Appendix a IRB-Approved Consent Form

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Appendix a IRB-Approved Consent Form Appendix A IRB-Approved Consent Form John Jay College Principal Investigators: Haberfeld, Grant & King Consent Form This study will help us to better understand the relationship between terrorism and community support. Please remember that you are not required to participate in this research study. It is voluntary and you may choose to quit participating if you begin to feel upset or uncomfortable. The information provided by you will help the research team gain a better under- standing of the problem but will not be disseminated in any way that will directly identify you as a respondent. Your answers will be always kept strictly anonymous. Your identity will be strictly confidential and kept as such by the research team. Please read the attached information sheet before completing this form and consenting to participate in our study. ________ I have read and understood the above information about the study. ________ I have volunteered to participate in this project. ________ I have been informed of the basic procedures of the study by the researchers, and by reading the information sheet (of which I have been given a copy for my records). ________ I understand that by agreeing to participate in this study, I will be asked to complete some questionnaires and review my file. ________ I understand that I may choose to quit my participation at any time with no penalty. ________ I understand that any information that I give out for the purpose of this study will be kept confidential. Thank you for agreeing to participate in this study. Printed Name of Participant: _____________________________________ Signature of Participant: _____________________________________ Date: _____________________________________ Printed Name of Researcher: _____________________________________ Signature of researcher: _____________________________________ Date: _____________________________________ M.R. Haberfeld et al., Terrorism Within Comparative International Context, 167 DOI 10.1007/978-0-387-88861-3, C Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2009 Appendix B IRB Review Form IRBReviewForm 1. Objectives of the study The principal objective of this study is to set up a template for Counter terrorist training by Police Departments in the United States. However, we believe that many of the lessons learned may well be adapted to international police forces and could be adapted as a baseline for their training curriculums. 2. Methodology The NIJ project was funded to examine counterterrorism training and practices in law enforcement agencies internationally. Initially identified were the countries of Spain, Ireland, United Kingdom, Turkey, and Lebanon. As such, the research team will be visiting the respective countries to meet with law enforcement, security offi- cials and various members of the community to assess the current state of affairs and training needs. At each identified locations, each of the agencies and commu- nity groups will be asked to meet with the research team for discussions of the ques- tions at hand. A snowball method of identification will also be used, to the extent that on-site meetings identify other relevant individuals with whom the team should meet. 3. Explanation of the research plans for the upcoming year Due the late release of funds by NIJ, January 2005, and the constraints of travel during the Academic year, three sites were initially scheduled. We have traveled to Ireland, Spain, and the United Kingdom. The initial plan was to be in the United Kingdom during July 2005. However, due to the Tube bombings of July 7 and 21, these plans were cancelled and have recently, October 15, been completed. Addi- tionally, due to the arrest of several senior police officials, concerning the assigna- tion of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri, that we were in contact with for our visit to Lebanon and the political situation in Lebanon and Syria, we have asked NIJ to drop Lebanon from the proposal and are in negotiations with NIJ for substitution of this country. During the coming year, we plan to revise some of these sites for follow-up ques- tions and more in-depth analysis as well as the initial visit to NIJ-agreed country. 169 Index A Bundesgerichtshof, 102 Adler, P.A., 25 Bundespolizei, 102, 111–113 Algemene Inlichtingen-en Veiligheidsdienst GSG 9, 112–113 (AIVD), 65 missions, 112 focus on Islamist terrorist networks/other Bundesrat, 102 terrorist groups, 66–67 Bundestag, 102 Alonso, R., 73 Bundesverfassungsgericht, 102, 112 Al Qaeda Bundesverwaltungsgericht, 102 in London, 44 Burrows, D., 30, 32 in Netherlands, 64 in Spain, 74–75 C in Turkey, 97 Campbell, D.T., 24 and US, 126 Capowich, G., 15 Alvanou, M., 73 Casey, M.A., 29, 31, 35 Ambert, A.M., 25 Catalonia, police agency for, see Mossos Andersson, J., 88 d’Esquadra An Garda Siochana,´ 53 Center for Human Rights, Turkey, 98 “Armenian Genocide,” 93 Central Communications Complex (CCC), Armenian Secret Army for the Liberation of 55–56 Armenia (ASALA), 93 Centro National de Inteligencia (CNI), 75 Armstrong, G., 55 Centro Superior de Informacion de la Defensa Army Ranger Wing (ARW), see Sciathan´ (CESID), 74 Fianoglach´ an Airm Cerrah, I., 12, 133 Ataturk, see Kemal, Mustafa Champion, D.J., 29 Avocational policing, 8 Chantavanich, A., 28 Chapman, 19, 140, 141 B Chief of Defense Staff (CDS), 65 Babbie, E., 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31, 34, 35 Clutterbuck, L., 48, 50 Basque Fatherland and Liberty, 72–73 Community Oriented Policing and Problem Basque region, police agency for, see Solving (COPPS) philosophy, 12 Ertzaintza Community-Oriented Policing (COP), 3 Belfast Agreement (1998), 52 effectiveness to counter terrorism, 140 Belonging Model of counterterrorism policing, vs. POP, 15 161 Community-Oriented Policing (COP) Bernard, H.R., 24 philosophy, 4 Bijzondre Bijstands Eenheid (BBE), 65 Community policing, 11 Brayson, J., 56 effectiveness of, 16 Broken Windows theory, 15 and terrorism, 17 Bruce, S., 42 Community problem-solving era, 13 171 172 Index Confidential informant (CI), 30 language, 32 Continuity Irish Republican Army (CIRA), multiple means of recording data, 33 43, 54 number of participants, 31 Cothren, J., 132 pre-existing relationships/strangers, 31–32 Counterterrorism, comparative approach to, researcher/interviewer, 32 11–20 Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO), 49 Counter Terrorism Command (CTC), 48 goal, counterterrorism, 49–50 responsibilities, 48–49 Forsvarsdepartementet,¨ 85 “Counter-terrorism policies for Law Forsvarsmakten,¨ 85–86 Enforcement” (Course), 162 Frankpledge, see avocational policing County Constabulary, see Dublin Metropolitan Fry, G., 28 Police Fulbright-funded project, 2 Crank, J. P., 16 goal of, 6 Crenshaw, M., 128 methodology, 23–36 Cuerpo Nacional de Policia, 77 focus groups, 29–36 qualitative vs. quantitative data, 24–29 D objective, 23 Damphousse, K.R., 7, 104, 128 Davis, L.E., 35 G Department of Homeland Security (DHS), 134 Garda, 58 Detzner, D.F., 25 Gendarmerie, 95 Dev Sol, 93 “German Autumn,” 104 Donnermeyer, J.F., 18, 141 German Red Army Faction, seeRoteArmee Dowler, E.A., 30 Fraktion (RAF) Draper, A.K., 30 Germany Dublin Metropolitan Police, 52–53 Federal Assembly, see Bundestag Dutch Armed Forces, 65 Federal Council, see Bundesrat Dutch National Police Agency, see Politie Federal Republic of Germany, 101 three branches of, 102–103 E field research, 117–119 Ertzaintza, 77 Federal Criminal Police Office, 119 European Union (EU), 61 state police of North-Rhine Westphalia, EUROPOL, 116 119–121 Euskadi ta Askatasuna (ETA), see Basque history Fatherland and Liberty Federal Republic of Germany, 101 Schengen Agreement, 103 F three branches of Federal Republic of Farrington, D.P, 55 Germany, 102–103 Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 114, law enforcement 134–136 Federal Administrative Court, see domestic and international terrorism, 131 Bundesverwaltungsgericht Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF), 136 Federal Criminal Court, see organization chart, 135 Bundesgerichtshof Federal Criminal Police Office, Germany, 119 Federal Criminal Police Office Ferreira, B.R., 11 (Bundeskriminalamt - BKA), 102, Fiedler, M.L., 17 113–116 Flaming, K.H, 17 Federal German Police, 111–113 Focus groups, 29–36 Federal Police (Bundespolizei), 102 advantages, 34 Federal Supreme Court, see applicability and relevancy, 30 Bundesverfassungsgericht basic uses, 30 Special Intervention Units (Spezialein- disadvantages, 34–36 satzkommandos), 113 homogenous, 30–31 state police of North-Rhine Westphalia, Institutional Review Board (IRB), 36 116–117 Index 173 terrorism Ireland law enforcement, 52–54 contemporary terrorism, 110–111 Department of Defence (DOD), 52 continuous RAF terrorism, 107–108 Irish Constabulary, 52 definition, 115 national police service, see An Garda “Landshut” kidnapping, 106–107 Siochana´ Munich massacre, 108–110 Special Detective Unit (SDU), 53 Red Army faction, 103–106 see also Sciathan´ Fianoglach´ an Airm Goldstein, H., 14 Irish Constabulary, 52 Good Friday Agreement, 42, 43–44 GRAPO, 73–74 J Green, J.M., 30 Jandarma, see gendarmerie Grupo Antiterrorista de Liberacion (GAL), 74 Jandarma Istihbarat ve Terorle Mucadele Grupo de Resistencia Anti-Fascista Primero de (JITEM), 95 Octubre, see GRAPO Japanese Red Army (JRA), 83 GSG 9 (Grenzschutzgruppe 9 or Border Guard Jenkins, G., 95 Group 9), 112–113 Jick, T. D., 28 Guardians of Peace, see An Garda Siochana´ Joint Intelligence Committee (JIC), 51 Joint Terrorism Analysis Center (JTAC), 52 H Justitiedepartemenet, 86 Haahr, K., 74, 75, 76 Haberfeld, M. R., 2, 3, 4, 12, 58, 69, 139, 162 K “Homegrown” terrorism, 6, 159 KADEK,
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