The Catholic Times. (Columbus, Ohio), 1954-01-08

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The Catholic Times. (Columbus, Ohio), 1954-01-08 h /SPAP'iR DIVISION The Road To May The New Year True Peace Leath Bring You Blessings Through Mary The eatholic Times And HappineM Vol. ill, No. 14 Columbus 16, Ohio, Friday, January 8, 1954 Price Ton Cents; $3.00 A Year Mindszenty Case Still Father FaistI CMLC Honors Bishop I nion County Film Magnates Rap Named Pastor Man Donates Open, Sec’y Dulles Says At St. Gabriel Church Site Own Code As Case NEW YORK — (NC) — The case of His Eminence Joseph Father Clement F. FaistI, who A 3.65 acre tract of land lo­ Cardinal Mindszenty, imprisoned Primate of Hungary, is still spent 14 months in war-torn Korea cated the Bellefontaine Road very much before the conscience of free peoples everywhere. as an Army chaplain, was appoint­ in Marysville has been donated to ed by Bishop Ready Thursday as the Diocese of Columbus by a prom­ This was the message from U.S. Secretary of State John pastor of St. Gabriel’s Church, Co­ inent Union County land farmer. Goes Before Court Foster Dulles read to a mass meeting held here yesterday to lumbus. Mr. Ed Radebaugh. it was anncunc WASHINGTON — (NC) — Two top Hollywood producers mark the tilth anniversary of Cai The 41-year-old Columbus-born ed this week by Bishop Ready. took pot-shots at the film industry's own code to keep U.S. mov­ dina! Mindszenty’s arrest by the States is “taking an interest in our priest has a colorful background The land will be the site for a Red rulers of his country. which includes offering Masses ies moral, as the Supreme Court got ready to try a case on future.” new Our Lady of Lourde* church, the legality of film censorship. Cardinal Mindszenty was cast in­ Governor Thomas E. Dewey of within open artillery range of the rectory and social hall. A fund has to prison in Hungary on Decem­ Red Army, making practice para­ already been started for that pur­ While film distributors asked-------------------------------------------- New York. Senator Irving M Ives the Supreme Court to do away ber 26, the Feast of St. Stephen, of New York and Senator H Alex­ chute jumps, publishing a prayer pose. The present church was built on. “We must bring it into har­ the first martyr, in 1948. The Hun­ book for South Korean soldiers, in 1869; the rectory was built in with censorship throughout the U. mony with the times,’ he stated. ander Smith of New Jersey also S., producer Howard Hughes garian Catholic League of Amer­ praised Cardinal Mindszenty in and experiencing at Bastogne, Bel­ 1876. Father Leonard Falvev is the The Production Code was form­ ica, Inc., made up of tens of thou­ gium. the now-famous Battle of present pastor of the parish. (known for his “The Outlaw” cen­ ed in 1929, and approved volun­ messages read to the mass meeting. the Bulge. sorship battle) launched a new sands of Americans of Hungarian The Voice of America recorded Mr. Radebaugh’s donation was tarily by individual producers, who descent called upon their fellow Father FaistI was graduated from A film, “French Line”, disapproved agreed it was for the betterment the proceedings for broadcast to St. Charles High School in 1929. made in the name of his mother. by the Motion Picture Production Americans throughout the country Eastern Europe. Mrs. Barbara Radebaugh. In pre­ of the film industry to keep movies to. offer special prayers on that dav and studied for the priesthood at Code, into U.S. theaters. on an acceptable moral plane. ----- ----------- o-----------------St. Charles Seminary, Columbus, senting the deed. Mr. Radebaugh for “the intrepid opponent of com­ said the Church and his mother At the same time, producer Sam­ The code as it exists today was and Mt. St. Mary Seminary, Nor­ uel Goldwyn called upon the Mo­ munism.” “haxe done and will do more for commended by the Bishops of Diocese Gives wood. He was ordained May 6, tion Picture Association, the The meeting here yesterday was 1937 by Bishop Hartley, and serv­ me than I can ever repay. This is the United States last November organized toy 26 religious,-anticom one way that I feel that I can re­ group that administers the code, in a special resolution which ed for the next six years at St. to “modernize” it for today s munist and Hungarian groups in pay them.” praised it as "a worthy under­ $67,536 To Francis Church. Newark. “more mature ’ audiences. New York. New Jersey, Connect! The tract, close to the Radebaugh taking and one capable of afford­ During World War II, he spent “tnless the code is brought rea­ cut and Pennsylvania and was held three years with a glider regi­ Bishop Ready, honored guest at Monday's meeting of the Ca­ home, at the western edge of ing vital protection to the whole in White Hall of St. Stephen s par­ Marian Shrine tholic Men's Luncheon Club, chats with James Eldridge (left above), Marysville, is an excellent location sonably up to date, the tendency public, especially youth, against ment, and was a member of the to bypass it. which has already be­ ish. Cardinal Mindszenty spoke A great love and devotion to the 101st Airborne Division which of Chillicothe, speaker for the occasion, and Budd Sweeney, CMLC for the new church. It is situated the harmful influence of morally gun, will increase,” Goldwyn warn­ from the stage of White Hall dur Blessed Mother of God was clear­ president. across from Legion Park and is bad motion pictures.” participated in the Normandy in­ ed in a letter to Eric Johnston, ing the visit he paid the United ly manifested by the priests and vasion. When he was discharged otherwise well located. Mr Rade In 1953. no film which earned A Point Four Program to aid president of the Motion Picture As­ States in 1947. the laity of the Diocese of Colum­ from the Army as a captain in baugh had donated a tract of twen the Code Seal of Approval was con­ millions of poverty-stricken Asians, sociation of America, the voluntary "The case of Cardinal Minds­ bus during the month of December 1946, he held two bronze stars ty acres near the property now demned by the Legion of Decency. was advocated this week by James- producers’ organization which ad­ zenty, a defender of the faith and by their generous contributions to for gallantry in action and four eiven to the Church, to the Boy Meanxxhile the U.S. Supreme Hols Name ministers the code. of human freedom against both the collection for the National Eldridge of Chillicothe in a talk Scouts. The acreage is being devcl Court was reminded of the influ­ battle stars. before the Catholic Men’s Lunch­ Goldwyn said the self-regulatory of the great tyrannies of our Shrine of the Immaculate Concep­ A civilian again he became pas­ oped into an attractixe camp and ence of movies on juxenile delin­ eon Club. The address featured a time is not closed,” Secretary tion. The total amount sent to tor of St. Peter Church. Millers­ Raliv Is Set park site. code is in danger of losing its au­ quency as it prepared to hear a meeting honoring Bishop Ready on thority unless it is “ nodemized.” Dulles' message told the large Washington was S40.100. burg. where he remained three Tentative plans for the proposed case on Nexx York State censorship the Ninth Anniversary of his in­ number of delegates. “It is ac­ “It is an excellent gift from our years. In September. 1949. he wa* church and rectory haxe been The producer stated: “To por­ of “La Ronde". stallation as the Ordinary of the At Cathedral tray life honestly on the screen re­ tively before the conscience of devoted priests and people and I appointed by Bishop Ready as the drawn up. The land is large enough “Is it safe in the light of the pres­ Columbus Diocese. Msgr. Harold J. O'Donnell, as­ quires greater degree of latitude, his countrymen and that of free am certain the Blessed Mother of first resident nastor of the new for construction of a complete par­ ent increase of juxenile delinquen­ sistant chancellor of the Columbus xx ithm the bounds of decency, than peoples throughout the world. God wilt continue her care of this St. Monica’s Church In New Bos­ Urging a foreign policy which ish plant, and it is honed that in cy to give carte blanche permission Diocese, will be the principal exists under the code. The time The prolongation of his unjust Church of Columbus,” said Bishop ton. would make the “Middle East the future an elementary school to a motion picture theatertoexhibit speaker Sunday at the annual ral­ has come to recognize this fact.” Incarceration adds daily to the Ready. Father Faistl’s second four nf bloom as it did in the days of the will be built on the site. any picture without some prior ex­ Old Testament,” Eldridge declar­ ly of Holy Name Societies of the The code outline of xxhat consti­ moral poverty of his captors. Eight of the parishes of the Dio­ Army duty began in October. 1950. Central Deanery. The event is Construction work on the church amination to guard against an ob­ cese made offerings of SI 000 or and in August. 1952. he was sent ed: is expected to begin this spring. tutes moral entertainment has scene. lexxd. lascivious or immoral Thomas J. Curran. Secretary of scheduled at 3 pm. in St. Joseph “stood still” since its adoption, he State of New York, told the meet­ more.
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