A/S Kvanefjeld Project: Social Impact Assessment

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A/S Kvanefjeld Project: Social Impact Assessment Greenland Minerals Limited and Greenland Minerals & Energy A/S Kvanefjeld Project Social Impact Assessment July 2018 Shared Resources Pty Ltd 1 1. INTRODUCTION 17 1.1 Overview of the Project 17 1.2 Background 18 1.3 Objective of the SIA 19 1.4 General Approach 19 1.5 Study Areas and Temporal Boundaries 20 1.6 Structure of the Report 21 2. NON-TECHNICAL SUMMARY 22 2.1 Introduction 22 2.1.1 Purpose and scope of document 22 2.1.2 Project description 22 2.1.3 Social Impact Assessment process 23 2.1.4 Study Areas and Temporal Boundaries 26 2.1.5 Structure of the Impact Assessment 27 2.2 Assessment of Alternatives 27 2.3 Baseline 28 2.4 Assessment of Impacts 30 2.4.1 National and local economy 30 2.4.2 Employment and Labour Conditions 31 2.4.3 Land use and land-based livelihoods 33 2.4.4 Ocean resources and ocean-based livelihoods 33 2.4.5 Occupational health and safety 34 2.4.6 Community Health and Safety and Security 35 2.4.7 Social structures and community life 38 2.4.8 Cumulative impacts 40 2.5 Benefit and Impact Plan 41 3. PROJECT DESCRIPTION 60 3.1 Project Setting 60 3.1.1 History of mineral exploration 60 3.1.2 What is being mined and why 60 3.1.3 Local community 61 3.2 Overview of operations 62 3.3 Project phases 64 3.3.1 The Mine 64 3.3.2 Waste Rock Stockpile 66 3.3.3 Concentrator and refinery 66 3.4 The Port 67 3.5 Handling of Radioactive Material 68 3.5.1 Overall management 68 2 3.5.2 Health and safety of employees 69 3.5.3 Security of nuclear products 69 3.6 Support Infrastructure 70 3.6.1 Administration and accommodation 70 3.6.2 Airports 71 3.6.3 Transport Facilities 71 3.6.4 Electricity and Gas Supply 72 3.6.5 Domestic and industrial waste handling 72 3.6.6 Hazardous material handling (hydrocarbons, explosives) 72 3.6.7 Fencing 72 3.6.8 Dangerous Goods Storage and Handling 73 3.6.9 Pipelines 73 3.7 Labour and services 73 3.8 Project footprint 74 3.9 Decommissioning, Closure and Rehabilitation 74 3.10 Project Investment 75 3.10.1 Capital Cost 75 3.10.2 Operating Cost 77 4. REGULATORY FRAMEWORK 78 4.1 Legislation and Regulation Applicable in Greenland 78 4.1.1 Mineral Resource Act 80 4.1.2 Large Scale Act 82 4.1.3 Greenland Working Environment Act 82 4.1.4 Application of the Aliens Act in Greenland 82 4.2 National Guidelines 82 4.3 International Standards and Guidelines 83 4.4 International Security Obligations 83 5. ALTERNATIVES ASSESSMENT 85 5.1 Not proceeding with the Project 85 5.2 Level of Processing 85 5.2.1 Scenario 1: Concentrator-only 85 5.2.2 Scenario 2: Mechanical (concentrator) and chemical processing (refinery) 86 5.2.3 Scenario 3: Greenland Separation Plant 86 5.3 Alternative Facility Locations 87 5.4 Port Location 88 5.5 Accommodation Facilities 89 5.6 Energy alternatives 90 6. BASELINE DESCRIPTION 91 6.1 Social and Cultural Setting 91 6.1.1 Civil Society 92 3 6.2 Demographics 94 6.2.1 Age and Gender Distribution 99 6.2.2 Migration and Mobility in the Population 101 6.3 Economy 103 6.3.1 National economy 103 Description of business activity 106 Challenges to the public budget 107 6.3.2 Regional and Local Economy 108 6.4 Education 109 6.4.1 Professional Education and Training 112 6.5 Community Health 116 6.5.1 Health Infrastructure 117 6.5.2 Health Services 117 6.5.3 Health Status 119 Communicable Diseases 119 Non-Communicable Diseases 122 Social and Emotional Wellbeing 123 6.6 Land Use, Ecosystem Services and Socio-Cultural Values 126 6.6.1 Land Use and Tenure 126 6.6.2 Ecosystem Services 127 6.6.3 Socio-Cultural Values and Cultural Heritage Sites 134 6.7 Livelihood Activities and Employment 136 6.7.1 Employment 136 Unemployment 142 Challenges facing the labour market 144 Vocational Training and Job Readiness Initiatives 145 6.7.2 Land–based livelihood activities 146 6.7.3 Ocean-based livelihood activities 147 6.8 Community Infrastructure 147 6.8.1 Housing 147 6.8.2 Information and Communication Technology 148 6.8.3 Water Supply 148 6.8.4 Power Supply and Heating 150 6.8.5 Waste Management 150 6.8.6 Transport networks 151 Air Transport 151 Sea Transport 153 Qaqortoq Airport 154 6.8.7 Social Services and Facilities 154 6.9 Vulnerable People 155 7. IMPACT ASSESSMENT 157 7.1 Social Impact Assessment Methodology 157 7.2 National and Local Economy 159 7.2.1 Greenlandic Employment and Procurement 159 Project Activities Affecting Greenlandic Employment and Procurement 159 4 Potential Greenlandic Employment and Procurement Impacts 159 Mitigation / Enhancement Measures for Greenlandic Employment and Procurement 161 Residual Greenlandic Employment and Procurement Impacts 161 7.2.2 Greenlandic Processing 161 Project Activities Affecting Greenlandic Processing 161 Potential Greenlandic Processing Impacts 163 Mitigation / Enhancement Measures Affecting Greenlandic Processing 163 Residual Greenlandic Processing Impacts 164 7.2.3 Government Revenue 164 Project Activities Affecting Government Revenue 164 Potential Government Revenue Impacts 164 Mitigation / Enhancement Measures Related to Government Revenue 165 Residual Government Revenue Impacts 165 7.2.4 Inequitable Distribution of Benefits 166 Project Activities Affecting the Distribution of Benefits 166 Potential Distribution of Benefits Impacts 166 Mitigation / Enhancement Measures Related to Distribution of Benefits 166 Residual Distribution of Benefits Impact 167 7.3 Employment and Labour Conditions 167 7.3.1 Greenlandic Employment Levels 168 Project Activities Affecting Greenlandic Employment Levels 168 Potential Greenlandic Employment Level Impacts 171 Mitigation / Enhancement of Greenland Employment Level Impacts 172 Residual Impacts of Greenlandic Employment Levels 173 7.3.2 Training and Work Skills Capacity Building 173 Project Activities Affecting Training and Work Skills Capacity Building 173 Potential Training and Work Skills Capacity Building Impacts 173 Mitigation/ Enhancement of Training and Work Skills Capacity Building 173 Residual Training and Work Skills Capacity Building 174 7.3.3 Indirect Employment and Local Procurement 175 Project Activities Affecting Indirect Employment and Local Procurement 175 Potential Indirect Employment and Local Procurement 175 Mitigation / Enhancement Measures for Indirect Employment and Local Procurement 176 Residual Indirect Employment and Local Procurement Impacts 176 7.3.4 Labour Conditions 176 Project Activities Affecting Labour Conditions 176 Potential Labour Conditions Impacts 176 Mitigation / Enhancement affecting Labour Conditions 177 Residual Labour Conditions Impacts 177 7.3.5 Workforce Accommodation 177 Project Activities Affecting Workforce Accommodation 177 Potential Workforce Accommodation Impacts 179 Mitigation / Enhancement Measures for Workplace Accommodation Impacts 180 Residual Workplace Accommodation Impacts 181 7.4 Land-Use and Land Based Livelihoods 183 7.4.1 Economic Displacement Due to Land Occupation and Land Access Restrictions 183 Project Activities Affecting Land-Based Economic Displacement 183 Potential Land-Based Economic Displacement Impacts 183 Mitigation / Enhance Measures for Land-Based Economic Displacement Impacts 184 5 Residual Land-Based Economic Displacement Measures 185 7.4.2 Ecosystem services 186 Project Activities Affecting Ecosystem Services 186 Potential Ecosystem Services Impacts 186 Mitigation / Enhancement Measures Related to Ecosystem Services 187 Residual Ecosystem Services Impacts 187 7.4.3 Tourism 188 Project Activities Affecting Tourism 188 Potential Tourism Impacts 188 Mitigations / Enhancement Related to Tourism 188 Residual Tourism Impacts 188 7.5 Ocean Resources and Ocean-Based Livelihoods 190 7.5.1 Economic Displacement Due to Access Restrictions and Impacts to Ocean Resources 190 Project Activities Affecting Ocean-Based Economic Displacement 190 Potential Ocean-based Economic Displacement Impacts 190 Mitigation / Enhancement Measures Related to Ocean-Based Economic Displacement 190 Residual Ocean-Based Economic Displacement Impacts 190 7.6 Occupational Health and Safety 191 7.6.1 Risk of accidents 191 Project Activities Affecting the Risk of Accidents 191 Potential Risk of Accident Impacts 192 Mitigation / Enhancement Measures Related to Risk of Accidents 192 Residual Risk of Accidents Impact 193 7.6.2 Radiation Exposure (occupational health impact) 193 Project Activities Affecting Radiation Exposure 193 Potential Radiation Exposure Impacts 195 Mitigation / Enhancement Measures Related to Radiation Exposure 197 Residual Radiation Exposure Impact 198 7.7 Community Health, Safety and Security 198 7.7.1 Dust and Air Quality (health impact) 198 Project Activities Affecting Dust and Air Quality 198 Potential Dust and Air Quality Impacts 199 Mitigation / Enhancement Measures Related to Dust and Air Quality Impacts 201 Residual Dust and Air Quality Impacts 202 7.7.2 Noise Exposure 202 Project Activities Affecting Noise Exposure 202 Potential Noise Exposure Impacts 202 Mitigation / Enhancement Measures Related to Noise Exposure 206 Residual

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