"You are not guilty because you are m m anarchtstmtfortnightiy ignorant but you are guilty when you resign yourselves to ignorance. " Guiseppe Mazsini FreedomFIFTY PENCE (1805- 1872) Vol. 55 No.6 19 MARCH 1994 THE LASER GUN this year. Such a weapon could easily - made in Britain? be copied for production elsewhere". part from the Sunday Times which could cause instant incurable e are constantly, and rightly, report (quoted in Freedom, ‘No blindness are being manufactured A reminded - now with a film - of More Hiroshimas (perhaps)’, 22nd and could soon proliferate through W the ‘Holocaust’, the example p a r January) the media have shown very the world’s trouble spots”. little interest in the warnings and excellen ce of man’s inhumanity to man, but there is very little interest, pleadings of the International “Laser weapons are silent; their beams are Commission of the Red Cross (ICRC) totally invisible and their effects let alone indignation, shown in the to have the laser gun banned. The Instantaneous, making it impossible for West for the two atomic bombings on public, it would seem, is much more human targets to defend themselves.” Hiroshima and Nagasaki or the block interested in the excavations and bombing of the civilian population (by exhumations at 25 Cromwell Street, It would appear that military conventional bombs) of Dresden and Gloucester. laboratories in the US, Russia, Hamburg. (Indeed the Brits recently Be that as it may, we are more Britain and France have been (continued on page 2) interested in the potential of the laser working on “blindness’ weapons for gun, more horrific, more cold-blooded some years, not only to counteract and sick than the actions of the ‘mass’ their effect on their own equipment murderers in Gloucester or in but also for ‘offensive use’.
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