OUR SITES he 86 institutes and research facilities of the Max Planck Society T are distributed among 39 locations in Germany, with five in other countries. They are assigned to three sections reflecting the research spectrum: the Chemistry, Physics and Technology Section, the Biology and Medicine Section, and the Human Sciences Section. Some 24,000 people currently work and conduct research at the Max Planck SCHLESWIG- Society. These include approximately 7,000 researchers; the propor- HOLSTEIN Plön Rostock Greifswald tion of women is 32 percent. In addition, some 16,500 young research- MECKLENBURG WESTERN POMERANIA ers and guest scientists join MaxPlanck every year. Hamburg Bremen BRANDENBURG LOWER SAXONY Berlin Hanover Potsdam Magdeburg Münster SAXONY-ANHALT NORTH RHINE WESTPHALIA IMPRINT Dortmund Mülheim Halle Published by Bochum Göttingen Leipzig Düsseldorf MaxPlanckGesellschaft SAXONY Cologne zur Förderung der Wissenschaften e.V. Jena Dresden Bonn Marburg THURINGIA Bad Münstereifel HESSE Communications Department Bad Nauheim Hofgartenstr. 8, D80539 Munich RHINELAND PALATINATE Frankfurt Mainz Tel.: +49 89 21081276 SAARLAND Kaiserslautern EMail:
[email protected] Erlangen Saarbrücken Internet: www.mpg.de Heidelberg BAVARIA Stuttgart Design: mattweis, Munich Tübingen Garching BADEN- Munich October 2020 WÜRTTEMBERG Martinsried Freiburg Seewiesen INSIGHT Constance MUST IMAGES: S. 3: Entrance Adminstrative Headquarters: © Kai Weinsziehr, S. 4–5: Gra- PRECEDE vitational waves: © S. Ossokine, A. Buonanno / MPI für Gravitationsphysik, SITES ABROAD Simulating eXtreme Spacetime Project, D. Steinhauser / Airborne Hydro Map- APPLICATION BRAZIL LUXEMBOURG ping GmbH, S. 5: Prof. Dr. Svante Pääbo: © Frank Vinken; Algae Chlamydo Manaus Luxembourg monas reinhardtii: © Wolfgang Bettighofer 2010 / Creative Commons License ITA LY THE NETHERLANDS V 3.0 (CC BYNCSA), S.