Bishop Maloney Installed THE

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Bishop Maloney Installed THE Bishop Maloney Installed THE Wichita, Kans. — Ceremonies install­ Bisnop Maloney, a schoolmate of Arch­ He was ordained in Rome, Dec. 8, 1936. priests gathered in the ballroom o f the ing Bishop David M. Maloney as bishop Casey at Rome’s North American Hq is 55. Brown Palace hotel for an informal din­ Wichita’s sixth Ordinary were scheduled college, as head of the Kansas diocese. Bishop Maloney succeeds Bishop Mark ner. today at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Carroll who was installed as Wichita's In brief talks concluding the dinner, Conception. BISHOP M ALO N EY’S new See is Ordinary in May of 1947; due to ill former Archbishop Urban J. Vehr praised Archbishop Luigi Raimondi, Apostolic one of four diocesan territories in the health. Bishop Carroll’s duties were ful­ the "m any talents and great ability of Delegate in the United States, was to in­ state of Kansas: the new Wichita Bishop filled by an Apostolic Administrator. mind” of the Bishop-Designate and ex- stall Denver’s former Auxiliary Bishop at will have 220 priests working with, him, Bishop Leo C. Bryne from February, pres.sed "a tribute of personal regard and 4 p.m. at the Wichita cathedral. A conce- and 621 Sisters reside in the diocese. 1963. until the latter was transferred to most grateful thanks” to Bishop Maloney. lebrated Mass, with Archbishop Raimondi Archbishop Raimondi announced the the St. Paul-Minneapolis See several Archbishop Casey served as master of as principal celebrant will follow the in­ appointment of Bishop Maloney last Dec. months ago. ceremonies, and entertainment was stallation. 6. just a month short of his seventh an­ provided by Monsignor Richard Heister’s About 40 priests of the Denver A rch­ niversary as a member of the American b i s h o p M ALON EY’S diocese covers choir o f priests. diocese were scheduled to come here to be hierarchy. Bishop Maloney was consecrat­ a 2 0 ,0 00 -square mile area in the south­ Bishop Maloney acknowledged his present for the installation; of that num­ ed Bishop .Jan. 4. 1961, in ceremonies at east corner of the Sunflower state: there thanks to Archbishop Vehr, to his co­ ber, 25 priests were flying by charter Denver’s Immaculate Conception Cathe­ are nearly 90,000 Catholics out of a total workers at the chancery office; he urged plane, leaving from Denver at 11 a.m. dral. and served with Archbishop Urban population of 928.254 Kansans. the priests of the diocese to "keep alive and returning at 7 p.m. this evening. .J. Vehr and Archbishop Casey. Bishop Maloney bade farewell to fellow the priestly, fraternal charity that has Archbishop .James V. Casey. Denver A native of Littleton. Bishop Maloney priests of the Denver Archdiocese -Ian. characterized the clergy of the Arch­ Ordinary, was to be present for the in­ attended St. Thomas’ seminary in Denver 18. About 200 diocesan and religious diocese of Denver.” stallation ceremonies which will establish and the North American college in Rome. Latin Intrigue Surrounds Case O f Missionaries Ossining, N.Y. - The head of the THAT STATEMENT explained only Maryknoll Fathers — Father John J. that the Melville brothers had interfered McCormack. M.M. — has announced the "in the internal affairs” of Guatemala. It U.S. Foreign Mission society will lift the said they had been suspended because suspension of two priests who have been they "refused to comply with the request linked to the leftist guerrilla movement of their Maryknoll superior in Guatema­ in Guatemala if they return to the socie­ la” to return to New York and discuss ty’s headquarters here to discuss the case. their activities. The priests - Fathers Thomas and Later the suspended priests’ sup>erior Arthur Melville, brothers from Newton. in Guatemala — Father John M. Breen, DENVER Mass. — had been ordered in December M.M., regional superior of the Maryknoll ARCHDIOCESAN to return to Maryknoll headquarters here Fathers in Guatemala and El Salvador — to discuss their Guatemalan activities. said the Melville brothers were tied di­ EDITION They boarded a plane from Guatemala rectly to "guerrilla” forces. City bound for New York on Dec. 21 but Father Breen also issued a statement reportedly changed their course when to the Guatemalan press giving the d j- they reached Miami and went to Mexico tails leading up to the priests’ suspei^’ on Thursday, Jan. 25, 1968 with intentions of attempting to re-enter (Turn to Page 2) Guatemala. Vol. LXM No. 25 When their flight from Guatemala and their disagreement with Maryknoll super­ iors there were revealed in the Guatema­ lan press. Father McCormack issued a Superintendent Says Enrolling at Regis statement reporting they had never come to New York and announcing their sus­ Two Annunciation high school seniors enrolled at Regis college last pension. week under an advanced placement program made possible by Annuncia­ Schools Still Wanted tion’s modular schedule system, allowing students to take advantage of special training during free time. Seniors at the northeast Denver school Businessmen The in-depth study of Catholic educa­ said, adding that he was "not sure” Cath­ also are enrolled in Opportunity school and in the Denver center of the tion in the archdiocese shows parents still olic teaching was being given "the em­ University of Colorado. Above, Maricela Sepulveda and Bertha Gurule demand Catholic i^chools, but will have to phasis parents want” in the schools. leave Regi.i after signing up for a second semester freshman English make some tough adjustments to main­ Monsignor Jones said a second point Challenged course. Holding the doors are Philip Flanagan, director of admissions at tain the system in the face o f spiraling that had emerged from questioning of Regis, and Sister Mary Ernest, Annunciation principal. costs and a shortage of Religious voca­ parents was their concern with distance, tions, according to Monsignor W illiam H. a desire to have a Catholic school in To Combat Jones, archdiocesan superintendent. their neighborhood. Monsignor Jones, addressing an open "The parents might be somewhat meeting on the .schools at St. John’s dreamy in this.” he said. "We want the ADF Scholarships Prejudice school Jan. 23, said these conclusions schools as close to everybody as we can were among his personal observations at get them . but I’m not too sure we’re Denver’s "power structure” — specifi­ this stage of the study being conducted going to be able to provide schools in cally, its businessmen — was challenged by the University of Notre Dame’s Office every neighborhood.” To Aid Minorities this week to shoulder its share of the of Education Research. Finally, Monsignor Jones cited the burden in the fight against discrimination "Three points are coming out,” he said. problem of costs. The Archdiocese of Denver will insti­ "We’re very much interested in getting and poverty to help the community avert "First, there is an urgent need for our "We’re worried to death that non­ tute a $10,000 scholarship program next minority students into our high schools,” destruction. schools .. There was no decline in inter­ public education may be priced right out fall to enable more minority group stu­ he said. "We felt tuition was a barrier, Richard E. Young, chairman of Metro est among parents indicated by the of the education market.” he -^aid. and dents to attend Catholic high schools. but we’re caught by the cost factor.” Denver Fair Housing Center, Inc., told study.” added that the increasing shortage of Re­ Monsignor William H. Jones, arch­ the organization’s annual membership He added, however, the continued sup­ ligious for teaching assignment.-^ was a diocesan superintendent of schools, an­ THE SCHOLARSHIP program will meeting the lack of adequate commitment port among parents also reflected a "cer­ major factor in the financial situation. nounced the program at the first meeting be financed by the Archdiocesan Develop­ in the business community was chief tain nostalgia .. for the kind of schools of the Catholic Education office’s new ment Fund <ADFi. Monsignor Jones said among "areas of weakness” that hamper they themselves attended.” MONSIGNOR JONES pointed out committee on community relations Jan. the details of the program — number and the center’s over-all effort. school financing is not a problem restrict­ 22. amount of scholarships included — would "This bothers me in the sense that it THI> COST OF Catholic education ed to Catholic .schools, citing the increas­ be worked out by a selection group. is the businessman that stands to lose was never the primary factor stressed by ing demands o f public education for a bigger share of tax revenue and Denver’s Monsignor Jones’ announcement was the most,” he said. "It is also the busi­ parents contacted by the research p>erson- current problems including the failure of the highlight of the human relations nessman who is really the best equipped • nel. Monsignor Jones said. The major Supreme Court the recently proposed $32.5 million bond unit’s meeting. to participate in these endeavors. It is emphasis, he added, was on religion. "Everyone is concerned about the lack issue. the businessman who will profit economi­ (Turn to Page 2) Rejects Poem; As a direct result of the committee cally from these efTorts. of value structure in the communitv,” he meeting, Monsignor Jones said his office IPs a Prayer would consider adopting an orientation "Y E T IT IS the businessman who, for <M 1 program for teachers in the Catholic the most part, has stood silent on the schools to acquaint them with the special sidelines, who wrings his hands in de­ Father McCallin Appointed Washington — The U.S.
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