Table 2 – Extreme values of viticultural indicators and other climatic components of some D.O. regions on the

Mean Growing Frost- Rainfall Deficit Climatic BIOCLIMATIC VITICULTURAL INDICATORS Annual Degree free Rainfall (mm) Zones Tempera- Days Period (mm) (D.O.) ETI PH IH IC IB Apr/Aug Apr/Sep ture (° C) (GDD) (Days) R. DE DUERO 10.1/11.7 1003/1447 2.8/4.1 1661/2090 11/15 4.2/7.2 149/178 112/151 425/600 237/336 281/387 RUEDA 11-0/13.3 1188/1683 2.9/4.9 1817/2293 13/18 6.3/9.1 178/230 128/171 350/425 271/317 314/380 TORO 11.2/12.9 1243/1675 3.3/4.8 1947/2358 14/18 6.6/8.8 182/219 129/166 375/450 275/325 325/375 BIERZO 12.2/13.6 1378/1486 2.6/2.8 2167/2391 4/6 3.1/4.5 214/217 144/173 596/902 75/212 115/259 CARIÑENA 14.0/14.5 1937/2040 6.5/13 2000/2551 10/17 6.5/13 174/188 160/166 320/450 220/430 250/460 9.5/14.8 824/2085 2.4/24 2050/3140 1.1/7 2.3/24 135/176 133/163 263/1120 -/355 22/385

Key: Bioclimatic Indices: ETI = Effective Thermal Integral (Winkler and Amerine – the sum of mean daily temperatures, Apr-Oct [heat summation method]), PH (Branas’ Heliothermic Product), IH (Huglin’s Heliothermic Index), IC (the Constantinescu index), IB (Hidalgo’s Bioclimatic Index). Table 3 = General data on viticultural soil environments prevailing in various D.O. regions on the Iberian Peninsula. In small and medium-scale maps few differences between the D.O. regions, as they apply to soil environments, can be distinguished.


RIBERA Ochre and reddish sandy clay, (Tertiary) A/C/Ab Tipic Xerofluvent DE DUERO Middle and lower terraces of the Duero (Quaternary) A/Bw/C Tipic Xerochrept A/Bk/Ck Calcixerollic Xerochrept A/Bt/Bk Calcic Haploxeralf RUEDA Sands and shale (Tertiary) A/Bt/Bk Calcic Haploxeralf Lower and middle terraces of the Duero (Quaternary) (A/Bk/Ck) (Calcixerollic Xerochrept) Aeolian sands (Psammentic Haploxeralf) TORO Sandstone and shale conglomerates (Oligocene) A/Bw/Ck Tipic Xerochrept Red series: shale, sand and congolomerates (Lower Tertiary) A/Bk/Ck Calcixerollic Xerochrept Lower and middle terraces of the Duero (Quaternary) A/Bt/Bk Calcic Haploxeralf (Calcic Rhodoxeralf) BIERZO Silica conglomerates (Tertiary) A/C Dystric Xerorthent Dystric Glacis and rañas (Plio-quaternary) A/Bw/C Xerochrept Middle terraces of the Miño (Quatarnary A/Bt/C Tipic Xerochrept Tipic Haploxeralf Tipic Haploxerult Schist A/R; A/C/R Tipic Xerorthent Gneis A/Bw/C Tipic Xerochrept Granite A/Bt/C Tipic Haploxeralf Table 4. – Results of Integrated Terroir Zoning (ZIT) to optimise viticultural activity

PRECISION VITICULTURE INFLUENCING VARIABLES Selection of subplots best suited to quality production Microzoning Vegetative material Grapevine variety rootstock Dryness, humidity, frost, etc. Total calcium, active calcium, IPC, Fe Soil preparation Drainage ditches, soil probes, deep tillage, Effective depth, horizon diffentiation, surface preparation component distribution, bedrock/hardpan Irrigation scheme Type and method, quantity and frequency Dry and humid phases Crop preparation Organic surface material, mineral Mo:N, supplements, compensatory fertilisation K:Mg, Mg:Ca complex, ratios, equilibrium Crop Geodetic system, units/module, methods Inclination, solar orientation, and exposure GIS Monitoring irrigation, Monitoring fertiliser, Extraction/contributions, deficiency Scientific trials symptoms/toxicity Traceability Information tracking from wine estate to clients