Roman Archaeology and Art

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Roman Archaeology and Art ARCH 0520 ROMAN ARCHAEOLOGY AND ART Finals Image Pool Pre-Midterm Veii temple (late 6th cent. BC) cella column stairs pronaos ‘Apollo’ of Veii, ca. 500 BC Tomb of Hunting and Fishing Tarquinia, late 6th cent. BC Tomb of the Bulls, Tarquinia, ca. 540 BC Achilles (L), and Troilus ( R) Tomb of the Augurs Tarquinia, ca. 530 BC ‘Brutus’ 1st cent. BC bronze Orator (L’Arringatore) 1st cent. BC; bronze ‘Aulus Metellus’ Romulus and Remus Capitoline Wolf ca. 500 BC bronze Sarcophagus of L. Scipio Barbatus ca. 200 B.C Via Appia (Appian Way) after Appius Claudius Caecus Republican period Capitolium, Capitoline Triad Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus, Juno, Minerva ca. 500 BC ‘Round Temple’, or Temple of Hercules Victor early 1st cent. BC Temple of Fortuna Virilis (Manly Fortune, Courageous Fortune) aka Temple of Portunus (late 2nd cent. BC) s n Ionic m order u l podium o c d e g a g n e frontal emphasis Sanctuary of Fortuna Primigenia (‘First Born Fortune’) Praeneste (Palestrina) 2nd cent. BC Pompey ‘the Great’ ca. 55 BC Late Republic verism, veristic 1st century BC portraiture Prima Porta Augustus ca. 20 BC marble copy of bronze original 2.04 m tall Augustus as imperator Prima Porta Augustus cuirass (= breastplate) Augustus as priest as ‘pontifex maximus’ Rules as Augustus from 27 BC to AD 14 Ara Pacis Augustae Consecrated 13 BC Finished in 9 BC 34’L x 38’ W x 23’ H Ara Pacis Augustae Interior ‘Tellus’ (fertility figure) aka Mother Earth, Venus, Italia, Pax Ara Pacis Augustae Ara Pacis Augustae Pious Aeneas, sacrificing; Ascanius/Iulus (son) Ara Pacis Augustae Procession: Augustus, priests, senators…. Procession: priests, senators, the imperial family Ara Pacis Augustae Horologium, or Solarium Augusti (Sundial of Augustus), dedicated 10 BC Forum of Augustus (late 1st BC); Temple of Mars Ultor (Mars the Avenger) Mars Ultor, Venus, Divus (Divine) Julius Romulus Aeneas, and s ) u n Julian family m e m m i t v s i e r i b ( ( b i r e i s v t i m m e m n u ) s Mausoleum of Augustus, 25 BC In Campus Martius, near Ara Pacis, Horologium Gemma Augustea (early 1st AD); 7.5”x9”; cameo Nero, AD 54-68 Claudius as Jupiter ca. AD 50 Domus Aurea, AD 64-68 courtyard; fountain (‘Golden House’ of Nero) dining room Severus; Celer bedrooms octagonal room oculus courtyard Vespasian (AD 69-79) Flavian Amphitheater (Colosseum) AD 72-80 Arch of Titus, ca. AD 81 Triumph of Titus Arch of Titus, ca. AD 81 Spoils of Jerusalem Arch of Titus, ca. AD 81 Cancellaria Reliefs (AD 80-90) Domitian/Nerva, off to war (profectio) Trajan (AD 98-117) Arch of Trajan at Beneventum (Benevento) (AD 114-117) alimentaria (food distribution) • Arch of Trajan, at Beneventum/Benevento (AD 114-117) subjection of Mesopotamia Hadrian (AD 117-138) Antinous, lover of Hadrian (dead and deified, AD 130) • Antoninus PIUS, AD 138-161 • Column of Antoninus Pius (AD 161) Located in Campus Martius • Marcus Aurelius (AD 161-180) Equestrian statue of Marcus Aurelius AD 164-166 Commodus (AD 180-192) Temple of Venus and Roma, dedicated AD 135 Pantheon, AD 125-128 Pantheon, AD 125-128 Hadrian’s Villa at Tivoli (AD 118-134) Canal/Canopus Mausoleum of Hadrian (Castel Sant’Angelo) Finished AD 140 214’ diameter.
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