Congressional Record-8Enate. .7175
1914. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-8ENATE. .7175 By l\fr. WEBB: Petition of sundry citizens of Catawba, Gas The proceedings referred to are as follows: ton, Union, Wayne, and Ramseur Counties, all in the State of PROCEEDINGS AT THE UNVEILING OF THE STATUE OF ZAClllRIAR North Carolina, favoring national prohibition; to the Commitree CHANDLER, STA'J.'UARY HALL, UNITED STATES CAPITOL, MONDAY, .Tt:iNE on the Judiciary. ~0, 1913, 11 O'CLOCK A. M. By Mr. WILLIAMS: Petition of 7,000 citizens of congressional Senator WILLIAM ALDEN SMITH, of Michigan (chairman}. districts 1 to 10 of the State of Illinois, ..;;>rotesting against The service which we have met here to perform will be opened nation-wide prohibition; to the Committee on the Judiciary. with prayer by the Rev. Henry N. Couden, D. D., of Port Huron, By Mr. WILLIS: Petition of the National Automobile Cham Mich., Chaplain of the House of Representatives. ber of Commerce, of New York City, against the interstate t-rade commission bill; to the Committee on Interstate and Fo:- OPENING PRAYER. ei rn Commerce. The Chaplain of the House of Representatives, Rev. Henry .A lso, petition of Frank HUff and 4 other citizens of Findlay, N. Coud€n, D. D., offered the following prayer: Ohio, against national prohibition; to the Oommittee on the Great God, our King and our Father, whose spirit penades Judiciary. all with rays divine, a \ery potent factor in shaping and By Mr. WILSON of New York: Petition of the United Socie guiding the progress of men and of nations ·::hrough all the ties for Local Self-Government of Chicago, Ill., and dtizens of vicissitudes of the past, we rejoice that the long struggle for N'ew York, agrunst national prohibition; to the Committee on civil, political, and religious rights culminated in a Nation the .Judiciary.
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