami a emupleli Ii mis ih..,. itrlicmili w ho lam- Iln- la arles r, n!i I'iene and mi ALBUQUERQUE, N, M. ; woman, arid it lias also been staP il i. ,M l.i rm h iln- iiolii-- il.i in Moore .loo. and Wakefield, The ns m .mined In ml koiii whi. "all". lo 1!".-llo'- UNCLE t Hie which fell cu ery Co. v. ill ex. AFTER si ene. Mallín I'osauo. w lio x' SI. Kouis. St. Louis-- I thai tombstone KX TENDS TO Ward li"' eed Sill was being liVi't' Ihe DEPOSITORS EVEUV I'llOPEIt ACCOMMODATION In- apatlmi'in a i,i ti my lhat of Iin-- poslpmicl; e of Ihe same woman. AND SOLICITS Tin- Iin- slarlttl at a f"W minute Vitos, wa- - .non. "il hy soini-oii- lapping frill NEW ACCOl'NTS. alii-- !i,- In tin s 'up, III" lire olo- mil Ihe lie in Wllltlow. II" sprallK mil ol NATIONAL LEAGUE CAPITAL il'iiitlllH lip III" el"V.llol Mud ami l a n o ill" v, mío w Thin- The Women's Circle er th" Maplis! $150,000.00. liill sliall i ,Olil all i s, ;,p, s,,ve l, 11," III" esi-ap- upon Ih" In" ,si-,i;,- sio.,.1 Mis. Ilrii;- - iiurcli will hold their monthly iln-ss- 'llll'lll-- in Officers nnd Dlreptors: . Mm: oil. Tlie halls U v IMI", MOTIVES u ill in Inr liil'.lil hi, .o, ti: l.riml.lv ll 8. ihe eliureh parlors Thui'silay vh II , - 'ilia a in in.". Miflni nl Inn Muok". niel llmvini; limn ,, .mini mi Imr m-i- ami r.i'i"'l.ln, .M.i.v nui- at o'clock. Strangers invilcl. SOLOMON LVNA, President. - ii Pi, ni ii ii i l.iii-i- wlfi-- tin- tirsl In.-- 0 Mliiiiai SI,,- ni.-- l I., pea li hut could I'laM'l lii" Hrook imiav. ilefeating W. S. STIÍH KLEK, ' ' I'a-an- o - mem n a n Ho gcttln Un w. j. jOHXSOV( iln. nillv.il on III" si'i-ln- i A . I m.l ami as threw no the win- mi; rm have troulilo "i, w 1". ii) a.i 10 MCdllUC VaiU-ido- o- I..i"k ami d S v i:. ii. i: kind of goods you want. Try us. Vic President nml Cu.sliier. il.iA.liil. I.veiy window ivAlllhpil.iey hi! I'listiiti . Assistant Cnsliler. ' ;.' I I :, I ;rix-rrs- li.-- , , , . una Hi (i. .V Co., un: In while rann-- of in s. i ,1 11 lim! ii..i,".l In r as Iim l.eiglil-or- Caieano j Pratt Wn.LLW MclXTOSII. I N GKORGE AIINOT. I, II,-- I III.-- IliU tS Oil (yOlOIÜUO 1)1-- 1. mil In In- ... In 4 7 ih women ami Kills, Ihe aMe iil" nrlil ii.ilicc lo Ih" Pronklsn s naileries--Itric- v n l J- A. M. ,i""""w v 'ml. r a bi d In In- Tin a part ami Kling: ire and kiiullin- - wood for sale at ' ai i'i.uh.i 1ÍLACKWEI.L. O. R. CROMWELL. ;;,:';.';.,:;,:;" " l'..rgi-- "1 dei chafed Aeaiust Two;;;::;;; in pol ii i. nun, a . s, cuiil '"ii, iiml Ib'tler. ITie Superior Planing .Mill. tf Moony ianr. and mi a illesslui; case l I; Pltl-lui- rg A in iin. tin In in.- iVnii.il Ii u si Will If, t lo i a a .or u I, i, h the ini tirin s ,,f New York II. WAN'TUb corta In number of i,;',,! a poilralt (lainliT, who inim Mour Kb ..o -i ii in d ilo is a New Vorli, Ala i S. - n a fast .nnl boarders pay ymir fixed oxppnr.es; ev- hino'ij, iiiayi-- hi uh'tv In. ii ji'iini ,i).i IiViiii I'ml ' iii'il game New York shut nut ery one abuve that nuiuh'.-- pays you MnrHlHg .li.iiriiiilSi.f rllil Wlrn.l ' ','L'!" ., s" l'i', ,'i' an'.l I 'i be- - lamp"" Inttil his studio window mi llir liirrd .r y ra w v .liliri-' at tlis n iim pune a profit; von can always keep the ' ' v X. i ,, W (he W ,'S I 1' by ll." til llo. i. ami wai MMo-- l hi i, i'o., May That a cm-- ' his I'm .Jeela iiml n ecu ;lnl "HSl ,l I'oio number right using Morning Jour- SffiKÍSSHKSElEaBfflBSs. wa- - I'..- 111 ih - wllh Jeet llial h.n lived li i li ani- - groilnds today. M:i!l ,',s,n was ih nal wants. w v - w I.e.- In Mi., At. x a niti r u u bet k ; ,1 .. of ol u.l lit a in iik s, " a Ilion-- - tugs ol hi- w " w li mid. ed in form bat ers had imi "nuil' who ea on lo mil li i"i o! valuable limber lam1 a shirt w nM ta.imv ilifficitliy in hittii l.i-l- cid. 'mmasaBBmsMstaMUsmasssssasBa J I You might read , K reams of I... i via-- ago and who had a Muili,., " " K " v. ill " II a .tilles Were . K. II. on Iln limitli ll was iiv.lcuue In a, .pill ..I IliioUfb lalse liling. by lu- - 'i liurg . . anil ana i .1 4 matter about the value of n ' I I Miiok" and , ai riel mn In-- ooui In ibgibl, i nl men. and thai p,is,u,s "W York Iln mi !l Morning ' ' s - Journal advertising i, un, .,n. who flailed .hw.i a la.bb i imbicil In settle mi tin claims I'attetn l.eiltebl ami Phelps; VILLIllfJOUS CREW w Willi Inr When III" Inn un. will, In and make I, attempts al eultiva- - Mai li" s,,n :, res. in h in. THE JAFFA space 1i ii I,. of Iln- - ground. Un ni . in, i, " olmr Inipii. v.in. ills all v lo- - c- I. In llo-l- "Xi Hi lili ni I ,, lalii.ii ol tin pi ov ions Hie I, mm si. I.cuis I'lnlad. lobia ' . alb-gal- - .May s I, su, wal.r on Ihiou. k mn U in,.- " ' :l" Ih" on- Philadelphia. si. .mis won I. i. Sparks GROCERY COMFY Sj lli.-- limn Iln- ladiii i. Miss plum. i!. i"i I..HK ot two bills m GOES ibiiiiie and .lloran hard. V III III,, M. lily nil held lie t. a in nu llllg I. pi, llld Up llll S.lolis, J I'IUIU lile. le.bl.ll ..'III hell Í0 IIEIO safe Friendly Advice - l'i feline limn a era tunal skull Sin- ,M today, i.i luiv i i lib- Urn p. ,t ll th- i, o li ning, whin ni r ru ns '. Iv p. '"U;s land lilies In Id In lb" ,w were cured mi five hits and a b,i:.e on lion and rlllps liilallv bint Ii Hut rea II Ihe only way to kneuv The ii man vva. :Mexi.,i l.iimhei imupany and the - balls I'mekieV saved tin- game lor the piinfully inluie.l. la "Good Things to Eat" the value nf that space is to try it. Ci II, is. b a m.l. .1 cm ,,nl l.unibei c. imp. tin. Misiims by a great Mop "f Tiles' hilM '.en.-r- There is every encouragement d III wlli-- w Is a An in inn, l,,ii ii s. i t s . o Bn'tish Steam. SailS SOLltll I!. II. K. lo and bis ho ,,'.," o try every , , - t ti nun ti ;; since advertiser without t In di In ni compa n i, s fr ... si. nj will known Inn ope. pii' slum lie a single exception.- - v, HI h 111" With nim in I II :; lio has given after CMllIng i Xpl lele lt.it It Inst r ,1,'st Hit Hill ol 1'ol'e Waiiiü: I'hliieSO llld Philadelphia is Mall-lie- , .n. i,, .,,.,1111111 i I, . , MiClvnn and Noonan: nK iin(. u" line ,'H ilieir inuslial Inst i uiiient s. whieh whnh eovei ol ihe ,mls. Tu, will you, l , ,1 lmnii;',iants--GiiaidsiSi;,U- s- - We have just toll that It pays ie.-l- In-- , m I" pi in Inn bv luin-In- i n,i .i.nk- received I and paM In, In, I,, two pi ss Si adivai opei he hussian jum Kl Well. nr.- violin., and sever. ma inisei Ipts id imiip.nites situated in Aitliu shipmcnt-o- f y ,1 v a the world's t w n, C, hi). . i in ten bv llns. h. nl and their a tin- Oil IK I All llll-e- ll helped lo li s, lie S'1,1 i! ii al J...". I'uii In Hie . omplaint, P.oston ti: Ciiichiuaii tl. i t best and most famous "illlij gills Iiniii Ihe bull, ling. Al th,. ail a lid P. ma k" In- il iim - lieslon. Alav s. ill," shut mil p ni- , . i,i i Morning Juiirmil a m a lo- - I'm.- be hie b, ike mil he was III II,,- .HI - who (il, nis ni Hi, ltf Hprliil 4iimmI Vtr 'Tm inn.iti nit limit hi! run la nd- - ,1, t ; XI, x. Hi.-l- won Bacon. I "I C M, .pp.. a ore tea, ml., nl in the a, nm A San ling.. iv Th,. si en mi! day aid Puns " :i" living a I. -- son o Mi-- - ;, I, ni i.iiiwav men. who ale n niinl .c- 'Moll- Abumi Klin;, which arlived y,.s. .eatne lllt'onali buticlllllg bits in four p. i I. lop' ka, il. night, r of Al A I'lil e In II, g, i! I, ,1,1.1. i,. pie- t.i.iay Willi u.iiiii-- 'I, s- ; n """'- . - :i. ,i . .,,m-."- Im- Hie ItM. I, lit. m Ii" i iimpknnt. I" b, r s ,ac". aii. d s,,,,,, ,. .Scire: It. II. , lav g I n mil s I and w a in lio-- Ihe mino with i,n ii.n. is mi l.oai.i !,,.,. b.st.. I2u ;' SB g nl- - I, . imO mm "mi n n 4 ml' "I lb. ti Horn-- Ibis, i, .ni,' u.i bad no ti. mb mgin bill Cincinnati "" l. ir- - rl.- Pl'elffei- ' .ml. .1 M - I... and ni I,, Ml," t: ii a re a a id ,d iheChln.sc; Hall. and llrmn. s S, orre - . .. n gu.nd-- . ami hl.'i. nup I., and l In n. being wain VI of the 'mi pi MYSTER S HI. E ' S REPORT OF ' RS passenger-- THE In ' .IV" hi llisi e I 11 siei'i.ige in,1 uinb'r contraei CONDITION I'm- ii- - I. n- ,e nml, ,.n n; i. Y b b.nid- ami -i s ,nw a im hale ihe i',, until OF . r Pa- t ib. d w ll h umk". b III and ill" a limad in Smim a WESTERJJJ.EAGUE M''i bra u. h ,,t the Sou luin 'a - ' I i , of Iowa 'I 10; ride - ..I d A '.. , I, ,1 i, It'c ii" 'Inn'-- " are mn Alan- - )ou,',a linn i i i i . X. ii pa t ia v la 'Ii' lonlding neeuinlng ELECT OFFICERS a Imii and about ;;un ,,f tlu in are ll i.i nl Ala I. iln " t ' I,.- i , Tiie ' t,t.1ay by del, First i vencí matters line. :he National " " 'i be r outlaws Bank main still tin. 'ocal un, I" to IC- Mo k t g I" hp uai le !. f Score: K. II. ' and it,., lii' ill I, it lllti nnn Kon nativh roots. n luí inc. In . .... -- Í.I tin 0 In.' il :' Bacon At All.miiicrini.-- , i iho ni. i 7 :! Territory of Ne,v , li ial Dei AND miaba mill una mr1 Mc,ioo, nt Uie i Wall the lld-.si- Intf Council ides I'poii SAPR KCI.IABI.Is. tiosxsi of Iliisiness, At H.lrteries Al. N'e.'ly. (buol-ll'g- : arch 22, 190". b g v t. Ili.lt and ii up Tli it th" roots uf ni.'inv native iilant and Xiur.l:,. It I :.() IT CI ,S. P. t b. n S!. Paul as .a.k.'ll Direct from the packing ,! i.,n Not krlv. ero tug wnd tn our Amei iriin f,.i, is, Tn.n ,1 Ii 1 ii. i, possess ii'imii k.ibi,. i'ties i,,r tin- emu l'i I'lopi lies Xn inc. It; Sioux Cily "J. in center of Overdrafts, secured and unsecured'.' ' h tee, id Uitl .111 is well house the ,7 , . 1 .1 . . lliaiau.es cloven. Mvell x Cmv. x. I. no e s. Hon, Is tn 8 .1 Mav playing P. s....r i.,. la , 'I'" nutntnied Indian luul learned dim the .a Crv .,ml S. i.:u 200.000.00 llie-- e mi pet Sioux tiifdv the famous Iowa corn P. Ponds to K"cure P. s. Deposits , rural no vaiue nl souui of and 1, - 100.000.00 ll.r Xli.ei.li,, I ,. letting bv Moines in tim on W r, .,.,, lie V UTH t third Premiums P. s. Honda 4rnl .! I'.tl M.t heir Uv TI... gave :!,,- ft. 000. 00 VI chain i.'tis :.l,y's Ponds, cerurlties, etc I."" Ang, ;. !,,, ,,i, llllil.lU ll.'V"! hh". Wolk SO he Wauled belt. 68.147. S2 I, ,. g., in. Hanking house, NEW MEXICAN TAKEN ' ' IM e s , ,.,., law lo get m as s pos-d,i- t ,at furiiiture, and' fiVtiires" " "'I, el somi Sen-- P.. H. 1". 38,500. 0 I'. s ll .1 ., ' lie in In do ih,. wm li and let Inai linnt. Other real estate owned . '" I"... al l',e ,,,.,! X v I a I 7 n 25,000.00 '1 . e - , Sil m 'd mol " TO ' , 'oie, he di, it "pp,,n-- root for Na,lonul Ve'serv TEXAS FOR PERJURY Imp. Ii. ... n ,, DUagen'ts) 1!ank' (or w tl,,-- s M 11114 mm a M ', : ',. ,' ;. ,,,,,,, that grunt renie.lv lor nines nil Per Pound By the Side w i, llait.'ti"- - and Tino 163.96S.27 ' h" O' .... ' ,, - en m ss,'x. ir. I'leree the stminiel Shchan; from State Hank's'aiid I'.II', in ,!i ins . ; 1. w Hankera lid-.- une It ii I oii..-l- h g ami ',. s h ood. IXue from H3. 868. 51 I'ope lleili,,,- - lo I, ,1,11,1, I, i'M" i Ml it. and ,M aiied i in Ins approved reserve agents T, Tierk 479,724 .77 I igbl aiu-l I ' was i, o, 't.iv.'nt.' tint ton." skiiilmlv and other cash items . . vliaillllou il., w I, i ,, : tl. , laned ,,ii,,r i, i i l .i o Heliver Plleld. Exchanges 1047.06 " ", p ... s W ,1 - , ,1 ib, ': for clearing house ti.nt i tb, e ill I'U.li'.i. c May Ihdialinml Notes 7,669.99 ' - "I. , ' tii.a ativ otlni'tia dicne of other National Banks to !.,. vv ,1 I 30c S g., n today. ml In C8.480.OO ,r,,M' I.i - I'll nil lia' .';, k nml a in in I'il,:. li..,,.nli llir X...i.liif .Imini.tl "O-- . i i "':, viirious p:!p "V: ..'I i!''. d ' W i ríwM,',V'',,' nlckels.'and'cVn'ts s' .n n.-- lo w IS till! "II, ' I i in i TI," gam. ' c""y. 2,038. 37 N X XI X ' d Ml "inen. Kfserve .lu.ig. le Ol. Ill l"l, a- in Bank, viz: " a ill ted vv v In i n v w - i .a ' w i ' Main .unen ha e s.i .ii c S o ." ' ' .. I a I i ;, .w ,! 1, 1 "' ni' at. tl p. - K 1!. K wii-téñd;;'r.ót.'.- ??-- ill"' .1 'r"in i.i tun; table and tiie snr- In 9' ;'.'. . - .,. I . ,1 price a few cents H mm ' í Ills Inr hn. oil's l.tiile bv Hie tillleiV Usa Mi t . ... nun i dint 4 la n I loctor Redemption 145.61S.SS CI !"- - m H. I fund i,h u. i" i. i, es Preset pi hi - nno m") ittiti .i t ii a Treasurer' (E -- avorito 'leiater- I'm higher than other Bacon, per cent II - I. - .1. ,1,, - of circulation) "i ' - tin- dva- i :,,n. i h H.i it' a M v , , a- oxr inwrr i'. ti P.nlinniion nl 10,000.00 Ind. .1... . - Al a- - S i, (,.-- , .nd a. i. finds oí .1,7 li.s. laailness, n .i Mdititii nn ti Smií M. in so s me, II V. M n but quality much TOTAL a pa ins ni .Ii-i- fs .in'iiiil J3, 219, w t t ni - rut 055. 11 n is--- s . di d. A . .i,.,.. ,, avm I,, pre- - AMERICAiÑÁSSOCIATION better that there .is no St .i- .1 i t v " v Pii! n ;l I ' n will i.i iv u, a r i , b.nelil LLr.IIJTIES. - 1,1 ,,, "'I' nl He p,- :.,l u a 'a h cases, and genera, v . a comparison. Capital stock paid in . 1,11-- .1 I ' !, - l!l,, II ...n! "en in i'.. nl nui. il peisispd in r ii i.ul- At Km .,,. i ,;. lx.in-a- s City in, I ii Surplus fund .. 200.000.00 : -- i nd- length of I mi-. l ie' " I uvor, in liau.ipnh- - CndK ided profit,. l.'sV; ' 6M0-0- I 'i ' ' ' Ms t, I and aiei "li ha lilies agent, be in if VI Cciutidai-i- - Clunibus Aliu- - I I ttada-ii.a- - sr.. Irani i.,,: ve a.'-- t ... s w f'' on ..I il 'The recollection of muí vi,iiliyc Item, o in i ''' tit ah ;ii in Al St P.. a k. Paul T. o, lililí n ".-:- o'.lier ,!i, ;: in- tip. '.' a.l in. .net, X! Maw.,,,!.,.- V. v.. ink. I." ,n- - Pup to 2.3.520.81 ,i p í. I, quality remains long State Hanks nnd w,'i,""' i r ..i... ikiniigi, ,ir r after I Individual deposits 105.68S.1 - .ida., nts e, i.ta. a larc subject to check 1.107.802.29 t the price is lime certificates of deposit "t sp iipje., ,p, ,!v wliah forgotten' 1,111.580. OS -- XI W XI I (1 Certified " ! ,v ee!,ciit li CMHTS cheeks li.na.'.l. t. ' " I 1 . x 1 1: xj an" 30S.74 I, "i "ii a i i t " i iin- - ni i i r Cashiers checks on 1st ding'.'.'.' n mi ll riso I n tn,! C t I .s a J - I, I Add to 38.S39.4II SIGNS OF BREAK IN I ,1.- r.'ill i.!.'i.l ol tu.r ,i. a strip your ..i.vv i icii'." iitl)nf;;s t 1 p. 45.325.7 .1 ruffs .! 1' gte, cnls sir ' i. l mr .i..rni.. ...irnMl.l Peposits of s. disbursing offi'c'e'rs ' I Al x I t i o en h bet t ... vv r .i j p.-- M ly Th. I.i next order. Hcserved fur taxes 62.999.11 WISCONSIN DEADLOCK 1.1 I .11 ill iN'tn I it is a ii.vi-ri- ! P 18,000.00 c. XI . """'t al i.; t .ni.iirtilitt base li.c! ... a h and ii t Mr In Mie a TOTAL ' - I . I, v . Hi - ir ta It. ii N- vv v v m-- ii- .33.219,055. in.'. is d.si, a, !..- n ... I ,,r e:ik in a i t Ter,":, "f. .i'-Coúit- Vf' 11 it:,, i v wnm.-n- wi .. v orn on t," Ama ia t'1e ti'-- ; el a s Phone Us Nos. 31 and 32. ', M ,1 in- - , ,f ii- - ,, i.,i'-,- i v i r w emeu w Th v.i- - do .'mnlx weá,-- fha - . , e IP ' ,. lii .in. . : . in ..tp. i,T s. :, ,; i Man, im of my knowledge i?:,6 ent U tru to ' li e I a: 11 r. bet a l th. :t ,11 1i,, hpHt lil,'! vn ': nniilni.e, or I . I ':.-- I, i ,1 PRANK ir ,nf n .id- niul 'or BELGIAN Corre.-- t A fíes M'KEE, Cah!er. en- - i, in. n la. i i LAWMAKERS The Jaffa Co. I ,, r. .itot.t Grocery J. s. Ill, I, kVII .' :.- r.AY.xi u.rif! .I. M'ullllg I - xti.l l.r.iv.' A pi a. bel., i.i v s ,, ., EXCHANGE EPITHETS A. P. n. 'd ,, of Its .ii M'MILT.K.V, l'u.' li'.i KllJ "Good Things to Eat" U. P. li.VT.N'i.'U'.s- - '.'.-- i v Uij I .... r. D'rectors i i S,'l'!":n'-f, and swnrn'to I -- befor. me 'T i',rs!!,iti'i: i tree, xc ent ñc x. - Th.- i ii.i nt.. r .: KtJl Orders 1 thl. T.. . ri!1e4 Pirn T fcAMUEL P1CIC-VP.- " l r P r , 1' , , ., , NoUy '' u, ss aK.I il t'o s, m Hccnlrad. PubUc.. yvt - I fcnl. ,i imww, x,,i,. p-- ' b t lritw al . f t he mil,. - rtMrftifeiiiif nr win I Vi - f, f " mmmmtm! 8"a


uati.ui Ohm. ileclinod tu tlisvusu Slave pre) onted him from usinn il In f - tlll'lll. To II ÍTiMip III UoWspilpor Mil II Un- i who sotinhl un intn lew with htm ml In Hit' si cnml ui n.l the men in tin" -- o) Un' i nns am' WOULD ii:e su'i.ioci. tin secreta, i y said: TOMMY Wrestled liter SETILE "Hoys. am ulad thai you h.'ivei both I'll fill lo Ilif f t. In lln' i ' St news.-In- 1 mil ill npenliiK round It'll showed appar hrouiihi mi' lliis havi' ' word lu say In oti about I. It is a ent inn hi H his eppim-iii- 's l ushes. from lilm at ful1 speed. malti'V. vim know, cannot ill ami inn ST iiiwiiiit mm i.i iimiiiniiiiijijiiiii i m .him hiji iii thai i i u- -f t ! t - In tin" nin'.h roinul Minns, weary of ai lime." ,,...... i tfalrrmilti-Ymill- li "f ti'Hrien's I'onstitni rirt'.iimii. rushed i!,.!, f .it MB l'ollst File's ill Cllllll. -- a II or him ami eorncr.il him nvirc in REPUB heavy -' Wins rlil of the Hiena, nml in- Havana. .May s. Kepnrls from all anules , paii hi th" island sh..w an imifii'-i- ' fin nal severe punishment "ii him. "I" n w mnTiVT in tin- - 1b.vasian.111 thiiuiiih tin- forest iailor made no i'ffui l to fnthi. me; cly which a of I ho luna duokiiii; am'i inn 1" K'' uw.iy. liivs. ara result i a repeii- - a m; in u il ilriiiith. Thousands of cai-- I hi r n il Kuril round Mas l.i IK"' lo a iv il j ini!,. t lion ni lln pin i'ilii'K ones. Minns hail ih" holier of liiusi of thi'in. w in'ii h" FACTIOH Iii I Veins. was able lo currier r.TTmnrt.1 ami Mevhan Unman noil 1Í5 WtlliHI was m Kl Maso, .May s. rVnoi'ii .M- hoi al hini. The twelfth ronini n n alla jsii'.im'lv in Uníais' favor. Inniinr this Morning Jour- Iti'iiiiih"!. a Spanish ivoti'iiir of IiIkIi ' What the i It aye birth, the niilmv ..fa soldier In Max- n. unit Munis lamli'il oil ion's im II inn's in toil.iy, v illi irnifia overhand imlii. the iinm, dad Juarez I ,' H, a. IIR- -, 1 'i ,..,,,. I'lonil sii'oamliiu down ion's fa. BATTLE 'I'll lall.'l' ral It'll I" his firiiiuls smlie-:ihiiii- t nal Does for Advertisers ah. ml his injury nml shook his FIT In-- ihi- 4 G0VERN0R CURRY SAILS in pain. Attain i'l iiilccuth in. nml Minns oiiuultl his man K'.lriM FOR HOME ON JUNE 3 away ami laid open lhi same eye. up and How It Does It. which had n patched with (.ml - Boss Cox of Cincinnati O'Brien Makes Exccedindy' i. ". il lii-- n uceas una a i - in in Former ...... i . I... n.U.lii,.. Horns' W'nshiiifid.n. M ay S. Captain , -. i i I'll llillill i.ni-i- i. - Urges Ta f t "for Piesidont in ii urF.' Curry, uovernor of the Isiaml rOOl SliOWnm HaCinC AlOUnO ad iiml. f his arm ami minx if i a loin d Advertising in Morning Sitmiii' in ilm i'hilitoilno Island. . T r his oiliou. Tin' rt'l' f the Journal has a far broader, deeper, i i i un n Scn-ji- y moX;.::,;.w;;;:::',:vi'-ik'T'7;;,'- hf Km." hi or ho ore him. and 1908 with Foraker for h final nni.d was ; twiniii'th and more satisfactory meaning than in any other New Mexico lam- - as ho oih-r- s. I erm, iiaan. will irnin .Manual Aggressive Antagonist. as ntor tor Another a- l I. lii- - lYit-- d Siat-- s on am' J. Mi'olia'iiv ilu.iiiin parsons nrir in ihf newspaper. -- ri his ti- -"' ;."S! .'I' i ah., i;i p., Ii has a saalim; apaotiv of ih" mid,,' of July. Thi. In un,' ' as all in PLAN MEETS APPROVAL OF REFEREE DECLARED BETS o'Mrli'ii's favor. Milt few lain- - Lais It is synonymous with conscientious, painstaking, result-producin- g STRONG PARTY LEADERS OFF; NO REASON GIVEN XV'X VVüZ woIbIi.'.I In til IT.'i ooniids. and service. Service you for when a Morn- WAR DECLARED ii I3 i. ii was l iuht piiiimis imiiii r. mark PoopU Wl-- 1 if fon' lit- - biKinnini! of ilia Muhl to Accept Thiity Thousand : h-- Foraker Wiliins the lli li'i'i'i' I'M, ,n d.'.'lar.'d ail is off ing Journal solicitor is sent for he represents an organization Mana-- cr Twentv-Roun-t d nnibo- in':.":,'!,',i ions from Proposition if it Oe People's noss Tame Al I'lli t ;n i' M l';irll'i- hi that will help you plan a campaign, write, illustrate, and set all ' BIV thi' Will-T- to Talk Contest for Championship n ait .Declines !;Zt" lülA"',bt' pa advertisements an organization that will see that your ad- on Subject. Los Angeles Arena, liiirfiUDHDLt IRISH BILL AROUSES vertisements are placed in 'suitable positions that, in lty Murntnc tfoifrmil pprlal I.cai1 Wire. I .(B.t Moriilinr J.iiirnnl Sw.liil leRnril Wlre.l LITTLE ENTHUSIASM short, will help you in every way to make your advertising a 'i iii'innal i, )., Jlav s. Marly har- l.os Alii;. It's, i'af. .May s. 'I'imiiin i I!. iii Mm Ih- -: mony, William Tuft lor osidan!, J. nniiTii ns. of l.os Ainjilcs. won mighty factor in lor I'liilad Stan's am' lii'.'ivt u ,'inhi cha in pimohin of Un' IitIíiiiiI Appi'iir l At'H l i'ss Ploiisi'il making money for you. A. L. Harris lor fiovt-- tior, is ilia ii t'.i.ii irían i ii nanci tin in jacK II in I Jiulnn.l nn iimn mi iidvls-- il ) (iKiRO II. Cox. loi-nu- 'r 111 UUU II li'Miii'll bi'lorc th,, Ma. ific Alhli licl llonio lililí' Srlli'int'. ropuIdH an jailor in HamilMii club here loiiitlii afi-- r lw-n- ly rounds -- When your advertisement is inserted in the Morning Journal ...limy, in a slat-m.-- ni Ivon lo id li.yhlina thai .as lor lln- inost pari X. I'iiM".! Press i. lib, v. i it. s- -n la - ja foot mo,. tl'Mih'tl ran iiuay friim l.on, Ion. May Th" day di-- half of Is And ,,,,'s no,,, ;vi.n.,..i an,, wasiii,,,,..-- MEXICO FORWARDS THIRD Hiii ns from ilic first round to lb.- Kiiifal am has had olio full to the work is dan0. Tbc seer! of success sown. . .o-- i -- U t b- si .Mi. bill, but no' nan .vi i . ;im in i linoll. and lily or aslolia was - Mirrcll's Irish iiaonii viiiiiiii i .lidlirl of llt'Uoiiallolis looklllli Imvard hiiu. Than mallcKl iioio, of ont h,i' I it neos into n íurliíe !.cii-t!- .e nmsi reprrsenlnlive holes' of MESSAGE TO CUAI MA! A:;;v;;,;,,;'i,l,,: a. ?ra II 1 a bil,.i-i- III- - II al-- .l tha proposed council has been rompromisi' 'l.i nchi'il itb - 'i t'-- ld in pp. ! fonos. Inn Air. x ni d Mariis and n until th- - ri'li'ti'i' any iiiarer. The mci ii!)ur;uci hup vn y I , re tin1 fr'oi'iiinfj Jeiir- - W , , a tait m's v! such sniim'sti'ins. Ih-t- n a;, ail. Tin crowd hooted Hi e is eeotitlizeil cVi'l'J h to be M an' ln-!a- ",s lili lis i Hill rolli'i'l nod," ho said, Only Hostile Act or Diieet jcrcd I'll and hurlan ill laillt belll'lell .Utelllpl to ll'llcein llilli . nal is so popular it has a circulation in excess of the "lb, re ubsoluii iv iioiliiir to Mi.'-talk- sni Is of rai!- -i v ll him as he raced paiKit promises. Mr. Hallotir s taunt that -- t .Mr. I ha v.- i una! .mi ;u ii o pa suit From Neighbor Can jab in be in;. Mm vet.'- ir hluuslol Hirr.ll. that his In. nl was noi i li.ipaiion in poliii-- s. (if ronr.---. joi any viKm- were laude, lv eiiliei jin His woik, s. ems id mi uie nrire. combined dailies of New Mexico. Min-;",;- - pleased canil"! a iso lit ''!' r. Insa lo ailxi-t- - uilli CailSC DcdaieS 'n "hh-- r sull, red iimv appar- Irelaml appeals even less than f3 hill liallia'41'. limn ol . i I.I lens el i s raiKiann. As la I- i- ( )hio sil nal ion. h- - said : istei Mariscal, were da 111 ll;, ,1 Il wt ic cut If you are not advertising in the Morning Journal, you are "In ni jmli: man M- l- lima has ruin" open, but Mill ns ha) s.at'ri'lv i APPEALS TO PATRIOTISM I'.ir lb- - H'i..(i of lib- - ri'biililiian pat'.'.' .hovii his disgust Ihal snaii't lilriíí should bo dono. W. Illy Morning Journal Sueclul Wlrcl Willi the In in s LOSING not saving money. Intiril 1,,.,l,;.,,l;,v',,;;!",r ,;:;;;! j workmen h s.-- of ai- - on il.a ova of ii. xi fall's clod iii. t'iiv of .iexlc.i, .May .Mexico-wil- I1' '" lliln French .Viilhinf, should be dom- 1.1 endanii-- r not. 10 war with (lualenmla nvet voire 0 "eione on and l'lhl." Murnsi t.V Sllcce.'-- . t V. I, 11 I, ,1' W Ollld cil.'l.-- e IPs man Ihe 111114. F Pill wil recall, o he nest loll ol' he e ad ill around I In - ' luliniiiiii n'onlsls Seek lir- Morning advertising for your competitors, wi' li!ln .f w i! h ' nimnm; is if in terrnr of his !!'', Journal is good had taiiioiial li .Maria l.inm. rhariad "ii . 11 ,.w " lii's in lip- parly aii w.'iit ii nl b it v in t he ion In t h j a a i;i ill isl ami then Murns, mir ''rl.ct asassinal t'lai-c.- 1.1 t llltlll.iei'. .lnuii lu ilcf.'.M. Tiiís. hnN' will uní v ol il.'neial Man illas, bu ni. r pi -- si- would .,veiial,e him and bca' him on and it would be good for you. í mi ur auain. Ml il 11 ii u. ; cuiihl Im i,,, ,,!' Hiialeinala. '""' " ' " w " " i sii-i- ;" -. s. in hi- i ta y, a iii uv li This I., el was olliciallv eonicved ,e'" ''mu aun 11...1K" aw. 11. 10,, n 1,1,11,- Maiis. Mai s. riii débale v, e, to Toi w. ini ha on'- man, ulii h ill Hi- - As-,- ,, iati'd l.v .Minister of uearv ,,(' ,1,,. ),,! ra, would !an. in the 1, of deputies on Ihe Willi amber Don't argue! mean virlory all alin4 hi' linr. l.i foreign Mel. lli. II is Ml riscal lo.lav.l'" ''i'' eenier of the rillif his ijovernmi nl's policy in labor i... liters, - has n fij'i't a L future. hi'v hn! 'I he ii.ii'.'i'iiiiii'iii's is irr, 10, a- -; hand- lo his soles and wail b.r which promises lo last several days - Ml 'i' " 1,1 w Mil, Don't infer! ;at rih'i) in th.' pal aurl haw ,:nt: bb. Minister .Mariscal admits, how- '' ''ll11' r:"''' as niiirkeil I, i, lay by a hi ml ad- i a . "I ropes. landed nirti now. m:ouM laKi' n' v. r. that anv ov-- n act or diieet "' ""' li'Mrim dress In Maul lies I'hanel. a former iiiiin. Thr nnm inni Imi "I k'1""!, than sub h th- - a Pov- -i niñón, would uiany iie.lil blows al bum ratine mi presidí ai ol ihe chamber and imw Try it! t'abi. a- - - ,,, III' II i") the nitmis ijtal nl'lirt'S Mh ail- o.iiolel-l- v clem..- - Ill,, .,'' IhelMmus heail ami Ian' iitll'lUK ins pi, ,, ,,) on lor-- 1 alliliiile I. coninilnoe !h-i- i'!irlfnn and ;:rtv Mrn iirt Ml .Jean KOVerillllellt. Pol' lile third' I" .bou; ihe n"'v "inn ii I fu i .M. I'es ("han, declared la- W it llolll ' !. tall will tin- I'miti'lai Inn for )i'M .la,- - ,b '.i. .1 has ad.lics-'ei- l Hiiatemnl.l absolute 'V1'1 the democr:,, v hail allovie, pseli' lo M I w -- re l 'I'll, ,,,, vtai's wurk. uiiuld nli::i' all my Ml rer a ,. tie a a I 111 a V linelii s llll'llt. releree H, i,.,, hv ,h, i)(in ,,f ,lhll,. roll ' i laihlit-a- i in h io tu ta k" i,.., .,.,,..., i.. ,...!,' had the tllealesl i lieu V musy in u ma ry -- a nm. t and reiol oi uuiai t 11 t m im; Mi Hi. -i- ma'HTs into nrir n haiuis let meeltll'.', will bo b.l.l. ha men apa rl or in yoniposo.l of ouh :;aO,iM)il of ih" , Th- - ,:ial adj'Js! thdil Ui.lluui. ,ÍJiU'lfe!ulu Win'sitfC Mariscal ,'tdinitlo.l l.i 'loose from Minns. icioreo woi kers in Mranee." D Jjlbiiquerque íñomingjoHrtia in.iiviiinaN oe Mresi tint! .1 plotna ii n'Mrien reiieaiedlv about bis 'Ihe siruniib'. be said, was mnv he- - Li w l les ami f liy (eld him , t must tint iolii-'- ll'.nl lali.iiis m tin o broken oil, bul eyi n "' " ." hf I ivet-- nual and rev. .' u lona rv un , any".' h- - legislature to 'M year lo eie- -i , ,,, i, ,,. :(. , oust ru.-.- '"' n'IIM ism. the .,l,J,;.-- t of Hie lait.-- heiim a 1'nit ..i Si a i ,'s sena'.ir mil K''t i !;.; a i an - war. IVani n two of the ca rl v run mis pa ra sis ( ira.lo liy men lis of a j;eii- - ii, ,i.d l.islaii.tii. iiinl mu t ei' . i aj )) loiiini lo ll.Iiiiioiis Coal ill u. l;cl."io- - : M . went in trillion's em- - eral sirike. in ijuneiion wilh ami- - . h- ooiii.ir ..ml s!.a.- - .,iii,,:-- ( ; aa coa la. .Mai piesideiii ner a in! inforincl hila tluii - must niil i a M.ilh were illejial and un-- I a re- ,,- , j ), . "The v. ay i, i do all ills is 'or Uil ,.,iia li. when i;m s, iomd to.lay st op ,1 tic iir, in Murns in is clinches, r. M ios l 'ha ml a ppe.il.nl I nub! to pill IP ir sil lll.l. i,r, l t b- - . s a a oil a II ilea K a ' he w ,o.i of c. II a II u nil' niajoi lo upn .1 t i nil li rv áJll leans ., i.'lil ill, ni ,'i- i h t - w - -- in -ir s, era ''"'"loaPiess c oriiiiK'. !! p .i hat uip-- i Ml) rn s had a of ho heiier in fiuht- and repuhiicaii law.- and s. o i , il !'..-- pon bul u n- - !: bun; ' i. Mili rii and inu and an ...I sln.rl-a.'l- republicans -- present lli-- na toa la iia.l 1.. on t ri n na c said ally a',., lit th fací Willi ll I.Ut'lMtVK 1.1 Mi Nil ill) PI1'. a w s! 111.! 'lie: 'Success oi h- . .1'! '.M 11 ,1111.1. jlcfis. liMhlim; ot CI Í I: M ton ol'd - v d. iiln ns run's i.III. republican parti and 1. aolii-i- e .I'..NS. honld siippm; U. 11. lull I"! pi I'lnt-- S'.a i,i-- .1. i 1. J', raker lor d senator, and A. 1.. llallis bo w. I'liior. "I know of no personal il'::', m Women's l.iim.'iie spiicixi,! Th. sii:ii.! that 1 bav- - wilh Secre'ai Tal'. Princess. SI. ..;n. ( I political dill SPI VI,! may have been so. He "Made of pink or while on, an- Ihlm-'- s of th- - p. es. bul llicy batiste, princ, S I!) Ic. .Iiisl reci ivo.l ii now bin' and will m a be b; siand M ln-- n skirt and wais: lieaiiio"y of While and i ti I'luliy ih. 'uav of i.artv s'ji'.'iss. I (b'Miian i. ni ". with THE for Tan I'1 l.i, re WaHtM. All sizes. niel.' will he A'al. iiiserli.m ; Hi.- .lainti-es- t - b.r foraker lor si nal ml t .r ll.i' bill" model ever Albuquerque's Brightest and Best Store- Priced at l is t..r Kovi't inn ." t .shown for only .HI.YHO $7.00, $10. IHI Ullll $15.00 b a he at ti 'til i.m of TITE AIIJGHT BTOIUI --- i, 1., r was called to Mr. ix's stat in ' "I have ills! n ail w hat M r. t !y. li umleivsmnil him conomlst S makes specilic no mni.'ii. a.ns f Correct In ( i Hlltncri) ECONOMIST MILLINERY i, i Hi- - ans of Stale of ' :l'-- OF HOS ERY In what their not Is Correct Correct In I MAY SALE be. 1 am mu su re it tails be Millinery frlce 5 air.' n.aaillKi llolll 111.'. lop FOR SPRING W1Ü so. I' l" - lis loll seelll lo think -- DISPLAY)- pobli-- al Inn VALUES MORE THAN ORDINARY (SEE WINDOW Ilia! I don't want any Semi-Dres- n publ '.. ' Something NeW in Millinery, Street s lis mi th- - hands ol he n tal'- - Us and Sal, .i .i Uil'1 ay I'M'- ul coiillniics silk will place (nice each year. In Mnv, we hold this Hosiery iritiíí t lllio except with (heir lnai I'll. If the rapid aivaiu Il What .Mr. " by i n h Luckily, w" are low Hosiery ful Women. .All and la, III. 'I'llelel'ore. a i u u 1' Hi o be enjoyed only lb" lift Iml we name leiy prices mi all ' liixn Hats 111 Specially Priced This Week, to $10 - s a" , . $5 I, iml slaiuio ,,, i, i r i fir. ii i on these no. els, We run. Is of Ml o k 1'yc we ki of ii'.'i.ini -- in a i some xtreinclv low (Tiihlien. carry thf ihree best ti id np-I still Ili-.!- il ,. null their appiova I Hie old basis of cost. Uinilou Looking i s pot I w - e III dial' lian w hich P rebaso. on for soinellnii": itnliiiduiil In a si .1 hali'.' always easy The uii.w, Ibrmsdoi f ami Hoidnn .ye and liuaraiii. ih. .lit. Tall nml f- -r to Hi'l the I'iMllt tiling so many so. mod lo a only Hi... very i shall."l,l hats bran. Is In rv ry resjii t. I small, f.,, ... - "I n oval type ,,f uui just wh. ro Spel iali.e- - for we '. ríanle P. Tuft, cbior yard. fs k Colt, in 3 in a box. per ' and $1.50 Fancy Silks, this week, per ..95c Is s Ill.n Hose, pairs hot i Times-Sta- r, and br, unc $1.25 that i'vetjhody tint yiuint,". Hinl Ihal many ikint; fashions, chnrminif In iniiaii a ii value, por pair n ' " from our e.-i.la- ' pluck Colli. Hose, plain, splendid i ,.;' War 'I'alt. win n slew c i V select." a 'I'tnienl of the newest sprint' Hli'lnselvos, lire .pilte ipraiticii for no'. So we make an unusual laii ; in black . ., ,11 . l'.. inteivi, w, said: I,.,, Vl'm Is Ui'.l a j"h "I" "1'1 l"l- - Al1 ln" hilost ettecls (fort lo o. nubil!. nri il creations and w I'll pllutieal ones in our hats Ml k Coll. Hose. rru foot, per pair I ,vv 111 Lollislelltli'S, u i '.,v ta a broad ,.. w t br, iw n. ii ami lli'C'li, in Tállelas eyery sernl-d- n, li- -l we f Ml. i. k llo-- e. .ptalily. per pan kes t bite in. liieanl for day for i .s ami .'lore, hal il Lisle splendid ,., IIIUU' , wn.slH. etc., et- It., sc. I;s the ol suit.-- di' ini In p- -r ni for shutwaisl spei sale of sin h P!' this week. al. Ilp.l.llds ft'.. Ill 85.00 Ml. i. k I'otlon Hose, split fiiot, excellent .plains, por . !,.,! real, el- ( l.r."!,l. 'll Ml itlio : b. .V I M.la, k - In a lent. y.ihie. per 1.00 ,ii'-- Iv urs-- s .''S. ' l!" ' Can.- Cotton Hose. pair cirn that v. .'iidt'r fully a J - 0 Mho k en. in II. .no. 1'1'U',, hc.llior Wrl;bl. per pun- . I 111 , v 36-IN- .i M.T( lHplJ-ii- ; ;I5.-- ( i ii:m i;p'v IN CH SILKS Smart i Mla. k lash- Lace Pool. .I.--- un s. per pair stmi: I ' SPECIALS . I 'AVIH M V Of ;,-- SI li(l(.l fXt'lTlKt ne B s- W I' Mbn k LU!. Alb O'er Hose, ilesinns. per pair i ' . .Mav alter . $ I To'. 'do n ;ilk, irrade. In tills sale, per yard. 00 on k, . ..tie , Hi- - - Willi. llablllll $l.r. Mlm k ipialily. to knee, per pai'- r.,,wn. of ropiiim. sab-- , Lisle Hose, fine line hairman I 1. ni Krmle, in pel' yard.. Hr. - I'"1'- Hit.- n ii'k, this .ii.i Mi.; vi nf-'1- .. '" . nii-.i- l sal. -'' :;i;.inoh iiabm . Hl.i.-- I.l-.l- lb.-,,- ', v, ' r p. r He .'.imil.itloe. ii Ki'inl.,, ill sal,-- per a id . f ,n.'i' in.i lit ulloi no p..ir -f '' 3,',-i- h While II. .hi, Silk, li'ic this (!c- - thai be would issue a call "' spot pcispti'i- - lit Klnw hi; I A ' pun l' in ' ,,k Silk, water proof, and LA Ins ai t Muy " ! 'iiluinhiis lor ' i $1.2. liiiiiii.. r ... ollii'i pi. mum " b" "" lion pi o.,l, .i '" :i.i, will be invited. .In elb" wol l; Habits . '" 111 '' in, al- - io soeui e an xpi SPECIALS t th- - ''",'! " OF GOLD AND PONGEE SILK 1.. the pat'tv i hoi, " o Pta CLOTH r- ' lia! iioininatiiíli and I" s""'' Si.k. $1.7". .piality. sp-ii- al per yard ... .l..0 and f OTHER MAY SALE bPLCIALS OF EQUAL MERIT i;.,cl, r, K ilar J i .,, 12.01 ami 2.t.. .pian.i . " 'a- -l . . ..'.Or, "While i .any lea.br-.- yard ji.r.o Ladles' L'i, p Hose. eii.brobb ri il. at. per pair. ".V airl $1.00 various w ial. .Mr. Mr-- "Here u in- - 'he Hose, him k. nml while, per pair $1.511 ' Divided Silk colors tan -- " i, i . to be '!'" . P nal v lection, $5.00, $7.50 Is I -l Ir . . . S2.IMI. S:t.5 '' ' Hrr' 4 I bmbl- - loe al. lee'. 2..M. 10 coiutint- l- . H" Silk los" i),., ei lllral 36-inc- at, per yard slale pa. , h Colored Taffeta t .1 II"-'-- . I, .in-- en, w ,.i -i o.l. p. r pa ir . . 7.V, SI no. 82.00 v - ..!,i,,ns iiapr..pi i"l V n the on hi In" I.,"'.' u " l if today v.iiuni mu . -I. "! a i.a m hi r of that i omm - ti,,--- :;i'.-i- h i', Tállelas, hoiiKht ly lis Skirts $10.00 onyx HIh. k Silk 1 1 h.nd ml, r,, id." per pair. 8:1.50. 85.00. $7.50 il " W e shad-- s. sin h as plain II.IKl'1 h- - .! l.i'iua; r v' bav. tliem in all .id-r- e. I Ins'.-j'- t" assist ab i.it I" .'K'pl'-ll- .' f lb,- -', t ml, i, per pair. .. .50.'. T.m. 8I.OO leiiutll ' lim-ah- ie naVV wilh blin k. Til- - Mtlt' il. Tins. lot lve I. -- . w ' ' ' ,.,,v,i, wine. ill ell i'ia It... s rnim; '" k. h.t '. I I f, rul bin. -. -- M W I Ii cross-saddl- e w ., i I it Mi a i, fme sizes lo 9, per ,.iir.. II, . 11 I. n bin- i, r yard a lid k ma I; sh p, Clilhlr. n's in, H'.se. ri'.l..l. .11'., tliP .indues and Bli-.l- w it 1! - v.'h lectins !' it I tr i f. . pi, li oe.Jviiii; -. l k H l. lo 9. per 2 "..' "i I. ",.11. th" poUinir w ai ' na int; i'V- ln.n ria Phi oe. f.n.. nbhe sizes pair. hsiim "i-- r. Pitch II in-.- b i 1 a ; ll'ltla fled I .'. s and a i I o.... lo 10, per ..' 'l,i'iis ci. ntost I i at of IloK' Iron CI. el Mlmk lose, libb.d. slü.s nr ,. on r Uso mol at Ho- up .. pi ;,rr; huí himself BLACK SILKS AT SPECIAL PRICES. it- - by II ,, f b,, i h f.ishn.n no iri.vx Hraml H r"f miss's, f.ne ijualliy, sues to in, at.. si,).' hands ,. Loe "" M.ui-- y Viff-t- i: SIT". m o s a c o m- - . -. - h-- !" ' " r, ;n h ' ,p Worth I'lark l"T iifl. science ami socle! J .Merc ri,-- SiH 11, pl nn or la.e, olrn s bi o k. wb "Now a piimar.i- ,1 ii- - ihiif is W. Mia. k .l."."i 11,- - pl.slo a! 'I, I x : b m M.,,,.y .I'll TatT'ti. periarl. the l!'S,,Oin p- -i 2"..' iy v' '.: , pn k ,,u pair "mi. abamh.neil. ." v. .1 Ml. k Tal'f-l.- l. i.- -r l .2." t ' " ' p. a i .'..tiif.irt tin. c $ inlod i. tm er.MSe a - a '' 11 h sab . '" m n i ml to any Pi' - M! Ttlf-t- a. j'atd. SI "HI or c. a 1 n a aa e. I ri f iritis' Wind 11.,. sain" .dors as iiIiiht, per pair 25.' , ;;.;-i- , i,u.lity o k Itml .c.H' ',,11 has t al",,!-- t i ' h jl !. lav p. .si .11. Si".'" '".''', - a II 'I while. 4 to 7, per ... :'.5f ' -' ijm, Sox, ...Im lia p.ir. ta In'H'u".. i.y- -r wiii'' s..t-- link, "'a ini I.,.i- w I p- ' ' I: or hi;.. n, 7. -r 75f T pi sided ii" chaii man. ' Dress Goods, per yard, 50c to $2.00 Infants' puie.-,- k t'.'s p.ir. ... ' Cream White ii PEAU DESOIE SPECIALS IP'S--- , '' I" A' '1 mm to be H- i- I'.s". a! " i bii. lien's Pi. i i. sol; lio!; jo.-- '. t.i .ir l.5 r . ..!. ' "- " ' "f - ' 'hm 'ii p.-- .'.l . s- n s is ,.,v. ,' - I ate ans of h M.i ,, -' I'- $3. on "lily, Tim - .s. for Wi Hoods '." I 1. a t d'-- ' A - b- - I" n. 1 - ' iJ.-'- n- i - mm y in l"'s and ll k I .pi i'y. per ill pleno, .ii pr-p.- ,: all w slits in tie at fal.i 'I-- Me rm-n- , !,'- a i d t n. .V. lo sf uie ''"'J "" dm s and bio k. per .SI. 50 a I fancy Sc-- c U 'l is. P ' - h Skint,": w..nt-- d Voil'- it' ' i, . at i al inlors. im.nt -i, I .M.,1. W ... OUT-SI- olio -- i i tin, , iiiaps. Wool i .i. ZE "In ti, ih,. ' e '" si SPECIALS IN HOSIERY " - 1'iitv l. ielers in Oiliiml.us v i. IN OTHERS SILKS THAT ARE SPECIALS ni i sno limón-"'"- SPECIALS DO YOU KNOW? Wide Leg and Wide at the Top. In Plain Cotton. lln ' - w T- ' i'- ,1s. i r ii p, l .,.! on , . '. in ry - ii-- ii i ;i."a r" - '. tw k -l h im 1,'lie lav.ir of S"ia ft : 1 b "J urn io s'lii ai't fro. it,, on . I - ial. ,.r 1 Tr..-- d..ls llore sp". j.er I, t lark-e!--. i. I f i mil-- . w " so " b', are hioi Sí I in,-:,. 7 o Ko.-- . . . this is.,,,, sk. it. (O 'Ml X - ' I ' '. k on whit- - ni-- at 50r s s' l.i TMtV TA IT I.I MS"- ii IMill -- n w ... .rn t ir I ii : Vd- - l,l! Ki.-en- a th- - ! i. of lis be i y P ' i . a Inni' ibly to I ' I ' ' i i" T"N i) ... l"ic pi i' in ...iors rky . "llt-- s ra. ta I roí: i" " j: ,'i s I a,- i ' ."-- ', '!'. i"' tvi.k I - ts. ' ., s I ;! b c - ii b. .IU '. IIB i . . . all kind,s tie . M s.-- - S- - ,1 I,' o k; 'P- - ial. I .nlv. 50i- and nit-- s ,,i ,.,, r a, -- .i p.ir "" I" Sl''" ii . i M y I 1 111 -- i t ,. ','. n on l' ! liiib fully f. - an siipp!.- ii pun n tm 'a 1 :'- Siik. 'i I'l " m.i.m. l i I A ''t. .bva' ' ral.l.-'ll- sH i:il Plait's fh.n - . - r.s- V., ,r Mj l !v-t- , 11. i t. ial- - i.l ll.isi.il oil S. .iirill' f,,,m ' 'm. inn-u- i o.i.;a in b'C 'is m'-- - .ta y a l.i, l.i .Tamp'is .,,i, Vss il.'.'l 11 " ' ' Ti a, ' to S. Tl.l "I" M : 'ii, . I ; ! irr.y lli" P C iv.- MniNa wav ii trycrjk'tr-t.'Z'-sixm- lie! ' a .aginB?4rautaasTOrTaw i l' I'ji i lie jn -- ,1. m r . THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING- JOURNAL, THURSDAY.. MAY 9, 1907.

' wank... hn-- I ifiin .,1 ai Hi.- Mllwnu- - AsH your doctor the name f ir a u!.H l."- scum,,-!- Itit Lnwretic.., I.aii-.i- s on tho chest. He will say, "Btcnchitis." Ask EDMUND G. ROSS Ti iln.r.- i' 'I' . k i Ti ,l..in.-- him if it is ever serious. Lastly, ak him if hi- f t I f Colds hi. h I.. sMi, ir on prescribes Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for this ;tifcf Willi 111" SIM" Troop-- " i'i be 1,1 ,. .!! h" 'IS 4 disease. Keep in close touch with your family JOURNAL CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS j 'I! of I. lull It ' - - nd follow his uJvice carefully. DIES AT AGE OF M am i m . " n which f , i iih-'- In-- errtl Wft pabil.tl J. c. iirtrCo., m 1,rwf il. Mfcl. in !i uml, r which a ii y the Lhest &S3 unrprii f K.i li' v i. "! lol lili.. I It" anion id lo un!. il Mi.. .'tale I ' 11 HELP WANTED Male ' I."' .1. ' hi- Tnpckli lili New Vol k Cent ,1 LOST I s ' I: I,,-- i 'en n a ola - J h lí: - i.. hp Ii 1,1. .'ii. l. A .Mars Ijicvc.'c, . FOUR SCORE hi-- iST - .m.. ivcl'ln ml li.- ' I. .1 hi- I II Ml I i RIGID Snui n il, KM -- I,,,y. r REGULATION WANT 'A i,,,,!- ami Hi'" ami one ( )xf,,t-,- l l.'iti.K... , , A , ,J '. . luí i ..in Ii In,,!, In,", cxelti-iv- Im mn Lit ma Apply at hcuimtn M to this olt'lcc. '.' - ..I i. II '...-- I - Li K .1 ISi.". ' ' l.ui)ili-i-iu:- ll '" "V""' , WAXTKI- i- ii ui.l ilo "i llearl-shapt- In m. . i 1.1 .i i t. ..I I'1'"1"'""1 .l.v Imp'" , , ,,, Personal Property Loans ,,. ;,.. i.ini.il ...... Conümxtital Lumber to X. '1 .11,1 .. III.- , inrn las Kicbth and M M'll-l-'i ill I.r MU i 'i, v m i..,- m .1 si. UI.,, C, I ,, ,. i,. ,,,, Villi.-- . ii i: ri aril. , f i,n ...,i.h:i It. 'i'!i. in i,,, ,ini, h MPQRTED 11.2 4. tin". it.. Ii.mil ;U!li w ,;,.; j.crilav - ,,,.k; ami i M- ' . .1 ,1 III!' Il.l 11,4. I. ;iii! Ill .i I., n.ii.. "1 tu i:, '1 $ ", w i i k í ;.T C M per Money , '! U -- WANTED JfillllSO!) I'hMl ,1,,. i,h,,,i, k. m inh,,.,.. ii. to Loan Positions - i.f 'I l M. A firsi-c'as- e On Furniture, J'i.tnos, Orsnns, Horses, r- .i' i., bill, ill. in iliis.j, WANT hi) shipphiK ; i !: ( !l .i ii.- i'.!-.- ii linii--- il. In, .. WaKoim nr, 'I oilier Chatlels-- also nn WANTl-.'l- - in. - i. imi'ii M.Mi. .i 'i ,r Vni I,. M l'i,i,,..- w ii clerk for A.lilr, I'ositlnn as- practical 7 I l wan. II III-- - II i' 111 II III' lili)- ;i i I', (i. linx . salaries ari house receipts, as ".!;-f- lili. C SREEP h.i'ii- h, ii Kim'iih in.) vk-'- llJiil.V.JVjJ.j'mrniil. m H i low as mi ami as hi4h as $2110.00. lis Cily. tlli'l,'! Il' ljl Uii-- I I ) I Jin. WANTIOI) I .iih hi ,.! ' n ii, il W A NT hi T'.mi a- c,,l,.i fur - - Loans, nii, kly marie ..sition by ;h- - ' away II I'.-- . arc and strictly I.", .illy Hi.' iiiiii-k.-i- ,., I;m:,'1,-- . ,N. M. J1.il'-w.- i sieimirrapher. : familiar with A iiihsiiI ildl I'ina to one i4cneral III II, Hi v I, ,iiiii private. One month VV.il-k- i. !,-- -- .iuici.iii.il ii in-.- ,. f,.m.-i..- 417 offiee A, F. s .1.,,,,-- M , HI, Afiply to John Hurt, year piveii. Hnol to remain In your li.lli.V ll.'H k.ll .. .. . KANSAS SENATOR AND i t t u . 01 11 - Af! ' i rnsi iH- possession. Our rates are reasonable, amiumIs for Biocfl- - - ,..- - .i $2:..o-ü2s.2.- i , I. U Lioui'lit in y idmii. ami sec us before borrowinit. ,; n 01 VI J 'ii ii Mil hall FOR RENT Dwellings new governor ';!:;;:,:;:;;., í K.IIIMI-- . i.'ii , Mexico Ill - ItmimcI nui-:o'- Ap-nt- :i .steam.-1- ip tick. is to and from all in'- -- ir - Puiposos Must Bo Dip- - .1 li"--- Hi ,n in tin- i ,WilH'Wt'lm wnrld. .,,,int mu .1: .; 'hi-.- ';': In Lrl .'.! . tf parts of tin ill,. . co. Foil lllvVT- - Two or V ''.',,",'1' '" 1,1 , Tin. hot 'SKirorn loan Di.-iii- i i in All "' uAXThi--i-,- ,,r m, Closely on Hon- -' j.'ó'...""V !,.' i.:;"i.'u', poil Cases and Fiom very town J .1 4, Ji!dT. In, uses, i'urnished ,,r ,) FullottS . ,,. lim-f- I , too ins anil Grant unl'uri.jsln ,,,, ,,, ,, win. ill in TI,,. ii,-- . .1 l.v ,..,..' ,,ifi, r... im Ml .W Mexico. most liberal I' It I X A T h OFFK'hS. w. v. r,n2 s. s'ciiii.i si. (,' . v v 7 i ri,-,- K a.iu,-..- .,, j. l oi,;.Ii.' Viiülicalion at llnndsph.- " Wliatour Country, ' ''"!'"" ti..s. OVKX KVENIXOS.' KTnTlCX'll-T.t- r 11171 rTTTTiT T-- xl .M . rooniK ,,.,. i. Mi. Allen. X. JlamiBiT J:li- - w I I I u .1 p , , k.mim. it., "W I! a r o A v n n c well r "" -- ( I SOS furiiishcd. with piano, $22 ' a in e hit e n mr a nee 'n. rn 3 ol i VO pit.: 01 fAailias ail; 01 ."in" " .... ,, ,. . eictaL'c. .fin. Hntli on car i k i l h i M.iv ,. In ;w,.K "'i '..itH"i--'' in " tin Us. W'ANTI.H i'.irt.-- lio is willing to Hi.iisik.r. 2'ir, W. .,!,. ' llnlnu Stii. ' STORAGE Tí 111'.1 I ..', , THo mak.- hiniKi-i- t 1 1 i !; T- -- TiTTI lOUllliy, ,", , ), ,i , , ,.,. f..lloii,K aro; ....ful: R.....1 wllfi,.s Ft x c7ñ ii i, ' .motntlom 'f .1 I I j , is t.y n. .Mclriipoliliiii ,. ,.. in,. I ,.:!,., mi- - .., ni in ira Co.. Hrok- - nui.t hotel. tf tnices; convenient to Fiiops. i, iiinin ..;,,. AVAX n:i - Pianos, household Koods, Teiitseh, Paul "-- ' ' ale wires to tin orris , ...H-- - hi-i- Un- O I'rii'll , hrant bldif. tf i.' itiiiinl i I!i I i, .1 ,!,- '""'i i"1' I"l" :," etc., stored yal'ely at si. ,.,'i'ic:,l Mcvh,,. .,- - ,,,,. ,v ,1.. " N; liin,': r, , "ll'i-- " ins ,i- - .il,,.,, 40. The Security i.. lid- in Hi-.- si: 7 inni l';'l rates, l'hope 111,11' nl l,'.: ll'-ul- 111 Hi,- i,,,-- niiMlUJHK -I- 'l'-T ii ii WANTED Miscellaneous ,. .,-M,- I'll'1 " "'" I'1'"" tin,.- ','.. Warehouse Improvement ho. Offices FOR RENT ti". ir llicl.r Ilic ., - i. Amu-'- In ;:; ' Rooms .,, ,,- ''''h:, l: in j 'a i::i ,,i,i o i I,,., I',, ,, ,.w. !,,,,! iflli.l.lv h.....- ,.i;il,. Crant block, Third and Jtailioad I I,.- i!- - Mloiii', r,n in r.2 WANThli To buy young I,, mi-- , , ii i nun: i,i Int.!. il.'V li.u- heifer ,ii,il .,i in lo , , SI, cpiuc; ...... i,i i, ,. . Wl' 'n ,' calves, "i "' car.- Folt KhXT moms, hoUse- - l I i I .."i ' ,!:l,l ' Journal. tf c ..'a II I. O 11,1- .1 in l.vi'imiK " . , -- ; en a Mini . , kec,inR rooms and ,cnt. 4 '1 , ,1 In- 11 i "" p:;i t - I. 7 'a , C llli,---- I, n O", III oí in in inc r i.l If. Mil ''.- "iiiiiic,.,. - U 'I'o ay. ,las' with .i, unmii A cl'-S- ANTKIi cm three Hroa.lv. ih'ic - I 1. ' 111 , c ,ji, I n i l n hannc do.cn FOR SALE Furniture - i, : S, 1.. 'O- 111 mi' loll '!' is Ml Ill "I AI !'- ,c. Mclll .nl,.. Veils i,l nil,., la 'o i. .... 14'iod holuinlaa disc lccords for , ... III .!l,i--h,-.- l nil l IO I' l I.l, .Ulllf - MlilllUC in XI. ely il 77,7,m H ,,- ,1,,. ,ll'l Hie h." .'r- hi Fdi: HhNT furnish. I,,. ( ones from mine. Addresa T. lr. lloii-ehol- d I - - ., In- Ho Hi il ii"-.- , SAI.h furnl; lire, in - ,,i ,i,,. n,...'ct Kin-,.'-- a hl. !l n cm c I" mil"! .i,i", at 'onsolio :"i 'a j Harina, M. Fdli privan- familv: board if desired ,,,,.,! hamv, X. i Av.- 1 , III,- ,, mill: in iv. "nn !: .it ilol.t , ,,i Il s, flic i.Iit .fl.TV..I-- l.ccilll.llK ..I null, llli,.,l.--- I.IHKliaill p.i, 'a 211 22 X. Hroinlwav. ,ii'i 'li,, ...iiiiii.v. as iiiii.ir hi-- ,. -- I I .'. - Molinillo, :, '.I li In l si; r..li,.u ni., cu,- - t man "f n ncc .l.nii mil. coril the ri cuhnlii'i- I'l.i'k WA XTKI 'liir!. wai.s's to make HKXT ilm on' I Foi: Xcatly furnished ,. ,. ..- , , . , I , , i " y ii .1 Iii l.i - Itlltt- - ', in 7 .i.ii...... i i.. ... !,, ii,c, sMi,. Ilic la l.v 'In fnic io i. - '.j L'S from your own ma erial, 7f. and at Very p.iees. The !l I., s, I II ha 'eia i mu, el--- In- ,ilc w lih-l- linomiriK House, w, ,ca,l. .Mi- -. V. iv wen: i, , i ,,n in siaii-- ,,r , ' 'cnl nn la in :;. i, i.! Alulii'n J ii ii une i,, .si,,i ami ni lie lulled ... ::i J. .m. I''. liion - i I 'iilmn.-- Ai , Ii i a, ,, H,e ininn-i'- case on lile A m n k null ,,ii,- Hliceo Ali,."ii 7i 7 iii I'C.n- nn o lor h mil ni' a id nl, 117 WAXTKI To Imv 7777777" i ilici-e- li,- - s- cash Foil UhNT Three , -, An " aililiijiin to lia 1114c .. :l, 'a s:: furnished liic n .ill. 'ilic l o, ai-- in-- t o Iiiionci .,ic .liiiirnal. I'l'iiiaiiilnu culo. in:- '.i.-- h. a22 Excursions Ocr;',,222N Tlurdst. fof hiilisckecpiny; tur, s. w , l,s nía as I'.'ll.m.---: Iielill nr..,, loa a lni, i i, ., v.naM iialll his i..i.lnllnenl as tiiiveiiiiii- "II lor sh..., Ariz .!ili! Iitv, ; ' WANTKII - to M pa li R , I I" ' ' 1.1 s 'i, 4 !, Ma la y l a - I i I'upiis learn sil. L.'j.a II F( il l; Three-ro- í i ' h i ilc-i'ii- ito !:,ni in KV I' "i in ill via iii m apart at, ii,. i" iiali'iici! c. i;.c-- i fÉi a i .s. W- -f 011 ir;il'lci"4. he ' 1., in ..a liv I Unit" il 111". j'l'iuirc cisco i 2ii yv ysa electric líiíhis, hni j i. ,',il,,l I,.,,,' K,i"is ns it Uim.'il .iihi.ci :( and cnhl waicr, :. . I , e 111 I 111c 1.11 un a i, in., , ::n I "no, location, well I. .Ill "t hi- - a. in HI. ami l..i .1 ,,11111!. l,.s- in iiiimoi. "i furnished. $1... ri I. i ic.-ii- 1,.- m nl-'- 1,1 c .11 In iici'i"-- II a a ny 1,1 her - I in' l.loy.l iker, 2ii", W. .',.!d. ,,( un , ,,,,1, ci ,,I !,li - ino-- i icniiicsliiniis .i.l "i en Hi's ( fluns . - i 1; - , Mexli il.v and 4n.2a. April ,, , , In- ,1 v r v en,- - ,1c a fi c i n :i ' .. .w i o return - I, II,,. ,,a ,,f he ir,, ill' nl' he let IIS r!i Helvetia WANTED Salesmen UhNT Fuiiiislicd i ins.'" Vlt'li -i . i to .May Fult -- t ,11 pow.-- .nr. 111. In y lia il he K c u v, i n j ii Is. Limit July f h ,! ,ic i Iv a in lis a 140 Hi" e,,t nut ever .in I'" mil ,n;i in i, :l. bath, ais,, l hiiKe I'm- in fea .ni - First-clas- s front room I,, ami .l '"lw; ' !" AI icliiunii Mlnii.c. 'o WANThli-- men. with or 4 .',l i,i. in, come nil'', New Mexico. fltli' ilh. I ." "lf J ' N: st- laid ' ' NorlnlU. i'a y S(T""l. ,, ,,. .,, !aKalli-- l il 'I ' it, liiller, a Molía U .Milium if without I'Miciiencc. to rcnroscrit t lie 'ii.. ami return a nl el nl iss ' ' ' - nian ' til's'.! , m ii'. ?72.!ni; 1'Hli Kh'N'i'- A Kmid dinin;r-rooi- n - i - '.. -i l l (i Colorado mil Life Assurance d,.. fur- ,..11 in 11, cm ,aiieti;h im"- "'' va ni! ami nl.ii k,r llosiini Wool Marl.cl. ii:i:- '. ', ', Nal. Mia, uiiitii.K in Ni w r I ... nislied and running, ami doing a t..r l.!i-- imiliKl.e, I., a, In, n mis. The a n re ran M.l aim i s sa s .1' he :,.sl,.ii w.,.,1 MTHl Unite ii :' 'ho. Mexico and .Arizona; ti li""1" "i x..la. hail - 't IP'S Sinai business in a ,, , is.- -i Itenaioiv hotel of 40 rooms -- li.li,-alli.n .Mi-- . I'm--"'- l some ,.r Ilic limsl n N V n ir ami libcial contracts, i'riw-- l .ii'iil'.-il IiIim. .The hir, I ? i tu-- I hl'ii Ml & ( on cr and ret urn, 22. T'i Can be rented very , on ic.-.o'- r Ins v W , k ITc-- ,1 r.i; hrewilt, nianaci-r.s- 'oiumercial 'olorado reasonably. For f..i nn.llv iMno'i-i- to If.-- jl.nvw mi a u' in F.oinl.m a 'hi lonilnion ... ij'.i nddi-ftssj- l , , Springs and n í:.'ii.7.".; particulars J. .journal. I t ' V '.,'C ,' ,, t . , , -: - ' " ' ' ' I II I ii'luh i,,!i' tf lian l'uel.lo h.. U 1,1. " I'lTice Ilic ntlle. h .,n "11 r a '. 4.7 ' II' llcllei.il Hill'li 'a lull. di ,.;, l'i,, I' iurn, $ s. !i.,. Tickets on sale llci-nilt.- - FUR IIKNT- Deairabiü íuTñlTTiTeiT K..i- -I mail.' In- etna i k - "I lln- N'i Al'Virll ill Knlil.i I'1':' ;i:I.,tI ami ilmiieslie ,iarlci- l,l,,i,, r.irriill Milling ... 'a 2:;' . - 'i to Scplenil,, r ::n, lyiiiii'-'li'i'- h, In in- - in-- - y Julie huh. Kclurnl room, ,!oe il,i..iiii.ii-'-- - t. I'm- i I'v from III" Kolim Inmi Ihcic (, h,. c .nsi.l, ra hie u ca k nc. l.Miin, .Mltilim ... "n in hi MISCELLANEOUS gentleman only. 723 Copper Hi, ,, , I liitiil rictober :;i. I":i7. avenue. loil ,ni in c hank- - el the Kiiw I" l.carliiiK. he cihliil "I lemiiiK ;, ,emni4 nl' Hi" I .mi. Ion lilio.l,. laml r. i,i. fi . l I llll Ilic; the 0'' ;; li h;ícrc-- s I S H I ', , :i :'. i , llli.Mf'-- nl '!l4.l lie III he Hcil.lllKhl." '"" l sai, " I'c a' ', ',i !T'V"'IX,! Ohio, "ami ii 7.60 L rooSis" ana ,, i"H roiun.l.us. rehirn. 'l - !. a l"11'1'1'' !li;ni' .'ill - Sllllll I I 7 H ,,t "WMrr.171l,n h- ,,f l" Slltin.,U"l' Male lo Sen- ca "I the Imilici II "' ,,:'f,l,,l tor all ,.n;lill- 'it paiic ns Hi lln- ,, -- V ,,,',. icnls al,. Alav 12 to 1.: ami si.. . f.",.''er. Mrs. hva L. - a i !! " a' , i, n l r. , t i t j i j raig-- an;: .. i;,ne-a- l '.i niel-ol- a lilc- lno- Til m in "'. ,,). .si s m, ,i ,' li l.c i. Is li, c. n Sil io ,t I'lil hm s ., s .id it n l' so. Second Kt.. upstairs. If ii.t mil-- ., and 20. Keturu Piuit Ju: ii-i- nl ,,f Imiic.i'I nl' in. i iilimi Sine" ln,. ,.n,.,. w n I'., a a- -: Ta ma k 2 0 ami uar conrail,- ,v in, In: rat lis ui I - ' ' ' ' ill , There are peo;, le If.. su. V'.ilil I, s h:. he ha, incl in "11 e e ,' - , i i, r II a s II T r II v w,1r" ..or l.r.illKlH hl.l III hee renew'.. Hielvsoii, and $ li 2.7', : 'ou!,l make a le, , ,,. , ,, , ,, C ' I Tenn.. rcliii'ii, desirable tenants ft- liiia-llm- i In. Il n K ill IS. s, I' 0, is clu a e 'Hie "f Ihe imc'l (j h, IH, ,,u s k II s e 'op le t mil all on sale May 12, hi and 1 4 ;! f'"' hat vaci n t house of yours. h a i rk .smi-i- In Hie ,,- ,,,, I't.-il- licials There. Hi.- m iMv.-- l,,,t ml cma Hm marlict, inu Io 'oiisnlnla j liiutem. ami ok .H.yiSAVINGS ii ,i limti .une '.'. will be tnmi.rrow, too; and is ' BANK! there l:..,l-:i- of II, c !, cl-l- a plnliMnem 's lllllllll". .the ,lal! Ill:ll.el I'l'l' tops in Knui.in.l WnlVC! III.' ' time enou:'4h you -- O III , , for to et your ad in Hie III:' nl I'liI W'ol lei lie h ', e.ln ,t a ml s la I, i, i" n a, k mm .,!, ill): 'me in lllo aii.i I" Urn la ire a n ami Ihe licit vv lol ii', :i '.. . lh;lt eoiurnn nilli-I- . T. Iv Viicnt. tomorrow. U should l t . I : - hnol, ill llllpe I. ,., ,,. , en,:--- i "' , I'hl'liV. the a iiniJ a ,h,li" Sena or P'l in.l he oil nl,,! Zellami IPn m : i,, i a re neen mere todav ; i i, v.iitli-- pui.l.s he. -- - ; i ami tin: a pi ei la ai of of Johnson anil s'a!,.; ,ne u r mall. ml m h,l,.- 'on It III , i u 1.1 h .,.,k ,, ,, .. i"l! tmaiM-- i uln h pi'.ltiplcil is v c " Mr. l.ns-.- an 'hi in u i,, i,,., ,,,,-,,,1 ,, a' i:s cuts I'm s'liiierini ,v- l: YOUR r I , OF in lio in in a. n ' 1. w l it Icji ,v 'a Id H. UN. lio- wni'K (on ami C i; ', rls I. ,r fine inc. OWN!g.edced FOR SALE I Business In'-- - c, - a ,i; it a It ,1 he e v.-- s 21 m-- Mi. is ii h fi'.c cl is In;; ,iam, fill 'levas :,l ce".ls; I - St (iiiis - luí-, I. en- , , Wool. ,. " ' ' up' to; and .11... iK li"' ,;.,, ,..,,,,!. win, h are biiahl ami Sl- M,I; hl.,v '. .'" .,, , ... , h.illis. Max s. Wool By Buying i,,;-,- , ''.,, ...... ii ,, 1, ,, i:,-- - i - ns N.-.- . ,oi-- in- s o last low in Mexb-o- uii ' ti ii," o,,,., ui.in ai " - ,. e .,,!,.- - . ibini4 a mi clol h, iPf ailWaV inch !"' I.l line t a Al , lol lit All. !.-.-- :' lie, V'ill.il-- r tie line mcil' u am Il.xiuri s. ,.ss ,,,. ,.,,. ,,, if ami ui "' .i liul.i iim-- 2ii'. 2 h- tha,, I 1' , , nl.-- I". , i pun luisim-.- s. h el me. Iva a in h .1 ? ha and hi ', ni" A.l.ln ss he hum inc. I.', 17 lab w a died, :: ','e. Furniture Crockery and ,v o V vil Is ,mp .t i,: i - Mi,,., I'm,- ' N, A! Inn l.a ml rl mr in !.'. ami mall h.ls nl' 2 atcs '' ma he. . (; e- -, l b- -. the l'i . ,s h ni Sinn (.I'uiiililim:. I'm. bill Htm is ami TO M L ' i POINTS. Foil SAI.h St. re IjuíIiIíhíí- :,nH A.i Mi', hi.-i-- II .Mih,. ,1 ,,! If ai i lilt', i (uní aca ma sin nl a:i " a si rt ill the w la' m aug Household Goods of ' -- a. !..-- ,. l w. t l " a ' at. 'I ah, for h.i lanllnelil In n lia.i- be, ll eií IK. K. i.. '; , H.h bus h ni ..,.,!.- in its Sin. l''- s.i'i mam irknfs Knnnht ann snti. o, i i... .. a ,. o . i i;.-- less ' ti na-.- - h,':! I" In - I. - ami Iim, h : hin: in.nU i. II K a sure ami :oine ),,,. I,,,:, ,. a íl. a,-- '".'on to Inir- Mu-;- ali.-- ('nil- - iiñnirw TlnirTi nrnnr Apply p ,s '..:...v. Al lad",, la II il jeuic lor ins i:h i: a ,.. iviuui.tr. i - ; on i. ,üi; n falls' hum; urriuc ims- s u-.'- h' ' .Mis A. ,nib. nliliacied Micil.s ami ail pnius and. with al. l' i ' iliisal ' ha MauKer A l.l-:- . Hlrent!riff and 1 I''' Hi SA ix,,),'.ss 'iiv i li."',... I:, iss. ,,f, will, in ho i,.nh ..I' ,ii, I'li'-i- ,2 ml-'- TI,.- ,,i!v sin. in N'ev.ni.i Ar Only Mi'intH'r Ainciii ari likit " i "uní ,,! in net I, Holtoll 1 .' - $ (' It H:l-.".l- s , i '."' CI, Vim Walt, r ..thai-- n.i. Sinith. T 11,1 I'Ii-h- KtJ-ee- oorreoene AsMM'iatiou. hrowns Ca' III"- n.llc. a', al North wlUi . Irokeis' atiiac Mi-- I; M u- ;:. 1',,- - Hh,. A,,-- I ' - M in ss; must Ii, ,Id Ii.in.i-- Mich ami T. w'H's- "I line i.l hallar!'" Mia laii ,Pmu ia A . IM, Co. COI IÍOI 'I . V. at v, .,t. "Wiw lb. i. ii, crone. ' ' T ' i o, 'almiiia jsó-o.- lio ill Ii. ni., fiinilv for it, t.,h am! Wt.imiim vc. - i 'oia cspamlence Solicited. W Tin aiiam: - l"i :le- turn 'ahi.-ai'- tlnl li.iv- - I'oitml jl a fu... retiie- - ,, ai m n s ..I.l, li-- ,,ail.s ion ii ,u nn an pun- - ami at ins. i n in- i, eli, a ur p. mum ,, , , , THE FOR SALE ...... a l. ,.. o S ,1 le C tes .. C ...... ,, . in. MUN AND MUNHOLLAND APARTMENTS Miscellaneous : I, m t nc in, ii apartments .,, in. .',.;, ,,, I, ana .ni , II ' '" ..,, The I. "it.!, niodei on th" Pacific Coast, .situated corner ii'lüelh ail , o- - - - ii h .1 i., - is- m a y a , a - e ., . ( n can i nut a ml :i!u lF"f' '''' lll.me. hairs ami it ivcnue. Conipleiely wiih the 2 11 furnished latent . '"'mi"". .;,jit ""iii"'' i " "i '!" c n.i. . iioi.niut n a i.,u-- s.ün JouiiNAt, ncnumriiiTI I ,V III I vniimf nrnni , modern a p point men - Single i oh'-H-- Monxixa ,; ,,f ,,, llU ill u I . ,r,,s-b,.- .: rooms nr cnsii it rooms. All out i'' 'i: sai.!-- i i, i ü , li.mai IUUUU LUfLL ,.,.;,.," WANT Aim " v ' side rooms. Hest faeiUlies for surf by f!' ciicap. j ,15 u-- ':7';, ;;:.,,'".ii:::;,"'m' wedded nigh- t- balhiiiK. Ueisonablf rates day HRIXU KKS'i'LTS. last uioiilb. 'I'clcpbonc, Home 27S. - '"' AV'rüe for reservations. . ""'v "' !, '" si, !!, s fi mi l l i'ii-i- i. F.Mí MM' A torn , r.iitte fi x u it , I Omoi.. '. ,i wat h m i.ii i ' i: i it. i , i i ros. pu,,,.,, lit" Ml... Ilclmi hi, lie. ;ri,c of N I'"'', I. "' " a II e. is snip. o it x i v,.,.v Apply , belli III lie" oil) I"" !.c hi has,; l'utrclle Mr. Ha miioiiiI s ai ill. INnlcj I'lnif athi lioin . Furniture l T " ..; Hm hi P.li-- eveiiim.'-- Iiiiin i; to 7: Ho II Mm lie. ' II olbms. '" o'l Mi f italni- h hnreer. II I" h Ti- n, of 'lie nil 1. - " In I: ... .ini i i I.'"- - In a ,, a Ait- n,o a a it a at'.. St; m la Tin PROFESSI 0 NAL CARDS. FOR ,, f -- iv- s , w , ' t h SALE Horses, ml llll!"!! ,a !o ,ei e m r 'I I'"' I'll It" we bin a ll a j b Now Is Your Opportunity to Buy Home Etc - - ' - a nr t .ll la Vmi- ' " ie,l a i.l i,,l itiii i'hi- "I mhi'i :.:i ',... mal h ' IT SAI.lv-- Hm s,7 'l77fa77-a7- 1,7 , j o u i ;,e ii ,,t .am .nrniíMAS i r In ls, I,,, i a took pli.e nlchl ihe hi il .atlle was s.nl In.l. ,i a ln.il I 111 iiml Ah- - In I" I.ii,. Ill .. C.I lo- K. W. J. FU TA X w - i, a nl nl' K lit :n mm In ti Mi- P at il Im i. ', e, tan In, m Ixenl, $50 Down Monthly Payments $15 Attorney at Lnw. IhliK i x I h; Al 1; The-,- , SALF bllKL-.- IX o M M halbl.'li. I!"'l' '" in. n T ii,:', in .; ill l ... r'fbe tn First Xitlnnnl Hank HtilldlnR IlliiUlit.iiu ..l,..,r i A " -- X ,. a 1. - New- "" .,; a Is., 2 i,,,,. a ,hl!-- S'liUHii h,n, i,, Ihe wcal:h- Ibi.rmerniie. Mexico. --' siiii'b. Vak. SiA.n 'llnte ale i.. NYiirly tho as .'tyino; '.) w a;, , ,, j I. . - same rt nt. Five room frame cottages jen ,s. J.;;, ,,'. V ' " ' " Ihe m.iii.u;,. M now ll "I Vnaii. a.'-- m. oa ,.ul Kio-lit- ; . h. ... II u a.,, a- pic Ii" i n In lo me ami on NoiUi Strt't-t- íu-arl- srif;i-4)s- llUUtel's W.IK..I1 Vi, 1,1 "in, ill ,,f., fill one in 'halt new two line lots PHYSICIANS am, x.'"': - V with each h'oailwiiv. e.bl, ,1 !.- As ., new . i r ""in. ..ml III" FINANCE AND COMMERCE Olí. S. h. l'IITnX I'lllllli II,,. m,!. I'he j.", a!. - lilt, r, houseo,Mt fence anil outbuildings. 'J'i.le perfect. Tuxes F"l SAl.h , ',' .'In hhs"iau ami Sure, f;'iiiiK mat. Th. ""k al Iii-,-- , l.hi.t: line for UlOli fit laml i it it I a Hi ll N I,,, k v In lln- s, .M . - paid. Waller i,. laru, si ri el . A un roa,. N ' w M v tf l.i ph In e. all Sir. c. K.ik htv Well x i ,, hi 'I i v l i ..a n , - , , - I .1 ' I. Wn I" "I'll., ions l'l!. li. h. HI'ST a a a I.ii. We ha' I, , w - I, ,1 the sl o, m a ,il a lo i n m un Hooms .vmaiueripie Oa,-- ce '. m i h ni ml JOIirS' M. MOOKC RHALTY X. T. Armllo bullrllne. .. Wliat Malt un,-- i COMPANY '" 7 - ,1 '..,la a mi lia bh a,l la a '' A t o an an a e w ah w hit,- t il.l, ,,tn 219 West Gold AveuuA. Tulierrulnsis treated with Hijrh Fre-- i ", h! ", i' l, ' aa i, li o tai.. w a e s le Ilea It t lu"ncV Flectrlcal - Current and herml- v- Hunier's Wairon Var, !:;;;:;:'nie;;',:?:m,r';:m,7;r:'':;;,:',-- "I ll" llil, n! o: I. olí .01 lile It - eido. Klven from S ' """ s " a.m. to I.i; tf Beer "I si,.., o,', ,!,,, le., lillUS W 4 ti. K il,,-:..- . to Tile fe ""rained S 1. Mir tn '.I. MU rl lili !e nurse in attendance. It l ami-- - siylish trap with , t',, "t iif'ili"-- 4fr 4 4 ft ft D ü Mr. is h.irlt-y- OI I" '""cae .shortened' 6 it with its tla-- . a '.I m a P.- r..,.;- I'll. J. H. WKOTH for ponie s. i M k in' mi said to la t Physician ' h ii ' I, sh, and ftiirtteon. lile-oiTi- "' ".II I" tie .,1, j A'b,i, artiticiallv crown. ii a - I a pn-v.- l f i:.'ti;rtt llullilinc. roue. X'.M. , O t ' v ' i inn in ell "I In .Into, I, II, III ill, o i, e If Il.l. e.'Ulse pi is W. S 1. I ) K A C H bALE Real Estate "" ' IhhIv, ' BaSdridjje's the i'li. h. L'ivts .strength"' mii-h- Place f ii I..H..V :. TI a 'i Pr ictice Llmit-- d 777777777" T ' , o - , a '. t ' i I: ,, i "ni: tit inc wh. it ti . N',e 4 :: anil to liccT. 4 har. c , , V"llf'' ij.i.iluy . ,, ' , VOH Throat. f:""'' h - II ti ,c . LUMBER. AND . ' s, a, li than SHINGLES. LATH. A LARGE and Aurist for Sim!:, . g ', 'h'-'- wat. r ten'. 1 ... . const - i """' x I. i Pitim ;. ..I' Im l o V e --' ( l.c lutter the the nt. stock of Windows, Doors, lines. Olti.-- til West st: w i. er, 1:11 .' av.;,', t - Taints, Oils, Brushes, Si, Railroad av. ; -- i : It .... ' U ill III" o,,,ni i l.e.e Hours; to 12 a n,.; r. ., , , l::o to - In '"ii-- - in th. til.,),, - V Cement, more Kitistv inir the hecr. Building Paper, etc., always on h.v.nl .'ai.!',.,., 1,., i,- ,1. " h -. il hoti.'.l, ' IK M I A I í'.io-ht-Ih- rati; H' S ' J - I'.il-s- r v ll,i lls. !. "'' (..is. tr.i.vi - ii- .... .1. . :"': ici,- Malt-- i M.i it ""ii" Mu..,!: i. I ,X : 4 4 hKS. It'iNSii.N Hli.i.N.s. i ;!,":'"; ween Second and - nl.; I I ,,,,,, i ,, 'tu- i'luifss t'iüous ' o, :.. hM'1' "al nv, mm. ciiti' it ,,n Nature it!". II I I il s ai 11' ted ill is b.aw-...,.- . ami S ii : ire, ns "l'l 0 elmo. sj' A s i, In f,'"l,l s t i""" thf tai ley slowly, thus G. 'u-- ann ,i, 1114 si,, 10 ""Q .pr.,n, M v st am. n tf " In ,!.,.." I'm! Ill-I- '- 9 J. , BHLDRIDGS Til r HST SI IÍKK I, AI.HI -. all el the nutritions wuli, haw P.- III. nl SJl Ql i;:;gi K. NEW WKXIOo i '""' 'i'1 ..ra"""T- Aibu ! 11 .!. a - " a i ,M" i : in Fran l.iia íes of the- un.) I i tcriin "'" ' l'U. w. ji. MORXIXO JOl'RX'AL. t: 4' 'l tll(lt) tl) Ili.tticopathlo WANT ADS DON'T riy-ic'a- n an I Surirenn r"Tn RESULTS. : 'i BE ENTICED hit" l.mMiim. ' , New ..iu,,,. Is .id,. .i - l'v ..., :i I - 'Oil" Mexico. Teleii',,,1 XXf, weak ."Il .l ilea at I .1 M - U on in I. how ,.,.(, I" i ., te ara io v.a Pabst Hi W il aim in.l b '!' Il" i ,a l ti ..i, I. 'I. i nrviisis. i IP ' r e, l lit a .. vl v in (.'""I in on. y :, v- hli. J. h. KKAFT m.i, k, t as ! ,,i - Hid I" a inn s. e im- !", !, . I'ental Fiircnr. ii n ' inllle.,. e foe "I . '.:; c a, r, h. 1. r Icons hum-- Thone BIueRibbon i - . : i - n m w Hid .HI- " .I ll " ml AM'.'intment-- ,.v 1 IVrr at nia!, nf Quality m ., w .1 I I' o I Vmr ...ill h. Ahlilili, O. s Two ' ' i t l ' 1,1. Lots I'ali - t ';f'"' s: i et let - .t'mlil. .. , Arrmio k. opposite '' Hi n i e- I ' is " V,u he, r. ; I tl " . la - S:30 a. m. to j.s. Pabst I ' I 1 r. 1) Iv "h: i" p.m. App.dnt- - JO 'i ' I 1" ' I l.jl ' , GK. ANDE r by mail. w ', fib !i .,. j.,x ,njj rIO ' IH III I I I fx. a, " :. It - .i j l LVMBER. arf rr, COMPANY h A si i 'NCI i - ,: :. I I. ..ml m-:,- w -- At', hi'eet For Salo I: x i!.-- . ; Thiid and M.irnuet'o. 1: ft el ).. j 1,;, ,;,.,, LEGAL NOTICES ' 'm't' PulMlre As I ;S MhlM. s '(ill-Mi- l: A Misn; ii.i: I IN Screen Time is Here! "UrKival III I" IA)x.n sin ui i: i 1:1:1:1. hc:ro-!.iav- le D.-i- ' - ' W ! ' sia ii si Buy a .1 C 1 : l.V,:' ., I rood Sc:c:i o 7;. ( '"ff:. Hot os; N - F H. 112 V.) i .1 jr.:ui.- v.:-- ivnt, .11 m It 7! door n ino rait; it I.rl ICO i'CS li'l, !; :ni siil.it $snii..'(i A ",v a : loi; s .;. u bcicens as cry, TI I'M P. x - 10 h I. i m x. ,V dvttt.lU' Hll l(,llli: ' ' iilf w THE SUPERIOR LUMBER ' '" Vol (,it Tll!i: iti: r ; v AND MILL sure. vor. M.wiii. ip ,,( Tin. CO. 1 s- -- Ai:i: ' ..... p v TVparf. 1ms vrr vi ' ;V';','7 , must f i:. When oH, r, "i iTict, - m it ' h,( N. M on i,t.,,.N,,. V' '.e. Civil en- - oi: to orn for i i.bst J :,;, K.i.U.n. uuitaUo Ptxui klS. a Ma le l.v I'ahst, at MiKvt-ike- t4i ruto I Iwh ft "ti'nr J"urial Lioiili oi.b. I I A:.d J i.t tic Ilrvwi y. W.J. PATTERSON M'i li 'kl li 1 'iinivniv. - .x . i...i.i.r:i: PORTERFIELD CO, nd.-- : a k r p ' . r V L4v ery nd Ft ii n: r. i. w. vi i;i and Hoarding v I :. I ia U... t O. ' '' tif .a li. fc'io.i r stl 1:1 Wrf tUUrr Jrrra. 216 West Gold Ave. m. n :.i! . club bu,: Ada. i'ter-jue-


H ill n Rets 'in address lie ra mint make - rnimmi inminii-fn- mil. In' passes II un In the next mini. THE RAILROAD MAIL mid if no one on tin- - train car. iipur, . il mil. 11 noes tnlo tin- "nixies," w hich Fifty Yu&i tf2B i SSasttf&ni n -- i ÍIfRÍIll.'S. thill in t to tli. : ili'iul letter oliico In WnshiiiKlon. lili a ! i In- lecords showed that each Sí ojees B Nk l; RAABE SERVICE A GREAT (I' l handled 1Ü.00H pier,- of mail -j ifim iiii.iti'ly lo iviij error iu' in.nl.-- milj 115 and 117 Ncrtfi First Street R. R. and Copper Aves, it is : t id Unit hard!;- one letter in Batan 1 lrt.)0t falls to lind.s lis wnv lo tlioj r iK'st inai ion, .rz:: rsk mv m mm x m --, t 'l'hi' rumor of I 'resident i;o,isr-- i ME Veil's intention lo go lo i p,: us soon as liis term yones, calis al-- , tcniion to tin' 1'iirt that he will Inn.-- Shelf Hardware, Cutiery, i Enamelware, no I'fii' ti y in roiiversiiiK in Ihe Ian-- ) Fourteen Thousand Skilled Kiiuw m' nearly every country he may M J., 4U "hero, rrolwbly no ruler in tu.. IVICII LtlipiUyCUC.nUnA III 11 IG Iri,,:,,!"'lyillj;: uorhl today speaks n. many laiiKiia-- .; Postal Cars-So- me Mail Fly- - iiinl (erinaii under tutors LAWN MOWERS, TENTS. WAGON COVERS, Willie a boy ill liolll of the count h s GÍ'Si In which these tmi"ues are spoken,; FUI A REFRIGERATORS, RANCH SUPPLIES. and it is said lieu he wi Pes with more MMT GARDEN HOSE. POULTRY NETTING, ;;rra(rr facility ami frj ROOSEVELT A MASTER Ihe rilled of ::ranini4r in thus GADEN TOOLS. iHiiaKes. Hi' itriimivd a S punish pamis j OF MANY LANGUAGES wliile associated Willi c,,wl,,,vs in the! west, runt this furnished a Lads fori ' .. his nnisiei y of the reiii Cast lian. oiil i ill1'1 I'i'iv y ars aim he learned liaban,' Winona Wagons, McCormicK Mowers and Harvesters Speaker Cannon s New Hat ..m, s so ,i,.soiy tspann-- ami rronen inai tie mmii, iit- - Causes Sensation in the li troutde in h'Mi-niii- il Í.1ÍI Tí1 W D'i k" THE MOST POPULAR BECAUSE THE BEST.. .. Mi- 1. ' 1...V In .....o ii Capital How the Senate ".' - ''ti. i.is im.'.r m thai icanion of Switzerland wline a vei- - Barbeis Propose to Become Ulir- au'" 1"" ',V!;i!l"'' "" '"- - Kuaife is spoken, und. - A Yzsrfnz Fowtlop FaniOUS, stands, which can l,e claim, ,1 l,v lew Oi.am of peiHons outsidi.' ol the canton where n Érj$tíií . ,1a- - AIlMiqucr que is ihe native tnrm-- His friend, From Qrp&s Call Up 789 Th- - .Morniiif; Journal ISuivtm. ) '"1' lüis ihiikIiI the president he lan- - i - Jit ensylvania .We., X. W. ., '":" " I ''nmHili ami ot ot !,,.,- Xortii IMiiiiiug Mill Washimtu,,, .. c .May a. "f " '"' " "i- - i wnn, m r,t' u ii, On associate, in ine in New Atl klmts oi in'll Mirk a the One ol the most hmhly fected Phone x,.u. lbl, j.V)S.In of Yi.fk. The peciit!t v, in y is gov- - The right Whenever you want your Prescriptions filled promptly this coiinli lie hiikih' of his imteli uniestois also is I and In- for g(Ut work ai low price t In-- In mil lar to presideiii. only in ,,, well-halie- , rriiiiinil lailway service. When and efrrrm-e- for d senator.-.- wi h,- ill accurately or If you want DRUGS and MEDICINES , I si,ncd n Ibe fall, 'fhe sent up morn-- he last lew years he has nicked up , ,'t Irürrs and papi come in the and ha hi men have had Ihtir standini; pa--- b i cou-n- h -- ( ne undress ani- in ra hie initltei ilia: ol j, M tln-m- 1 to your house a hurry, iiik. lew people stop li. think of Various of fame ihorizlntt tills' Imi t the;i ...... , beds l.', Is be chief A. J. OVE. Prop, wpo mi.-- ....-i- nume l en-rtri- l nosy woiiirrs .siieiiii nnuis aim awiave have n and dedlrated 111 to use!' U Ill s:. hv llel.-- of i )!d w ill hours of weary toil ill tile tiayeliilK Ioiik lour tile World, be not t, Illl'll of llilih a II ti lis h m i. Is hoi n ...... j II.. i ,1.1.'. Auto j. iinnt .63 iMN.Klri.tM. ill postal car as it thunders unwind lelimre the services all lllterinetrr it is doubtful if any b: f tame ever i, ...,,.,-.- , i w ny c I.,..- ilirou;.;h ill., niyht, hi inin; ihe com- here. included un, re n i o - h leiiin-- ii... i ., ..... WILLIAMS DRUG CO society A word or two on Colour) "Mar ' munications of comnirrre ami than Ibis mattress of fame, the sole nor of cert ., n mm, ox w b clTi, e llrnry Watt.-r.-on'- claini to have dis- - hours and hours ahead of the .sched- l"'"oic ii in wnii a lias ii a seal em !ia italic timo I'lltsbuiyr as to - 117 a ne-- , inn Bivio W. ules known anywhere else in Ihe covereit ituKiies us presuicniiai in tlie senate and a buin-l- I' S'iHil pclldilln pin, ced Front Railroad mi .essily for Ihe republicans. If his there. world. I'inie has about 4.0 The barbers were ,o, di- - P- - L. San . I . , B. r - .. - Putney i.. ... po.-t- ride in es- I" lie,,, no- II 0 e p o 11 railway clerks who "mil. that tlle not el nhUhc Son N ipoh s. pecially constructed ens. and work a huslo'l too Ioiik. lliiKiies Is with, nil chance to clip Senator Sp,,,,nei s han KtblthJ 1871 - IF YOU'RE IN THE DARK lie it s across- -ou- s doiibl iieeessa ry to the faction w liieti j which as het'oi,- ib, mail as resin the tlauiiied m in ai i i.sí i - net' with this i's ,d' ihe I 'iiion to its destina- is to control the next republican na aKKi avat iin; wav eerv tune the liui. ailment Wholesale Grocer i,,n. w ins win ne picase.! i,, Know that u cure ns to tions. tional conveni If he in ewKiatii d Ihe hariier shop t,, ' norm ais whwe to jro for your plumhlnit, Iniav he effeelel by ii J y i k I ha ill rcEi. iiiaih Tin' runs a (rain from Vork and controls its lo he sluu ed. as was his eii-to- daily, lut uu you. you rmlinsit.in berla n's Salvo as s,.,ni ,1M th(. i'iillhten If want a ,",ini next year, may easily, i "' t Ciiicafio to Omaha. :l distance of lonventioti he 'Hair in. ii h" olceoinmis v ,. watt-- r i , mil-oí;- II Urokon ur steam pipe new .;!,.. I' .. 1.1, I.'..,, . ... u ln- oil Willi a fir '"lícíS wons KxaJ, miles, that inakis the trip niiiht nl'lei' nil tlu- kin I II U coiiii-,,- iolh bclme allewillK- l.lhc gmi futures, a liatUrouni put In. or a i.iht in about .Inn minutes. To make lit los. s of his slate, it t hon;;ht ully sha ke Ins , and 1:1, I,. nurse ,.m...u ..... HJBl'gUKtiQCE, N. M. ner,--sat- will no Willi tile conserva! ivc elemeli f furnace repaired, come to ua. We di all siops and holies uf Ihe Ham would siuk:thh s.,jv,'. hest sab- s'pei il a mile a of tin- paity. It will en with l'eiin- - into w, remits. for new completo and still maintain a of .... ., . ., blssboe work or any kind of .m-- ' ULLn minute fo j' such a distance, is a re- s.Mvania. jersey. The barbers ha ve a w a cu I; cd Sen THE WM. FARR COMPANY ropalrn. Our work u rltht and ao ara markable pet : oi malice. This train and thai debatable part of the south: atol Dick, and when lb, are I, t , 1,r ",10 " In tin- - our prices. cc. of li.itir eaii'viim nothiim and far west which' will he ornanl.e.l with bis hair wilh inst inci ions 1,1 "ns,- 'Iiimcl corn's lie! cari i Hit W1i"!b and Kt'tall lull lift y tons of mail, w hieli is liau-li- n against Ihe liinncwlc- movement of: their iuditnii-nt- tlnv will make ill"" ""' ",,,,' ii() I'lifiivlv W In-- 1'iMiil I', Ai d trip, ride in Hie liooseveli inn ol the party. ne, y all p.-- s inuler imi'i' laws. li, I'rnlt .ti- - cvety filtecti clerks essai lor tin and Co., (iriK'I'I'H. Dealer in Tresh and Salt Meats lb" inn to sor; the letters and iuiei'.s repniiiicans can elect w ithout. - c.v niaKazin.-- of the cmintiw to in a STANDARD PLUMBING AND while the ional llasll i.s lleill.' orl: but the proi;,-e---ii'- eieim-ii- in 'slock of new phobv.i .loiis. Sausage a Specialty. the tepiiblican party cann it iiomiiiaie Senators Sh-w- t and ', ffei- - I '1 lirsiriny s:llsh miKincty. HEATING COMPANY. Seiialor n In addition lo the linrliniiton's fa- - witiiont .New Vork. That is why ..v- - a re looked hack 110. ,11 b tlie barbers dress nmliiiiK mid tailor sails call For Cattle and lliif.-- thr lilgrgeiit Mar- III10IS llalli, there tile sotllo tlliltv eriior IIukIics is one of the very biíí-'n- s 1, lbs ,,f "ili. ,. K,i,i,' old liuc-s- . on .Miss c 1'. ("ra ne, 512 N. S( tai. ket I'rien Is Kaki. other .social mail ra i 11s which ijest men in the country today. Thai,--to- return of w hi. b i. Imp, d for. but A ppteii tices wanted. w , is why ill largest iell-- e lj.;h! a rvijj kkt op evi' t four hours. Tbi the ihe ill ll.ir.llv expelled. EUIIEKA FAINT teltii inn statellletlt Will Hive all iileu of tile na- .New Vork is Mvota!. IOi; l!i:l, till. I) DlllNKS TliV ALBUQUERQUE FOUNDRY tional service il extends X N S I N T l as liolll ecl ' .11 i OI V FOR, ROOrS it; ni'ist da:'..liiiKly hiauliful pit nvi'i-- i: IX. s AND MACHINE WOKKS. 3 cit the I'niiin. Is t npervlo'in to hint anil ro'd; It will $8 - . 11. V. HAM,. lni,rHM!.-- ? w i! j I UK Notlii- to not run. ern 'li. ur hll; tr r: it ill linrdun is Imrfm' many w - 'el pii .inlriielor-.- a c sei i, e way for the lor moons was on, '''""' '"'- 1. Mi.- "make ed, pio-P'ifa- tif tr r ..nee Bet. Qolil juuntily by tlie spi of Women who make a business ,, undersiKi will receive Iron under water, A rain Orwna $ lady." wlieu tlie ller conies. Some aker liiv hmt of for Ibe erection comple- and tirana CantliiKi, Ore, Cíoiu coming ;i frnxh paint will not w.mh it. stn- - reprcsi'iitativiM a few days hei beaut f n etlier women cone and tnc! Cum. tlolil nmiit. if inn happen lo lie al til" aim. pi,;i tion of a jail and a huild-im- ; l'tilleya, f.rato t llllnva. rnward from ....11.50 dmi-nt--- km, win:: :,h courthouse I, ,01 ouj I'lirlc Joe got the hat he would notlue-i- what will brine. ml i Ilau, Jliihtiltt V.etal. Culumna when the, fad mail , to be ere, le in the town of loil-lu- is No in w hi.-- w wo'ri,- - he was proud it. how- - '" fern Is. He,,- are elle..-- Iro'j Hulld-!n- n. There Acid it Pi filena ILi ill Iiinl a dozen nv feli'ov.s '"lb That of '"W Mexii o. y coiin-ty- , and irnnli for traction Mo was plainly two, llerpieule-n.i'Kiin- tor McKinb ill's- Kke heaver, loa, Mm,' me car wiHi "Ver. manifest,.,! ,by 'tnun .New A Xepalra on Mlnlns and AH rpi-li.i- Mexico. cetlilieii Work a in which be disporte.l i:.' "' ' ivomnim-m- Nev. loo's 'II. click Mil, In- - In ur Hpeclalty To Rust Tin .Uiw.lutoli GuaruotctMi sacks- conductor paeim: luaimi'f fu' li.iMI will 1.. !eilliled lo a'com- - litaclilnirf and forlli Willi watch in hand: ani"''n F street lie .strode at an early ''ble,' as it slopped my hair In. in roi.Nnity B. in "'K mil ; and as. a it has m bnVd.-is- b'o-'- by Im F. COPP, D. D. S riibhiiiK and oilim; u l.l si.'.-- Ihe nioi iiim; early lor ''ilib ol the T 'i 'ii n "Mf Hallroad Trat. Alhaara Sold ths millón, or contracts will i, rueim; Ii iue, like a ),,ekev p- l itm it leln not n minute superior. A ii . taken fjr palnlintf rouf.i. Adlrew ltonru 1J. N. T. ArniUo m.ic (Sim-d- inire:-- cii ret. Martlet HblK., Albiuitur-iiié- nnilillnr fii-U- y l'iu-- s o'clock, and then reacli-- I'milia A. Trui ami coddling a Imn mikUIh ed. after ' '' 'New M, '.ico. This eiittine will bea marvel. It will UK - int h si reel he t iirned a romul and 'mnplexion SpciaiNb li. walked ha"k up F street to - "I"1'1"-"'1 ''1" I'ort inc." A. E. WALKER BORRADAILE & CO. curry leu tons of coa! and ,, 'i!l a: c, w. Hiinlrr's Waimn ! body w .11 "Al!e- one b,,t,- 11, Ions of w Her n iveiai-'e ie,l man I'iver.i who lint .bhn as aiti ted r, V d. l'Oii X. riRE INSURANCE 117 Gold Avu. Alliuiiiii'i'uiK'i N. yt v li- ( Hde" m ha- slopped Satiir.lai. the DON J. RANKIN CO . eré.t its 'oe box It the hat. and cvorybodv bowed. hair labhm al.-- o s, la in i l lllb; Tin i be III h. lo buy lii.-l- flic!, .1,,,. remonde, a " enii.cly In r fr o., Alnti.nl IlulldiiiK Afrnx 'itinl and angular and powerf.il Iti with liorses. loaics an-- mares. STtlary iatlor VlltR j '''I ru f. IXSI'HAWIfi will and fume like a llvlni? thiiiK ''urelitl. dlnnilied nod. as if afraid that verytlilni; have for sale In above 117 WliSr HAIMtO.11 AVKMt ItfciAt, USTAIW 11 a t ."i ,i..i.,.,i,.i,i a ;in- - nillcn t;, lex ion would toss iliac, : Amoiiiailc I'lior.o 731, i,,r il,e slut When I'" the: - ...) Luc. J. K. ji rn J4)A.S m tern sn iiiss the sit'j,n!, the o ecioiis "bonnet" from his . The "I i'.iiit-- li,. 1DBI31DIÍEBBDIIIII T ' t f . It b, 110 "1 !.'. Sixib Si I' Automiitlo riionn 451 ph.- hi-- - I , ami it w '"de, ion r can called by t. will st the I v. a N'l'Ki i ert nn of 1, ...... , I - 11 V m, Sold by lea, Sett, II, a number ... a ol h er la me is a svm '; bo in - linn ilruufisis. (V;e, v ...i.i HI ',!,- bnatderi! pav yorr expenses; B.D.SAMPSELL:! to Kinui.tn irir.Tfvj ,.- w w .a 'ble w k :l,' w a V p, a I. ' ci oi won a o e oa nil. i n fer 'I'm' t The ol of r.l ele :ni .Mi.-- I'ty o.ie above that nuiritier paja My I....1 vlin-r. II Is suit a most I! ni- :,n,I I'o.. Two F. KELEKER Is In' tiiin lie ,v i probt; y.'ij ilways keep SITHOS. nous. ami il.nii. I'. II. spC- - 11 .U,L'inl-,i-ea- i- st.i.le be has meio-- l iiisona its carves are Itrios number rliMit by uuint? our Want vol RESULTS! , . n - ial ayenis. iiri-'e- about .,,11(111 o, slot ices. iieaui ui. aim us iii im is just siti- ii mti.i. Contractor and Builder :!RESULTS! - - IleV ill. Ml ' COUll-- j I'iciellll.V Wide lo shade- the Wearer's lilloW til" stales lile ' lbs and lb" railroads and un, ioi, e.e.-- without coin-e- linn the Koinaii- - I'sr- - .ini'itvM, mm Harness, . Saddlery "j w they Hueanients ,,f bis face. li is r nwT poiiiis Ihroiwli hich an ' H' ' vol, Hie w ill ,,,,,1,1,1 He niu-- t at all limes keep up 'til that speaker have to DELEGATE RETURN D Leather, Findings, Paints, Jotbina a Specialty MORING JOURNAL ' i - 11 lllllll;-.,- sell,-- lll!",i-"'- - " o,,,,,, i ,k. HERE'S A W 1,TV ol lllle "" PEACH C1 I.". (III. ol'tic, - llWeeli ills lips Willie Weat'lllH 111 ine- eCffV hese ,f--O-R ' ; WANT ADS In ,1,.. si, each car lb, re is ai- - dream ol a hat. else he will .smudge BOOKKEEPERS n SU-r- l Vn.Ioi-- In- - ,,, w a i nil 611 Si. a ease coiilainim; II" piKeon s ri in h mi; nil ashes. The ha lor mid uiitl iniri-- ami wivr inuurv. North 12h .1 IB , t e II II U .1 li ,'S I lull' look 'woiily years (irv's itc. M'mjiM'. iiMli'x. Uih 1...1... inl.i llnse the 10 THE - I hit imUoíiu'M iLímu- hi oll'U .mmI Hips so swift;.', and VunHn its co !s estiinbleil at . HOI an r. Albtifji'rq N. M. the missives I'iH' 1oim It rtl hoitml ImmiKh. vie. terou.'.ly that won can bardp- hoib-v- ir Ser Tie a m hi i ion I' Ibe al II. S. I II IM.OW u n u u RESULTS! RESULTS! lie .i readiiiii ihe address,'- - on them. barbers the tuu sitii iidiiiudu Mveiiuv s a a k Hi sliiiilbs pi:,- afier piie Willi tie i1 m SM'eS S'liale 1,1 ItOSSrS.s and si. iil thai n professional s,'lv ui' a hair inattress made of tip- COYOTES ttruci" n- - of card.-- - shows in ban nu si hirsute clippings ol lb, dmmlied pai- new p ick, ami all the w lid the train roil "' u's lik.-l- Il lo be lealu.ed is onward with liuhtnii was a bom t im o that these bar ..... i b, is. it i red, entered into a cm- I'ndorweai for Slout Men. The men ill the lars Income so !' -j spira, y t,, hav lnle'in'ouie,n "Bull" in on; wnn im a. :,,;::! Andrews Comes miliar witli ibe load ,.v,r which lhe - i,.,-- s can tell hie, otbcril and hey r, i,., 4 A,.:,l U that thev lull i I ery IJr" III UIUI'I III MVUIU U, l,..,.. ,l,,. ..i-.- ..t ,n- noiiit in the un ilin blub, in lad al Ihe heads; v, t,i i i,',,,i.-o,- no i ih.-i- work, "f their aui;u-- t eusioiiiers. and benan ' I Demonstration Feaied in the Tliev are able lo do this by their la-- lo sa i lie lia el ipplUKs Dial . s Math, up tin-- ... ,i .1, .. ol. .11 eio-ie- ali,l'w,r rdinarilv 'led sent Evening, m-- was,.- e, .... ,,,, . lossinas on Ibe line II i m uic., , Closely s pee, ll U Ve 11 U- -tu! attlcb When they sue-- lor then to ill. life the purpose, they in m to have the mall in their but wtd ..I the order , "Hull" Andrews. ileb'K.lle floln 'evv I, ,,11 lm.,.1 ti nous. one pos ess 111,' om-- oo c t . - ,'l, ,, I,., has more work ill tllii world. Tiny will In ble t ..-- .ui'Sira in oiaress. returned , est, ea a t on tin- iijer an absence before h- - -ts toiil. if thev with tnoininii alter than he can handle by a n, of sevetal nioiillis from Ibis cily. d.ir-ill- a ida,,- Te- calls for help, amlj Muir sifnai uivs wtnessed I'iVin Whi. Il be has been suet a II III' hi.-- Style--th- e ...... t. ,i , ,iu- ami hustle to larv public, dciaiim; even the nam, ' state-me- n w Salt on- - reputation as man win, .. , ,i. ... s,, "li.-.- olll lot' dlsliniilllslled ho 'the does ibut, d toih.-i- ha i r f, r i ft things" in ihe national oapb.il, .Mr. ,,f ibe ihiim' ibat "Very mal! b,-.- sitiee bey del e rill llled Andrew- - apt, ran- to tally r,.- - . b-- i k I, upon is bis ability barbels rides hiiiiself flolll he llel,,lls lelt.sioll III- i flavors thai whim t li., t i ce, that to decipher uriinisv "'1"' i.l ion In Sa In n bail- inatlicss. ban- naturally had their!'. '" uia f'e to anyone else. ny thiec raniac," .i .Is ,,f i I'ticC " Sit tH h tailms it ; inéPici-s- suil le!, na! Amii.-ws- as is well kinowi. into it tlieii clothes, and the Il IS Jilst fee.!- ,1. ia beba If of he o'd S.il-l- . f Ill N'eW M.'Vi.'o, 'nil' hrine, pini1 wool, it o a,nl wit'i the an, i.f Major William - I, lev. e mist ai'il lain and had II, in y lian isoti n, in yi- M the miad ,,f ibe president siil'li-cieail- v v.ea at-- ii's, iboeilior Hibernian. Ib" .1. al" el, eotl've. o se, Ule his rem, oaf The dt legate, who was si roiiyf. del ne, ,1 for bis i rooked job h the ut,.-- miss thai Our Spring Sacks ever K- .h.-ic- ir . Mbu, in, iue. in o M.i wr, Hi I t iVlU-li'ls- til most p i ,n. ne t s m, n ,n t be and Overcoats There's Only One Condinon Fresh l I'"1 ceil,l ,s 'i,,-- and w at Wl ' ttait, by ., i.irc.e and vn P.!C ''11 C It will he I -- ,, i deletl.ll i'OI. 1't.l!',' of Abb'f, 111 , from flour to tabic. y l o Fresh ' ) tiy them, ''li- - " '" '' "' '" "IK" I.. 4V ade lit of-- ,n,,l a I,.,, it eh' hi ot in i i", i,m are-M- Iff ' ( than Takoma Biscuit ' u ,' t , i.al.Pe Ine .IH- f- t itoll," o from new specially cltctt-- soft winter If ifraie's annul "it lb, limite ihe "c..- - X .les'- we, ' l.,k, c by se TRY THEM CM. by rxchisive method of b. iking in l'ií Sllrpi .lid o f.imr our own ':. IK inial-b- in of Iw.ie le ibe sta'ioii V modern ovens thus rttaniinr: all the nutriment fíí tille r., cvt. 'Id ul.i.l band lo t he V o the wheat. iVty',. i. rr, i ' a s;na n. In e.vpl ina! ,t, to kÚri ''' ' ''' e" trs. it m ... to jT Soils, S18.0G $30.00 Biscuit are-Fr- esh UT !,'', lepe ,! b" st,','l,e'U mad, le, Ml. Takorr.a Ami' ,h il W..-- h li- t on paper Jj. J fre-- ff''!l ' Two PÍ8C3 Suils, to $15.00 h $9.00 when they leave ourbakm paek'-- in Kv' sio t v nú Im bon o. tí' VJáfcwacirarvi o 1 J'rottc-tio- n IT.' li; ..( Aiioi,,a, wax-prc- - cJ cartons, tloed with the rijile .ad tie and A o yy(,,.N,w M.-sl- .. A ho fa "..." 1. the 'JT Seal. TVT i 'ti"ii "!' lb.- b,.n st yeimi; governor. VI fl IP ! . ll.lKei lll.l'l. ai " coyoles. E. L. Company, i, t Washburn Biscuit are V o,, bl i''ik lb,- s, 1.1! thmr- milI r, pi i - NT o Titkcma 119 fresh no when you buy them ' 122 South Second West Gold Aluais matter I ! illas- - H' III'- p,.r.t llolls.. cW.p, icy and finely flavored. J I s .Mel I ' tin !" sr.,i-,-- lb.) II ledt who 'jt o - u ni p, s m from ,b te.ii-t ' ,.f 'in- . 4L ', ;...: piote.t'i.B ;u:.i ln.-- i 'be IMS- - o Takoma Biscuit are ' l.i I -' ' -' t, pi "- lil ii oi- made t,y "Itoll" a'.d 4 likes to sell Ask ' . The satisfactory kind your procer ; t!i.'r !!! r 1' pi ntalii s of the ..Id - him today. Two si.e 5 and 'J cents. f I'r" 1: a- r.,o- II ,-1- rt;",n h.,. ot- o ' : .tin- run ihitinc his term it ..ftie.-- I" Ardie.'s als, in an..iii.-- S KANSAS CITY B,:I !'!it vv. S'dlit Wh.it ori-' - S lOOSE-WlLE- .'i -- m!. v. M'll.,: i I: -- I U. S. A. I'J - k.w V II v ... k. . ... ll.'i:' iniii'i'.'" r. ;si-.'i- 1. .t t "W Í. I i.i.-nf hh tu h"! i :.s to l!,,ni,' , . ! m' I .n v. it iri,:, .e i:t .... I Ü. 1 vi i : j í t i c Mjtie, u. n l; Me. THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL. THURSDAY, MAY 9, 1907. Ct)iJlbuowriiueoriiiii(i3onial f toA'An Appreciation of Lincoln COMFORT and Published by bQkOSZZ) The. Man of Peace HAPPINESS iit linnil in lmtiil. To lio ix rlcclly ul JOURNAL PUBLISHING COMPANY. null win!'' in. ii i. n it" (lil (.CIlclUl llmuce IN I1 or.) ii- ton ri'st in i"c of nir oMix)i:r sv.'ixc cii.uüs. .iusi ' I" .f d. .Mr. i!i,--- -- í - nt H. it.il l".. M f he li"- li tu Ii. A. M KIlHi 'N. Jr-il-- W. Itt'liKi:, IMllor. jyJ(Ui Ui'i,N 'a:i humóle birth: ib:' tliitiK lint - liiiví r'st Ai'I'll IP. . -I th- - lot ii. i! n r;ty iidin-- curly h iI In r; - with tri.iH of mis In iiHcr kuimi-- ..ctv r:ii:. 'I h'- ni'iil luid.- is tin- - .m-s- ; f'i S33K7 noli. ' nine, il'- fortune itinl t.i Icon th" fii si of life .4 iJi mi; i I v it iv In !h lio'il i.f II- - i i from that F.nttrtü ecuid-rla- mittfr it thi poitofTici it Albaquerqun, N. M., ft erf nüv..dv. li Am! : ;,,. 4 tvoiilil I' to .m ih- - pen- - FURNITURE CO., unrliir of cotigrm of Mirch I, 117. Cirji,i cl.i'i which h always a! plain V ... 1 FUTRELLE let i . h. . I ".xii-i-- i,i ill.'. Alain.' II- i I ncv-- :ü - i.Itv.ivn lmsse,., d t'teir Jit f ti e. - r Second and Coal. f-- rv l'i-- t I H- r Vewndd - i TI- H- K'lVi-iiMi- his Ik- - - believed .Over Tin- MOUMxa JornxAii ih mii-- iimcan vapkh - o in. v. "I i- iiiat mi their ff tion. that thk -- M i a v..!inh!e c- OF M W MKXKt). St I'I'OiniXíi Til K I'ltlX-fll'M- OK Till) KKPHI. allí I'ii iP uuvrimni'iil was mal- - fir th- - people, and not I AN 1MHTV Al l Tin'. TI M K AMI Till? MI.TIIODS Or TIIK HI,TI ' É th- f , the rovi '. Jiii.l that trit- - repub .If I )).!. nitii": WIIF.X V I!K;ilT. i i I'AIITY Till Altl! Kin! iiii;ini;!4li..iii. ii Ii h.i'.I, i licin u c !'!- - ii tori h tlx lic i; is shaken In the "" l;ll'!'" . hands o' !h- - i Ihc l,rUSlt.T ii lilllT.S. GARDEN RAKES I'll, I ..i retrU-- .., n-- "Tim Miiriiliut J'Mirrml turn ft Weber rTfiilntltm rfn '"" u i.,.;,i ,,r hi. ,..Ver .v mi- - hail sneered .Ni-- nny otlHT AlliuqiKTijuB or ilnlly In i vjl,.i, ,,)V broi lu r "" .n , lo la iir Hit Mnloo."nir th n! ,,,, :M lu,t f ,,is bumble )lp mlRht Amerieiin orren.rj, n- - -- .u .m- - i ion. LAWN MOWERS .t ri'm hate re;. I. Ill;- - l!i Mar.-iha- l of Fran-- c. ho n iv ,;s r .iii-- l fr'oni th- - riiniis h a iluk-iln- when he And All Kinds of Tools flri'ulatiinj any only ; Th- - llm-- ii li, e me ti. til. ,i I rger tlian other (xipw in Nrw Mailro. 'ílie i'rr li Ih- - i ;tol"l h iiightv nuMfH nf Vienna, who hria.sted of i M iln In yi-n-r. í y ttar. 'I'h- - I..iiIim mi v. ei leu ImikvI nm tli - holt li- , lhe;r lines of deieer.t and i.n assoel iti5' Ilorai'- I'niti

-; '" with Inn.: "I am nn iiiK'(-i"i- ' e int-ml- eil by Hose-Cot- Ai-i- ía iu are focal ilisí.ini as ton TUI.MS IO : "'ri..iii'.iiHÍ- - i'i .f .i in." K.t. iinicr Rubber Hose OF hlTlSí ( TIin . -- n i the hi ulptnr. who il. tli ; he I,., Ann. 1, - Tin.'--- l'a llie ai only ii sira: re.eil ,, 1 ,,, ,1 p- - In 1. ...i,., i i, ,....i i i ., '' ""o-- " " I'l.muii'. me lutliy. ly mill, on advine. ...iuni..i - yr i .r I i I 11(1 "i- n - a II a II . ti i ... .1, . - . lie ill imilj, ny l'iriifr, un. i II i ;l' a n e ilce,;.- - inat !1 Ill C! II - itH. t,i oii,,'t l..n I.y on month 60 ' ,..,, i illy. mili. h,:'"' 'i' '"'""';" f a vlrt.len. coi,; ti Sense. An so A'.rah.im I.inch, has k far RIGHT PRICES BEST OF QUALITIES -- -- :'-' : - - i ; :1.,.í;.'" '"" . - - - "i,"i";",Ktt,., in,,, ,.n-.,.i- ,!,. thai -- ' Ai.nuycKRur NEW MEXICO' f 'be iVnuit'.Kun, no .miuK fori...... ,,,, , - LARGE STOCK TRY US Im v. - 'i'" ,',.,. drink, itiaft rt fl'-ft- I'ai. and ni' I'" allitudlnizlli i't n i,-- as they nnj.ear in their hean- - II. tin - ... onTi he a lona ii. tiue in,i k it i.llti.-in.iüiy. was iin.l syniiii. try. 9. dead r i y eon te;, a There !' Illl ltnW MOHMMi. MV Iti7. all 'in !..n, I am clad of of Lin- - ii - of i of the .nl the lint .ii.. sin 'en hred Is 212 N: Second St., I coin I'arm association. It well thai 'in k ni; In Id I'a-- o l In h- - .....v'.-- l. There v.as i i.f that his 1m hi should he redeemed & Co. -- d m.ili-r- i In-- ' Korber N. M. d. LI J. nit- tliat Albuquerque, i.ioil iii. ml. ih. .Ioa..s.n ahí uas i 9 lo.n fio i ii itnliviil a. i o wnersh It should o- - : i ..olí Ism jrrotvn to ma'tirry. iiaoii.i, will soon iinilir l.'li. .ii..t be mad- - it:- - '.'.''.i.- (.is mind e,,i.( i;.e.i! the repository of all the i ,,tie More i n i; ' i litis, relie connected with hi ,'1 J ti h house of t ion The Kelltle rl of .lit. live o facts and useful ania I: ou.nht to be the seal of a i m 11 a k IciIr- - national lni imnat led to iioor I.o. Tin e ai- - he laid litn i... he a I Case Ail-h- museum and uulional park. ScIjfRcjpect . A c f. tt in the bctl-f- il i.f ( i. 1,11 .l:il hot l.oss. ss. .,.v,..! tvltll I i of illai Ibi.i lie is, (tone from us mm, crowned EAT BREAKFAST WITH YOUR WIFE! has not I.e. ii i inl.-.- mtn. dison Unit pedantry In like ( th Inc sublimity of martyr. bun. We , nt po' i in r, form -- liiiottl- - reliKiim. j hate hidden a last farewell to him I,- lieli-K.il- - , ,, , .. , "P -' nuil. that Amintvn ii l.n'.n to. lay. ann l.iill lienor mili- - in- line:! ni iae :..- . THE PACIFIC ELECTRIC TOASTER can be attached, to v. c I, ...l herd It lillimri I 111. 'I in .ase an r'Uli.p! :ii-il- :d Ji- - mad any lamp socket and used on your dining-roo- m table, then 1.1 .1 I) . , , " I le, ...... t 1.1:...... I,., r ,.,),. . ,l,,l r, n, eill martyr, " ' ' ' i friends I ns " ' " " " "' " i " iih hi e wife enjoy "" ""' lei let him. or even of lii.tlea1 op- - h'.liiw set. human your may the morning meal with you and prepare i a I lonw u elitia-ie- r there wo'ild he outlier of thil uinild . ."ll-lll- s. h- I'm Tlu. ..ieel .,i..n v. Oh mitliliv - tV!l"'f it HO It'll- - ntn.ll III- - it as it is consumed, 'bs-diite ü I A na is , at- - I- '- .irdiial," In the (tool people of lluiiuer.,iie. Th" Mmiilun .loin ,itin in r,i, le l.oibi-- ri all r.inn. lie i" via CV)jit i,- -,. pis - ' J J,t i,t. one-ha- lf ..- - ,,,, ,... lenil.te.l in ma II., re.' k oí a s i, Costs one and cents for twelve large slices of mailer for lln- plllp' il most all- - pi pi obii hat. iiiet ' ' ' V'r j iirritriít h n.ii til.--- p. r. Wile w ill- lint; up lb- - Ut'-l- li at npiae. Ami. a" t i . bread on both sides, an. ;iili'in.i. ni it'll ant .ij!r ion lookiiiK In any siieli I biiiiM-lf- It a Ht (..it! d i' t'.'.'i s toasted :. -i I ,e Swij)es il,,,. ,,. ..ui.il- - ia lil '.i ... Mill- - lfn name i., try to Irow the We invite you to call and inspect at , os a I a I. I'll, ;i li.. - ,..ii.-- hi. i. hi- In a in- - in. I. ia r: ia - In (iit'.-i-ini- I Iipi" I; ii'ii It ii th" fiiend' of laiierina n. who In. . I I W liailMM ..f I II. I aie It..lll.i.iu ll.r.Ul Un- l.l.l.ubl- - ''''"'le I News ALBUQUERQUE t 111 i - lie p;. ;b.. Ilble-- HI hs I.f Ihc people oí II. J.l V. Well- il l ti lí ij pl'ei- ll.m'al .1 fealtll, a ill lii- - I'a s,s I 'it "'.It "ill llwats llne,:i, Ifalfa J e a i e ' II i . a r. . , .,, - . r i t GAS, ELECTRIC ,i -- ns m.ii a i iasn -i imir lor in- - joii poh- - ni txpi 'sinic ineir i on- .in be ri tor ,1 .ml & I l t II i i mo, I. u n t'v Si:Ti TWO CJiXTsI in stamos and 1 LIGHT fide Mi e In lot that! "lit lemali, the who J.l to be i lM. i V i wli'i'i in h:sti.ri..!is ma triv all. livpc.l nie,:i the bo.il t.a.,e who tip .il u tZ't In cash to t "J tj -t the Keouidiciin till , . I .. , ,. , , , i .1 wi.ti- u: a 'i ...... I.. r .1 i, u i u .,,,.,.-.,-1,1- a i.l ...... i i 1, n, 1, iI.m1p.iiii ii ii lit it. i n in n v li hi ial a' is .on i:u:ip, one .... lie have oil Ai l POWER CO., - i ! ' Hon Kim Roo ..II, hnl. .1 111. vvnllT b- - low li spi'li: ins Hill- - .' .""ill: oovmi ' all', alley .t' i lo deter the people Hum ixpn llieli' leeliiiKs Iii the mat es and Hie o In r 'n sp'.itih'R them and receive oar 'cninnicte course' 'lh: !'. ii. M K u n i N. .a. e lit mail. "How in he a It Mil- - J ).. .,K .., fa. an In thriit.ii to 'bland'' all who might altend lh"j Into ra There was marked Cor. Fourth ' rllAN'li' in io lilies tocether The liar i . Illl.nl.lencl. -l nee mem - ttithi I'a. Ii a ionise miiiht be ex.ii'a.blc mi the part nf perieio tt ho an ,. could not I. II a M. I. in.- -. ill always branch suplios in Hani; Utile. Ilral'l! and Gold, The ,,l the h IÍMI..UH i 'a ss- - t al .:'; Made liasy, Tet! it i n ia ry I: o. ik k". v.dia.K in be known m th. foboveiw ol Mr. Andri nn, but il not I . - keeiin .oiild Mo. ay the ice in chunk Sinul- - and n liutiy." A inatchle-.- - ' I. .. opl- ' ""'- - d bl 111..- .- Hl"l I. Jill tu liU'.e some ICK.lld for In ..if 'hi, k. ami mailt'' - w.n """ '"' system. or hcal- - ., ,, , dele, but to .Hindi a fad t, point n Coal Wood cook or Albuquerque, iti.tr si .to. no sys- - lex of civilized I life. '""l, , mot a dlffeiemc with IhU N. M. i ii- of - al- l th- Is Ah. 't is that hum. his that H or in ii I, beinve.l, - Tlnie piobubiy nuiiiitic in lb . Hue. asi thil seitiiin. w - f, a Cannery run In rnimci inn, for r- as a It lir.lKetie.1 lii. "I I j hi - bis I ... -.I s ..v.. I.. h. ,h.. i ,.f ,i, .'.""ais Albiuiu. nine 'ini liood lot ere melil .(.enplc, ('bile Phone Red 98. ..I.ilv loll, n.ind ate1 M iieved It for the linn, from ttitii (' f,,r A toy Ma- - r l e: ie tv. t Same lioterm.rs. leal nub ie ,m a miv.,1- - li.lln-- lleio n 11- 1- of I.. i ...... u Il IIS thi it .ntiKitiitlt thai ui.o leu. nd nftiie ,in. interest tile i. COIIOUCIS Hie IlletVIIIKS. I'UIIV Parties having our Pacific Electric Irons can use . ,. a,,, ii, ,ii w e K h p blin. II llld cut lhcIJ'" tjie I. HI Ill- - - ; i,,,, li Hit i ; ac- If.,.. linn lit I. r .New Mi 11. l. Ill same Hill" e hate in l keen--- ', illli-il- ll Willi i.l. members till MIliK the political same cord and attachments on the Pacific Electric Toaster, Jl,!.-- ;' b- .....- I wit. b- - ini experienced bosses, at - Is lili- I. , Wf eoiibl t;lld I' in. Ih:' he fiee hold" to i:,,e ibftlee ,f e.e. T)(. ,,M ,,,,,, v s ,,,,ii,.(l llisa.ii.mtmeilt il ' prcsfnt un: iiiphtv. by the , ' l " ',,in reducing of ,f Ins. u, a In- .Ibe1 lie. 'I he T. I!. i '.. a n ,1 " " 'i ''r the cost the Toaster thereby, and be ..ml f. iemlt desire bile hall la :'. ll"li. i J f o- - and n..i likely in be. .thbh ,,t wte ' M no ii. in ' h - is to Mlc Hon. I. in i ' p i m e e r ,; that s'.' pid . - -- ii a. . of i In- a per f- -. t lo so, v. ipi-- to 'lit his wot... bet -.e luthl do bile ... 1,,, i e .. lo ... ,, what in music mel.alv is i iir -, Inn TKi'.Si M Ci blind Don i.- o- - th- - o tiier huid, haw pcrtc t to at home. Milt If wc'aml t'h- - -i z- -i mnhv. ii'tht stat haini..nt. lomumn ,'lllull- - lloiibh II. cele-li- i' lli-- !ut hi.' rnind vas md alwavs iii William II. i'eiKar t -, U liaild "11 polk li !., at:- id Ibelr ,.,.,,K.i i: ,, dlllv lo bstell to Ibe Hi.ee, bes '"''''' '" d I w - no uft-- n nine; t -- ii nbb -- .bOok. "l' mirth; in chnrds ,i t"il his eiht birthday i . . ss II ." I II . II e i II II s I II e s IH set to ra. lis - sail a r.ere tvas The Ciihaiel ri sides on the i.e.. i::.ri' )'i a III,. Ill .till lele, nn mil, r f ,1, to' ,1 .,,'- - I,, ,1,,. ia.,.,1 the oiirn-- r at'.'-nu- m: "CI ,,, i.l... of Siaie sireet and I'vhritK - '.i ...... mm so tu- our as ;,t.- oi a mi Household Hire, seti nspe.t ii etia.i,.,. .ten tempi, , ,. ,, ,),,. implication He ha lived fifty i treiuiv. otcr ta. , A 11 t w so a ppa in . ia in .tt the cample eit.m IV. pnhl!. I... the lionera ol Mr.;,,.,,.,, ..., ., ,, , ,,,,i... which arose, hose ere this i.recini and still ibe the real soul prime of life. He is nne nf best a::- -. i n ..I ni Ind. - nii that sometintes eten the A.ilii'W, about loo t.eeks ai Th- Almanac. read- - know n I s SPEAK TOMORROW lii-.- t ,f l.inciiln eeiite.l lo inch. I'm Urafteis and ireha rdist in Drugs IllL" til li. d liti,'-- ll ...... There's "lie s .. i i i,t ,,,i.,., i,,,- thi.-- i neck -- f the tto.i.l a. bk-l- v I, ,l,a , . ' tt lien in- - s batliiK graftr.) .tic's to thin never, of ".''.his fe Its. mailt' trees in the returns arc all In never l.e.k is. .'.ibmnieriiue. Some He alwats had Ibe c.urni:- - of his say he eoald si.liee a '"llllto t'iant Look over your list and -- nut lotions. lie lifter had 01 eash.ll to oír o a catiis and fel K 111 i l! pro-so- d ,,, 11 I. Uje Cose Oklahoma. l'"'lb llooset Hie 1Mlk ,),,, i,.,! tt llrel. tlor to the s. Class Day Exoi rises of Varsity see if you need some of hat' tired a open, ,, , ,, of i li.lll which f,Ml.,. wi, che l;l..n. lie had in- - ii. ii, oa. il il i t, l. M'liin::i min.l al ai i bul oibiiuie faith tvhvh is chichi Si i' 'I l iT V. and Alumni Banquet Com- the following: li Tile ssmeat roils ton. S. I' Tin- nun made ii out ol 7.".i,,, Ihc iil'-t- is lo man, tin r. - . have closed oil the L'Ttll. Tile ttilol . I 111111-- 111 ilistam-c- 11 ih.c-- i enm- - la -- ;i . i tu i nt ly i ' in lb- - in for Mi.ine Ilia Tit, md .,,', (,, ibid. In eih-- a a .; Hi t i't wp,iiers ,. looked as liltie P,!,t mencement Events, for on.. Ho- t . - ' r.wioi: . i'ai, hot.etii. Willi reiiiarkahh ,,,., f he battle nf her- w V .... in the , ,..,t.. ull.m ,, , hen Slit askeil "lid,', mativ We tii.ivi-- i oír,. "u"'- - '',,"!" 'I'.' H'oaihle ,,,,. ,..,... ,11(.k u u pi(4 . 'e child v ,,s riT.'i: .i,. t, rt ck haslen 'o cortee' !:; t. e.k's Snciet.t SI-- XA hi- - Ih- - la-t- t i , esl- - tt h ii h 1. 1111 lo.iie-- t li- -t p., th- - IKWTiS. v.hhh .'ii fromc! f.u state of ik la hollín the pi united ei aim uu i,, i,, recia each day names Xoles, as t, c would do no otu- an m- - ( i.e. a ic-- in nan no n a 11 ,, a 11 our in " ' oMf. i.toroKirio d. it,.t.ih hcMltiite t., upon do, cm, nt 11- 1- ,,f biiudred heroes tiim b lit I. ma tt if. It was Mrs. ci pass the without untie" , i,r,e roll silted row ol s, t a teal-- (fruit th. ..ass. II ttollld be -- !i.i:. ' the defense of that 'y. Smith was in. pres. r,l the il n. Tomo; i.iuhl at the i:il;s' the .1 l V t 1,111 I And Hie a, t a' tl t.lXfilili. of i...a'tt and the siipteine cilice enabling - net ol pall lottsill II (t. ,,, W ' irotftim.' blliebeiill. licit In " Hel l" it .1. Ih'.m v, ill make SKI'S. 1 XMl'IIOIL : day t" -1 riiian hit lie oust !t nt ion unís; le applofc! ht the presidenl, mid a r" .ichli.i inili.l he talltt'it each !.. Vit. There." We tte were xi 11:1;. ai.-- o i a:v be commer.i etiu at adiiri ss at be sits, ... 10,1 t ' n "r in error in costume :t . ( Ia ia to he, ,e leri'ltory c 'h!;!'1 : nl'o;r i'. i;i liit thai it te inut OOT C nsl A h n, h m ; .0 O Í X .t.H'M -' Hid Itri.v.'n's wife. We are I'l 'tets'i.t of .New M rad na tin , 0 'n. te i ;, a nurse e II ,stl I y ill Ih- a s ..Mo- - ; .lni.lt. ft. lie. the .ili.it ttollld .'ce les, advised - waist tt not of a In S:0 I I -- a laltcr cihtiiio' I.SS. I'l'IiltMIXT. . Si .y illa r taaii' one ran p'.nk e - j i . r; 1, 111 ti- -I .1 - f It e lieseri color, but mm of an An o'-- I I in the ,.h nl tin 11.1v inhabit bir all I late k 11- 1- little la -- r mi hi li" "lie v. h lock. To 'at at in ID'iiXTIMi. in I"'"'. lersnii .lam tint a c inherit .Its 11 11 I -- a n h e i a l.'S.-e- ll 11- 1- ' a to I !.. s ,,r v it .i:i.. I'" I'd i.l'aihlt till a't. the net ,". ehatioll. Comment in ce. .Hice .'..l.irell I. II " It io Si I' w ;l h '' V exelcls, s of ii'ii ui ' s ,. ice li. Ai thi, our d m o ,:haliti-- r take up the n.', t'hd tbalai'f Marvelous man' Iii unci altl.,,,, wl,t .,. ,1 ,,,--- si p. , día r and t ity will he he'd ,,n ih- - eaini'ii". Kir. Iii t..rv we fir' t" f.n.l an, .tiler tthosi ,, tt a I, si i.i'iir:;. 111 nltf as inner. toil Ibe whole affair Is Up mIicII'."'," bt i' ' It all pit ll itl s to pc w li itenill'f etent the allllllhi 'a k'd much. life had been u tin. tit- I ' II if our far metí - up Mile i, I , 1,.- Ih V tt e pi el r the I'. . I il ie. a 1.1 w In" tt as called 'i of ' mi'!, tt ieb Is p ct d to be a We fioin at Its pr ent bite re so L'en tet k lei- - h. -- lin-- carry but one quality' i,t,iii iikl.b.ini totuin ,i.,,nm iialinnil cie.littn. U i.f he ci en hiiH I.,! ll.lt S lililí. i' .IIS Alieeiei ,.vel-- .l the InlS'e ,,f ' i i a 11 v , I, t r f.n- el... e afluir. This invitaiiott tt mid l.i In I If In In Ill-i- I'm,-- - V - nealh, sicas l.v.i it, rt "tail.. mil intille in adniltll ilfho.l.l time, I.l iroU'-e- people ail. f " f oil r lo 11? e " r of Drugs: - lo pel flush Warm v. iillier sn'a'ohc. IX. . . II. ih.e-ll- -- ,ess, of and piohabl.t is;bt. in lite i. ! to be 1 ilo millet a I.'... a;. leht ,,afl- I tile, ileitolil ne can ;ml his beans oíante. mi Inp M v til- - Mit I. reave. , j,! , y crda ii".riiim en varsitv THE BEST ALWAYS! t ' li,.- -. tt.-l- ld I. ,ir, it lid that all be demoi la h- efthett.-- t. So far all the leans hate - , h- -, t c. let; t'.tes aiiepl.d 'I'a, y ha., hi.-- l- au.it -r II Ike bi lo Ibe annals ,.f we fai I' e,,,ipll- ,0 meli.ei a I frnsl on top. While lots ,., ,,,,,,.,,, - I , id'-i- te h T, - i , bad the of ,.x, ,,,v ,!. a.,,t- illicit. i't; hi toi.s in he i'l lot il o be ,1m en in ai.s, t n ml tut thi- ,.n. n,.i In- v In - e e.lui at li.li tvas 'hat e, Ii.-- beans are in a ft ;het t w lor lie. f a;:-- s lil 1...1 th- - ami n n Our Prices Are Right, i. o 1,1 f the cubiml eiin". tit 11 - .pit llf.'i. lit (etc; mil,,' the po' iltlpi.'t.oll tie- 'a, don t stand mm ut a tinst. lie tai an- a .n In u I'., die, I. a mere i ie dea' h. nuite latee le..-'- ers lell us. Sirahite w ha I we kmnt ,. .' it -i the 111M tout t. us that sin-d- e f.n ,.,11 'lull, I Lout H v, nb, 1,1 In the b.i nf ,,i temía me. The Meek is a ítala letl.iu .loiiriiulisni. bis t.tlba eeia-mi- ls. i id'-'- p ,,. al.mil lic.ins and ft .'..'' 11 .' t be-- !- i- ,,,,, mt, 'a, the ,01, ' tl la man Is n,n,l hat,', ,all In sll'll'e Hie rem in- - he unit'ei ami bu 'him ib.lale. all liralhli.l ditli' allies Ihali j t Tha 'le u 01 oter the i.l l.i- - limb ,.f lioiiilmcn and 1,1 c. .Ill me he. lue'l tteek it. III'. kU?Mr Pharmanv - I. I -r n- .t in tl if the imiaedi adml bin of IK w - -, I I " 1.01s sm.-l- -i ".11- - I J end in II I.' .as ,"- - e 11 has la'-- n to he lot ..f man - - here arc rem. lu K ?,,.,,,,,,- -h . I . t e. , - i,, ,,. ,:,.,,, ,.( bnnnii.l mu- - V'',- t 1 Oil I MlSI ill h 1; tn a lie he k a m a j r.irner I'ir--t nuil iold. t I.l, I. Iii-j- il.n.'i a,i. 1,;.. ..III-- ., .lit! about in lie il bet hand il lv ' ' l,x - - """ '' bit.,, sats that In- and II, a.:.l ".1 . him. hi In Ml ..I t'caee Willi I..- f'i- B. H. Briggs & Co. Props. "'' b- Thought'"' U; 1,1, 11 a 111 in.'li'.e - pr, hit th" id. o mi ti i - ,1 it ie, the ame due ti. n" That is ,nv nun bis s..nl at i. ace will ami New V ' ' ' A ' i ' " ' ' "f ', ,.,de lb.lt .here II h t Setl.-- M ,,,,., f..,- ." '", " '''' ''"' "" "'" ''"l," 1 1 ' i iicint "I .'ihii c.u'd at not hltiK of Ills cmioi-- t ni e.iee within ouu 11 u r,a JvKi ' ( R -- 11 - Ih,- 11 It - 11 -- . :m. "'' 'b. It ..f ad ml! I'm- rtit- lo i.,i ,t, u loll tt,.,-- It a a 1 .1 !l t 11 a I" ttiib all the world. ího,'iiix l;'pultli biir.Iei'. eice t . eelt-oiat- ,,, riit It's of hiroi no? ;i ifP ihtimini; h .!. "II-- hie law. in. I tint licit 'h. i.f bn la.u- - A .1 .nil"", III- - 1'co pic lie hunt. I'litnce was rm- - v.irit'd ihiits fur Mn inrorpoi !; ' ' NEWS NOTES ""' 11 ' " ''" "it.l wlile nit I ilaiit . ...inxel , lintaiimi la c. , n ..' -- tv mam led I., maf cttlossítl Ian' tili-i- a in.'--- vt ' il'iy ui'ili r mi t -- . f -e -- a t -- II h le 'I n t h.WS III r ".,-- 1 be a it .... ' "!' ih.,,' 11 hue-- - In h. b. a II. .tilled that I... l.:,s la si e II ..I, lei, :,., l.i lit, initial le liberal and litis '' '' .' the ."iidml i , . v , l I t -- y. Sani-da- t v. ni i lit, ih- - w.n-,.- ,!, on,. ,,i ',,. i....i,-,.- l t o " ttas i.iacl-i- at tie Itu: on here en .thi- Il Mi 11 - tf li". d lo bi- 11 1: inc-nm- - M. nr mi! Ih - I. .tub ids ailln-rai.- ll I, a,e nf the caiheci at. the ropes lr:n as nun the 'in;. Sftie Murder liial. I 11 w - an 11 n K. A. v l..".o -d at - fnr boi-- t f - and il as tt'.erc l.'ty ilrll.i wide lane nt Sawyer. the Wiuslow SJsgSffl !i.t... 11 II l'lh.-tii- x ta Mu- e I' I 11'h , j. e.l .111.1 h .ol e d h III a Clutter. con- - 1. t - W l - t .. .1 Ibe mail i,,,,;, tl. t tied tow. el ills .1 I'l e e ai.. hied In ' the. - . .1 t !' I ...,:.:.... i, - ...,; a II v the re a In- 'in,,. , ,..,,! ,. t .... n.,,1 I.., s...... pre.-- iit t.iib t at t In- rial nl n m e. I -I n n I -- p the ,,in!.lrl."ll Ibe pi a. ni'ti- i was alt at pi ..pot ta. ,0 i',.uinv limti. ht I'lii'm- - ami one ..f his ti nat ic CO id-is- - -- . ' I 11 I ' ropes v, w .. In will appear in tin- ,l;s- It V. 11. I, a 01 11.11 c of , ... -- .1 ut em ,m I ,1 r .el In Ilute. ua :i f tiltite. hi. '"'i'. "' Tli utulii c.ininaitv. v.iil, .aniia tt'11 it t -- . . .. n. t i. e, ,1 1:, ,h 11 a as th- - ..1 I m s ,. t ' t u w ;.. t eim ' ' ' ha I" titsht. s..ck nii.iii.n. The insi c.i " In tiC'il-!.- Hi'' ' ' t ' - e 1 I., , "t"' v.i-l- i lo r b- - ,. ' t I i ass.a ti it r ".I't - a.. me m hi- re-i- n. mmcd UP into tac ir the " h - va r u. e. - a te ran is,, are ve A int. 'it tu i.iii'init iiiiinl, ' ' 11,1 1. , ,,, , a a- o ' t ' " ' a ,t - , t !, -- . ... it ;,,i ,0 a ,., ,.,,1 an f.n. Hit. when i; K.dev and .lames K. Shelion. Tip'' About iinmli late if in Jim. -' t il e , ti- -t M- - t 1, h- - 11". .1111.11 le at j t I , . Sled in a hi; hi a -t i'ff ' II- - b h a. plat .Ill Ü' a e r nf .per.! bills is til be bleated number of '. :; - .1,11 a - l "1 ;. it - .... . , ,... "!! was j.v r - '" the : . . , xl.-n- shc-- I, . - p t tt c I It - .. n S.ii i't "i ..unit w Mi tt bi, h 'ii i. le .b s al II 1:1 ' I ii i I I I " -. '"""tc It h.i't.-- I,,,:,, i ii-l.nil In- ii" ho: ie- tact pi i.ba - is an iinu-ual- lt fatoiabic f. ra opa :.n.! al'lertt at it - ' - a - it ' ' : hi-- d at a, . -t ; a t ;a ., 11.1111-- ., 1: rait- to Ide for at vera! slmts tin " ,' f.ai t.p,n upen t .:!!, '" pub a th- to , ItlK c to ca mn. A ' b tone, tin hate v . : ; -- t ' .o ' "I t in ' t it a a t , . 1. t '.- f in em I.... n.it - " i, hi- - t .1 ha 10 The Dear ire.' ht a! in lasf " 1, I - . tt I. 1. 11 t ",' e. pi. b t w - II PI le Í. Mnnt.lflli nial PubiicTr::;"V. r t " i'l" a ' ' !' til" f .tur. pt - m s III Is Requested rile hoi .1 alt I 11 n n r is u .; ii Villi... Milked low in I'd ,1 1" it - p. per ,t to !ia nt. 'o. bv - v' Ii I ' ' -- . t 1 lit iiij; tn t xi-- 1 ::. e M i. k IS !' mai into s's "f ... nut of N, tt Mi 'i. ttilo .k 3 t 1 i a - ... t t - ' t .ill.ilil hell 1. :,!,.- h - lint! 'i.tni.d thai iiiel .itu- - han rat m 'n Lang rs to : . 11 alt- l" Ihc ica-tu- ac.l cus- - f.tiiit. nut was it'..',-- ti. ; -- 'I- liibii '.' . .o ;. ,1- - v, ' - he II, a it " t t. 'I " lil- - -1 "en h.i.nt r,, bat 1. cite y. II as lb- - h iillh of "I ': 'l 7 a. i i 11 . i. a b ui t.a bite Aim ii.il- b- iii-- -. :' bind him tn app. .11 b. I In ti . '1 I'..':- -' . Ih- - I ' i a h- -r '. m..v - min. it. d. t' :'"'l ot.a taxi nbd b. K a p! o i a ' ,, p t ,1 - tt - a t me n a -- ti Ion .c-- .i '' Ib- " "' ie Tin 'I .1' e 1. s a.. lalber t aSII-- if S If- - - alai illlf. o ' ,: I! t ' .1, .. - ' 11 a 11- 1- I.C 'tí M if t m h b b." tl" .lehnaf M - I. Il .s ,.,t -- illcd. t"l - ' ' V be : a t ' it a 111 ai an fa. le , ' bl I: r I: li II . I I'tinn ..mid he tell Unit .'.s. win', t. kilo It rs end new 'I'l,,. lath.- a! ' .. ' ' ni tie the Wild Wc.l a a a , . , II 'I' was tti. , It" en:. tii.it dat. "i f.thiirl to. nl s .mv u a t i tt i, - ' '" nl i --a t I h,,I t. - . ' - -- , 111 I. 1. - - :; Friday mi n ia .! All ,,f b I't cxp, h 'I III Km ,1 nb r "t .i." ..'-- n in inc: ' -- a b- -- ' - Unit about lean pr. - d. shad ii- ' - t , - r ' V s, t, ' - - ' II ' , 11 ,1 . ,a ,1 I" . w. i I 'n; iih.iii id it ' - tt a I, l '"a let "ill he t' . n iii-- ; a a t u a n. n t C" Iba' a". 1: , , ,,. ,.. ,., V - I ' I .- 111,!. v I. -- ai p,,n - tal . I i t a: h. I'l in- 1. 1: e a- ,. ..- -I, - tid niad.. ib '. ' .::.!..!.. ia - ti. "'- 11 ti I, t ' t ' -: - nn a a ' ' I II.- - 1. i o i I I. ri t .it. fr v' I.l a i. in a f li a - ... w ,, ...... - ii" . pi.-- , o;, nn . it a, I. .nt at aiiriti in pat a." it,.- - i be put 1'n "i;-- a anil at I l' ' 11 Ac. v I. le Insurance ..mtilii.o nts tr i,'.;atc i,,,.,, - .1 ' ie ay '' ; a si, ., p:r:v : ni ad phi t . r ' ' t ' -, -- t - II - t: 111 l !"'!. l.l'il. .1 " - ,' t. d l Me ;.. h, -- 11 re ti - and n ti - n- hi III t . " Il v. I Tl-- - . I V "1. I. St lie-"- ', it pp l' p; I -- bt : I." It '" Ml.' dat ait. uenl a' - hah, ta, I'l a d- - ,".. $3.00 o $4.00 'I I , t - . .,, h b '!. .,'.. I.t It It. U M ".,. .. lias d ,f f f Md md i:at ,a.v. hi. ti id - I h - I ' ' - 111 Pa" .1 an " it a, led hi al IH'.'. Ill t s. a e, ,, 4 11: a .f a v . - tut. Faihic:..b!-- sty-l;- I' a: t I! a in- - ,1 ' on; 11 - -- shoes for h ill.1, r.'aua ''"i."- i k a 1; t i,a true - w .a : ii - -- , , n t ;.. . - 1.1 i!n u " lv ..I.':, ct I' it :ti i I o- i l - -- .ni o en- r f t "- - it ,.ti : a ': I - I '"!' 'i. tiirssci?. fa a t tit till- a ' - s They ni, "W . t. t "..I . tit: pie ' ' - , .1,,: a Jot , ,t - k t - ,, ,t t .( It, II lilt' ll'll. ' t' -- t . I '.. t'I - me ..t th ,' a ir. t' - e e, ,1 ., :,,1 It ii'- in IVa - -.;. "I -' na .. ,1 .. I, I - P..'., - ai- -t . TI'1- extra fee Patent with ,t e- n r a , .,, p. , -r . ,.-,- -- et. a ';,- - to .1 li t ,,, tt t .1 iiml. .HI It d $1 ie ' M ,1 t; ... til- - It si-cl- "! ht h. 'It tall j nude with fii ass , , lb- a. -- l It I ,1 , - I,, .1 ,.t s --- -- . ! pet of lie ,.tt i Tl'e ti " a, tll.-- ef .'a !l... -- t . -- , 3 ai-- el s III i '.I .1 . ,- Í!'v'i'--- . -. .,. ,s ..Ii It oi.-- m - '., prep, r p.-- p a ia. linings, t' - II. .ue ...if I. hi', a No. a ' .iiit hi! it th."' ( a rlt l.i I " s: ... ; f r ia, ., 's ,,f . at wr-o'- , I - .' I" ha' t ' I ,11" : . solos, -, lew .1. . r. , a,' '"i ,. V ..' "I f i I O. -- -- , t 'a i,. !"v oi t'lll I'll il'l Kill' I. It IfS ' k k niiiit.iiy heels, dull v n ." ni I - Ttie worM full i.f odil nnd -- , . i .. 1. - II- a ' .i, I,, li " I'e li"' a, xv,i(,. j to,).., lace or ti- ko there till lie iti.we button, either - tt ba. ki. ,!..;-.- h f .1 ..I, Im. mu tl .Mnrntin; a l - f luir Journal or swing c. it' Iil..,'jri.l. ( tavf nil Ad.. st!a':i:t last.


liy fur iilch housewives uro ñutid. í While tt is rlnimcil liv some Hint the STEWAR owed 5 use of a limited nuantlty nf nenznate BALLOT ABYAD IS; of koiIh or other chemical mtiv not he injurious ieniiiot'.irily, il was brought ( out Unit tlie c.mtlmieil consumption of ttoo.is so doctorcl or 11 50 SÍOLE HOUSE eventually would hi' harmful In the BOOSTING LAND J ! i xlrenio because of the neeun'.u'eiiou IE of there substanees which ill them- - RACKET vlves ure admittedly .iIk n. .Not w iihsi.uiiiin.i; Hie practical ill' i; i - AND WAGON oust ration of the Heinz company b OF showing Hi" actual rt suits of its in th- SUNSHINE ids it is criec-lei- l that the ad vm n c'i L .ce of chemical picserva lion tor fund stuffs will still ume iheir views upon! Wliito Nottingham l.aee nrtaiiiv ; !5 j arils long: 1. 17 lililíescurtainswide, madras net enli r with fancy lij;nic, elabórale cortici' (lesion, the commission as lung as the ipics-tio- n lile, fancy net leiii.-- wltli coiiM'iillonal Ittee liorder. Hie pair. ... S l itli (.n.laii hoiiler, ihe piilr CI.75 CAPTURED SINGER MAN onen. Albuquerque Shi nei s Making' remtins Nottingham Ijicc ( intalns V'., jards loin; nuil Wi ini lies Nottingltain I 17 S. Werlcv Miller has beer, commis W'liito While :i.x i:italn-- : :!'.. atds long ami inches IN . 1 .1!." THE CITY JAIL sioned mst muster at I.angtoti, Koose-- v á Noise in the Aiv;el City. wide, )inl d'cspiit cfiitrr. ultli lile, fancy border, the pair. . . $ w.lc. plain net eeulir, fancy polka dot border with narrow hiniil on nit county, X. M. Noltlmvliani I.acc Curtaiiis; it'., long Ii l." iuclies li s I r. n. Mexico, is a While janls rtn de. li nieilalllon .iirncr. Hie pair 52.2.1 J. F. Honham, of New For the Duke City and New; . In lloral isuier, with wiilf lloi-a- l horiler o pail-- .SI. 1.1 ViitHiiglumi ;t .11 Peculiar Reason Given for truest at Hie Sliereham hotel this wide, pretty niatcli. Ublie l.aee Ctjuilns; .j jards long and Inches i city. Mexico. White Nottingham l.ticc Curttilns: ;! . ar.l long liy til inches wide, . ry clalMtiulf ninl.illli a i ornrr, fan. ) lionTcr, a very j retly Theft Believed That Woman il:u Iifiiftlful (liir.il coint.luatli.il cfiiter. will', hfiny scroll linrtlfr. A I'uiiiiln, Hie p.'.lv R2..10 WOULD STARVE OUT 1. With Him Is Not His Legal "We're here because iry piTtly Curtain, the pair 9 Ml l iutlisli oliiugli.ini l.aee CHuuilu-- ; " jttr.ls limy; nuil .11 i We're hccai'S'' ;l , -- THE CODLING MOTH here While Nottiughani l,acf i 'tirialns: ai'd- - long by ;.2 Ini'ln's im lie. i,c, uel fcnier w ith Miiall (lor.tl pras ail I fancy llornl A. We're here heoaus" Wife Queer Story, We're hete!" wide, fancy lift center. I! hand (recial border, with iiieliiini niiMallon border lo nialcli, the pair SJ.r.tl This Is the glad chanted by .10 I -- College linlletlii Stij; refrain corner, the pair SI. v.c luixe a. few pairs of m c in tains si ,;i.l) sudetl which we rieaIllllal th" A 1. ii i and New Mexico i:i ripie i That a man would run the risk of tic New Mi'tlkxl for IY as of I'.allnt While N(it!ngliani I.acc Curtains; ;i;a ..uds Ion;; liy ,',2 Inches will for inocli less lliati the reultir price. Asl. to sec ilicni. rnitentiary by a and Shrini'is the members I" stealing horse Ai.. :nl Tcinvie Nobles of the Mslir v.aH'in and two sewin.u; machines Shrine es to the a re- J 'f the experim el introduced ilicmsel' he owed trille tullí till Xo. good pro. de of l.os Angeles and some o. 1'IH White ( Tea hel (,)ull(. HO by I'll indies: weight Thai, Is college lb. markable. however. the of the agricuUui nl at en., t It gtites station elhei Shrin bin her Bed Spreads 4 . Splendid ipialil i. raised di si o center In hoiicMnnih and pl.illl reason by t. Sin- White íiven Jack titcwni the Mesilla 1'urk, follows: 'I he i,,is Angeles Tillies sas: ner sewiiifi machine agent who was A lltui, wein s, deep bur. h is to match, inch SI. .10 Many ways have been sugg. sted and Hallut Aliyad Tcnmlc. of in Spread. 72 h,v SI weight, close brotiKht hack from Corona, X. M., a'ri :l 4 r- Wlilte I'i'd inches. Iica.v orn, X. M .. ivetl at o'clock original While rochet Oullls, fringed, 7(1 hy Ht Inches, ueight Tuesday nlsht and placed in jail hen. tried to keen the coddling moth in .(day after m. Klndivd spirits met and sol'l Ilnlsh, .Mai-eill- a good Spread for (lie money. Üil.lMI It was at llrst to control or to eradicate il. Somi if :l lbs, 2 ox., full Hue cne, liaiuNoine design, U not ii'anned brint ivheii mi iiihcrs of Al Mal.ilkah Tem- Attlca White roclu'l (.luills. "II hy Nil Inches; wclglil 2 Ibe, S o. hteitcluil. disp led back In the the measures are quite satisfac! d Stewart overland vaK"H. ple gras.e.l the hands of frn;-e- . each SI. 25 but the latter was so badly dilapidated hut none are absolute remedie:;. T. H.Jse.l HiH'tir eenlers, deep set hor.lers, perfect white ble.i.hed . $1.2.1 a these Nobles win make ihei.' heme .Mrs. a year's fruit is plan I and the party, hie lulling Stewart, deslroy on the hot yam's. .Mal." of lite visit- .standard While Crochet 'uilt. 72 by H. Inches; weight 2 lbs. E.meyconih Wtdl ( 'rochet Vuilt. fringed, 7H hy till liiclit', it' prac- w hich f reiiuent ly been suggested. - - :o larne, that was found more has i.em- Willi Soiith- ga it or" have mixed ill ; I, I ;( lbs, de-i- and to mulch. with the idea thai i i II liiiKh, pure while bleached assorted raised center weh. handsome al.c.l center border ticable to come back on the train. This plan carries tit ( '. ''o r i Xohles in times past, (... siiierinr whole fruit crop, th" III Stewart, who left here via Tijer:s bv destroying the an. I lite greeting vas thai of com- designs, Iiur.lcr lo match, each SI .2.1 lias coiners cut mil, to closely around hnipo'.f'. .Long knotted canyon codling ninth will not have any fiuK nail about a week atpi. on arriving as well 1 ,i rades ;h Shrncrs. rochet (.lililí. 7(1 by !K incites; weight ;! lbs. c., fringe, each $1.7.1 at. Corona, cut the top off the SiiifViTj' Ul winch to sunsisi, aim, incroiiii The first s.i lula ions were drow ned I!. White SI, u ' s waion he was driving and trauco ti on Will oe veil o.l "i i... ,i many ladi. f t he party with double (wist jam. full bleached, beautiful raised center and hurdei-- Tin-ba- a year s tu lit. The plan of destroying one 11: getting $0 boot lor the nut A Spread needs only a trial for i ecoiiiineiulail hi, pony were both recov- m.it e. oo. thought it has been laiKen " a lo match. that Lace Door Panels and wanon fruit- - Who ae w. Who Nottingham sent of in the past by a number of A M..1II ered and a man will be after valley. has A Unapt.'! ipie. thiiijiicri cadi M is Hint growers In the .Mesilla ' l them. lindera! ood Stewart favored. Tin' Utill. rah. rah. (.canille .Marsellli's (.mill. 7(1 liy Kit inches, weight 2 lbs, II) ,tr. We hnif a nice lot of ace Poor I'auels in assorted patterns, did not take a machine with him. as never been unanimously Several oi' a sott", were hi way of the plan sl.ui.is blenched, . . S 1 .7,1 :i:.c. foe nn:l Hie .'dated, but disposed of two machines main obstac!" the In the tune ot "Au'il l.nitg Syne hoice. wlccled jarn. itltrai'tive design, full each nil is to get every grower, net only here In fore leaving. fruit .ta in in,';, w by thc canie. Tile s Yesterday lie police to interested In he work, hut willing m took the the en his trees. verse is like the first and the hoiriH of a .Mexican family in tin destroy the whole eron verse is like the s ml. For . part of town. Where one of The iiiea cannot he given a thorou',hi. they repeated the first stanza, FOR THIS WEEK ONLY! northwest every hit of all kinds of SPECIAL til. machines was found, lie ut liist trial unless poll's' it wild belon-'i- ni We snap in Box Paper and Envelopes which we are cioincj to distribute at a price that to take Hie police to another fruits cultivated or heeau.-- e have another offered rose family are destroyed. This "We're heie one Hi south end of the Highlands, to the We're here bee. in to .advantage of. This Envelopes is well worth 35c the box the a heroic action as well as! lira. will pay everyone Albuquerque take Paper and but In or declared that he would pay necessitates We're here bccil't-- i . a strong heart. if the measure Bath finish. Don't for that machine and refused to tell codling We're here. and most houses will ask 50c for it. .Oxford size Paper, plain and ruled. satin and fabric it was As has proves a success and alt the where located. Stewart fol I" w 'i 'l 7 it only, box In moths are starved ell!, the Ih-;- iiw tail to take advantage of this bariiain is the best yet. This week the ...15c only a few dollars to his name. I "We're here H long the moth is U. , he intends to pay for Hie machine is "tvear and as as servil Joitt, the fruit will be. five from mum oivsterv. lie has secured the is worth try-- I ! Attorney F. Kuynokls to holes. The cxperimenT JUST ARRIVED The Wilson Hoso Supporters for Lndies of Herbert ins-- it w'll be woith If successful n. ('ii':' were : seorted to B defend him. hundreds of limes more, than the fruit 'I'll. hefor" only one of its kind. It wil! give you mere comfort than any Hose Supporter ycu ever wore, the pa:r 35c May N'nl lie W ile. worn. tit. SIICIO'll Cilito '.ll' 'I. '" o. o. (j, The ... .o,.,.,,,. f,.v (tin It, - destroyed and the cost of the ,,. ,i,.'.i,. , "'Molten- - ER ev-i- n ai the Hotel - '' been such an ,i, f that the woman traveling 111, Hielk. the slim the 1't'atsos of g '';'. the territory M s as sun-kiss- '. .1 in la':, joyoip" ta sieviiit not hs law ul wile, tier "'.-- v 1' e their heme agree liist undertake this ex III '11 n wltllo.il stories do not well. She at the growers considerable she was to Stewart causing fruit "Siinhiin'. siiii-hi- o declared married c wink, :n Hie ore-wi- t y. .r. in St. Louis January "7. Later she and its The unusually late aid cvcre Iree'.'s X said it was January H). de- - i'.'!'S t M of Atii'il 2'ith nnd Jlst, vhi.li w- a man ; In X. H After Stewart's return Mroveil all. or all. of the fill .e,co:" up with a hoard bill. Soon af- almost are titty Siirii.ets and Iwit.ty-'- showed crop, it possible to give this plan 'i'iie'e - ter creditor npi pared. Stew- make 'five ladies in the puny. Thomas Wil- 3 KOAl another a thorough trial without great to been employed ke.'.-ot- i is iiiato, and the temple H art, who claims have This is a chance thai may net i.oti 023. Gold Avenue and Second Street al in ,B Phone by boilei at u ill he t'.'pren'.it. the Imperial the Santa Fe as a luaker again for a. very lout" time, and Williams, nave the last creditor an or- come 'council I." F. A. I'."' n nnd J.e'.'i to go by with- i tin- should not be allowed i;. S. fu, der for his ".March time" on Santa '..'.- - ipirra'lci'e. stove, former taking advantage of ii. Ileni' iw Fe company. That a man in Stewart's out f I.' .1,1 a oolde of tilts 'her. however, thorough work is tuei to ' 'Ja! en. Notice lor I nhllculioii, allow his nee of the del. - f- - lirtaneial condition should ot pian. i o 1 nt In'e- or, Land Tha St. Eiína Ssnpis to long is hardly most important feature the icj.rM tun of,thf andíToti & .March pay lapse thus (lh wo;T? thoroughly, every trim, e N. M-. ..pfil 23, 1 DeHeP GfadíIn tile is for sale this In al Santa P. II. MITCHELL credible. and order growing locality in the territory should I in IT. Club HcsmS II AV. APACHE FIGHTER iU.'i:':r:s iiuvimín8.UI,. cheap. nrivi anil critically examine a o OLD 'oti(.. in h"".'hy given Hi it l'rnden-ei- o (ill AIN AN M Is no jail at Corona and the ni.o - K CITY SCñVEKGEB A Phu-- There In respective loc,i'i- ahlon.nlo, of Ci.iiri, ,. M , hits CTlo'tT I.lquon KTrii. Cxfl Flue Une of Imponed WIiicm. I,iiior com- fruit trees the'r ALBUQUERQUE 1'i'ai-- ni'liecr there, J. C. Healty. was destroy all fruit lelt hy llu REVISITS of his in otioii to make Ui while llir weary Hour Lti.l ClirarM. 1'iiiir Ordwr a guard for tic. and filed notice ma" l or 1,1 ne Vlil Ua. pelled to hire Stewart frost, liy .systematic work and laltins final five year proof in 'aipporl of his 3íl W. Copper Phono 17 All tho I'cpular Uninen. Kntiu everj ItiK w hile the prisoner was there. advantage of the fa' orahle conditions claim, viz: llomeste.id entry No. . I Monday. Thurxday aoi) aturtln you ever in part of the i v, s!l I'lK'XIK'flOlllV l ulls on T "Were this at hand, the exn. n o of ilesln.yiiift' lahn f. Tilli. made ilav it. I'm' the Nlf hu ix.tc-i- voinm Chief Mc.Milliii (It-- . - '", 'ntnr .ounliy before?" asked what little fruit there in.. J' he let'. III other i'l I his M'li Separa- v. , h. i:. 4. s. it. J)if.lH KAHNVCTT, otit of tin1 woman. i j.,:rM W- 1 will he very small. A?.ah. the lion i.l More Th ii Tidily car-.- . rectlon 4. and N. '. 't U.l PIInwH fiv.woi know," she replied. "At I X "1 don't (amount of that may have help- n itlVli;! A l.'ini? Il I'.. ui 1 fruit f "I. least or I think was." will not he worth auy- - a proof ivi.l he made he-- mar- ed the frost n.I thai slid "Dim't yiju know?" asked the It.h.tr sine.- - all of it 111 he I'.'in'inV. John T. 1' rlsh, win foituhl A piches fll,.(, j w s:. ut,,, I'nitcil Stated E. A. Gertifi, Mlieil shal. vi"-- St ( ' tiii. Aside from tills, it f'lrnish enoufih and other ho ii. in New Mexico in!,'.,',,,. '..uimls: toter. at Aibtni !eriue, ;e;bhll" lllgdíiiíi";"""!i'..uti., I' a ,,oh, i,il,.t, DSvllil' airily, "1 : w it "(ill," she responded have fond for the eo llin:T moth durinii the s.:-- and win Is n fin.ini't.'i h N ,M., on June f.. ?l i.,,.,, I CONTRACTOR and BUILDER cry. - 'LH Teed Sale 'HNOimi.111,1 H.TM fri!:v'" traveled so much, you know, tiiat season ami therrhv rt i.ifet't the or- hcaili.u.trters in Wall street, N He n.in.es tile follow iiiK' wllnessr s and Oíf!': eiuM 1.7 irsliPs places I have Hi " ( it V .VIio 11(1 . Coppd- Avo. rp.M'fi can't remember all the following year. .Ml v.ll't York, arri'v ed uin XlH'Cil !!y In i.n,-- ci .lilinu'Mt-'- residence i;:-;- . ehards the !o his ..STAI5Ll:S. ro .rf.Mld 1.4 woman she is go- en,, e; He, ., i hp :. Ik: i been." The sa:s fruits, such a cherries, j.iiinis. ,es:erda' and his .ther, upon, ami cult iva u of, the land, I'Iidik; MT. a So-.tl- l. s t ,'ft l Btiiliir J ing to work for tile Harvey system. as well as any kind of walmus, s.h.eii !'"t ed Puriidi, w h had tint fern him Ahí!1'"h'Iii Valen. la. T .mas Mi illi'Z, Ku.ltlleHr'iforMe. 'iJV' 44 r tr'it "I "1 owed $ and there seemed to be also he destroyed. for mor than Ihifp. ; To ay Jose líahlonado, l.eieii;;o (Hero, nil of 14 W. Stiver Avenue. Alhnaneraiiw no other way out of it but to leave t'.,nsiderin the life history and the dial 'It. heal Mr. 1'c ii was 'híliü. N. SI, AUniqiierqii night. t ( """lirtt the country." said Stewart last hah its of the eodliiav moth, it set ins I.lis.'d w as putting it he mildest MAMT.L H iT Kill , Ueijlster. Ut Jcmex, n That Stewart had other hidden mo- unite reasimal'le thai if there is no lo.ssdne terms. He wa fairly dazed. Every day l ft ti fiSÍ police now os THE "SHORT LINE" m ilH tives. Is the theory the are fruit on which to sithsist the insect The wa' lile rcrtlitilscei are .fviiiti llio very hest nt Kiiiimih City I''f IS ihH week ex a a 1 Etltte . AGE Jk, on. will likely have a !."o an working Stewart cannot live on the leaves or other a cautt I'' I' Irish is nnl Million nt IAIIIj JihUlNWOIlT'S, i eept Sunday. To tho Mining Camps of Colo- - his hearing today. It is Hi" hahit of Hie eodlin;r :. s Hon. and th 112 Nurlli Third strifl. InmiliH. l. ln-i- i HOCOFIED NO Hnil mixtel, worm to live of the fn.il. in uienioi'ics f tlie pre. ions PEritNP'0.. moth AmlrejM ISoinepo'H Meat Jfarktrt, rado, Utah and Nevada; to .t.io.f .iiu ,1 .,.(,. lor. 11,', I wnivli ilii,I I'r. riwiH i t . on tlie no the war wl on to he 'k"d our driver lakes f on. Im i.ow I.. u;,u,u i,i,i..!im. I11.1I.. n.iu-L.- 'It cannot mature ica.es. lon't foi'K' llu't 211 Wt'Kt (oíd Avenua. jworh.s .'tit. r th" mil: Mmi a'ter ino .,, .Mr. John I'a sh will he lore vour for any Mini "f bakery Denver, Springs "'''"''t1"""". IP Ll COUNTHIKS. Colorado and ..V..,'.. ve..-,.- t he .'"ea- Their full vel'.l lie weittos ':::' otnids, ;. I Co...... ll'.i. 4,0,., ime ÍHE NEED OF FOOD haieh from Kmm, I'. 'ran. trocrm. QM,t :i:t is tiltaitt.'d inside of the fruit lv hich f Hie ,liiii('s that li' lj '.'d Pueblo, is by may of Santa fe,! motry ,,f. t the i,itnt. . Ptitenlijr.il Pracl'co hi ahmit ti'.enly la.vs. As soon as la. ii aslo hi' hro' Per. I or l.roiiipt anil eonrlcoii') treainii'iit ' Infdriinont Cclu;lul. me amor, lio very of meals joti 53 wnrtns nialuie niry leave and choicest Gross,KeIly&Co New Mexico, and tho. e:3 Ntiitli Cirxit, Ui,.'.. CUW11 ritmt J . railing on , spin their im and chance into Killed in Mine. will miikti no inlstaliO ly 3, WíHHiNCT-'N- O. C. j w KI.I-:l.V- lav en;'s hich, ( T. 112 North street mollis. These moths . la. an i liSIII. PRESERVATIVES rise to an- - .Monda 'untado inda. your order In. WHOLESALE GRANDE1 in turn, hatch out. niviiiK ploy., of the Cla .1 ompany at or telciliiiniiiK DENVER & RIO jother hrond i.r urtiis. me worm ; MERCHANTS t (Tarkvill was ml liy killed in in., not mature, it 's not likely tha w n .)onrraJ want ad. lili' nunc P. was on ii motor and tu Try Morulas- RAILROAD thiv r in chance into months. Then. by a VI . lEJdeo he struck in the hail; ot the head 00 rrltr I if there ate no moths. Hiere cannot ti'lli.Cl wiiicli cause.! ... w fallinn loss BtH:llty niiv s"eon t or i nil ii or...... " a v. ry Hie Through San Luis; ME ; in short th.ie after the fertile .) on nuil y for death l,t'QI,KTltír' TW1, Seohiii Hrs .'xri'Hi'iil He a wil. a ml w o .I. knowing the accident, haves HitNCH 'estiiiR this in and his wife heini; a o B'a Vallev: also to the San Juan m F.Mlll w ill to the territory children. value' thai il he ( RÜPPE is ed in arl-ir.e- Manuel mili' who cmpl' the & j if successful. Hie hurt ii u tit' ii. W. L. TRIMBLE COMPANY Country of Colorado, PILLS. Benzo-at- sto e of Hallup. p, Cumulative Effect of e of the New Mexico experiment Hart i nm, I'riTiti H in ftw ft prM.11111 I! oítki' tn A.VI TK.VN8I"K1. ,,r Ion im TÜ station cills he alitnlion off 'he New PRESCRIPTION M VEHT, Fi.r.1 Infoi mat 0 ratex. train KfV. RNON FAU. '' K THE il.'Meripll ve oddre- - of Soda Upon the Long .Mexico fruit uiowcrs to tike vigorous sni:nrx( imi.Mr.s SrAHLXCU... s.i'rvle', lltcial nee, rul. in In. , now. department is ready find the one mnn in thin town DRUGGIST action The couldn't 'lid fi- to as ta- driving e S. K. HOOPER, Suffering Consumer Now to aid anil Rive siimtestioiis that want that or 1 Irti Turnout At iLrain-bl- y n MiDictLro T4, n F f iioek-l- y Ca r unit! lrvcTt is it can in t" the matter. horse of yours as surely and us Itatra. (.cuera 1 I'lui-nci-- and Ticket Agent, ,( l'.MU X (lAP.CIA. an a. for Mile ad can an; and ttlier-k.ok- 'a Agitating the Scientists, Avenue w 123. t il I i)i: t i,). by ihe I. II. O'Reilly April !'" fee would be la riser. 203 Vcst Railroad Phn i Phone i:i. Sold in lbiajtiffO'tc Co. The Morning; Journal liurcau, 1 ll'Jli I'eiin.-vlvaiii- a a'i'iiue. .. W. Washimrion. I'. C. May 7. 'file cuniiiiati'-- effect of henzoate of siHla upon tlie human system, es- rnir)í'4i'-er4- R."f"t;!. pecially when coupled hy the use of i' i 3 other preservatives in foods, present" to the XallollHl l'lll'e Food coll ill .11 5 4Hr I E what is probably the most imp orlan f cft,,"!r?nísí'' sul.j. el with which it will have to ILí'ií.iVm1ü3 deal. While the pure food act was un- der consideration before the I'minri".-sioa- comn.ittei s and the depai tnunt of atiricullure. atKiiments were ad - jNebv al.ei'it to orove that the use of a lilll- X3hc Center Mejeteo 'i.'d (iiianiity of chemical preservatives1 Future Railroad of ll in pi. klcs preserves and especia NEW CITY OF BELEN IS 31 MILES bOUTH OF ALBUQUEriQUE . N M AT ketchup. as absolutely lu'iessarv. In. LOCATED ON THE BELEN CUT-OF- F OF THE ATCHISON, TOPEKA & SANTA FE RAILWAY. THE II. V. Wiley. ,ho has spent a lifetime ANO WEST FROM GALVESTON AND CHICAGO TO SAN FRANCISCO AND LOS ANGELES, in researcli on pure' fool iiuestions. THE JUNCTION CF THE MAIN LINES OF THE SANTA FE SYSTEM LEADING EAST in e.l was thoroushlv con that NORTHERN STATES TO EL PASO, TEXAS, AND THE REPUBLIC OF MEXICO, . the arciiments in favor of the use of FROM THE iln mical prfseivatives ware thoiouyh-- ! tenable. .M.inufa. turéis of food products al t. not unin.l on this iUes:lon. but it was The Helen Uohun and Improvement Company vol until nal tlie wtis (LciCORPORATD defined between those .11 favor those of chemical preservatives and 70-fo- ot '"i I'ri-ine- nl fronting upon 80 and r.trccts ard avenues, in the business e. feet, an. Oils! their u.-- Vice Are the owners of the Beien Townsite, consisting of 1000 Business and Residence Lots, size 25x142 .Mueller and other ropre't t'laiives of Fe The Atchison, Topeka Santa Fe hailway Company is nr;w f.fadnir, .ts 2 depot giounds l he If. J, H inz eomnanv. of IM'tsbuiic. center of the new city and directly upon the Santa Railway Depot Giounds. k fxtr before I r. ioa;.d u..e, coal h... an t xii n. led lieai 'tar ' r ... - . 'iley and the oilier nicnihcts of the y al U III I II lo uuU iw inub anu a unto luiig ui iu iiiiim vi oiub uuu.v i" uunui...... -"- pure Mi- MuHhr . food commission. chutes, water tanks, machine shops, etc. , ., .... , . Unit tlie i .. n r, u-- i n i:, ui'S'-- the cm, mission le rule ...... i . é i ar r i rAO I bj. Wl !Prv,. v . it the tt il Ik. Dntx i l'H u-h i u. lit einifi ,, .... ft - f.i nrss j j. DJ. i u.., ;, liv.- of anv chemical preservative was THh i.i t Ur HtLtni a nnnu .iTinn ot id ana sfiv.ra arfft vercnii e fiuULCiM uc dcicii nvti. .mi muí uj.k .1. i lie i .. i ' s;i'.i!h, to let. (..us to health arid hmihl . .1 !., ...inn a t,..: :, '.'r.., P,nm- lie Ini'Ttlf.n thfi - - ffiinlf hnn ..: "xi ;h, cut nnd west, .i.' knnn u.. i i n,i: i i.;..- nv i'ffin - 0-font pri.hlhiied. To refute Hie contention larcesi &ilippi'i6 pumi iui iijui, wuui, wucai, vvintj, ucjiis, iiay ai.u nun inwiou, y.. ,..' f.ii. . 1 m.-'-f P(Hiu.. A (71,11 . C!.'". HI Will s th;'nmh Bclci to that such prt.vert. lives were m ee; "i ry Un Un".nA OttfAA nJ Hnv',rn 4e liiñira nrn:tU o fnmmrr',-- rAn Mf.r.r, ho oc f.T.f irnitPíi, fiXfirCSS firlil tí tíaiOS P3S in-s- the Heinz people submitted for He lr,;i .r two enurches, a al i t'.o-hor.-- e unsurpassed, len has a $1b,0u0 public ioool corKC.c eih.n and examination, ÍVilcaco, Kansas City, Galveston and the Pacific Coast, The water jod and climate exnress waaon load of their low m pr:cra .rui terms easy. On, tan;- - of pu- te hbtel. The lots offered etc, It tight up-to-.h- newspaper end a good are produ.ts'of al! kinds and inc'iulinf ciub, three hotels, restaurants, needs now a pood y li a-- d war-anf- . Ka. two-thir- ccr.t per annum. Tille perfect deeds given. .aniplev of Hoir nine oickinit. money cash; ds may remain on note and mortgage for ore year v.ith interest at 8 per on, ,,f Huse, tlii v had chase l'n. , to peeked and a d". a.iT. v prt r d Come early if you wish to secure the choice lots. For further particulars and price,-- of lots call in perj.n or Mite w iHn.llt Ihe use of chemh als, a'.d . o'hel-- I I ,1 one packer lolllti b- - e.in.p.p.'d lo do. I.f. Wi.ey oild ,. i' .1 hew 1! was possilde to pro-ll,- lllltr. - e K. n blip, pickles, et. .. eomnv i e of well known Lompaii tally, vithoiii H.e The Be!ei Town and Improvement and recognized al pi es". .' es. Mr Mueller en.lflineil ltl.it bv ta" tl"f Wtt. M. HEHGE'R. Secretary f i.. rfectiy frevii raw material of the HECKE'R, Tresidem h t and eomplete w.nit.i-- j JOHJ .pi.iütv the - lb n of . e .lout, there wa ie r. .n b otnuiv .oie.l i ! im n J i i n mm V' ih- - li.'n.r and k'...l' iplil-- iaMroafrMn"inm' ,ikutMtttm i nvurrvmMss. 8 THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, THURSDAY, MAY 9, 1907.

w. T. V. M AV.V.l !:. niOvox, l(l. ARTHUR CAVANAUGH PROMINENT YOUNG J. n. O'RIELLY COMPANY The l!iisiit liriir Store Between Denver uml lAta Angeles. Ickox-Mavnar- d PASSES AT BOOKKEEPER IS MAIL ORDERS CAREFULLY FILLED. liieii il. I!. IH)X. Ncorot.irv muí Manater.

ÍHE HOSPITAL ARRESTED 'I In- jiuljlii' inMicislii of niili-oail-- is New Mexico's Leading sin :;,'.,, rlun ,,ri,l,!cni Hint jiuí..Iíii il.o minds f imliüc n! iiiicii! nud Jewelers 1; i. Tin- i;íüiii(íc lllilroad coin Huí"- li:nc an iii"ltnaí ion to In POPULAR ALBUQUERQUEAN HUNING IS CHARGED : i cluin-iiriiit- TIIK Midi Send iur nitli'liif ili- -i i . and is v rilll.NT for reptil in. KTiiicr Vv'ITH l"' i' s'aiaiv ileal. It you riitrux SUCCUMBS TO OPERATION EMBEZZLEMENT , Iks Mill- - . n I f LlillllllMIIU IllllU'il',-- l wi--l u.ssuit'l vou will lü'-- a M.iu,iro JAeryllihiic mil every i. huí '4. di al at oiu' luiuu. Wi-- . io Id-- li cJ iss News (f Death Causes Wide- - Alleged He Is Neaily $4,000 1! i:l KftUfcU'tory liii 'cs. Witji Lilis m i I i s íí . liic-i- - wiitk is liappy IIMll i jU i 'iv-.w- t .1.1 III p v.m n UeOT'Klli'UL J I'liliU H' illV spiead Sonow Not Only in Short in His Accounts With (tiHii! in' :.imii ii!uiul,lim- V &. l,nluiyt 4fi& wiuííy iur Have Guess , i muv BtfuUrx" A' iiity tati;, 0 i.nld In; All Com-- Inn, fur suv M'liinv; i'l "es - City But Over Mcintosh Hardware rcaion. l lcasi to our estimates. ( lilt- hi tttv hot (( in our the : jca I, r li,iiiils;iii('-.- t II t II ls lli spring Xzm it ii yd fl hen nt il'nl lo One pany-B- ail Placed at $5,000,' ilolliir'M worth of MlilS lll.lt HI"'U' l'IT llllll Oil kins uiih ri) .,i ; J. L. 'Bell Co. hliofM nr Imm. Imhii;M in our fnr llil our cnitiilcrs. A i W. i 'ii v.i naiiKli. "Ii" h.i'l l.oilis I'. Iluitlnj;. Ill,' well know ii. The Vrornot Plumber i mSi HIOIllll. 'lull.- limit perhaps Id make lite ynttnir hunk lie, per in the Mo,,t,..h All kinds uf tvni mil ilu-- - St. . t ninny for the ,n i, pi. uf A ti it i ii Hardware ciiiii,,iiiy, was nrreM f.rinlc Shorn Our Spt-- hilly. !tli I 'li.-ii- imv in. hi uhu eve,- lin-i- l In im nlchi hv Asslstani .M.ii-Iki- Kcnnc. Iv- Í1.V, i i, way ( SI. Joseph's lius on a liijirv.- of rutin .lemrnl, an. In SO. 00, $l..00 and thru we Kl "Si "T 7" W $ THE IDEAL CO. II I, STORE I'iliil nl o'clock yoMi-- day 1, florin, on ,,f on, was placed In B . .ii-- Ik- insult of l t' ti m Win. Ii rol- ihr county j.iil. - Mu - U.OV III l;l,0(, nacer. il a fesj lón, an lor iipp- ii.li.ii i, Iliin.iiK una aiics'.ii en warrant Miirv sniis. i:url.dy knows is 21(1 ' TV West Kallrond Avenue. Mr. i sworn to hv '. .Wad, of llie av.ihntiKh was ;i .vents iilil an John - al'tas'liijc on St I an- turne lieiter. We ail- fia a wit'.- ami live children: coin..iiiy. that piemiier here J cll'-r- I ni!, a a t i I j n u a i.d is mi'.', un I e; ni ilatik'lilei hem lit (1 ilail. sell oK' ,", uml Donald, ami illati- has enilie.J.-- and ,iietlcd to his ic'J t Id, 1.1 ..I Ik- M.I III In- - I' Arthur Klirliir own use lunds of a i Pef'i on, lilted ,, .Old ,.1'VCII tin htm iiií rum p;i nv, .Mi'l ;i dnt-riii- In (lit- thlee First i es m- -i $.!.lls s7. The wan. oil was sworn I months, pei lively. The Itimral man hank. M r. ii r lint h, $20 and up to $23 Stock Jest Received mu a la-- t out fote Justice i.t tile I'e.lcc (ic.uKe Ii tilt- tiKetnciits vnii' not aniioum ftJ jftivtll, will ill ttemoto.lry aKain I'lalli' lltllllllK wa- - inesled at ;:!il. 'In p iiltilit, pemlhu; the arrival ol Air. Wentlrr I'oriMiifcf. ""' """inn a in mu lie had I. .en under m i l!a ncc by tin- v Ju'ii:--- - sisters. Misses Ittssle ami would " Wa. - . m in Santa Fe. ! t'i Vuiir lallur ask Iilt,ti. Mav Nm ""' .Mamie I 'a a ua in; Ii, of .M ,l l; Il :i lor a week more. ' ' i, 'I . ' u'- XII'li-- 'un- A at the Pi.!!' huts, lay mil Fi Sail vlrs. l.ove, Mrs, Smukciii ami .Mia. $15.110 inure for no iM'.ter EJ f Ji I. 'I"'. Arizona: Thutsdav. walnut' Hi noli i, X. M. ik- - ' " ol Cimarron, The I In ii iil.i.v 'it fi"i ,1 of n.rlli.ii. full. i e i a 'so leave.- - a hi "tint'. Fail- III , . lion niKhi. I'lU'iininmll, w in, i in t 'ahlornia. BONDS CARRIED M fl Itit.vs' and Mens' yp. ft I,. II ,.f i:.im l .,, Yonns LUMBER CO I liaihv. II ''. I'atilln Inn' li.nn I'll I. oh - Ml. I'.tviiiiiniKli. at the time ot hi. ALBUQUERQUE c, l.,u n Ii ,.i,i In- M.- ld- - al-t- in t w plllil Oil ll'l- - I'O M, repi,-..n- i ot' suits are shown líele OU thalh, was .,,al dive ihe ,, I'ilj. I John Vils.,ii st. I.otib.. is mi W. II. 'on-lah- lit in of d I'll: 'i. ii . styles HjMiiar f'í Street Z Marquette Albuquerque, New Mexico l. ,ii),.oii,t, tot. nl of I'nl, he -- í.uest at jirices. Firs Avenue , lhni'i,-r,iii- , vlomly l.ellii; lor ral y ai-- i wllu ..,i II, hi .1 K. i ill fu I,.l, n U i v I...... if ciiv fi'uin i ll v I l w RfiT n fl RTH ' ' :ik te li tes. K, 'o or In, in In f...m Me;.', lío. Itaveletl extensively. i I I II I U I Ul Tr-'- K 'I'. V....d i .. ni i . Mi" A. I.. Im-.li.- to ',i v. 111 IIIU ai in ,iv' '!i i.tinncd Air. iiaukii as holil li.a"" ; Tiinnl.-- S.o.la I'c ctci ,,iy alter a visit Kas.. , iilil'' Wt i'lotn St. .1 .','' tl- ' . SIMON STERN HiiIüv.im in ilii.l at Mur- - with " '"' I""" I.olll-- lived lome titile ill Cat. Ill, M - iG '" in In liver hist tiiKhl. I!. J liatncr. the m, . win le he was iii.in ,i and in Las Vi ttlc Hope However That - ' S.i the y m O of ii I'l di,,, wa: m ii his i T a man. at Hol- he Inane ten n " air. ai med the siiimo limn is. ulnae made lor In 3 , yea án rival the di. in", r.l.iv. rly 'vt ra. tí. in , In,k. Election City as a Whole fe! M Vmlam A Ihiyci, prU a c y Il h:ts 1'n i a lit this Thn Avcrnia Ii.,,' le )it lliatl ' Rnirn.ri i FUNERAL DIRECTOR I A,""-'--h- j ; .',!'; '- '"'n.- - , II it o V who was f.ti WUll'ly hived llllll im...... i... t Resulted 'in Victory for 111 i v t i l the -- al e. nuil a 'a a n a m; h Mis h it Clothier. HU MONUMENTS M.a. -I, "m'hl' ,M'""-- "'i''- Ait l,.y,, ,r'"V as imimi!uc,fst come-ttlat- i 201-21- ' an ami t linliatot. krS f. . t M ..r h v. City Hall Issue, white and Black Hearsa North Second Street ). Inc. .In. ),,. .i spcinl Ihc siitntne, Mahhonh. retain. wire sutttrior t.. tlnte of man me jArsri;t7rt-T?'Jri...ev;i- fj;nyH'C VV j I: l;:!il II will: lelallycn, '! Sania aller of lite latnotc- - pi ttii the " hcniliii,.- - the day with lii.--t hi oi In a - hi- Itoin. We, Ine. day lo ,lo. ni toil iv, In- - radili,;': .. ' inoinlni. ami iieier , 11 P- ' ' n I u t 1. de .to Hi and w lie of Mid A Inti ill t - Nathan Sillnon. tint, (nines'. wit and ,i Ihiltno, ,'' V " im, y la- -, i - ,r. v. tie. ii l.ahv hoy. ; "An.ii liown i:.isl" will I..- Hi.- at ..id.- pul, tr ad the Alder,,,,,,, llai.l. nl'í n::Nt:ri', ,, I I tv I . III. ' u ll s H l! t ho- lln.il.i-mi- ,h'" H'" vole thetity hall !.first st., SEE Two pi, ivetsd.iV el act ion lolonllt at the lent I, Colorado to California. The city! , ;s- r u 111 I.'cailou.iricvs lor 'I.d and pin, e. In cold s t a kc "N South - mill I. tin llii.ton-I..- of A hut nt a eaitieti in Ule si ami I'tlttl sin. tt lie owts him iti'eat , I '. d Xavajii r.latiket.s and Ho lioliie y, sliid.M il''lankltn and the lolling v, ,.rt Ii to, tnanv a Pu evt In tic The ovists! and cxpui Hatf nilia Ittlf I j t QuicrSc list a ti y ami Mcvican t.oodx. Mre M Man, I, II and h it i of nji tfitalih, voter:; in tin Indian Jeckcll dauchter will he sadly In loo'liuhl and he sell. 1 v i t . , til- I he CIM.'RVIffK I.I'VI 1 i!a o, an d vl.dl to Ufe-'- ,',,w ll; It il to la: e " t l ." wan! ftillud alioill :á. i,,;liie. cvleinh The e an' afford to lose i..rI TON for J'uinlins and i'ajK'r I In X, w V k i v. I,,- e- l w k'- - I, - - tv Id., not tlie iva'-- I'i:! S.50 iye. ,,i 'II ami c m pi a,; was f ' tu i, y amnio; Imiires ul -- heard Flrst-f- h I:, i it, ,,l I, a,. t' a tv, e I. the Fon, ih ward, hut Hi lunula car-- i t ts.s wnik ipiararitocd. and hell Ili'.l ha ti'l the many e pies .inns "I hy W-S- V'e (ouifiu a to Í V'IKUIi'AN mCK c;, I vv tried with spare. RELIADLE ASSAYS came down liiii'i phoe f,n hi In nnt-hi- s inarrin that ei ei one in tat ii I'i H TON se.f-- o I'hone 717. S(. h ti Inn i - ,,, t .im not cei tain al,t,i,i the Second urn! Cf'.l S':-- r T.t 5S I'ourüi e. .1' W ' n. I'll d Statt- - a "t tn i i it it a III mu a Ic ho pit mi - ma; ,, (Tllilll wauls vet. lup is t't'l- - :;s' Jii'e llien'e was Issued w Int. l her it h "I n it re v. :. I.e.-- known. Ih, Mill "f dta li- pit tie ,. . ... i , 'oui nil' w eilm ,l I !''. , lain that yole ,ll he a hit day Simon al la and t ' ' a im r the little lu'lio lie rentov of elan. - Ii 111 11. 'I, a V, hoi h of t hl i it v. - those wards." la,a man .,i he old mi- i V,,,.. led and 'i"' crowd of IniVt'lllll'. null nevt'l P J. 1. K.i Kin. Chan. Motlnt, See Josi pll I'' Sal., f win! lip lo Kant. t in t... ,; !k lie It lael. tal In H. O. Jl the I'd, lo over lor ente, laimueni which BiOOKS - vjoJir.., 4. ir. I). ilfl'.-ni-'-t- JT'-J- , ' If Vntl Ho n't. Msl. r.lav iliiiii; I,, attend lite I! of tin- V s It ii i ti i a m pa in n in led c.t a a u ii h is a p pi a a tu " a I s, I I . , it n ot p. i' la v .011 111 - tlie fil tiltil 1' WOO ine. Un ni W II h In' del, Hi' All .1' inlo it It, r, t nl p, mama ft, Di:V (Hi Mt, ileal hi. he Hit Sl"ll. v .iail'l Vou vvill'fjct list. relief. Thai Co, ( In i h GensoliL'ated Liquor at it (i. .' I,, i f Top. ka, nl r opta a. "Tlie Kill's Tool J'IN'tOV .1 I I a ''.nt lest hv er i A posit ivc fa pent. ii tnli , s i'cnl ei K.'iS hi ll.l-- I,. II was peihips his eieal.-- t u''' alnlj AM) ,.. i - ami la pa 1IIÜVIO. t'l L he A un i. ,111 coin- Ill life , for Const ion. - anchi :: el ,.. hit; ...,l ..I' men a s will a oe tit UHiti'ii rfuecesrorn to MHr,I Eakln ni pauv. came In ,,11 ami inai Malaria, Chills ,mtl all liver com- - YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD (...in lone .. k 1,, hi v., so a- - to .Sc r;t, ' te', let; on tit for he those who te forlunale c- ,,r hechl ml I hie ,1,1 - l In- plaints. Mr. - Kni.tty. T. .'.as., e On- - It ,, v. it in s plai ONLY I , tu leant ..ul For Cash After Mav 15 wiu l.- -l it.,, f ., 1, f In I, will' s: "My vvlf" has lie, n iclu,t a slksaik ikai.i:r3 in ita 11 It I IV av null an in'.i Cloths Your Family. SI. 00 Week I he :H I' of ', t,,t wat tétale '"Ian" " in la, ' 1,1 ii ,ol lee a II !., I, h; I, Ih thini' for Ifisclf ami children for i. ,,t ml on hi u!i of he a ml his ha I,,, Ii ui-- a.-- wa t ol . u- I'ivi. year.,. It a con- - 011 d V.. 'i t II,, Ih , ,1 is sain cure for Ii - a l, out a a- uc: k iml li n, up , , r.i, "in- .Ii to nl he ihc r that c ,!.,. in ihi, iiy Khpatinu and malaria five;-- viiiñli is har.i'.t everytrihi; In car ,ln?. " V hy M l, it ,1 'MU 'II I'.. of S. I'i . i ,, sithslaull'itetl at has fot 'P'.ik v ,t, i uf Hr.d .,1' h- w" ny f. i BtAVEN-v,!ít"íS3'"Us- lie )..,., in, a In nl ', ,, S'olil hy J. JI, Okielly aK t ti,i nun wa uta '.o i nt Mil W. Kallroatl Aye. JOHN S. a July. ' 111 ine Vlat ;. 11 j ILFELD EMFL0YES , i., .on Said WILL litowtis for .sevt'ial stasous, II.. y l.(TH on hail,."-- - Il . a e la i.irt-.Kr I'HOMS !'. 50 st'i'iii fir.sT c o i ; n i :i e i.vr nmi S: 1' d ... ,. ,11 ,n io PICNIC IN THE CANYON st. oi' I'itt. iii,.,.. mu-.- mo wiiCTO DEAD l'!,.l,l, t. o 4. It. A M Ih.,: , 1,1:1111' ni". SELL TIMBER H hllVr rhiil fcf nl IM' UllM'tJl St- - X m .a I, III . I. el the . IN TICKETS BOUGHT I'i, I Al t. .1. -- .... ' , ,,1 ,, II, Itch, I s l FOREST RESERVES The HOTEL CRAIGE W 'del l,,,.,. i Il il' tTh I I la-t- ,, Wl.ili Mi. iv:i na ni uiH ;i tri;ni InK'i - ,1 I v a n i n Mot,,, c,,-,- I" .' t J t 111 III ( AND - NttiM It HII, llir iml.'iiHj- ft h Wti -- Mak- i - W I'll. I'm., a ol the I,,,.. ip ho Mh'i'in,' May IS. , ' Jul.. I1M 'Mil UK If (il tin- hi o jvt tli'- - I), ,art in of till Our Berry chipper Is p. 'l a ,1 , , a w .! .M..11 t';. ire (h ili'is II E X H A N C D v. i ho ie.1 lni-- npci.tt inn iivi'iTiiini' his Albuaucrnuc's Finest M f .1 m wa- - Id ! 0111 .(..,, itslstin foresi Suiierv isms (u (.el Kid of i,c San ,, ,V !(- II ;i . Til'' ,,f 'S i v i. Khuhlly ill fur hoping and so arc wc Iiiii. ii V- dm a 11 mu Tin- d,' f, lr C i'i. All the ii rt.'M ',"a lli.-- l Old (.rowlh. Hotel. It' ' ' j - tl-- a iImv two hit! thl European Sttt) ri.i , will ii"t n;ill.c h" w a w e known 1, 1, 1, leave III lur i'tct.ctfii. of it--- ' M a J 1. I y I ' n an on in tea ihiiislv wirli unlit ixauiliicil Cc,n fi!i that lie our orders Aiscr.:-.to- Kit i,i w I Ssirurjcl C.t ii o a ino-- i k h on y. n hi.! pli iim. u hn irk i'il har.l lios-- i 1 :C!. T::sa:tr.c: ','U Id Si , in n nt ,.f Sehool.- Supervisor McMilktn. of l!n 1 Sliver AvemiB. n ti i il hiM lid-- i i in .1" - s.,, ,,,,,, , 1, I'' ami in ti ta is Iniiii; s;if Thfii ni'iv r.'.'.e. tu,., Taos nation il lof- '. a nl,,, lean; ai" Jlulf lilock from Hanla To JJiipot in full soon. 113 W. , pi d "A i, h hii( w h d,,- - ami lie was vci y v ROSIicJiftLii'S. RíJírond Ave a !' Im;. t iliK, . al. that's ml consuiialloti itlvn the ,sts. has ,.,f(,.,, hv the f a. su In., k I'm - - he-- K. i;fl,IS, l'ro,i. ' t . ' nii; ai a tli i; i; l ol skill alatlahle. of - t.foltt.i; M n ..ei. in Can nt well' ,. dm ,l,pa rt mciit of ariicti!- liiin w il. n I I i, sv ny rv , As seen as he is able to h, .' at in Tin nt. ii .dlovv lie .'l' uipal oi evi one in ture at Wash K .11. Unit - t. a!" p..! ' arranu"- I' h w s ,,, ,. , I)K. , a I. a pi AUhl I'lul lecea- '.i P. ,n- - e oof. like oil. lot h. "IHC Ihe - it's to s ,,,Vr ,p,,.,l when to. n. Al. WILLIAMS '' I a - - . s I,- .- 01 ad- T! a,'. ,d Ih" la'.- .l..s. Pii I, aw I'll nt Soup. ii Mi 'tail a la "I Itieml- Isevvlu re K'" lo ill, im, .ha Id, dead iimh. t"Hk do so ii will he to your lo il.. i i h -. i v I. I l: ,10 I' -- ,1,1 ,!! Ol .111,1 nut ok. I'i leaved l.llllllV. the lllliolial is to h!. A - tf hi ', fore's i Ts ' ' l .1 I, " It. Ki i' h ma n a '" 'I'll 1.1 - I ,.' W .( Ii S, II '" like I', ins ready ,,iiiu,tiiy of Jin, her in one if; vantage to get our pi ices on W , yy;. " k il Ik ,.V e! .1 ,,,,,f, ',,.-.- f.o,--i- Su-- I .' "' ' ' .1 win, da ,1 'I'm ,l;n V, a- the natamal ,,vir which Xl:? I , . -- ' hi 'on-- ,11 a 1, n Ji hi dm la a I. no. ,11 ,,m III. 'ot.it.. Ink is Uerv loir McM ilk has ju ii Stiv.Vv jerries t .1 for ' T in 111. ,1 h ! preserving, ' liar, 1, ,, ti,,' I .1!. !,. I p I'lu si ram. In. mi; PLASTERER ELOPES ready for sale ami i!l he ,,..- ,... inmai . lo, hv Si i i 'Itii-I,- a- -- I"' u it. a ,,,a he ma k it soil as this o- a ' , ( h. t uí 'old h. VI -- and on Blackberries for jsm, , cf, I'm. Til" lutllti'l' ill lie old a !.n k M...O an vp.-- I, r. i d llllll- - advorllsed. I, ,li. r,v - vi, I , , kit" 'la, in ih it ton tilt ft, un un - " u a n lia tm an , m pm f tiuautitics fl'i't (iciitthie Amcrlv-n- I'.loek ton ifl.f.O 'il,,- i,i,.'. p- - w ' ir lit "I Ta ma le- si, ,, v i,, ot, ,, 'r n, r... ii,.. 8,c. iiaiikin e!'c:,:ial run I, t .1 In- , ,1 n ti .xi,,.o t.ai.o ,t III : wall In and hat. . , llll ....ol;'l r h pa .,,: Tips v. d ,ú leili r 10 vl, e il tiennliio Cerrillus l.uiiip ' f..r !,,!. Ihc .1. ii . a eft Ii w ,.,. with son ps .a nth - WITH I vvesi. Koo ir, ami I"' I'I 'em- a lei till ell a' tee W ,,s, SIXTEEN h.i ed fo: e- - y a t ,' (.rant K.,ek Mi M ,, w n , Ihe Anllirnolte i, ,l:l, h Ih, linn- ' ' k II !'ho e CM ''n ""k ,.,l,,!,n,,. St. a W - self-e- ,1a .1' v W a K HI II, .0 .Mlved ild alul .o.. III, I'', ",'- -' I, ü ,, I Anthracite I'a o,,.: ,t Flit, ma .'. I, ', 'l, ite.l S .:!. . I, pa ,'t lit of s: o u ii'.',. tin . U lai tn 1' I, , -- XnlhraeiteStiijennd !i.r" Albuquerque 'I ll tat S h, I'al It lVt line, a s, a vie. a h :,u 1. fnrnaiv Cash 'I'll M'lt.' lev H it 1" lll'l k,.l ft If ' .'.It.., "To Forest nil, - in I'll n , fleiiu (,'us iUi.fi fl 0 n e .1 I .. it ,, 'a I., v. ,1!, I, . YEAR OLD CIRL Grocery vt. .. unlit, a o ;'..!;. c lea "Til e e - a ip, ;t 11101:1a not Company & 1, :t I k w ,l.-- Passoiore Son loll vol, !.. I.. HI a tic an,' I. liallLllde de.nl i,,,. r with;: Ihe 1, HOMKH Ji. M AHI, rts;r. ' a v. i - - . .i lot ,k. na h I. ...u ' im. o ,,l p i.- li, ,,0,1 ,1 al I'n'c-t- - ahi. h slmul.l he s,.!,t a - J'- -' I'll 'I'll H I,, -- toil as j I, ad liii.lt,'!' he V. Maride Awe. REPAIR SHOP .'- , :., w '. v - -- rlB v ,..:,(. ll I'"' In ..' I..,. wiP ton: , ' , he, 11 llf't't- l'ilüV lis,''! Io, I,' i; I. ' i - 1 Painting .,,!,!, h' ".o M F in Ii ,i un Caitihtiial and ueiiHla, i,i.er a., a ,, ... v.,,-,,,,- IW.II.ÜAÍIN&CO and Rubber Tires on. '. M t u t 11 ., - ' Telephone hono- inn c in. nt Mi la, , ' "i - h,,x. s. ,i.i. ill " 206. ' n '"! nl i III Snnih Seeontl lhll.U-- ,,. " ' u - M - IV I Street, '' l I" "'.o Sat: h .,',- lake hell rhU'i'.aiU nea,ly nil ih. .ur,'..s l"r wna! t; .! , I o .,1 hv lo no in il u II it t ia u t ' ' ''' Phiru- Tlt.rk IS pupils ol ta . t v ,i'"" . , ' .1 .!I'll' ". Co: ., ,. M"' Fl c. lai itin--.nit- ...'! -i ' v .('di iVivMeiHuisiy Away: . y ' ' ,1. a n - I,' in lit io i ueati iimn. ,s many .men:: :..' ..stayiaa ..sx..,!, u,tumnmujr'JC3ixslsm''ltara: - ' Id' I, o 11. ':. In , v. nt a t ta ti lo- - II d ídíiffí2'.tóCi'2lr"Í oat - Ciccm Jn.st Hioieed, f oleen. of o vt ,,, , , fot a , ,t in., tn I. I''.,., k F::"., - , K s , , 1, ..ml o fot S ., HI e. le, e S : e , a lid su. . ' o , a lo ,1,1 .1 , hy lie , 'i' "'lot' .lot," nttiita the W I m 7i o-r- B, J l !Ai tw v i a V.F.J m pia-lae- '. a y if .In, in I'.n.iloi.il a ni'ive r en men's ivha', he. hi. 'ol f l ... . ,.. ' I... d k. hi- - li ,v.,.d, , I,,,,, Sun, lav Hi'' l'ic-- 1 a, v tlui'li; lia- pa-- l i I., OS ,, ,o - -- .1 S. n I, a v l, Ci, ,,,, (.' a is, tunv .,.,! nt, co- i VI o i :,, - - to Albuquerque a. ,,,,.: iii.i.i ,il..i.i i,, ;, .mj -- i'lul"'!' - old'. a mt t in ii i a Successors Hardware Co Fourth in :h,a,i,, ., - and Railroad Avenue it ., V o, a;; I,,-- hollev to, ,,,n it, It U - d, ol 'titlii't'. It he It a 1,1 ,,.-- vi ii .. o ' f O - ' ' H '. III tl. I. '.. o ,t .1 'l.t 1,1 I, Wit,, I'V, "I U'l ill." 'tllllU o 'll ,, . l - c a w a act til. "I"!' In :: ., al I'"- Dealers in fe,' It. enhe, , , - a y í , o I' o. - ..til .,K Iain's i 'v i ,1,, o hi- all. d if ll Pa ions t ,lv ,: - - ,",,:li Kent. nil an. i ,, ,., ,.,,w a ,, S n '. I. ah- pit-so- vat, ve- l!'..'. I k, , 1,1 - I, o' In- .. ..to- - ,,, I,,- Ut tea, y atol m h. mv a m - ' t he, h leu!' Pv In r ll n i; a v '"' "' pellt al na.! tn: mav Iiesv.rdwsv.rc. a- vv p. h , v iva-- h Stoves I, eat, p: at non nd Rzs.rpe I i"i hut all .it.,,,, io 1' '.'.:, II a .' VP-- I. ,,.:', - i, ; on pi.- hn,- t , N dt ll.'l ,i,ll.llll.i-- f ll'' T!" We I -. Carry a tun Line 1 ' , ' :o - n a "I l. o a a, ii h . s a !,, ,,, tlllu; t.f ia el a: :,,r I'i - - ., v : it i, , i , ". t p.- a n :a no- mae, a; che. p. a o. .... it I', ' ,t nl I1 ' , ,,..!,.. 'im K'"t: "' .aiitlit "' O I: W I.,,,-!- , GreLniíe , ,,,, ' - l! h.,,,,1, i.lie. n ii. I - wlna, am! lit;,.; U I' thcltfii n iHiiiii , l tent... I v ""' '""'' ''" pe-- -l ,, ALL i , I. ,' I ' "HI " '. KlfvDS OF TOOLS FOR I. " I.,' lo. THE MECHANIC ' ' ' ' ' I ,: 1: - d ;:-,,- a i, a.,,. '' r " lid t" a ta- !',- - : a i, a e f Wc Hv.c-- h Cifciio:) a Tinning Shop and riun.bing ' Shoo, '' 'V'a't o'o'iV. '.","'! s. ' .... ,,,,,. .a, a. - For ni ,,,' ALL WORK ENTRUSTED TO , I.. a .. ll"l e i:y ''t .ii. I.. i,' US WILL RECEIVE OUR I rist'f" ' EE3T ATTENTION P , , .,,. - II" I'lMH .,.'!',:,-- ' ,!, :. . alt Tal!, I liliI l V I I , , ' f , ,i f - a , . '"C k .1 d f - e hi , , : - - a v, i , i hv Com I'i cut- . s d I ' . ,', ,., l.,. , hv ," ft"". F, a!! AUTOS FOR RENT ft " ' "-- i ". v ..... ,. tv i o "' 'v - & S i i i " ';"', R1 i fl i;ii m ii ii m i i; "' H m w ui p ñ w I ai , 11 - i, .',1.1:!-- It's ,, i, "' O "'1 ll I' !'- : t if v v o k ALBQ. AUT0W0BILE CO. lit,.-- ' t - " C ll i . o, o r. M Ii 111 V ! ' S ,,, t I I", .o, C!". or i.ll al li s ..,.,, MIT. V ' ' !'- W I I) I '"!' ' I d .,! lioloale Distrilditors , ':-o,- N I '"ii t ' N W J l.ivr Jn-- I K(,nv,,l 1 .,..,,!,r-, I ' t a:i v .íiiyf Müntrnl ei ,;. WAVTI.I - Cif f.r tifiit'n! k i,.. Acme Steel Mowers, Rakes and I ! I I I - Harvesting Machinery AV. k'S IM H (I (.!. car load Wi"''"-"-"'""'- "' 1 rtceid GOKIIAM ,"(i 1. I) I IK Doors, marie frena M chiqan NOT MADE BY THE TRUST y ' - ,'. FULLY WARRANTED ','.,. . .. , T ,mj r,rTV '.!'.' (!'. f.i.',"i i f. 'an llfuiti soft pine: the best Screen Door TiiolS4M 1 - ' '. i i o an v .. .. a t . ': ,1 niii i iva er i ,. ...-- if 10 ptt ten!. ars to Lightest Running, í ever hrouf;ht to Albuquerque. " fM-.i.- s i s... g Strongest, Wear Longer, Costs ,,r less fir Repairs. P ill inri t!ii-"i- i "r ", '',""'' " i't I I V'Uii jau oi,v i.i v.. i, f en f-- r ni smaller nnioinn. R n.-e- E I ( ,hik-nt,,- l w ; I ME , v ,F H T ! ... ! nut. It on nioiici. 113-- 1 1 r.n i: i i J, 'M TK 17 ..,!.,. Avnur Albuquerque Lumber Co. . VI SOf Til AHST UT. ,' ,e... oi-i- First and Marquette. , north nrisT A. MONT OVA. 2IS W. Gold Ave. j ii''ioi r. mav vrxiro. ti. ri:i . M