WEEKLY SEE PAGES 13 SEE PAGES SEE PAGE 36 Candle-lighting/Shabbos Ends Friday, June 8: 8:07/9:16 Kew Gardens Hills • Kew Gardens • Forest Hills • Hillcrest • Briarwood • Jamaica Estates • Holliswood • Fresh Meadows Great Neck • Rego Park • West Hempstead • New Hyde Park • Five Towns • Long Beach • Oceanside • Plainview • Catskills Vol. VII No. 22 (#264) June 7, 2018 • 24 Sivan 5778 Free BBluelue & WWhitehite AAcrosscross MManhattananhattan MMetet CCouncilouncil BBreakfastreakfast HHonorsonors IIsraelsrael CCelebratedelebrated AAtt FFifthifth AAve.ve. PParade,arade, CCentralentral PParkark CConcert,oncert, AAndnd TTimesimes SSquarequare PPartyarty TTomcheiomchei SShabboshabbos HHeadead AAndnd SSimanowitzimanowitz FFamilyamily SEE STORY ON PAGE 27 AND PHOTOS ON 34/35 SEE STORY ON PAGE 26 This Is Loit Dating Today Your Say As I See It Financially Forward Destination Not A Pet Lover Dear Editor: Ex-Presidents Lead It’s Magic: Unknown Warren Hecht’s column, titled The Good Life Making Money By Goldy Krantz “Daily Refuse” (Issue 262), criticizing the New York Daily News, reminded Out Of Garbage By Simcha Loiterman me of the famous line from the 1942 By Cynthia Zalisky like dogs. I always have. I en- movie Casablanca: “I am shocked – Oh, what’ll you do now, my joy visiting people who own shocked – to fi nd that gambling is By Gerald Harris blue-eyed son? Oh, what’ll you do Idogs, and I enjoy playing going on in here!” And Mr. Hecht’s was appalled and disgusted now, my darling young one? with the furry creature. As a joke, hope that the particular anti-Trump to read about the sweet- – Bob Dylan I occasionally ask my husband if rant was an aberration reminded Iheart deal that President A pessimist sees the diffi culty ***** we can get a dog, knowing that me of the quote from Benjamin Barack Obama and his wife Mi- in every opportunity; an optimist chool is ending. The bells he’ll say no, but it doesn’t stop Franklin’s Poor Richard’s Almanack: chelle just struck with Netfl ix sees the opportunity in every dif- rang, the teachers taught, me from hoping one day that I’ll “If you lie down with dogs, you get Films. It’s a multi-year produc- fi culty. Sthe days rolled by, but what open up a box tied with a huge up with fl eas.” tion agreement for the couple – Winston Churchill CONTINUED ON P. 19 CONTINUED ON P. 49 CONTINUED ON P. 7 CONTINUED ON P. 22 CONTINUED ON P. 23 SUNDAY EVENING, JUNE 24, 2018 SEE PAGE 33 SEE PAGE SEE PAGE 52 SEE PAGE Shlomo Meirov Licensed Real Estate Broker C: 917-968-2211 SSnippetsnippets Of Strange O: 718-831-2891 SEE PAGES 15-18 SEE PAGE 66 SEE PAGE Results that move you! 36 SEE PAGE FREE 12% Off FREE DELIVERY Your Next Order APPETIZER With coupon. Excludes Parties May not be combined with other offers. WITH YOUR ORDER Expires 8/31/2018 NOT VALID ON LUNCH SPECIAL OF $45 OR MORE Order online at www.soysauceusa.com Sun-Thurs: 11am-10pm Beef Godzilla Dumplings (6) | Fried Chicken Wings (5-6) | Fri: 11am-2:30pm Fried Wontons (10) | Wontons in Garlic Sauce (10) | Mini $4.00 off EggRolls (6) | Thai Spicy Vegetable Fried Rice (pt) 718-263-FOOD (3663) Sat: Closed (Go for Pizza!!) Any Order Of $25 or More May Not Be Combined with Other Coupons 68-22 Main Street, Flushing, NY 11367 or offers, or party/tray orders. With coupon. Excludes Parties May not be combined with other offers. One per family per day. Expires 8/31/2018 Vol. VII No. 22Vaad (#264) Harabonim • June of Queens 7, 2018 QueensJewishLink.comExpires 8/31/2018 • 718-880-2622NOT • VALID [email protected] ON LUNCH SPECIAL NOT VALID ON LUNCH SPECIAL 1 2 QueensJewishLink.com • 718-880-2622 • [email protected] Vol. VII No. 22 (#264) • June 7, 2018 In season and in Seasons. the freshest summer produce including: your early morning Parfait Picks hness Fres g n o A L l r l S u m me Vol. VII No. 22 (#264) • June 7, 2018 QueensJewishLink.com • 718-880-2622 • [email protected] 3 4 QueensJewishLink.com • 718-880-2622 • [email protected] Vol. VII No. 22 (#264) • June 7, 2018 THE KATZ SCHOOL YOUR FUTURE STARTS HERE We offer a line-up of Master’s programs taught by the finest professors in the hottest fields. Data Analytics and Visualization Quantitative Finance Marketing Biotechnology Management and Entrepreneurship Data and Privacy (Cyber) Law Offered with Cardozo Law School Risk Management Quantitative Economics Applied Mathematics Speech-Language Pathology For more information or to apply go to yu.edu/katz1 Vol. VII No. 22 (#264) • June 7, 2018 QueensJewishLink.com • 718-880-2622 • [email protected] 5 Community PUBLISHED BY Queens Jewish Link, LLC Calendar/Mazel Tovs – Rebecca Wittert . .47 Recent Happenings –Susie Garber, Sergey Kadinsky, QJL Staff . 26-45 RABBINIC CONSULTANT Rabbi Yoel Schonfeld Classifieds & Real Estate . .66/67 MANAGING EDITOR General Interest Naftali Szrolovits SENIOR CONSULTANTS Forecast Financially Forward - Gerald Harris . .1 On the Road – Terri B. Kalker, Esq. .55 Yaniv Meirov Estate & Will – Monet Binder . .56 Cynthia Zalisky FRI • JUN 8 TUE • JUN 12 Style & Living Helen Hoffman Beauty Briefs -Risselle Naimark . .59 Rebecca Wittert 82° 73° Dating Today – Goldy Krantz . .1 Sergey Kadinsky Real-Life Reflections - Sarah Shalek (Newcomb) . .50 ADVERTISING MANAGER 63° 59° Style Myths Debunked - Meira E. Schneider-Atik . .53 Yaakov Serle Light & Fun COPY EDITORS Partly Cloudy Mostly Sunny Musical Notes (Fiction Serial) – Susie Garber . .64 R’ Yisroel Benedek Snippets of Strange – QJL Staff . 15-18 Rivky Bergstein SAT • JUN 9 WED • JUN 13 The Fun Side – QJL Staff. .65 Emily Cohen Mental Health & Physical Wellness Elissa Epstein 75° 77° Hooked on Healing – Caroline Schumsky . .24 STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER 61° 64° Shua Katz Opinion SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGER Rain Partly Cloudy As I See it - Cynthia Zalisky. .1 Rachel Goldsmith Blue and White – Shmuel Sackett . .64 For What it’s Worth – Warren Hecht . .20 SUN • JUN 10 THU • JUN 14 This is Loit – Simcha Loiterman . .1 Your Say . .1 75° 78° Torah/Tefilah/Parshah 58° 62° Halachic Highlights – Rabbi Epfraim Glatt . .25 [email protected] Rabbi’s Musings & Amusings – R’ Dani Staum . .11 A Shabbat Thought – R’ David Algaze . .9 718-880-2622 Partly Cloudy Sunny The Shmuz on the Parshah – R’ Ben Tzion Shafier . .12 147-25 70th Ave. Flushing, NY 11367 Stories of Greatness – R’ Dovid Hoffman . .8 www.QueensJewishLink.com Weekly Tefilah Focus . .25 MON • JUN 11 FRI • JUN 15 Design by Design2pro.com Special Articles 75° 75° Design & Production Met Council Breakfast Honors Tomchei Shabbos Head and Simanowitz Family– Sergey Kadinsky . .26 MICHAEL KUROV • Art Director 58° 65° Blue and White Across Manhattan – Sergey Kadinsky . .27 Distributed by YIJE Hosts 17th Annual L’Chaim 5K Run/Walk for Israel –Susie Garber . .29 Prime Media Distribution Partly Cloudy Showers Snapshots . 34-36 Not Even Your Bubbe’s HUC - By Rabbi Pesach Lerner and Rabbi Yaakov Menken . .57 While we make every effort to publish articles that are within the bounds of normative halachah and hashka- fah, we cannot take responsibility for every article writ- ten. If you feel that anything you read is objectionable, please write a letter to the editor and, if appropriate, it will be published. Additionally, the views expressed within all articles appearing in this publication are those of the author and do not necessarily refl ect the position or policy of the Queens Jewish Link. Additionally, the Queens Jewish Link does not support or endorse any political candidate. Also, please be advised that the Queens Jewish Link takes no responsibility for the kashruth standards of any of its advertisers. Do not take the fact that an eat- ery appears in our paper as a kosher endorsement of their product. If you feel that a particular establishment is under questionable supervision, please consult your rabbi for his advice. 6 QueensJewishLink.com • 718-880-2622 • [email protected] Vol. VII No. 22 (#264) • June 7, 2018 YYourour SSayay • Readers Write Belgrade • Sarajevo • Dubrovnik CONTINUED FROM P. 1 Split • Ljubljana • Zagreb There is no one left who does not know Federal support for transportation has re- how the New York Daily News is only a mained consistent and growing over the past A Jewish Heritage Tour of mouthpiece for the establishment, which decades. When a crisis occurred, be it 9/11 in now virtually stands for nothing else but be- 2001 or Hurricane Sandy in 2012, Washington ing against the person who easily is the most was there for us. Additional billions of dol- pro-Jewish US president ever. lars in assistance, above and beyond yearly Choni Kantor formula allocations from the Federal Transit Kew Gardens Administration, was provided. In 2009, the July 25–August 5, 2018 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Dear Editor: provided billions more. This letter is regarding Assemblyman Dan- Most federal transportation grants re- with Rabbi Hershel Schachter iel Rosenthal, who is featured in last week’s quire a 20-percent hard-cash local share. In Rosh Yeshiva, Yeshivas Rabbeinu Yitzchak Elchanan (RIETS) Queens Jewish Link. most cases, the Federal Transit Administra- I am sure he is a fi ne person, and I appre- tion accepted toll credits instead of hard and Dr Michal Brandl ciate all of his efforts on behalf of the com- cash for the local share. This saved the MTA Chair of Judaic Studies, University of Zagreb munity. over $1 billion in the previous 2010-2014 Five- However, I am concerned about how he Year Capital Program. The same will be true votes in Albany, especially on social-moral is- with the 2015-2019 fi ve-year capital program.
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