TOKENS Culture, Connections, Communities Edited for the ROYAL NUMISMATIC SOCIETY SPECIAL PUBLICATIONS by CLARE ROWAN TOKENS Culture, Connections, Communities
TOKENS Culture, Connections, Communities Edited for the ROYAL NUMISMATIC SOCIETY SPECIAL PUBLICATIONS by CLARE ROWAN TOKENS Culture, Connections, Communities EDITED BY ANTONINO CRISÀ, MAIRI GKIKAKI and CLARE ROWAN ROYAL NUMISMATIC SOCIETY SPECIAL PUBLICATION NO. 57 LONDON 2019 © The authors Royal Numismatic Society Special Publication No. 57 ISBN 0 901405 35 3 All rights reserved. No parts of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical photocopy ing, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the authors. Typeset by New Leaf Design, Malton, Yorkshire Printed in Malta by Gutenberg Press Ltd, Tarxien, Malta CONTENTS 1 Introduction by ANTONINO CRISÀ, MAIRI GKIKAKI & CLARE ROWAN 1 2 The invention of tokens by DENISE SCHMANDTBESSERAT 11 3 Some notes on Athenian bronze tokens and bronze coinage in the fifth and fourth centuries BC by KENNETH A. SHEEDY 19 4 Tokens inside and outside excavation contexts: seeking the origin. Examples of clay tokens from the collections of the Athens Numismatic Museum by STAMATOULA MAKRYPODI 27 5 The armour tokens from the Athenian Agora by MARTIN SCHÄFER 41 6 A rare clay token in context: a fortunate and recorded discovery from the necropolis of Tindari (Messina, 1896) by ANTONINO CRISÀ 63 7 Roman tesserae with numerals: some thoughts on iconography and purpose by ALEXA KÜTER 79 8 Lead token moulds from Rome and Ostia by CLARE ROWAN 95 9 Tokens of Antinous from the Roman province of Egypt by DENISE WILDING
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