The NRD site Community report Matt hew Campbell and Beatrice Hudson Th e NRD site Community report Matt hew Campbell and Beatrice Hudson © CFG Heritage Ltd. 2011 CFG Heritage Ltd. P.O. Box 10 015 Dominion Road Auckland 1024 ph. (09) 309 2426
[email protected] Contents 1 Introduction 1 2 Landscape, vegetation and climate 3 3 Traditional history 5 4 Th e archaeology of the Manukau 9 5 Archaeology 14 6 Dates 39 7 Environment 41 8 Taonga 42 9 Flaked stone 59 10 Mammal bone 63 11 Bird bone 66 12 Fish bone 68 13 Shell 72 14 Excavating and recording the koiwi 73 15 Th e burial population 78 16 How were they buried? 82 17 Disease and injury 95 18 Summary and discussion 107 19 Conclusion: memory and identity 114 Glossary 117 References 118 Appendix: Individual descriptions 123 i ii Th e Northern Runway Development excavations have been fully reported in two technical reports, one dealing with the archaeology, the other with the koiwi. Th is community report summarises the technical reports, and is written in non-technical language. It is designed to be accessible to the interested lay person, including tangata whenua of Pukaki and Makaurau Marae, whose ancestors lived and were buried at the site and for whom this report is pri- marily written. Th e authors of the various chapters of the technical reports are Matthew Campbell, Arden Cruickshank, Louise Furey, Jaden Harris, Stuart Hawkins and Beatrice Hudson, with additional work by Mark Horrocks and Rod Wallace. Th is community report has been prepared by Matthew Campbell (site director) and Beatrice Hudson (osteologist).