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Published: September 7, 2015 00:00 IST | Updated: September 7, 2015 05:48 IST ​ KOCHI, September 7, 2015 Cancer awareness walkathon

Staff Reporter

Cricketer Sreesanth and actor Sai Pallavi of the Premam (Malar) fame flagged off the walkathon to create awareness on support for cancer patients.

At the event organised by Can Serve Charitable Society, Sai Pallavi, who is also a medical student, said that the cancer patients need a willpower to overcome their condition and the society needs to take on the supportive role in giving them the moral strength to fight the disease.

The walkathon aimed at providing help and other support to cancer patients was organised in association with Kochi Corporation and the Navy in which students from various city schools, colleges, Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences and participated

Hibi Eden, MLA, presided over the function while K. V. Thomas, MP, was the chief guest. Sai Pallavi also joined in the Flash Mob held on the occasion by St. Teresa’s College students.

The walkathon that began from the Durbar Hall Ground and went towards the Gandhi Square, Maharaja’s College, Law College, St. Teresa’s College and came back to the D.H. ground.

Anwar Sadath, MLA, Deputy Mayor B. Bhadra, Jose Chacko Periapuram, Aster Medcity CEO, Dr. Harish Pillai, NSS Karayogam general secretary P. Ramachandran were among the participants. Dr. Vijaykumar and Dr. Mohan Nair held a class. Can Serve president Kala Joymon and secretary Suja Nair also spoke.

Printable version | Sep 8, 2015 11:29:32 AM | walkathon/article7623980.ece
