• I ‘ I I / ■ If -3| V ^ • Pag* 2 — TH E DENVER CATHOLIC REG ISTER, W*D„ July 2, 1275 Fr
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• I ‘ i I / ■ If -3| V ^ • Pag* 2 — TH E DENVER CATHOLIC REG ISTER, W*d„ July 2, 1275 Fr. Lir Former Delegate In U.S. Dies Official Appointments* Reverend Joseph C. Sullivan, Pastor of Guardian spoken papal diplomat VATICAN CITY (NO — The 62-year-old official of born at Acqui-Lussito in the Angels Church, Denver. Ne Cardinal Luigi Raimondi, the Roman Curia, the north Italian region of supported the creation of Reverend John S. Trimbur, Assistant Pastor of St. prefect of the Congegation Church’s central Piedmont on Oct. 25, 1912. the National Center for Aid Thomas More Parish, Englewood. administration, suffered a He received doctorates in to Indigenous Missions, for Saints’ Causes since Reverend Richard B. Ling, Pastor of the new Parish The la becoming a cardinal in 1973 heart attack in his theology and canon law in devoted to Mexico’s 3.5 to be established in the Green Mountain area. and apostolic delegate in the apartment here June 2' and Rome. He was ordained a million Indians. He traveled estabish United States for six years died almost immediately, at priest in 1936, and studied at widely among them, and in less before that, has died. 1 p.m. He had seemed to be R o m e ’ s Pontifical made a study of ancient Mounta In 1969 Cardinal Raimondi in fine health until the day Ecclesiastical Academy, civilizations in Mexico, as Official Schedule accent t! thrust, \ ordained Bishop George R. he died. which is the training school he had in Guatemala. BISHOP GEORGE R. EVANS Evans to the episcopacy. Cardinal Raimondi was for future diplomats of the During his five and one- p.m., Ss Saturday, July 5, 7:(X) p.m. — Basalt, St. Vincent’s Mountai Vatican. half years in the United Parish, Confirmation, Concelebrated Mass. In 1938 he was sent to States, he ordained 22 Sunday, July 6, 8:15 a.m. — Snowmass, St. Benedict The fc 20, Mas Guatemala as secretary of bishops, including the Monastery, Mass. the apostolic nunciature present archbishop of a.m. am Tuesday, July 8, 11:00 a.m. — Denver, Dedication of Archb there. Four years later he Baltimore, Archbishop Fortress Church Supply Store. went to the United States as William D. Borders, and an official of the apostolic helped established a dozen BISHOP RICHARD C. HANIFEN Une delegation, and remained new dioceses and three there until he was sent to archdioceses. Wednesday, July 9, 8:00 p.m. — St. Anthony of Not India as counselor and He represented Pope Paul Padua Cursillo Secretariate Meeting. charge d’affaires at the VI at the funerals of Sen. WASH apostolic internunciature in Robert Kennedy and former level of New Delhi. In 1954 he was President Dwight Eisen Responsibility Bill table to I ordained a bishop and hower. thatevei named apostolic nuncio in accord in Haiti and apostolic delegate Correction Aims at N J. Parents assoc iati for the English and French A change in the schedule social d territories of the Caribbean. for the Pilgrim Virgin statue TRENTON, N.J. (NC) — here that permits prosecu Catholic Three years later he was of Mount Carmel has been ' a bill has been introduced in tion of a parent for neglect ii. Butler named apostolic delegate in made for the week, July 5-12. the New Jersey Legislature the child is convicted fo" the cone Mexico, where he remained The statue will be in the that would make parents juvenile offense twice in the defined a decade. home of Bart Felasco, 3539 responsible for delinquent same year. George 1 In Mexico, the mild- Quivas, Denver. acts of their children. The law was challenged by as “job Meanwhile, Superior a woman whose son was con wages f Court Judge George J. victed of juvenile offenses seeking Schoch has upheld the validi twice in 1975. Butler Education Board ty of a Trenton Municipal or- Judge Schoch said two Preside dinanc*e that does basically convictions in one year could em erge Cardinal Luigi Raimondi places the ring on the the same thing. be sufficient evidence for a “Unemp finger of Bishop George R. Evans after his ordination to Adds 4 Members Assemblymen Kenneth A, jury to determine that the the fabri the episcopacy in 1969. Four new members were formally installed on the Gewertz introduced legisla parents were guilty of ly, whosi Denver Metropolitan Area Board of Catholic Education tion to establish a statewide neglect. The ordinance always f during its annual meeting June 24. parental responsibility act. adopted last November by Notin, Appointed by Archbishop James V. Casey as The measure, holding a the Trenton City Council, economii m e m b e r s at large were Mrs. Clara Freeman, Loyola parent or guardian responsi was described by municipal putting ] ^ STOP Parish, and Pedro Esquivel, St. Bernadette Parish. ble for the conduct of a officers as a way of putting soon CG Elected members were Mrs. Patricia Zak. minor under their supervi "some kind of starch” in the recovery THAT THIEF! Immaculate Heart of .Mary F^arish, representing District sion. also makes the adult system of disciplining question: A, and Theodore Borrillo, .Notre Dame Parish, District liable for any fines levied juveniles. Maximum fine un ministra E against a juvenile offender. der the ordinance is $500. the ei^i VACATION TIMS IS NOSBBNT TOf£! With the exception of Mrs Freeman, the new Gewertz said he sponsored suffering Install DEAOBOKiT ^XNTKS NOVT and lot your members will serve for three years. Mrs Freeman will the bill because many local vacation have a happy ending. serve for the two years remaining of the appointment of responsibility ordinances THE Deadbolt lock* itart at 16.79 installed Jack Dwyer. St. Philomena Parish, who resigned are being overturned by the because of ill health. courts, which have ruled DENVER Me Quality Don't Delay Best Pedro Esquivel replaces Dr .Mary Lou Munroe. there is no state authoriza VIEWING A ti Inatsdlations Price president of the Board and the only onginal member left tion for such a law. CENTER 751-5343 since the Board's inception in 1969 In Trenton, however. The Mrs. Patricia Zak replaces William H Heller. Judge Schoch upheld a law SERAPHIC PRODUCTIONS memo: BONDED & INSURED Nativity Parish, while Theodo^ Bornllo takes on the HAS A died, position formerly held by Geraid E McGuire. St Mary Pro-Life Booth past m of Littleton Parish. NEW Fathei CUSTOM Deadbolt Locks INSTAIXATION Burglar Proof The 11-member board represents a cross section of The Denver Archidocesan TELEPHONE the In LOCK CO. B a ra pastors, education committees, parish councils and the Pro-Life (Yimmission spon Olivet Patio Locks NUMBER S403 E. Ilampdea Av*. F i r s A la rm five school districts. sored a booth at the Right to at Yoi Current members of the Board include Patrick Life Convention held at the on Juli Barrett, Our Lady of Fatima. Mrs Carman Skeehan. Hilton Hotel June 20-22. Blessed Sacrament, Thomas J. Morroni Risen Christ, Representing the Pro Life 893-8232 Mrs. Rae Lujan. Presentation, Rev Emmanuel Gabel, commission at the conven Priests’ Council; Sister Sussanne Kennedy. S.C.L.. tion were Eklie Dumford, the Sisters’ Council; Sister Marianne Keena. C.S.J.. Council Rev. John Dold, Dr. John SepapfjiG ^ PpoduGtiGFjs and Education Office Liaison. Clifford, and Arlene Young. KM BAMNOCH STREET Mrs. Freeman, president of the Annunciation School OCHVER. COLOAADO S03O4 PTA, has four children. She is a member of the Board’s To the ■Minority Advisory Committee AUTHENTIC EUROPEAN SAUSAGES towns 0 An attorney, Borrillo is married and also has four even tl children, all attending school at Notre Dame. & LUNCH MEATS pastoral Esquivel, a director of the Ex]ual Employment James '' Opportunity Commission in Denver, an office of the Best Quality USDA Inspected event. I HEW, has his children attending the parish school and All made in our own Sausage Kitchen opportu: Holy Family High School. Come and visit our Store persona Mrs. Zak. who is married to an attorney, has one Mon. - Fri. 8:30 o.m. - 5:30 p.m. shephei child who doesn’t attend school as yet. Saturday 9:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. fellow I The Board's overall responsibility is the furtherance vocatio of all aspects of (Catholic education for the entire Alpine Sausage Co. forward populace within its jurisdiction directed through the two visit. board channels of Catholic School and Religious 1 272 W. Alaska PI. Denver 80223 Telephone 778-0886 Recei Education Services. th a t 1 A r c h 1 accomf Craig, S NICHOLAS F. TRUGLIO Creek t jrfREGISTER apostoli The Most Reverend Jomes V. Casey. D.O. Publisher can help you States, Rev. C. B. W oodrich ............................................................................... Editor invest in stocks, people Linus R i o r d o n ................................................................................................ A s s « K jte Editor the dele Jim Pierson Busrrsess M onoger bonds and primari Fronk Vecchiorelli Advertising Director mutual funds. of the Edited in Denver, Colorado; Prmtod e^eek/y by Community PubUolnm Call 534-1177. pastor, 3 5 0 ) Eost 46th Avenue, Denver, Colorodo 80216. second c lo u poitooe com e patd at Denver. Colorado, PubhsM by the Arch^KKeie o f Oenrer. Archbii Editorial offices located at 938 Bannock, D eo^ , Coio 30204 reason Subscriptions: S5.00 per year closely Foreign countries including Phillipines. $7 00 per yeor Christ.' Rt. Rev. Matthew J. Smith, Ph.O., Founding Editor B o siu arth Then Register System of Catholic Newspapers 1913-1960 Archdi difficul Please direct all inquiries regarding changes o* address. su<Kcript.«ns Sulliuan etc. to the Editorial Office.