669:668.qxd 11/3/2008 7:43 AM Page 3 contents A JOURNEY BACK AND FORTH 4 D’var Malchus ‘THE REBBE SAW ME AND THAT’S 6 WHAT COUNTS!’ Shlichus | Chani Nussbaum TO CONQUER THE WORLD WITH 11 TORAH Shlichus | Rabbi Yaakov Shmuelevitz A SHTURM ABOUT HAKHEL 14 Insight | Interview by Menachem Ziegelboim USA 744 Eastern Parkway MORE SOUL STORIES FROM INDIA Brooklyn, NY 11213-3409 22 Shlichus Stories | Eli Shneur Tel: (718) 778-8000 Fax: (718) 778-0800
[email protected] www.beismoshiach.org RABBI BINYAMIN ZILBER Z”L EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: 29 Obituary M.M. Hendel ENGLISH EDITOR: Boruch Merkur
[email protected] LIVING WITH TISHREI YEAR-ROUND ASSISTANT EDITOR: 30 Thought | Interview by Nosson Avrohom Dr. Aryeh Gotfryd HEBREW EDITOR: Rabbi Sholom Yaakov Chazan
[email protected] MESIRAS NEFESH FOR GEULA 36 Feature | Yehoshua Kenig Beis Moshiach (USPS 012-542) ISSN 1082- 0272 is published weekly, except Jewish holidays (only once in April and October) for $140.00 in the USA and in all other places for $150.00 per year (45 issues), by Beis Moshiach, 744 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn, NY 11213-3409. Periodicals postage paid at Brooklyn, NY and additional offices. Postmaster: send address changes to Beis Moshiach 744 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn, NY 11213-3409. Copyright 2008 by Beis Moshiach, Inc. Beis Moshiach is not responsible for the content of the advertisements. 669:668.qxd 11/3/2008 7:43 AM Page 4 d’var malchus A JOURNEY BACK AND FORTH Translated and adapted by Dovid Yisroel Ber Kaufmann On the seventh of MarCheshvan, In Lech Lecha, Abraham was told to the Jewish people started praying for leave his land and journey to Israel.