CEDAW Report New Zealand’s Sixth Report on its Implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women MARCH 2006 Published by the Ministry of Women’s Affairs. Prepared by the Ministry in consultation with other government agencies and civil society. 48 Mulgrave Street, PO BOx 10 049, Wellington, New Zealand, March 2006. Email:
[email protected]. Internet: www.mwa.govt.nz. ISBN 0-478-25221-8 Table of contents FOrEWOrd 3 INtrOductION 4 BAckgrOuNd 6 ArtIclE 1: Definition of discrimination against Women 7 ArtIclE 2: Anti-discrimination Measures 8 ArtIclE 3: The development and Advancement of Women 11 ArtIclE 4: Acceleration of Equality between Men and Women 16 ArtIclE 5: Sex roles and Stereotyping 17 ArtIclE 6: Suppression of the Exploitation of Women 19 ArtIclE 7: Political and Public life 23 ArtIclE 8: International representation of Participation 28 ArtIclE 9: Nationality 31 ArtIclE 10: Education 32 ArtIclE 11: Employment 41 ArtIclE 12: Health 50 ArtIclE 13: Economic and Social life 59 ArtIclE 14: Rural Women 63 ArtIclE 15: Equality Before the law and in civil Matters 67 ArtIclE 16: Marriage and Family life 71 rEFErENcES 80 lISt OF APPENdIcES 84 glOSSArY 99 CEDAW REPORT 2006 PAGE 3 Foreword It is my privilege, on behalf of the New Zealand government, to present New Zealand’s sixth report on the united Nations convention on the Elimination of All Forms of discrimination against Women (the convention). Successive governments have been highly committed to the implementation of the convention. New Zealand now has a sophisticated legal and policy framework to provide universal protection against all forms of discrimination.