Crawley Borough Council
Council Meeting 27 May 2011 Crawley Borough Council Minutes of Council 27 May 2011 at 7.30 p.m. Present: Councillor L A M Burke (Mayor) was in the Chair for Minute Number 1. Councillor C R Eade (Deputy Mayor) Councillors M L Ayling, B K Blake, S A Blake, Dr H S Bloom, N Boxall, K Brockwell, B J Burgess, R G Burgess, A L I Burke, R D Burrett, A C W Crane, D G Crow, V S Cumper, C L Denman, L R Gilroy, I T Irvine, M G Jones, S J Joyce, S Kaur, P K Lamb, R A Lanzer, C C Lloyd, B MeCrow, J L Millar-Smith, C Oxlade, B J Quinn, A J E Quirk, D J Shreeves, B A Smith, G Thomas, K J Trussell and K Williamson Also in Attendance: Mr P Nicolson – Independent Member (Chair of Standards Committee). Mr A Timms – Independent Member (Vice Chair of Standards Committee). Officers Present: Lee Harris Chief Executive Ann-Maria Brown Head of Legal and Democratic Services Peter Browning Director of Environment and Housing David Covill Director of Resources Lucasta Grayson Head of People and Technology Phil Rogers Director of Community Services Roger Brownings Democratic Services Officer 1. Mayor’s Presentations and Announcement At the start of the meeting, the Mayor made a short address to the Council about his Mayoral year. The Mayor thanked his family for their support and encouragement during his year in office, and in so doing made particular reference to his wife, Councillor Ali Burke, for the significant and continuing loyal support she had given him during that term.
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