Republican Journal: Vol. 54, No. 46
FARM. GARDEN AND HOUSEHOLD. Letter From Boston. :iii~ brief facts department suggestions, WKIUi, THE WATF.R-MAN', AND NILSSON, THE are solicited from xpcrieni. housckeep- NTUHTINOALE. '■ mi. r< and _ar.ieii. rs. Address Agli- •litnr..b>urmil Office. Belfast Maine.] Correspondence of the .Iourn.,1. I see by the Herald that Capt. Mathew Webb, 1'ne Making and Keeping of Cider. the great swimmer, has returned to England i :..uke good cider, good, sound, well without performing the feat he promised, of ■ from the new Wheth- e; ed. lean apples must Lie used, and jumping Brooklyn bridge. tilers, it is better to crush them er his courage left him, or whether, as was in- t>‘ grate them. Everything about timated. the authorities in charge of the bridge .1 with which the apples, pomace volume: r>4. would not permit him to attempt the feat, is not icr can come in contact must be Belfast, maine, teiursday, November 10, issa. number 4<$. known. If he had survived the jump itself he perfectly so. would have had little trouble afterward in the f ;e when apple juice, expressed from iii water, as it seems to he his natural element. II* lecymmemliug the oil: its normal Delay. home. There a heart-broken wife shrank The Growth of the United States. The Treatment of Boy Criminals. The Backwoods of Eastern Maine. "diiaei*. must be filtered so as to take ha> just finished the task of in tin state being it is much more con- from his his remaining cry of or other solid liquid, l’luui dear, misunderstood, I' entrance, stinging speech, Fraud* A.
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