Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-86468-8 - A History of Modern Palestine: One Land, Two Peoples: Second edition Ilan Pappe Index More information


– Crimean War ,  Acre , , , –,   revolt –, ,  actors  – Palestine War, see Palestine War – al-Afghani, Jamal al-Din   War –,  ‘agents’   War – Agranat, Shimon  – War , –, –, agricultural production , , , , , , , – , ,  criticism of ,  in   Intifada , –, –,  Ahad Ha’Am  in ,  Ahronson, Aharon  media coverage of ,  Ahudut Ha-Avoda (Zionist Socialist Party) , organization of   role of women in – airplanes, hijacking of –  Intifada , , –,  Alexander II (Tsar)  Alexander III (Tsar)  a’ayan (noble families) , –,  Alexander, Dr Michael Solomon  see also notables Alexandroni Brigade – Abbas, Mahmoud (Abu Mazin) , , , Algeria , , ,   aliya (ascent) ,  Abd al-Hadi family  Allenby, General Edmond  Abdallah, Shaykh Ahmad  Alon, Yigal , – Abdul Aziz II (Ottoman sultan)  Aloni, Shulamit  Abdul Hamid (Ottoman sultan) –, , , Alpha Plan (Anglo-American peace proposal, , , ,  )  Abdul Hamid II (Ottoman sultan) ,  Alterman, Nathan  Abdullah ibn Husayn (King of Transjordan) , America, see USA , , , , , ,  American Colony (Jerusalem) – assassination of – American Reform movement  absentee properties ,  American University (Beirut)  Abu Ala (Ahmad Qari’)  Amman , ,  Abu Gosh, Mustafa ,  Anderson, Benedict  Abu Iyad  Andrew, Lewis  Abu Jihad (Khalil al-Wazir) ,  Anglo-Palestine Bank  Abu Mazin (Mahmoud Abbas) , , , anti-Semitic rhetoric, of political Islam   anti-Zionism  Abu Musa  of ultra-orthodox Jews  Abu Nawar  al-Aqsa intifada, see Intifadat al-Aqsa  al-Aqsa martyrs (shuhada al-Aqsa) ,  Abu Nidal organization  al-Aqsa mosque (Jerusalem)  Abu Shabib, Ahmad  Arab Cold War  Abu Shabib, Fatima (saint)  Arab culture, and Mizrachi Jews –


© in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-86468-8 - A History of Modern Palestine: One Land, Two Peoples: Second edition Ilan Pappe Index More information

Index 

Arab Higher Committee , , , , , of labour union leaders – ,  of militant Palestinian leaders by Arab Jews, see Mizrachi Jews  , , –, ,  of Rabin ,  see also Arab Salvation Army Aswan Dam project ()  Arab Legion –, , , , ,  Atlit salt plant  Arab millet, in Israel  Atlit stone quarries  Arab music, in Israeli society – Austro-Hungarian Empire ,  Arab nationalism –, , ,  authors, see writers Arab Salvation Army  autonomy Arab states concept in peace settlements  and Israel ,  and intervention ,  Jewish immigration from  Avanti Popolo (film) – and Palestine War , – Awad, Mubarak  and World War I  awqaf (religious endowments) –,  see also names of individual states ‘Aza – Arab Union of Workers  azma’ut (independence)  Arab–Israeli War () –,  Arab–Jewish mandate  Baader-Meinhof gang  Ba’ath Party ,  use of Babylon  by Arab Jews  Baghdad ,  in Ottoman empire  Bait (House, film, Gitai)  Arabs Balad al-Shaykh, massacres at  coexistence with Jews in Israel – Balas, Shimon  employed by Jews  Balfour, Arthur ,  see also Palestinian labour –, , , , –, Israeli portrayal of –, –, ,  –,  Balkans ,  Nazification of  banks and financial institutions , , , Arafat, Yasser  leadership of , , ,  al-Banna, Hasan  in occupied Palestinian territories  Bar Lev line  and ,  Barabash, Benny – politics of , , , , , ,  Barta’  in Ramallah headquarters , – Basle Programme  ARAMCO (Arabian American Oil Company) Bedouins , , , , , , , , ,  – archaeologists  in Jordan  al-Ard (the land) political movement  Beersheba  Argov, Shlomo  Begin, Menachem , ,  al-Arif, Arif ,  and  War  Arlosaroff, Haim  and  War  armistice agreement (Israeli-Jordanian, )  and – Lebanon War  arms race , , ,  and Greater Israel ideology  al-Arqub  and  arts community , ,  leader of Herut ,  al-Asad, Hafiz , ,  opposition to peace negotiations  Ashkenazi Jews , – Begin revolution – dominance of  Beilin, Yossi  racist attitudes of – Beirut , ,  voting behaviour of  bombing of  assassinations Beit Hanun  of Abdullah ibn Husayn (King of Beit Shean  Transjordan) – Beitar (Zionist organization) 

© in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-86468-8 - A History of Modern Palestine: One Land, Two Peoples: Second edition Ilan Pappe Index More information

 Index

Ben-Gurion, David , ,  building boom , ,  and  War , ,  Bunch, Ralph  and  War –,  Burg, Yosef  and British Mandate Palestine , , , Bush, George W. (US President)  ,  and Greater Israel ideal  Camp David negotiations () , , and Holocaust –  Jewish Agency chairman  capitalization  leader of Mapai  of ‘peace process’  prime minister –,  Carmiel  pro-America orientation of  Carter, Jimmy (US President)  and Suez War () – cease-fire, between Israel and Palestinians () Ben Shitrit, David  – Ben-Zvi, Yizhak  censorship  Benei Israel  Chamoun, Camile  Beni Miutim (members of minority groups)  ‘change’ (term)  Bernadotte, Count Folke , ,  Chertock (Sharett), Moshe , , –, Beshara, Azmi  –, ,  Bethlehem  children and young people Bevin, Ernest ,  in British Mandate Palestine  Bin Laden, Osama  in Egyptian army  Binyamina  and intifada  , , ,  Black Panthers , , ,  in Palestinian occupied territories  Black September  and political Islam  Bnei Akiva  in World War I  Bolshevists ,  yaldei huz (external children)  Bourdieu, Pierre  China  Bowman, Humphry –,  Chomsky, Noam  bread, price of – Christian–Muslim Association ,  Brit Po’alei Eretz Israel  Christian Phalangists  Brit Shalom movement ,  Britain in Israel –,  administration of Palestine – in Palestine –,  and  White Paper  in Palestinian national movement – and  revolt – Church of England  and  White Paper –, , ,  Churchill, Sir Winston  and  War ,  civil society  intelligence gathering  in Egypt  and Jewish immigration  in Israel  Mandate charter –, ,  Palestinian ,  and ,  Clinton, Bill (US President)  and World War II  coexistence of Arabs and Jews, in Israel – see also Balfour Declaration cohabitation  agreement with French on division of Arab and nationalism – Middle East –,  Cohen, Aharon  alliance with America in invasion of Iraq  Cold War  and the Hashemites – collaboration in () ,  with Nazism – and Zionism – of Palestinians with Israeli authorities  British army , ,  colonialism , –, ,  in Suez War ()  see also neo-colonialism British Empire, ‘Greater Britain’ policy of  Committee of Guidance , ,  British Expeditionary Force ,  commonwealth approach, by British rulers of British Uganda ,  Palestine – Buber, Martin ,  communism 

© in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-86468-8 - A History of Modern Palestine: One Land, Two Peoples: Second edition Ilan Pappe Index More information

Index 

Communist Party (Israel) , , , , , in British Mandate Palestine  , ,  and Intifada  Communist Party (Palestinian) , , , , in Ottoman Palestine , ,  – of Palestinian occupied territories –, Communist Party (USSR)  ,  concentration camps  and partition of Palestine ,  confiscation of land , , , , –, deserters  , –,  Dir Yassin massacre  conflicts discrimination , , –  watershed – see also Palestinians, attitudes towards in British Mandate Palestine , , – displacement, psychological theory of  guerrilla warfare – Disraeli, Benjamin  as history  Drake, Thyrwhitt  over partition of Palestine  Dreyfus, Alfred  with Zionist settlers  Druzes , ,  see also Intifada ; Intifadat al-Aqsa; Palestine War; protest movements East Bank of Jordan  conscription – East Europeanism  of Palestinians in Israeli army  Easter  construction industry , ,  economic component, of Oslo accords – in  economic conditions ‘continuity’ (term)  bifurcation  cooperation  and British ‘commonwealth approach’ – between workers – in British Mandate Palestine , , , , musha’ system ,  ,  Copts  and globalization – crime, in Israel  in Israel –, , , –, , , Crimean War (–) ,  , – Cromer, Lord  in Jordan – Cuba  in Ottoman Palestine – cultural elite, of Israel – in Palestinian occupied territories –, cultural identity, of Israel , – , –, , – cultural policies, Israeli  in World War II – Cunningham, Sir Alan – economic policies  currencies, see monetary system education – ‘custodians’ – Anglican schools , –,  custom and tradition –, , ,  in British Mandate Palestine –,  for girls ,  al-Dajani, Hassan Sidqi – Muslim , ,  Dajani family  Islamic  Dalton, Dr  in Israel , , , ,  Damascus , , –, , , , ,  kutab  al-Darawshe, Abd al-Wahab  Ottoman reforms – Darwish, Abdullah Nimr  of Palestinians  David (King of Jerusalem)  private missionary system – Day of the Land, commemoration of – secular  Day of Peace  and Young Turk Revolution  Dayan, Moshe , , , , , ,  Zionist – Declaration of Independence (PLO, ) Egypt –,  and  War  Declaration of Principles (DoP, Oslo accords) and  War  –,  and British Mandate Palestine , , ,  Democratic Front for Peace and Equality  Cairo–Amman diplomatic safety net  demography civil society in  and  War , ,  Free Officers in , 

© in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-86468-8 - A History of Modern Palestine: One Land, Two Peoples: Second edition Ilan Pappe Index More information

 Index

Egypt (cont.) Fast, Yoachim  and Israel ,  al-Fatah , , –, –, –,  Jews in  pragmatism of , – in  fatwas (religious rulings) ,  rule of Palestine – Faysal ibn Hussayn (King of Greater Syria, then union with Syria (UAR)  of Iraq) , , – and USA  see also Hashemites in World War I , ,  fida’iyyun (Palestinian fighters) , ,  see also al-Nasser, Gamal Abd Ben-Gurion’s policies against  Ehad Meshalanu (One of Us, play, Barabash) infrastructure of  – in Jordan  Eichmann, Adolf ,  al-Muqawwama , , –, – Eilat ,  in Palestinian occupied territories  Ein Ghazal  in Syria  Eitin, Aharon  Filastin (newspaper) –,  El-Arish  Filastinuna (journal)  elections  film industry, Israeli  in Israel , ,  film-makers in Palestinian occupied territories , Palestinian  –, , ,  portrayal of Mizrachi Jews – participating in  post-Zionist –, – women’s participation in  Finn, James ,  elites, see notables FLN (Front de Libération Nationale) ,  Elon, Amos  foreigners , , – Elon Moreh  forests ,  employment of Palestinians ,  refugees – control of Syria  see also Palestinian labour foreign relations Ephraim Holech La-Zava (Ephraim Goes to the with Britain –,  Army, play, Laor)  with Israel  epidemics  state model of  Eretz Israel (Land of Israel) , ,  and Suez War ()  see also Israel (state) free-market system – Eretz Plant  Free Officers of Egypt ,  Esh Zovet (Crossfire, film)  French, Louis – Eshkol, Levi ,  Friedman, Milton  Ethiopian Jews, see Mizrachi Jews fundamentalism ethnic cleansing of Palestine Jewish  and  War –, – Muslim, see political Islam by State of Israel , , , ,  Fureidis  Zionist , ,  and Palestine , , , , –, –, Gahal (party)  , ,  , , , , –, , , , European Jews , ,  – in Israel  Galilli, Israel  Exodus (refugee ship) –,  Gallipoli  expulsion, Israeli policies of –,  Gaza (town)  Eytan, Refael  Gaza Strip in  War ,  Faluja pocket  in British Mandate Palestine  famine  Intifada  in ,  Fanon, Frantz  Israeli occupation of , , –, Farouq (King of Egypt)  – al-Faruqi, Shuqri Taji  Israeli withdrawal from – fascism  missiles fired from 

© in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-86468-8 - A History of Modern Palestine: One Land, Two Peoples: Second edition Ilan Pappe Index More information

Index 

occupation of  Hacohen, David  and Oslo accords –, – Hadashot (newspaper)  Palestinian refugees in , –,  Hadassa  political Islam in , – Hagana , , –, , ,  Geertz, Clifford  see also Gefen, Aviv  , , , , , –, , , , Geneva Conventions ,  ,  university of ,  and Britain  Hakim, Mutran  and Israel  Halevy, Benjamin  and Palestine , ,  al-Halil  reparations payments to Israel , , haluzim (pioneers)  – Hamas , , ,  Templars , –,  military wing of , ,  see also Nazism participation in elections  girls, education for ,  Hamerman, Ilana  Girls’ College (Jerusalem)  Hammad, Haj Tawfiq ,  Gitai, Amos  Hammer, Zevulun  globalization – Hanafi school  Glubb, John Bagot  Hankin, Yeshosua  Gobat, Samuel  al-Haraka al-Islamiyya (the Islamic Movement, Golan Heights ,  Israel) , , –,  interim agreement about  Haram al-Sharif , ,  negotiations over – Muslim claims to  as part of Israel  tunnel under  Goren, Shlomo – harat al-tanc (shanty neighbourhoods)  Gover, Yerah  harath (rural proletariat) – Greater Israel ideology Harel, Isar  and attitudes towards Palestinians , , Hasan, Nizar   Hashemites –, , , ,  and Israeli policies , , –, , British relations with – –,  rule of the West Bank – Greater Jerusalem  see also Abdullah ibn Husayn; Faysal ibn Greater Syria , , , – Hussayn; Husayn ibn Ali; Hussein ibn see also ‘Southern Syria’ Talal Greek Catholic Church  Hashomer Hazair , ,  Greek Orthodox community – see also Mapam ‘green line’ (border)  Hass, Amira ,  Greenwald, Malciel  Hassan II (King of )  Grey-Hill, Lord  Hawatmeh, Naif  Grossman, David ,  Hawihi, Talal  Guevara, Che  Hazit – Gulf states  health , –, , ,  oil industry in  Hebraic law  Palestinians in ,  Hebrew Gulf War – – revival of – Gush Emunim , , , , ,  translations of Palestinian literature into , ,  Ha-Avoda (Labour)  Hebrew University (Jerusalem) , ,  Ha-Parasha (the affair) –,  Hebron , , , , ,  Ha-Poel Hazair (party)  Hejaz  Ha’aretz (newspaper)  Herut (party) , , ,  Habash, George , ,  Herzl, Theodor –, – Habib, Philip  Herzliya university  Habibi, Emil , ,  Herzog, Haim , 

© in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-86468-8 - A History of Modern Palestine: One Land, Two Peoples: Second edition Ilan Pappe Index More information

 Index

Hever, Hanan  Ibrahim Pasha  –,  identity suicide bombings by ,  cultural, of Israel , – hijacking airplanes – of Mizrachi Jews – Hirbet Hiza (film, Ram Levi)  national  Histadrut , , –, , ,  politics historical narratives –,  in Israel ,  historiography by Mizrachi Jews  nationalist –,  religious – of Palestine –,  by women  Zionist – IDF, see Israel Defence Force of Palestine War – , –, Ijzim   India ,  history industrial action, see strikes economic, of West Bank – interim agreement (Oslo accords) –,  of Israel, rewriting of –, – International Court of Justice (The Hague)  Holocaust , –, , , ,  intervention and autonomy ,  Israel and –, ,  Intifada  , –, –,  Holy Land  in Gaza Strip ,  Homi Bhabha ,  media coverage of ,  hostage taking, by Palestinian terrorists organization of   role of women in – Hourani, Albert , ,  Intifadat al-Aqsa , , –,  housing, in Israel  IRA  Hovevi Zion (Lovers of Zion) ,  Iran  human rights, violations of  Iraq , , , , , , , ,  Husayn, Saddam ,  and  War  invasion of  American invasion of ()  Husayn ibn Ali, Sharif –, , – Jews in  see also Hashemites see also Baghdad Husayn–McMahon correspondence ,  Irgun , , ,  al-Husayni, Abd al-Qader ,  see also Herut al-Husayni, Amin –, ,  Islam, secularism in  and  watershed  Islamic Bloc  and  revolt  Islamic fundamentalism see political Islam appointed Mufti – Islamic Jihad , , ,  and assassination of King Abdullah of Islamic law, and suicide bombing  Transjordan  Islamic movement (al-Haraka al-Islamiyya, and British Mandate Palestine ,  Israel) , , –,  and cohabitation  Islamist Shiite movement – exile of – Israel, Abraham  and nationalist notables ,  Israel (state) , , ,  and Nazism , ,  citizenship laws of  in Transjordan  coexistence of Arabs and Jews in – al-Husayni, Fawzi ,  cultural identity of , – al-Husayni, Ismai’l , ,  economic conditions in –, , , al-Husayni, Jamal ,  –, , , , – al-Husayni, Kamil (Grand Mufti) ,  education in , , , ,  al-Husayni, Musa – elections in , ,  al-Husayni, Musa Kazem  elites of – al-Husayni, Taher II  foreign relations, see Israeli foreign relations Husayni family , , , , , ,  Gaza Strip withdrawal – Hussein ibn Talal (King of Jordan) , , , German reparations payments to , , –, ,  – see also Hashemites history of, rewritten –, –

© in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-86468-8 - A History of Modern Palestine: One Land, Two Peoples: Second edition Ilan Pappe Index More information

Index 

industries, links with military ,  of retaliation against terrorism , , , institutionalization of – , ,  military industry of , ,  settlement , ,  nuclear capabilities of , ,  Israeli press  and Oslo accords –, – self-restrictions of  Palestinian minority in, see Palestinian Israeli society  minority in Israel militarism of  peace agreement with Egypt ()  criticism of , , ,  policies, see Israeli policies and Palestinian occupied territories –, secret services , , , , , , , – ,  polarization of –,  state benefits  politicization of  women in  and possibility of peace – Israel Defence Force (IDF) ,  protest movements in , –, , , Bedouins in  ,  and Intifada  ,  religion in ,  reserve duties in  Israeli Supreme Court , ,  and Sabra and Shatilla massacres  Israelites, ancient  in Sinai Peninsula , – Istiqlal (Independence, film, Hasan)  and Westernization of Mizrachi Jews al-Istiqlal (Independence Party)  – Iton  (journal)  Israeli academy Izz al-Din al-Qassam brigades (Hamas military ideological role of – wing) , ,  intolerance of – and post-Zionism –,  Jaba’  Israeli foreign relations Jabaliyya camp  and  War  Jabha  with Arab world ,  Jabotinsky, Vladimir ,  with Egypt ,  Jaffa , , , , –,  with Germany  Jamal Pasha –, –,  with Jordan , ,  Jenin , ,  with Lebanon  Jericho  with Syria ,  Jerusalem with United Nations   War  with USA , ,  American colony – Israeli policies Arab Legion in  of absorption and co-optation , , , British in ,  –,  Christians in ,  anti-repatriation –,  East  cultural  Israeli claims to ,  of ethnic cleansing , , , ,  Israeli occupation of , – of expulsion –,  Palestinian claims to  and Greater Israel ideology , , –, Palestinian leadership in ,  , –,  King David Hotel  marginalization of ‘Arabism’ – and Oslo accords  towards Mizrachi Jews , –,  Palace Hotel  in occupied territories , ,  sanjaq , –,  of collective punishment , ,  schools in ,  criticized in Israel –, , –, Jewish Agency , , –, , , ,   expenditures of  mandatory emergency regulations used and immigration of Mizrachi Jews  ,  settlement policies of  military rule ,  Jewish identity  towards Palestinian minority in Israel –, Jewish lobby, in USA ,  –, –, – Jewish millet , , 

© in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-86468-8 - A History of Modern Palestine: One Land, Two Peoples: Second edition Ilan Pappe Index More information

 Index

Jewish National Fund (Qeren Ha-Qayemet) , Kfar Qassem massacre  ,  Khalaf, Salah (Abu Iyad)  Jewish settlements Khalidi family , ,  in Palestinian occupied territories , al-Khalidi, Yusuf Diya’  –, , –, ,  Khalil, Ahmad  and Oslo accords , ,  kibbutzim , ,  see also Zionist settlements and Mizrachi Jews ,  Jewish state, see Israel (state) King David Hotel (Jerusalem)  Jews Kissinger, Henry  coexistence with Arabs in Israel – Kol Ha’ir (newspaper)  European , , ,  Koning, Israel  see also Ashkenazi Jews; Russia, Jewish Kook, Rabbi Zvi Yehuda  communities in Kuwait  fundamentalism  immigration , , , , , –, , labour , , , – Arab Jews  from former  gender-based distribution of ,  sovereignty  ‘Hebrew’  terrorists , ,  Jewish labour policy  ultra-orthodox , ,  Mizrachi Jews  see also Ashkenazi Jews; Mizrachi Jews and Ottoman land reforms  The Jews’ Gold (Zertal)  ‘slave markets’  Jisr al-Zarqa  tabur amliyeh (forced-labour battalions)  Johnson, Lyndon B. (US President)  workers’ cooperation –,  Jordan see also employment; Palestinian labour and  War , , ,  labour market, see employment and  War  Labour Party (Great Britain)  economic conditions in – Labour Party (Israel), see Mapai Palestinian refugees in –, , , laji’un ( refugees)  –, –, – Lajnat al-Tawjih (Committee of Guidance) , and Palestinian resistance movement , , ,  – land relations with Israel , ,  confiscation of , , , , –, women in  , –,  see also Hashemites; Transjordan Jewish purchases of  Jordanian option  and nationalism , ,  journalism, and post-Zionism – ownership of ,  Judaism absentee properties ,  and nationalism  in Israel –,  orthodox , ,  private  see also ultra-orthodox Jews in West Bank –,  Judea and Samaria , –, – and Zionist Movement , , , , , , ,  Kach (‘so be it’)  speculation  Kafr Yassif (Galilee)  tapu (land and property state register) , Kahana, Meir ,   Kanafani, Ghasan ,  see also ethnic cleansing of Palestine Kaplan, Eliezer  language, in Palestine –, ,  Karameh (Jordan)  Laor, Yitzhak ,  Kastner, Israel – Lawrence, T. E. ,  Katz, Teddy – laws Kazanelson, Berl  Hebraic  Kedourie, Elie  Islamic  Kedourie College (Mount Tabor)  of Israeli citizenship  Kedourie College (Tul-Karem)  Jewish religious, in Israel 

© in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-86468-8 - A History of Modern Palestine: One Land, Two Peoples: Second edition Ilan Pappe Index More information

Index 

in Palestinian occupied territories , Mandate Palestine, see Britain, administration of –,  Palestine shari’a (religious law) court , ,  Mapai (Zionist Labour Party) , , , , vilayet (provinces) law  , , , , , – League of Nations  and Oslo accords  Lebanon Mapam (Hashomer Hazair party) , , and  War ,   and – War –, – maqam (burial site)  civil war in – market forces Israeli interventions in  and British policies ,  Ottoman rule of – capitalization  Palestinian refugees in , , , , Thatcherite free-market system –  see also economic conditions PLO in , , , –, ,  Maronite ,  southern  martyrs, suicide bombers as  in World War I  Marxist ideologies, among Palestinians  see also Beirut massacres –, , , , , Lebanon War – , –, –, – – Mazpen (compass)  criticism of ,  Mbea’d Le-Re’alat Hagalut (Behind the Veil of Lehem (Bread, film, Ram Levi)  Exile, film, Ben Shitrit)  Leicester, Conlif  McCarthyism  Levi, Gideon  McMahon, Sir Henry  Levi, Ram –,  Mecca  Levin, Hanoch ,  media coverage Levinger, Rabbi Moshe  of Intifada  ,  Levy, Gideon  of Sadat’s visit to Israel  Liberal Party (Great Britain)  see also press Liberal Party (Israel) – Medina  liberation movements  Me’ilya   Meir, Golda , , , , ,  Likud , , –, , –,  Men in the Sun (play, Kanafani) ,  and Oslo accords  merchants, Palestinian – Lilienblum, Moshe  Meretz (stamina)  literature, Palestinian, Hebrew translations of Messiah, second coming of  , ,  Mi’ari, Muhammad  Livnat, Limor  Michael, Sami ,  Lloyd George, David  middle classes, Palestinian ,  ‘local patriotism’  militarism local politics  of Israeli society  local population , –, , , ,  criticism of , , ,  London Society for Promoting Christianity of Zionist Movement , –, –, among the Jews  –, , , , – Lutheran Prussian Church  military, Israeli, links with industry ,  Lydda  military industry, of Israel , ,  military rule, of Palestinian occupied territories Ma’alot operation  ,  Ma’arach  militias MacDonald, Ramsey  Maronite ,  Madrid peace conference () – Palestinian  Mafdal , , ,  millet (community)  Magnes, Yehuda  Arab  Majdal  Jewish , ,  Majlisiyyun (coalition)  Milson, Menachem  malaria, fight against – missionaries , –, –

© in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-86468-8 - A History of Modern Palestine: One Land, Two Peoples: Second edition Ilan Pappe Index More information

 Index

Mizrachi Jews , –,  al-Nasser, Gamal Abd , , –,  in ‘anti-peace’ camp  and  War – and Arab culture – attitude towards Israel , ,  from Ethiopia  and Palestinian cause –,  from Morocco – National Authority  identity politics by  national committees , ,  Israeli policies towards , –,  national identity  portrayal of – national narrative – protest movements ,  National Unified Command (NUC) , , and Wadi Salib uprising –  Westernization of – nationalism ,  modernization Arab –, , ,  in British Mandate Palestine  and cohabitation – and concept of modernity  Israeli – of Israel , , , ,  and Judaism  theories of –, , ,  and land , ,  monetary system , , , ,  and modernization theories – Moroccan Jews, see Mizrachi Jews Ottoman ,  mosques, Muslim Brotherhood’s use of – Palestinian , , –, ,  Mossad  of Young Turk Revolution – Movement for the Liberation of Palestine, see al- and Zionism ,  Fatah see also nationalist notables Mozkin, Leo  nationalist historiographies –,  Mr Smith Goes to America (play, Simonov)  nationalist notables al Mu’arada (opposition group) ,   White Paper  mufti (Muslim priest)  in British Mandate Palestine –, – Muhammad V (King of Morocco)  clannish affiliations of  Muhammad Ali (Viceroy of Egypt) , , , and community protest movement –  economic interests of , – mukhtars (heads of villages)  emergence of  al-Muntada al-Adabi (national club)  and King Abdullah of Transjordan – Muqata  leadership of –, – al-Muqawwama (resistance) , , –, organization of  – and PLO – musha’ system , – and truck drivers’ strike – music in World War II  Arab, in Israeli society – and Zionist Movement –, , – and Mizrachi identity – Nazareth , , , ,  Muslim Brotherhood , , ,  nazihun (uprooted)  in Palestine – Nazism , , –,  Muslim elite, see notables and Arabs  Muslim Youth (Islamic party)  collaborators – see also Holocaust Nabi Musa (Muslim feast)  Ne’eman, Jad  Nablus , , , , , ,  Negev , ,  al-Nadi al-Arabi (national club)  neo-colonialism – nahiya (Ottoman sub-unit)  neo-Zionism  Nakbah (catastrophe) , ,  Netanyahu, Benjamin ,  naming the land  ‘new historians’ (revisionists)  Napoleon Bonaparte ,  Newman, Bernard  Napoleonic Code  News from Within (Mezad Sheni, journal)  al-Naqab, see also Negev Nidal, Abu ,  al-Nashashibi, Fakhri  Nimr family  al-Nashashibi, Raghib  Nissim, Rabbi Yaacov  Nashashibi family , , , , ,  Nobel Peace Prize, for Sadat and Begin 

© in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-86468-8 - A History of Modern Palestine: One Land, Two Peoples: Second edition Ilan Pappe Index More information

Index 

non-Zionists  Palace Hotel (Jerusalem)  North African Jews – Palestine  books and travelogues on – notables (noble families) British Mandate Palestine, see Britain, and  War ,  administration of Palestine and Egyptian rule  Egyptian rule of – Hashemites  ethnic cleansing of, see ethnic cleansing of in Israel ,  Palestine in Jordan – geo-political entities of ,  and Ottoman rule , , –,  occupation of, see Palestinian occupied sheikhs – territories urban , , – Ottoman rule of, see Ottoman Palestine women – partition of, see partition of Palestine World War I  refugees from, see Palestinian refugees and Young Turk Revolution –,  in World War I  see also nationalist notables Palestine Exploration Fund – Palestine Foundation Fund  occupations, see employment Palestine Liberation Army (PLA)  Ofira  Palestine Liberation Organization, see PLO Ohalim (‘tents’)  Palestine National Council (PNC) , , , oil industry ,  ,  Olympic Games in Munich  Palestine Native Church Council  Operation Defence Shield  Palestine War – Or, Theodore  and Arab states , – Orian, Dan  armistice lines , ,  Orient House (Jerusalem) ,  and demography , ,  Orientalism (Said)  historiography of , –,  orthodox Judaism , ,  Jewish deaths in  see also Jewish millet; ultra-orthodox Jews and Oslo accords  Oslo accords –,  Palestinian perspective of  collapse of , –,  paramilitary units  Declaration of Principles (DoP) –, truces ,   see also Nakbah (catastrophe) economic component of – Palestinian Authority (PA) –,  interim agreement –,  and pacification – and Rabin  Palestinian labour  and ‘security doves’  in British Mandate Palestine , ,  ‘other’, portrayal of – and Intifada  –, – Ottoman empire – in Israel – administrative divisions in , ,  and Jewish settlements in occupied territories collapse of , , ,   Tanzimat reforms –, , , , – and Oslo accords  in World War I  in Ottoman Palestine ,  and Young Turk Revolution –,  Palestinian leadership , , –,  and Zionist movement  in Jerusalem ,  Ottoman Palestine , –, , –, –, in World War II –  Palestinian literature, Hebrew translations of attitudes towards Palestinians in , , , , ,  –,  Palestinian militias  economic conditions in – Palestinian minority in Israel , –, , Palestinian labour in ,  , – protest movements in  collapse of Muslim structure  religion in ,  and Intifada  Zionist Movement in – Israeli policies towards –, –, Oz, Amos  –, –

© in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-86468-8 - A History of Modern Palestine: One Land, Two Peoples: Second edition Ilan Pappe Index More information

 Index

Palestinian minority in Israel (cont.) Paris Congress ()  and Palestinians in occupied territories  parity principle  studies of  partition of Palestine ,  Palestinian nationalism , , ,  and annexations by Arab states  role of Christians in , – and British Mandate Palestine  Palestinian occupied territories – and demography ,  civil society in  and Jordanian annexations ,  economic conditions in –, , –, Palestinian rejection of  , – and Russia ,  elections in , –, , , ,  and United Nations , , ,  Intifada  in –,  and USA , ,  and Israeli Palestinians  and Zionist Movement – and Israeli security wall ,  see also ethnic cleansing of Palestine and Israeli society –, – Pasha, Abdul Rahman  Jewish settlements in , –, , Passfield, Lord  –, ,  PDFLP (Popular Democratic Front for the and Oslo accords ,  Liberation of Palestine) , , ,  see also Zionist settlements peace PLO in –, ,  possibilities of, and Israeli society – Palestinian politicians ,  ‘Road Map to’ , ,  Palestinian refugees – ‘peace camp’, in Israel –,  after  War  peace conferences on Palestine, Madrid  and  war – – in camps –, –, , , , peace negotiations, at Camp David ()  – Peace Now movement –, , , , employment of –  in Gulf states ,  peace plan, ‘custodians’  internal  peace process , , ,  and Oslo accords  American involvement with –, and PLO ,  –, , , , – repatriation and resettlement of –, , capitalization of  ,  and political Islam  right of return for , ,  Peel, Lord William  and United Nations ,  Peel plan – see also Gaza Strip; Jordan; Lebanon; Syria; The People, Food Fit for a King (Laor)  West Bank Peres, Shimon , , , , ,  Palestinian resistance movement , , , Persian Gulf states, see Gulf states , –, , – PFLP (Popular Front for the Liberation of and Jordan , , – Palestine) , , , , ,  Palestinian society  Phalangists  Palestinian state , , , , ,  Picot, George  The Palestinian Woman (play, Sobol) – see also Sykes–Picot Agreement Palestinians pilgrimages  attitudes towards ,  Pinsker, Leon  in British Mandate Palestine , , ,  Plan D – and Greater Israel ideology , ,  playwrights in Ottoman Palestine , , , –,  Palestinian  in Israel, see Palestinian minority in Israel post-Zionist ,  self-rule of  PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization) see also Palestinian state –, , ,  and USA –, , –,  Declaration of Independence () –, Palin Commission   Palmach , ,  and Intifada  pan-Arabism , ,  in Jordan –,  Paris agreement ()  in Lebanon , , , –, , 

© in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-86468-8 - A History of Modern Palestine: One Land, Two Peoples: Second edition Ilan Pappe Index More information

Index 

and Oslo accords – Catholic and Anglican priests in  in Palestinian occupied territories –, Day of the Land  ,  Israeli , –, ,  and partition of Palestine  Mizrachi ,  and political Islam  and Sabra and Shatilla massacres  Programme of Stages – in Ottoman Palestine  role of women in  strikes , – Soviet Union  Wadi Salib  in Tunis , , ,  see also Palestinian resistance and United Nations  Protestants  PNC, see Palestinian National Council Po’alei Zion Small  Qadafi, Mu’amar  poetry  qadi (local judge)  Arab and Palestinian, Hebrew translations of al-Qaeda   Qalqilya  poets  Qari’, Ahmad (Abu Ala)  post-Zionist  Qasim, Abd al-Karim ,  Poets will Write no Poems (Hamerman and al-Qassam, Izz al-Din (Syrian preacher) Rosen)  – political elites, see notables al-Qawmiyyun al-Arab , ,  political Islam –, – al-Qawuqji, Fawzi  in Gaza Strip , – Qaysi family  and Intifada  Qeren ha-Qayemet, see Jewish National Fund in Israel – Qibyya massacre  Palestinian , , , –, , Qiryat Arba  –,  al-Quds, see Jerusalem Shiite – al-Quds (newspaper)  politicians, Palestinian ,  politics ,  rabbis  of Arafat , , , , , ,  Rabin, Yitzhak , ,  of identity assassination of ,  by women  leader of Labour Party  in Israel ,  and peace negotiations ,  religious – prime minister ,  local  Ramallah ,  Pope Pius VI  Ramleh  ‘popular framework’ committees  reconstructing history – popular singers, in Israel  Red Army (Japan)  population figures, see demography Red Brigades  post-Zionism , –, –, , Red Crescent, in Palestinian occupied territories –,   demise of – ‘redeemers’ , – film-makers –, – refugees, see Palestinian refugees and journalism – religion playwrights ,  awqaf (endowments) –,  poetry  fatwas (religious rulings) ,  writers – in Israel ,  press , ,  in Ottoman Palestine ,  Israeli ,  and violence  Palestinian  see also Islam; Judaism process (nature of term) ,  repatriation and resettlement, of Palestinian protest movements refugees –, , ,  of  revolt against Egyptian rule  return, right of, for Palestinian refugees to , of  revolt –, ,  ,  in British Mandate Palestine , , – ‘revisionists’ (new historians) 

© in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-86468-8 - A History of Modern Palestine: One Land, Two Peoples: Second edition Ilan Pappe Index More information

 Index

revolts, see conflicts; Intifada ; Intifadat al- secret services, Israeli , , , , , , Aqsa; protest movements , ,  rhetoric, anti-Semitic, of political Islam  secularism  ‘Road Map to Peace’ , ,  among Jews  Rogers, William ,  in Islam  Romeo and Juliet, as metaphor for Arab–Jewish in Israel  relationships  ‘security doves’  Ron, Moshe  security forces, Palestinian  Rosen, Roli  security wall between West Bank and Israel Rothschild, Baron Edmond de ,  –, ,  Rothschild family  Segev, Tom  Roveh Huliot (A Toy Gun, film)  Sepharadi Jews, see Jewish millet ruling classes, see notables The Seventh Million (Segev)  Rupin, Arthur – shabab (Arab youth)  rural life  Shabak ,  in British Mandate Palestine , , –, see also secret services, Israeli  Shafamru ,  clans (hamula) ,  Shamgar, Meir  in ex-Mandate Palestine  Shamir, Yitzhak , , –, ,  harath (rural proletariat) – shanty towns  in Ottoman Palestine –,  Shapira, Haim Moshe  peasants , , , , , – Sharett, Moshe , , –, –, , and political Islam   sheikhs (rural chieftains) , –, , , , Sharon, Ariel , ,  and  War  villages , , , , , , , , and Gaza Strip –  and Greater Israel ideology – World War I  igniting al-Aqsa intifada , ,  see also urban life and invasion of Lebanon  Russell, Reverend Michael  and Likud ,  Russia  policies regarding PLO  Jewish communities in , , ,  prime minister – and partition of Palestine ,  and Sabra and Shatilla massacres  see also Soviet Union Shas (party) ,  Russian Orthodox Church  Shatilla  Shaw Commission –,  Sabra  sheikhs (rural chieftains) , –, , , , Sadat, Anwar – , ,  visit to Israel – shihrur (liberation from yoke of the diaspora) Safad   Said, Edward  Shiite Islam  al-Said, Nuri  in Lebanon – Salameh, Hassan  Shin Beit  Samaria and Judea , –, – Shinui (change)  Samed (welfare organization)  Shohat, Ellah Habib – Samua’  al-Shuqairi, Ahmad , ,  Samuel, Herbert , ,  Simonov, Konstantine  sanjaq (Ottoman sub-province) , –,  Sinai Peninsula  and  War  financial assistance to PLO  Egyptian forces in  Schellendorf, General von  interim agreement about  scholars Israeli army in , – Israeli ,  Israeli occupation of , ,  Palestinian ,  Israel’s attitude towards  Schumacher, Yossef  Kfar Qassem massacre 

© in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-86468-8 - A History of Modern Palestine: One Land, Two Peoples: Second edition Ilan Pappe Index More information

Index 

returned to Egypt ,  and USA – in Suez War ()  in World War I  in World War I  see also Greater Syria; ‘Southern Syria’ Sindyanat al-Galil  Six Day War, see  War Tabenkin, Yizhak  Sobol, Yehoshua – Taha, Sami  social classes , – Tamir, Shmuel  see also middle classes; notables , , – social policies  Tanzimat reforms –, , , , – socialism ,  tawaqim (teams)  in Israel  taxation policies , , , , ,  South Lebanon Army  Tekkuma (television series) – South  Tel al-Suq  ‘Southern Syria’ – Tel-Aviv –, , ,  Southern Syria (newspaper)  in  War  Soviet Union  television dramas, Israeli – arms supplies to PLO  Templar order , –,  end of  Tenuat Mizrahim Israelis (TAMI)  immigration of Jews from  ‘territorial Zionists’, see Zionist settlements Jewish communities in  terrorism –, , ,  and Middle East ,  by militant Islamists  see also Russia Israeli retaliations against , , , , spiritual practices ,  ,  see also religion Jewish , ,  St George’s College (Jerusalem)  see also suicide bombings statehood  theatre, Israeli, portrayal of Arabs in – Stern Gang ,   Straits of Tiran ,  tourism  Strickland, Charles  trade union organizations , , , ,  strikes , –,  see also Histadrut subaltern society , –, , , ,  tradition and custom –, , ,  Suez Canal ,  traditionalism  Suez War () , – ‘transitional’ period  Sufism  Transjordan (later Jordan) , , , ,  suicide bombings , , , , , see also Abdullah ibn Husayn; Jordan –, ,  travelogues, on Palestine  sultaniyya school ,  Truman, Harry (US President)  Sun, Aris  Tunis, PLO in , , ,  Supreme Muslim Council ,  Turco-German military alliance  Swisa, Albert  Turki, Fawaz – Syda  Sykes, Sir Mark  UAR ()  Sykes–Picot Agreement – Uganda ,  Syria ulama (hierarchy) – and  War  Palestinian  and  War  ultra-orthodox Jews ,  and – Gulf War  anti-Zionism of  and British Mandate Palestine  al-Umar, Dahir  French control of  United Arab Republic (UAR)  interventions in Lebanon  United Nations and Israel ,  and  War  Ottoman rule of – and British Mandate Palestine ,  Palestinian refugees in , – Geneva Conventions ,  Palestinian resistance – International Women’s Day  union with Egypt (UAR)  and Jenin refugee camp bombing 

© in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-86468-8 - A History of Modern Palestine: One Land, Two Peoples: Second edition Ilan Pappe Index More information

 Index

United Nations (cont.) Weizmann, Ezer ,  and Palestinian refugees ,  Weizmann, Haim , , , , , , , and partition of Palestine , , ,   peace efforts by  welfare services, for Palestinians  Resolution   West, Cornell  Resolution  , ,  West Bank Resolution  – in  War , , ,  Resolution   administration of  see also UNRWA; UNSCOP division of  , see USA economic history of – University of Haifa ,  Hashemite rule of – University of Herzliya  Israeli occupation of , , –, UNRWA (UN Relief and Works Agency) – –, , , , ,  and Oslo accords  schools run by  and Palestinian Authority – UNSCOP (UN Special Committee on and Palestinian refugees  Palestine) – Palestinian refugees on –,  uprisings, see conflicts; Intifada ; Intifadat political Islam on  al-Aqsa; protest movements tawaqim in  urban life –, , , , , ,  Wilson, Woodrow (US President) ,  see also rural life Wingate, Orde  USA women –, , ,  and Aswan Dam project  notables – and British Mandate Palestine ,  and political Islam  and Egypt  role in Intifada  – and Gulf War – – in Sindyanat al-Galil  invasion of Iraq ()  in Zionist Movement  and Israel , ,  Woodhead Commission  Jewish lobby in ,  workers, see employment; labour and Middle East peace process –, World Trade Center, attacked by Bin Laden –, , , , – ()  and Palestinians –, , –,  World War I , –, , ,  and partition of Palestine , ,  World War II – and Syria – writers, post-Zionist – and World Trade Center attack – Usishiqin, Menachem ,  Yad be-Yad  Usrat al-Jihad (Jihad Family)  Yadin, Yigal  USSR, see Soviet Union Yamani family  Yamit  Vaad Leumi (Jewish parliament)  Yaring, Gunar  Viet Cong ,  Yassin, Shaych Ahmad  villages , , , , , , , ,  Yehud hagalil  violence, justified by religion  The Yellow Wind (Grossman)  Yemen  Wadi Ara’ (Little Triangle) , , , , Jews from  , – yerida (descent)  Wadi Salib riots –,  Yeruham  Wahhabiyya rulers  Yesh Gvul movement  Wailing Wall  Yishuv (settlement), see Zionist Movement waqf (holy endowment)  Yizhar, S. ,  Watani (territorial nationalists)  Yossef, Rabbi Ovadia  water ,  Yosseff, Dov  Wauchope, Arthur  young people, see children and young al-Wazir, Khalil (Abu Jihad) ,  people Webb, Sidney  Young Turk Revolution (–) –, 

© in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-86468-8 - A History of Modern Palestine: One Land, Two Peoples: Second edition Ilan Pappe Index More information

Index 

Zertal, Idit  leadership of , , –, ,  Zayad, Tawfiq ,  militarism of , –, –, –, Zichron Yaacov colony ,  , , , – Zion (land of Israel)  and Mizrachi Jews  Zionism (Gover)  and nationalist notables –, , Zionist Congress – – Zionist enclave (–) –,  and Nazism  Zionist Left ,  in Ottoman Palestine – Zionist Movement – and partition of Palestine – and  White Paper – women in  Aliya ,  in World War I  in British Mandate Palestine , –, , in World War II – –, , , , , , ,  see also Israel (state); Jewish Agency and cohabitation  Zionist Organization for the Settlement of the colonizing energy , – Land of Palestine  criticism of ,  Zionist settlements ,  see also post-Zionism in  War  financing of , ,  biluim (pioneers)  historiography by – Gush Emunim movement , , , , and Holocaust –,  ,  ideology of , , , –, ,  and Jewish Agency  nationalism ,  in Ottoman Palestine  and landownership , , , , , , , 

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