^ L^Ewwt^Style

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^ L^Ewwt^Style of the United States Army will make the introductions. BANKERS TO BE GUESTS. Mrs. J. W. White of Cleveland Park D. Life Underwriters to Give entertained a company of eight at C. luncheon yesterday in the Spanish in Honor. Luncheon i. fori} gardens of the Hotel Washington. tZ&dinpfon « Many presidents and executive of- Pure Cream "^aM^HER:":I^H fleers of local banks will be mu sts of Births Reported. the District of Columbia 1-ife The follow ins: births have l»een re|H»rted to J Association at a luncheon1'nderwriters* America Will Be Hosts the health department within the la«»t twenty given in their honor at the lialeigii Diplomats of Latin four hours: Hotel tomorrow. Ix>uis J. anil lionise M Wahl. boy. itob'-rt N of the This Is Closed at 1 P. M. Carl B. and tlertrud" A Harper, president Store Saturdays Kaiser, girl. District of Columbia Hankers* Fudge to President an d Mrs. Harding Hobert Met*, and Klleti V. Ashlin. girl, Augustus O. and !>»!;» C. Starke, girl. has accepted the invitationAssociation,on "It's Delicious" I Thomas J. and Mary Molloy, girl. b'half of that organization, and a Ralph K. and May I Pay. girl, attendance is at ~1| Next PAonth. i Richard and Henrietta It. I.ueas. girl. large expected. 14th G t.'eorge B. and m.'ccc' nir-Wi »» » / Margaret Wright. l*oy. » » » > > i t i i * j j i*r»fvr f Herbert W. and Margaret Sanders. boy. y i Itolu.Pt .,..l / ».! .1-1. i Hard- mander Alan Kirk. Lieut. Commander j . v * ni nr»me iviicn. Kin. , HE President and Mrs. j Lansdowne, Mr. William Bowie I William and Craee Winslow. girl. 1 Chocolates that four I in? v. il! he the guests of | <*i;«rkc. Mr. Chester koekwood. Lieut.,} Charles ami Annie Marshall, girl. | 3 thoughts express. 1 J. M. John ami t.*u m e Day. I toy. ambassadors, ministers and Commander J. IV Nortieet. Lieut. Charles II. and Margaret I I e a sweet caress! I ^ J. T. Schneider. Mr. Carroll, l*»y. * Every piec iVezr a/zrf Garments charge d'affaires of the Quinh, Lieut. j Atijruatinn and Mildred ( «»x l»«»v. '* Vl Lovely t'hi stri* A. Snow, jr.. and Maj. Charles A I Latin American republics at a recep- 11. Patterson. | tion in the Pan-American I'nion Mrs. I'd ward I*. Capehart entertained Dealhs building- the evening of May 11. Reported. 1 CORN We have for years in | several a company informally at bridge The following deaths have been reported to specialized Mrs. Harding received afternoon in honor of Mrs. James the health j whoyesterdayis department within the 1«M twenty-j for Women. Misses. groups of women by special appoint-1 Robert MeKoe of New York, ! four hours: \ BET1nMBOX obtainingO YoungO j ment at the White House today, visiting Mrs. Stephen B. lOlkins. AHoe p. Clark, 411. Hammond eourt. i those who will be received William itmeh. ill.'. St. r.lizal**!h's Hospital J l HK candy pift package the Among I.o' entertained at M. Louise Will. lt. :ti>14 P «». supreme, i and Girls the Best Mrs. this a:\ernoon \\ Mrs. Daniel hrop (E. B rarest of res by Harding !, .dartin L. C « plendent. creations of our i Juniors Very luncheon at the N w \Yillard iiotel to- j IViee. HiOl st. n . be Mrs. Stephen li. Klkins and lier .Cdward ! '. tioehel. II. l"niver T renowned El Mrs. James Kobert day in honor of Mrs. < Jeorge Maynard tJeorgetowii iropean candy-maker. In we show house guest. Me-j Minor, of the National sit.v Hospital ; i every box. more tb an | made. Every garment j Kee. t ii o latter formerly Miss president general Thomas Hums. 3'J. Walter lJeed 1 twenty kinds opulent Apparel Mary] Society. I >. A. II. Melvin Hospital. ? butter Harrison, daughter uf the late j Deguire. 17. Knierpeney Hospital. creams, Brazil nuts, fig rolls, pistache Raymond J. Mendoza. I'ni is exclusive and must with President Benjamin Harrison. Mrs. u»..n«o.... r.». j lD*;.rjg*to\vu ; I logs, pineapple squ ares, filbert incorporate former|j versify Hospital. N clusters, cara- ! Bates-Batcheller of Boston will also) (oniircliciif ion. Alvin A. Davis. V. Children's mels. nougats, mall ows be a member of the lit tie Hospital. party. will Rosemary D. May. 'AS'jx) JotVlvn st Excellence of Fabric and Detail, Mrs. Charles Boughtnn Wooil >11js. (.koik;): taymir-, ' Annie i A at a this afternoon I'mo. 42. Columbia Hospital, | Pout\id Box, $1.50 The Vice President and Airs. Pool- j reception entertainj['" ormorly >l»*m Fninct'H Dunn. who I* j Km-ina Kony.in. .".7. folutrlca Hospital idge will be the ranking su« sts at a from f> to 7 for the Connecticut «1 Iy |n*r »Miariotto L. I I CANDKT'IlONi: Mia in S75 for this assortment and Charm. to the of tlie American isiiln^ pnn'iitN, Hopri'HnilHlivf Maddux. 7»H. Walter Hood II"s or for a little r Simplicity Vouthfulness,dinner party to be entertained cation daughters . ind Mr«. 'Ill0111:1s II. Dunn. at the -\e%v pita!. i i largej pnckane of the same can- Revolution convention. The £ flies dipped in bitter-sweet night by the ambassador of (ireat president k\ lllsird. Laura V. Martin. OS. 4* if <t. n o. i Italian chocolate, toj general of the I». A. K., Mrs. Ceorge Margaret -I. <Wi. the i C'UHNWKLli'S Bun* alow Box, a pound-and-a- Britain and Lady (L-ddes. j Huohor. Highlands apts. I quarter* $1.70. our Mrs. Cool idge will not receive this! Maynanl Minor, and the state regent of Marietta L. Herrimnn. s7. 1724 I'ark rd. i For and Farly Summer after- Conn-eticut-. Mrs. John Laid'aw Buel, j Francis K. Kiloy. !t days. Columbia Hospital, Spring- afternoon nor on Wednesday J Mule infant of and I i noon of next w< will !> the guests of honor. Those as- ( Joodwln. Mr. G. Lloyd Mva Whito. 2 are now sisiing will icelude Mrs. Ceorge \V. and Mrs. Jay hours. National Homeopathic Hospital. stocks with extensive Mr. and Mrs. Gus J. Knrger, HayIon.Mrs. Mule infant of Lloyd and Lva Whito. l!» replete The Secrelar; State and Mrs. Hide. Mrs. William ICdward Hall. Miss H. ! Loir's-* Movt M-niC. of 'rlames A. Drain. Mrs. Theodore hoars. National Homeopathic Hospital, Hughes will nt *rtain at dinner daughter Uep- Pilb-r. Mrs. William Wolff Smith. Mrs. tieorge M. Hurley. 2S. tlarflold Hospital. } CORKIWEL.L/S i and selections in r»*s -n:: live Merri.'t of Conner!iciw Miss delightful in the Pan-American Wilson. 1. s Sport. Monday night Alphonsus 207 ave. o. * j Moyt of Stamfort, Conn.: Mrs. Yank S. Connolly. Mrs. Karl Elizabeth Virginia j I'nion building in honor of t iie Henry Sin ;lh. Mrs. A. DuPuy, Mr. Simnis, .">7. 2»><>1 Sheridan nl.. Ana H Street f in con- Rnssell Talbot and Miss Mary 1'helps *W. HamItonj cost ia. and Dress for School, Venezuelan commission here nd Mt J?;.«s M. ;,»eio Louise ! is* Young. 27. 1227 I * Apparel Practical of Morgan. I; Wiley court n.e. with dedication the' ;! jnection the diaries A Jones. Mr. ;:nd Mrs. Edwin Sarah ('-. 4tJ. ftM Bolivar statue. 1 Styles, Florida ave. < ( I teed Mrs. Carl 1). Frank Harvey. Town and j The is in tie* nature of Mrs. Millar and Mi 11 ha Rind- 'ph and Mr. and j f>S, Washington Asylum IIos Country. couri:-sy wife and Col. S. It 1 tut it and the nu mbers of the pital. j j an official return for the Millar, daughter 1 Frnest! ft. { banquet, have from a six i it tee on Baton. 40. 222 Kim st. j and dance to be in Millar, returned months' arrangements. comi) Uebecoa 2ft. ] reception given lour 111 ana are 111 tn iri | Moten. atmond. 1>. C. the Pan-American I'nion building. r.irope again .uurif nrown, l>4. .',a Hlltf II StS. n.c. at j at Front a t Suits Very Special Prices I'Trirl:«v* *»vf»nin<r i n linnnr of the See- home Royal. Va, They spent Urn. II ami Hon Wright Itichanl Brure. ."7. 24J 13?li Rt. rotary and .Mrs. Hughes. few days in Washington en route home. .hinila t« Attend Conference. j this or Dresses, » Mrs. Hughes is not receiving Mrs. Edward A. Wadhnms of Airs. Hamilton Wright is sailing Hats, J Wraps, Sweaters, Scarfs, afternoon, nor will she be able to and is Europe to attend the opium confer- Wis., Pittsfield. Mass..Milwaukee.' observe her Wednesday at home the of and Mrs. William F. rnut- in vifiicva. ivira. » rigiu na» Habits their new home is in more puest Maj. as one Smocks, Skirts, Middies, Sox, Riding until on 21st ippointed of three advisors. condition. settledPearson, street. the others being Sir John Jordan, ^ A large suite has boon engaged at the 4 British minister to China, andrerent I Small Boys', Infants' Outfits and Accessories Diplomat* at Unveiling Hotel Washington for the Prince of M. FJenri Brenier of the French of the Bolivar Statue. Monaco and his suite, and they are office. Mrs. Wright will be absentcolonial The ambassador of Argentina, Dr. to arrive in the capital Sundayexpectedabout five weeks. Floor) He Breton, and the ambassador of from New York. The most important (Fifth Belgium and Baroness de Cartier are ceremony attending the visit of the "The Tenpins," is giving a dance this at Park Bank ae* in New York, where they went for prince to Washington is the bestowal of evening subscription ' DC1UIC UiC the ceremonies of the unveiling of the Alexander Agassiz medal, for which Flail.
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