ESA Observation Programmes towards C-MIN 2012

Stephen Briggs Head of Programme Planning and Coordination Service Directorate of ESA Earth Observation Programmes Lisbon, Portugal 11 June 2012 EOP Towards C-MIN‟12 – P | 11 June 2012 | V1 | Page 1 ESA Unclassified – For Official Use C-MIN 12: EO programme proposals

At C-MIN 12, a series of Earth Observation Programmes will be tabled for subscription:

1. EOEP-4

2. MetOp Second Generation

3. GSC-3

Additionally Earthnet and Long-Term Data Preservation programmes will be tabled as part of the LoR, as described in C(Min)2008.

EOP Towards C-MIN‟12 – P | 11 June 2012 | V1 | Page 2 ESA Unclassified – For Official Use The ESA Earth Observation Envelope Programme

History and overview

EOP Towards C-MIN‟12 – P | 11 June 2012 | V1 | Page 3 ESA Unclassified – For Official Use ESA„s Earth Science Strategy

The science strategy for ESA’s : . Launch a steady flow of missions addressing key science issues . Provide an infrastructure to allow quick and efficient satellite data exploitation . Contribute to global Earth Observation capabilities . Provide an efficient and cost-effective process for science priorities to be rapidly translated into space missions

EOP Towards C-MIN‟12 – P | 11 June 2012 | V1 | Page 4 ESA Unclassified – For Official Use The Earth Observation Envelope Programme

The Earth Observation Envelope Programme:

1. backbone of European Earth science 2. technology development, leading edge space missions, operations, science and exploitation 3. flexible and responsive definition of program content 4. offers recurrent opportunities in terms of proposed new calls for missions/activities

EOP Towards C-MIN‟12 – P | 11 June 2012 | V1 | Page 5 ESA Unclassified – For Official Use The Functions of the EOEP

. Scientific Earth Explorer Missions . Preparation of Operational Programmes . Eumetsat missions . GMES Space Component (GSC) . Climate Change Initiative (CCI) . Technology Development . Mission continuity, data exploitation

EOEP-1 EOEP-2 EOEP-3 EOEP-4 2000-2002 2003-2007 2008-2012 2013 +

EOP Towards C-MIN‟12 – P | 11 June 2012 | V1 | Page 6 ESA Unclassified – For Official Use The Components of EOEP

EOEP comprises four main blocks:

 Block 1: Mission preparation and technology

 Block 2: Development of Earth Explorer missions

 Block 3: management and mission operations

 Block4:Mission exploitation

EOP Towards C-MIN‟12 – P | 11 June 2012 | V1 | Page 7 ESA Unclassified – For Official Use The ESA Earth Observation “fleet”

EOP Towards C-MIN‟12 – P | 11 June 2012 | V1 | Page 8 ESA Unclassified – For Official Use ESA‟s Earth Observation Missions

Earth Explorer Earth Watch Research driven Operational Service driven

Core Opportunity Continuity Operational Missions Missions of Missions GMES GOCE CryoSat-2 Sentinel 1 March 17th April 8th MSG Sentinel 2 2009 2010 MetOp (EPS) Sentinel 3 MTG Sentinel 4 (MTG) MetOp SG Sentinel 5 precursor ADM-Aeolus SMOS ERS-2 until 2011 Nov. 2nd Sentinel 5 (MetOp 2009 SG) Jason-CS


Envisat until 2012 Biomass/ CarbonSat CoReH2O FLEX /PREMIER

EOP Towards C-MIN‟12 – P | 11 June 2012 | V1 | Page 11 ESA UnclassifiedMissions – For Official in UseEOEP In : ESA Earth Observation satellites

Envisat ceased communication 1. Four EO missions in operation on 8 April 2012 a. Five more currently operated by Eumetsat 2. Several thousand data user projects worldwide– increasing further 3. More than 100 Terabytes/yr of data 4. 30 partner missions for which data disseminated to European users

ERS-2 mission ended in 2011

EOP Towards C-MIN‟12 – P | 11 June 2012 | V1 | Page 12 ESA Unclassified – For Official Use Iceland ENVISAT mission: 10 years 2010

Arctic 2007

Ozone hole 2005 L‟Aquila 2009

First images

Japan 2011

Chlorophyll B-15A concentration Global air iceberg pollution CO2 map Bam earthquake Prestige tanker oil slick Serving Hurricane 4000 scientific projects Katrina and

many operational users Launch

Envisat Envisat Living Planet Symposium Symposium Symposium Salzburg (A) Montreux (CH) Bergen (N)

Mar 02 Sep 04 Apr 07 Jun 10 Mar 12

EOP Towards C-MIN‟12 – P | 11 June 2012and | V1 many | Page workshops13 dedicated to specificESA Unclassified Envisat –user For Official communities Use Results of the Explorer Missions

SMOS: first global salinity and soil moisture maps (key variables in the cycle)

GOCE: most accurate Geoid ever, with unprecedented detail CryoSat: first Arctic thickness map

EOP Towards C-MIN‟12 – P | 11 June 2012 | V1 | Page 14 ESA Unclassified – For Official Use ESA mission synergies

The Gulf Stream

Altimetry map (Envisat, Jason) High Ocean precision Geoid (GOCE) Dynamic Topography CryoSat Data of Ice/Water surface Ocean currents (GOCE)

EOP Towards C-MIN‟12 – P | 11 June 2012 | V1 | Page 15 ESA Unclassified – For Official Use The scientific merits of the EOEP

In 2011, a successful scientific and programmatic review of the Earth Observation Envelope Programme (EOEP) was held.

The review team of external science experts concluded that the EOEP • “has evolved very successfully during the past decade in developing, launching and operating state-of-the art space-based EO satellites” • “has emerged as a sustained technology programme at very high innovation level” and produced • “substantial scientific output with significant impact on our understanding” of Earth.

EOP Towards C-MIN‟12 – P | 11 June 2012 | V1 | Page 16 ESA Unclassified – For Official Use Earth Observation Envelope Programme 4th Period (EOEP-4)

EOP Towards C-MIN‟12 – P | 11 June 2012 | V1 | Page 17 ESA Unclassified – For Official Use EOEP-4 for C-MIN 2012

EOEP has been conceived as an „envelope‟ program: 1. It provides a continuous long-term planning mechanism with successive periods of 5 years. 2. It enables a flexible and responsive definition of program content 3. It offers recurrent opportunities in terms of proposed new calls for missions/activities 4. It ensures a balance across the programme objectives from technology development, mission development to operations, science and exploitation 5. It empowers the program participants in the direction of the program content via selection procedure for Earth Explorer missions, approval of yearly work-plans

EOEP-4 will span the period 2013-2017, with commitments up to 2020.

EOP Towards C-MIN‟12 – P | 11 June 2012 | V1 | Page 18 ESA Unclassified – For Official Use EOEP-4 for C-MIN 2012

– The program assumptions are: – a balance between new missions and exploitation activities – a minimum of order 60% of funding in mission development, including ongoing development and new opportunities – significant new space segment opportunities within the period  A balanced program proposal with a financial envelope of 1895 M Euro (2012 e.c.)

 This funding level will allow:  Development of next generation Explorer missions (EE-7,EE-8, EE-9, EE-10); collaborative payloads and missions, in close cooperation with MS, e.g. EE-X; an improved level of technical preparation of missions, in line with the orientations of the Code of Conduct (final selection only after phase B1; increased activities on instrument pre-development, as per lessons learnt from GOCE/Aeolus, coordinated with MS).  Specific science exploitation of the Sentinel missions  Continuity of missions (e.g. Explorers) beyond currently approved lifetime

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Total 116 179 254 303 359 319 195 130 1855 Proposed re-planning (Meuro, e.c. 2012)  In order to manage Member States affordability in the first three years of the programme, the profiles of the programme have been adjusted.

EOP Towards C-MIN‟12 – P | 11 June 2012 | V1 | Page 19 ESA Unclassified – For Official Use MetOp Second Generation (MetOp-SG)

EOP Towards C-MIN‟12 – P | 11 June 2012 | V1 | Page 20 ESA Unclassified – For Official Use MetOp-SG Programme

• Collaborative programme with EUMETSAT. • Designed to provide data continuity with, and to enhance the observations from, the existing first generation MetOp series. • Current MetOp satellites provide essential meteorological observations from . • ESA is responsible for the development of the prototype satellites and, on behalf of EUMETSAT, for the procurement of the recurrent satellites. • EUMETSAT contributes approx. 30% of the development costs for the satellites and funds all the recurrent satellites. • In addition, EUMETSAT develops the ground segment, procures the launch and LEOP services and performs the operations.

EOP Towards C-MIN‟12 – P | 11 June 2012 | V1 | Page 21 ESA Unclassified – For Official Use MetOp-SG for C-MIN 2012

• Overall progamme size (ESA + EUM): > 3 Beuro • ESA contribution of ~ 715 Meuro (2012 e.c.) • 2-satellite constellation – recurrent models • Proposal for Phase B2/C/D, spanning period ~2013-2022

Without ICI option:

With ICI option:

MetOp SG financial profile (ESA contributions)

EOP Towards C-MIN‟12 – P | 11 June 2012 | V1 | Page 22 ESA Unclassified – For Official Use GMES Space Component (GSC-3)

EOP Towards C-MIN‟12 – P | 11 June 2012 | V1 | Page 23 ESA Unclassified – For Official Use GSC-3: proposal for C-MIN 2012

 Sentinel 5  ESA contribution of 163 M€ (2012 e.c.)  MetOp-SG passenger PL, GS integration into EPS-SG provided by EUM (TBC)  3 units, first unit financed by ESA MS, recurrent units and operations by EU (according to LTS)

Jason-CS  ESA contribution of 188 M€ (2012 e.c.)  2 units, first unit financed by ESA MSs, second unit and operations by EU (according to LTS)  Launch 2018 (JCS-A) and 2023 (JCS-B) GSC Coordination and Studies Activities

Further activities are related to adaptation and Ground Segment coordination

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 TOTAL 26 73 97 93 60 35 13 8 405

EOP Towards C-MIN‟12 – P | 11 June 2012 | V1 | Page 24 ESA Unclassified – For Official Use GSC Milestones

• It is proposed to introduce a phased approach in the GSC-3 Declaration, with a “confirmation point” in early 2014 after the EC has made its budget decisions

• Such a proposal limits the “exposure” of Member States while not compromising the schedule of the Jason-CS and Sentinel-5 missions – and their feasibility altogether.

EOP Towards C-MIN‟12 – P | 11 June 2012 | V1 | Page 25 ESA Unclassified – For Official Use Other Elements

EOP Towards C-MIN‟12 – P | 11 June 2012 | V1 | Page 26 ESA Unclassified – For Official Use Other elements in General Budget

. Two other elements will be tabled in C-MIN 12, namely Earthnet and Long-Term Data Preservation, as part of the Level of Resources. . Both critical elements are not exclusively related to ESA Earth Observation but cover the cooperation with and support to Member States, International Cooperation and elements common to different ESA directorates

EOP Towards C-MIN‟12 – P | 11 June 2012 | V1 | Page 27 ESA Unclassified – For Official Use LoR Element - Earthnet

• Science Access to National and International missions, Coherent PI Projects data access to ESA and Third Party Missions

• Implementation of Charter Operations

• International Presence: Cooperation with China, Russia, US, Africa and any European and International Organisations

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 22 22 22 22 22

EOP Towards C-MIN‟12 – P | 11 June 2012 | V1 | Page 28 ESA Unclassified – For Official Use LoR Element - Long-Term Data Preservation

• Assuring the long term data access (starting 5 years after the end of the mission lifetime) • Relying on a distributed infrastructure with modern physical and virtual archives • Evolution of processing and data access systems to allow ‘use/exploitation of the data’ • Approach shared - with other national EO space systems in Europe (see agreed LTDP guidelines) - with SRE/HSO in ESA • Assumption: 17M (2012 ec) annually in average for EO part 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Joint Activities 2 2 2 2 2 EOP Implementation 17 17 14 18 19 HSO Implementation 3 3 3 3 3 SRE Implementation 4 3 3 2 3 TOTAL (Meuro) 26 25 22 25 27

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