Bishop Maloney Installed THE

Wichita, Kans. — Ceremonies install­ Bisnop Maloney, a schoolmate of Arch­ He was ordained in Rome, Dec. 8, 1936. priests gathered in the ballroom o f the ing Bishop David M. Maloney as bishop Casey at Rome’s North American Hq is 55. Brown Palace hotel for an informal din­ Wichita’s sixth Ordinary were scheduled college, as head of the Kansas diocese. Bishop Maloney succeeds Bishop Mark ner. today at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Carroll who was installed as Wichita's In brief talks concluding the dinner, Conception. BISHOP M ALO N EY’S new See is Ordinary in May of 1947; due to ill former Archbishop Urban J. Vehr praised Archbishop Luigi Raimondi, Apostolic one of four diocesan territories in the health. Bishop Carroll’s duties were ful­ the "m any talents and great ability of Delegate in the United States, was to in­ state of Kansas: the new Wichita Bishop filled by an Apostolic Administrator. mind” of the Bishop-Designate and ex- stall Denver’s former Auxiliary Bishop at will have 220 priests working with, him, Bishop Leo C. Bryne from February, pres.sed "a tribute of personal regard and 4 p.m. at the Wichita cathedral. A conce- and 621 Sisters reside in the diocese. 1963. until the latter was transferred to most grateful thanks” to Bishop Maloney. lebrated Mass, with Archbishop Raimondi Archbishop Raimondi announced the the St. Paul-Minneapolis See several Archbishop Casey served as master of as principal celebrant will follow the in­ appointment of Bishop Maloney last Dec. months ago. ceremonies, and entertainment was stallation. 6. just a month short of his seventh an­ provided by Richard Heister’s About 40 priests of the Denver A rch­ niversary as a member of the American b i s h o p M ALON EY’S diocese covers choir o f priests. diocese were scheduled to come here to be hierarchy. Bishop Maloney was consecrat­ a 2 0 ,0 00 -square mile area in the south­ Bishop Maloney acknowledged his present for the installation; of that num­ ed Bishop .Jan. 4. 1961, in ceremonies at east corner of the Sunflower state: there thanks to Archbishop Vehr, to his co­ ber, 25 priests were flying by charter Denver’s Immaculate Conception Cathe­ are nearly 90,000 Catholics out of a total workers at the chancery office; he urged plane, leaving from Denver at 11 a.m. dral. and served with Archbishop Urban population of 928.254 Kansans. the priests of the diocese to "keep alive and returning at 7 p.m. this evening. .J. Vehr and Archbishop Casey. Bishop Maloney bade farewell to fellow the priestly, fraternal charity that has Archbishop .James V. Casey. Denver A native of Littleton. Bishop Maloney priests of the Denver Archdiocese -Ian. characterized the clergy of the Arch­ Ordinary, was to be present for the in­ attended St. Thomas’ seminary in Denver 18. About 200 diocesan and religious diocese of Denver.” stallation ceremonies which will establish and the North American college in Rome. Latin Intrigue Surrounds Case O f Missionaries Ossining, N.Y. - The head of the THAT STATEMENT explained only Maryknoll Fathers — Father John J. that the Melville brothers had interfered McCormack. M.M. — has announced the "in the internal affairs” of . It U.S. Foreign Mission society will lift the said they had been suspended because suspension of two priests who have been they "refused to comply with the request linked to the leftist guerrilla movement of their Maryknoll superior in Guatema­ in Guatemala if they return to the socie­ la” to return to New York and discuss ty’s headquarters here to discuss the case. their activities. The priests - Fathers Thomas and Later the suspended priests’ sup>erior Arthur Melville, brothers from Newton. in Guatemala — Father John M. Breen, DENVER Mass. — had been ordered in December M.M., regional superior of the Maryknoll ARCHDIOCESAN to return to Maryknoll headquarters here Fathers in Guatemala and El Salvador — to discuss their Guatemalan activities. said the Melville brothers were tied di­ EDITION They boarded a plane from Guatemala rectly to "guerrilla” forces. City bound for New York on Dec. 21 but Father Breen also issued a statement reportedly changed their course when to the Guatemalan press giving the d j- they reached Miami and went to Mexico tails leading up to the priests’ suspei^’ on Thursday, Jan. 25, 1968 with intentions of attempting to re-enter (Turn to Page 2) Guatemala. Vol. LXM No. 25 When their flight from Guatemala and their disagreement with Maryknoll super­ iors there were revealed in the Guatema­ lan press. Father McCormack issued a Superintendent Says Enrolling at Regis statement reporting they had never come to New York and announcing their sus­ Two Annunciation high school seniors enrolled at Regis college last pension. week under an advanced placement program made possible by Annuncia­ Schools Still Wanted tion’s modular schedule system, allowing students to take advantage of special training during free time. Seniors at the northeast Denver school Businessmen The in-depth study of Catholic educa­ said, adding that he was "not sure” Cath­ also are enrolled in Opportunity school and in the Denver center of the tion in the archdiocese shows parents still olic teaching was being given "the em­ University of Colorado. Above, Maricela Sepulveda and Bertha Gurule demand Catholic i^chools, but will have to phasis parents want” in the schools. leave Regi.i after signing up for a second semester freshman English Challenged make some tough adjustments to main­ Monsignor Jones said a second point course. Holding the doors are Philip Flanagan, director of admissions at tain the system in the face o f spiraling that had emerged from questioning of Regis, and Sister Mary Ernest, Annunciation principal. costs and a shortage of Religious voca­ parents was their concern with distance, tions, according to Monsignor W illiam H. a desire to have a Catholic school in To Combat Jones, archdiocesan superintendent. their neighborhood. Monsignor Jones, addressing an open "The parents might be somewhat meeting on the .schools at St. John’s dreamy in this.” he said. "We want the ADF Scholarships Prejudice school Jan. 23, said these conclusions schools as close to everybody as we can were among his personal observations at get them . . . but I’m not too sure we’re Denver’s "power structure” — specifi­ this stage of the study being conducted going to be able to provide schools in cally, its businessmen — was challenged by the University of Notre Dame’s Office every neighborhood.” To Aid Minorities this week to shoulder its share of the of Education Research. Finally, Monsignor Jones cited the burden in the fight against discrimination "Three points are coming out,” he said. problem of costs. The Archdiocese of Denver will insti­ "We’re very much interested in getting and poverty to help the community avert "First, there is an urgent need for our "We’re worried to death that non­ tute a $10,000 scholarship program next minority students into our high schools,” destruction. schools .. . There was no decline in inter­ public education may be priced right out fall to enable more minority group stu­ he said. "We felt tuition was a barrier, Richard E. Young, chairman of Metro est among parents indicated by the of the education market.” he -^aid. and dents to attend Catholic high schools. but we’re caught by the cost factor.” Denver Fair Housing Center, Inc., told study.” added that the increasing shortage of Re­ Monsignor William H. Jones, arch­ the organization’s annual membership He added, however, the continued sup­ ligious for teaching assignment.-^ was a diocesan superintendent of schools, an­ THE SCHOLARSHIP program will meeting the lack of adequate commitment port among parents also reflected a "cer­ major factor in the financial situation. nounced the program at the first meeting be financed by the Archdiocesan Develop­ in the business community was chief tain nostalgia .. . for the kind of schools of the Catholic Education office’s new ment Fund COST OF Catholic education ed to Catholic .schools, citing the increas­ be worked out by a selection group. is the businessman that stands to lose was never the primary factor stressed by ing demands o f public education for a bigger share of tax revenue and Denver’s Monsignor Jones’ announcement was the most,” he said. "It is also the busi­ parents contacted by the research p>erson- current problems including the failure of the highlight of the human relations nessman who is really the best equipped • nel. Monsignor Jones said. The major Supreme Court the recently proposed $32.5 million bond unit’s meeting. to participate in these endeavors. It is emphasis, he added, was on religion. "Everyone is concerned about the lack issue. the businessman who will profit economi­ (Turn to Page 2) Rejects Poem; As a direct result of the committee cally from these efTorts. of value structure in the communitv,” he meeting, Monsignor Jones said his office IPs a Prayer would consider adopting an orientation "Y E T IT IS the businessman who, for oem.’’ The against racial, national, and religious graduated from St. Francis de Sales ele­ crimination. will never be attacked prop­ U.S. District Court agreed, adding that it groups. mentary and high schools, and attended had a "secular purpose,” to help the erly and positively as long as the busi­ Regis high sch(K)l one year before enter­ Dr. Robert Amundson, professor of so­ nessman continues to plead that his children become "integrated in their envi­ ciology at Loretto Heights college, sug­ ing St. Thomas' seminary in 1935. ronment.” schedule is simply too busy while he con­ He was ordained in Immaculate Con­ gested the schools go beyond sympathetic tinues to expend hundreds of hours of The U.S. Court of Appeals reversed treatment to explain to children the na­ ception cathedral June 4. 1942. then that ruling. The Supreme Court now has civic time in the socially acceptable and served as assistant pastor of Cathedral ture of racial and other differences among non-controveraial civic endeavors which, refused to review that opinion. men. parish under Monsignor Hugh Mc- while important, point out to the minori­ Menamin and Monsignor Walter Canavan "You’ve got to be able to explain race,” ty person in a most revealing way that he said. until his appointment as pastor of St. the power establishment . . . simply is Mary’s by Archbishop Urban J. Vehr. Members of the committee, in addition (Turn to Page 2) to Sister Francis Eileen, Amundson, and A brother. Father Joseph McCallin, j 2 e m m a / i y Father Purfield, are Fred Arguello, Colo­ S.J., at St. Ivouis university and a sis­ rado State Department of Education; ter. Sister Mary of St. Andrew, a member of the Sisters of St. Joseph, live Frances McFeeley, Regis college anthro­ Fr. Frederick D. McCallin The Denver Archdiocesan Chancery pologist; Ray Buckles, director of the at Kansas City. Mo. Father McCallin has reports a total of $31.00 donated toward three other brothers — Andrew, John, Southwest Action center, Denver; Joseph Father McCallin was appointed to St. seminary burses during the past week. and Tom, all of Denver — and two other Lambrecht. director of Children’s Educa­ Mary’s to succeed Bishop Hubert M. Donations for the Sft. Jude Burse were sisters - Margaret of Denver, and Mrs. tional Fund, Inc.; and Col. Hubert Jones, Newell of Cheyenne after the latter was received from Tucson, .anonymous, $5; H. Bach. Alexandria. Va. Colorado Urban league. named coadjutor of the Wyoming diocese. Denver, H. B.. $5; Denver, Mrs. J. L. P.. The initial meeting also heard reports St. Mary’s parish has undergone exten­ $5; Greeley, Colo., T.K.S., $5; Denver, on job training and placement programs sive growth since Father McCallin be­ Mrs. V. Z., $5; Denver, Mrs. F. A., $5; a,nd school counseling. came its pastor. The school’s enrollment Syracuse, N.Y.. F. R., $1. Monsignor Jones said the new commit­ Official Schedule i jumped from fewer than 100 in 1951 to Official Appointment All offerings toward the various bursee tee was appointed to "provide advice and more than 1,000, with a faculty of 25. are used to educate young men for the Wednesday, January 31. 8:00 p.m. — St. Parish construction during his tenure has assistance in coordinating the curriculum Rev. Frederick D. McCallin, to be Pastor priesthood. They may be sent direct to Anne’s Church, Arvada. Meeting of included a church, school, rectory, and as well as the extra-curricular programs of Divine Redeemer Church, Colorado the Archdiocesan Chancery, 1536 Logan the Archdiocesan Union of Holy convent — serving approximately 1,600 of the schools with the need of the com­ Springs street. Denver. munity.” Name Societies families. Page Two THE REGISTER, DENVER ARCHDIOCESAN EDITION Thursday, January 25, 1968 Fc

ISlave’s W idow Asks: ""Have You N o Shatnet until the debt was paid By Sue Roethele braska where she and her boarding with a Methodist the first time in my life, I main dining room could preacher and his family in had money to spend on see us, and with the door off.” M ore than a hundred husband had homesteaded a 2,280-acre ranch. Forest City, Ark., she had myself, for things I wanted closed, we could hardly see "We bought some onion years after Lincoln’s eman­ left her family in Tennes­ and needed,” she said. each other across the ta­ sets and 1 raised 15 bush­ cipation of the slaves, the AS SHE BEGAN her see at the age of 17 after Robert Anderson, a U.S. ble.” els of onions,” Mrs. Leo­ scars of prejudice and story, Mrs. Leonard clasped completing an eighth grade Cavalry veteran of the nard recalled. "Even humiliation are still very a yellowing scrap of paper education. Apache campaigns, was 77 "FOR THE first few though the onions at har­ much a part of Negro giving the market price of when he asked the young years o f my stay here, I vest time were as big as American heritage. Because education was a slaves in Richmond, Va., woman to marry him but worked for $1 a day. We six inches across, we At least for Mrs. Daisy haphazard affair for Negro in 1857, as ”No. 1 men, she was awed by his vast found ourselves unprepared couldn’t sell a one.” Ivoonard, a member of Holy youths who would be They tried raising chick­ ‘extra,’ $1,450 to $1,550; called to work in the knowledge and dignified to endure such hardships, Name parish, Steamboat bearing. Sporting a white ens next, and still no suc- No. 2 women, 'Common,’ fields, the attractive young as we had no overshoes, no Springs. $925 to $975,” closing with goatee and full sideburns, Mrs. Leonard, whose woman decided she could underwear, no way of the notation that "families "he was indeed a hand­ transportation, except great-grandmother was a be of service to those who and scrubs sell in their some and elegant man.” SO MRS. LEONARD full-blooded Indian, is the had even less than she. when someone was kind usual proportion to above Following the couple’s took to writing. Her book, widow of Robert Anderson, enough to pick us up,” quotations. We would be HER SALARY as a marriage, they settled on Mrs. Leonard said. ''We From Slavery to Afflu­ ex-slave. the retired rancher’s land. ence, the memoirs of her pleased to see you down teacher was $35 a month later got an old Model A I Mrs. Leonard, has lived They suffered droughts, husband as a slave, was soon with a likely lot.” — $15 for her room and pickup, and whichever one in Strawberry Park, north wind and sand storms, and first copyrighted and board, $10 to send to help of us couldn’t ride in the of Steamboat Springs, for She was 22 when she grasshopper plagues — "the published in 1927. Mrs. more than 30 years. It was met the distinguished look­ her family, and $10 to front because there was no grasshoppers were so thick 'Leonard has added her soon after the death of her ing gentleman who 30 take care of her personal room, had to ride in the that if we went for a ride own sequel to this book, first husband, Robert An­ days later asked her to be needs during the month. It back. The first winter in the buggie, the brims of called "Have You No derson, that she left Ne­ his wife. A school teacher wasn’t very much "but for there was a tim e when the our hats would be eaten snow was seven feet deep Shame?”, a timely plea for away by the time we re­ on the ground and we integration. B turned home.” — But the didn’t have much coal.” She writes, ". . .if every­ w e e Priests^ Nun Vanish rich farm land produced Later, she and her sister one could forget that one’s fa re more than an average in­ decided to try and raise color has nothing to do BisI (Continued From Page 1) come. enough food for the family with one’s heart. I wipe fo r and announcing that he has asked the McCormack said. "While we don’t agree Anderson was wealthy and to sell to people in the the tears from my eyes in Guatemalan government *to forbid their with the course they are taking we are The only Negro rancher in area. Renting some land sorrow for you and your re-entry to the country. concerned for their safety.” the area, he owned a 23- from a,nearby farmer, they teachings. The whole world room house and at one planted potatoes, managed is looking at what Ameri­ time, employed 40 persons FA TH ER BREEN’S statement indi­ THE PRESS release also said Father to get a team, wagon and cans are doing and have to assist in the care o f the done to their very own. cated the priests were suspended because McCormack "wished to clarify two points harness and began to farm ranch. of their political activity and that the regarding the suspension.” The release on their own. But the Have you no shame.” Mrs. L eon ard market was poor. suspension meant they no longer belong said: "The suspension became effective on DAISY, WHO had They raised 2,000 bush­ to the Maryknoll society. Dec. 23 which was 48 hours after they known only poverty, was rectly in the trail. It els of potatoes and couldn't This was denied, however, by a spokes­ had agreed to be at Maryknoll, N.Y., but swept suddenly into an children, clean or iron worked . . . next morning sell a one. man for h’ather McCormack here. Father had in fact not arrived. active social life. There wherever she could find there was a large rabbit "We were only asking a Albert J. Nevins,’ M.M., editor of "The second point of the suspension were parties galore to at­ work. She wa.s in South tied up in the loop.” dollar per hundred M aryknoll, a monthly magazine issued by which was announced on Jan. 18 was tend, ample opportunities Dakota when she received Daisy and her sister ate pounds,” she said. A neigh­ the society, said Father Breen was "incor­ that it was invoked because the Fathers to wear the fine clothes, a letter from her sister, bear cabbage, dandelions, rect” in implying that in his statement. Melville had disobeyed their local superi­ Irish linen and lace gar­ May Williams, telling her bor agreed to stand for $80 wild carrots, wild turnips, An official press release issued by or’s order to leave Guatemala and return ments. of the period. "there is plenty to eat here worth of credit at the store greens, wild mustard and Maryknoll here also denied the implica­ to Maryknoll in New York,” the release In addition to serving as in Colorado. There is fine for them and the family berries that grew in the tion and clarified the suspension. said. hostess for her husband’s wild game, elk, deer, and agreed to work for him area. The release said that Father Mc­ Father Nevins said this meant Father friends, as mistress o f the wild vegetables and fruit. When she came to Colo­ Cormack "expressed his concern for the McCormack did not judge the priests’ pol­ house, she was in full With a little effort, one rado in 1937, Daisy said, GLASS safety of Fathers Thomas and Arthur itical activities but had suspended them charge of a complete staff can survive. We went hun­ gry in Nebraska . . . but "my family and I experi­ Melville” and that their suspension from for their disobedience in failing to report of household helpers. CO. enced many a discouraging preistly duties will be lifted "when they to headquarters. Livestock was imported, not here.” instance. *We weren’t al­ return to Maryknoll, and discuss their Father Nevins also clarified the ground plowed and plant­ "When we first came lowed to eat in certain Maryknoll Fathers’ position on Sister ed, and every cent invested here,” Mrs. Leonard said, activities in Guatemala.” places. If we wanted to MIRRORS "These men are our brothers,” Father {Turn to Page 3. Sec. ID______‘'we didn’t have a gUn. We to make the ranch as prod­ eat, one place would usher S('(* Our Hcautiful Age limit 23 yeor uctive as possible. had to figure out some us into a room that had no A slave at the age o f 20, way to get some meat, Nrtr Hfjnic at Metropolitan Leasing Inc. windows, and would close penniless at 45, the elderly such as snow shoe or jack 690 LavLTcnct* 82.'>-.'>2.‘31 2535 South Colorado Boulevard Denver the door so no one in the Schools in Demand man was indeed rich when rabbit. One evening, we he died in 1930 at the age were sitting and talking PCRSONALIZED MONUMENTS AND MARKERS (Continued From Page 1) of 87. about how to do this. He noted inner city schools are a mat­ said he was proud of this record, and It was then Daisy real­ Someone spoke up and said ter of serious concern in discussion of pointed out 28 per cent of the 9167 grad­ ized more so than ever try this method and see if financial problems. uates of Catholic high schools were of­ before what it means to be it works. The Indians did MEMORIAL CO. "We don’t want to move out of inner fered scholarship assistance to attend col­ a Negro in the land of it. city schools,” he said. "But the cost con­ lege. opportunity. SPEER BOULEVARD AT 9th • PHONE 2SS l/SS "THE RABBITS had a tinues to rise. Who is going to pay? "That’s a high percentage,” he said. P* " . . . Perhaps other structures are re­ Monsignor Jones made no report on THE DEPRESSION trail whore they would go iim itm im itm U m itm am C tm i O, quired.” the study’s findings regarding the religious had hit Nebraska. When under the fence or through M the fence, depending on Monsignor Jones listed possibilities the instruction,* but commented that a good the banks refused to help, Ki archdiocese must consider in planning of deal of experimentation is under way in when her white neighbors the depth of the snow. We S3 renting facilities instead of building the schools. turned against her for hir­ made a loop with a string louRdes Catima elaborate plants to the more likely need ing poverty-stricken of rope and hung it over of placing much greater emphasis on THE TEACHING OF religion has Negroes from the South the wire with the loop di- R o m e & s h R in e s N pre-school and kindergarten education. changed and is changing, he said, and instead of themselve.s. »hi the new methods "irritate many parents when the last hope of o f euR ope and th e holy larid VO CATIO NS, OR the lack of them, . . . They feel the youngsters have lost the saving the ranch hod FIREPLACE FIXTURES m- present a "serious” problem, "and that faith sometimes.” passed, she lost the ranch, W is hardly the right word.” he said. Monsignor Jones defended the modern her home — and her past. 9 Curtain Screens » Clast Screens catholic pROQRam i He noted one community of Sisters al- approaches, although conceding he was Working in whatever 1 Grates Del leady had notified the Catholic Education "not overly pleased at this moment at capacity she could be em­ I F ire Sets insta office it will have to cut hack its commit­ what’s happening in religion in Catholic ployed, Daisy left Nebras­ > Firelighters Mam ment o f personnel in the archdiocese at schools.” ka to bake bread, sit with > Andirons t Coal Hods Fresi the end of the current term. He said parents recognize that 29 V methods have to change "to teach the ) Wood Holdars He pointed out the situation represents » Spark Guards recto 1968 youngster.” a direct challenge to parents of the youth DINNER TONIGHT? a Elactric Logs Wort needed to reverse the trend. The Notre Dame study, directed by m .oo mittc "If you parents don’t provide the boy s Reginald Neuwien, was begun last Sep­ Most Complete Display of Fireplace P'ixtures in the West Ch and girl s ... there is a question of tember and is to be concluded by late H u m m e l's firm€ •whether we have assumed our responsi­ spring. It was. requested by Archbishop Dt'lic.Uf'.',) n .md op pi bilities for nurturing the Church,” he James V. Casey as the basis for plan­ Sidi-w.Uk t.ili DENVER MARBLE & TILE CO. fitilliikel Slid lilt here said. ning, and was supplemented by a census Chuiry Creek 322 4M4 1330 STOUT ST. anotl Monsignor eJoncs reported the study to of parishes in metropolitan Denver, Colo­ probt date showed the Catholic schools were rado Springs, Boulder, Brighton, Fort Col­ field. "doing a very good job academically.” He lins, and Ijongmont. Th. Business Scored Pr (Continued From Page 1) Cc afraid to face up to and take on the diffi­ The Metro Denver Fair Housing Cen­ cult tasks which this community must if ter, Inc., is a nationally unique agency it is to solve problems which, unless sponsored by the Denver Religious Coun­ Sc solved, will ultimately destroy us all.” cil on Human Relations. Since its es­ tablishment just two years ago, the cen­ A i YOUNG OFFERED an area in which ter has expanded its operations to a the businessmen can work — the Fair $220,000 a year budget with a full-time Th( Housing center itself. staff of 18. the "The Fair Housing center now has Executive Director Robinson Lapp, open! tools for meaningful business involvement former United Church of Christ minister Fathi in the ending of segregation in housing, in Arvada, reported the center now helps S.J. and we stand ready to work with the about 160 families a month — more than Oni business sector,” he said. receive housing aid in Washington in an the Young called for better efforts to solve entire year. It is a prime factor in the count Denver’s school problems — particularly area’s effort to crack housing segregation Path. those that hamstring minority population patterns, as evidenced by the movement weall groups. of 600 to 700 minority group families to expel "All citizens of Denver, and particular­ "non-traditional” residential areas. he ly the news media of Denver, must look Lapp predicted the center expects to THE BONO O F CH ARITY" speal behind the simplistic slogans such as serve about 1,800 families in 1968. A ALSO Joi ‘busing’ and ‘neighborhood schools’ to de­ major new undertaking is the center’s 39th INTERNATIONAL this I termine the real issues and to report — entry into the field of development of ms EUCHARISTIC CONGRESS youn, objectively and fully — the facts to the moderate income housing, with federal discu entire public,” he said. financial assistance. BOGOTA pruct YEAR! 18—25 August, 1968 a livini •iiii' from Lr;m.NVA>:. Ti;B o c i c n o r s t c . C o . and The Free B reed arise C A ^lxollo •Iiii' o f li\ TktTf hlill lives u linTcl iinv.ttit|ui»ln?d and unlempletl l>y ihv relief o f surrender. F.fforts to lame it have only made it lO rrO l Tr*a.-v-el .'L\ i i A 1 more wary and wise to liie way-, ofoiiiiressors. The seeiil of their Imnd.ure h.i\ tmly made the smell of freedom sweeter to o r r i c « □□□CX3BGG ‘nil lie 1 its nostrils. □ .^K-'in and auam it has tossed off their frayetl letters with a proud Miort o f e.mlempi, and it lia* eUidetl be tl their doKKcd pursuit like a iiuiekinK phantom. □ Tiie free hreeil .stirs is es on tlie in-ttiiiel.s cre.iletl ami streiiKtiiened hy 1730 IIHODE ISUtND AVINUE, N.W. 31. a \T/ the relriiltess threat «>f suhjoetion. Only when the niemors' of that W aihinsten, D.C. 20036 • 293.3277 Fa fades does the smell of freedom seem slide. □ lioiiefnlly, one das tiiat v a close Please send me your free illustrated describing i memory will he strong eiioiifih it needn’t be revised by d.mKer. .Ss'rvfoo detail the "world-covering ‘ pilgrimages. ii ! p.m. 9itiMAajlCSL Com pany w ill Cam JOHN E. ZOOK FARL G. COLCLAZIER G E R A R D R. a v e n MJtXJL 1S97 TeBOCKHORST. CPCU City/Zene/State. « Resei b y 1 040 Insurance Exchange Bldg. Mrs.. Farey^ell to Bishop. . . Thursday, January 25, 1968 THE REGISTER, DENVER ARCHDIOCESAN EDITION Page Three Vatican Worried by Distortion Of Pope^s Statements on W ar

By Fr. Robert A. any meaningful role in apprehension” over the sit­ worked closely with United Graham, S.J. bringing the belligerents uation was taken as a Nations circles, on this RNS Correspondent together. Pope Paul has moral rebuke and a de­ point he does not go along — Concern indicated in repeated ways mand for immediate cessa­ with the views of Secretary 18 growing in the Vatican that he lays great imp>or- tion of the bombings. In General U Thant. over distortion of the tance on the diplomatic the meantime, of course, But the Pope’s words on Pope’s peace strategy for solution. the Pope, through no fault Dec. 22 were amputated by Vietnam. Misunderstanding of the of his, has no contact with a high churchman in Italy Instead of an uncommit­ Pope’s policy has sprung Hanoi, even for purely a few days later. ted mediator offering his up for various reasons. The humanitarian purposes. Cardinal Giacomo Lerca- good offices to both bellig­ U.S. in any case has a Stories of an alleged papal ro of Bologna, preaching erents. the Pontiff is pic­ poor press in Europe and mission to North Vietnam on the Day of Peace, Jan. tured as having already it is easy for anti-Ameri­ following the Johnson visit 1, chose to omit mention of pronounced a moral judg­ can newspapers to present have proved to be unfound­ the second half of the ment against the United the oft-repeated Papal re­ ed. Pope’s remarks. In words States and to have called grets over the tragedy of widely reported in the for unconditional cessation war and suffering as so THE POPE rejects the United States and Europe of U.S. bombing of North many rebukes to the U.S. proposals for an uncondi­ the Archbishop found the i i ' “ ^ Vietnam. tional and antecedent ces­ key to peace primarily in For some well-inten­ THE VISIT of President sation of bombing of North the unconditional cessation tioned persons this may be Johnson gave further occa­ Vietnam, prior to any ne­ of the bombings. This is to the honor of the Pope sion for developing the gotiations. Though he has the crucial problem. At the Head Table but it neither represents inevitable differences be­ his official policy up to tween the views of a politi­ Bishop David M. Maloney was honored last from left, retired Archbishop Urban J. Vehr, now nor does it help him cal leader and the concerns week by his fellow priests of the archdiocese at a Archbishop James V. Casey, Bishop Maloney, and in his efforts to bring of a religious leader above farewell dinner. He is being installed today as Monsignor Gregory Smith, vicar general and pas- about peace. If he should the conflict. That the Pope Bishop of Wichita, Kans. Shown at the head table tor of St. Francis de Sales’ parish. drop his non-partisan stand expressed to the President for the dinner at the Brown Palace hotel are. _ this would be the end of his "keen and sorrowful Annual Meet COUNTRY Of Holy Name (in helf) you invest Union Slated A rch b ish op Jam es V. Protect your car's finish from Casey will be the guest the ravages of destructive of honor and guest ROBERT speaker at the Arch­ DECKER road salts and cold weather diocesan Union of the He is a Regisiered Rcprcscntaiiv Holy Name Societies with the skills and knowledge ahead. Restore th e original m eeting on Jan. 31, 1968. needed to help you invest in The meeting will be held Mocks, bonds and mutual funds. show-room shine with MING. Give hint a call. at Shrine of St. Anne school, 5757 Upham, UOSWOITXII Arvada, at 8 p.m. sur^i^iVAiv ^ MING— the world’s most durable car finish Father Harley Schmitt C^OIVIPAINY, IISC. and the officers of the archdiocesan union ex­ MEMBERS. MING SERVICE CENTER tend a cordial invitation NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE 2014 CHAMPA ST. 660-17th St., Denver, Colorado to all priests and Catho­ Telephone 534-1177 FOR APPT. PHONE 534-4249 lic laymen of the arch­ diocese to attend.

M M M M M Eits If You Haven’t Received Your Official M M M Last Get-Together M HOLY NAME LITURGICAL M Bishop David M. Maloney, right, chats with Father John F. Slattery, left, pastor of St. Mary’s parish, Breckenridge, and Father Warren Heidgen, O.S.B., during an informal moment at last week’s farewell dinner. Bishop Maloney, who is being installed as Ordinary of the Diocese of Wichita, CALENDAR i Kans., today, was the guest of honor at the affair, scheduled to give him M and his fellow priests of the archdiocese a last evening together. M Eig M: M M New Bishop Slates Meeting M M ■jK-: M :-iK With Grape Strike Leader Siti KINDLY MAIL THE COUPON BELOW != j Delano, Calif. — Newly- tural area has been the main targets are the prod­ AT ONCE ... AND installed Bishop Timothy scene of a 28-month old ucts of Guimarra Vine­ W E WILL SEND i ' i yards, Chavez said: "W e’re Manning of the Diocese of strike by several thousand YOUR CALENDAR i“ i grape pickers seeking the going to boycott Delano M Fresno will meet here Jan. FREE OF i 't 29 with Cesar Chavez di­ right to organize, bargain grapes, period!” M C H A R G E . >Jt*. rector of the United Farm collectively, and obtain Inaugurating the general M Workers Organizing Com­ better wages and working boycott, a 50-member party s.'fV ■ o-*” I.’-'” E«: mittee (AFL-CIO). conditions. left by bus for a cross­ E't’: Chancery ofTicials con­ country trip during which ..s'**' „ Eit; they will demonstrate in M (,/■ ^ firmed only that the Bish­ THE PURPOSE of E«: op plans two meetings, one Bishop Manning’s visit 20 cities before arriving in Eig here with Mr. Chavez and with the opposing parties New York City for a sus­ M another with local growers, in the strike, according to tained efTort. probably in nearby Bakers­ a diocesan spokesman, will field. be "to hear both sides first Cornerstone Please allow The 38,000-acre agricul- hand, and possibly set up two weeks for the beginning of communi­ Rite Sunday M d e li v e r y ! cations.” M Pre-C ana . • -Eit: Throughout the first two At Ail Saints M years of the strike former Eiti The cornerstone of the Conference Bishop Aloysius Willinger, Eji? who recently retired vigo­ new All Saints church will DENVER'S rously opposed any Church be laid during a formal Schedule or diocesan clergy partici­ ceremony at 4 p.m. Jan. M pation in the controversy. 28, Father Harley Schmitt, M More than 80 per cent of pastor, announced. Announced The $477,000 church is ' P LEASE . . . y t; the strikers, it has been Eitt CATHOLIC estimated, are baptized being built at S. Federal NO TELEPHONE REQUESTS J]t: The featured speaker for boulevard and W. Hillside the Pre-Cana conference Catholics and upwards of ------, M tei* 70 per cent of the grower- place, Denver, to replace E«: opening Jan. 28 will be the church destroyed by Father Francis Hakewell, employers are also Cathol­ E«i This Offer Limited j >j[: ics. fire Jan. 8, 1953. The pres­ MORTUARY S.J. ent church building is to Eitt To Metropolitan Denver Only | E’li One o f the pioneers in Fresno diocesan spokes­ be converted into much- the archdiocese in group men said the meeting will needed grade school class­ Ei^ counselling on marriage...... ! ?lt; be private to insure a free rooms after completion of McConaty's Boulevard Mortuary | Father Bakewell brings a and candid discussion. Ei^ the new church, scheduled Ei^ 1091 S o u th C o lo ra d o B lv d ., | wealth of knowledge and They denied, however, that by Aug. 15. experience to each session Denver, Colorado 80222 | Bishop Manning, a former Monsignor Gregory EnE he addresses. He will auxiliary in the Arch­ Eitf speak at 7 p.m. Smith, vicar general, will ' diocese of Los Angeles, will officiate at the cornerstone >jij I’ lr'iisc mnil nic niv copy o f the Holy Name | C S Joining the priest for l.ituiL’ ical ('alL'ndar Immedialolyl . seek the role of conciliator. ceremony. this conference will be two EiiE The new building, g I young married couples who MEANWHILE United Eni planned by architect Henry discuss marriage from the Farm Workers officials Ej^ J. DeNicola of Denver, will practical side of everyday have announced a nation­ ...... ! 11 have an area of 28,450 Ek*: . ..I living. Their topics range wide boycott of all grape square feet and a seating Eiii from budgets to in-laws products grown in the De- J ...... I m capacity of more than 1.- and other matters that iano-Earlimart area. 100. Ground was broken ^ Citv ...... Stale ...... Zip ...... s ; arise in the first few years Although the workers’ N I ^ of living together. last >Junc 6. E«i w A member of the Catho­ Eit? lic Physicians Guild will M be the guest speaker Jan. Coftipt«»« LiM o f Aftklc* Ut Otyrek mn4 Home Eiti M 31, at 8 p.m. >IK Father Bakewell will close the conference at 8 A. P. WAGNER & CO. M p.m. March 2. All session CHURCH GOODS m will be held in the Pre- b o u l e v a r d mortuaiies | Cana Center at E. 5th Eit: avenue and Josephine. Ei^ FEDERAL BLVD. at SPEER 1091 SO. COLORADO BLVD. at MISSISSIPPI 1433 Trem ont Place 825-8331 A -7K7 lo -io ; Reservations may be made E«i 477-1625 by telephoning Mr. • and HOURS 9 TO 5 —SAT. 9 TO 4 Mrs. AlvaReecL 388-6683. t y Page Fo ur THE REGISTER, DENVER ARCHDIOCESAN EDITION Thursday. January 25, 1968 A Roman Cadillac By Dolores Curran

I suppxjse everyone has to live down Back in the days when it was safe to something in his past. My skeleton seems mention religion in the classroom, to be the crime of having once taught taught a short unit explaining the worlds English in high school I’m convinced that major religions as an introduction if we were to canvass the country for sophomore world literature. So a "Those who wouldn’t be missed.” as the could call upon the studenU to explain catchy song goes in The Mikado, we facets of their denominations if needed, I English teachers would hit most of the sent a paper around the room asking lists. ^hem to list them. One reason is that while we may quit The experience taught me a lesson as teaching in the classroom, we never quit a future mother: One of the first words I noticing and even correcting errors in our would drill my children to spell^^ was spoken and written language. It is a "Catholic. ’ Another was "Christian,” and compulsion with us and no matter how a third, "Jesus.” Invariably, I found that desperately we try to ignore it, we simply in each class I had a couple o f Catlicks, can’t remain comfortable with an error one Cadillac, and several Cathlics. staring at us. Misspelling their religion was not pe­ culiar to our Roman children, however. For example, I let my driver’s license Here are some others who hopefully gave expire recently (that is another column) their religion more attention than the and as I wrote the test, I came upon a multiple choice which read, "following spelling: 7th Day Advantages too close.” I went on to the next couple of que.stions but my eye kept straying back St. Marx Lutheran to that close. I was sorely tempted to Perspiration add ly to it and circle it, as years of cor­ Habtest recting papers had taught me: but 1 was Forth Ave. Syngod afraid my driving examiner might turn Once the unit got undpr way and the out to be one of my ex-students, so I left students began writing freely, I dis­ it. But it still bothers me. I would dash a covered that all their religious terminolo­ letter off to the state motor vehicle de­ gy was written as if they had never seen partment about it but I'm afraid it would it in print. Words like Hindoo, Jesses, land on their bulletin board with, "Fel-i profets, and Boodists cropped up so fre­ lows, would you believe this?” quently. I began getting red pencil Another time, I was eating in a res­ shakes. t Viewpoint taurant directly across from a sign ‘which I agonized over the errors for a week read, "A basket of our chicken feed’s five or so until one day it came to me that hungry people.” our children had really had little opppr- "Feed’s?” 1 expostulated to my hus­ tunity to write about religion before this. Forecast: A Long, Hot Summer band. expecting him to be as horrified as They learned about it in CCD but very By Rev. L. Marvin Read I was. "Th^t means feed is.” rarely wrote the actual words pertainirtg But he was a social studies major and to our worship. January’s closing days put the Ameri­ Negro leadership — as that of Roy Wil­ "life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.” a all he said was, "Oh.” Every year thereafter. I began my can nation squarely in the middle — kins and Martin Luther King — will con­ black America wallow.s in ghetto prison.s. From tying on bibs to washing sticky high school CCD class with a spelling right in between the "long, hot summer” tinue to lx* ineffective as long as the fingers, I couldn’t keep my eyes off that lesson on words like liturgy, gospel, sac­ of 1967 and the anticipated "long, hot Negro knows that his protests are not WE’RE HALF a year away from sign. Finally I said, "I’m going to men­ rament, and priest. The kids groaned and summer” o f 1968. being heard and that his just grievances summer’s height: the tragedy or progress tion it to the cashier when we leave.” whispered to each other, "What else The lessons and memories of last are not being redressed. "Black power,” to come will depend on the shallowness The look on my husband’s face stopped would you expect from an English teach­ summer ought to be preparing us for said Senator Edward Brooke of Massachu­ or depth of this winter’s thought, realiza­ me. I didn’t expect him or any other non- er?” what is to come, surely, before another setts, "is a response to white irresponsi­ tion and plan. grammarian to understand my feelings, I they were right, but I hated half-year is finished. It is too easy for a bility.” The less productive and determined but, to an English teacher, leaving that to see those kids graduate and write nation, however, and for the individuals The Negro .solon is right: generations this winter’s thought, the more tragic prominent error was as unthinkable as "Cadillac” on their college application that comprise that nation, to enter into a of quiet and peaceable N.A.A.C.P. and next summer’s events are going to be. paying off the national debt was to him. blanks. thoughtless hibernation period once sum­ Urban League reasoning got the black mer is over. community too little: the goodwill and W e can remember, of course, the fact reason of these and similar organizations o f last seas

(The following article for Humane Abortion, to sample of people whether is the first of five on the fringe groups like one they favored abortion for a current status of the called Legalized Abortion woman who is "married abortion controversy in which operates from a Los and does not want any' the United States. The Angeles post office box more children.” The find- author is director of edi­ number. ings showed 15 per cent in torial services for the Statistics play an impor­ favor, 83 per cent opposed, National Catholic Educa­ tant role in all the litera­ and 2 per cent uncertain. tional association and ture advocating easier This means, according to author of a book on abortion. One frequently ^ io lo g is t Alice Rossi, that abortion to be published cited figure is the total of any suggestion of abortion in April.) one million (sometimes 1.5 as a last-resort means of million) illegal abortions birth control is firmly re- Hat for NCCW Official By Russell Shaw performed every year in jected by the majority of (NC News Service) the United States. With so American adults in the Mrs. James Cudmore, left, chairman, and Mrs. During 1968 legislation many American women NORC sample.” John Dopier of the Public Relations staff present to make it easier to get an resorting to illegal abor­ Abortion on demand, Cynthia Fowle, center, a recent visitor from the abortion will be intr^uced tions, so the argument however, is what the most National Council of Catholic Women office, with a in at least 20 states. These goes, it is evident that res­ active proponents of "re­ traditional Western hat to take back to Washing­ bills — and their fate — trictive laws no longer fit form” are seeking. Some ton. She was given a tour of the Hilton Hotel will mark a significant the American social scene feel that enactment of the and the laws must be which will be the main scene for the NCCW con­ chapter in a profound legal ALI proposal can by itself changed. vention in D en ver Oct. 14-18. and ethical revolution in bring about this result, ‘Camelot’ To Help School this country. In reality, however, no­ provided the new laws are In 1968 revised abortion body really knows how then interpreted in the Sister Ann Lucille, librarian at St. Mary’s Academy, explains to sopho­ laws were enacted in three many abortions there are most liberal sense possible. mores Lois Dengler, left, and Laurie Garrity the Rocky Mountain Premiere Denver Man Aids states: Colorado, California each year in the United Others see passage of of "Cameiot” on Feb. 14 at the Aladdin theatre will benefit the audio-vis­ and North Carolina. And States, although the num­ moderate” reform legisla­ ual resources development of St. Mary’s library. Shown in the background controversies over such ber is almost certainly tion as a useful tactical is some of the equipment needed to allow a student to learn more effec­ Georgia Fight proposals erupted in a nothing like a million. The device to condition legisla­ tively and, often, at her ow’n rate of speed. Parents, alumnae and friends score or more of other figure of a million (or a tures and the public to of St. Mary’s received invitations last week inviting them to the benefit states. million and a half) is accept the idea of abortion. performance of "Camelot.” Reservations can be made by telephoning: 333- Against Abortion Discussion and debate based on a study, now The debate in the 4105, 733-2529, 781-2152, or 789-2357. over abortion has been nearly 35 years old, which months ahead will be pro­ Atlanta — An Episcopal protect against malpractice part of the American scene itself proceeded by guess­ longed and heated. Pre­ Call... priest from San Francisco, suits and could not stand for something over a dec­ work and unreliable statis­ sently, however, there is a Presbyterian layman up under a court test. ade, although for most of tics. Using other studies not much evidence that the Abortion Studied PETITE and other figures, it is ultimate objective of the from Denver, and a Catho­ ’’The fetus has legal this time only professionals Albany, N.Y. — New John Grant Harrison, for­ possible to arrive at totals pro-abortion forces — abor­ FLOWERS lic physician from Toledo rights in Georgia at the — physicians, lawyers, York Gov. Nelson Rockefel­ mer president, Catholic of anywhere from 10,000 to tion on demand — will 2S5-6I0I told members of the Geor­ present time. The present psychiatrists, sociologists, ler has named a 10-mem­ Physicians guild of New 600,000. either be recognized or dis­ IS09 H U M B O L D T ST. gia Senate Judiciary com­ bill has no provisions for clergymen — have been ber committee to study the York state. mittee it would be a mis­ review of decisions to per­ paying much attention. cussed. EVEN MORE conclu­ possibility of making take to relax the state’s form abortions or no way In the last three years, changes in the state’s 85- abortion laws. to appeal a decision,” he however, the issue has sively exploded has been the claim that illegal abor­ year-old abortion law. In a three-hour public said. been placed squarely before First Sister He told the members to hearing members of the DR. JOHN Hillebrand, the public through a mas­ tions result in 10,000 ma­ ternal deaths in this coun­ report back "in time for committee heard testimony the Toledo physician, said sive publicity effort. Abor­ Sits With Unit action by the current ses­ tion has been the subject try each year. The actual on House Bill 281 which the burden of proof on sion of the Legislature.” of books, television and number of deaths from all eases sections of the laws whether a fetus is a hu­ For Hospitals The governor announced radio programs, and count­ abortions, legal and illegal, governing abortion. An man being rests with the formation of the group a ^ 5i«tcr K MfttU/.LtM. is -- as even advocates of Houston, Tex. - The unofficial count showed 21 proponents o f the bill. less articles in mass circu­ week after he told a press 93S0SO So-CAlirorni'a, Ave. persons opposed the bill "If proponents of tjie bill lation magazines and easier abortion admit — first nun to serve on the conference that he person­ ■ ■ EYcrjrcen TX. P-E^-l,I[iinoiS and 12 favored it. can prove the fetus is not newspapers. more like 500. 28-year-old Conference of Although legislation ally favored changing the Following the hearing, human, then I would back Bishops’ Representatives present law, which forbids FOR ALL the publicity, based on the American Senator Robert Smalley of both of these bills,” he for Health and Hospitals abortions except to save a however, it is by no means Law institute proposals is Griffin said it would be commented. The second bill attended the mid-winter woman’s life. clear to many Americans the center of the current annual meeting here. several days before a deci­ which was discussed has In his announcement. what the abortion law "re­ controversy, the most en­ Buying A N ew Car? sion was made on the bill. several amendments to She is Sister M. Geral­ Rockefeller told the com­ Father Charles Carroll, House Bill 281. formers” really want. What thusiastic proponents of dine o f the Sisters of Char­ is the substance of legisla­ abortion concede that they mission to study two an Episcopal priest who is Dr. Newton, professor of ity, administrator of Je­ things: The conditions chaplain at the University obstetrics and g3rnecology tion being pushed through­ have no intention of drop­ anette (Pa.) District Memo­ Car Loan Rates Low As 4 ^ 2 % out the country? Beyond ping the matter even if under which abortions of California’s San Francis­ at Emory university, sup­ rial hospital. As represen­ should be granted, and the co Medical center, said he porting the bill, said, based that, what is the ultimate such laws are enacted. tative from the Greens- A Their ultimate aim is le­ method for verifying "the opposed the bill. on figures of 80,000 deli­ objective of the "reform” burg. Pa., diocese, she was movement? galized abortion on de­ existence of such condi­ *'THE STATE should veries |n Georgia, he antic­ one of seven new represen­ Until the enactment of mand. tions.” protect those who can’t ipated that there would be tatives among the 61 who The commission includes the first revised abortion For one thing, it is wide­ attended the session. protect themselves,” he about 256 abortions each ly agreed, the ALI statute Robert M. Byrn, associate year. laws in 1967, almost all M on sign or Edward J. said. Outlining the moral will cover only a relative professor of criminal law Michael Humphries, an state laws on the subject Michelin of the Natchez- imperatives of the medical handful of the abortions at Fordham university; th* fount .. ^ >*tlf‘*«-'rount'MnKU educational psychologist permitted abortion in only Jackson, Miss., diocese, profession’s Oath of Hippo­ now performed illegally. Phyllis McGinley, Pulitzer and board member of one circumstance: where it was elected chariman of crates, he asked: "Where is Dr. Alfred Kinsey and oth­ prize-winning poet and ' Planned Parenthood, com­ was necessary to save the the conference and Monsi­ the ethic of American med­ ers have reported that the writer; Monsignor William ) < mented: life o f the mother. Admit­ gnor Peter J. Hill of the icine?” vast majority — 80 per F. M cM anus, director. S outhw e^^^^ "The bills are conserva­ tedly, the laws were often Santa Fe, N.M., arch­ John Archibold of Den­ cent to 90 per cent — of Family Life bureau, New tive and have the impecca­ stretched to cover cases diocese was elected to the ver, the Presbyterian, said where there was no gen­ American women who seek York archdiocese; and Dr. ble backing of the Ameri­ executive committee. nSO so. FEDERAL BLVD. AT ARKANSAS/DENVER. COLO. 80213 the Georgia bill does not uine threat to life. Still, abortions are married and can Medical association the laws as written tolerat­ carrying their husbands’ and the American Bar as­ ed abortion only in true children. For them abor­ First Saturday Club sociation.” He added that Crest Showing life-or-death cases. tion is simply a "fail safe” he was not speaking for W ill Meet Feb. 3 Perhaps the most signifi­ birth control technique. Planned Parenthood, but 'Misty' Film COMMERCIAL AUTO cant development to date The ALI code makes no as a private citizen. Our Lady of Fatima was an action in 1959 by provision for abortion on Misty, a color film based Sister Mary Vernard, First Saturday club will RESIDENTIAL LIABILITY the influential American such groups as these. on the award winning ju ­ director of Our Lady’s Day meet at Holy Ghost Law institute. In that year For another thing, the venile novel Misty of School for Exceptional church, 19th and Califor­ ANY CAR the ALI, in its model penal most zealous abortion pro­ Chincoteague, by Mar­ Children, said: "I come nia streets, at 12:10 p.m. code, proposed a radically ponents approach the issue Feb. 3 for Mass and holy guerite Henry, will be 10/20/5 here to defend the children new legislative stance on in a crusading spirit. For hour. shown at the Crest thea­ that I have taught for 13 'Clas>:lA- abortion. them the unlimited right Following the services, a ter. 22nd and Kearney years. They want to live Married, The ALI sections on to abortion is, as one writ­ luncheon will be held at streets, at 10:30 a.m. Feb. and the bill does not men­ I f you qualify^ abortion declared that a er has put it, "the one just the Denver Tea room at 1: 3. tion the inherent right to licensed physician is "justi­ and inevitable answer to 30 p.m. Reservations for Doors open at 10. Tickets life.” NO POLICY FEE fied” in terminating a the quest for feminine free­ the luncheon may be made are 50 cents each. Proceeds pregnancy in the following dom.” by calling Mina Heiser at are donated by the Crest RESERVATIONS cases: In some contexts, abor­ 623-2067. to the Park Hill Action ANYWHERE (1) If he believes there is tion on demand is present­ committee for community "substantial risk” that con­ ed as a civil liberty. In Protestants Seeking betterment. ‘‘You’re SURE with Assurors” AT NO E X T R A COS1 tinuance of the pregnancy others, it takes on reli­ Ties W ith Catholics The movie about a wild GAVE LINDQUIST Owner would "gravely impair the gious overtones, as when foal reared by two or­ ALSO LOW RATES 19 Years On The Job E»perience CALL FOR O n Three Cnnftrteni& physical or mental health one writer declares that Coimbatore, India — phaned children was rated F O R t e e n a (; e r s 711 i7thStreei 22rd F I. New W estern Fed. of the mother;” freedom of abortion embod­ Closer cooperation between an outstanding film by the FREE 1 Lowell Boulevard MULLENNIX'S Savings Bldq (2) If the child is likely ies "the supreme morality its parishes and the Catho­ Film Estimate Board of ESTIMATES Phone 433-6571 to be born with a "grave of our time.” National Organizations. Save-M ore lic Church has been recom­ physical or mental defect;” mended by the Protestant Insurance Agency (3) If the pregnancy re­ DO M OST Americans Church o f South India. 723-574B - iS W. Alameda Tel. 825 71 /5 1 Hour Free Parkmq La Shells sulted from rap>e or incest. Parishes were called on Denver, C olorado 80223 favor abortion on demand? ______1725 C alilornta The ALI code or some The evidence is that they to explore the possibilities You Will receive A CHECK EVERY MONTH variation on it has provid­ do not. A December, 1965, o f organizing seminars. ed the basis for the revised study by the National Bible studies, and joint A s s u m p t io n college abortion proposals now Opinion Research Center worship in collaboration as long as you live being advocated throughout asked a representative with the . the country. ^ ^ ^ Kident Body—a Cosmopolitan Group--Now CO-ED SUPPORT FOR abor­ on your investment through our tion "reform” comes from a moll Closses w ith an Excellent Student-Teacher Ratio number of groups organ­ MISSION CONTRACT ized specifically for this purpose. These range from (A GIFT ANNUITY) i niversities and Colleges Readily Accept AC Credits the Association for Study A RETREAT of Abortion, headquartered YOU WILL RECEIVE High returns depending on age in New York and including ...when and w lcre you come j onay it no Problem with our Financial Aid Programs a number of prominent oside and rest aw hile. Substantial Tax Benefits persons on its board, Spiritual Remembrances B through San Francisco’s Retreat begins at 8:00 P .M . F R ID A Y ^^"prolessional Programs in a Variety of Figlds more flamboyant Society You will help needy seminarians to the priesthood Closes at 6:00 P .M . S U N D A Y wo-year. Liberal Arts Curriculum Leading to an A-A. Degree Send me information on your Lite Income Mission Contract Amount: $_ q HOLY GROSS BROTHERS Titclmi • F«»,|n Mouan • S«(i«l Wart SACRED HEART RETREAT HOUSE Offwt Wart • TtUmcal Tradat . A ge- I ndividual Counseling for Every Member of the Student Body l»tl HM«I I'MMlMt (UMf ALIVE WiTtl a m Sedalia, Colorado—26 Miles South Hwy #85 FOR FURTHER O Address^ tmnd vocofien litmraturw la ma: * ^ ^ ^ ne-hundred Courses Offered in 25 Subject Areo^ DETAILS TO O City____ -S tate . - Zip C o d e .

PHONE 688-4198 low IS THE TIME TO WRITE FOR INFORMATION . . . N O W ! REV. FATHER RALPH S.V.D. CATHOLIC UNIVERSITIES OFfice of Admissions This is your house, enjoy I,. 316 N. MICHIGAN / CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60601 Assumption College ^ Richardton, N. Dak. .^86.5? Page Eight THE REGISTER, DENVER ARCHDIOCESAN EDITION Thursday, January 25, 1968 Guest Conductor Farberman Praised Mile High Entertainment

make a moral statement By Tom Officer Last week the National For Beethoven, Bar.Tofc Selections about hypocrisy in society Three specials headline Educational Television fails because of its con­ ful combination of opera the orchestra. For the rest, the television screen in the production of The Succes­ B y Fr. E dw ard L. Monday evenng’s con<^rt, and forceful performance of trived and melodramatic story line and purely struc­ everything was done and next week — all historical so r (on KRMA, Channel 6, M aginnis. S.J. however, leaves me ab^- a work which demands 1 treatment and also because tural dramatic line was and ranging from a mod­ Denver) had an interesting Harold Farberman, who lutely impenitent about^tne these qualities above all done superbly. One of my its excessive and pointless ern history of England to idea — the College of Car­ was one of four guest con- evaluation *I made . of- him readily "visible” in this else. colleagues remarked on the sadism ran only sicken the tackling of this difficult Martin Luther to the Eliz­ dinals meeting in conclave ductors to occupy the Den­ last year, namely, that he performance which paid normal viewer/’ work, which involves a abeth I era of England. to elect a new Pope. How­ ver Symphony Otchestra is a skilled, intelligent, faithful homage to both AFTER intermission we This writer wonders why musical exigency and rea­ very high level of technical First ofT. there is Crown ever, the production, a podium last season, has sensitive, and dedicated were treated to a perform­ such films are produced — and musical virtuosity .if it and Crisis on KHTV, British one, became more returned for an extended musician, who evokes from sonable convention in the ance of Bela Bartok’s and why prer.sons should is to come o ff at all, let Channel 9, Denver, at 9 o f a political convention- guest appearance this year. our orchestra music of a matters of dynamics, Concerto for Orchestra. waste their time seeing alone well, that, beyond p.m. tonight (Jan. 25). The type election than a reli­ Besides conducting three of quality that any ensemble rhythm, tempo, and orches­ In anticipation of this them. program covers the crises gious one. the regular subscription in the United States tral texture. Above all, the twentieth century copiposer his anticipation, the Bar­ True, the views of the concerts, he is scheduled to should be proud to pro­ sound remained transpar­ the audience had thinned tok was not merely there. of the British Empire over OPERA; Berislav Klobu- a 65-year period from conservative and the liber­ conduct a special concert of duce, music which may or ent at all times, and considerably. At the end of but* there exactly as it al were adequately and car will make his Metro­ Giuseppe Verdi’s Requiem may not be but certainly showed forth values in the playing of Bartok the should be/ To hear such a Queen Victoria to Queen politan Opera broadcast Elizabeth II. Between the straightforwardly present­ on Feb. 6, and has already sounds far over the heads orchestration which are all reaction of those who performance in Denver debut as a conductor with of the queens are ed: but the ending was appteared with the orches­ of our orchestra, even in too often routinely ignored stayed was warm and gen­ shows how far we have telegraphed too far in adv­ Wagner’s Der Fliegende tra and a task force of its vastly improved status — I suspect, undreamt o f erous. but distressingly come. To have it adequate­ those of the kings: Edward Hollander (The Flying ance. highly rated soloists in a under the leadership of - in the playing of this lacking in the enthusiasm ly appreciated shows how VII, George V. Edward Dutchman) on KOAradio, VIII, and George VI. Despite the Haws, the concert version of that Vladimir Golschmann. music. which should have been far we have yet to go. production was well acted AM and FM, at noon Jan. composer’s famed opera La N ex t is a 9 0-m in u te Philippe Entremont then forthcoming for so superb a with special honors going 27. Baritone Cornell Traviata. 1 missed the THE PROGRAM adaptation o f John Osborne’s joined the orchestra for a performance of such a con­ to Rup>ert Davies as the MacNeil will sing the title Traviata performance, Luther, a play that began opened with Ludwig van go-around with the Piano sequential if unfamiliar Cardinal of Bologna role; Giorgio Tozzi, which received splendid Beethoven’s Leonore in London in 1961 and Concerto in D minor of work. My own judgment is sketched after the late "Daland": and soprano notices elsewhere. To have Overture Number Three. reached New York in 1963, Johannes Brahms. Inas­ that the orchestra certainly Cardinal Roncalli who be­ Leonie Rysanke, "Senta.” missed the first of Mr. Never, in my hearing, has sweeping honors in both much as I am deeply at­ never played better in my‘ cities. It will be shown on c a m e a P o p e — J o h n Farberman’s three sub­ the Denver Symphony or­ hearing. It perhaps eq­ Puccini’s La Rondinc tached to this music, it is KHTV and KRDO-TV. XXIII): Peter Copley as scription appearances chestra played more intelli­ ualled its achievement will be broadcast on very difficult to be patient Channel 13. Colorado Cardinal Ricci; Alan which took place this week gent or musicianly Bee­ KFML-FM at noon Feh. 1. with most performances of here when it did Berlioz’ Springs, at 7:30 p.m. Jan. Whetley as the Cardinal of would. I judge, have been thoven. While it lacked the it. It demands tremendous Symphonie Fantastique West 38th Ave. & 29. Two Britishers head Palermo: Jonathan Burns as a tragedy indeed. whiplash athleticism of a under Mr. Golschmann’s J u lia n St. Soprano Anna Moffo and technical resources on the the cast: Robert Shaw as h'ather Bianchi; and Felix This review will probably Toscanini performance and inspired leadership a cou­ Aylmer as the Cardinal of tenor Carlo Bergonzi will part of the soloist together Luther and Ro}>ert Morley not endear me to those the gemutlich warmth of a ple of seasons ago. But the Phone; 455-9903 'foledo, whose death a/Tects have the lead roles in Don­ with a sympathy with the as Pope Leo X. who took decided exception Bruno Walter playing, it fact seems to be, sad to Ample Free Parking the selection of the new izetti’s L ucia de Lammer- Brahms idiom and a readi­ Finally, Dame Judith to my enthusiastic rating stood very reasonably in m oor, to he presented on ness to submerge perform­ report, that a truly ex­ Anderson has the title role of Mr. Farberman’s per­ that company. The rare traordinary musical experi­ "Serving the finest KDEN, AM and FM, at 7 ance and personality in the in Maxwell Anderson’s form a n ce ^ _ o f_ ^ a s t_ ^ e a r ^ success of Beethoven’s art- Chinese, Cantonese, p.m. Feb. 1. making of what has often ence was not adequately Eli/aheth the Queen and appreciated in the Audito­ and American food Charlton Heston will play x o t I O U m enough been referred to as and cocktails.” AUDITIONS: The dead­ a symphony for orchestra rium Theatre on Monday "Essex,” her admirer and evening. line for singers to enter with piano obligato. Mr. political rival in an adap­ MOVIES; Another "C" the 1968 R egional San Entremont certainly has Mr. Farberman’s ap­ tation of the play on KOA- (Condemned) rated film Franci.sco Op>era Auditions the technical capacity to do proach to the Bartok in­ TV. Channel 4. Denver, has opened at two Denver is Feb. 1. Applications for this music and he exhibit­ volved some unorthodoxies and KOAA-TV, Channel 5, theaters. It is 'Fhe Pent­ the auditions, to be held ed absolutely no reluctance in the matter of tempo. Colorado Springs, at 6:30 house, which drew the fol­ March 16 and 17 at Tem­ in applying it to the mat­ The second movement, p.m. flan. 31. So there lowing observation in the ple Buell college, Denver, ter at hand on Monday "Giuoco delle Coppie,” and should be three entertain­ National Catholic Office may be obtained by writ­ evening. His part in the the fourth, "Intermezzo ing and informative pro- for Motion Pictures in its ing Mrs. Charles G. Millet, proceedings contained an interrotto,” were played BANQUETS grams /br theater and his­ condemnation: 770 Jersey street. Denver, impressive validity, but it rather briskly, to say the tory bull's. "T h is /Urn's attempt to Colo. 80220, or by tele­ BOWLING • CLUBS impressed me as pianistic least. But the musical phoning her at 388-3264. WEDDINGS • PRIVATE rather than idiomatic. I judgment thus exhibited The auditions, sponsored suspect the short time he was totally valid and quite DINING ROOMS Trident Scores Twice by the Assistance League had to rehearse with Mr. provocative, and the re­ of Denver, are open to Farberman and the orches­ sults were well within the women, ages 20-32, and Accommodations With Divergent Plays tra resulted in far more of competence which Mr. men, ages 22-34. to 250 compromise than of collab­ Farberman inspirited into By Tom Officer bound together for most of oration on the meaning of The Trident theater, the one-act work. Clov is Dr. Walter Charles, music Brahms’ music. Be that as Denver, has come up with both devoted and berated director-conductor of the it may, my sympathies a pair of theatrical aces — and in the end silently Colorado Philharmonic and a stage queen to go leaves the dying Hamm. orchestra, will hold audi­ were with Mr. Farberman rather than with the so­ THE VERDI REQUIEM with them for its repertory Two fellow Trident per­ tions in February for Colo­ sea.son that is currently formers appear with Miss rado musicians — ages 18 loist where differences tended to make themselves Conducted by playing at the S. Gaylord Rolland in l>olh play.s: Ste­ to 26 — for this summer’s HAROLD FARBERMAN street theater through the phen de Fluiter and Mi­ concerts by the orchestra. felt. None of the above end of February. chael Boyle. De Fluiter ha.s Heights Presents ‘Tartuffe’ should be taken as suppor­ TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 6 Players may arrange for 8:30 P.M. The aces are productions the lead role in Harvey, auditions by writing him The villian Tartuffe, played by Dave Williams, tive to a judgment that the finds his bigoted words and oily charms lost on AUDITORIUM THEATRE of a modern comedy clas­ the eccentric "Elwood P. at the Colorado Philhar­ work was unsatisfactory Dorine, the maid in his patron’s home, in a scene sic. Mary Chase’s Harvey, Dowd,” who chats with his monic, Box 975, Evergreen, over-all. It was a vigorous STARRING: and an avant garde work pooka pal. and a support­ Colo. 80439. from Moliere’s classic comedy, "Tartuffe,” being LORNA HAYWOOD that is gaining classical ing role, "Nagg,” the fa­ presented at 8:30 p.m. February 1-3 by the drama CORINNE CURRY department of Loretto Heights college at the GEORGE SHIRLEY p i‘O fK )rtions. Samuel Beck­ ther of Hamm, in End­ LECTURE-RECITALS: LUNCH? school’s Center of Pjerforming Arts. ___ ARA BERBERIAN ett's Endgam e. The stage game. Dr. Walter Charles will from 85c up TICKETS: queen is Jane RoUand, Boyle has one of the give the first of three mu­ tS.SO. S4.$0, S3.SQ, S2.5Q. S3 ArcKbishop Explodes 'M yth' M A Y -O A F BO X O F F IC E who appears in l)oth plays. key secondary roles. "Dr. sic appreciation lecture-re­ Hummel's <2S-M44 V* V The Chase comedy is a Chumlcy,” the chief citals at the Hiwan County San Antonio, Tex. — "But.” he added, "certain D e lic .)l»‘ss»‘ii .ind lirenk in pace for the Tri­ chiatrist, in Harvey; and Club, Evergreen, on the Archbishop Robert E. Lu- nice people in our Church Sideuv.ilk Cafe denver symphony orchestra dent from its usual avant the lead role in Endgame. evening of Jan. 26. The cey of San Antonio told a today are shocked that Cherry Creek 322 4144 garde, black comedy-dra­ Recovering from a bout other lecture-recitals will meeting of Catholic. Prot­ Christ in the person of a mas. E ndgam e is an en­ with pneumonia, Boyle is be held on Feb. 23 and estant and Orthodox lead­ clergyman should associate core, having been per­ alternating with K. Dorsey April 19. ens here that it i.s a "tired with the little people, the formed two years ago by Barnum in the Harvey old myth that clergymen exploited, the poverty- the same four cast mom- role. RADIO: Music from Bach belong in the sanctuary stricken. the diseased” hers. Both are worth atten­ This v iew er missed to the Jefferson Airplane and in the synagogue and tion from theater fans. I)ut .seeing Boyle in the Chase, portray "The Adventures of not in the slums, the Open II e.m. to p.m. Daily the Beckett is strictly for but was well plea.sed with the Black Tryne,” a mythi­ hovels of the poor, the hall 16-ut. T-Honrn U.S.D.A. Choirp ...... t2.2S ••• th e clo sest adult.s while the family the performance by Bar­ cal character who has new of a labor union, nor in U.S. Choice Sirloin ...... 1.4S can take in the Chase, num. In the Beckett. Boyle experiences each week. the fields where human U.8. Choice Filrl Mig ...... I.M P o rte r H o u iir S t r a k ...... 3.2S Rolland is easily was excellent — giving a Don Case narrates the beings, made to the image Center Cut Chop* ...... 1.10 S Sp. Chicken ...... 1.10 the standout performer for touch of a tragic Greek adventure.s on KDEN, AM and likeness of God, labor Humhurgor Steak ...... 1.00 the repertory sea.son. She hero awaiting his death or and FM. at 10:10 p.m. under the burning sun for All Chil«Tren P ortion* ...... 7S S t.arge .Shrimp ...... 1.20 t h i n g t o shows her fine comedy tal­ Wotan sitting in Valhalla each Sunday. starvation wages.” Halibut Steak ...... >.00 All Dinners Served with Presh ents in Harvey, playing awaiting his own Die Got- "That aged and tottering Crisp Salad and a ctwice ol Dress­ "Vet a Louise Simmons.” ing. Fr. Fr. Potatoes or Baked terdammerung. Happy Jazz Band myth.” Archbishop Lucey with sour Cream or Bulter. the sister of the hero. At Several supporting play­ declared, "has been explod­ We Serve Only the TOP QUALITY To P re sen t C o n c e rt MEATS. U.S. Choice or Prime her wit's end in [>utting up ers deserve special mention ed and condemned by min­ with her eccentiic frere COLUMBINE STEAK HOUSE h o m e ! for their roles Jo An Se­ Jim Cullums’ Happy Jazz isters and priests many and his pal. lhe■6-8■'^’’ gal, the only other per­ band will give a concert in times in recent years. white rahhit. she has two former in Endgame, as Phipps Auditorium at 8 sxsssssssssss 534-791 8 excellent scones when she ‘'Nt*ll.'' the protagonist’s p.m. Jan. 28. tangles with p.sychintrists mother; and Kay Cable as at an n.sylum. The -first is "Myrtle Mac Simmons,” The Lotus Room when she confides to a the niece o f Dowd, a man- psychiatrist that she has Twin (Management ol Esther and Frank Fongl hungry. spinsterhood-bound NinOi .\\rn u f jti S|n*i*r Itlvd. actually seen the pooka; young woman, and Hern­ Lobster (OMIM.F.I K OHIKMAI. STAFF the second is when she don Ely as "Mrs. Chau- FINEST CHINESE AND comes home, clothes all venet,” an elderly, over­ Tail AMERICAN FOODS messed up and hair down, rouged dowager, in Har­ A Beau'i'ul Lantern Lighted Ommg Room in 1h< convinced she has escaped vey. veterans ol Foreign wars Home a fate worse than death at John S Stewart Post No. 1 Harvey will l>e per­ $2.85 Open to the Public the asylum, where she had n a.m. 10 »:J0 p m -Sat n a m. lo 11 p m. formed on Tuesdays. been detained hy mistake. Sunday i l a m lo « p m. Wednesdays. Saturdays, I Closed Tuesdays) A completely dilTerenl MAR-LEE and Sundays: Endgame RESTAURANT-LOUNGE character is performed in will be performed on Endgame, with Rol­ 435S W. KloridH Thursdays and Fridays. Phone »35-6440 .SIKXM \ \ itiiil IT .\I.I.\> MMMt land playing "Clov,” an asexual .servant to "Hamm.” the hero. There is a strange bond of com­ passion that keeps the two MEXICAN RESTAURANTS FAMILY DINING 3 Locations HUM 9655 Montview Blvd^ A u r o r a 1 0 4 8 S. F e d e ra l Mississippi 1744 E. Evai W illia m s

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LAFFITE 2 0 7 6 141k at liri« (r • rnc Paikiai • 227-Sin Canino’s so. U nivorsity B iy d East Colfax at Pennsylvania Thursday, January 25, 1968 THE REGISTER, DENVER ARCHDIOCESAN EDITION Pa-n Nine L ooking at Sports Jays Meet Bulldogs By Bill Slevin crowds will increase. It’s a floor. This was definitely a In case you hadn’t no­ pretty good way to ^pend Hubpar performance for ticed, Denver has a win­ an evening. Alcindor. In League ning professional sports Which brings up the sec­ team. The Rockets, by ond question. Why did the The leadership of the name. And if xhey keep up THE BIG cage game of Bruins, when it was ob­ Lamar Miller led St. Jo­ Cathedral game, the Blue their pace of the past few vious Alcindor was having Denver Parochial league seph’s with 17. followed by Jays held a commanding •I the season is over, but will be at .stake Friday weeks they just might find people are still talking an off night and in the Jerry Williams with 13 28-14 lead at halftime hut night when Cathedral and themselves involved in a about it. And the questions face of the stiff Houston and Mendoza with 11. after each team scored 16 St. Joseph’s meet at St. championship game. being asked may not be defense thrown up around Ron Keiter with 16 points in the third period Joseph’s gym. The Rockets, as we hope answered until the NCAA him, repeatedly try to get points and Brian Troilo the Buffs outscored the most Denverites know, are semifinals in March. the ball into him? with 14 led Holy Family to Blue Jays, 24-12, in the members of the brand new Early in the game Lu- THE BULLDOGS and its second win of the sea­ fourth quarter to almost American Basketball Asso­ Last Saturday night’s cious Allen and Lynn Blue Jays take identical 5- son Sunday. Annunciation pull the game out of the ciation. extravaganza in the Hous­ Shackelford of the Bruins 0 league records into the had four players in double fire. ton Astrodome between were hitting well on shots crucial game. figures, with Harry Franks FOLLOW ING Sun­ UCLA and Houston was a from 15 to 20 feet out. But Machebeuf was the victim leading with 14 points. ST. JO S E P H ’S had an day’s win over Anaheim, good one, although we as the game progressed the of the two leaders last Mike Seeley of St. Fran­ easy time with St. P'rancis, their seventh straight, the thought at times the play UCLA plan seemed to be weekend, losing to Cathe­ cis regLstered 28 points to breaking the game open Rockets found themselves was somewhat ragged for to get the ball into Al­ dral, 56-54, Friday night take scoring honors in the with a 21-9 edge in the only Iki out of first place the top two college teams cindor. and to St. Joseph’s, 58-53, St. Francis-Mt. Carmel first quarter. in the ABA’s Western divi­ in the nation. Perhaps the Meanwhile, Hayes was Sunday in two tight game. Tom Woytek hit for STANDINGS sion. Only one percentage crowd of more than 52.000 putting on a one-man show games. 21 and Jerry Mangone for W Pci. point separated them from had .something to do with (although the other Hous­ In other games Sunday, 20 in a losing cause. 1, PU. Opp. St. Francis handed Mt. ('at)3L*dral a (I 1.000 :i64 276 second place, held by the this, plus the strangeness ton players were getting In Friday’s Machebeuf- .St. .hwph’ns 0 1,000 :i59 Dallas Chaparrals. Coach of playing in a place like the job done), with the Carmel its fifth straight .St. Franci.s ;j 2 .600 :j.57 Bob Bass’ team sported a the Astrodome. result UCLA saw its 47-, 80-72, and Annuncia­ Machebt*ul .'{ .400 Z8:i 266 28-18 record going into game winning streak bro­ tion went down to defeat Blue A rm y H. Family -j :i .400 •.'.'54 •J8H at the hands of Holy Fami­ ,\ n n u n. i 5 .000 •J65* .l.'vl Wednesday night’s game At any rate, it wa.s a nip ken. •Ml. Carmel 0 5 ,000 •J6y 354 with Kentucky. Dallas had and tuck alTair. iiighlight- The return match in the ly, 63-58. Cathedral wa.s TH IS W EEK ’S a 25-16 mark, the two ed by the brilliant (about NCAA playoffs, barring an idle Sunday. Unit Set SCHEDULE fewer losses enabling it to the only way to describe upset, should be interest­ In Friday games St. Jo­ F'riday (8 p.m.) hold on to second place. it) play of Elvin "Big E” ing. seph’s defeated St. Francis, For Report New Orleans leads the Hayes of the Cougars. 83-56, and Annunciation Si .|«f*«ph’s vrt. CathcdrHl at >st. won out over Mt. Carmel, Jo.M!|lh'8 Western division. Colorado Springs — A Dialogue 62-53. Holy Family was Holy Fam ily va. Si. Francis aL The new league is feel­ The major questions slide and lecture talk will Holy Family not scheduled. ing its way in its inaugu­ posed after the game con­ be helrf Jan, 28 on the Machobc*uf vs. Ml, ('armcl al .Si. ral season and some clubs Two free throws hy John worldwide Fatima Crusade Franci- cerned the play of UCLA’s Scheduled S u n day (2:30 p.m.) are having trouble at the phenom, Lew Alcindor. and Mendoza with 12 .seconds tour undertaken by 107 gate. To date, Denver has left gave St. Joseph’s its St. Fr.tncis vs. Annunu.itiiiii at the Bruins’ tactics. Blue Army Crusaders to •Si. Francis win over Machebeul’ Sun­ done fairly well attend­ In Flem ing visit 20 foreign nations in .Mt. ('arm H vs. ('.itlii-dral at Si. day. ance-wise when compared A LCIN D O R had missed a 32-day pilgrimage last •loM-ph's Fleming — One of the Hol_\ Fam ily v.s. .M.icbcluaif a l with the rest of the league, two games and had prac­ October. 1967. The special ingredients of true dia­ Peters Connects TOP SCORER was Hc)l> Fainil>. hut there is always room ticed little prior to the event was announced by for improvement. logue is understanding of Macheheufs Den Henson Houston game because of the faith of our friends and Jim Peters (30) of Regis high school drives for Lt. Co. Thomas H. M arti­ The Rockets play an ex­ with 27 points. Don LeBois an eye injury. Undoubtedly neighlH)rs. a basket against Brighton. Tom Humphreys (43) nez (Ret.), chairman o f the citing brand of ball and added 13 for the Buffs, the layout hurt the 7-foot In the true spirit of of Brighton tries to block the shot while ijarrell Blue Army executive board deserve the backing of fans. plus star. He scored only ecumenism, the Parent- Lathrop (32) of Regis and Tom Fast (13) of Brigh­ here. LARRY Could be once the shock of 15 poinU, hitting on only Teacher Association of the ton move in for the rebound. Regis won. .51-41. "Mr. and Mrs. William having a winning team in Rangers four of 18 shots from the Catholic Youth and Adult Noll, regional co-chairmen town wears off home Religious Education asso­ of the Blue Army in Colo­ 4995 Returning rado and Wyoming will be ciation of St. Peter’s parish Reg is^s Raiders Lowell Blvd. % Hikuse of the Lord in P’leming, is inviting the the featured guest speak­ members of neighboring ers,” Martinez said. "They The interfaith panel, 433-7171 d Protestant Christian Set Pace in League To Home will relate their unique consisting of clergy from congregations to join in an trip and experiences in the Jewish, Protestant and NEED evening of "Dialogue" on By Tim Masterson ond half Regis came .storm­ spreading the message of Catholic faiths, on House C am paign Jan. 28 at 7:30 p.m. The Regis Raiders con­ ing out to take a 41-30 Fatima to the nations on OFFICE of the Lord, KLZ-TV Chan­ the brink of the Iron Cur­ Mrs. Paul Bornhoft, pres­ tinues to domiate the Sky­ third quarter lead. Three The Regis college Rang­ nel 7 will take as their tain countries, to include a ident of the sponsoring line league. The Raiders quick buckeU by Kelly and ers returned to home court SUPPLIES . question this week. "Where penetration into Prague. organization said: downed the gutty Brighton three more by Mike Boryla action this weekend with Do We Agree?’’ The pro­ Czecho-Slovakia.” "We are delighted with Bulldogs, 54-41, in a hard were all the Raiders need­ Friday and Saturday night gram will be seen Jan. 28 The pot-luck supper the response and enthu­ fought battle last week. ed to put the game out of games, the first home af­ 1964 at 9:30 a.m. even t i.s scheduled at .3 siasm of the clergy and Regis, leading after the reach. fair for Coach John Flem­ p.m. in the Cimarron Hills church members of the first quarter, 15-7, had to The games scoring hon­ ing’s club since Dec. 9. MG MIDGET Participating on the pan­ Townhouse club. 1264 C’ree area who will participate scramble for a 22-22 half­ ors was copped by Horvla The Rangers host College Koadsler el will be the Rev. John drive, adjacent to Highway OFFICE in our evening of ’dia­ time tie, one of the four with 20 points while Kelly of Santa Fe Friday night Excellenl Ctmdilion Land, St. Bernadette’s 24 East. All Blue Army logue.” ’ times the game was dead­ added a nifty 12 and Dar­ and Westminster college of church; Rabbi Elihu Stein- members are asked to FURNITURE . Mrs. Bornhoft will pres­ locked. Pat Kelly’s two- rell Lathrom 10 more. The Utah Saturday night. Both $ 8 9 5 horn, BMH Congregation; bring a casserole dish, ent to the group h'ather hand push shot from mid- Bulldogs were led by guard games start at 8 p.m. in and the Rev. Charles Petet Robert P. Meznar, pastor salad, soft drinks and des­ from Montview Presbyte­ court at the buzzer did Tom Fast’s 14 points. the Regis fieldhouse. of . St. Peter’s, who will the trick. Regis’s well balanced Regis took a 3-7 record sert. Mr. and Mrs. Henry rian church. The Rev. Mar­ moderate the panel; the LeBaron are hosts. ‘RED” WHITE I ’ ion J. Hammond, St. At the outset of the sec- team was to face Westmin­ into a Tuesday night game SEE Rev. Harold Sutton of the ster Jan. 23. Upcoming at Colorado State college CHEVROLET i‘ Thomas’ Episcopal church, Methodist Church of Flem­ Knights Boost Pay will moderate the program. games will be against before opening their home Men's Clothing 8303 W . C O L F A X ing: and the Rev. Wagner At Printing Plant Mapleton Jan. 26 and Feb. stand. 7560 W . C O L F A X i ' of the Evangelical United 2 against Ranum. both on The Regis-Westminster Men's Tailoring ?37 1311 Open E ves. Until -5 Brethren Church of LcRoy, New Haven. Conn. — Friday evenings. game Saturday night has COMMERCIAL MR FRINJ OF LRKEStOE who will discuss "Our Three-year contracts with been designated Alumni Common Christian Herit­ the typographers’ and prin­ K m n S x ip iTs .Mali Faculty night. Lakeside Shopping Center PRODUCTS CO. age.” ters’ unions have been The Raiders’ steadily All alumni and faculty Following the panel dis­ agreed at the Knights of improving wrestling team, will he guests of the col­ cussion, the group will Columbus printing plant, competing in the state’s lege at the game and at a Denver’s Finest Dealer participate in a common providing for substantial toughest wrestling confer­ post-game party to be held 1624 - 17th St. prayer service, expressing pay raises and increased ence, were to engage in in the Regis center. Ph. 534-2343 825-1201 love and strength in recog­ fringe benefits. Supreme matches with Ranum and The activity is sponsored ZZ2ZZZZZZZ22k 4850 VASQUEZ BLVD. nition of the Heavenly Knight John W. McDevitt will face Westminster Feb. by the Regis Alumni asso­ Electric Companq Father a.s God of all. Infor­ has released details of the 1. The wrestlers will travel ciation. mal dialogue will follow as new agreements, showing to Colorado Springs to en­ the PTA will .serve refresh­ wage increase.s ranging counter St. Mary’s Jan. 26 COMPLETE CAR SERVICE ments. from $22 to $26 a week- in a non-league match. TUNE UP • CARBURETOR rov'.'r .-j/ Sf-yirv •WDiJSWAl •COfMCHaM F ord’s AUTO. TRANS. Your Car Problem — Our keeps your budget Specialty Bacon & Schramm EXPERT TELEVISION REPAIR 1178 STOUT ST. ^ -2 2 2 -5 7 3 3 M o d e lC a beautiful secret! C q it ipetition Roofing ONEIDA GARAGE DENVER COLORADO Tite Roofing ST. JOSEPH'S Bill K irk 1400 Oneida 322-3SSS Roof Repairing Cortina 40ZO Uri({hton KKd. MILITARY ACADEMY 244-6.S6:i HAYS, KANSAS OUR BOARDING SCHOOL REGULAR LISTENERS Conducted by the LOVE Capuchin Franciscan Fathers THE NEW

• Senior Higli School • Member of North Central Aas'n. LOWEST PRICED All M ajor .Sports • RO TC H on or Sch<>ol AMCRKAN ENTERTAINMENT • 10 Poini Indoor Hifle Kan^e • Civil Air Patrol available!... • Indoor Swimming Pool RADIO NETWORK SEE YOUR EXCLUSIVE DEALER IN METRO DENVER For Catalog— Address Business Offtce

SEE YOU WILL TOO ROSE fdagdakHe^jordem W News every hour on CONVALESCENT CENTER & EXTENDED CARE FACILITY the half hour from all over the w orld ■k Don M cN eil a t 10:05 a.m. if Assignment Hollywood 10:00 a.m. k Commentary by Joseph FOR PATIENTS REQI IRISG: C. Narsch 4:35 p.m. I Post-Operative Routined The Beer w ith GUSTO I Convale.scent Proceduren k Vietnam Update COMPLETE I PhvMoil Therapy & Full-time Activitiea Sundays - 4:35 p.m. Diroi-ior Malt Liquor of Qualify NURSING I Oxygen Therapy —Including Poditive Presnure SERVICE I Tray .Service. Special and Geriatrics l)iotd. Intravenous & Guvage Feedings MURRAY BROS. I General Medical Techniques ON THE I Pharmacy on I*remit«cb ■ F ireproof—NO-STEP Construction AMERICAN DISTRIBUTING CO. ■ ATTENDING CATHOLIC CHAPLAl.N RADIO CALL OR VISIT ENTERTAINMENT WHOLESALERS MAGDAIjFNF (IAKDENS INC. 1550 K.C. RADIO NETWORK Robert M. — Paul V. Murray 3131 S O U T H F E D E R A L B L V D . E N G L E W O O D , C O L O . 7 6 1 - 0 2 6 0 Page Ten THE REGISTER, DENVER ARCHDIOCESAN EDITION Thursday, January 25, 1968 Five Priests Experimenting In Inner City Team Ministry th' (Register Special) ne P. Egan, from St. Boni- FATHER McDonald’s guild said plans are under Jersey City, N.J. - Five an face’s parish; Frederick H. assignment to the team way for a comprehensive priests are launching an Quinn, St. Bridget’s; Rob- recalled the recent direc- program to meet all the experimental inner city ert S. Call, St. Michael’s; tive to U.S. Jesuits from problems associated with M; ministry among Jersey ab and James S. A. O’Brien Father Pedro Arrupe, S.J., housing, including actual City’s Puerto Rican popula­ Christ the King. The fifth General of the order, call- construction and structural F tion, trying to identify " • ing for an all-out attack on rehabilitation. a r member of the team ! with residents of a pover­ racial discrimination and The guild will C\ Father Robert McDonald, sponsor a ty-pocket neighborhood S.J., o f St. Peter’s. poverty. Among Father seminar here Feb. 4 for all p.i assailed by such problems All five have back­ Arrupe’s specific recom­ interested agencies and pr ft as dislocation by urban grounds particularly suited mendations was establish­ groups to discuss the hu­ of renewal. to their new project; four ment of inner city missions man needs the guild feels Archbishop Thomas A. speak Spanish fluently. such as the new project must be considered in any 1 F Q» Boland of Newark released Father Egan is a veteran here. public housing program. El four of the priests from of the archdiocese’s mission Father McDonald told parish assignments for the in Honduras and also the Register the Jersey "Housing construction i Ih experiment. The fifth is a .served in the experimental City experiment might in­ alone doesn’t touch all the VI Jesuit from St. Peter’s par­ parish of San Miguelito in dicate a way Jesuits could other problems involved,” New Chief of Staff VI ish. Panama. he even more effective in he said. "A house, after Monsignor Francis J. Father Call established a living up to Father Ar­ all, is just a house. Fre­ Sister Mary Kieran, administrator of* Denver’s ad Houghton, assistant chan­ program at St. Michael’s rupe’s directive - by coop­ quently people need coun­ Mercy hospital, congratulates Dr. Frank J. Gori- L» cellor, described the that has grown into the erating with diocesan ef­ seling in hygiene, consum­ shek on his election to the presidency of the Mer­ immediate objective of the archdiocesan Institute of forts wherever and when­ er buying, family living, cy hospital medical staff. Gorishek, elected at the Preparing for Tests and other things as well as project as "one of Christian Intercultural Communica­ ever FX>ssibIe. a solid roof.” annual medical staff meeting Jan. 4, will serve as Brother Adrian, F.S.C.. principal of Mullen presence or, rather tions in Newark, a "crash” He added that the prie.sUs ch ief o f sta ff during 1968 and 1969. c il high school, prepares for the school’s annual than a highly structured training course for priests, have no specific "works in K scholarship and entrance examination to be given program.” religious, and laity who mind, and planned to avoid Cl Peh. ‘i at the Mullen administration building, 3601 "They will just feel their need special instruction in adoption of specific projects S f S. Lowell boulevard. Fort Logan. Several hundred language and cultural until they feel they have 2S way along,” he said. eighth grade boys are expected to take the test. Monsignor Houghton said background to work effec­ achieved their goal of iden­ th tification. The obvious The top 190 scorers will he admitted to Mullen as the expK?riment is an out­ tively with Puerto Ricans. L i pre.ssing problem o f the freshmen next September. Mullen is a fully ac­ growth of work the priests Police officers have been neighborhood, he said, is credited college preparatory school with class­ already have been doing in among those to take ad­ Phone 825-1145 Today to Place Your Classified Ad in the R egister- housing - particularly room facilities for 750 hoys. I he school is staffed their attempts to serve the vantage of the program. Ask for the Classified Department Father O’Brien has been relocation necessitated by by the Christian Brothers. estimated 15,000 Spanish­ Only Want Ads received by phone or mail before 5 P.M. Tuesday speaking residents of the engaged in a special social urban renewal. El apostolate in the arch­ can be published in the current week’s paper. c : ESC Will Train Farm Workers community. Housing for the poor has diocese's experimental Mar­ been a matter o f increas­ "I The Colorado Department said the 3(vweek training TH E Y W ILL move from ion Gardens project, cen­ ing concern for the arch­ p< ANTIQUES ALTERATIONS MISC. FOR SALE _ of Employment has an­ program, to be funded their rectories into an tered in a predominantly diocese. Its special service t8 Men's & women's clothing al­ Free lance art, cartooning, under the Manpower Deve­ Negro neighborhood. agency, the Mt. Carmel Buy and Sell commercial & fine arts. 10 yrs. T' nounced its offices through­ apartment house Monsi­ tered. — Also religious garb. out the state are recruiting lopment and Training Act gnor Houghton described guild, has been gearing for Old Glass. Silver, 534-4828 - 2535 G ilpin experience, college degree. Don men interested in training (MI)TA>. is scheduled to as being "right in the Two of the group are involvement in a large China, Toys. Rau, 935-5695 as general farm hands. begin Feb. 5. in an educa­ middle of an urban renew­ members of Office of Eco­ scale efTort to help solve PAST & PRESENT PAINTING p- 1071 So. Gavlord HELP WANTED si tional facility near Pros­ al upheaval.” nomic OpF>ortunity boards the problem. Bernard E. Tt*ets, depart­ pect Valley. 25 miles east Archdiocesan priests tak­ charged with implementing 777-4048 — 777-0618 FEMALE EXPERT ment executive director. ()f Brighton ing part are F'athers John war on F>overty programs. A SPOKESMAN for the Open 1-5 Tues. thru Sat. gj tf AUTOS FOR SALE HOUSEKEEPER PAINTING! 18 Yrs. Expr (USED) FOR Car for sale. '47 Plymouth. Free Esf. New tires, runs good. Will take CATHOLIC RECTORY 935-6151 color television in trade or will take offer. Seeing is believing. SEWING MACHINES 237-1842. ■ Private Quarters SINGER DIAL-A-STiTCH EXCELLENT BENEFITS Zig-zags, buttonholes & fancy St. Rose Residence stitches. All without attachments 952-IQth St. fo buy. Assume 2 paym en ts of 6 — B le s s e d S a c r a m e n t -St.John the Evangelist REPOSSESSIONS $5.01 o r $10.00 cash. 244-6450 ALL AREAS (lOth&Colfax) Write Box L-36 1964 WHITE ZI6-ZAC 3-B D R M ., S14.950 "W E H A V E In Downtown Denver c/o Ttie Register Mature home in established ESTATE SALE THE K E Y S " Does most everything, all built Sacrifice for 3 payments of neighborhood featuring separate Q u ality built 3 b d rm s., 2 bath home call us A N Y T IM E . An exclusive women’s Residence S4.10 or $12.00 cash. 244-9906 dining rm., remodeled kit,, 2 w /form al dining ro o m , fireplace,^ 379-)532 421.3515 (Non-Sectarian) pj baths, many extras. Easy terms. cov. pat., bsmt. w/bdrm. and bath. St CLOVERLEAF REALTY MISC. FOR SALE 1967 SINGER (e-3173) C all Pete Slec. 388 0070. Sprinkler. NICE! ' 6435 W. 55th A ve. A rvad a A desirable residence for First $20.00 cash takes or MONTCLAIR C a ll: M R . H IG G IN S O N , 377-5287 Mother, Daughter, or dear one. Brown Russian squirrel cape paym ents of $5.25. To See 725 Jackson St. jacket. R easonable. 222-8068. 1 Realtor 1424 Poplar 3991401 244-9906 of MORRISON & MORRISON Peaceful, Relaxing and Harmonious Atmosphere. 6 —Blessed Sacrament R ealtor 266-2101 To Introduce You to the Register Classified Section an HOMESITES i^SOWnHlNG DIFFERENT! Chapel th Not the usual small ranch style 32 —St. John the Evangelist Cafeteria (Excellent Food) FOR $1.25 YOU GET 20 WORDS OR LESS pl­ BUT a distinctive, dignified home. 664 YORK Dining Room TO BUY, SELL OR SWAP ot L.R. has beam ceilings and fire­ G reat house for entertain m en t Rec. Rooms place. Full bsmt., gar. tor S14.500. A PALACE for THE large fami TV Rooms This offer good for Classified Section only. (NE-219). H enry Pavlat. 377-3473. ly. 4 bdrms, 3 baths, w alk in 37 —St. M ary's Game Rooms Does not apply to Real Estate Display closets. This 2 story home tea (Littleton) Laundry Facilities Advertising 7 — C hrist the King tures: 2 fireplaces, beamed ceil h r Maid Service 1371 GLENCOE ings and outstanding details. FAMILY DREAM dc Bsmt. w/rec. room. $21,950. Call now on this 3-bedrm., bsmt. Switch Board and Public Phones FILL IN COUPON 1 WORD PER BOX Attractive 3 bedroom home and MCNERNY brick. Top area, shopping, hun Off Street Parking g a basement w /2 bedrooms and sec PERRY & BUTLER. INC. dreds in extras. Assume 4’4 pci. Pleasant Garden ond bath. Carpets and drapes. Gl loan or sell VA to good buy ^ Physician on Cali APPLIANCES. 4509 E. Evans Realtors 757-7696 i T T er. Priced low "teens." Call ' Dinner Guest Privileges fo) CLARA ALVEY The Number by the Parish Heading Over Each Russ Colem an. 935 i m . 24 Hour Stalling and Elevator th REALTY Ad is th e K e y to its Location on the M a p . BRENTWAY REALTY Moderately priced. Pensioners be 255-5876 777-1973 935-3585 Welcomed. ti( Monthly room and board. __ 7 —Christ the King 1 7 — N o t r e D a m e 21 — Preoentation _ th By pcrtonal application . OLD CRESTMOOR CONTEMPORARY DOUBLE 40 —Holy Name Phono for appoirttmo Authentic Georgian Colonial 2 sfo HARVEY PARK Owner will trade $2,750 equity in (Fort Logon) ry . 4 bdrm s., 3 baths, 21 Crestmoor this lovely new er co n te m p o ra ry 6 2 3 - 4 3 1 1 D r., see by appoint, only. Call Jim C L IP $1.25 TO IT A N D M A I L TO 4 bedroom tri-level, 2 baths, large double (take over large loan — no BEAT th Hickey. 322 4406, fenced yard. Close to church and qualifying). Beamed ceilings, P/^ ADMINISTRATORS Classified Advertising, The Register The high cost of interest. Assume th JIM HICKEY & CO. school. Assum e la rg e loan. baths, all electric modern kitchen B o x 1620, D e n v e r, C olo. 80201 o r ' 33 —St.Joseph payments on this 3 bedroom brick Mr. A Mr». Daniel P. O'Brien sh REALTOR S15.900. O W N E R . with appliances, carpeting and phone it in to 825-1145 drapes. Live in one side and let the with full open basement. 2 car 744-3457 936-1353 1-49 ACOMA other unit help with your pay­ garage, at 4381 W. QUINN ”\ 1,300 sq. ft. usable area. 9 — G u a rd ia n Angels 17 — Notre D am e ____ ments. P L A C E . $28,000. Im m e d ia te occu­ Office & Warehouse. pancy. th LET US BUILD YOUR Call BRUCE NOW, eves: 421-8724 22,500 W ill Buy or Lease ' A he Gl or FHA OWN PERSONAL FLOOR PLAN Can JO E T R A IN O R : 985-3256 $225.00 Zuni. Qumialow. larqc kiJch GREENBRIER CAL>BAR Call: BOB YAKLICH, 794 1250 t’n utiliiv. Ill*' b.illK 2 patios. WOOD BROS. REALTY HOMES REALTY MOORE yard, ( condition. 935-4653 7 biks. W. of Sheridan on 421-7020 Realtor 300 Speer 733.5sii A s k in o SI 1.950 C .tll C A R 5 0 N , SERVICE DIRECTORY! W . F lo rid a •155 5HV8 ta 922-1179 2 8 — S t. D o m in ic 37 —St. M ary's (Littleton) 42 —St. Phiiem eno STACKHOUSE REALTORS 825-1145 a t 18 — O ur Lady of Fatima HERE'S A BUY AMERICA GOES SUBURBAN 477-1678 (L a k e w o o d ) Spacious 3 bedroom brick in good Why not you? This modest size ps " U r Si ll \nrlti I is| U iUi I s " condition 2 doors from St. Domin­ ranch home is so designed to pro SHOWHOME CONDITION ic's and bus stop. FHA appraised vide a growing family w/ the free­ ac at $9,925.00 requires $325.00 down dom of modern living. Why not see GUTTER SPOUTS 1 1 — Holy Family 12429 W .17th CURTAIN LAUNDRIES, PLUMBING th and paym ent of $87 per m onth. what this Cherry Hills Manor On private street. Top custom built Francis Lace Curtain Cleaners, ■ • ; .'.oit-t f frtiii,- bunualow. Also has basm'f. & garage. To see home has to offer? 4th bedroom in Suality Gutters and down home. Terrific view of mountains I i"i.- Iivngrm,. dininci-m.. 2 2843 FEDERAL call DWIGHT full finished basement. 6671 SO curtains, crocheted tablecloths, Spouts. All w o rk guaranteed. from rear patio, overlooking Ap- bdrms Bsmt , qas furnace Ask M c L E O D 297-5418, 985 -.660 Res. COLUMBINE. draperies, blankets, spreads, Free E stim ates. 825-6495. M e m ­ plewood. This almost new home linens, cleaned by latest methods. ber of Our Lady of Grace Par­ mu S7950 Carson. JSS 3898 ENJOY HAPPY DAYS LOU EBERHART has: big bedrooms, dining room Hand pressed only. ish. STACKHOUSE In your own home! This 4 bed and family room. Transferred VAN SCHAACK 1259 K alam ath 825-3527. th room two-story with family room e e d e r e a l t y R e a lto r 477 1678 owner tust moved. An excellent 1700 Wadsworth 1 R R L A U N D R Y & on main floor is not only built H€AtTom — $msunom be We Sell N orth- buyatS42,500. CUSTOM DRY CLEANING List With Us for shelter but for comfort, 31 — S t. J o m a t r e m o d e l in g APPLEWOOD GLEN health & hospitality. lOlO E. OFC. 388-5831 RES. 355-7497 , The men in blue. eh EASTER WAY. call NICK BAKI 1 4 -- Most Precious Blood One of Applewood's better loca NEW LISTING First Ave. at Madison ).at your doorstep E 297-5403. office, or 794 7290 Custom tionsof expensive homes. Custom Creampuff" best describes this DENVER, COLO. 80206 Basements - Kitchens - For­ la 2555 S.IVANHOE PL res. ALAMEDA PLUMBING CO. built home by John Hirchert. Big long, low and lovely brick ranch mica Counter Tops. Brick Fire FIRSTOFFERING-HURRY! brick Ranch w l,900sq. ft. on main with 3 king-sized bdrms., plus 1 Repairing, new work, sewers 5 bedrooms, custom-built home Places - Room Additions. "All floor. Basement has: family room, and *.'2 baths, separate diningrm., 4 2 — S t. P h ilo m e n and sink linos cleaned. Our work offers every convenience for large VAN SCHAACK Work Guaranteed." rec. room. 4th bedroom and 3rd family kitchen, front drive, at­ IS guaranteed. Free Estimates. family. Cherry Creek and Pre­ 2409 W . M A IN Brin Custom Remodeling bath. 1880 W INFIELD DR. NOW tached garage, private yard with 609 E. A lam eda 744 0300 cious Blood, bus at corner. C all to 3724 E. 17th AVE. VACANT!! huge covered p atio — n e a r 17th 333 5003 see today! G A Y L E H O L L A N D . I Offers older 2 story, facing the ITE On above and many more choice Ave. and Temple Buell College You Want To Sell" n : ^ 722-5332 (res.) or 757-7711 (ofc). " I f park. 4 bedrooms, lovely carpet­ LAUNDRY Applewood homes call JIM UR­ only $17,950 on FHA or G .l. terms I ELECTRICIAN SEWER CLEANING ing in living room and dining AND CLEANERS MONTE CARROLL BAN 297 5426or 279-6029 res. - call Chris. 388-0634. (E-3181). LIST WITH ME SERVICE F 1 s - 757-771) R E A LTO R 757-7711 room. 5th bedroom and rec. ACME SANITARY MONTCLAIR KAY MORAN room in basement. Buy for Rewire. Additions, meters PH VAN SCHAACK 455-313? moved. F re e Estimates. 798 5368 and SEWER SERV. 1424 P oplar 399-1401 $14,900, F H A or no down G l. Ask 4704 Tejon 1700 Wadsworth R ealto r for J E R R Y or 534 0563 BIG "A ” REALTY • Sewers • Septic- Tanks PERRY & BUTLER. INC. St. Jude (Green Mountain) ELECTRIC WIRING • Sand Traps S Grease Traps 4509 E. Evans R e a lto r 757-7696 Cleaned A . 1.452 SO. F T . of fa m ily living. 220 Volts. Remodeling, Repair Sewer L Water Service Center hall arrangement in­ ing. C all anytim e. 366-0168. ' 'J BUYING - SELLING - TRADING 4S5-J84J 781 2473 424 4744, cludes; 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, JIM DWYER ELECTRIC. ' If large combination family style REAL ESTATE kitchen, fireplace, 2 car garage, g u t t e r s p o u t s STORM WINDOWS basement, shake roof. S23.950, 8805 W . Asbury D r. in beautiful MB PAINTING & Alt makes storm doors, windows, SOUTHERN GABLES. Immedi­ screens and patio doors, re­ Guifters, Spouts DECORATING ate occupancy. paired and adjusted. Insurance in (;utu»r> claims. Reasonable rates. fall: KK\ l AVINS C all JO E T R A IN O R : 985-3256 iind S|x>ut Rt'phii'cment PAPERING H E N R Y S A W IC K I. 429-2906 Bu\inu-Selliim-Tradinc WOOD BROS. REALTY Church of the Risen Christ < JutUT.s rie.infd .V STEAMING HK VI. K.ST.ATK (\iH JO E RAY Repaired TRASH HAULING 935-4653 32 — St. John th * E vangalift HALLCRAFT TOWNHOUSES ’ 238-1044 TEXTURING SEC FOR PROFEvSSIONAL HELP Thon)iiKhIy Experienced Re-Sales 777-9375 PAINTING Trash Hauling, any place in KENNETH R. CAVINS OPEN HOUSE 2 to 4:30 R*l. M4.3l«4-OfC. Dc-fM-ndahle. Guaranteed Metropolitan Denver. Day or 2 3_4-5- bedrooms, pool, club house, Ofc. 297 5445 Res. 377 7173 "Must Call for Address" bllltard rooms, sauna bath, recrea MOUNTAIN-EMPIRE night calls. 322 3558. 2430 Hioh 3 bedrooms main floor, 1 down. AMERICAN ROOFING ^Street. tton facilities. Excellent loan as­ DECORATORS Huge livingroom. family room, Van Schaack & Co. sumptions. Leases. Van Schaack & Co. SHEET METAL CO. kitchen and rec. room. « •4 «t REALTOR INSUROR JOHN or MARGE REALTOR INSUROR Uf Downing UPHOLSTERY "Huge Children's Dorm" AM* 275 Lm vfrsity Blvd CUTHBERTSON: 771-5645 •OIS W A N T ADS I Re Upholstery by a reliable 624- n t h St. Denver. Colo. POMEROY MONTE CARROLL .M e m b e r of All Soul, j firm. 35 years experience. 936-4612 Denver, Colo. TERMS. National Upholstery, 757-7711 Realtor 7S7-7; | ) Parish GET RESULTS I 2145 Court P I. 222-1372 y ~

Vietnam Thursday, January 25, 1948 THE REGISTER, DENVER ARCHDIOCESAN EDITION Page Eleven Victim's Requiem Offered

Requiem Mass was of­ fered Jan. 22 in Our Lady of Guadalupe church for J Pfc. Robert Daniel Blea. 20. who was killed in Viet­ t< ■ nam. Pfc. Blea died Jan. 10 in (' ' Vietnam where he was t I* sent last December. He received his miliUry train­ V ing at Ft. Bliss, Tex,, and Ft. Polk. La., and went overseas from P t. Lewis, Wash. ' ti Born Sept. 15, 1947, in Denver, he attended St. Elizabeth’s school and , « North high school, where Denver Woman Honored Open House Planning he was graduated. Before Father Michael Kerrigan discusses plans for entering the service, he Fred W. Friendly, adviser to the Ford founda­ the church open house at St. Vincent de Paul was a waiter at the tion, presents the 1968 Institute -of International parish, which will be held from 2 to 4 p.m. Jan. Scotch-n-Sirloin. Education-Reader’s Digest foundation citation and 28, with Mrs. Harry Asher, center, and Mrs. Ed­ Surviving are his parents. $1,000 to Mrs. John U, Fiore of Denver, founder ward Timmins. Non-Catholic groups and pastors Mr. and Mrs. Fred Blea of and executive director of the Mile High chapter from the southeast area of the city have been in­ Denver: a brother. Fred of U.S.A.-UNESCO. Mrs. Fiore was cited because vited to attend. Knights Honor Clergy Blea Jr., o f Denver: two she is "a source of inspiration and encourage­ sisters. Josephine Blea and ment to countless international guests and has Denver area Knights of Columbus bade farewell to Bishop David M. Elizabeth Blea, both of made her own community a better place in which L€GAL NOTICES Maloney, being installed today as Bishop of Wichita. Kans.. at their annual Denver: and his grandpar­ to live.” Presentation was made at an IIE Awards Clergy Night dinner last week. Shown, from left, arc: Front, Archbishop ents. dinner held at the Institute’s New York headquar­ James V. Casey and Bishop Maloney; back, John Yelenick. featured speak­ ters. IN THE PROBATE COURT IN THE PROBATE COURT In snd for lha City In and for Ihe City and County er at the dinner; Robert Davis; Denver Mayor Tom Currigan; Andrew F. and County of Denver of Denver and Stale of Colorado and State of Colorado No. P-4S749 Martelon, State Deputy who presented a spiritual bouquet to Bishop Malo­ Denver NOTICE TO CREDITORS No. P-4M4S ney on behalf of the Knights; and Michael Mullin, chairman of the affair. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of FRANCIS JOSEPH COYLE, Estate of MINNIE A. RUSSELL, alto aik/a F R A N C IS J . C O YLE (Deceased) known as MINNIE ANN RUSSELL No. P-45749 Soldier May They Rest {Deceased) All persons having claims against No. P 4SS4S Ihe above named estate are required Mrs. Hillyer Dies Jan. 18 All persons having claims against to tile them for allowance in me Pro O'Fallon the above named estate are required bate Court of the City and County of Requiem Mass was of­ ow of the late Granby Hil­ Succumbs to tile them for allowance in the Pro- Denver. Colorado, on or before the bale Court of the City and County of ism day of July. 1948. or said claims fered Jan. 20 in the Den­ shall be forever barred. lyer. In Peace Denver/ Colorado, on or before the ver Cathedral for Mrs. Requiem 30tn d a y of June. t96S. o r said cla im s Francis X. Coyle and Mrs. Hillyer died Jan. 18 Lowell P.-Coyle ALIRHZ, Paulii .M. Sitntoya, church, Arvada. Jan. 20. Inter­ Shalt be forever barred. Anita C. Hillyer, 87. wid- in her home at Bella Vista To Wounds T. Raber Taylor Co-executors 3401 G a y lord Mrcct. Hoquiem OTT4CASKINS ment, Mu Olivet. Special Administrator Towers. Maab, Annunciation church, By William J. Caskms. Jr. Offered Requiem Mass was of­ T. Raber Taylor, Etquire Attorney for the estate Born June 3 6. 1880, in Jan . 19. Interm ent. .Mt. Olivet. Attorney for the estate fered Jan. 25 in Our Lady KREUTZER. Elizabeth, for­ 1811 Western Federal Building merly of 5042 St. Paul streeU 625 A m e ric a n N atio na l Denver. Colorado 80202 Arizona, she moved with Requiem Mass was of­ Bank Building I Brighton | of Guadalupe church, Den­ Requiem Mass, Our Lady of Telephone 244-8047 her family to Lamar when D e n ve r. C o lo ra do 80302 (Published In fered Jan. 20 in St. John ver, for Pfc. John J. De- ASHBY. Suaan A.. 14701 E. Grace church, Jan. 19. Inter­ she was a child. Soon after Tele ph on e 355-7051 Denver Catholic Register) the Evangelist church, Nava, 19, formerly o f Den­ C olfa x . R equ iem .Mans. Holy ment, .Mt. OliveU Howard mor­ (Published in the First Publication; Jan. 4, 1948 the turn of the century, Trinity church. Westminster, tuaries. Denver Catholic Register) Last P u blicatio n: Jan . 25. 1948 Denver, for Eugene F. First Publication: Jan. a. 19M ver. •Jan. 20. Interm ent. Ml. Olivet. RICE FUNERAL CHAPEL she married Hillyer who Last Publication: Jan. 35, 1968 O’Fallon. 44. son o f the Pfc. DeNava, an altar Day-Noonan mortuary. LANE. Grace D., formerly of IN TH E C O U N TY COURT K(|uip|M-d to FoUill Y o ur .Nfitls served as a state represen­ In and tor the City and late Colorado radio and boy at Our Lady of Guad­ 1265 Humboldt streeU Requiem IN THE PROBATE COURT County of Denver and 24 Hour Ambulonct S frvlir* tative. district judge in AL’T E N , J a m es W.. «044 W. In and for the City and television pioneer, Gene alupe church for four Mass, Cathedral of the Immacu­ State of Colorado 62nd avenue, Arvada. Requiem late C o n cep tion . Jan . 18. In ter­ County of Denver and No. P-334 Phone 659-2321 Trinidad, and as U.S. at­ Stale of Colorado O’Fallon. years, was wounded while Mans, Shrine of St. Anne’s ment, Mu Olivet. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Ken Rnynle, Jim Arthur torney for Colorado. No. P-45729 Esiaie of Arthur Strand (Deceased) O’Fallon, a Denver na­ on patrol in Vietnam Jan. ch u rch , A rv a d a , Jan. 22. Inier- BRIGHTON. COLORADO The family moved to NOTICE TO CREOirORS No. P 234 tive, was born D ec. 9, 10. He died Jan. 15. ment. Mt. Olivet. Howard mor- LENAHAN, Arlene E. Mass, Estate of George C. Hepburn Notice is hereby given that I have Denver in 1921. Hillyer, tuarica. M o sco w , Pa., .Ian. 17. In ter­ (Deceased) filed my final report in Ihe County 1923. He was a graduate A native o f Pueblo, he who practiced law in Den­ ment, Moscow, Pa. No. P-45729 Court o f \h e C ity and County of Den of Regis high school, the was born Nov. 10. 1948 CHACON, Jeffrey, lOKW; I'earl All persons having claims agi>nsi ver. Colorado, and that any person ver, died in 1942. the above named estate are reguirco desiring to obiect to the same shall University o f Denver and and attended schools there a tre e t. S o n o f M r. and .Mrs. LUBANG, Anastacio G., 2046 to file them for allowance in the Pro file written obiection witn me said the University of Notre before moving to Denver in Steve Chacon. Graveside ser­ High street. Requiem Mass, bate Court of the City and County oi court on or before March 13. i9«s. vice, Mt. Olivet, Jan. 23. Loyola church, .Jan. 20. Inter­ Denver. Colorado, on or before >ne A ndrew vVysowateky Dame. 1957. He attended Smedley m ent. .Mu Olivet. 3rd day of July. 1908, or said claims Adminisfralor Ernest F. Caylord-John B. Carraher III....- \Uv shall be forever barred. Associated with his fa­ grade school, Horace Mann CHING. John T.. at Burbank. Attorney for the estate P h . 669-3113 601 S. 4 th A v e . Qreeley George C. Hepburn Jr. Calif. Requiem Maas, St. Domin- MACURA. Paul, of Oak BRIGHTON, COLORADO ther’s radio and television Junior high school and Executor 74S Equitable Bldg. ic'a church, >Jan. 20. Interment, Creek, Colo. Requiem Mass, Joseph L. Sweeney D enver. Colo. holdings prior to their sale North high school. MU OiiveU Boulevard mortuar- Holy Ghost church, Jan. 20. Attorney for the estate Telephone 244 0841 in 3963, he was president 1t20 Security Life Building COLONIAL Adamson Mortuary Surviving are his par­ iea. IntermenU Ml. Olivet. Published In the Denver, Colorado Denver Catholic Register of O’Fallon Leasing co. ents. Mr. and Mrs, Joe Telephone 222 8994 MORTUARY CONNELLY. Joseph Franeia. MONTOYA. Eduardo. 1355 First Publication: Jan. 3S. 1968 24 H o u r His father started KFEL- DeNava, Denver; a sister, (Published In the Last P u b lica tio n : F eb . 15. 1968 MR. AND MRS. JACK Ambulance Service Radio (now KIMN-Radio) 2221 Downing; street. Requiem K n o x courU R equ iem M ass, SU Denver Catholic Register) ST. GCRMAIN Christina DeNava, and his M aas, SU J o s e p h 's ch u rch . •Ian. Cajetan's church, Jan. 19. Inter­ First Publication: Jan. It, 1968 (ireeley, C'olorudo Last P u b lic a tion: Feb. 1. 1988______Owr>«r» «nd Oir»ct»r» in 1922 and KFEL-TV grandmother, Mercedes 22. Interment, Ft. Logan. Olin- ment, Mt. OliveU N. Ross Adernbon Reed P. Adamson ger mortuaries. IN THE PROBATE COURT -M e m b e r SI- Au9U»im e'4 C hw reh- (now KTVR-TV) in 1952. DeNava. o f Pueblo. In and for the City and Phone 1636 9th Ave. at 5lh St. MOORE. Nora A.. 4.521 Beach ABE BROOKS AND ANNA 0. BrifhiAn, Coloretfo Surviving in addition to County of Denver Burial with military BROOKS-OBA CULLEN. William. 1325 Ev­ courU Requiem .Mass, St. Cathe­ and Slate of Colorado his wife, the former Vivian honors was in Memorial erett streeU Requiem Mass, SU rin e's ch u rch . Jan . 19. In ter­ BROOKS INVESTMENT CO. N am e o i Licensee No. P-4SI84 Blanken, whom he married Gardens, Pueblo. B ern ad ette’s ch u rch . J a n . 22. m ent. .Mu OliveU D a y-N oon a n 3909 W. 20TH A V E N U E NOTICE TO CREDITORS in 1950, are a son, Eugene Interment, MU OliveU Boulevard m orlu ary. DENVER. COLORADO Estate of Carolyn M. Hanson (Deceased) No. p -45884. Ft. Collins P. O’Fallon III o f Lake- mortuaries. NOONEN. Mrs. Dora M.. of Address Ja n u a ry 20. 19a8 All persons having claims against Albuquerque. N.M. Requiem wood: a sister, Mrs. Mary Served Three Terms FIERRO, (Jenoveva. 3454 l.a- The following is a true and correct the above named estate are required Ma.Hs. Albuquerque, N.M., Jan. statement of the financial condition of to file them (or allowance in the Pro fayette. Requiem Mass. Sacred Kathryn Eby of Denver: As Mother General 20 . the licensee as of the close of business bate Court of the City and County ol The newspaper provides SHINN NORTHERN Heart church, Jan. 23. Inter­ and three brothers, Martin PAl'I.INO. Angelo A.. 460 December 3i, 1967. Denver, Colorado, on or before the penetration in depth in the Lafayette, La. — Re­ ment, Mt. OlivcU ASSETS PHARMACY M onroe .street. R e q u ie m M ass. 33nd day of July. 1968. or said claims primary market by reaching J. and Charles D. O’Fallon, quiem Mass for Mother Cash on Hand 10.120 shall be forever barred. Su .John the Evangelist church. Securities and Investments GAVIN. Joseph H.. H6.I Fen­ too L A U R A C. HANSON virtually every family or "Your Parish Drug Store" both o f Denver, and W il­ Mary Laura O’Brien, 82, Loans Made Under Authority ton. R eq u iem M ass. SU B ernad­ Jan. IS. Interm enU MU O liv e t Executrix consumer in that market. liam -J. O’Fallon o f Pasade­ former Mother General of Olinger mortuaries. of I9t3 Loan Act 40.339 e Free Delivery Service ette's c h u r c h , J a n . 19. Inter­ A ccounts o r Notes Joseph L. Sweeney na. Calif. the Sisters of the Most PEREA. Daniel L., 3541 W. Attorney (or the estate e Charge Accounts ment. Mu OliveU Day-Noonan Receivable 144,688 m ortu ary. H oyt place. Son o f M r. a n d Mr.s. Other Assets 1120 S e c u rity L ife B u ild ing . Holy Sacrament, was of­ Denver. Colorado L. C. G R IF F IN . O W N E R Rudolph Perea. Requiem Mass. Ite m ize fered in Our Lady of Fati­ F ix e d Assets (Net of Telephone 222-8994 GRAVES. Nora E.. 2911 Ames Su Anthony of Padua church. ma church by Auxiliary Depredation) 503 (P u b lish e d In Blythe-Goodrich You Are Always Knights Notes | StreeU Requiem Mass. Su Mar;.' Jan. 23. In term en t MU OliveU 503 Denver Cafholic Register) Bishop Warren L. Boud­ Boulevard mortuaries. Total Assets 195.750 Welcome At Shinn's M a g d a len e’ s ch u r c h . Jan . 22. F irs t P u b lic a tio n : Jan , 25. 1968 M orluary Interment. Mt. OliveU Day-Noo­ LIABILITIES Last Publication: Feb. 15. 1946 Glenn B. Wilson, Jr. will reaux of Lafayette. Bishop PETERSON, May O’Connor. Capital or Net Worth 152.982 nan mortuary. 745 E. IHth aven u e. R e q u ie m Jack W. Goodrich Northern Hotel Bldg. be the guest speaker at Maurice Schexnayder of Surplus (of corporation) Mass. St. James’ church, Jan. Notes Payable 41.000 HU 2.103.S.HU 2-103fi Lafayette presided. 482-3208 the Friday Luncheon Club HEALY, Anna McAndrcw. 423 20. Interment, MU O iivcU O lin ­ Accounts Payable at Council 539, KnighUs of Mother Laura had served S. Newton street. Requiem ger mortuaries. Other Liabilities Mass, Su Anthony of Padua Ite m ize Columbus, 1555 Grant three term s as .Mother REINERS. Helen L.. 1568 Clin­ Escrowed Funds 1.748 church, Jan. 24. Interment, Mu street on January 26. General of the congrega­ ton street. Requiem .Mass. SU 1.768 OliveU Boulevard mortuaries. Total Liabilities 195.750 Therese’s church. Jan. 24. Inter­ Wilson is the scout exe­ tion, which conducts State of Colorado County Of Denver ment. Chicago. 111. Olinger m or­ Colorado Springs cutive of the Denver Area schools in Louisiana. Mis­ H E M M E R T . L o u is. 242.5 P ierce )ss !V tuaries. Comes now Abe Brooks who person­ HOMES Council, Boy Scouts of sissippi, and Alabama. She street. R e q u ie m M ass, SU Mar>- ally appeared before me. and having America, Timberline dis­ M a g d a len e’s c h u rch , >Jan. 22. ROBLES, Bridget R. Garcia, first kwen duly sworn upon oath de joined the sisterhood in Interment. Mt. OliveU Olinger 2901 W. Short place. D a u g h ter poses and says; That he has read me SHEARER Zecha & Adams trict, and secretary of 1907. mortuaries. o f .Mr. and .Mrs. L u gy R o b le s. foregoing Instrument and that the FOR SALE Uevbdb Ave At CAChe L a Poudre •Jr. Graveside service, Mt. same Is true to the best of his knowl­ HARDWARE Denver Area Council Cath­ edge. infor.'nation and belief. olic Scouting committee. Priest's Sister Dies KERWOOD. Data P.. at Toko- Olivet. Jan. 20. Abe Brooks 2329 East Platte P artner Automotive He has spent nearly 30. Mrs. Mary Tringl, 80, ma Park, Md. Son of Mr. and RYAN, Claus M.. 1050 Pearl Mrs. Philip A. Kerwood. Arva­ street. Requiem Mass. Holy Subscribed and sworn to before me M E . 2-7288 3nd years in scouting, having sister of Father Stephen R. da. Requiem Mass. Holy Trinity G host church. Jan. 2:i. In ter­ this 22nd day of January A.O. 1941. My Commission Expires: April 15. COLORADO SPRINCJS Brake Service been an Eagle Scout in his Krieger, S.J., of Regis high church. Jan. 10. Interment. MU ment. Mu OliveU Boulevard 1969. youth and is well versed in school, died Jan. 21 of a OliveU Boulevard mortuaries. mortuaries. Margey L. Belschner all phases o f scouting. SAINDON. Bernard. 4367 Clay Notary Public heart attack in St. Ix>uis. K O R O S. M a ry B.. 1010.5 W. "Colorado Springs' Finest and Most Modern" Luncheon begins prompt­ Funeral services were held street. Keijuiem .Mass. S h rin e o f 69th avenue. Arvada. Requiem St. Anne’s church. .Ian. 25. In­ WANT TO ly at noon. Wednesday in St. Louis. Mass. Shrine of St. Anne's term ent. Mt. Olivet. O lin ger THANKSGIVING ahr ICaui iHnrtuarij mortuaries. To SELL SIMMONS. Miirgaret Renfro. The infant of Prague 256,5 Forest street. R equ iem M tm b e r by In v ilo lio n .National Selected .Morticians a nd .Mass. Blessed Sacrament Our Lady of Guadalupe YOUR HOME? Members of the Staff ch u rch , .Jnn. 22. Carroll B. Dunn W. Harley Remington for Favors Received SNOOK. Ullian M. (Osbornl. Why not try our parish icction in Catholic Funeral Directors 1200 Ogden street. Requiem me Rcgitier. The co»t is low and MEIrose 2-6671 Colorado Springn. Colo. Mass, St. Phikimena’s church, the quick retulls will surpnte Jan . 20. IntermenU MU OliveU you! The ads are listed under par Howard mortuaries. SWIGERT ish subheadings. TAVONATTI. Ruth. Idaho Springs. Colo. Requiem Mass, BROS. £AisiL PhoAm aa^ „ MOTOR IT’S EASY TO PLACE A WANT AO St Paul’s church. Jan. 22. inter­ OPTOMETRISTS PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST Js ment. .Mt. Olivet. -JUST CALL HOTEL W'lEGl.E. Donald J.. 7821 I25-114S M2 N. Weber AND RESTAURANT Applehlossom lane. Foster son Devoted to Your SAY "CHARGE IT" M E . 3 -2 0 6 9 Slay with 'May'* o f Mr. and .Mrs. M urphy B ar­ Ctmiplcte Vision Care CaIa. Sarinft, CaIa. K20 N. Nevada______ton. Requiem Mass. Holy Trini­ ty church. Westminster. Jan. 18. Harry W. Swigert, O.D. interment. Mt. Olivet Boulevard Donald E. Gootdy. O.D. J. D. CROUCH mortuaries. Jerry R. Pederson, O.D. C. D. O'BRIEN REGISTER LOETSCHER'S OPTICIAN Fred Smaldone W A N T ADS SUPER MARKET JERRY BREEN 'TUe ty u tc - ONE TWIN WAS BORN WITH BIRTH DEFECTS Florist CHERRY CREEK Fast .\clinn! 231 Detroit St. Low Cost! QUALITY MEATS 1.521 Champa Joanne and Carol Anne came into this world only minutes apart but the 355-7042 534-5819 1 PRODUCE 266-31.31 difference between them is immeasurable. Joanne was born healthy. Her Nationally Advertised QualiTy Apparel sister has hearing and heart defects caused when their mother con­ IN COLORADO SPRINGS Brands of G r o c e rie s S IN C E 1872 tracted German measles early in pregnancy. 524 W. Colorado Ave. Why Carol Anne? Why not Joanne? Someday science may learn the co^tscieiitious care Kiowa and Tejon StreeU reason. There are still so many questions to be answered . . . so many birth defects to be conquered. makes M o ward Service distinctive RIALTY Them e M March a rc h ot of Dimes is leaaingleading methe oamcbattle through research, treatment ^ m m i m MAY INSURANCE CO. and education. Please help. | ‘ y 1 B f H l l PARK AVENUE MORTUARY BERKELEY PARK MORTUARY 7as N O . T E J O N H A M P D E N "m e m o r i a l ESTATES CEMETERY • 222-1851 Phono 633-7731 Colorado Springs ^ight birth defects MARCH OF DIMES V HAMPDEN MEMORIAL ESTA / / Pa< Page TwePve THE REGISTER, DENVER ARCHPIOCESAN EDITION Thursday, January 25, 1968 SPECIAL LIMITED ENROLLMENT FOR EXTRA CASH BENEFITS EXPIRES MIDNIGHT, FEBRUARY 25. 1968 NOW-FOR CATHOLICS OF ALL AGES


Cl ■ CHOOSE THE P U N THAT SUITS YOU BEST= p.i New Hospital Plan for Catholics pays extra cash direct to pr of you—in addition to any other insurance—group, individual ALL-FAMILY PLAN •NE-PARENT FAMILY PLAN Q» $10,000 MAXIMUM $7,500 MAXIMUM El I d or Medicare—tax-free extra cash to use as you please! h / $100 weekly (*14.28 dally) extra PAYS YOU: $100 weekly ($14.28 daily) extra th cash Income while you are hospitalized. *75 cash income while you are hospitalized. $50 V H YOif wife Is hos-i weekly ($7.14 dally) for each eligible child V] ^n8i'i;:i:Jd“horpa/ia/Jocver—during this limited years at a cost within your means. pcndence and .safeguard your own reserves, en­ enrollment period. get all these valuable “extra” features: tive Insurance Company. “The Catholic's Com­ pany,” specializing in low-cost protection for If you are over 65 now, or when you become roll your parents in the Hospital Plan for Catho­ And, after you receive your policy, // for any How Yuur "Health-Bank Account" Grows Catholics all across America for over .35 years. 65, the following modest monthly increase ap­ lics during this limited Enrollment. Have the reason you decide you don't want it, you may re­ parent to he enrolled complete and sign the En­ In Catholics everywhere, possibly right in your own plies. (This is the only increase that can ever be turn it within JO days and your dollar will be Here’s a wonderful benefit, no matter which plan rollment Form , but enter your address c / o your d t you choose, almost like an extra “ Bank Ac­ community (including many priests), know of us made as long as you continue your policy in promptly refunded! force): name. (E xam ple: c / o John Jones. 120 Main count.” When your policy is issued, your insur­ and may be insured by us. Many Catholic .school Street, Anytow n, U.S.A.) W c will send the pol­ Why You Need The Hospital Plan For Catholics ance provides up to $10,000, $7,500 or $5,000- children have for years enjoyed Mutual Protec­ Female on All-Family or Husband-Wife icy and premium notices to you. Just enclose SI In Addition To Ordinary Health Insurance accordiog to the Plan you choose. This is your tive coverage. Serving policyholders throughout Plan ...... A D D : $2.25 for the first month. fo “Health-Bank Account.” Then, every month the United States direct by mail, Mutual Protec­ th Because no matter what other insurance you now your policy is in force, an amount equal to your tive has its headquarters in Omaha. Nebraska, b( carry, it simply won't cover everything! ' regular monthly premium (including your first where it is incorporated and licensed. Accidental Death Benefit On AN Four Plans ti Think for a moment—in these days of rising month) is actually added to your maximum! medical costs, would your present insurance No Red Tape —No Salesman Will Call In the event of the accidental death (within 90 you name, subject to the maximum (Aggregate i t When you have claims, your benefits are simply days o f an accident) o f any person covered under of Benefits) of your policy. You may, if you cover all your hospital bills? All your surgical subtracted from your “account”— much like put­ If you enroll now, during this limited enrollment this policy. $500 will he paid to any beneficiary wish, name your parish as your beneficiary. and in-hospital doctor’s bills? All the medicines, ting money in and taking it out of the bank. period there are no other qualifications other drugs, supplies and the many other extras? Prob­ than to complete and mail the Enrollment Form ably not. Peace of Mind and Security Enrollment Form? Then mail it with only t t below. We will issue your Hospital Plan for Cath­ Please ?/ote: Because this is a limited enroll­ tl And even if all your medical and hospital bills For as long as you live and continue to pay your olics (Form P147M Series) immediately—the $/.00—“introductory” cost for your first ment, we can only accept enrollments post­ si were covered, what about all your other expenses premiums, we will never cancel or refuse to re­ same day wc receive your Form. Along with month’s coverage. marked on or before the date shown below. But —the bills that keep piling up at home—the tre­ new your policy for health reason.s — and wc your policy, you will receive an easy-to-use Money-Back Guarantee please don't wait until then! The sooner we re­ mendous and costly upset to your budget, your guarantee that we will never cancel, modify or Claim Form. Any time you need your benefits, When you receive your policy, you’ll see that it reserves and your family life? ceive your Form, the sooner your Hospital Plan th th terminate your policy unless we decline renewal you know your claim will be handled promptly. is direct, honest, easy to understand. But if for If you. as husband, father and hreodwhmer are on all policies of this type in you- entire state or for Catholics will cover you and your family. 01 h« Doesn't it make good sense for you to be any reason you change your mind, you may re­ suddenly hospitalized, your income stops, your until the maximum (Aggregate of Benefits) of protected by a Catholic health plan? Why IVe cannot cover you if your policy f.v not in turn it within 10 days and we will promptly re­ th expenses go up. Even if you have some kind of your policy has been paid. not take a moment now and fill out your fund your dollar. force! Mail your form today. ch Ct he ta Li at to MUTUAL PROTECTIVE INSURANCE COMPAINY SPECIAL LIMITED ENROLLMENT! EXPIRES FEBRUARY 25, 1968 hi P^ Don't d«lay-fiM ei-t in d mail Enrollment Form today, with S1.00, to C< a< 38(50 Leavenworth Street, Omaha, Nebraska 681 OS I Mutual Protective Insurance Company. 3660 Leavenworth Street, Omaha, Nebraska I tl Licensed by the State of Colorado HO.SPITAI. PLAN FOR CATHOLICS hii yo a ti LIMITED ENROLLMENT FORM NO- 2853820 of Ih th' b( 18 Important Questions Answered INSURED'S NAME- pr Middle Initiut ABOUT THE NEW HOSPITAL PLAN FOR CATHOLICS (Plejse Prim) First die ch ADDRESS ------1. >X'hat ij the Hospital Plan (or Catholics.* 9. When does my policy go into (orcc? foi E 1( you have no children, or i( your children Then, every month your policy is in force, an Street The Hospital Plan (or Catholics is a brand-new, are xrown and no longer dependent on you, you i It becomes effective the very same day we receive amount eqttml to your regular monthly premium la low-cost health protection plan—createii especially will want the HUSBAND-WIFE PLAN. (including your first month) is actually midtd to rec (or Catholics—that pa>-s rx/ra u ih incomt direa to Or. i( you are living by yourseK, you will want your Enrollment Form. Accidents are covered on that date. After your policy is 30 days old sick- your maximum. W hen you have claims, benefits wo you when covered accident or illness hospitalizes the* INDIVIDUAL ''C Pi a n . are simply subtrmeted from your "account." you or a member o( your (amily. 6. I( I become hospitalized, when do my bene nesses which begin thereafter are covered Under l.MPORTANT: 6ts begin.* the ALL-FAMILY PLAN, childbirth or rregnan« M. Are any other unusual bcncfifs included? 2. >X'hy d o t need the H cspiial Plan (or Cath­ or any consequence thereof is covered after your This enrollment form olics in addition to my regular insurance? Yes. in the event o f an accidental death (within must be mailed no later Feb. 25,1968 dal On mtl plans, your cash benefits are paid from the policy has been in force for 10 months. than midnight of: very first day you enter the hospital, for as long 90 days of an accident) o f any person covered, 8U< Probahiv' your present hospital insurance won't 10. iX’hat if som eone in my family has had a $500 will be paid to the covered person’s bene­ covet mil your hospital expenses, but even i( it —and for as rnany times—as you are hospitalized. health problem that may occur again? Bis > the maximum (Aggregate of Benefits) o f the ficiary—unless you wish to name your parish as does, you will still need help to cover all yo^. beneficiary-subject to the maximum (Aggregate SEX: □ M.ile Q Female AGE DATE OF BIRTH- pre household expenses when you are hospitalized. plan you choose. Any covered family member who has suffered from Month Day 7. How much can I be paid in a Catholic hos­ of Benefits) of your policy. 3. Can I cotleci esen though ] carry other chronic ailments in the past will be covered for 15.ViC'in my claims b e handled promptly? pri health insurance? pital? these pre-existing conditions after he has been pro­ SELECT PLAN t>ESIRED: If AU-f'ii"iiiy or ftuyhaml-H'ife Plan is scHcted, for Each plan has its own "Aggregate o f Benefits,” tected by the policy for two jears. Yes. With your policy, you will receive a simple, (Check One Only) give following Information on wife: Yes, the Plan pays you in addition to any health in­ . >X'hac conditions aren't cosered? 9 surance you carry, whether individual oc group- what we call the maximum. 11 easy-to-use Claim Form. Your claims will be proc­ Q All-Family Plan essed quickly and your checks sent directly to you. even Medicare! And all your benefits are tax-free! For example, under the ALL-FAMILY PLAN. Q Hiisbami-Wife Plan froi the mmximum it 5/O.OOO-SlOO a week (S14.28 Only these minimum necessary exceptions- preg­ Wife's First Name A. Is there a lot of red tape to qualify? 16. W hy are the prem ium s in the Hospital Plan a day) extra cash income while you are hospital­ nancy or any consequence thereof (unless vtw for Catholics so low? □ One-Parent Family Plan bea have the ALL-FAMILY PLAN,, w . r S hS None at ail. Your omls qualification it to complete ized. $75 weekly ($10.71 daily) while your wife [J Individual Plan DATE OF WIFE'S B IR T H - ad( and mail your Enrollment Form by the deadline IS hospitalized. $50 weekly ($7.14 daily) for each service, riervous or mental disease or disorder You actually get all these benefits-at such a low Month Day Year date shown on the form at right. eligible child hospitalized. suicide, alcoholism or drug addiaion. or any con­ cost—b«ause this is a mass enrollment plan—and env dition covered by Workmen's Compensation or no salesmen are used. Our volume is higher and 3. Which plan should I choose? Under the ONE-PARENT PLAN, the mmxt. Employers Liability Laws. * anc mum it $ 7 .3 0 0 -$ 1 0 0 weekly ($14.28 daily) our sales costs are lower. Do you carry other insurance in this Company? □ N o □ Yes You may choose any of fomr low-cost plans-you 17. H ow much does m y first month cost? 9 while you are hospitalized. $50 weekly ($7.14 12. Cars I drop out any time* Can you drop (If "yes." please list policy numbers.)------can aauailr select the exacr plan that suits yea bMtl daily) for each eligible child hospitalized. <4 Only $l.()l>, regardless o f your age. the size o f I have cnclOM.'d my (irst monthly premium o f $ !.« » and hereby appty to Mutual „ If yours is a young, growing family, we recom- Under the HUSBAND-WIFE PLAN, the mmx- your family or the plan you select. After the fim tha ...... A M lL ''* -...... Ww c . will neverntv,, cancelc.nttl or refuserelu., to i„ „ „ Protective Insurance Company. Omaha, Nebraska, for the Hospital Plan for Catholics mend the ALL-FA Ml LY PLAN. You and your wife tmmm it J7.300— $100 weekly ($14.28 dailyl policv for hea th re>*nn«-(nz .. i-____ month, if you are under 65 . you pay only these low are covered at once for accidents, (ot new licit- while you are Itospitalized. $75 weekly ($10.71 policy for health reasons-for as long as vou'l’ive Form PU7M and Plan thereunder a* sckclcd ubovc. I understand the policy (s not in o 196 monthly rates; only $7.95 a month (or the ALL­ force until actually ihsuvcI. The bciKhciary for alt persons covered under this policy j nesses which begin after your policy it 3(1 daya daily) while your wife is htKpifalized. and continue to pay your premiums >X'c gu*fine»i .....■ h.. w w.: ell w... novo, never „„r,|. cancel, modify or S’""™ tt FAMILY PLAN; only $5.95 a month for the shall be: CTteck one: * old. and for maternity benefits after your policy Under the INDIVIDUAL PLAN, the mmxi vour policv unless wc itcrt.n* _ .. " ‘Vc ONE-PARENT FAMILY PLAN; only $5.75 a has been in force for 10 months. All your un­ mum It $5.000—$100 a week ($14.28 a day) your policy unless we decline renewal on all m T.' N tiescies oiof im*this type in your entire si_state or um .lthe month for the HUSBAND-W IFE PLAN; only married dependent children (and future additions) while you are hospitalized. maximum (Aavrc.irc r.t “ ” «ii ine ji.x m u m of Booefi.,, if $3.25 a month for THE INDIVIDUAL PLAN. Name Address the between 3 months and under 2t are included, tt 8. Must 1 go to a Catholic hospital to collect (W hen you are over o 5 . premiums increase. See no extra cost, as long as they live at home. h.. P..J .ou, o( couw. t.o drop mit bertefits? icy on any renewal date. ^ modest increase in box above.) □ Thu Catholic parish in which the covered person resides at the lime of his death. If you are the only parent living with your chil­ N o. you will be covered in any hospital o f your 13. W hy is the Hospital Plan (or Catholics al- 18. Why should I enroll right no» * acce dren. we suggest the ONE-PARENT FAMILY choice that makes a charge for room and board, most like having an extra bank account 8pol PLAN. This covers you and all eligible children except nursing homes, convalescent or self-care Because an unexpected sickness o ' accident could living at home between 3 months of age and under D tte_ Signed.; R. units o f hospitals. Federal hospitals, or any hospi­ Insured'* Signature SIGN - DO NOT PRINT 21. Under thii plan, of course, future additions tal primarily (or (he treatment of tuberculosis, drug covered until your policy it in force. Remember, are not included sitsce no maternity benefit it if for any reason you change your mind, you may was addiction, alcoholism, or nervous or mental dis­ ,JJop .Iro ol FORM C 147M provided in the ONE-PARENT FAMILY PLAN. order. chooro. Th.i n voir ■ B.nk return your policy within lU days and your 51.00 Johi will be refunded immediately. Mai Plust maki check or money o r » r jK 4tle J ton, tior s