rs 1 ANNUAL REPORT 2019/20 | NHS Crawley Clinical Commissioning Group Making health and care information accessible We are committed to following the NHS Accessible Information Standard. This publication can be made available in alternative formats, such as easy read or large print, Braille or audio and may be available in alternative languages, upon request. To find out more, please contact us:
[email protected] 2 ANNUAL REPORT 2019/20 | NHS Crawley Clinical Commissioning Group Contents Foreword from the Clinical Chair and Accountable Officer 4 Section 1: Performance Report Who we are and what we do 7 Performance overview: a year in the life of the CCG 13 Section 2: Accountability Report A year in governance 72 Statement of Accountable Officer’s responsibilities 83 Governance statement 85 Remuneration and staff report 112 Parliamentary accountability and audit report 130 Section 3: Annual Accounts Annual accounts 2019/20 133 Independent Auditor’s Report 170 Glossary 175 3 ANNUAL REPORT 2019/20 | NHS Crawley Clinical Commissioning Group Foreword from the Clinical Chair and Accountable Officer Welcome to the NHS Crawley Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) Annual Report for 2019/20. The report gives an overview of what the organisation did, its performance, the challenges faced, as well as a detailed analysis of the CCG’s activities and accounts. It reports on our governance processes, assurance and accountability mechanisms and how we are meeting the requirements of the NHS Oversight Framework for CCGs. The past year has been a year of transformation for the NHS. Taking forward the clear vision of the NHS Long Term Plan (published in January 2019), the CCG has spent time working with the public and other stakeholders to further define local need and understand priorities at a Sussex-wide and a town level, translating what this means for our local patients and health and care system.