Our Ref: 02/730 Date: 18 September 2018 EDUCATIONAL NEED FOR SECONDARY PLACES – SOUTHWATER West Sussex County Council have a statutory duty to plan for school provision in their area, accommodating growth, so that all children of school age can be provided school places. There are four ‘school planning areas’ in Horsham District, which the County Council use for predicting school need. Those relevant to Southwater Secondary School provision are ‘Horsham East’ and ‘Horsham West’. In these areas WSCC have historically had a major issue with capacity in secondary schools. A school is considered at capacity when it reaches 95% of all its school places in use and since 2011, all secondary schools in this area have been at (or beyond) capacity: Strategic Development planned for North Horsham will only exacerbate this need for secondary school places and as such a new secondary school is proposed at North Horsham. In the short term, the capacity issues are being resolved through numbers of measures including: A 2 form entry capacity increase at Tanbridge House School; A temporary ‘embryo’ school opening for year 7 pupils only in porta cabins, whilst the new permanent school is delivered in North Horsham; ‘Bulge’ classes being accommodated in some schools. In light of this pressure on the system, the Southwater Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group have considered whether local educational infrastructure in the parish is sufficient. Enplan, 10 Upper Grosvenor Road, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN1 2EP Offices also at Milton Keynes Directors: PG Russell-Vick DipLA CMLI • MA Carpenter BA(Hons) MRTPI • RJ Hodgetts BA(Hons) DipLA CMLI 01892 545460
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