Volume 07, Number 01 College of Medical Evangelists

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Volume 07, Number 01 College of Medical Evangelists Loma Linda University TheScholarsRepository@LLU: Digital Archive of Research, Scholarship & Creative Works The eM dical Evangelist Loma Linda University Publications 6-1920 Volume 07, Number 01 College of Medical Evangelists Follow this and additional works at: http://scholarsrepository.llu.edu/medical_evangelist Recommended Citation College of Medical Evangelists, "Volume 07, Number 01" (1920). The Medical Evangelist. http://scholarsrepository.llu.edu/medical_evangelist/38 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Loma Linda University Publications at TheScholarsRepository@LLU: Digital Archive of Research, Scholarship & Creative Works. It has been accepted for inclusion in The eM dical Evangelist by an authorized administrator of TheScholarsRepository@LLU: Digital Archive of Research, Scholarship & Creative Works. For more information, please contact [email protected]. LIBRARY COLLEGE OF MEDICAL EVANGELISTS LOMA LINDA, CALIFORNIA A JOURNAL DEVOTED TO THE PROMULGATION OF HEALTH REFORM PRINCIPLES VOL. VII LOMA LINDA. CALIFORNIA NUMBER 1 V 3 6 b 7% 1J5 UPsra snl am An institution where nat ural curative methods are used to help sick people get anl ue well; ara and where well people are taught the principle of right living. (US Write for Booklet "Teach ing People How to Live." rue arD GLENDALE SANITARIUM Glendale California LIBRARY COLLEGE OF MEDICAL EVANGELISTS LOMA LINDA, CALIFORNIA THE PARADISE VALLEY SANITARIUM \ T {{(PLEASANTLY located in the foothills near vSan Die^o, with the blue Pacific stretching- ^IJ off to the west. The climate is even and invigorating- the year round. The sur roundings are restful; and the spirit, homelike and congenial. Adequate equipment to insure proper medical and surgical attention is provided. Nature©s remedies, water, fresh air, and sunshine, with proper supervision of diet and exercise are used to build up nerve and sinew. For further information, write to The Paradise Valley Sanitarium National City, Calif. The Hand That Relieves Suffering Is The Hand That Opens Hearts n education which enables you to meet the. world©s need will make you a power for good in any land. Loma Linda offers three courses for your training: Medical - - - - 4 Year Nurses© Training 3 Year Medical Missionary 1 Year Write for Catalog REGISTRAR College of Medical Evangelists LOMA LINDA CALIFORNIA Page One We Offer You a Year©s Free Subscription to the I "MEDICAL EVANGELIST" In order to make the "Medical Evangelist" more useful in carrying the health reform message, it should enter every Seventh-day Adventist home. To encourage our readers in increasing its circulation a one year©s sub m scription will be given free to anyone sending in TEN YEARLY SUBSCRIPTIONS to the Journal. Use blanks below. Write plainly. NAME FULL ADDRESS Your Name.__.-_______..-.-__.--__.._ Addre llllJI SatisfyiIK customers in We guarantee fibHolute style, duality and price, has satisfaction of any purchase been paramount in or will cheerfully re For Expert our success. fund your money. Developing We Give and " S. & H." Green Trading Stamps Printing Hearsh Bros. I call on us, or mail us your orders. Clothiers \ Furnishers II All our work guaranteed to be 1 good, and permanent. to Father and the Boys We also carry a full line of ~also~ r& kodaks and supplies. Footwear for the Whole Family ONES 564 THIRD STREET PHOTO SUPPLY HOUSE J Bernardino - Calif. 507£Third Street] San SANIBERNARDINO Home Phone 6523 Page Two NOTE and COMMENT Educate Lots of Room for Self Supporting Work Seventy-five per cent of the boys of school age How Ihe other half is born challenges attention. in Los Angeles County smoke cigarettes. Is it not Inaccessibility of medical and nursing aid, accord time to sound aloud the cry against this evil? ing to studies of maternity care in six rural areas of four states made by the Children©s Bureau of Are You One of the Three? the U. S. Department of Labor, is responsible for It is said that not over three men in every one much suffering and even death. hundred are normal and in perfect health. The In a northwestern county and in a southeastern unity-seven have some definite imperfection. The county there were nearly twice as many persons great majority of this number are unaware of the per physician as the average for the United States; fact that anything is wrong. They feel pretty good in a southern mountain county there were four most of the time, but the trouble, nevertheless is times as many. A vast area in the far northwest; there, and may, if not checked, lead to serious im larger than the State of Connecticut, was served pairment. Why not have our heart, lungs, kidneys, by three registered doctors. Moreover, most of the stomach, and all the rest of it checked by a doctors in every rural county were located at the good physician with as great regularity as we have county seat, while the remoter parts of the county the dentist check our teeth? It would save many were entirely without medical service. a prolonged sickness, and postpone many a funerai. More than one-third of the families in the far northwestern county studied were twenty miles or Heart Disease more from the nearest doctor, ten being from fifty to 100 miles away. In a southern county more The director of public health education of New than one-fourth of the families were ten miles or York City recently said: "Were any of the epi more from a doctor, and in another county twenty- demic diseases to reap .yearly such harvests of five miles was not an uncommon distance. death as those of heart disease, the world would Actual miles were not the sole obstacle to ob be immediately aroused and drastic measures taining medical help at confinement. Rough roads, taken to eliminate it as far us possible." Even crossed by rivers; slippery mountain trails, almost now heart diseases is claiming more victims than impassible at best, became totally so under bad tuberculosis. For the year just past New York weather conditions. As a result doctors arrive from reports 19,149 deaths from heart disease, against several minutes to twenty-four hours too late to 7,436 from tuberculosis. deliver their patients. Many families, discouraged We are getting the best of infectious diseases. by repeated failures to get a doctor in time, are But those diseases due specifically to wrong habits tempted to do without one altogether; to others the of living are greatly on the increase. We believe in thought of a doctor does not occur unless the pa fresh air anil sunshine; we keep ourselves reason tient©s condition becomes critical. ably clean, but how many are really committed In a southern county only sixty-eight out of 160 to the principles of sane, simple living? Irregu mothers had a doctor at their last confinement; in larity marks our periods of work, play and sleep. only eight out of sixty-six confinement cases in a Carelessness in the selection of food, and improper northern county was a physician secured ; and in still methods of eating, these are the things that cause another more th;m two-thirds of the women did not heart disease. have a physician when their babies were born. Three were entirely alone, and forty-six had only Do Your Own Thinking their husbands in attendance. The anti-vivisectionists are flooding the State Women would in many cases leave home for con with literature in an attempt to secure legislation finement if hospitals were within reach. But one prohibiting a class of scientific work which has n,500-mile area bad no hospital; neither had the been the basis for the definate progress made in southern mountain county. Reaching a hospital prevenbitive medicine. The areat appeal of these meant a journey of several days by wagon trail, misguided people is purely emotional. Their or one by stage across the roughest of mountain "facts"(?) on the question of vivisection do not roads. bear the strong light of honest investigation. The In a large number of cases the mother has no literature which they are putting out is intended nursing care except that given by an untrained hired to deceive. As it is in many questions of religion, girl, a relative, or a neighbor. Figures gathered certain individuals refuse to read or to listen to a from five rural counties arc small in number but truth for fear they would be condemned by their appalling in significance: Forty-five out of eighty- conscience for not accepting it. And accept it, nine babies; twenty-two out of twenty-eight; twelve they will not. It might cross a cherished ambition, out of fifteen ; ton out (if sixteen : ten out of four or upset their plans for petty notoriety. Anti- teen babies died before they were a month old. vivi©sectionistg as a class are dishonest. They are These figures are further corroborated by the obstructionists of the worst, type, for they are Bureau of Census which gives the increase in infant leveling a blow at those most efficacious humani mortality rates from premature birth and injuries at tarian methods used for the prevention and treat birth. The first has increased from 17.5 in 1910 to ment of disease. No red Bolshevik has been led by 21.1 in 1017, and the other from 3.2 in 1910 to 4.G principles more opposed to the good of a com in 1017. These excessive rates are due to the munity than the anti-vivisectionist. Do not be conditions of the mother and indicate plainly that misguided. Investigate for yourself. Remember motherhood is not receiving fhe protection it needs.
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