Revenue Budget and Capital Programme 2011-15
CHILDREN AND FAMILIES & EDUCATION AND SCHOOLS CAPITAL PROGRAMME 2011/12 Estimated Capital Payments Scheme To Subse Start Cost 31/03/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 quently Date £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 Schemes in Progress Payments on Completed Schemes 17 5 12 Langley Green Primary School Phase 1# 2,500 919 1,546 35 Children's Centres Phase 2 11,068 10,413 627 28 Durrington Special Unit 996 957 29 10 Chichester High School for Boys - Sports Hall 1,493 1,466 27 Colgate Primary School 609 541 32 36 Ashurst Wood Primary School 815 771 44 Birchwood Grove Community Primary School 5,750 5,693 35 22 Shoreham & Lancing Age of Transfer 19,000 18,744 256 Secure Accommodation Grant Beechfield (Phase 1) 680 666 14 Beechfield (Phase 2) 810 436 374 School Meals Grant 3,050 2,977 73 Bognor Regis Community College (Building Schools for the Future One School Pathfinder) 39,441 33,487 5,145 809 The Glade Infant/Michael Ayres Junior amalgamation 11,134 10,782 352 Northlands Wood 4,675 2,087 1,922 666 Children's Centres Phase 3 7,605 4,180 2,834 591 Early Years Capital Grant 6,957 123 6,831 3 Extended Schools Grant 614 114 500 Rother Valley Age of Transfer 6,027 4,757 740 530 School Kitchens Grant 7,970 4,949 2,501 520 Primary Basic Need 2009/10 295 115 180 Community Schools Access Initiative 780 274 506 Centrally Managed Structural Maintenance 551 399 152 Surplus Place Removal 181 109 72 Non School Minor Works 22 17 5 Pupil Referral Units - Area A (Chichester) and Area B (Worthing) 800 635 155 10 The Links College - Worthing 1,500 313 1,112
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