4. MADAGASCAR Rakotondramihamina Jean De Dieu
4. MADAGASCAR Rakotondramihamina Jean de Dieu 4.1 Introduction Madagascar, an island nation, is situated in Indian Ocean. It was a French colony from 1896 until independence in 1960. It had the good fortune, in the past, to be governed and united under a great sovereign: ANRIANAMPOINIMERINA, who, in the 10 years from 1800 to 1810 succeeded in creating a government worthy of the name. He was succeeded, with varying degrees of success by RADAMA I, RADAMA II, RANAVALONA I, RANAVALONA II, and RANAVALONA III. The last queen was expelled from the country by French in 1895. It has a total area of 592.000 square kilometers with a total population of 14 million, 80 percent of whom live in the rural areas. Moreover, 55 percent of Malagasy people are under 20 age. The ancestor of Malagasy people came from Asia and Africa. Madagascar has 19 tribes which are: Sihanaka, Merina, Antesaka, Antambahoaka, Antandroy, Antefasy, Antemoro, Tsimihety, Bara, Betsileo, Bezanozano, Betsimisarka, Sakalava, Vezo, Mahafaly, Antankarana, Makoa, Tanala, and Antanosy. This implies the existence of different traditions and dialects. However, despite the diversity, Madagascar has a common language namely “ Malagasy Ofisialy”, which constitutes its official language apart from French. Malagasy people are animist. They believe traditionally in only one God “ ZANAHARY”, creator of the universe, the nature and the men. Only 45 percent of the population are Christian. However, there is no border between the two beliefs, since the Christians, Catholic or Protestant, continue to practice the traditional rites. In fact most practice a kind of syncretism with a more or less harmonious combination of monotheism and Ancestor worship.
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