EXTENSIONS of REMARKS 5097 EXTENSIONS of REMARKS in SUPPORT of an APRIL Age of Dairy Farmers Is Now 55 Years Or Discouraging the Young and Begin­ ADJUSTMENT Old

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EXTENSIONS of REMARKS 5097 EXTENSIONS of REMARKS in SUPPORT of an APRIL Age of Dairy Farmers Is Now 55 Years Or Discouraging the Young and Begin­ ADJUSTMENT Old March 24, 1981 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 5097 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS IN SUPPORT OF AN APRIL age of dairy farmers is now 55 years or discouraging the young and begin­ ADJUSTMENT old. ning farmer from entering the farm­ This point was exemplified in a ing industry. HON. STEVE GUNDERSON March 20 front page article of the First, the April price adjustment OF WISCONSIN Wall Street Journal which stated: must not be eliminated. Rather, the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Farmers have been getting out of dairying entire price support system must be in droves. There are currently about 170,000 considered as a package with, not sep­ Tuesday, March 24, 1981 U.S. dairy farmers, down 35 percent since arate from, the following points. 1969, and a proposal by the Reagan Admin­ e Mr. GUNDERSON. Mr. Speaker, on istration to hold down dairy price supports Second, immediate action should be Thursday of this week the House will could hasten the departure of more dairy­ taken to stop the unrestricted impor­ consider H.R. 2594 to eliminate the men. tation of casein for human consump­ April adjustment in dairy price sup­ Nevertheless, the administration in­ tion. The use of casein as a substitute ports. I am gravely concerned that sists that the elimination of the April for dairy products has a direct effect consideration of the adjustment alone price adjustment is necessary to cut on the cost of the dairy price support without concurrent consideration of down on the cost of the dairy price program and the current Government all other factors that influence the support program and to limit the over­ stockpile of dairy products. dairy industry may lead the Congress production which has resulted in Gov­ Third, greater .attempts must be into making a hasty decision which it ernment stockpiles of dairy products. made by the Federal Government to will regret in the not too distant It is a simple economic fact that the promote and export American dairy future. proposed elimination of the April products. A recent trade mission to I would, therefore, like to bring all price adjustment Will not accomplish Mexico and Central America by Wis­ of the relevant economic factors to the what it is advertised to do. Further, consin Secretary of Agriculture Rhode attention of the House so they may any action, such as the elimination of indicated that a potential market see why the elimination of the April the April price adjustment, that might exists for nonfat dry milk in this area price adjustment is unwise and, yes, cause a major shift in U.S. dairy pro­ because of the changing world supply unwarranted. duction could also have a very nega­ situation. Such exports of American Mr. Speaker, we are today at the tive impact on consumer prices in this dairy products could occur with a very crossroads of our country's economic country in the future. limited subsidy. Needless to say, such future. In recent years our fiscal Dairymen and economists both exports would · greatly diminish policy has promoted excessive Govern­ agree that maintaining the present present Government stockpiles and ment spending and has led to sky­ price support level or, for that matter, prevent such stockpiles from occurring rocketing inflation. Our monetary lowering the current price level will in the future. policy has promoted high interest not decrease production in the short Fourth, the buy-back level for dairy rates. The American people and their run-8 to 12 months-as predicted by commodities should be increased. In economic systems cannot long endure the USDA. Bred dairy animals simply today's· current economic and high in­ this duel pressure. do have a financial viable alternate terest rates, it is unrealistic for the I sense a strong commitment on the use. They will freshen and be milked. Federal Government to sell commod­ part of the American people to change Additionally, overhead costs continue. ities back to the manufacturer at 105 our current economic situation. Yet, if Simply stated, production will in­ percent of the purchase price. The we are, in fact, to realize a new begin­ crease in the short run so as to recover amount should be increased to at least ning for our country, the farmer must the decreased commodity profit over a 110 percent. This will encourage more be the cornerstone of our efforts. greater amount of production. Need­ products to be in private hands as well Have we ever really considered how less to say, this will negate a good por­ as greater sales efforts of those prod­ fortunate we are to live in a country tion of the projected savings to the ucts. Government costs will also be re­ with efficient, productive farmers? Federal budget in the immediate duced accordingly. The productivity of the American agri­ future. Fifth, the request for a hearing on cultural community has helped the This can only spell further trouble proposed changes in the Federal milk American consumer in his battle for the dairy price support program. marketing orders as they relate to re­ against inflation by providing a suffi­ When the arbitrary stopgap measure constituted milk should be denied. cient supply of wholesome agricultural proposed by H.R. 2594 fails to accom­ There is already a sufficient option to commodities at a reasonable price. Ad­ plish its intended purposes of cutting the consumer with the fast-mixing ditionally, any extra production has dairy production and Federal spend­ powder which is widely available in assisted our balance of trade in a time ing, the next proposal will probably be the regular food distribution chain when foreign imports far exceed a reduction in dairy price supports to presently. American exports. 60 or 65 percent of parity. Finally, it is important to emphasize Because of the crucial role the In short, those of us who seek to that the dairy price support program farmer plays in the American econo­ preserve a fair price support program, has worked for the purpose it was in­ my, it is important that the Congress of benefit to the farmer and consumer tended. It has guaranteed an adequate does not enact legislation that would alike, are being thwarted by those who supply of wholesome dairy products to restrict, inhibit, or discourage the agri­ are unwilling to consider all of the the consumer. It has further guaran­ cultural sector. issues that affect the dairy farmer as a teed that the price of dairy products is But that is exactly what H.R. 2594 package. reasonable and free of wide shifts in will do if it, indeed, becomes law-dis­ Mr. Speaker, there is a way in which price which often occur with commod­ courage the young and beginning we can reduce the present Govern­ ities. One only needs to look at the farmer from entering or continuing in ment stockpiles of dairy products and market for peanut butter and citrus the farming industry. This would be the Federal cost of the dairy price sup­ fruits this year to realize how impor­ particularly devastating to the dairy port program without injuring the tant it is to the consumer's interest to farming community since the average productivity· of the American farmer avoid wide shifts in price. e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by the Member on the floor. 5098 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS March 24, 1981 Therefore, I urge the House not to way of the world. But stop for a moment, Government over which the President take any action on dairy price sup­ and think of the children of Atlanta the has the least control-the military. Do ports and, particularly, the April price harmless children, who have died a cruel we really wish to condone the continu­ death at the hands of some unfeeling mon­ ing violence of the military that we adjustment without completely consid­ ster. That someone who to this very day ering all of the points I have raised as roams free to kill children, that someone can expect with this flow of arms? an entire package. They are, indeed, who has made us all afraid. Afraid of the The people of Massachusetts, by all interrelated.• stranger who walks behind us on the way means of a resolution adopted by the from school, who brings fear when we are State senate, has called on the Con­ alone for a moment away from the protect­ gress "to withdraw further United THE CHILDREN OF ATLANTA ing eyes of our families. States support to the military junta in I think about those children who have El Salvador, and to cease any military HON. ROMANO L. MAZZOLI died in Atlanta. I know that they will never graduate from school, go to their first intervention by arms or other support OF KENTUCKY dance, to college, have a career, a marriage, ..." I commend the resolution's IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES or families. I say to myself, Dear Lord, who author, Senator Jack H. Backman, and Tuesday, March 24, 1981 has the right to take away the joys of child­ urge my colleagues to consider this hood? And isn't it a shame that this killer compelling statement. The resolution •Mr. MAZZOLI. Mr. Speaker, today, haunts us like a shadow in the night? That follows: the American people are confronted killer will teach us many things, like how to with an unfortunate human tragedy; be afraid, how not to trust, and how to hate, RESOLUTION MEMORIALIZING THE PRESIDENT 23 black children linked by brutal AND THE CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES because we don't understand why someone TO WITHDRAW MILITARY AND OTHER AS­ murder or disappearance are the would kill.
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