Jg U O F N'.Tio:;
J GUOF N'.TIO:;, C. 121,1.:, 44.12 34/711. Communicated to the Council and Members Geneva ; inarch 17th. 19 34. of the League. SAAR E^STN. PETITION FROM IHE "SAARL.iNPISCHE WI RT5C1IAFTSYE RE INI GUNG” . Note by the Secretary-Genera 1, The Secretary-General has the honour to circulate for the information of the Council and Members of the League a letter from the Chair : .an of the Governing Com mission of the Saar Territory, dated March Oth, 1934, enclosing a petition from the Saarl&ndische Wirtschafts- vereinigung", dated February 19th, 1934. Translation) Saarbruck, March 8th, 1934. To the Secretary-General of the League of Nations. Sir, I have the honour to send you herewith a petition, dated February 19th, 1934, addressed to the Council of the League of Nations by the Saar Economic Association ( :,Saarl9ndische Wirtschaftavereinigung”) „ The Governing Commission, referring to its last periodi cal report and to the special reports submitted by it to the Council in January 1934, considers that the measures concerning the allocation of meeting-halls, licensed premises, etc . seem to come vri thin the province of the Plebiscite Co emission which is to be appointed by the Council. I have the honour to be, etc., (Signed) G. G. KNOX, 2 - nslation from G-êrrrrn j SAAR ECONOMIC AS SC 01, TION Saarlouis, February 19th, 1934 The undersigned Committee of the Saar iicononic Associa tion, Saarlouis, has the honour to acquaint the League of Nations with the following : The League of Nations has devoted special attention to the question of the plebiscite in the Saar Territory and has appointed a sps cial Commission for this purpose.
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